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Author Topic: Apartments Versus Hotels  (Read 85483 times)

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Offline BillyB

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2017, 03:24:07 PM »

One problem with apartments is that they aren't cleaned up as well as hotels. I don't know how women do it but they have an eye for things. They can spot another woman's strand of hair on the floor. One girl picked up a strand of hair and showed me. I didn't have any woman in the apartment before her but there's always going to be suspicion if they find hair...or panties.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2017, 09:02:47 PM »

So am I the lastest guy who married a Ukrainian girl?
From these forums?

So I will give one Real life recent prospective..

She liked the premiere Rus.. Apartment,, great view... Center of town.. 80 or 90 USD a night... Still cheap..

But we stayed in her apartment or her parents house.. most of my trip...

We played house at her place...

With a large hotel room, with a nice hot tube.. We found it large enough that it felt normal to get room service...

In small rooms,,, it sucks finding places to put the food,, so just go out...

If the girl likes you... I don't see why she would not stay in a hotel or an apartment...

The point is you should talk to her,, make plans together...

Gonna get the wife on here..
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Offline JayH

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2017, 09:19:02 PM »
[quote author=JayH link=topic=14615.msg454522#msg454522 date=148

Guys here will say -- girls will not go to hotel room - I say  bs.

Shame you spoil some reasonable points by suggesting FACTUAL advice is 'bs' ...  Makes me wonder if JayH has ever actually tried to bring a FSUW back to his hotel room....

The comments make me wonder if any of you lot have !

Now I could add more  in response -- like-- perhaps you guys should not have invited girls the doormen recognise ! ;D

Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

Offline Anotherkiwi

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2017, 05:21:23 PM »
I love staying in hotels. Daily clean sheets/bathrooms, room services, convenient places to eat, concierges, 24-hr accessibility. Ease of check out check-ins. If in Russia and you need to register your's right there in the lobby. Get it done the minute you check in. They'll even bring your passport back to your room. Security.

Granted those are all items which make life easier, and I would certainly agree if it's your first stop in the FSU, or if you're only staying a day or two in one place before moving on.  However, much of that list applies to apartments as well.  I would disagree somewhat on the "ease of check out check-ins" bit - whilst generally positive, my experience varied from 30 seconds all up, and couldn't be more helpful, to being totally ignored for 10 minutes while a bunch of Russians literally pushed me out of the way so that they could get to the counter and harangue the receptionists.

I know it's only one thing, but why the emphasis on daily clean sheets?  Do you change them every day at home?  In any case, there's nothing to stop you changing the sheets every day in an apartment if you so desire.  I can strip and remake a bed in five minutes, and I'm sure that you can too.  Also, some hotels have little cards in the rooms stating that they prefer not to change them every day because of trying to conserve water, or other concerns for the environment (yeah, I know - the FSU concerned for the environment!), although they will if you ask them to.

With all the anxiety newbs faces on their first trip, why add an unnecessary angst getting acquainted with apartments that (at least 5-10 years ago) are a far cry than most of you are accustomed to. Putting up with urine-reeking elevators smaller than your pantry. Drafty. Sketchy locations, etc...

Again, whilst I've experienced the tiny elevators where you couldn't even fit a cat, let alone swing one, all the apartments that I stayed in on both my trips were right up to the standards of anything I would have expected to rent in my own country - even if the stairwells were occasionally out of the dark ages (or, in one case, still in them!).  All beautifully roomy, all (except one) with the stereotypical high stud rooms, and all with perfectly nice bathrooms.  Admittedly a hand-held shower spray takes a bit of getting used to if you're accustomed to a fixed shower head, but men in this venture should surely have enough self-confidence to treat their whole trip as an adventure.  If they can't even handle talking to an apartment manager then they shouldn't be looking for a wife from the FSU.

Throughout the years in these boards, think of how many cases of trouble that had befallen guys using apartments vs. hotels their first trip. From robbery, mugging, scams, etc...a 10:1 ratio is being *optimistic*.

