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« Reply #75 on: June 20, 2006, 12:56:34 AM »
I wanted to go to the Bolshoi Theater Moscow where greats such as Tchaikovsky performed but one needs to reserve tickets months ahead of time. Can't remember the name but Natalia and I did go to a second rate performing arts theater to see a Romeo & Juliet ballet. Going to the theater, we called a taxi to pick us up and while waiting for the taxi, it started to rain in near Biblical proportions. The streets was running with water and I ended up carrying Natalia across the running water to the taxi so her feet wouldn't get wet. Taxi's were expensive at 500-600 roubles average.

congrats Billy on finding a great woman and best of luck. ive met some people from Tashkent here and they always recommend that i visit. after reading your report, maybe its worth a look.

couple things on Moscow though for your next trip or for anyone else heading to Moscow. the Bolshoi in being renovated and all show are performed at the smaller venue adjacent to it or possibly the hugh Krelim Palace close by. So if its the orginal Bolshoi you want to see (and its definately worth it), youll have to wait another year or so until its completed.

If you want a ticket to a show and didnt havent it reserved already, of course you can scalp a ticket outside. for this you most likely will pay double, but you only live once and youre in Moscow with your lady. I did this the last time I went and the price for tickets (2) was 1000 roubles. of course the prices will vary on the quality of the show. chose wisely

also, why didnt you flag cars instead of using taxi services like in Tashkent? when in Moscow, always consider flagging cars as your way around town, unless you want to go by the metro. a ride will (should) never cost more than 200 roubles and 100 will get you most places, and this is even when its 4am in the pouring rain. let your lady do the negotiating. also the cars will never be worse than what they use for taxi's.

again nice report Billy and all the best in the future. peace out.


Offline sweggin

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« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2006, 04:05:34 PM »
Hey BillyB!

Comming in way late in youre T/R.Very good read and youre lady has a kind look about her as well,Congrats!...AKA,Plumberman on the "other" board ;D

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« Reply #77 on: June 25, 2006, 12:03:04 PM »
Hey BillyB!

Comming in way late in youre T/R.Very good read and youre lady has a kind look about her as well,Congrats!...AKA,Plumberman on the "other" board ;D

Sweggin(Plumberman),  Welcome! Why'd you change your name? Now I can't tell you any CRAPPY jokes.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline sweggin

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« Reply #78 on: June 25, 2006, 08:27:20 PM »
Sweggin(Plumberman),  Welcome! Why'd you change your name? Now I can't tell you any CRAPPY jokes.

LOL..Not sure why the AKA,Hell,Maybe the new name change will make me more eleqent in my post's :D

One thought though,Maybe the next T/R should be called,Finish to grade ;)
Great pic's by the way.You two make a great couple.

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« Reply #79 on: June 09, 2016, 02:03:13 AM »
Billy, don't you think that your fiancee would like this better? :)
"The Good Husband's Guide"

* Always make getting and keeping a full-time job with regular raises, benefits, bonuses and the potential for prestigious advancement your number one priority in life. Remember always that you have a wife and children who need your financial support, and that it is your responsibility to provide for them to the best of your ability.

* Always arrive home refreshed and happy - put your bad day or your confrontation with your boss, the traffic, the crowds or the physical exhaustion you might feel aside and try to arrive home as cheery and lighthearted as you possibly can. Your wife has been struggling with the children and the housework all day, she does not need to hear about how bad your day was.

* Be prepared to help with household chores when you get home - let your wife relax or talk on the phone since she has been dealing with these problems all day. Make supper for her often, and offer to clean up afterwards so that she may rest and feel appreciated.

* Do not bore your wife with stories of the troubles you faced at work today. Remember that you are lucky to have a job and that many other men would be happy to trade places with you. Remember that it is not masculine to complain or let worries trouble you. Your job is to provide, and whatever you must go through to achieve this is part of your lot in life. A good husband knows that he is lucky to have a wife at all, and that a woman wants a strong, silent man she can depend on.

* Never expect your wife to have contributed to the smooth operation of the household. She has had a busy day and cannot be expected to provide meals or clean clothes for you. Never insult her by asking her to do such things while you're out earning money. Be mindful always that your wife may think you are being sexist if you ask her to help make a home for your family as part of your partnership.

* Be prepared to account for your whereabouts every minute of the day, including an explanation as to why you were away from the phone when she tried to call or why you were unable to chat with her for twenty minutes when she did get through to you. You must always put her interests first, and be mindful of her natural suspicion about her husband's activities. A good husband knows that men can't be trusted, and that a wife has every reason to believe you will hurt and humiliate her.

* Do not grumble or gripe about handing over your paycheque to her - she is in control of your finances and knows better than you how to spend or invest your money. Never assume that the money you earn is yours to do with as you will - you have a family to think about now, and their needs must always come before your own.

