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Author Topic: How does she get from here to there and back again?  (Read 7535 times)

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How does she get from here to there and back again?
« on: April 06, 2015, 02:58:28 PM »
Here is the deal. My wife is a Belarus citizen and carries a Belarus passport, under her maiden name. She is now a US citizen and carries that passport under her married name. Both names are very different.

Previously she would travel to Belarus under her maiden name ( Bela passport) and just show her green card when returning home. Never a problem. Marriage certificate showing name change is sometimes necessary. No problem with that either

However, now that she carries both passports ( dual citizenship) I would hope the process is the same and just show her US passport in Minsk ( to show she can enter the US) and again at POE NY.

The question here is will that work since Belarus does not really recognize dual citizenship and MAY cause a problem on her return flight ( exiting Minsk).

Of course she can travel both ways on her US passport but that would entail getting a visa, which is silly, considering she is a Beal citizenship.

Anyone been thru this? Do Bela the immigration people look the other way these days or do they create a hassle? Or do only the airline personnel really need to see her US passport in order to get a seat.?

Please do not compare this to either Russia or Ukraine as they have different immigration policies. Thanks for any help.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2015, 03:14:28 PM »
The question here is will that work since Belarus does not really recognize dual citizenship and MAY cause a problem on her return flight ( exiting Minsk).

My guess is that since Belarus does not recognize dual citizenship, then her Belarussian passport is no good but if she can get in with her Belarussian passport, she should exit the country using the same passport. As of now, she is a US citizen same as you and if you need a visa to get to Belarus, she would need one to be on the safe side. Cost of visa is not much compared to the hassles of having her trip ruined by bureaucrats.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2015, 03:17:54 PM »
My girl and I went to Minsk last year but she only has a green card and her Belarus passport. I would suggest perhaps contacting the Belarus embassy in DC for further info. You don't want her getting stuck there. Good luck. We plan on heading to Minsk again this next Christmas.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2015, 03:44:04 PM »
Bill. Yes she can travel both ways on her Bela passport. But when leaving Minsk the airline wants to know how she plans to enter the US. Hence showing the green card previously. Now she would show her passport. The question is will any one care as long as she shows she can enter the US? Or will the Bela  (immigration) people raise an issue or just pass her through? I doubt if the airline itself would say much.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2015, 04:38:58 PM »
Bill. Yes she can travel both ways on her Bela passport.

If Belarus still considers your wife's Belarusian passport valid although she's an American citizen, then there shouldn't be a problem with her entering Belarus. America now identifies your wife by her green card and passport so I don't see why she would be stopped by a border patrol officer if she entered this country with an American passport although she entered Belarus with a Belarusian passport.

But when leaving Minsk the airline wants to know how she plans to enter the US.

Airlines shoulder responsibility for making sure the paperwork is in order if they are flying customers to another nation. They don't want to have to return people back home for free. The airline in Minsk didn't see a valid visa in your wife's Belarusian passport so they asked what other means she has to enter the US. Your wife probably showed them the green card at that time otherwise she probably wouldn't be allowed to fly.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2015, 02:11:38 AM »
I have both New Zealand and British passports.  The Russian visa for my last trip was in my New Zealand passport, and so I entered Russia on that passport.  When I flew from Moscow to Kyiv I showed my NZ passport on the way out, and my British passport when I landed, and the reverse on the way back.  Nobody at either end asked to see the other passport or any other proof of ability to validly enter the other country.

While I take your point about Belarus having a different immigration policy, I would hope that their border control officers have the same sort of attitude as most others around the world - i.e. if you have a valid document for where you're going, that's all they need to see/know.

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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2015, 06:11:42 AM »
I have both New Zealand and British passports.  The Russian visa for my last trip was in my New Zealand passport, and so I entered Russia on that passport.  When I flew from Moscow to Kyiv I showed my NZ passport on the way out, and my British passport when I landed, and the reverse on the way back.  Nobody at either end asked to see the other passport or any other proof of ability to validly enter the other country.

While I take your point about Belarus having a different immigration policy, I would hope that their border control officers have the same sort of attitude as most others around the world - i.e. if you have a valid document for where you're going, that's all they need to see/know.

