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Author Topic: Japtats Trip report  (Read 44506 times)

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #150 on: November 08, 2020, 05:33:33 AM »
People can sugar coat it however they want, to make their ego feel better, but rarely can people look in the mirror and be honest with themselves. I go back to what i stated (not your strawman attempt), Tinder/Badoo is where looks matters more than foreign dating sites.

That I see on this site all too often. We've had many guys turn up here over the past few years with the 'hey this girl really digs me and it's all down to who I am' sort of story. Some show pics of themselves and they look nothing special and you kind of know in pretty much every case they are denying the reality. That reality is almost always that the girl is attracted to them because of the money, lifestyle, where they live, etc. I've never seen a guy come on here and say directly, hey I've met this girl and she digs my wealth and social status I derive from that and wants to get with me for a comfortable lifestyle so we're getting married next week :D That is of course the reality, painful to many but to those aware a reasonable enough deal to be with a hot babe if it works out.

I think where you are Japs there are issues with using sites like Tinder as pointed out and with traditional dating sites as you rightly point out. So it's s case if pick what you prefer and hope it comes up with someone where you both want to stick around, till then just enjoy the women.

To my mind it's kind of a shame that Mamba has turned into such a trash site of recent as that was more of local dating site originally so would have suited I think. I used it a year back and it's now no longer free and a bit of a rip off in many ways and difficult for us older guys to be useful. Only other idea is to look around and see if anything similar I guess.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #151 on: November 08, 2020, 07:17:15 AM »
Most women prefer dad bodies,chubby guys, most people prefer to take the easy route in life, scared to go too far, as it is too much work. Hence why many men invest in learning the language, rather than improving their income, and picking up a pair of dumbbells.

That's true, but I think many men don't even bother learning the language, most just let their wallet do the talking. For most guys in the west their wallet is the easiest route. Even I if I went full throttle on my job hours could rake in around £30k a year. I wouldn't have much free time other than paid leave but to many FSW that sort of money is a fortune. On You Tube there are videos where the guy goes up to FSW and asks them what they think of such money or less, a couple of grand a month etc and they think it's amazing money, lol. There are of course many guys on here that do way better than that.

The big draw if the FSU is that is all it can take a guy with money able to land attractive women. Most though don't like the uncomfortable truth that the women are with them because they have money and can provide. It's not a nice feeling admittedly that the woman is with you because of that. Krimster is one of the few people on here that will admit to that and is happy with such a deal.

Bodybuilding can give a guy access to FSW who may actually dig him but that is because he's built up muscle, otherwise who knows. If the muscle goes will she still dig him. I think over time people can come to care about each other whether they first got together for money or looks. Other times they may never develop those feelings and that can be a bad place to be in.

Bodybuilding itself as you and others have told me Japs takes a long time. It's an investment like money is invested both of which tend to use up time. Many guys will struggle to be able to put in that time to bodybuilding and keep it up, it tends to always come secondary to money for obvious good reason. Most guys like you have Japs have found that at some point the strain of keeping up bodybuilding and earning money becomes too much and the bodybuilding has to give. That and life can throw up problems that have to be dealt with and so are forced to deal with those rather than do bodybuilding.

I would say it's all a case of personal preference and what works for a guy and what situation that guy is in. Some guys are happy for money to do the talking, some their body, others their facial looks, etc, etc. In the FSU the women their that are attractive tend to be after a guy with something going for him, some will want money others something else so as long as your there with something going for you then there's a chance I think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #152 on: November 08, 2020, 07:31:04 AM »
That reality is almost always that the girl is attracted to them because of the money, lifestyle, where they live, etc.


You never get it..

I will only speak for myself.

I have won the heart of women who had richer suitors.

I have dated successful, weathly women who owned their homes outright, but chosen women who were FAR more interesting company.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #153 on: November 08, 2020, 08:12:46 AM »
On You Tube there are videos where the guy goes up to FSW and asks them what they think of such money or less, a couple of grand a month etc and they think it's amazing money, lol. There are of course many guys on here that do way better than that.

If you live in Ukraine that is.

