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Author Topic: The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone  (Read 7233 times)

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Online 2tallbill

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The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2019, 11:32:01 AM »
Trench it's so simple internet site .  Message.   Go visit.  It's not rocket science.   So if you are struggling there must be a reason.  My guess is you are over 40 and trying to  date a woman without kids.  Reason a woman has not got kids either she is very picky or crazy or infertile.   So you are fishing in dangerous waters.  Single mothers with cheating husbands are very common a much bigger and nicer pool to fish in.


He's got champagne tastes with a beer budget. I dated on gal who had 4 abortions
(and still had a child).

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2019, 02:33:30 PM »
Trench it's so simple internet site .  Message.   Go visit.  It's not rocket science.   So if you are struggling there must be a reason.  My guess is you are over 40 and trying to  date a woman without kids.  Reason a woman has not got kids either she is very picky or crazy or infertile.   So you are fishing in dangerous waters.  Single mothers with cheating husbands are very common a much bigger and nicer pool to fish in.

I think there is some merit in what you say in terms of single mothers. As 2tallbill points out though I'm not the richest guy around so it could be a push financially and in terms of dealing with any father's who can add to difficulty. I tried putting in for a few single mothers a while back but the uptake wasn't particularly that much more than single girls.

I think what you say is correct in that there can be a lot of reasons some girls don't get back to  certain guys. The girl I was messaging earlier for example I put that I very much would like to have children. She had put that she would like children with the right guy. Since then I haven't heard back from her. She might contact me back but odds are most girls do that when they see something that doesn't align. Could be not high status enough job, could be if she is infertile, could be if she wants to find a guy in the US rather than UK as she has friends there, better weather, etc, etc.

Some women may also weigh the guy up as he messages and too many negatives to what they are looking for can no doubt end it also. So some may want an athletic guy or a rich guy, etc.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2019, 02:42:22 PM »
The internet has really made searching far more efficient.

You don't put yourself in the time waster category? Your income is too low to
have a realistic chance for a FSUW and a family with kids.

However, my advice is to write something on your profile indicating that
you will travel to the FSU within 30 days and subtract a day each day
and see how much clutter that cuts out.

You are too cheap to hire help, so you would have to manage it yourself. Go to
the Pursuing FSUW 101 and read my thoughts about doing a meet many trip.
Don't do some sort of idiot hybrid system where you write many women for
months and then try to visit a bunch of them. It will blow up in your face.

Rinse and repeat until you find a girl who LIKES YOU and KNOWS that you
are as poor as a church mouse. That is the type of girl you need to find for
this to work.



I think your idea of sound a Visit Many and writing to each girl direct on the first message with an 'I'm visiting your city in X amount of days is a good one Bill. That would be worth a try while I get the other idea I mentioned to Krimster off the ground. Many girls want to know if a guy is coming and get fed up with guys that don't so to have it up front may help to keep the girl in play. I will see how it goes and let you know. I remember quizzing ML on he's meet many strategy and the short period necessary before going so will make sure I execute it right ;)

I know my wealth no doubt looks poor in comparison to some on here but believe me space is at a premium in the UK right now and I'm doing pretty well to own my own house. I know some on here don't think highly of a terrace but remember the most famous house in the UK is a terrace, I don't live at number 10 though ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2019, 11:59:09 PM »
The girl I was messaging earlier for example I put that I very much would like to have children. She had put that she would like children with the right guy. Since then I haven't heard back from her.

Here comes the usual Trench 'reasoning'..

She might contact me back but odds are most girls do that when they see something that doesn't align. Could be not high status enough job, could be if she is infertile, could be if she wants to find a guy in the US rather than UK as she has friends there, better weather, etc, etc.

Could be she didn't like what you told her ? ....

Some women may also weigh the guy up as he messages and too many negatives to what they are looking for can no doubt end it also. So some may want an athletic guy or a rich guy, etc.

Ri-ight - so now you are telling us that you are honest and realistic in your messaging ?  THAT's what drives 'em off ?

