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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465547 times)

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Offline BillyB

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Harvard Medical School Study uses satellite imagery to conclude virus in Wuhan was spreading as early as August. They noticed hospital parking lots in Wuhan were more full than the same time last year.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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Not really sure why a Danish would know anything really about Sweden in particula r,

OK, how about ( at lot)  Swedes ?

Sweden's strategy for herd immunity 'has failed'

Sweden's opposition MPs have said the country's Covid-19 herd immunity strategy has "failed miserably" and demanded the resignation of the chief epidemiologist.

Sweden has regained the 'crown' from the UK ...for killing it's citizens through 'experimentation' ...

Offline Nightwish

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OK, how about ( at lot)  Swedes ?

Sweden's strategy for herd immunity 'has failed'

Sweden's opposition MPs have said the country's Covid-19 herd immunity strategy has "failed miserably" and demanded the resignation of the chief epidemiologist.

Sweden has regained the 'crown' from the UK ...for killing it's citizens through 'experimentation' ...

and again msfail - herd immunity was never the strategy

what ever strategy was used, it has failed, but as I pointed out to you with several sources, heard immunity was never one of them- learn to take in facts before you write anything
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

Offline msmob

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I v.simply countered your 'assertion' but you ignored it ..

Basically, someone else on here posted a 'discussion' between the UK's expert ( who had to resign because he couldn't obey laws he helped create ) Neil Ferguson and Johan Giesecke.

You'll need to address THEM as the term 'herd immunity' was used by Giesecke and I note you've FAILED to discuss the ( STILL ) high ( compared to your neighbours ) death rates.

Offline BillyB

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the term 'herd immunity' was used by Giesecke

Regardless if one or a few people used the term "herd immunity", it was never Sweden's strategy. They took measures to flatten the curve although it wasn't as much as their neighbors. You're a victim of both right and left wing media claiming Sweden is attempting herd immunity.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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'Ri-ight'...Silly Billy,

So the policy makers / influencers using the term ( who speak ENGLISH) were 'mistaken'...  'Ok' ignoring the FACT that the Swedes and Brits have got this VERY wrong and many folks have died needlessly, it wasn't 'at all' a failed experiment ...

In the UK the govt is trying to pretend they haven't f'd up ..

Here's the guy who persuaded the UK govt to realise ;heard immunity ' was a DUMB experiment ..

"Infection rates were doubling every 3-4 days before lockdown and if we had implimented 'lockdown' a week earlier, we would have reduced the death toll by at least a half ."


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Herd immunity is the only way forward and lockdowns only delay the inevitable whilst destroying economies and lives.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
George Orwell 1984

Offline krimster2

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you first!!
i'll go the vaccine route and see how that works out!!!

Offline Nightwish

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I v.simply countered your 'assertion' but you ignored it ..

Basically, someone else on here posted a 'discussion' between the UK's expert ( who had to resign because he couldn't obey laws he helped create ) Neil Ferguson and Johan Giesecke.

You'll need to address THEM as the term 'herd immunity' was used by Giesecke and I note you've FAILED to discuss the ( STILL ) high ( compared to your neighbours ) death rates.

uhhhhh msfail..

Giesecke was a state epidemiologist from 1995-2005.
He is not employed by public health authority anymore, so..... why would he know just bcs he HAS been employed or that he is a expert, because I have seen a LOT of experts on TV make ASSumptions like you do now.

And why would I discuss the high death rates? I don't agree with how this has been managed, I never said this was the right way, I have criticized "our" way to handle this from the beginning, so what do you want to discuss? Your failures and all the times you are wrong about - well - anything more or less? Because that would take up a lot of wasted space.

I am simply pointing out that you AGAIN are wrong..
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

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you first!!
i'll go the vaccine route and see how that works out!!!

Most likely we have both already been exposed to it and built up our immune system.

Until they spray us with the next bioengineered weapon, we’re okay.

See you on the dark side of the moon.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 02:08:11 PM by Confederate »
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
George Orwell 1984

Offline krimster2

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oh, relax dewd...
I'm not worried...
about YOU!!!!

Offline Confederate

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oh, relax dewd...
I'm not worried...
about YOU!!!!

Good to know (As if there was ever any doubt).

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
George Orwell 1984

Offline Trenchcoat

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Well after all of this I'm guessing we'll know a lot more about viruses and how they work than we did before. Could have an impact on understanding the spread of colds and flu.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline krimster2

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a good place to learn is at a Russian vaccine klinik
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 06:00:07 PM by krimster2 »

Offline msmob

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Herd immunity is the only way forward and lockdowns only delay the inevitable whilst destroying economies and lives.