Bodybuilding can give a guy access to FSW who may actually dig him but that is because he's built up muscle, otherwise who knows. If the muscle goes will she still dig him. I think over time people can come to care about each other whether they first got together for money or looks. Other times they may never develop those feelings and that can be a bad place to be in.

Bodybuilding itself as you and others have told me Japs takes a long time. It's an investment like money is invested both of which tend to use up time. Many guys will struggle to be able to put in that time to bodybuilding and keep it up, it tends to always come secondary to money for obvious good reason. Most guys like you have Japs have found that at some point the strain of keeping up bodybuilding and earning money becomes too much and the bodybuilding has to give. That and life can throw up problems that have to be dealt with and so are forced to deal with those rather than do bodybuilding.

I would say it's all a case of personal preference and what works for a guy and what situation that guy is in. Some guys are happy for money to do the talking, some their body, others their facial looks, etc, etc. In the FSU the women their that are attractive tend to be after a guy with something going for him, some will want money others something else so as long as your there with something going for you then there's a chance I think.

I stopped gym due to my tattoos, tattoos and gym cannot mix, as the skin is an open wound, and needs to heal. Otherwise i would be there, it is not hard to make time for the gym. Looks money, charisma, looks, it is a foot in the door, then you need to do the rest.

I would say it's all a case of personal preference and what works for a guy and what situation that guy is in. Some guys are happy for money to do the talking, some their body, others their facial looks, etc, etc. In the FSU the women their that are attractive tend to be after a guy with something going for him, some will want money others something else so as long as your there with something going for you then there's a chance I think.

Me and my tattoo master were talking yesterday, he told me his Ukrainian friends are angry because foreign men come, and take their women, with their money. He finished with his response with foreigners work hard, he is a very hard working guy himself earning around $1500 a month at 25 , not in Kiev, so he values hard work. People will be sour about a lot of things, but too lazy to make a move, then there are others who make their move, go to the gym, work on their careers/business, and push forward, not looking for reassurance because they want to be lazy.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #154 on: November 08, 2020, 09:00:05 AM »
If you live in Ukraine that is.

I stopped gym due to my tattoos, tattoos and gym cannot mix, as the skin is an open wound, and needs to heal. Otherwise i would be there, it is not hard to make time for the gym. Looks money, charisma, looks, it is a foot in the door, then you need to do the rest.

Me and my tattoo master were talking yesterday, he told me his Ukrainian friends are angry because foreign men come, and take their women, with their money. He finished with his response with foreigners work hard, he is a very hard working guy himself earning around $1500 a month at 25 , not in Kiev, so he values hard work. People will be sour about a lot of things, but too lazy to make a move, then there are others who make their move, go to the gym, work on their careers/business, and push forward, not looking for reassurance because they want to be lazy.

That's good money for Ukraine, and I guess while he is into what he's doing it can't be much joy being stuck there doing it day in day out probably for long hours. Same money can be had in the UK for very little effort in the right number. I can see why Ukrainian guys get cheesed off at western guys taking their girls and most likely the better looking ones at that. Most of the good looking girls go for guys with money and that something many Ukrainian guys will struggle to match. Then probably other stuff on top off that, free time, entertainment, etc, etc.

I think a lot of FSUM think western men work hard, some do but I think it can look that way when the greater economic leverage in the west does a lot of the for the guy. Even here there are a lot of people that are lazy that want to sit around all day whine about their lot and want to be given, given a free council pad, benefits, etc. Of course not all people on benefits don't want to work and some are unfortunate in their circumstances particularly with the current situation but many unfortunately see it as the easy option and a lifelong dependency.

I know what you mean though that women want to see a guy that has a bit of a life, is doing stuff whether it is the gym, a business, a passion, something he his good at or a nice varied lifestyle otherwise it's not much of a life for her to join.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #155 on: November 08, 2020, 09:58:36 AM »
The west has high living cost, where as Ukraine not, so he has a good disposable income. Women and Men are not that different, women love a guy who is passionate about the RIGHT things. Passionate about self improvement.