Again, whilst not disagreeing that this happens, you must surely appreciate that this kind of thing is actually very rare when you consider the number of men who have travelled to the FSU without incidents of any kind.  I prefer to think that my own experience, with everyone going out of their way to be helpful, is more representative.  The only slight negative I can recall is being asked to hurry up and get out of my apartment in St Petersburg because the next renter was waiting outside the door to move in!

The costs aren't (weren't) that much different either. I remember Moscow Rick's apartments were generally at the same price range Tverskaya-Marriot was, without the creature comfort appointments Marriot offered.

I can't comment on Moscow, because I only used it for a day or three at a time so only stayed in hotels, but other cities where I stayed all had apartments that were much cheaper than the equivalent level of hotel.  This included one on my first trip where the lady I was visiting arranged for me to rent an apartment belonging to a friend who was travelling overseas at the time - total cost 3500 RUR for a week (equivalent then to about $US120).

This is one REAL bonus that you can't get with hotels - although it probably applies only to WOVOs, if the woman you're visiting likes you enough BEFORE you even get there, she will work really hard to help in ways like this.  An upside of this, too, is that the hundreds of dollars you save on accommodation can be spent on other things.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2017, 07:32:37 PM »
AK  --Russians queuing --mm .It does not take many trips to get past that. !!!!

On the apartments being cheaper than hotel -I dispute that.Guys keep stating that as a fact-- it is simply not correct.It is possible to find cheaper -if for a much longer term etc. As a rule-- much of the same.
Before I hear it-- I am talking of similar standard.

A short story ( not a TR a IR (Incident Report !!  :)--are you reading 2T !!) -- recently ( as in last year) I had booked an apartment through a well known website that is often recommended on this forum ( fwiw not Odessa). I had advised a precise arrival time and had email confirmation etc .
In this case -- I knew the area very well -- even having been in the building previously -- so had no advance nervousness of heading into the unknown or unfamiliar.
Earlier in the day I had sent sms reconfirming eta.
So--I arrive ( to the minute!) and call the number previously advised -- no answer.
Over the next 30 minutes I keep trying --eventually phone is answered -- by a non English speaking lady !
I get the gist of what she is telling me-- I incorrectly think she is telling me to come to the office --she was in fact telling me to go to another address.
So --now I go to my first fall back position -- I send sms in Russian ( I can do 2 way translation on phone ) asking the address.
So --off I go to find new address. Now for those of you here who do understand how difficult that can actually be -- you will have the picture.
Note --I am using 2 GPS's plus phone to navigate .I had to start computer to get plan of area! ( I have modem and local internet access in advance)
After spending 30 plus minutes within a couple of hundred metres  and still not succeeding -- I relented and called my help! I knew she was at work and was trying not to interrupt her .( she knows I can mostly manage and was waiting for sms to say all was ok and I had arrived)
Because I had misunderstood the redirection on phone it took some time to sort out!!
The crux of all this- the apartment I had booked ( & paid plenty deposit)was occupied for the next 2 days and they had a different apartment  for me for a couple of days and then move !
By the time I walked in the door it was 2 1/2 hours after my original on time eta !
Now- take note -this was after flying from Australia  and apart from catnap while flying -- approaching 48 hours since I started my journey !
My immediate plan had been to shower,shave and get a few hours sleep ,buy some flowers  and collect my lady when she finished work.

Aggravating this delay --I was within a couple of 100 meters of a Hotel I know well and like a lot.For the record -- that hotel was/is cheaper than the apartment --plus it has a terrific breakfast that caters for all tastes included in its price !

Ok -- so I am in the apartment -- first thing I note is balcony that can be far too easily accessed for my liking . So that night I put my own security measures in place -- and they were tested! Once I heard someone trying to get in --there was no long or restfull sleep.

In summary -- I was in a city and area I know well and comfortable in the situation -although a little annoyed - it is not so unusual to have drama finding apartments and getting access. I also had help available if needed -- and a hotel I would have checked in to if the drama had continued much longer that day.