This is why you are such a wack-job ..

In the face of ALL the evidence that 'herd immunity' is a HUGE mistake - you persist in the notion it's the 'only way forward' ..

A sensible person would realise the nations that tried have killed more citizens and haven't got a greater percentage of citizens with anti-bodies present.

They'd also know that there are thousands of variants and we simply don't know if having had a variant, if you're immune to being reinfected with another.


Offline msmob

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uhhhhh msfail..

Giesecke was a state epidemiologist from 1995-2005.

and when did I claim, he was STILL THE official state epidemiologist ?

and again msfail - herd immunity was never the strategy


You seem to be arguing a VERY lost argument ..

Let's not take my word for it, as I'm a 'liar' and not a Swede..

How about this UK Torygraph article, by Mark Brolin - who claims to be ..Swedish ..?

The strongest public defender of the herd immunity strategy, Johan Giesecke (state epidemiologist 1995-2005), suddenly appears to be allowed only a backseat role

Again, we had another member on here, who is conspicuous by their silence pointing, out Neil Ferguson ( UK) v ( also conspicuously silent ) Johan Giesecke

what ever strategy was used, it has failed, but as I pointed out to you with several sources, heard immunity was never one of them- learn to take in facts before you write anything

I think some might suggest you should stop digging , given you can't won't see you're in a hole that is going to take some climbing out of..

He is not employed by public health authority anymore, so..... why would he know just bcs he HAS been employed or that he is a expert, because I have seen a LOT of experts on TV make ASSumptions like you do now.

Ah, so Mark Brolin is 'lying', too ..? 

"(after having over recent months been engaged as a highly visible Swedish Health Agency consultant). "

And why would I discuss the high death rates? I don't agree with how this has been managed, I never said this was the right way, I have criticized "our" way to handle this from the beginning, so what do you want to discuss? Your failures and all the times you are wrong about - well - anything more or less? Because that would take up a lot of wasted space.

I am simply pointing out that you AGAIN are wrong..

That would be funny, if this wasn't so serious ...

Our respective govts have made a ginormous mistake 

Offline Nightwish

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and when did I claim, he was STILL THE official state epidemiologist ?


You seem to be arguing a VERY lost argument ..

Let's not take my word for it, as I'm a 'liar' and not a Swede..

How about this UK Torygraph article, by Mark Brolin - who claims to be ..Swedish ..?

The strongest public defender of the herd immunity strategy, Johan Giesecke (state epidemiologist 1995-2005), suddenly appears to be allowed only a backseat role

Again, we had another member on here, who is conspicuous by their silence pointing, out Neil Ferguson ( UK) v ( also conspicuously silent ) Johan Giesecke

I think some might suggest you should stop digging , given you can't won't see you're in a hole that is going to take some climbing out of..

Ah, so Mark Brolin is 'lying', too ..? 

"(after having over recent months been engaged as a highly visible Swedish Health Agency consultant). "

That would be funny, if this wasn't so serious ...

Our respective govts have made a ginormous mistake

Are you really this stupid? Or can't you take in, understand and digest fact?
I even written in English, what is suppose to be YOUR native language, what is said in the articles.

And still you argue against me? You really are the most stupid wanker I ever encountered.  distinguishing facts from your own delusions is not your strong suite.

You don't understand that the state epidemiologist together with Swedish National Health Authority and the government is the ones setting the strategy and not independent experts or old employees interviewed in the press?  Simple question, do you understand this fact? Yes or No?
2013–: Anders Tegnell
No, Sweden's strategy is not herd immunity - "But herd immunity is the only way to stop the spread", says the state epidemiologist
However, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell denies that flock immunity is a goal in itself with the measures Sweden is now taking to curb the spread of infection.
At the Swedish National Health Authority's daily press conference on Thursday, Sara Byfors, head of laboratory bacterial surveillance, states that the Swedish strategy has never been to achieve herd immunity without slowing down the spread of infection.

