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Author Topic: My trip to Pattaya  (Read 11221 times)

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2024, 07:04:14 PM »
my neuralink keyboard just glitched, damn you ELON MUSK
i'll repost

« Last Edit: April 11, 2024, 07:08:15 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2024, 07:06:42 PM »
online education and certification are available from GIA (google 'em)

can you imagine 'the synergy' you'd have
with a gemstone/jewelry business combined with 'muse searching'...

also check out the Uzbeckistan gem markets for emeralds
« Last Edit: April 11, 2024, 07:10:02 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2024, 08:17:19 AM »
Bill I need friends like you.

One trip will be to meet 35 year old Russian woman in Europe for a week, another week in Thailand to work, and another week in Vietnam to being two business projects and to fool around. My second trip will be maybe 10 days in Turkey to meet a Russian woman who owns a salon. She's less serious, younger and much more fun but she's the bread winner for her family. She's not as standoffish as the 35 year old Russian woman who is much more beautiful but a little colder in personality. But she really hates being identified as Russian. And I'll meet 1 of 2 women I've been communicating with the past 3 weeks.

You never answered the goal question, but I am going to continue as if you said
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" all I want is to find true L-O-V-E and to live happily ever after!"
If this is not your goal, let me know.

I would not to meet the standoffish woman, because they tend to be standoffish. 
I always go after the girl who wants me as much (preferably more) than I want her.
(refer to Cheap Trick "I want you to want me")

Secondly never date another girl who is not a serious candidate for Mrs Cameragirlmn.

Thirdly assign the girls a name for your report. I assume you will not meet any girls named

Those are all nice names to tell any story you want to tell. I tried M1, M2, etc.
but even I mixed things up. Is M1 Marina, Maria, Mila?

Do you have any sort of plan to study any Russian? Make a goal, make it simple
and doable. If you spend any time in the car or the stair-master you can do two
two birds, one stone.


FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2024, 04:44:18 PM »
Yes of course I want to find love that will grow and is passionate. The standoffish woman is going to see me in two weeks as we speak as of today. Honestly I'd prefer a kinder soul but then I also want someone who is strong in their personality. There are so few strong willed people who have a heart of gold. Those are true unicorns. Strong willed ambitious people are often ass holes and that is how they get ahead. I suppose it goes with the territory. 

This last week I have connected online with two good candidates. A lovely woman of 32 from Moscow with a 6 year old. She is an extremely beautiful woman and I sent a message to her basically a shot in the dark and her reply was tender and thoughtful considering she looked like a model. And her English was very good too. Saw her on video and great personality.

The other is a 37 year old Ukrainian woman. She apparently lives near Kherson and we talk about her life and her ideas of a good relationship. She seems to have a decent job and is still getting a salary as a psychologist so if we talk about seeing each other we'll see whether/when she asks for money.

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2024, 10:37:55 PM »
Coincidently my good friend's family is in the gem business in Vietnam. They offered a business partnership to market their gems in America but I don't know that business. She has a toxic relationship with an American guy and I'm the shoulder to cry on. Unbeknownst to me she posted an personal ad for me in their FB group featuring Vietnamese women looking to date/marry foreigners. She said she received 300 messages for me. God bless her heart but the women who write me are not what I'm after. First of all they are not Slavic and they are not that attractive. But I've seen plenty of beautiful Vietnamese women I'd consider but not the ones that messaged her.

They are nonetheless your market worth in the dating market so far as serious women who want to settle down go.

The other women you go for are beautiful but they are not serious women for settling down with. They are there for the fun.

In Vietnam you will likely benefit from 'white status'. So many women are social climber geared. Many non white women crave a white dude even an ugly white dude, it's a step up for them. However, everything is all relative a beautiful girl anywhere is worth a lot in the market. How many Hollywood pretty girl film stars come from all sorts of ethnicities, quite a few. So in shooting for a beautiful woman you are shooting for that basketball hoop from a long way off down that court to score one who rates you highly enough to want to settle down with you in my opinion.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2024, 12:13:45 AM »
White people rule and are the most desirable.

But I am NOT white.

I told my Vietnamese friend that her ex - a white muscle bound guy who is 6'4" and solid 240 will not have any problem finding a willing Thai, Filipino or Vietnamese girl if they stay broken up. He's at the top of the food chain because he's 43 has a pension and disability so he's getting $6k a month for the rest of his life and all the other benefits of health and education for his dependents.

Speaking to 2tallbill - I know I am most excited about the chase. That is super exciting, gets my adrenaline up but once I get them I often grow bored. I know and accept that fault. But the truth is that I haven't found that extra-ordinary woman that wants me back and is in a position to come to me.

My beautiful Ukrainian girlfriend - well I finally accept now that she may have another dude though her social media doesn't show any hint of them. Or she is truly truly clueless on how to keep a man and build a meaningful relationship. Her mother even said so.

My lovely Russian business owner/lawyer can't have a better life in America. She lives the lifestyle of the top 10%. She doesn't know or need to know how much she has in her bank account. That's rich people problem. She knows we'd live like middle class who struggle in America. I don't blame her for not wanting to give up her house, 3 business and easy job.