Trench, I'm sure I speak for a lot of members when I say, "we appreciate, what may be your honest appraisal of where you are going wrong" ...but you never, EVER listen to plenty of good advice to help you ..

Tell her what you want from life and if tou find someone who shares that 'dream' - asrrange to meet her and hopefully you'll click ,,,

Honestly, if you come out with some of the truly daft brain farts you sometimes post - 'we' can understand why you're back at square one ... 

You need to get out amongst women in the UK - socially - be it sport, drama group  - ANYTHING ....

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Re: The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2019, 07:34:16 AM »

Here comes the usual Trench 'reasoning'..

Could be she didn't like what you told her ? ....

Ri-ight - so now you are telling us that you are honest and realistic in your messaging ?  THAT's what drives 'em off ?

Trench, I'm sure I speak for a lot of members when I say, "we appreciate, what may be your honest appraisal of where you are going wrong" ...but you never, EVER listen to plenty of good advice to help you ..

Tell her what you want from life and if tou find someone who shares that 'dream' - asrrange to meet her and hopefully you'll click ,,,

Honestly, if you come out with some of the truly daft brain farts you sometimes post - 'we' can understand why you're back at square one ... 

You need to get out amongst women in the UK - socially - be it sport, drama group  - ANYTHING ....

For once you could actually be right Mobers and it kind of links into what James was saying. Basically she is a career girl and my stating she need not work if she had children probably put her nose out of joint. She's quite pretty, at least a 7 maybe more, she's in her mid thirties BUT she still has had no children... Just looked up her profile and she's been divorced and has a PhD, lol. My saying about kids when she was wondering what job she could do in the UK as she was unsure probably got right on her goat, lol.

Like James says if they have not put out by the time they are in their thirties there is probably a reason.

Leaves me with the dilemma of whether to accept a career girl or go for one who is not. As you know I've always been wary of career girls as their career is always in danger of being put first above all else including having kids.

Looks like back to the drawing board for me on this one. I'm thinking if I put more directly in my profile about having kids that may separate the wheat from the chaff better.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2019, 07:59:29 AM »
I dunno about your analysis...
when I lived in Sevastopol, one of my neighbors had a 21 year old daughter who was away at University most of the time
I'd usually only see her during holidays when she came home to visit her family
she was one of the "plainest" looking Ukrainian women I had ever met
while the majority of women her age looked so damned hot
during holidays, I'd see her "out and about" and we'd recognize each other
and twice we had lunch together at "Chilantano's" Sevastopol's first "pizza joint"
she confided in me that it was almost impossible for her to get dates with Ukrainian guys in Kyiv, unless SHE buys THEM presents!!!!
then what REALLY blew my mind COMPLETELY!!!!
that summer, I'm walking on the beach, when I spot up ahead of me, a super tanned girl with her back to me
wearing a florescent pink g-string bikini
from the back you see 3 pink pieces of string stretched tight across the most perfect female form you could ever imagine
just took my breath away!
then she turns around...
and it's HER!!!
total mismatch
the hottest body you could ever imagine
on the plainest face you could ever imagine...
so freaking HOT!!!
there she is almost naked in front of me
and then she runs over and gives me a hug...

« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 08:13:32 AM by krimster2 »

Online 2tallbill

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The most efficient way of Dating for Everyone
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2019, 11:03:00 AM »
Faux Pas, I appreciate your advice but I fear it now may be all a bit back in the day and end up a excise in :wallbash: Thanks for making the effort anyway ;) You may be right about the single thing but I would rather play it Krim's way on this I think.

It's always been boy meets girl and it still is. Even if you use business
contacts to refer you to women you still have to win their hearts, making it
boy meets girl once again.

You need to change your moniker to IEA. What does the International
Energy Agency have to do with you? Nothing IEA in your case is
Ignoring Excellent Advice. 

You don't want boy meets girl? Then go to a country with arranged
marriages or go to a tribe in Africa with a few head of cattle and
then stay there and make sure she keeps your wigwam clean
and combs the lice and other pestilence out of your hair.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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