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Author Topic: russian citizenship  (Read 10148 times)

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Offline Elen

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russian citizenship
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2006, 10:02:52 AM »

Agreement between Russian Federation and Tadjikistan about regulation an issue of dual citizenship

So that - who want to get an "exception to the rule"  those get it ( on a base of mutual benefits of course) - who don't want- those must obey "common" rules.

There was the same with Turkmenia but some time ago they stopped it - it was their own decision but not Ruissain. Before orange revoulution Ukraina was going to sign something of such kind as well.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 10:30:00 AM by Elen »

Offline Rvrwind

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« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2006, 10:45:46 AM »
Thank you Elen, I cannot read it but I downloaded it for my wife to translate for me. I'll see what it says & then get back to with a reply. I still think you r confusing the Visa regime with citizenship however but I let you know for sure after I find out what this document says, LOL.

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« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2006, 03:20:27 PM »
Here ya go Rvr:


                              THE CONTRACT
                         On September, 7th, 1995
The Russian Federation and the Republic Tajikistan called in
further by the Parties,
with a view of the further development of friendship between them in
spirit of respect of the sovereignty, independence and equality, on the basis of
non-interference to internal affairs each other,
aspiring to the fair and humane settlement,
connected with a dual citizenship,
have agreed as follows:
    Clause 1.
    1. Each of the Parties recognizes for the citizens the right
to get, not losing its citizenship, citizenship of other Party.
2. Purchase by the citizen of one Party
of citizenship of other Party is carried out on the basis of free will
of the citizen on conditions and by way of, established by the legislation
of the Party which citizenship is got.
3. The person having citizenship of both Parties and constantly living
in territory of one the Parties, is obliged to observe the Constitution and laws,
to respect with traditions and customs of the Party of constant residing.
4. The person having citizenship of both Parties and constantly living
in territory of one the Parties, being in territory of other Party,
is obliged to observe the Constitution and laws, to respect with traditions and customs of this
5. I
f the person consisting in citizenship of both Parties and c
onstantly living in territory of one them, moves for constant residing to territor
y of other Party such person carries out the rights and t
he duties following from citizenship of this other Party, from the moment of purchase of the stat
us by it constantly living o
n its territory.
    Clause 2.
    Citizens of one Party who before coming into force of the present
Contract have received under their request citizenship of other Party without loss
of former citizenship, keep citizenship of both Parties.
    Clause 3.
    1. The person consisting in citizenship of both Parties,
constantly living in territory of one of the Parties, in full has
the rights and freedom, and also performs duties of the citizen of that Party
in which territory it constantly lives.
2. Without damage to positions of the present Contract the person consisting in
citizenship of both Parties, cannot simultaneously carry out the right and
the duties following from citizenship of both Parties.
3. Social security, formation, health services of the persons consisting
in citizenship of both Parties, is made
according to the legislation of the Party in which territory they constantly
live if other is not stipulated by corresponding agreements
between the Parties.
Positions of the present item do not put damage to the right of any Party
to give the right and a privilege in the field of social security to the persons,
being citizens of both Parties and living on territory
of other Party. 4. I
f the special a
greement of the Parties does not stipulate other, to the persons who are consist
ing in citizenship of both Parties and a subject execution o
f a conscription (the military account, preparation for military service, receipt on mil
itary service, passage of military service, stay in a stock (a
reserve) and military training in a wartime), are applied following positions
: such p
ersons pass military service according to the legislation of the Party in which territory they c
tly live at the moment of an appeal; the persons who have been last military service
according to the legislation of one Party, are not a subject t
o an appeal on military service according to the legislation of other Party, and pas
sage of military service according to the legislation o
f one Party is considered as execution of a corresponding conscription and in relation
to other Party; Such persons who have been last military service
according to the legislation of one Party, act as the military man of a
stock according to the legislation of t
his Party. In case of crossing such person for constant residing on territory of other Party execution o
f the specified duties is carried out by it according to
its legislation. Positions of subitems, also extend and on the persons who have been last militar
y service before coming into force of the present Contract. Application
of positions of the present item does not influence c
itizenship of the person. The parties are not co
nnected by positions of the present item in case of mobilization. The person who
consisting in citizenship of both Parties and
has been last military service according to the legislation of one

