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Author Topic: Is this actually now a better time than ever to look for a Ukrainian Woman?  (Read 4210 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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It's looking that I may be possible sorted with a Ukrainian woman :) but for others looking is now a better time than at any other previous time in the past to look for a Ukrainian Woman?

Here is a recent article that thinks so:

A good read I think.

I think there are several factors at play now that are making it a good time to make hay.

1). One is the number of single Ukrainian women now abroad of marriageable age.

2). Is the determinating economic situation in Ukraine.

3). Is the diminishing pool of suitable men in Ukraine because of the war and the economy. If a Ukrainian man is at the front or could be called up then dating him could be difficult and there is no guarantee that he will survive making it questionable if it's worthwhile pursuing for the woman.

4). Is the opportunities that a foreign guy can offer a Ukrainian woman in contract and any children they might have. In the case of the UK, a nuclear power so no threat of war, good free schools, free NHS, free dentistry for children, good child benefit state support, welfare benefits, a decent state pension, etc, etc.

There are probably more I haven't thought of at the moment but you can always add. I think even for the guy who is willing to fly to Poland or Moldova to meet a Ukrainian woman there has a lot of potential. A lot of competition will be put off by not being able to fly straight into Ukraine. So at the moment times may be better than ever to get with a decent Ukrainian girl ;)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline ML

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How can there be free schools, medicine, dentistry, etc.?

Wouldn't that mean that teachers, doctors, etc., wouldn't be getting paid?
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Another very biased article that only focuses on 'bad' outcomes; e.g. tying woman to bed, etc.

Right here on this website we have read over the years hundreds of WM-FSU gals joining with fairly good results . . . at least for some time period.

The only tying-up situation I remember reading was of gal locking the guy in apartment while she was gone.

And how can the gal hate her mother for her best effort attempt to better their life?
Not all risky undertakings have positive result . . . but the mother tried.

How can we ever get rid of this 'mail order bride' designation ?
Class action lawsuit for defamation?
Boe, how about it?
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline Trenchcoat

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How can there be free schools, medicine, dentistry, etc.?

Wouldn't that mean that teachers, doctors, etc., wouldn't be getting paid?

I get your point and it's a valid one ML, they aren't of course free as we pay for them in our taxes and so we pay higher taxes. They are only free at point of delivery but if you don't earn a lot you pay less tax for them ;D. In general though I think the system here in the UK works well enough. If anyone has a child then parents don't have to stress so much over the basics, no wording over school fees, medical insurance, dentistry plans, etc. and a hell of a lot less paperwork that goes with that. The children grow up to adults enter the workforce and help pay for all of that and of course State Pensions for older folk.

I think there is a point at which you can overburden a system by doing too much this way and hence taxation can become too burdensome, but at the moment I think it works well enough with what you get taxed with what you get out.

No one really likes the concept of tax though, lol.

I forgot vaccines as well, many, many vaccines are free on the NHS. So many more free vaccines for School aged children now than when I was younger. I managed to get a few for my intentions to go abroad of recent, Typhoid, Hepatitis A & Tetanus, even though I didn't go in the end. Even still they can all help as you never know.

Some vaccines I paid for myself privately, Pneumonia, Flu, HPV, etc and I think it's not bad to encourage a culture of paying for the extras. Here unfortunately often the guy reaction of many is 'I have to Pay! Well then no I will pass on that' lol. Even if their health may end up on the line like last year's small Flu epidemic :-\

A cost/risk analysis I can understand but people wanting to scrimp paying just under £20 for a flu vaccine is kind of laughable for those that aren't old enough to get the flu vaccine free.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Another very biased article that only focuses on 'bad' outcomes; e.g. tying woman to bed, etc.

Right here on this website we have read over the years hundreds of WM-FSU gals joining with fairly good results . . . at least for some time period.

The only tying-up situation I remember reading was of gal locking the guy in apartment while she was gone.

And how can the gal hate her mother for her best effort attempt to better their life?
Not all risky undertakings have positive result . . . but the mother tried.

How can we ever get rid of this 'mail order bride' designation ?
Class action lawsuit for defamation?
Boe, how about it?

Surely that should be mandatory! :D

I agree, I think the girl was way too harsh on her Mother, she took a chance even a slight gamble maybe and the issue arose. In the end though they got out and presumably the daughter lived a better life in the US, so ended up the better off for it.

I get that women want better who doesn't in this life woman or man. I think though that they need to weigh up how likely a man is going to do for them set against love & connection with that man. The woman no doubt was somewhat desperate and willing to go along with almost anything but she should have considered the amount of trouble the guy she had only just met was willing to go to, to get them across the border and put them up and think why would someone go to do so much?

I think also there is some bias in the article against WM seeking FSW. Not as much as sine they acknowledge it can work out very well for some and why shouldn't they look. I think there are no doubt many good news stories to tell as you suggest ML and all too often the bad ones take the limelight as often more headline hitting.

