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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465260 times)

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Unlike in China, in the West, hospitals can't be built in 10 days.

I watched a time lapse video of them doing the hospital. It's doable. If America is in a crisis, we'd throw the rule books out the window and build as fast as we could too. In WWII, America made 3 Liberty ships every two days for the war effort. Mostly built for cargo but can transport up to 550 troops plus crew. China built a hospital in 10 days for 1500 people. In two days America could build 3 Liberty ships and turn them into a hospital for over 1500 people. Just throw mass people on the task.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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If Peter thinks COVID-19 is less lethal than SARS, MERS, and H1N1(Swine Flu), he doesn't know what he's talking about.

LMAO! Actually you obviously didn’t listen to the podcast because based on your post it’s evident you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Anyway, I stopped by Costco to pick up a couple of items today. Bad idea. I am not keen to the idea of having everyone line up and be admitted in one at a time. Totally counter to the whole social distance directive. You can only take one of any item. I thought I’d pick up 3 or 4 lamb chops, but it’s all gone. Got my avocados, blueberries, Cornish game hen and rib eyes. We always prefer Whole Foods’ vegetables if not at the farmers market.

The one thing I like about life these days is the freeways are wide open. I’m sure this is largely because all the school is out.

We’re in the midst of a late winter rain storm. Forecast looks like we have at least another week of this. Most of the projects are shutdown with a couple that are still going. SOFI stadium never stopped although it’s mostly slow going with some BMP work. July is coming up fast so all these events, rain and covid-19 are untimely. It’ll be disappointing trying to meet deadline only to miss the opening of the stadium if were still in the coronavirus guidelines.

Sad to be missing some great skiing with all the new powder. Wifey got her new snowboard and hadn’t seen action so far this year. Not looking great that to happen at all this year now.

Ironically enough, and not sure why we did, we watched Contagion on VUDU this evening. The movie was released 2011, but so many things in the movie resembles a lot of the terms being used today.

I’m thinking of refinancing our rentals and take advantage of the lower rates and switch them to 15 year loans.

We’re we are, people seem to observe what’s being ask of them. First time I’ve seen Sta Monica pier closed. I grew up in the city and never seen this happen. Restaurants are all take out only. I receive a whole bunch of emails from places we frequent to offering discounts to order meals for take out or delivery. I’m curious to see how the next 14 days compares to the last month since we banned travel from China.

Flatten the curve my fellow Americans.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 12:53:15 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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The doom and gloom from every angle is seriously deafening. Assume for just a moment that there is no pandemic. Assume there is another wave of flu moving across the globe that is infectious and will kill people. Assume that it is no different than the influenza we experience yearly. There is no anti-virus for this one yet. There was no anti virus for all previous viruses either. Why is this perspective being totally ignored?

With that said,  something is afoot. Somebody wants you scared. When you number is up guess what? You'll fail to exist. Is it the flu or you get hit by a truck you'll still be dead. The fear being instilled in you will be the culprit or lead to your death. It's fear that is being pumped into your psyche 24/7. Most of you guys only compound it. You should all be questioning why?
Let's go with your school of thought for a moment.  The US was due for a great financial fall, Trump said it was a great big nasty bubble.  If this were the case, the virus would be the excuse, and trump would come out smelling like a rose for defeating it, aside from the many dead.  I'm having a hard time believing this, although at this moment I wouldn't take anything off the table.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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I googled the numbers you cited and CDC and can't find anything on it. Chinese travelled outside of China and infected many countries at near the same time. Our hospitals should be full like Italy's but they aren't. One big difference is Trump banned Chinese and those who were in China from entering our country in January. Probably why we aren't going to be hit hard like European nations which currently are. Trump didn't listen to WHO( the authority and experts) recommendation travel restrictions and bans between nations are not necessary.


My sources and links were mentioned.

I really do wish I could be as optimistic as you about how it is going in the US.  The closure of flights from China obviously did not work, the virus is there and all over the place.  To what extent, no one knows as testing is still quite sparse and limited in some places only to those with symptoms who either travelled to a high-risk country or known to have been in contact with someone who has tested positive.  Just now are they starting to allow folks that have symptoms AND flu tests were negative to be tested.