them, can pass military service under the contract in armed forces of any
Party chosen by it. Q
uestions of training in military educational institutions of the per
sons consisting in citizenship of both Parties, are adjusted by the separate Agreem
    Clause 4.
    1. Children, each of which parents consisted at the moment of a birth
of the child in citizenship of both Parties, get from the moment of a birth
citizenship of both Parties. Before achievement by these children of 18-years
age their parents can choose it citizenship of one of the Parties
by refusal of citizenship of other Party in the form of the joint
written application.
In case of if one of parents has died or is deprived the parental rights
before achievement by the child of 18-years age, the option of citizenship
of the child is kept for other parent.
In case of if both the parent get citizenship of both Parties or at them citizenship of both Parties
citizenship of children who have not reached 18-years age accordingly changes stops. In case of
if at both parents citizenship of one Party stops and
citizenship of other Party (the same for both parents)
citizenship of children till 18 years accordingly changes is kept.
n case of if at one of the parents, consisting in citizenship of both
Parties, citizenship of one of the Parties c
itizenship of this Party
for children till 18 years is defined by the written agreement of
parents stops. Change of citizenship of children i
n the age of from 14 till
18 years is carried out only from their written approval. 2.
After achievement of 18-years age the person consi
sting in citizenship of both Parties, can keep both of citizenship o
r choose citizenship of one of the Parties by refusal of citizenship of other Party in t
he form of the written application for refusal of t
he citizenship submitted within one year after achievement of 18 years.
3. Positions
of items 1 and 2 present clauses extend and on children, one of which parents at the moment of a birth o
f the child consisted in citizenship of both Parties, and another w
as the person without citizenship or is unknown, and also on the adopted childre
n getting citizenship of both Parties or losing this c
itizenship from the moment of adoption. 4. The application for refusal of citizens
hip of one of the Parties according to items 1 and 2 present clauses
moves in the authorized body of the Party which citizenship sto
ps. The authorized bodies depending on a place of constant residing the chil
d are the law-enforcement bodies knowing affairs about citizenship, either diplomatic r
epresentatives or consular establishment of the corresponding
    Clause 5.
    The termination of citizenship of each of the Parties at the persons consisting in
citizenship of both Parties, is carried out according to
the legislation of the Party which citizenship stops.
    Clause 6.
    The persons consisting in citizenship of both Parties, have the right to use
protection and protection of each of the Parties. Protection and protection
for these persons in the third state are given by the Party in
which territory they constantly live, or under their request other
Party which citizenship they also have.
    Clause 7.
    On the citizen consisting in citizenship of both Parties,
staying in territory of one of the Parties, restrictions in the rights or additional duties which
are established for foreign citizens in the Party of stay do not extend.
    Clause 8.
    Disputes between the Parties, arising in connection with application or
interpretation of the present Contract, are solved by consultations and
    Clause 9.
    The present Contract is a subject to ratification and inures in day
of an exchange of instruments of ratification.
    The contract is ratified by the Russian Federation the Federal law
from December, 15th, 1996 N 152-OC
    Clause 10.
    The present Contract operates within five years from the date of its
coming into force and is automatically prolonged for the subsequent
five years' period if any of the Parties will not declare the return
six months prior to the expiration of the specified term.
    It is accomplished in Moscow on September, 7th, 1995 in duplicate,
everyone in Russian and Tadjik languages, and both of the text are equally authentic.
For the Russian Federation
/ the signature /
For Republic Tajikistan
/ the signature/
See also: the Convention on the simplified order of purchase
of citizenship citizens of the states-participants CIS (Moscow,
on January, 19th, 1996)

Every action in company ought to be done with some sign of respect to those that are present. ~ Geo. Washington

Offline Rvrwind

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« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2006, 04:45:11 PM »
Thanks Jet, but that still don't get me any closer & really in my mind kinda is a bunch of bu!!sh!t. Not from the Russian side but from the Canada/US side. Why do we allow dual citizenship for Russians who move to our country but Russia does not reciprocate in kind? This does not make sense to me. And if we are giving them dual citizenship, according to what I read here, our governments are doing it illegaly as they do not have an agreement like this with Russia.