What it did do was interrupt my plans for the day and evening - not the end of the world -- but it was frustrating at the time.

Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2017, 08:32:32 AM »
The comments make me wonder if any of you lot have !

Let me see :

St Petersburg - 1st date - we had chatted on line - I was on biz there and we had agreed to meet in that city - away from her city  - happy to come up to the room - but said, "shame you didn't have an apartment".. I would have felt comfortable staying the night..  I made sure I booked an apartment, next time ..  She stayed..

Novorossiysk - 1st meeting for real - booked into a Hotel at her suggestion - things worked out rsther better than we thought and I suggested she might like to snog my face off in my hotel room .. to which she replied " I'm a respectable business woman in this area and I book conference rooms here ... you should have booked an apartment on reflection .."

She came to me in CY and I booked an apartment 25 km from the city, next time, in Russia ... to avoid such 'frustrating moments'

Krasnoyarsk: ( she had already met me in in Cyprus - so a second 'date' ) My eventual Wife ... she advised me to "book an apartment  - as I live in the city and frankly she didn't want to be subject to the gaze of 'knowing' Door-men / chamber maids .."  She had a a place of her own - but had a 16 year old son ... who stayed with her  ex / Mum ... But we wanted privacy

Haven't some 'experts' heard of serviced apartments  ' ?   They even have the beds changed and the rooms cleaned regularly .. :)

YES, for a newb... a Hotel is better - for the first day or so ... then get a decent apartment .. if you really want privacy..  If you're the sort that doesn't learn quick or doesn't want to leave the hotel to try out restaurants and see the place you've come all that way to visit ... Sure - stick to hotels ..

So, JayH ... I'm basing my advice on "situations best avoided next time" .. What's your 'excuse' ..?

« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 03:31:09 PM by msmob »

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2017, 10:34:16 AM »

Most of the crime that happens with apartments is because a guy gets involved with the wrong girl. She gets him horny which makes him drop his pants. She tells he to go take a quick shower. He comes back naked and she's gone with pants and a few other items.

One guy brought his girl to the apartment and she answered a knock on the door. A few guys beat him to near death. When he came to, the guys and girl were gone.

It seems men fail to develop a friendship with the ladies before visiting through phone or Skype and if they do communicate with ladies first, certain men are a poor judge of character.

Once rented an apartment and there were a stack of papers near the TV that the cleaning lady forgot to clean up. It was a printout from a sex forum talking about where to get the best sluts in Kiev.

I've used mostly apartments in my travels to the FSU but occasionally will book a hotel.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2017, 10:58:42 AM »
Once rented an apartment and there were a stack of papers near the TV that the cleaning lady forgot to clean up. It was a printout from a sex forum talking about where to get the best sluts in Kyiv.

So how long did it take to get there from your apartment?
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2017, 05:00:18 PM »
AK  --Russians queuing --mm .It does not take many trips to get past that. !!!!

No - they weren't queueing.  I was in a queue of one!

On the apartments being cheaper than hotel -I dispute that.Guys keep stating that as a fact-- it is simply not correct.It is possible to find cheaper -if for a much longer term etc. As a rule-- much of the same.
Before I hear it-- I am talking of similar standard.

You keep saying this, but I will continue to disagree, BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE.  I don't need to stay somewhere like the Marriott, but on both my trips (2006 and 2010) I was unable to find hotel rooms of the standard I was after for under $125, yet I had no trouble finding apartments of an equivalent standard for $75 or less.  If you could have found a room in a four-star hotel in a large provincial city for $120 a week (what I paid for my apartment) I would have congratulated you.  Quite simply, they didn't exist then (although I won't comment on the current costs).  Moscow prices on my first trip were insane - four-star hotels at $400+ a night; even recommended three-star accommodation cost at least $250.

