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Author Topic: A Black Mark On Canada's Efforts In Ukraine  (Read 2745 times)

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Offline Brasscasing

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A Black Mark On Canada's Efforts In Ukraine
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:04:58 PM »
A Brass Op-Ed rant:

What the Hell are we thinking?...

Millions in military gear goes to scrap heap instead of Ukraine

..."Canada is moving ahead with the destruction of surplus anti-tank missiles and other equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars despite a plea by Ukraine for such equipment to help it fight separatists."...

There are few instances where I openly criticize Canada's Conservative Government's foreign policy or it's stance with Russia war of aggression in Ukraine for being wrong but this is one of those times...

..."Among the items declared surplus are more than 5,400 Eryx anti-tank missiles, according to a 2014 Department of National Defence documents leaked to the Citizen."...

..."Canada also has 415 thermal imagers from the Eryx anti-tank weapons, according to the documents. Such devices can detect the heat given off by armoured vehicles and can be used for surveillance."...

..."DND also had around 2,000 TOW 2 missiles, worth $100 million, as part of its surplus stocks, according to the documents. Those missiles, purchased in 2009, have been disposed of but DND could not provide details about whether they were destroyed or sold."...

Minister Kenny, Prime Minister Harper, you have fumbled a unique opportunity here. What are you doing?

Here was a chance to assist Ukraine with meaningful aid. Set the example for the civilized world with Russia and show NATO that there are still western nations capable of functioning in the face of adversity even when the currently leaderless U.S. has lost it's way.

The excuse that Ukraine would have been unable to deploy such weaponry due to incompatibility with their own systems is ludicrous.

Both these weapons are self contained, stand alone shoulder or light vehicle/tripod mounted anti-armor systems. All that was required was training which we are currently doing in Ukraine anyways.

This is exactly what the Ukraine government has repeatedly asked of us in the last year. How is it we have turned a deaf ear?

...'In addition, there are 10 Husky and Buffalo vehicles, used to clear routes of improvised explosive devices. Those vehicles were purchased in 2007 for use in Afghanistan.

Also surplus are four specialized landmine detection systems and 194 LAV-2 or Light Armoured Vehicles- 2 surveillance vehicles scheduled to be taken out of service this year, according to the documents."...

These could still be sent. The Ukrainians are known for keeping equipment operational even with out parts. They could cannibalize 10 to keep 20 running if need be, it's been done before. Their mechanics could be trained in weeks and you can't tell me there are not stockpiled parts for this equipment. It exists, we both know it.

..."Liberal defence critic Joyce Murray said the stockpiles raise questions about Defence Minister Jason Kenney’s earlier claims that Ukraine’s beleaguered army can’t be provided with useful Canadian equipment because no such gear exists.

Ukrainian officials came to Ottawa in September looking for anti-tank missiles, surveillance gear and armoured vehicles. They say their forces are outgunned by separatists equipped with Russian tanks and other weapons.

But Kenney recently told the Globe and Mail newspaper that Canada has nothing to offer."...

How is it that a Liberal Defense Critic got it right and Jason Kenny, Minister National Defense, got it wrong?

Is not Minister Kenny aware of Canada's war stock, something pretty well every man and woman who's served in uniform is at least partially cognizant of?

What went wrong here? Explain yourself, sir.

..."Ukraine’s soldiers use Russian-designed weapons so armaments sent from Canada could not be used, he added.

Canadian military officers say that is the case for small arms and other such weapons. But Canadian anti-tank missiles could be used, surplus armoured vehicles could provide protection for troops, and the Husky and Buffalo vehicles would be valuable in dealing with roadside bombs, military sources noted."...

Indeed. This observation is obvious. Further, when aid does come (and it will) are we going to be supplying Ukraine with Russian equipment or NATO/Western weapons?

This argument is moot, it's a flimsy excuse.

Mr. Harper, Mr. Kenny, do not be fooled by the incompetence of the Obama's and Merkels of this world. Their 15 minutes are almost up and the lunacy that is this dance with Russia will pass. We (Canada) must be ready to act when the time comes.

At the very least do not destroy or sell this war stock. Earmark it for Ukraine and announce it so the world can see our support for Ukraine is still intact.

I can't speak for all vets and service personnel in Canada but I can tell you a significant number are shaking their heads in disbelief.

Is it enough to change my vote come election day? No. But I am disillusioned. Do not underestimate the impact this decision could have with the serving members, vets and Ukraine diaspora when the upcoming election writ is dropped. It's completely contrary with what the Canadian people have been told our position is regarding Ukraine and which most Canadians believe is right.

For the sake of Ukraine and Canada's moral standing in the fight on Russian aggression; Re-visit this decision and do the right thing.

Enough talk, more action. Do not follow the Obama/Merkel examples of appeasement thru diplomacy. Canadians and Ukrainians deserve better. Give Ukraine these tools to help it survive the Russian onslaught.

Adopt the old adage "Do as I do" not "Do as I say" and lead the free world by example.


« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 12:11:20 PM by Brasscasing »
...Build the wall. Even Heaven has a gate...

"Because without America there is no free world" ~ Canada Free Press

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Re: A Black Mark On Canada's Efforts In Ukraine
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2015, 01:55:19 AM »
+ 1 Billion.
The Mendeleyev Journal. Member: Congress of Russian Journalists; ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.RU (Journalist-Russia); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.UA (Journalist-Ukraine); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.KZ (Journalist-Kazakhstan); ПОРТАЛ ЖУРНАЛИСТОВ (Portal of RU-UA Journalists); Просто Журналисты ("Just Journalists").

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Re: A Black Mark On Canada's Efforts In Ukraine
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2015, 05:06:56 PM »

..."Canada is moving ahead with the destruction of surplus anti-tank missiles and other equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars despite a plea by Ukraine for such equipment to help it fight separatists."...

Western governments have already agreed to let Ukraine split by pressuring the Ukrainian government to let the east have greater autonomy. They hope this act of throwing the dog a bone will satisfy Putin's appetite and make the problems go away. If Canada gives military gear to Ukraine, they will have a change in policy that other Western governments will not like. Obama is the leader of the free world and he doesn't want to do more than he's already doing. It's not a good time for any country seeking to be free. They aren't going to get much help.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: A Black Mark On Canada's Efforts In Ukraine
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2015, 05:42:06 PM »
  Fully in agreement with you Brass. MP Kenny may not have enough Ukrainians living in his Calgary riding, and Harper may be too busy trying to scrap a win in his unprecedented eleven week run up to the election. Harper spending our tax dollars foolishly is nothing new, here's hoping the control freak gets handed a sound defeat in October.


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