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Author Topic: Full service benefits No full service commitments ?  (Read 12490 times)

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Offline andrewfi

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« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2005, 01:42:57 AM »
Marc ~ you are a silly man. Sorry, you may have a good heart, but that does not eradicate the silliness.

You ask for feedback, You get it. Shoot the messenger. What difference does it make to me? WHy on earth do you think that a bloke who is trying to ake positive suggestions is filled with pain. From where I am sitting it seems very much that you kited this thread as an attempt at an extended advertisement for your business. It is great that Dan has given you the leeway to continue, but in reality it can only do so as long as discussion is open. If you want the discussion to be about the benefits of your service, how great it is and its value then it loses all its educational value. BTW, I am sure that you offer a decent service. I do not even think it is bad value. Just that it is no longer appropriate, as your claimed 'success' this past year suggests.

If you boast 500 mariages since the inception of the business the past year has been a tragedy. I am sorry that the business is in such dire straits. I hope that you find a new strategy to turn it around.

Stirring the pot of your old stew will not improve its flavour!

You need new ingredients.

Offline Marc Dayton

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« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2005, 08:03:33 AM »
Simple we ask for facts. You give nuthing, but your BS. This king of BS comes from bitterness, you say a lot of things, but don't back them with any research or numbers.

The truth is in your last statment you use Dan name and state I am using his board for advertising. The truth comes out!  Your on a campain agents agency.

You are slick I will give you that, first you attacked from a point of View I didnot understand, but know I see were all your bitterness comes from. You belive I am using Dan for advertising,and the fact that I am a agency so you twist it to destory the content of the post itslef. Thats total bitterness.

Your attack of the post has had the effect you hoped for. Anyone that might have a need or something positive to say has been run off. Why would they say anything with you waitting to twist there meanning into your personal bitterness no one wants to here this or have their words twisted agents them.

I have sean lots of men who will not post on the RWL because of Drama Queens just like you. They won't post and tell their stories because pepole like you twist their post, and try to make them look dum. That type of bitterness comes from deep Pain inside you.

Good chop job!!!


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« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2005, 08:21:03 AM »
What facts do you want Marc?

You know you are running a dying business. It is your job to stop the rot. I made a couple of suggestions. Bruno and I agreed on at least one of them. But it is your business, your job to do your research. I have posted data on this board for you, it is not my problem if you either can not read or understand it. I am sure that as a competant manager you have information available to you that I do not.

The data you provided is the most telling. In the past year, you have had 20 visitors to two sites. You claim, 15 engagements/marriages from those two sites. You claim to have seen 500 marriages from your time with LTP, since IIRC 1997. What do those numbers tell you Marc?

Do they tell you that you are running a dynamic and successful business?

If you were simply keeping pace with previous years you would have expected to seen some 70 odd marriages from just the Tver site. Do you think I want to see anyone fail at their business? Of course not. There are things you can do, as I noted above, stirring the same old stew will not improve its taste. Look to your strengths, look at what is working.

This is not bitternness on my part, why should I be bitter? What have I done, except made a couple of suggestions based upon data available to anyone with an eye.

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« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2005, 08:47:59 AM »
Marc,  I think perhaps you are mis-construing what Andrefin posted.  Honestly,  I see no bitterness in his post.
"Never argue with a fool,  onlookers may not be able to tell the difference".  Mark Twain

Offline Marc Dayton

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« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2005, 08:53:25 AM »
Twist twist twist, if you thinking giveing men what they are getting is good advice you know nuthing. You can rip pepole off if you want too.

you keep advoiding backing your BS. I wish you some happyness in you life maybe then you will let other pepole look for their happeness. I am going to repost this to see if you will let others have something to say other then your personal attacks. You should help Bruno as you two seam to be on the same page agency key board blasters, but thats your right to try and make an ass out of me by batting me.

I still think you should tell your story, but I don't think you have one to tell!!

Good luck

Give others a chance to speek get you last words in here, and then give us a chance to here what others may have to say that are positive.

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« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2005, 09:27:53 AM »
Marc, in any event you have said your numbers are picking up based upon flower orders earlier in the thread and you are expecting alot of men to visit both of your agencies in the near future, so I'll assume for the present time your client base continues to visit.  What your agency has going for it are demographics, both in the USA with guys and Russia with girls as well as your agency really being one of the only honest high quality programs left in a location that is relatively easy to get to in Russia.  You are one of the only agencies that stands alone as an island of honesty in a sea of scamming, crooked agency sharks, unfortunately with negative perception both here as well as in Russia.