Again, I stress that this was MY experience - others will obviously differ.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2017, 05:20:59 PM »

You keep saying this, but I will continue to disagree, BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE.  standard for $75 or less.  If you could have found a room in a four-star hotel in a large provincial city for $120 a week (what I paid for my apartment) I would have congratulated you. Quite simply, they didn't exist then (although I won't comment on the current costs).  Moscow prices on my first trip were insane - four-star hotels at $400+ a night; even recommended three-star accommodation cost at least $250.

Again, I stress that this was MY experience - others will obviously differ.

No one is disputing your experience--  my comments are directed at all that keep saying apartments are cheaper --it is misleading advice  .eg  the guy recently that visited western Ukraine    and paid well over the odds for the apartment .
( btw --  that guy had zero chance of ever playing house with that lady !)

"a room in a four-star hotel in a large provincial city for $120 a week"

I could book  a hotel fitting that description today  for just a few dollars more($127 in fact) than that target. That is today!

The numbers in big cities like Moscow and Kyiv  will be different -no question of that -- but the same principles apply.

In more recent times I have seen more apartment/hotels appearing   .Basically less complicated apartments with a receptionist. Often listed as both apartment and hotel!!
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 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2017, 06:47:54 PM »

Is the authoritative resource for finding apartments that don't have cement benches for beds?

Did I tell all you apartment lovers that those I stayed in sucked? I am not expecting Ritz which I had stayed in sometime ago. I am expecting at least Extended Stay level. Perhaps I picked the wrong ones to stay in Kiev. My pet peeves....cement beds, 1970s bathrooms. I don't give a *&^% about kitchens. I like to eat out and try various cuisines when I am in foreign country. I am cooking nothing.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2017, 07:03:05 PM »
We have stayed in apartments , usualy  for a month at atime

for agood quality one they are imo , much better to relax in and cost is less ioe

travel time for us from oz to kiev /kharkiv is usually less than 21 hours ....... total
direct flights to dubai , then into either of the citys above ... 

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2017, 07:24:43 PM »

Is the authoritative resource for finding apartments that don't have cement benches for beds?

Did I tell all you apartment lovers that those I stayed in sucked? I am not expecting Ritz which I had stayed in sometime ago. I am expecting at least Extended Stay level. Perhaps I picked the wrong ones to stay in Kiev. My pet peeves....cement beds, 1970s bathrooms. I don't give a *&^% about kitchens. I like to eat out and try various cuisines when I am in foreign country. I am cooking nothing.

So--Nikolaev ,Odessa,Kyiv? Approx when?

Earlier in thread you were given link for Odessa -use it ! If  you want opinion on specific apartment there--ask-someone may know it .
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 07:36:10 PM by JayH »
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2017, 07:43:54 PM »
Kiev, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkiv in mid-Feb to 1st week of March.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2017, 09:37:10 PM »
wallm , my wife and family usually choose /negotiate on the apartments there

we have had mostly good ones , newly renovated with good kitchens and bathrooms , etc , top places at low rates for extended stays

however there are some doosies as well , use a local if possible that you know or trust if your by yourself

« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 11:13:43 PM by southernX »
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2017, 10:52:32 PM »
Granted those are all items which make life easier, and I would certainly agree if it's your first stop in the FSU, or if you're only staying a day or two in one place before moving on.  However, much of that list applies to apartments as well.  I would disagree somewhat on the "ease of check out check-ins" bit - whilst generally positive, my experience varied from 30 seconds all up, and couldn't be more helpful, to being totally ignored for 10 minutes while a bunch of Russians literally pushed me out of the way so that they could get to the counter and harangue the receptionists.

I know it's only one thing, but why the emphasis on daily clean sheets?  Do you change them every day at home?  In any case, there's nothing to stop you changing the sheets every day in an apartment if you so desire.  I can strip and remake a bed in five minutes, and I'm sure that you can too.  Also, some hotels have little cards in the rooms stating that they prefer not to change them every day because of trying to conserve water, or other concerns for the environment (yeah, I know - the FSU concerned for the environment!), although they will if you ask them to.