I sent this to a few women today, my perspective it that it is true for men and women, you cannot base your happiness on how people appreciate you. Too many men are interested in with what FSUW want, how to impress them, looking for the secret code. I seen multiple FSUW break into tears when i ended things with them, still texting me months after. It is pretty simple , work hard, on EVERY aspect of your life, money, fitness, how to look, sex, once you are good at what you do, people are attracted.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #156 on: November 08, 2020, 11:54:03 AM »
Yeah I think to you're right Japs, if a guy is seen as a great guy alround then the women will come and they will want to stay with that guy as he will be impressive to them and guys around will struggle to match up. I'm moving forward on that approach, I'm in the early stages of setting up a business that I think could do well and run remotely. The house I'm committed to finishing off as I'm too close now to chuck it in and to be honest there's not a lot else to do this winter. So in a few months time I should hopefully be able to chuck my job in which will allow me time down the gym. At the moment I wouldn't be able to devout enough time to make it worthwhile so that is better spent on the business and the house, etc.

Overall I'm after improving my quality of life. I want to look lean & musclar not too thin and musclar but not too big and musclar. I also want to improve my appearance and drive a nicer car. If I can get my business to be successful then that will make me well placed I think. I have some investments that may aid me in this if they come through. All in all I want to look impressive and have a lifestyle I enjoy and can build upon.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #157 on: November 08, 2020, 12:22:45 PM »
Thank you for responding..

Usually i do not respond, because you always try and argue on why you are right, but never truly understand life.

Once again, you assume that us ol' gits were bald, chubby and 'poor ' whilst earning a livelihood doing well paid physical work and living at the beach at weekends surrounded by 20 and thirty something bikini clad FSU ladies..and learning the juicy gossip in Russian..what they liked about men..

There you go again, adding little words which were not said, creating a strawman attempt. What people say and want are two different things. If you still do not understand that, explains why you had many issues

Here's a clue for you...meaningful relationships develop when you share a common tongue..There are plenty of FSU ladies with whom I suggest having a wide vocab of useful words is most useful, if you share your life... not just a bed..
Saying 'i flushed the toilet dear', in russian, is not as impressive as making a woman orgasm , to the point she is crying after. But hey, you are still stuck on the idea of a man lasting more than 5mins in bed. Something we debated a while back, now i won't be responding again as i am not allowed to mention certain things about yourself.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #158 on: November 08, 2020, 01:21:03 PM »

I have news for you.. FSU woman often speak of men who think of themselves as 'good in the sack.. it is so interesting to soak up the rays on the beach whilst one's toes curl at the foolishness of some 'suitors'.

I am eternally grateful for those opportunities to learn what FSU ladies think...

Your opinion, whilst living in the FSU ,that learning the language is not important typifies all that is unwise about your assertions re long term relationships.

Your being on the ground whilst refusing to try to assimilate has yet to open your eyes to aspects of life there that you are missing out on.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 09:43:38 PM by msmob »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #159 on: November 08, 2020, 02:24:40 PM »
Yeah I think to you're right Japs, if a guy is seen as a great guy alround then the women will come and they will want to stay with that guy as he will be impressive to them and guys around will struggle to match up. I'm moving forward on that approach, I'm in the early stages of setting up a business that I think could do well and run remotely. The house I'm committed to finishing off as I'm too close now to chuck it in and to be honest there's not a lot else to do this winter. So in a few months time I should hopefully be able to chuck my job in which will allow me time down the gym. At the moment I wouldn't be able to devout enough time to make it worthwhile so that is better spent on the business and the house, etc.

Overall I'm after improving my quality of life. I want to look lean & musclar not too thin and musclar but not too big and musclar. I also want to improve my appearance and drive a nicer car. If I can get my business to be successful then that will make me well placed I think. I have some investments that may aid me in this if they come through. All in all I want to look impressive and have a lifestyle I enjoy and can build upon.

I am happy for you , sounds like you are trying , which is what counts. Don't be scared to work hard , don't look for shortcuts in life (learning russian), otherwise your life will always be hard . Get focused on your income, and do some weight training

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #160 on: November 08, 2020, 08:54:31 PM »
Saying 'i flushed the toilet dear', in russian, is not as impressive as making a woman orgasm , to the point she is crying after. But hey, you are still stuck on the idea of a man lasting more than 5mins in bed. Something we debated a while back, now i won't be responding again as i am not allowed to mention certain things about yourself.