Getting back to your original request for input I believe your fee per day for guys who just show up after "failing" ie. becomming disenchanted with another agencies services or having a WOVO go to pot is too low and undercuts your full service clients.  I would think it is in your interests to have the guy who just shows up pay at least as much or a bit more than your full service clients.  I know you have a good heart and want to help the guy who shows up at your agencies door in Tver or Ivonovo, but don't you think that your prospective full service clients may take it as an insult that if they just show up knocking at your door they could get almost as good service?   So, could you outline what the benefits are for the guy who wants to use your full program, ie. works with you from step one, writes or does not write girls and comes to Ivonovo or Tver or both with your reorganized business model?

Disclaimer - I personally think Marc as well as Jack do a great service to guys seeking a bride from the FSU and always enjoy reading their current thoughts concerning guys looking for a wife in Russia (FSU applies to Jack only).  I also have a number of friends I am looking out for and I want to make sure I steer them in the right direction(s).
« Last Edit: March 11, 2005, 10:08:00 AM by Bruce »
"A word is dead when it is said, some say.  I say it just begins to live that day."  Emily Dickinson

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« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2005, 01:44:18 AM »
The Decline And Fall Of An Industry

I predicted the decline of the MOB industry, as we know it, a coupla years ago.  At the time I said it was about to die on the vine, the then LPT owner, Ron Woody, told me that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Kinda wonder what handwriting he saw on the wall that prompted him to bail last year.

It matters not if Marc will admit knowing what drives the woman to come to a marriage agency or not.   In a relatively small city like Tver the pond is small and the fishing is limited.  When times were bad, I mean really bad, all the sleek little fishes wanna be caught and moved to a better pond, when things are good, the little fishes are content in their own pond.

It's simple economics that drives the supply of attractive young women into the MOB office.  It's not hard to figure out.  Tver may actually be fished out of really good wife material leaving only the hard core pro-daters, girls with enough mental baggage no man would could be right with, and the homely losers that have suffered so much rejection over the years.  Well, with no more competition from the really good girls, those losers will now have their shot at the brass ring.  

I've mentioned this before on the *other* board and caught a lot of flack for it, but I still believe it is no less true.  I think men should be aware that MOB agencies are an outlet, a relief valve, so to speak, for hookers who want to get out of the business.  With the general supply of good wife material getting smaller as economic conditions improve, I think it's highly likely when you see a 22-30 y.o. who is clearly a 10, listed on a marriage site there's a strong possibility this girl may have a less than sterling past.  I know it's hard to believe, but some of those little beauties will be back turning tricks at the International Hotel the day after the gullible AM leaves town.

As always, it's "buyer beware".

P.S.  Before anyone decides to get out the flame throwers over this, I suggest you research the problems yourself.  A good piece to start with is:
« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 02:50:00 AM by jb »

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« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2005, 03:24:13 AM »
Jb, the report write...

There is a large influx of foreigners coming into Russia for business transactions. These men can and do pay for the company of young Russian women. What they do not realize is that these beautiful young women may be harboring deadly diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.


I know that aids is a big problem now in Russia... and this report seem to give the fault to the russian hooker !!!

I find this a easy accusation... until the border of russia was closed, aids was not a real problem in Russia... it is these western sex tourist who have bring a lot of disease to russia... they wish relation without protection and profit of their strong financial position for receive what they wish...

How much people here have use condom when have meet potential wife in russia... and i don't speak about tour where people "try" several woman... In Western country, condom is the responsability of man... why not in Russia...

I don't like rubber but i use always it during the 6 first month of relation... you never know what you and her can have for dicease... same if you are infected by aids, it is need a long time before test can detect it... protect yourself and other...

Why do you think that belgium army have place free condom automate and info folder on the navy ship :shock::cool::shock:...

New advice for trip in FSU.... in the list of material : one box of condom ( more if you are very actief :D )