In any case, I would not claim victory just yet as we in the US are somewhere along the same curve as Italy and other nations, but still don't know where. 

The 64.000 dollar question is whether it will be testing results that show how far advanced the virus is in the US or if it will be the emergency rooms that let us know.  I would prefer the former but believe it will be the latter that opens folks eyes.  As some doc's have reported, this stuff is 'fast and furious'. 

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China seems to be getting closer to the way it was.  Places are reopening.   A few thousand dead, about 80,000 infected.  Perhaps worse numbers than a regular flu season,but not the end of the world in China.   Of course they went wild and closed down entire cities, whereas the US has been lackadaisical for weeks and is only getting relatively serious in the past few days. 
As world cowers, China glimpses coronavirus aftermath

Restaurants are reopening, traffic and factories are stirring, and in one of the clearest signs yet that China is awakening from its coronavirus coma, the country's "dancing aunties" are once again gathering in parks and squares.

As the rest of the world runs for cover, China -- where the virus first emerged -- is moving, guardedly, in the opposite direction as domestic infections fall to nil following unprecedented lockdowns and travel restrictions.

But ordinary life is far from normal.

Masks and temperature checks ....   

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Dow Futures indicate another massive selloff in the morning, if they are correct.   I'm wondering if Trump is going to decide to close stock trading at a certain point with a partial justification being it is too dangerous for the traders, or the markets aren't working properly during this crisis. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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In a word, it's 'bailout'. For the entertainment industry, small businesses, for individuals that are financially impacted by the public health directives. 
I think the bailout will be mainly for bigger businesses actually. 
If I understand correctly trump is considering mailing out 1000 to all adults, it won't help me much but I think it could make a difference for many that are in greater financial need. 

I guess I'm ok with the bailout of big business as it may be necessary to keep things relatively normal. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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I wonder if it is easier as an individual to not bother with all the measures and if you aren't affected by the virus contagion if you get it then all very well if not then so be it.

I just wonder if we are all trying to run from the inevitable and it's all dragging it out a lot more than it would otherwise be.

Trench, do you not GET the 'flattening of the curve' aim of most governments ...trying to ensure their health services don't get swamped ..?

Yet ANOTHER case of Trench posting lots and simply not learning a thing about much ..

So.. are you THAT thick or just trolling ?

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So.. are you THAT thick or just trolling ?

Maybe makes him feel superior in relative terms and sick kinda way.

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Let's go with your school of thought for a moment.  The US was due for a great financial fall, Trump said it was a great big nasty bubble.  If this were the case, the virus would be the excuse, and trump would come out smelling like a rose for defeating it, aside from the many dead.  I'm having a hard time believing this, although at this moment I wouldn't take anything off the table.


A great financial fall?. I disagree with you there. Certainly the market was due for a correction but that's not what I am referring to. It's the fear that is getting hammered into everyone, everywhere as government is tightening it's grip on our lives. It's being justified under the guise of "your safety". This is happening all across the world for a virus and what this virus "may" do. Is an overreaction better than an under reaction? I'm not so sure in this case. When government takes away your rights for your safety, don't plan on getting them back

Offline GQBlues

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I think the bailout will be mainly for bigger businesses actually. 
If I understand correctly trump is considering mailing out 1000 to all adults, it won't help me much but I think it could make a difference for many that are in greater financial need. 

I guess I'm ok with the bailout of big business as it may be necessary to keep things relatively normal. 


Estimate have it at $1.2 trillion. How it breaks out right now is as follows: $50B for the airline industry; $250B for ‘loans’ for small businesses; $250B for individuals impacted by job closures. Presumably, the rest will be dispensed accordingly i.e. hotels, cruise industry, continued individual support, etc..

11:30 est. will be another presser. Maybe the distribution will be defined with more clarity.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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I think the bailout will be mainly for bigger businesses actually. 
If I understand correctly trump is considering mailing out 1000 to all adults, it won't help me much but I think it could make a difference for many that are in greater financial need. 

I guess I'm ok with the bailout of big business as it may be necessary to keep things relatively normal. 