Mail Order Bride though I definitely think should stay and be proud off. My mail order got delivered just fine :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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I'm just kind of surprised there isn't more guys frequenting here wanting to know how to get a UW/FSW. Particularly younger guys who find difficulty finding a WW. I just get the impression that many young western guys are too lazy these days and if it doesn't land on a plate in front of them for them they don't want to know. Really this place should be teaming with interested guys but instead it's like a ghost town.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline ML

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I'm just kind of surprised there isn't more guys frequenting here wanting to know how to get a UW/FSW. Particularly younger guys who find difficulty finding a WW. I just get the impression that many young western guys are too lazy these days and if it doesn't land on a plate in front of them for them they don't want to know. Really this place should be teaming with interested guys but instead it's like a ghost town.

No surprise, the paucity of men looking now or in last few years:

1) Before Russian terrorist invasion of Ukraine, economic situation was looking better in both Ukraine and Russia.  Women were less inclined to settle for a lesser WM for financial reasons than they were in earlier years.

2) Younger guys do not have the financial wherewithal to pull it off.

3) Now with the war going on, no sane person should want to get involved with travel to the region.

- - - - - -

One area of interest should be the UW who are 'temporarily' living in a western country.
Two unmarried female relatives of my wife through marriage are now living in her townhouse in Ireland.  I am surprised they haven't taken up with Irish lads, but apparently they haven't.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline Trenchcoat

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No surprise, the paucity of men looking now or in last few years:

1) Before Russian terrorist invasion of Ukraine, economic situation was looking better in both Ukraine and Russia.  Women were less inclined to settle for a lesser WM for financial reasons than they were in earlier years.

2) Younger guys do not have the financial wherewithal to pull it off.

3) Now with the war going on, no sane person should want to get involved with travel to the region.

- - - - - -

One area of interest should be the UW who are 'temporarily' living in a western country.
Two unmarried female relatives of my wife through marriage are now living in her townhouse in Ireland.  I am surprised they haven't taken up with Irish lads, but apparently they haven't.

I agree with all of the above ML, you analyse the situation well. I was surprised also that there aren't more UK guys hooking up with Ukrainian women. In theory it would be a real goer for them. However, from what I have seen & heard of recent I think this is more down to a kind of cultural fog between the two cultures. It's like anywhere, like when Brits moved to Spain then most of them only wanted to live in communities of fellow Brits lol. You got a whole load of British bars, cafe's, restaurants & pubs open up in Spain so us Brits could take our culture (food, language, conversation, history & news, etc) with us abroad along with our luggage.

Only a few Brits choose to actually live in communities with the natives in Spain or France, Italy, etc. Most didn't want to try to live with the natives and I think chose British ex-pat communities as a gut reaction I think in fear of the unknown culture and reassurance of what they knew. It's natural for many I guess.

So they kind of end up almost like ghosts a lot of the time, present but not really recognised. That and an assumption from both sides that each others culture is not really accessible due to neither knowing a lot about the other, the fog. There's been a very small community of Ukrainians dating back a century or so back but these were too small to be familiar to many Brits at all. So most Brits won't be familiar with Ukrainian culture at all it will be something unfamiliar to them. Familiarity is what most people are comfortable with so as Ukraine is in general a relatively new culture to the UK I think it will take a good while for that familiarity to come through.

The Indian, Pakistani & African crowd that came over here in the 1950's well many still keep to their own cultural groups. A few mix with British people but for the most part they stick with their cultural group. Some have taken on aspects of British culture others not so much. Generally the younger generations tend to take in British culture a bit more but it varies. They of course are very different cultures even more different than Ukrainian is to British culture. So probably it won't take as long for Ukrainians but it depends how long they are here.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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"2) Younger guys do not have the financial wherewithal to pull it off."

Correct, the few men I know who married foreign women recently were all  journeyman tradesmen earning $100,000+ annually. Most of the wives were Asian or Colombian.
Good women are not cheap
Cheap women are not good
(but they can be a lot of fun)

Offline Trenchcoat

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"2) Younger guys do not have the financial wherewithal to pull it off."

Correct, the few men I know who married foreign women recently were all  journeyman tradesmen earning $100,000+ annually. Most of the wives were Asian or Colombian.

In the UK many of the younger guys will be in unsteady work, in and out of jobs, temping work, possibly zero contract hours with no guarantee of hours, low pay, etc. Some will be lucky and have a firmer footing but even then few will own their own home even with a Mortgage, fewer still without.

That said they have youth on their side which older men do not so and while hunting abroad may seem a stretch to many, Ukrainian girls that have come to the UK are more at hand and in theory dateable like local women (if local woman are indeed dateable these days lol). So on a money front I don't think for Ukrainian women here that is necessarily the issue for the men. I think for the Ukrainian women there is still the disconnect with English society even if living in it. That can dissipate over time but it can still take a while and learning how things work in the UK, US, etc as different to Ukraine.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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