And I do not remember seeing a fat older Vietnamese women ever. They are all skinny.

My beautiful young Russian ex - she's just too young and thinks she knows it all.

I have other Russian women - two in St. Petersburg, two in Moscow over my two visits to Russia the last 2/3 years.

They are nonetheless your market worth in the dating market so far as serious women who want to settle down go.

The other women you go for are beautiful but they are not serious women for settling down with. They are there for the fun.

In Vietnam you will likely benefit from 'white status'. So many women are social climber geared. Many non white women crave a white dude even an ugly white dude, it's a step up for them. However, everything is all relative a beautiful girl anywhere is worth a lot in the market. How many Hollywood pretty girl film stars come from all sorts of ethnicities, quite a few. So in shooting for a beautiful woman you are shooting for that basketball hoop from a long way off down that court to score one who rates you highly enough to want to settle down with you in my opinion.

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2024, 02:39:42 AM »
White people rule and are the most desirable.

But I am NOT white.

I told my Vietnamese friend that her ex - a white muscle bound guy who is 6'4" and solid 240 will not have any problem finding a willing Thai, Filipino or Vietnamese girl if they stay broken up. He's at the top of the food chain because he's 43 has a pension and disability so he's getting $6k a month for the rest of his life and all the other benefits of health and education for his dependents.

Speaking to 2tallbill - I know I am most excited about the chase. That is super exciting, gets my adrenaline up but once I get them I often grow bored. I know and accept that fault. But the truth is that I haven't found that extra-ordinary woman that wants me back and is in a position to come to me.

My beautiful Ukrainian girlfriend - well I finally accept now that she may have another dude though her social media doesn't show any hint of them. Or she is truly truly clueless on how to keep a man and build a meaningful relationship. Her mother even said so.

My lovely Russian business owner/lawyer can't have a better life in America. She lives the lifestyle of the top 10%. She doesn't know or need to know how much she has in her bank account. That's rich people problem. She knows we'd live like middle class who struggle in America. I don't blame her for not wanting to give up her house, 3 business and easy job.

And I do not remember seeing a fat older Vietnamese women ever. They are all skinny.

My beautiful young Russian ex - she's just too young and thinks she knows it all.

I have other Russian women - two in St. Petersburg, two in Moscow over my two visits to Russia the last 2/3 years.

I think potentially you and the girls you meet may have the same problem, you both liked the thrill of the chase and can't settle, possibly struggle to know how. I think also that you may be playing a different ball game to the settling down one. If you find a girl you liked potentially maybe you may be too willing to walk away when there is a disagreement instead of trying to sort it out. That it's become easier to do so and opens up new women for you to try. So hence you miss out on the process in relationships of trying to make a relationship work. Some relationships might never work but if you don't try to straddle that hurdle then moving on becomes the norm.

The girls you have I different cities might not be exclusively your girls but girls for many guys they hook up with potentially.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2024, 07:42:54 AM »
well the non-white part is interestin....
that adds a whole other dimension to this game

i'm assuming Asian?

that'll give ya a few IQ points above generic white boyz (according to my old copy of "The Bell Curve")
i'm sure you understand the white boy advantage in this game (white privilige LOL), and why that 'handicaps' yur potential in the FSU
and it ain't becuz ya got a little pee pee

a-and another thing...
all you artists/illustrators/etc are gonna endup like 'John Henry' when he had to compete against that new fangled steam machinery
now the machinery is called "Generative AI"

even if you yurself ain't directly replaced by it, it will effect yur 'compensation'
if you look at yur overall future
you are about to enter a period of 'major uncertainty' on MANY fronts, which is gonna REALLY complicate yur life (and everyone else's)
and you gotta factor this into yur long range plans

all things considered, the path yur walkin on is gettin narrower and narrower, the longer you walk on it
and by the time you get to the end, which ain't all that far off
you may not even have a path
time - is - not - on - yur - side anymore

« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 01:33:40 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2024, 01:12:09 PM »
Some I know just have me and I don't want to keep them lingering. I tell let them know that it may not lead to marriage due to this or that. It's just cruel to string people along. A few I know will f one of the many strapping good looking Russian men in the cities.

Although I think most women do want stability and a long term situation. Our dna is to f as many women as we can. It gets harder to just look focus on just when you are constantly messaged by beautiful women but I know this is not sustainable.

I think potentially you and the girls you meet may have the same problem, you both liked the thrill of the chase and can't settle, possibly struggle to know how. I think also that you may be playing a different ball game to the settling down one. If you find a girl you liked potentially maybe you may be too willing to walk away when there is a disagreement instead of trying to sort it out. That it's become easier to do so and opens up new women for you to try. So hence you miss out on the process in relationships of trying to make a relationship work. Some relationships might never work but if you don't try to straddle that hurdle then moving on becomes the norm.

The girls you have I different cities might not be exclusively your girls but girls for many guys they hook up with potentially.

