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Author Topic: Where in the world is Waldo?  (Read 1422 times)

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Where in the world is Waldo?
« on: January 24, 2008, 05:51:55 PM »
Dan and mods, I don't want you guys to receive unwarranted criticism for supposedly "hiding" something. Unfortunately, some posters will take sides and believe those clowns on mission and hold it against you and looked down at RWD as a whole.

Unfortunately some will take a comment from someone they don't know and place value in it if that is indeed what happened. They let themself get used to say something the person that PM'd them didn't have the balls to say. With insincere motives to use hearsay from someone they didn't know, they translated it imply fact so they could start a rumor to damage another poster here..., me. Brilliant!

These guys should know better but they don't pay attention. Instead they play down what I say and my relationship maybe because of personal reasons of thier own creating. They give opinions based on the only RW in their life and they don't like mine when I've had 3 straight relationships with RW since 1998. They are all different RW and that is probably why they don't like what they hear when I speak of my opinions.

So to take the heat off management so others don't think they're involved in a conspiracy, I will say if those guys making accusations paid attention, they'd know I and my fiancee met a member that posts here last year. Verification is easy. Happy digging to find the guy.

I never felt a need to answer insulting questions direct when some of you fail to comprehend what people actually write.

Please don't try to be cute anymore and pass it off as helping newbies. People aren't that dumb and can see right through the smoke and notice your hard on for me.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 05:54:16 PM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Where in the world is Waldo?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 08:44:59 PM »
Billy, I have to agree that what you say is exactly what I see happening and you are a good guy who knows a lot, does all he can to help anyone and are a big asset to RWD. 

I think most reading the threads see what is happening and I think many are tired of all the fighting and bickering.   It seems like every time I blink another thread gets locked and it is the crowd mentality that causes a lot of it. 

Here is a quote from Hub that was in another thread just as an example that people really are smart enough to see what is going on.


Interesting reading these different threads on various topics.  We have a few (maybe many) guys/gals here who get quite emotional in presenting their views.  In many instances these people justify their tenacity in presenting and re-presenting unendingly their views because they claim they are trying to . . . help the newbies avoid some potential pitfalls.

However, these claims of altruism just really don't add up in many instances.  It is not very realistic to think that someone would really be that worried about saving a virtually unknown person from making a potential mistake.

In another thread I see the same people discussing issues and not people and it is refreshing.   I see some of the most convincing arguments made by people who could be far more convincing if they used facts and ideas.  I think we all need to use some self restraint and to try to let go of the bad feelings that some of the past has stirred up and try to make a fresh start helping people learn to be successful. 


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