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« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2005, 03:29:01 AM »
Yes JB - Tver does have its competition amongst its many agencies, but every time I visit there I am still amazed by the amount of pretty women everywhere I go.  The problem in Tver is an agency problem, not a women problem.  The city has the girls, the agencies just have a hard time getting them into their ponds.  Since it has I believe 5 Universities in and around that small city there are always alot of young college age girls / graduate students around.  Perceptions and time make it extremely difficult for the agencies to recruit the most desirable girls.  There always are a population of adventerous, desirable girls willing to give a foreigner a chance.  Yes the pool of agency girls has shrunk, because it has roughly been split into three pools and there are more men throwing their poles into each pool, so repopulation is harder ie. the agency pools in Tver are well fished.  There also is Anastasia running tours out of Tver these days which unfortunately can not help the reputation of agencies or Western men.  After the winter there are always new fish in the ponds.  Now, Marc, from what he has written on "your favorite old board" (just a joke, please don't shoot me)  has a virtual monopoly in his new city of Ivonovo (which I have never been to) so theoretically his agency will not have the competition for the most desirable girls who want the help of an agency to find Westerners in that city.  His agency also has a leg up on the two Tver agencies competing with him because his clients can have good service between the girls in two fairly close cities.   It all comes down to the recruiting ability and screening ability (keep out good time girls and scammers) of the agencies as to which agency(s) ultimately will prosper in Tver.  Yes a guy could find a great girl for him in Tver.  The city does have a proven track record, but on the other hand you do have alot of guys fishing there these days.  In the end, a guy is taking his chances with any method.  Alot of things end up being luck and timing.  Some guys have to travel on a road few have before them while others do not mind if the road has proven successful to other guys in the past.  Its up to the guy.  The future of the industy - its hard to know for sure, but I hate the idea of only guys selling phony pictures on their phony website without any real girls at the end of the rainbow writing fictitious letters to guys who have no intention of going over in the first place actually making a good living in the business, while guys busting their back to do things honestly and actually match up Russian and American couples have a hard time. 
"A word is dead when it is said, some say.  I say it just begins to live that day."  Emily Dickinson

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« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2005, 03:38:49 AM »
Guys, marriage agency is for old people like us... but it is no more the trend for the young one... see in our own country... marriage agency close...

See our own young, they meet girlfriend with chat program... e-mail is the old method... they wish fast and direct contact... now, ICQ ( chat program ) have a lot of russian woman... and it begin with NSM...

If the quality of internet line grow in russia, the young woman will be able to use each chat service, with voice and webcam... this is the future... direct contact and more real... and it is what wish the young russian woman ...

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« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2005, 03:46:34 AM »
Quote from: jb
... Before anyone decides to get out the flame throwers over this, I suggest you research the problems yourself.

jb I'll stand by with an extinguisher. Hanging around the boards for a couple of years it seems there is a good proportion of men here that have found their mates through means other than the MOB scene.. call it 'off the beaten path'.  IMHO the best way to meet a good woman is first to meet her and not even enter the 'maze' of agencies, ads and other means of handholding many men feel are necessary.  MOB is an artificial and not a natural environment for meeting a partner.

The best way to find a mate is not by actively looking for one but just living and enjoying the people around you wherever that may be. As many here I have been married before.. to an AW, an EUW and now RW.  I consider all these  successful relationships that ended after time for multiple reasons but not because of a bad initial choice.  

As time goes on I find that differences between a RW and any other W are minimal.  The only real difference I am learning is that the relationship with my RU wife is a bit more challenging than prior relationships, mostly due to cultural/mentality differences. At least in my experience the RW stereotypes and hype are mostly way off base.

I'll be the first to encourage any man to visit FSU countries. There are a lot of good sights to see, people to meet and things to experience there. Along the way, maybe, just maybe...

« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 05:01:00 AM by BC »

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« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2005, 03:57:10 AM »
The line that should have brought you up short is:
However, the crisis is not going to end anytime soon with one out of every eight schoolgirls[/b] aspiring to be a hard-currency call girl when she grows up.

That's really scary, because that's where a great percentage of the MOB catalog beauties are coming from.  The tours will also attract a large number of hookers looking for either a sucker for the week, or perhaps a mule to get her out of the business.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM by jb »

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« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2005, 08:33:46 AM »
As time goes on I find that differences between a RW and any other W are minimal.

Very true, women are women, regardless of where they were born.  Only the accent changes.

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« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2005, 11:31:51 AM »
Why a full service agency can help? read your post you our making the best argument for a good full service agency as long as things keep happening from free sites ( NOT YOU BRUNO) address sites scam sites some RW want the help to protect her from the vary things you are talking about. I know some of you will say BS Marc, but if you all just use some command scents here a small % of RW want the help of a service that will try to protect them, and as long as these girls need a service like my service to help them we our here to stay like it or not !


To all RWD members their may be other reasons for post of this nature it's called flat out denial of doing anything wrong. Knot all but some of the people that are posting this 100% doom and gloom are just in self denial. Romance is an old war that men and woman have been fighting for years. It's a bitter subject for all of us. It's just so easy to take it out on someone else. WHO ME I am a nice person so it's your fault.


Look at the type of post ones that our 100% hard core. Ones that used degrading terms like all fished out. This is a term to use when looking for your further wife?  Look at the messenger see if his post is full of doom and gloom this type of person wants to live his life hearting others so he won't see his own pain and failures


Some sample stories for you of men that can do no wrong.