People are on financial edge, I already have 3 people(non family) ask me for money. And I don't think $1000 would help them much. Its gonna get ugly.

Interesting items
Ruble is now 80 to 1 USD
10 yr USB are back over 1% and the 30 yr is 1.7%
Precious metals still in the tank

Looks like they are selling anything with a bid. I might have to start buying a few stocks.

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Estimate have it at $1.2 trillion. How it breaks out right now is as follows: $50B for the airline industry; $250B for ‘loans’ for small businesses; $250B for individuals impacted by job closures. Presumably, the rest will be dispensed accordingly i.e. hotels, cruise industry, continued individual support, etc..

11:30 est. will be another presser. Maybe the distribution will be defined with more clarity.
thanks for the breakdown.  I suppose at least it is something, but the financial fallout is so enormous and spread in so many directions that it won't do much I don't believe.  I'm reading about how certain mortgages won't be paid, well somebody is on the receiving end in those situations so those people will be out cash.  Entire industries are all suddenly out of work.  Two friends I think of have called, one is a DJ, all of his work is gone...and a woman who owes a flower business of some sort, all events cancelled, so no more money coming in.  We may go from 3% unemployment to 20% like Mnuchin said, and all at once.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Offline fathertime

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People are on financial edge, I already have 3 people(non family) ask me for money. And I don't think $1000 would help them much. Its gonna get ugly.

Interesting items
Ruble is now 80 to 1 USD
10 yr USB are back over 1% and the 30 yr is 1.7%
Precious metals still in the tank

Looks like they are selling anything with a bid. I might have to start buying a few stocks.
Brazilian and Mexican currencies are at record lows...Colombia too.   

I've loaned out as much as I want to right now, so I am reining that in starting today.  Although stocks are beat up, I think they have a real chance of going a lot lower. When/if people start seeing hospitals overwhelmed confidence in the system is going to deteriorate further. 
I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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A great financial fall?. I disagree with you there. Certainly the market was due for a correction but that's not what I am referring to. It's the fear that is getting hammered into everyone, everywhere as government is tightening it's grip on our lives. It's being justified under the guise of "your safety". This is happening all across the world for a virus and what this virus "may" do. Is an overreaction better than an under reaction? I'm not so sure in this case. When government takes away your rights for your safety, don't plan on getting them back
Is there any particular right you are concerned we are going to lose?  The loss of the ability to travel is something I'd hate to see go on a permanent basis. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Online Trenchcoat

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Trench, do you not GET the 'flattening of the curve' aim of most governments ...trying to ensure their health services don't get swamped ..?

Yet ANOTHER case of Trench posting lots and simply not learning a thing about much ..

So.. are you THAT thick or just trolling ?

Might just be a case that we don't bother with hospitals just stay at home and accept you either make or you don't.

However, if vaccines are on the way and there has been a lot more talk in the media of them today then we may be in with a chance of avoiding too much of this bollocks:

Note that workers in the later stages are generally not allowed to go to work unless they work in a needed job, Hospitals, Supermarkets, etc

Going down to minimum if any salary would be a real problem for many.

The nurses catching the virus and passing it to their families must be a pretty distressing situation for them also.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Presumably, the rest will be dispensed accordingly i.e. hotels, cruise industry, continued
individual support, etc..

11:30 est. will be another presser. Maybe the distribution will be defined with more clarity.

The rest is pork, porky, pork-pork. Money for the abortion industry, union thugs, 
GOP and Demmy slush funds. There will never be more clarity. Maybe Rand Paul
will come out and report the money for poopy removal on Nancy Pelosi's sidewalk
and upgrading the Jet she flies home in. If he does McConnell will point out the
$18.97 that they spent on repainting damage done to the wall.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Is there any particular right you are concerned we are going to lose?  The loss of the ability to travel is something I'd hate to see go on a permanent basis. 


Yeah, all of them. We have mayors and governors infringing on individual rights now. Signing orders and granting themselves the powers that be. Not in my particular area at the moment but the feeling is, it's coming. Martial law is very close to happening. Major cities are on lock down. All this for a virus that to date hasn't proven as lethal as our routine seasonal viruses. I'm not on a soapbox here. The media continues to fear monger, panic has broken out full bore. At the current rate it is only a matter of time before we're confined to our homes at the barrel of a gun.