Again, whilst I've experienced the tiny elevators where you couldn't even fit a cat, let alone swing one, all the apartments that I stayed in on both my trips were right up to the standards of anything I would have expected to rent in my own country - even if the stairwells were occasionally out of the dark ages (or, in one case, still in them!).  All beautifully roomy, all (except one) with the stereotypical high stud rooms, and all with perfectly nice bathrooms.  Admittedly a hand-held shower spray takes a bit of getting used to if you're accustomed to a fixed shower head, but men in this venture should surely have enough self-confidence to treat their whole trip as an adventure.  If they can't even handle talking to an apartment manager then they shouldn't be looking for a wife from the FSU.

Again, whilst not disagreeing that this happens, you must surely appreciate that this kind of thing is actually very rare when you consider the number of men who have travelled to the FSU without incidents of any kind.  I prefer to think that my own experience, with everyone going out of their way to be helpful, is more representative.  The only slight negative I can recall is being asked to hurry up and get out of my apartment in St Petersburg because the next renter was waiting outside the door to move in!

I can't comment on Moscow, because I only used it for a day or three at a time so only stayed in hotels, but other cities where I stayed all had apartments that were much cheaper than the equivalent level of hotel.  This included one on my first trip where the lady I was visiting arranged for me to rent an apartment belonging to a friend who was travelling overseas at the time - total cost 3500 RUR for a week (equivalent then to about $US120).

This is one REAL bonus that you can't get with hotels - although it probably applies only to WOVOs, if the woman you're visiting likes you enough BEFORE you even get there, she will work really hard to help in ways like this.  An upside of this, too, is that the hundreds of dollars you save on accommodation can be spent on other things.

LMAO! You basically agreed with me, yet offered counter points of disagreement in the same breath.

I gotcha!

Do folks in your company notice times like this with you as strangely mystifying?
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2017, 12:39:13 AM »

 With all the anxiety newbs faces on their first trip, why add an unnecessary angst getting acquainted with apartments that (at least 5-10 years ago) are a far cry than most of you are accustomed to. Putting up with urine-reeking elevators smaller than your pantry. Drafty. Sketchy locations, etc...

I have come back to this post for a reason -- GQ very correctly qualifies his "opinion" of his experiences by putting a time on it.
All to often those that were in a search in another era fail to point that out.So thankyou.

While I have found myself in apartments as GQ describes as late as last year -there is another side of that coin.
The large majority of apartments I have stayed have been up to near enough my home -or better standard.Renovating is booming in Ukraine and many apartments are fully up to western standards.That rarely applies to the common areas of older buildings where Ukraine is still struggling with laws in that area.
For 2T - an incident report not a TR !! My Ukrainian ex  owned her apartment and renovated it-- to a full on 5 star tasteful western quality .It was in a block with many other apartments so the common areas -well-what can I say.
That standard applies in quite a few owner occupied apartments I have seen  and in some rentals also.
 There are also new developments of apartment blocks with good quality apartments available to rent.
Ukraine is changing in every way -these a just a few examples.
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2017, 06:44:09 AM »
Above all & repeating-- most guys are incapable of getting a girl to accept an invitation prematurely to private space- be that a hotel or an apartment.

JayH, repeating bollox doesn't make it 'fact'..

There are two ways of looking at reality..

1/ Lady's perspective..  there's a 'connection' - but I don't want knowing looks or to be challenged by security

2/ Guy's perspective... there's a 'connection' and both parties may wish to engage in games for two ... he wants the lady to be relaxed

Now, I REALLY don't know if you've reached that moment - when privacy is required... but you might like to accept that these situations occur - so why not remove a stumbling block ?

Over 10 years ago - I was renting serviced apartments with western stds. of bathrooms and décor in Kyiv, Moscow, Siberia, St. Petersburg, Crimea and Volgograd..  I insisted on this.  I was going nearly every month from Cyprus - work related.