Many passport controls pay attention to departure and arrival destinations. Traveling on two passports or even possessing them raises flags and questions. When Russia and/or Belarus is in the mix this day in age, it can be risky.

Technically, the passports belong to the country that issued them and can be repossessed at any moment. Nobody realizes this more than someone who experienced life behind the iron curtain. In some places it is illegal to have two passports

Viking, I'd suggest that she travel on her U.S. passport and buy the visa, for peace of mind. My wife canceled a trip to Russia last year after the fighting broke out in Eastern Ukraine. Her friends from Russia and Ukraine were reminding her how the Soviets were quick to take passports. She was generally scared she wouldn't be able to return

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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2015, 07:17:49 AM »
I think many responders are missing the point . . . that being that Belarus does not recognize dual citizenship.

This is the same situation for Ukraine.

Anyone traveling on two passports when the nation of one passport does not recognize dual citizenship is playing Russian roulette.

Doesn't matter how many times one has been successful, nor how many times you hear that others have been successful (and especially of no relevance are those who travel on dual passports where each government does recognize dual citizenship).

At some point . . . the pain will be inflicted by the country that does not allow dual citizenship.

Just how deep the pain . . . can take various forms from mere delay of departure, missing flights . . . payment of large fines . . . up to confiscation of all passports and deny departure.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2015, 07:34:34 AM »
I agree with Faux Pas, for her peace of mind she should just get a visa and travel as an American citizen. This will avoid any unpleasant surprises.
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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2015, 07:37:24 AM »
Many passport controls pay attention to departure and arrival destinations. Traveling on two passports or even possessing them raises flags and questions. When Russia and/or Belarus is in the mix this day in age, it can be risky.
Not Russia and/or Belarus, but Ukraine and/or Belarus. Ukraine and Belarus - these are the countries that demand renouncing of their citizenship, if one gets another citizenship. Not Russia. Russian citizen can have multiple citizenships, without the fear of punishment.
I know Ukrainians who lie repeatedly to Ukraine, that they have no other citizenships and even that they continue living in Ukraine, when in reality they live abroad and maybe visiting Ukraine for a short vacation. These Ukrainians do it to keep their property in Ukraine, to receive pensions (Ukraine does not pay pensions to non-residents, even if these people did not get other citizenships, but simply reside in another country.)
I would support the point of view that for Ukrainians and/or Belarusians it is risky to travel with two passports - this way they advertise their lies. They might or might not be punished for it, but what they are doing is illegal.

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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2015, 07:40:35 AM »
I think many responders are missing the point . . . that being that Belarus does not recognize dual citizenship.

This is the same situation for Ukraine.

Anyone traveling on two passports when the nation of one passport does not recognize dual citizenship is playing Russian roulette.

Doesn't matter how many times one has been successful, nor how many times you hear that others have been successful (and especially of no relevance are those who travel on dual passports where each government does recognize dual citizenship).

At some point . . . the pain will be inflicted by the country that does not allow dual citizenship.

Just how deep the pain . . . can take various forms from mere delay of departure, missing flights . . . payment of large fines . . . up to confiscation of all passports and deny departure.

Ah, a rare occasion where we agree. It should also be noted that a country, especially and former Eastern Bloc country that considers you a citizen of that country has more liberties with what they choose to do. Particularly if you are traveling on that country's passport.

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Re: How does she get from here to there and back again?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2017, 04:42:28 PM »
comment on this old thread in regards to the ket issue being

both passports are in different names, so they they cannot be used/swapped  if ticketing is in one name only , it is also illegal to enter and exit a country on different passports where a different name is used between passports , even if ticketing is in each pasport name that is different , you can be stopped and have issues depends on the country as to how that may apply on each occasion

it is also worth note it is often illegal for a citizen who holds a passport for say ukraine & anohter country to apply for and use a visa to enter and exit ukraine on that other passport , if caught issues will arise

all birth places are in every passport , no matter what countries passport you hold , so be sure even when using another passport in say a married name not your wifes maiden name , the birth place  of belarus /ukraine will show up & that you are still considered a citizen of that country , regardless of the US /AUSTRALIAN /NEW ZEALAND , passport you might carry and use , so beware and check carefully as it can trip you up , and both airlines and embassies will not give you straight answers most times

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