- Heard immunity is not something we strive for, but it is a fact that the more people who have had the disease, the fewer can spread it.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 10:26:57 AM by AnonMod »
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

Offline krimster2

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the virus will be like a bellows
that blows cool air over the burning embers
and stirs into into a raging inferno
all cracks shall become canyons
and that which was built up
shall be torn down
and left in ashes

a great period of destruction is coming in about 6 more months
a worse case scenario...

my top priorities

1. fireproof roof (will be complete tomorrow, man that was loud!)
2. shatter proof windows coming next
3. reinforced doors and new reinforced door frames, battering ram proof!!
4. multi-floor fire protection system
5. generac 15 KW for power protection
6. keep accumulating ammunition, this is “notgeld” currency for the state of Texas in a couple of more years along with silver coins and bars, so get these to!
7. keep your gold buried somewhere, it would be very dangerous spending a kreugerrand at the local swap meet, you have to make an arrangement with someone to trade for silver and ammo, then go shopping!

before my kids leave, they are helping me dig deep holes in our back yard and in the forest
and use for punji stick traps!!
I am also adding razors on the back of the  punji sticks, combined with homemade long metal spikes sharpened finer than an ice pick, and smeared in cow dung
motion sensing lights on all sides, plus dog confined to one part of the back yard
and a crazy MFer with night vision and a fully automatic rifle dressed head to toe in black
welcome to Trump land
now WTF are you doin in my yard?

PS, Trump is getting ready to declare the pandemic "over with" a few weeks from now, and begin holding his rally and will not allow anyone to wear masks and attend the ralley
so better to control the perception, rather than the reality
Texas has decided to go that route as well about two weeks ago
we now have a record high of Corona
and of course the protest peak is yet to come but should be here pretty soon

the winter is gonna be freakin brutal
3rd peak, the biggest by far, will start in early October, just 4 months from now
the fate of the whole world rests on the outcome of this peak
don't ya'll understand this?

« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 06:58:03 AM by krimster2 »

Offline msmob

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Are you really this stupid? Or can't you take in, understand and digest fact?
I even written in English, what is suppose to be YOUR native language, what is said in the articles.

And you still you argue against me? You really are the most stupid wanker I ever encountered.  distinguishing facts from your own delusions is not your strong suite.

You don't understand that the state epidemiologist together with Swedish National Health Authority and the government is the ones setting the strategy and not independent experts or old employees interviewed in the press?  Simple question, do you understand this fact? Yes or No?

I'll have to assume that as English is not your first language, that your writing ability is 'better' than your reading, given STUPID is your 'riposte' ....

In reverse order:

1/ I understand that YOU do not realise that a former state epidemiologist, Johan Giesecke was contracted by the Swedish govt and with Anders Tegnell ( current) backed a plan of herd immunity ..not 'heard' in a group of animals co-existing in close proximity ... implication of this life style being safety ..

2/ YOU deny 'herd immunity' was an aim and suggested Danes and myself 'didn't understand... so what's your 'excuse', re Mark Brolin?..  It's clear he's Swedish and he specifically mentions what you deny ..


You find an article from nearly 3 months ago, and we now know that less than 10 percent of Stockholm have anti-bodies present  ( Fact fail #1) 


Although the Public Health Agency has repeatedly stated that the strategy is not herd immunity, the researchers believe that the tone has changed in recent weeks.

"It now seems that herd immunity is the way in which the epidemic will be fought in Sweden."

Again and article that is three weeks old and Belgium's death is now FAR below Sweden's ( a factor of 2.5 times ) ( fact fail #2)

« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 10:28:55 AM by AnonMod »

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I'll have to assume that as English is not your first language, that your writing ability is 'better' than your reading, given STUPID is your 'riposte' ....

In reverse order:

1/ I understand that YOU do not realise that a former state epidemiologist, Johan Giesecke was contracted by the Swedish govt and with Anders Tegnell ( current) backed a plan of herd immunity ..not 'heard' in a group of animals co-existing in close proximity ... implication of this life style being safety ..

2/ YOU deny 'herd immunity' was an aim and suggested Danes and myself 'didn't understand... so what's your 'excuse', re Mark Brolin?..  It's clear he's Swedish and he specifically mentions what you deny ..


You find an article from nearly 3 months ago, and we now know that less than 10 percent of Stockholm have anti-bodies present  ( Fact fail #1) 


Although the Public Health Agency has repeatedly stated that the strategy is not herd immunity, the researchers believe that the tone has changed in recent weeks.

"It now seems that herd immunity is the way in which the epidemic will be fought in Sweden."

Again and article that is three weeks old and Belgium's death is now FAR below Sweden's ( a factor of 2.5 times ) ( fact fail #2)

stupid is the only way to describe you without using stronger words which would suite better.

you swerve, dodge and change narrative every freaking time you are busted with a lie or wrongful ASSumption, admit it for ONCE you are wrong about the Swedish strategy.

