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Author Topic: Big choice for President of USA  (Read 6476 times)

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #50 on: July 14, 2024, 06:49:32 AM »
Trump rally shooter identified as 20-year-old Pennsylvania man

Trump rally shooting witness says he saw rifle-toting man ‘crawling up the roof’
before Secret Service ‘blew his head off’

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #51 on: July 14, 2024, 07:41:09 AM »
"Trump isn't even a conservative, he's a populist."
Hitler was also a Pupulist, did that matter - NOPE!
more right wing BS

 "He just argues back."
Trump's Lying, cheating, stealing, all things multiple courts of his peers convicted him of
has nothing to do with arguing AT ALL
it's how EVERY CON MAN manipulates his "marks"
so once more, right wing BS

"Trump isn't any further right than Mittens Romney. He just argues back, something Mittens,
McCain, or the Bush Clan couldn't do"

ALL THREE of those republicans were anti-trump, as is Liz Cheney who Trump drove out of office, cuz she and 9 other republicans voted to impeach him for launching a failed insurrection
McCain endured being a POW at the infamous Hanoi Hilton, while Trump played tennis, cuz daddy bought him a deferment from a doctor who rented from him
and like Biden's two sons, both of McCain's sons served in the military
Trump's have been in the USA since the 1870s, not a single one of them ever served their country, real Patriots right?

McCain stopped Trump from shutting down Obamacare
McCain defended Obama on TV, when Obama was called a Muslim African
McCain was a man of honor
Trump is a CON MAN
so more right wing BS

Trump is an integral part of Project 2025, which is a classic textbook example of what a fascist agenda looks like (but there's a hidden agenda they're not gonna openly publish)
The Project 2025 Manifesto, is their "Mein Kampf"
more Right Wing BS, on top of even right wing BS, a garbage dumpster full of it
there's a whole industry out there to generate this for Trump, all sponsored by America's oligarchs
from "Truth Social" to Fox, Trump depends on this never ending stream of right wing BS, to rile his base, cuz that's the only way you get Americans to vote

I conclude - yur hatred of "the others", libtards, queers, Mexiricans, Atheists
is similar to the Nazi's hatred of the left, queers and Jews and  Gypsies

and THAT's exactly the bait  Hitler used to get millions of his followers killed, and German cities reduced to rubble
why you think it's gonna be any different from that with Trump

I've lived in Ukraine, my wife voted in elections there
I was shocked to see how Ukraine of all places, did everything possible to get folks to vote
in our case, a really nice poll worker came to our home, cuz the records showed my wife hadn't voted and my wife filled in the ballot
you'd never have that here, we can't even get mail-in ballots
instead people who lived in majority democratic districts, waited hours in the cold, to cast their votes during peak covid
some died...

cuz here we use voter suppression, to give the republicans a bit more juice
google is yur fwend

you live in Austin, a liberal city
but because Republicans at the state level Gerrymandered Austin, by including Republican dominated areas outside Austin, some well over 100 miles away, to make it aRepublican dominant district
democracy in action right?

sure, sacrifice the foundation this country was built on by using lies, cheating and stealing to win and make the Patrons (I like the Spanish pronounciation better "pah-trone") happy

Trump is a wrecking ball, and that's what ya want
so don't complain when yur city's on fire, and ya can't find yur kid
cuz this is EXACTLY what YOU wanted

the religious world is losing popularity across the globe, cuz it's anti-freedom, the mullahs all decide what you can or cannot do, NOT YOU!
we have LGQT+ here cuz we have freedom here, not like Iran

only way yur gonna get rid of LGQT+ is to take away their freedom
like Putin tried to take away the freedom of Ukrainians to choose HOW THEY wanted to live
start takin away the freedom of everyone not like you
and YOU TO will experience a "Maidan" and it's aftermath
American cities will all lay in ruin

the first violent protest against Trump, and Trump's response will be to gun down people in the streets just like Yanukovich did
and Trump will tell his attorney general, I have immunity from prosecution, I always said "I could kill people, and not lose votes"
as soon as Trump does that, the whole country will erupt and every city will be on fire, including yours
go ahead BEEL, risk your family, risk yur property, risk yur livelihood, if you loose all that, Trump won't care one bit
just to try to own the libtards
even if it means yur really just gonna endup owning yurself