A young woman of 23yrs with a two year old child matches, and comes to the states. She is a pain in the ass! The man way of dealing with this is to run off, and leave her and her two old child. He leaves her with no food no airfare to get home. Know I don't care who is right or wrong here there is a two year old child paying the price for what her mother's bad choice.


Know what do you think happens here. The agency gets this girl help to get home. After getting her home the man, call us and tells us WHO ME I have done nothing wrong. I will see you in court. Blackmail he wants his money back or a free trip back to Tver. Total self denial.


A man brings his girl out to a trailer that's parked behind a gas station after showing her photos of his home. The trailer was not even with hot water. Needless to say we take care of her, place her with one of the LTP family's till we can get her home, but first we must get this man to give her pass port and airline tickets back, as he still thinks he has done nothing wrong its all your fault if your agency stayed out of this she would have lived a good life with out hot water. Self denial.


 A man sends his bio and photos to our office in Tver. He books his trip to Russia he is weighting to nothing but young girls, He gets to are office the only problem is the man in the bio was this man 10 years ago with a full head of hair. The man knows in are office is 10 years older, and what do you think happens. Word gets out fast that he is not the man he once was. So 95% of his dates never show up to meet him, and of course it's the agency fault as he has done nothing wrong. Self denial.


Last story


One special lady came into my office when I first started working for LTP she also had a young child. She had called one of her friends that were married in the LTP program her friend starts telling us about attempted sex abuses. The problem here is he has a lot of her things clothing and her child's clothing and won't give it back to her. With a short talk he brings her things to our office.


I took a real likening to this girl, and all seemed to be over so we all went on with are lives. I keep in touch with this girl, and one day booked my first trip to Russia just to see her. Well a few days latter I get a Dear John letter if you coming just for me DON'T COME! My family will not let me go.


So when you see my post that are a bit on the hard core side maybe you can understand for two reason  Why I can take thing personal.


One last question for you a lot of the bagedge that American Woman Carrie where dose it come from lot's of you here stories from your sisters or mothers, friends. I cant tell you how many times I have heard he is a nice guy, but if he tried to date my sister I would kill him.


These are the same men that say (WHO ME) I have done nothing wrong and blame any body, but there self's. Self denial! 


So just maybe some of this is just reaching out and hearting others why should they be happy when I am not?



 O.K. doom and gloom Sayers its your turn.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 04:02:00 PM by Marc Dayton »

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« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2005, 11:51:51 AM »

When was the last time you turned down a male client?

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« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2005, 12:02:33 PM »
Their has been a few, but is that the best you can come up with? less blaim it on the agency.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 12:09:00 PM by Marc Dayton »

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« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2005, 12:27:51 PM »

As usual, your post is pretty much unreadable, but I think I was able to get the gist of it.

I do not deny there are many flakey men involved in this process, that's a given.  One of the reasons I'm so unpopular on the *other* board is that I've always been an advocate for the RW, if I suspect a man isn't on the up and up, I've tried to run him off.  Do you remember the incident with Dwayne? He was a real dipshit.  He claimed to be the CEO of a major construction company, but after investigation, (I found him listed in the yellow pages of his hometown), he turned out to be little more than a handy man in a tiny little backwater village in Missippippi, dealing in vinyl siding and minor roofing repairs.  Hardly what he said he was on the board.

He had a RW come to the USA on a K-1 and she couldn't believe what she was faced with. He sent her back to the FSU after his ex-wife, ex-mother-in-law, the local Baptist preacher, and a few others, in that one horse town decided they couldn't deal with a foreign woman living in their community.  Actually, I suspect she couldn't get out of town quick enough.  Talk about being narrow minded, these folks take the cake.

I did go back and read a few new posts on the RWG and I saw  he's back looking for another RW to bring into that special hell he calls home.  I pity any RW who falls for his line of bullsheet. I view a man such as this a total scammer.  Of course, the RWG is a business and cannot afford to run off possible customers, so he's safe now to post and comment as he wishes.

The point I was trying to make regarding the MOB industry was the other end of the stick.  I would warn any guy looking to buy addresses from an agency that he runs a goodly risk of buying the address of a hooker who wants to get out of the prostitution business.  She knows she can't marry a RM, they all know who and what she is.  So she looks to marry a foreign man who has no clue what she does for a living when he isn't around.  With a foreign man she has a clean slate, she can be the actress for the duratuion of his visit and he'll be none the wiser when he goes home.

I'm not anti-RW, I'm married to one, I'd recommend RW's to any man, I just think any man needs to be double careful where he looks for her.  That's all.


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