We stayed over new year at a top notch hotel resort and there was three levels of security to get to the reception desk and all guests had to have a pass - one had to go to the concierge - where he checked your records / passports and issued a new card.

SC forgot her keycard after we went out to a Russian Banya on the complex and I had to run to the room to get her ( internal ) passport to get her in !

Things have moved on and security is a big deal..  For guys on a visit many trip  - chances are the Hotel might think you are bringing ladies of night  - if you have different partners.. :))

Really, I'm not saying, "Don't stay at a hotel" ..I'm just saying, be aware of potential "limitations"

In the cases where ''Games for two" did not take place, due to those limiting factors - I ensured a follow up visit and can advise that said factors no longer being an issue  - demonstrated the wisdom of booking an apartment.....

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2017, 10:08:35 AM »
Over 10 years ago - I was renting serviced apartments with western stds. of bathrooms and décor in Kyiv, Moscow, Siberia, St. Petersburg, Crimea and Volgograd..  I insisted on this.  I was going nearly every month from Cyprus - work related.

We stayed over new year at a top notch hotel resort and there was three levels of security to get to the reception desk and all guests had to have a pass - one had to go to the concierge - where he checked your records / passports and issued a new card.

SC forgot her keycard after we went out to a Russian Banya on the complex and I had to run to the room to get her ( internal ) passport to get her in !

Things have moved on and security is a big deal..  For guys on a visit many trip  - chances are the Hotel might think you are bringing ladies of night  - if you have different partners.. :))

Really, I'm not saying, "Don't stay at a hotel" ..I'm just saying, be aware of potential "limitations"

In the cases where ''Games for two" did not take place, due to those limiting factors - I ensured a follow up visit and can advise that said factors no longer being an issue  - demonstrated the wisdom of booking an apartment.....

I have absolutely no doubt your (mine and everyone else's) experience/s regarding this subject have its own merit. Thus, your advise is a representation of your preference for the readers at large. I, too, is not short on my preferences. Stayed in hotels, apartments, hostels, B&Bs all through western Europe (after my college years) - and when the iron curtain fell, all through central Europe (Czech/Slovakia/Hungary 1998-2003) and ultimately to Russia's Moscow, St. Pete, Ekaterinberg and Novosibirsk.

Done the same in So. America/Asia. Even to that lovely country north of us simply called 'Canada'.

But this is all it is - *preferences*.  I only took exception with some of the posts above making this very subjective matter so narrow by invoking that choosing hotels over apartments as an end all be all greatest sin a newbie can ever make in this endeavor. Wholly void on the readers' own preferential experiences extent/limitations. Heck, even when I made mistakes on my first travel/visit to Russia, I knew myself enough that I can easily adopt, cope and correct it on the fly. Andrewfi read my T/R, so did some of the old-timers here, they can attest to the extent of what I'm saying here. But I am also aware that what I do and have done isn't, and cannot be, a 'fit-for-all' approach.

There is NO absolution in generalities! I'm certain that if we all tried hard enough, we can all fit a square peg in a round hole, but this really is hardly the point in this.

Based on my travels the world over, all things considered, I'd prefer hotels over apartments for reasons noted above. Just as, for me, WMVM is the sanest way to do this endeavor. However, I do not, will not, and cannot diminish anyone else doing things differently than I have as *insane*.

I already forgot what the book was called before the inception of the internet, but I remember relying heavily on the information within it before I travelled. It starts with a letter 'F" (edit: just remembered: Fulton). When the internet got started, I exclusively used 'Virtual Tourist' for all my travel information because you get to network directly with the locals for recommendation within any point of destination you're looking to travel to. Even became a contributing member for the site. Now, of course, you have Trip Advisor & AirBNB.