I don't care how you came to that conclusion or how many experts swedish or foreign that has said this and made argument this is the swedish strategy when the Head of department and all the employees tells us over and over again - no that is not the Strategy - when asked by reporters.

It still means you are wrong!

Mark Brolin?  ehhh - well.. he is like you also wrong! and as far as I know NOT employed by the Public health agency,  and according to himself not a state Epidemiologist who would have any knowledge.
"I am an independent British-Swedish political analyst, economist and author who have had the opportunity to work within both the public and private sectors. "

You are both stupid and wrong. Every Single Time.
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

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stupid is the only way to describe you without using stronger words which would suite better.

you swerve, dodge and change narrative every freaking time you are busted with a lie or wrongful ASSumption, admit it for ONCE you are wrong about the Swedish strategy.

Ri-ight ..

given I point-by-point bust your nonsensical 'ripostes'..

I don't care how you came to that conclusion or how many experts swedish or foreign that has said this and made argument this is the swedish strategy when the Head of department and all the employees tells us over and over again - no that is not the Strategy - when asked by reporters.

It still means you are wrong!

Mark Brolin?  ehhh - well.. he is like you also wrong!and as far as I know NOT employed by the Public health agency,  and according to himself not a state Epidemiologist who would have any knowledge.
"I am an independent British-Swedish political analyst, economist and author who have had the opportunity to work within both the public and private sectors. "

You are both stupid and wrong.

1/ You TRIED and FAILED to tell me I wasn't Swedish and didn't understand, why I KEEP proving Sweden HAS adopted the Herd Immunity murderous experiment ..

2/ you tried to tell us a former Epidemiologist wasn't contracted by the Swedish govt and he's gone on record having a very public bust up with a UK Epidemiologist...

3/ When I find a Swede ( who I guess speaks Swedish ) and HE tells us Sweden had adopted the 'Herd Immunity' approach, your only 'counter' is, " he isn't an Epidemiologist" ))

4/ You post links that BUST your contention

5/ Your nation 'leads'  the developed world in needlessly murdering it's citizens ( one of mine is not much better and the govt is also, now, in denial ) and Swedes, like Brits, are not too welcome..

Conclusion? :

Sweden, like the UK, has REALLY got it wrong

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we’re gonna be IN REAL TROUBLE pretty soon
in like 6 months or so...
the pandemic’s 2nd exponential rise during flu season
coupled with a HUGE economic decline in GDP and employment
and collapsing supply chains
will mean we’ll be in a level below the great depression
coupled with a sharp rise in covid and flu cases
meanwhile, the 2020 election becomes the most chaotic and disrupted in history
no clear winner can be announced...
Trump declares emergency rule
holds up bible
and says to all Americans, “do me a favor though...”

Future historians will be asked which quarter of 2020 they specialize in.
WTF happened to my country?

at least Russia is actually trying to protect the infrastructure their survival depends upon
like food and medical production/distribution and strategic production centers
by setting up extreme quarantining, with whole self-sufficient communities living cut-off from the rest of the world
maybe one out of a hundred who live on the inside are allowed on the outside, but they are quarantined for two weeks upon entry
Russia has maybe 1,000 places run on such a disciplined quarantine
and they are being networked together to be an alternative supply chain to the existing one which is expected to collapse
they can only save part of the country, not all

if you don't live on the inside
then you live on the outside and you may not even have power or water
by next year, Moscow will have bodies on the streets
but no one on the inside will even know about it, because their whole internet is controlled

Putin is forcing oligarchs back to Russia and to bring their money with them
they need to make him a deal
a piece, plus a LARGE sum of cash up front for which to purchase musical instruments
my in-laws need to raise a sh%tload of money by next spring!!! or else, they're gonna be on the outside!!
so I'm turning over to them the biggest edible cannabis supply business in Moscva
with a business plan to expand it to a full national level
as a token of my esteem
and a kinda dowry
and frankly, the business probably woulda gotten me killed in another year or so...
glad for some gnarly Russian guys to take over!!

also, in partnership with a Chinese company, be a board member of a state-of-the art semiconductor company inside the biggest green zone in Moscva
and supply the technology for color night vision and FPGA semiconductor production technology
in exchange for expedited full Russian citizenship...
I'll have to wait and see what happens to my in-laws next year, before I make up my mind on this offer
or decline
it means I'd have to go on "the straight and narrow" in Russia
and live a reformed lifestyle
and even have a new legal identity

« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 10:53:23 AM by krimster2 »

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we’re gonna be IN REAL TROUBLE pretty soon
in like 6 months or so...
the pandemic’s 2nd exponential rise during flu season
coupled with a HUGE economic decline in GDP and employment
and collapsing supply chains
will mean we’ll be in a level below the great depression
coupled with a sharp rise in covid and flu cases
meanwhile, the 2020 election becomes the most chaotic and disrupted in history
no clear winner can be announced...
Trump declares emergency rule
holds up bible
and says to all Americans, “do me a favor though...”