Seems pretty screwed up to me & I still ain't no closer to my goal.:(

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Offline Ste

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« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2006, 05:22:01 PM »
Quote from: Rvrwind
Thanks Jet, but that still don't get me any closer & really in my mind kinda is a bunch of bu!!sh!t.Not from the Russian side but from the Canada/US side. Why do we allow dual citizenship for Russians who move to our country but Russia does not reciprocate in kind? This does not make sense to me. And if we are giving them dual citizenship, according to what I read here, our governments are doing it illegaly as they do not have an agreement like this with Russia.

Seems pretty screwed up to me & I still ain't no closer to my goal.:(

RVR-Canadian Cowboy/Agency Owner

Richard I understand u and what ur saying but I think Bruno is largely right.

Based on what I see as the fact that ur Canadian passport belongs to the Canadian Gov and you can't hand it over to the Ruskies. It's simply urs to hold not to have!

Don't get me wrong I love Russia and it's people but they should realise there aren't flocks of people wishing to emigrate there and make it easier for those that do want to. In fact a recent prog on tv here cited Russia is losing a million folks a year in population figures.

I know this is a mistake but Uncle Pasha is a Russian who emigrated to Canada and back to Russia, he's an outspoken,  cantankerous old git Richard, so you'll prolly get on with him, hehehehe!

Maybe he's hung on his Canadian passport?

Meanwhile, Dave the American in Nadia's city of Chelyabinsk is looking for permanent residency in Russia cos he's sick of going to Turkey every year....


Offline Rvrwind

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« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2006, 01:19:11 AM »
Meanwhile, Dave the American in Nadia's city of Chelyabinsk is looking for permanent residency in Russia cos he's sick of going to Turkey every year....
This Is the biggest problem, the traveling in & out of the country to renew our Visa's & the extra expense it adds is just not warranted. For me at present it is not a big concern as through my employment it is all handled by the company lawyer & I don't have to endure this, but that is not going to last.

My friend Phil in SPB is having to leave to Finland every year to get his Visa renewed & he too is tiring of it. He is working as a teacher & the money he makes is not lots so the extra expense he must incur to do this is really unjust.

I actually was hoping that information gleaned from posts in this thread would help us to solve this issue. I don't plan on giving up but I don't want to end up like others I am acquainted with here that have been here several years without a Visa. They have so far been lucky & not been stopped by the cops & asked for their papers, however should that happen you know the consequences as well as me. I think I would find looking over my shoulder for a policeman all the time not a pleasant way to live.

Oh well, onward & upward. To quote Phil: Ain't much gonna change in this country till the last old soviet dies & they can get rid of that cold war mentality!!!
I know this is a mistake but Uncle Pasha prolly get on with him, hehehehe!

Maybe cantankerous but he's got a good attitude!!!!:):):D

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« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2006, 03:38:41 AM »
The link below explains things well from the US and Canadian point of view:

"One might think that taking the renunciatory oath required for U.S. naturalization would constitute a sufficient renunciation to result in a loss of Canadian citizenship. However, this is not the case. Subsection 9(1) of the Citizenship Act requires a person to formally apply to renounce Canadian citizenship. Where an application to renounce is approved, a certificate of renunciation is issued and the applicant ceases to be a citizen after the expiration of the day on which the certificate is issued or such later date as the certificate may specify.
In other words, taking the U.S. oath of allegiance will not result in a loss of Canadian citizenship. A formal application must be filed and approved before renunciation will be effective. If no formal application is made, a Canadian citizen who subsequently naturalizes in the United States will continue to be a citizen of Canada."


Rver - I would assume this applies to Russia as well ie. you would have to get a formal application through Canada to renounce your Canadian citizenship.  So, if you become a Russian citizen Canada would still claim you until you formally renounce your Canadian citizenship and it is approved by Canada. 

« Last Edit: March 30, 2006, 03:48:00 AM by Bruce »
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Offline Rvrwind

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« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2006, 03:34:33 AM »
Thanks Bruce...That kinda sheds a little light on the subject. I will have to look into this further.

The biggest things for me in this are:

1/ I want to be able to stay in Russia & not have to continually renew my Visa Etc. I am quite willing to pay taxes & everything that comes with citizenship or immigration whatever.

2/ I don't want to give up my Canadian Citizenship for a couple of reasons: 1/ Having to apply for a visa like a Russian Citizen to go home & visit family & 2/ because I paid into the Canadian pension fund for 30 odd years & bloody well want my pension.

If I can get Russian citizenship & not formally denounce my Canadian citizenship I just might be able to achieve those goals.

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