There is over 100 deaths in the US they say? If there ends up being 100,000 is it worth the pandemonium and loss of civil liberties. The only thing that has brought the markets to a free fall is the rumors and fear

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The rest is pork, porky, pork-pork. Money for the abortion industry, union thugs, 
GOP and Demmy slush funds. There will never be more clarity. Maybe Rand Paul
will come out and report the money for poopy removal on Nancy Pelosi's sidewalk
and upgrading the Jet she flies home in. If he does McConnell will point out the
$18.97 that they spent on repainting damage done to the wall.

Bush jr and Obama convinced us of the Auto and Bank bailouts in 2009. That was a trillion pissed in the wind. Literally. Other than making some cronies billionaires it did nothing. Bailouts on the backs of taxpayers IMHO is a waste of tax payer dollars

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Is the information described in the link below false?

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thanks for the breakdown.  I suppose at least it is something, but the financial fallout is so enormous and spread in so many directions that it won't do much I don't believe.  I'm reading about how certain mortgages won't be paid, well somebody is on the receiving end in those situations so those people will be out cash.  Entire industries are all suddenly out of work.  Two friends I think of have called, one is a DJ, all of his work is gone...and a woman who owes a flower business of some sort, all events cancelled, so no more money coming in.  We may go from 3% unemployment to 20% like Mnuchin said, and all at once.


That's right! Even something as benign as Sunday religious congregations. Churches are economically impacted by this, too. Those $5, 10, 20 bills being placed in those collection baskets are all of the sudden gone. Poof!

I'm wondering when will public buses/subways, etc...grind to halt. There's a whole bunch of our population that rely on this fare to navigate their daily routine around the proper. Busloads of folks doesn't quite conform to the whole social distancing doomajigee.

Anyway, wifey and I discussed this last night and I'm going to our bank today to take out cash just in case. I need to go bury this in the backyard somewhere in case something goes haywire with the banks.

There's an undeniable sense of anxiety mixed in with some 'forced' optimism in the air out there. Kind'a fun, kind'a not. Again, the freeways are just awesome! I need to be in San Diego friday and I'm no longer dreading the drive like I normally do.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 08:11:18 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Offline GQBlues

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The rest is pork, porky, pork-pork. Money for the abortion industry, union thugs, 
GOP and Demmy slush funds. There will never be more clarity. Maybe Rand Paul
will come out and report the money for poopy removal on Nancy Pelosi's sidewalk
and upgrading the Jet she flies home in. If he does McConnell will point out the
$18.97 that they spent on repainting damage done to the wall.

LMAO! Considering the hot zones are liberal states, it seemed rather nonsensical to be pumping more money on Planned Parenthood clinics so they can boost the murder of children and at the same time supposedly fight the virus to save old farts with medical conditions. There's something wrong in that picture.

They should amend the abortion law.. *your choice, you pay*
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Anyway, wifey and I discussed this last night and I'm going to our bank today to take out cash just in case. I need to go bury this in the backyard somewhere in case something goes haywire with the banks.

Oh boy you are an idiot!! and so am I, I discussed the very same thing yesterday...I have an obscene amount of cash in a safety box, (What if I died and family couldn't access it)  I also have a big back yard and the ground is moist with rain so digging is easy.    In addition I'm over the insured amount in my checking account so that is also under consideration. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Offline GQBlues

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Bush jr and Obama convinced us of the Auto and Bank bailouts in 2009. That was a trillion pissed in the wind. Literally. Other than making some cronies billionaires it did nothing. Bailouts on the backs of taxpayers IMHO is a waste of tax payer dollars

Not for the most part. There are a few that went sideways. Chrysler for one. Solyndra, another. One of the silliest thing that happened was the bonus retirement package Ron Gettlefinger, the Union leader that accompanied GM/Chrysler in Congress, received immediately after the bailout.

The screw jobs were not from the federal, but rather down the drain in the State governments. Those shovel-ready, under A.R.R.A., is where most of the robberies took place.

Bank bailouts, unfortunately, were extremely important and necessary.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.


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