Bottom line is, all we can ever convey and share here are *personal preferences*, and let Readers (Buyers) Beware. After all, we don't really know the personalities of the Newbs. Nor do we know the depth of their financial/social/mental/psychological experiences. And vis-à-vis. We are all individuals having differing, subjective experiences and preferences.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 04:23:13 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2017, 02:26:38 PM »
I have even experienced that several gals would not even go into lobby of hotel with me to pick up copy of Kyiv Post.  They would insist on waiting out on  the street; and even there they told me they were 'glared at' by the beefy door guards.

But, on the other hand . . . a couple of very high level professional gals (not prostitutes) who had traveled a lot, marched right up to reception desk, asked for key to my room and led the way up . . . to the more or less astonished look from reception gals.

Can't play house --- mmmm -- that is not correct either. If you mean chores - they can still be done in a hotel-- and the part that matters-- can happen anywhere

You are attempting to make a conclusive argument  to try and 'win" here.There is more than one way to do things - and some make life easier and are more preferable.

If you want or like to stay in a hotel, then by all means do so. A hotel room is a bed,
a Sh!tter toilet and a shower.

I have a Russian wife, she lives with me and I really, really like it. I could write for hours
about all the things I like about it and her. I like doing things with her even simple day
to day things, I like being around her. These are the things I experience every day.
I didn't marry her for the sex and the chores (both are really great though). It is
the unexplainable connection and love that we have. 

I am telling men that they can more realistically experience some of what I get every day
by having an apartment. Maybe they won't but they will have a better chance if they do.
For those using the visit one strategy (hopefully with a backup plan), they would be
idiots to stay in a hotel, if everything goes right you will have an FSUW move in with you.

Let's also look at this from a purely skeptical and due diligence standpoint. It's far better
to live in a semi realistic atmosphere to evaluate a potential Mrs _______your name here
along with her positives and negatives for life than in an unrealistic one. In real life she
will go shopping with you, put various groceries away, organize the kitchen spill stuff in
the kitchen or on the floor,  and a thousand other things. 

In real married life you don't eat every meal in a restaurant, have maids clean your room,
and leave your home every day for something to do. The only things that happen in a hotel
room are sleeping, sex and maybe a pre-coital shower or a post coital one together.

Apartments are more like real life. The girl will feel more comfortable there and she is
far more likely to shack up with you. The hooker thing is real. Several TR have reported
this. Sally (not her real name) from my trip report told me about it. She also said that
men staying in hotels were also suspected of having hooker visitors.

NOTE: Sally is just a friend and we never had romantic designs with each other.

My opinion is that apartments are far better than hotel rooms. For those who complain
about hard/lumpy beds then I suggest having somebody help you select your apartment.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2017, 02:42:56 PM »

If you want or like to stay in a hotel, then by all means do so. A hotel room is a bed,
a Sh!tter toilet and a shower.

I have a Russian wife, she lives with me and I really, really like it. I could write for hours
about all the things I like about it and her. I like doing things with her even simple day
to day things, I like being around her. These are the things I experience every day.
I didn't marry her for the sex and the chores (both are really great though). It is
the unexplainable connection and love that we have. 

I am telling men that they can more realistically experience some of what I get every day
by having an apartment. Maybe they won't but they will have a better chance if they do.
For those using the visit one strategy (hopefully with a backup plan), they would be
idiots to stay in a hotel, if everything goes right you will have an FSUW move in with you.

Let's also look at this from a purely skeptical and due diligence standpoint. It's far better
to live in a semi realistic atmosphere to evaluate a potential Mrs _______your name here
along with her positives and negatives for life than in an unrealistic one. In real life she
will go shopping with you, put various groceries away, organize the kitchen spill stuff in
the kitchen or on the floor,  and a thousand other things. 

In real married life you don't eat every meal in a restaurant, have maids clean your room,
and leave your home every day for something to do. The only things that happen in a hotel
room are sleeping, sex and maybe a pre-coital shower or a post coital one together.

Apartments are more like real life. The girl will feel more comfortable there and she is
far more likely to shack up with you. The hooker thing is real. Several TR have reported
this. Sally (not her real name) from my trip report told me about it. She also said that
men staying in hotels were also suspected of having hooker visitors.