I've been preparing for this, for a long, long, time
so bring it MFers

Video of  wounded Trump at Republican Rally

the canonical "our thoughts and prayers" to victims of gun violence

bottom line Beel, when given a chance to provide a ratioanl argument of why you support Trump, you could't, you failed at it
cuz all you provided was the usual litany of right wing BS

it's not rational thought that guides you
but yur own prejudices towards others who are different from you
you want an inquistion to burn the ungodly
not realizing yur family will end up in the Pyre as well

go ahead and light the match BEEL

« Last Edit: July 14, 2024, 04:34:34 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #52 on: July 16, 2024, 08:19:31 AM »
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, and then as a farce
it repeats itself in front of blind men who can never learn to see what's right in front of them
or what's a-comin down the road,

Opioid of the Masses, By J. D. Vance
"To many, Donald Trump feels good, but he can't fix America's growing social and cultural crisis, and the eventual comedown will be harsh."

Vance, said that Trump is a "cynical a**hole" who is "America's Hitler" that only an "idiot" would vote for

but, that was BEFORE Trump became President

after Trump was President, Vance realized, being anti-Trump would end his Republican career, so he "puckered-up" like the rest of the Republicans who wanted to keep riding on the Republican Gravy Train
ONLY because of their singular devotion to "self-interest"
so Sieg Heil Trump

Vance wrote about how poor uneducated whites who worked in company towns, were left with nothin' when those companies moved their jobs to Asia to seek higher profits throuh using cheaper labor, as well as be able to use "transfer pricing" from asia to reduce their tax profile
yup, them widgets we sell for $20 cost us $19 to make in China, see we got the invoice, sez so right here MR IRS man
instead of the $3 it actually costs

good luck proving otherwise, all the records are in China, and they'll tell ya to "phuque-off" like Switzerland does
Tax Dodging 101 Holmes....

but Vance didn't blame the 1% for this
what he blamed were minorities gettin preferential hand-outs that wuz makin white folks lose their sheet
why a minority gets a scholarship and not my white kid...
Vance himself, grewup disadvantaged, but he was able to use the GI bill to attend Yale law school, tuition free

he has a point, we SHOULD be a color blind meritocracy, and we should be WAY smarter in our approach than we are
and give strictly according to need, and not by skin color
and every form of aid should be designed to lift the person up to the point they don't need the aid
kinda like they were broken, and now ya helped 'em get fixed

doesn't mean we shouldn't help minorities
we just need to open the tent door wider
but republicans want to END every social safety net, and not add to it, so good luck with that

so the white resentment is what Vance has tapped into (like Hitler tapped into German resentment against die juden)

but Trans people and Mexicans didn't transfer their jobs to Asia,
you know perfectly well WHO DID
and those very same people are backing Trump with Project 2025
and givin ya'll Hillbilly Heroin

before Vance kissed Trump's ass, what he was tellin' ya, is EXACTLY what I'm tellin ya now

but now J.D. Vance wears eye-liner for TV and praises "Dear Leader" like they do in the DEMOCRATIC Republic of North Korea
and is Trump's VP

I say yo for what I hope is the final time
just like what I'da said to them confederate boys...

"Boys you've been lied to, ya'll go down this path, a lotta ya will die and Atlanta's gonna burn"
then they'da strung me up fer bein a yankee-lover

it took the south nearly a century to fully recover from the civil war, there are still ruins from Sherman's march from the river to the sea

BEEL, I KNOW ya had a hard rough-scrabble life growin up
but Mexicans and Trans folks didn't cause that

anything born from resentment and hatred is NOT godly
evil begats only more evil

let all my brothers and sisters live, and let live together, it is the only way this world's gonna ever have peace

China, Iran, Russia will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE an American civil war
doncha wanna make them the happiest they've ever been
do this civil war and after the new Appomattox,  the chinese will end up buying america before they take it over, like they're already doin in Russia's Far East
yur loss is gonna be China's gain

i'm sorry fer callin ya'll a "bunch of dumb MFers"
but ya are

« Last Edit: July 16, 2024, 10:03:23 AM by krimster2 »


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