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2024, 01:19:42 PM »
i'm curious 'what universe you're livin in"
50+ yr old asians ONLY get messages from scammers in 'my' universe'
i'm not a believer in the 'multi-verse', but WHO KNOWS?  there MAY BE interdimensional worlds out there, that has totally different LOGIC

IMHO, being a 50+ yr old Asian man, MAY have somethin to do with WHY you can't make a 'better' connection to an FSU woman
other than to have a 'good time' with, at yur expense of course... cuz THAT is all that they, and to some degree you, are really interested in

wimmin are MUCH more selective in regards to WHO they marry and have offspring with
compared to those they take advantage of for 'gain'

but I'm sure, yur particular case is uniquely different, and of course, yur above 'all that', right?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 01:45:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2024, 01:49:39 PM »
You assume wrong. My family is from Brazil and have some black in my family lineage.

But I find your post highly racist in nature. Your true colors come out and it is totally disgusting.

well the non-white part is interestin....
that adds a whole other dimension to this game

i'm assuming Asian?

that'll give ya a few IQ points above generic white boyz (according to my old copy of "The Bell Curve")
i'm sure you understand the white boy advantage in this game (white privilige LOL), and why that 'handicaps' yur potential in the FSU
and it ain't becuz ya got a little pee pee

a-and another thing...
all you artists/illustrators/etc are gonna endup like 'John Henry' when he had to compete against that new fangled steam machinery
now the machinery is called "Generative AI"

even if you yurself ain't directly replaced by it, it will effect yur 'compensation'
if you look at yur overall future
you are about to enter a period of 'major uncertainty' on MANY fronts, which is gonna REALLY complicate yur life (and everyone else's)
and you gotta factor this into yur long range plans

all things considered, the path yur walkin on is gettin narrower and narrower, the longer you walk on it
and by the time you get to the end, which ain't all that far off
you may not even have a path
time - is - not - on - yur - side anymore

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2024, 02:33:21 PM »
"But I find your post highly racist in nature"

such rough and woeful words...
does this mean we can't be friends anymore?

now merely out of curiosity,  if yur black, does this mean yur pee pee is BIGGER insteada smaller, is that what ruffled those feathers of yours?
you thought I was makin fun of your pee pee?

otherwise, I'm not sure specifically what your objection is in my previous post, 
but I guess I did pop the little 'bubble' yur tryin so hard to blow here, I wonder, could that be what you're reacting to?
ohhh Gawsh, I'm so sorry...

you shouldn't have assumed that my post was in regards to MY own nature, cuz the only thing I was actually doin was describing Russian 'Kultura' to ya, a subject I know quite well
IT IS HIGHLY racist in nature!!!
Russians make inbred Alabama Hillbillys look like queer libruls

and somehow you think that a 'black man' trying to marry an FSU woman, will NEVER, EVER encounter a single racial paradigm from the women there????

to me, this shows you really don't have anywhere near as much understanding of the territory as you think you do and NEED to have
denial ain't a river in Egypt holmes, but here you are floating downstream towards the cataracts anyway...

NOW... I CAN TOTALLY see ALL the reasons why ya fail there....
unless, god forbid, there's still more about yurself you haven't disclosed
and on top of it yur a delicate little snowflake (but presumably a slightly darker one) as well

these particular qualities of yours are generally VERY incompatible with FSU women
but you go ahead and 'dream on homey" and pretend that it is all 'just fine'
so ya don't get yur fees fees hurt

please, do amuse me s'more, I think yur pretty danged funny
BTW, like you, I also am not pure 'vanilla  white'  LOL!!!

unlike you, I acknowledge racism in the FSU
and I have a VERY successful strategy for coping with it
which happens NOT to be, stickin my head in the sand, and pretending it doesn't exist

you don't even have the ability to use Google to verify the format of EU dates on a schengen visa
and for some reason, you expect me to take you seriously? LOL!!!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 08:12:02 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2024, 06:38:03 PM »
Straight from my Ukrainian wife:

FSU folks are very racist.  Only whites are acceptable for close friendship, LTRelationships and marriage.  Sure there are cases that go against the grain . . . but exceedingly rare.

Now, despite this . . . she does not mistreat in any way the blacks, browns and yellows in her university classes.

She even happily reports to me when a black, brown  or yellow student is one of the best in her calculus classes.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2024, 08:06:34 PM »
And by the way . . . what ever happened to Photo Guy ?

Any relation to the current Cameraguymn ?
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2024, 09:57:50 PM »
At this juncture I wonder, why don't you go for a Brazilian girl CG?

I mean it's same culture, you look like you are well off even by Western Standards so in Brazil or anywhere in South America you'll be like a god to many of the women there?

No offense meant, we love hearing your stories here but I would have thought that South America (Brazil) would be an easy land for you. Lots of hot chicks there, some even win Miss World often (Venezuela) at the top end. Many years ago in a University in the UK I used to work in this young Brazilian cleaner girl used to come in, she was hot :P Appeared that some white dude had already imported her into the country as was all lined up for marriage with him. I think she may have been somewhat interested in me but she was after a different type of person than what I was I think so after initial interest she lost that interest and stayed with her guy.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My trip to Pattaya
« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2024, 06:58:40 AM »
his narrative collapsed and he's sulking, poor soul....


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