Future historians will be asked which quarter of 2020 they specialize in.
WTF happened to my country?

at least Russia is actually trying to protect the infrastructure their survival depends upon
like food and medical production/distribution and strategic production centers
by setting up extreme quarantining, with whole self-sufficient communities living cut-off from the rest of the world
maybe one out of a hundred who live on the inside are allowed on the outside, but they are quarantined for two weeks upon entry
Russia has maybe 1,000 places run on such a disciplined quarantine
and they are being networked together to be an alternative supply chain to the existing one which is expected to collapse
they can only save part of the country, not all

if you don't live on the inside
then you live on the outside and you may not even have power or water
by next year, Moscow will have bodies on the streets
but no one on the inside will even know about it, because their whole internet is controlled

Putin is forcing oligarchs back to Russia and to bring their money with them
they need to make him a deal
a piece, plus a LARGE sum of cash up front for which to purchase musical instruments
my in-laws need to raise a sh%tload of money by next spring!!! or else, they're gonna be on the outside!!
so I'm turning over to them the biggest edible cannabis supply business in Moscva
with a business plan to expand it to a full national level
as a token of my esteem
and a kinda dowry
and frankly, the business probably woulda gotten me killed in another year or so...
glad for some gnarly Russian guys to take over!!

also, in partnership with a Chinese company, be a board member of a state-of-the art semiconductor company inside the biggest green zone in Moscva
and supply the technology for color night vision and FPGA semiconductor production technology
in exchange for expedited full Russian citizenship...
I'll have to wait and see what happens to my in-laws next year, before I make up my mind on this offer
or decline
it means I'd have to go on "the straight and narrow" in Russia
and live a reformed lifestyle
and even have a new legal identity

You could get Mobes to come in on the project with you Krim! he's into all that electronic stuff. Hear the guy is straining like a whippet to get through those boarding gates and back into Russia ;D

Looks like your fears over the economy are shared by others Krim:

UK banking shares have also dropped a lot no doubt as a result of suspected mortgage defaults as the unemployment rises.

I'm still doing ok so far, have a house with no mortgage outside of of a city centre in a fairly rural area. Still in work so should with a bit off luck be able to complete work on my house and batten down the hatches. On the plus side if I wait for the right time I could even snatch up a bargain and do better out of it :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Bargain to be had today, houses to be snapped up for €1 in Italy:

All Covid free!

Me & BC could become neighbours :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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  • He/Him
  • Spouse's Country: Russia
  • Status: Married > 10 years
  • Trips: Resident
it’s almost like Trump voters have become  kamikazes
and are intent on sinking America
in a mass suicide attack for the emporer
the new “sieg heil” is not wearing a mask!!

an alternate reality to open America ALL THE WAY WIDE!!!  The virus is like so OVER now! 
this is gonna look like a color version of "Leave It To Beaver" America nostalgia for the RNC late August
no karry maska
no mask
all true believers must drink from the holy cup of trust
and hope your luck is not gonna let you down this time

cuz, if the stock market goes down then so does Trump
but don’t worry, need to make it go back up by whatever means necessary!
including forcing all lowly paid workers to return to work
and more and more people are currently without health insurance in Texas
it's about 1/4 and growing
while Corona cases are at a new and growing high

all all it takes is for just one state to say that it can’t count it’s vote properly
to throw off the results of the entire national election
and there will be no hand-off
but only more Trump, followed by President Ivanka
imagine there’s no country
it’s easy if you try

back in the day when we worked outta the Western part of the Moscow Hills
West of City Center
we called ourselves “Sol ey Perets” or "Salt and Pepper"
I drssed in white and she dressed in black
here’s how Pepper looked...
she had my back
so I could never be outflanked
she preferred to fight with a double barrel shotgun with magnum buckshot loads
I carried an AK47 with a 90 round drum magazine
and an electronic solenoid trigger that has select fire controlled by a small microcomputer and a 2-pole switch
with steel core Russian rounds, I can COMPLETELY knock down the wall of a brick house!!!
it's a shredding machine of anything that gets in its way

« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 08:19:03 PM by krimster2 »


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