* Listen avidly to your wife's complaints. She leads a hectic life and needs to feel listened to and appreciated. Never suggest ways in which she might solve whatever problem is vexing her. You need only listen; your suggestions are likely insensitive and unfeeling anyway. And do not counter with complaints of your own. She would love to have the chance to leave the house and work, she does not need to hear about how difficult your job is.

* Be prepared to give up your weeknights or weekends to whatever projects or socializing your wife has in mind. If she has determined that cleaning out the garage or painting the upstairs bathroom would be the best use of your time, never complain that you would like to relax or pursue personal interests instead. She has every right to expect that you will make repairs to the house or help her redecorate during your time off. Do not be so selfish as to ask for personal time. You are a family man now, you do not have the luxury of personal time.

* Always be prepared to take over in caring for the children when you get home from work. Your wife has been busy all day and deserves some quiet time. Allow her to watch television or chat with her friends on the phone, go shopping or simply relax. They are your children too, and it is unfair of you to expect to come home from a twelve hour day and simply put your feet up.

* Never grumble about having to support children you didn't want to have. If you were irresponsible enough to help her get pregnant, then it is your duty to pay for that child for the next eighteen years. If you decide to have sex, you must know that pregnancy may result and be fully prepared to take responsibility for it. This, of course, does not apply to her. She doesn't have to be responsible for her actions, and can abort a child she conceived any time she wants, whether this breaks your heart or not. Accept this stoically. She has the special privilege of being able to kill her unborn child, carry it to term and give it up for adoption, or have it and raise it all by herself if she wants, but you have the responsibility of simply living with whatever choice she makes and quite often paying for it, too. Remember, you have no right to be a parent and no right not to be a parent, you are just a man.
A good husband knows his place.

There is one main difference between the Good Wife's Guide and the above. The first list is outdated and laughable in its attitudes towards women; the second list, however, could be printed today since every single sentiment expressed in it is practiced, believed and upheld by modern wives and by the culture at large.

Such a great post, but i am unsure about the pay cheque point. Lots of FSUW have poor money management, and investing skills. A lot of the mindset is spend as you don't know what tomorrow brings. They are not accustomed to thinking about 10 years down the line, as they have lost faith that in 10 years, the money they saved up won't be just stolen from them  by under the table dealings.

Your point about ensuring there is enough money to support your family is very important, and crucial, russia has one of the highest infidelity rates in the world (higher than america from one study). But from studies i have read, and basic understanding of FSUW mentality, it is mainly due to finances, hence why women search abroad.

The explanation about your whereabouts is something i never really grasped, i always thought it was her way of checking up if i am cheating, which you state, but it seems like it is more common than i imagined. I noticed FSUW tend to not be too trusting at times, not sure why. 

I really wished more of you women posted stuff like this. Luckily someone told me about you, and i came across your earlier posts.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 02:08:46 AM by dragonkid »
Not all of us Brits have terrible teeth, right Msmoby?

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« Reply #80 on: June 09, 2016, 05:38:49 AM »

Such a great post, but i am unsure about the pay cheque point. Lots of FSUW have poor money management, and investing skills. A lot of the mindset is spend as you don't know what tomorrow brings. They are not accustomed to thinking about 10 years down the line, as they have lost faith that in 10 years, the money they saved up won't be just stolen from them  by under the table dealings.

Your point about ensuring there is enough money to support your family is very important, and crucial, russia has one of the highest infidelity rates in the world (higher than america from one study). But from studies i have read, and basic understanding of FSUW mentality, it is mainly due to finances, hence why women search abroad.

The explanation about your whereabouts is something i never really grasped, i always thought it was her way of checking up if i am cheating, which you state, but it seems like it is more common than i imagined. I noticed FSUW tend to not be too trusting at times, not sure why. 

I really wished more of you women posted stuff like this. Luckily someone told me about you, and i came across your earlier posts.

Hey dragonkid,

This was a tongue-in-cheek post in response to the one Billy posted. It was not written by me or by an FSU woman for that matter, I believe.

Glad you enjoyed my posts - i earned a lot of enemies on RWD for posting what I really think  ;)
Be the person that your dog thinks you are

Offline dragonkid

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« Reply #81 on: June 09, 2016, 06:06:10 AM »

Hey dragonkid,

This was a tongue-in-cheek post in response to the one Billy posted. It was not written by me or by an FSU woman for that matter, I believe.

Glad you enjoyed my posts - i earned a lot of enemies on RWD for posting what I really think  ;)

ah i see, what is your opinion on a woman asking their partner where has has been frequently? I got this with my ex, and some others i talk to, they were very worried what i was doing.
Not all of us Brits have terrible teeth, right Msmoby?

Offline BillyB

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« Reply #82 on: June 09, 2016, 08:09:53 PM »
i earned a lot of enemies on RWD for posting what I really think  ;)

The guys here love you Pitbull except when you bite. We should make love, not war.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.


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