NOTE: Sally is just a friend and we never had romantic designs with each other.

My opinion is that apartments are far better than hotel rooms. For those who complain
about hard/lumpy beds then I suggest having somebody help you select your apartment.

Hero Member
Re: Pursuing FSUW 101. The procedures and the dating websites.
« Reply #92 on: January 18, 2017, 12:45:01 AM »
Nope-- you have made zero case . All your arguments apply to ongoing and more established relationship---  not a first meeting deal at all.That is the whole point of what i have said-  once established relationship different issues apply.

I have repeatedly qualified what I have said .Longer stays have a different criteria.
Not to sure how much clearer I could have been.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 03:04:14 PM by JayH »
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2017, 02:58:41 PM »
JayH, repeating bollox doesn't make it 'fact'..

There are two ways of looking at reality..

1/ Lady's perspective..  there's a 'connection' - but I don't want knowing looks or to be challenged by security

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Re: Pursuing FSUW 101. The procedures and the dating websites.
« Reply #120 on: Today at 06:44:09 AM »
Quote from: JayH on January 19, 2017, 03:01:22 PM
Above all & repeating-- most guys are incapable of getting a girl to accept an invitation prematurely to private space- be that a hotel or an apartment.

"JayH, repeating bollox doesn't make it 'fact'.."

Are you disputing my opinion?
I stand by it .

It is you again with the "bollox"
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2017, 03:23:47 PM »
Hero Member
Re: Pursuing FSUW 101. The procedures and the dating websites.
« Reply #92 on: January 18, 2017, 12:45:01 AM »
Nope-- you have made zero case . All your arguments apply to ongoing and more established relationship---  not a first meeting deal at all.

Wrong, I specifically addressed first meetings among men who are using visit
one strategies. In a visit one situation girls are very, very likely to move in with
you and shack up on a first visit, at least they are with me.

In my own situation, it happened in Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk and Voronezh all
on my first visit. It didn't work out in one of my Kiev visits or, in Tblisi, or
St Petersburg. In my visit many trips, I entertained guests in Kiev and St Petersburg.

I have repeatedly qualified what I have said .Longer stays have a different criteria.
Not to sure how much clearer I could have been.

Repeating yourself doesn't make your arguments more credible or mine have
less merit. There are a hundred ways to find an FSUW and a thousand ways to
f#ck it up. I strongly believe my argument is superior to yours. I've used
different examples and arguments to make my case as have you.

We have reached a point where I think we need to agree to disagree and
let the newbies read both sides and decide for themselves.


« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 03:25:41 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2017, 03:07:34 AM »

There is NO absolution in generalities! I'm certain that if we all tried hard enough, we can all fit a square peg in a round hole, but this really is hardly the point in this.

All sounding sensible ..

Based on my travels the world over, all things considered, I'd prefer hotels over apartments for reasons noted above. Just as, for me, WMVM is the sanest way to do this endeavor. However, I do not, will not, and cannot diminish anyone else doing things differently than I have as *insane*.

I have had this discussion with Beel, SO many times ... At least we agree re the apartment v hotel ;)

Bottom line is, all we can ever convey and share here are *personal preferences*, and let Readers (Buyers) Beware. After all, we don't really know the personalities of the Newbs. Nor do we know the depth of their financial/social/mental/psychological experiences. And vis-à-vis. We are all individuals having differing, subjective experiences and preferences.

But, we surely DO know what most (?) FSUW feel about being invited back to a hotel room ? 

You haven't - hopefully - dated there in 13 plus years.

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Re: Apartments Versus Hotels
« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2017, 07:09:14 PM »
If you go for 1-2 nights i'd recommend a hotel, if you plan to stay for more than 1 week an apartment is a better deal.
Attention!!! An apartment should cost about 60% of a same quality hotel room.
Let's hope, let's love
J'adore ce flair de site de rencontre franco russe


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