As a woman, I would say that I don't spend my entire day having sex, and for me, personally, the ability to have deep conversations with someone on a variety of topics is more important than an orgasm.  A man who can't hold an interest intellectually is useless to many women, including me.  For other women, the primary motivation is a man who can provide financially.  For others, it will be physical appearance.  What a woman is attracted to is as varied as are women (and men).  This comment of yours is very tied to your age.  Any man who listens to what a woman wants in bed is capable of giving that woman mind blowing orgasms.  It isn't exactly rocket science.

I had an acquaintance once who was with a man about 10 years older than her.  I knew him, as he was in my graduating class in law school (he was also 10 years my senior).  He was not a good person, had been in jail, had children from 3 different women when she was with him.  He is intelligent (far, far more so than her), but very troubled.  She stayed with him for a couple of years, only because he was mind blowing in bed.  However, his other issues eventually trumped his great bed skills.  She dumped him.  He moved on, I saw him with his fifth or sixth woman, 20 years younger, baby in tow.  She eventually left him as well.  Today, he's old and alone, likely his choice, as he has a lot of money.  He has also sired enough children to field a baseball team with a few spares.  I don't know how many of his children have relationships with him.

I'm not getting involved in the p*ssing match between you and moby, just pointing out that when I read your posts, I often think, what you don't know about women is a lot, and both of you are incorrect in "type casting" FSUW.  They are as varied as are WW.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 09:04:55 PM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #161 on: November 08, 2020, 09:53:55 PM »

I sent this to a few women today,


You sent the image of an ethnic cleanser, an evil dictator who destroyed a nation who in his senile years allowed a much younger wife to finally push the people who lived in fear to rise and be rid of them both ?

Even if they were his words, what an awful role model..

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #162 on: November 08, 2020, 11:42:08 PM »
As a woman, I would say that I don't spend my entire day having sex, and for me, personally, the ability to have deep conversations with someone on a variety of topics is more important than an orgasm.  A man who can't hold an interest intellectually is useless to many women, including me.  For other women, the primary motivation is a man who can provide financially.  For others, it will be physical appearance.  What a woman is attracted to is as varied as are women (and men).  This comment of yours is very tied to your age.  Any man who listens to what a woman wants in bed is capable of giving that woman mind blowing orgasms.  It isn't exactly rocket science.

You mention sex (Top 3 for reasons of divorce), finances (Top 3 reasons for divorce), physical appearance, yet not Russian language? That is a weird way to agree with me, and instead use a strawman attempt to talk about intellect, you know what i do for a living, i just don't dwell on intellect it comes naturally, hence why i gave you some tips on how to apply philosophy in ones life, rather than regurgitate something you read. Also , some people base too much on intellect, using it as a safety net to not work on other areas. The reason why i talk about things people can actively change, is because those are easily things we can change. What is your advice to people? Train intellect?

I think one of the most interesting things about me, is i actually practice what read, sadly not everyone is the same. Also making a woman laugh is a very big attribute, but maybe you lack a humour? And are serious most of the time?

As a woman, I would say that I don't spend my entire day having sex, and for me, personally, the ability to have deep conversations with someone on a variety of topics is more important than an orgasm.  A man who can't hold an interest intellectually is useless to many women, including me.  For other women, the primary motivation is a man who can provide financially.  For others, it will be physical appearance.  What a woman is attracted to is as varied as are women (and men).  This comment of yours is very tied to your age.  Any man who listens to what a woman wants in bed is capable of giving that woman mind blowing orgasms.  It isn't exactly rocket science.

I had an acquaintance once who was with a man about 10 years older than her.  I knew him, as he was in my graduating class in law school (he was also 10 years my senior).  He was not a good person, had been in jail, had children from 3 different women when she was with him.  He is intelligent (far, far more so than her), but very troubled.  She stayed with him for a couple of years, only because he was mind blowing in bed.  However, his other issues eventually trumped his great bed skills.  She dumped him.  He moved on, I saw him with his fifth or sixth woman, 20 years younger, baby in tow.  She eventually left him as well.  Today, he's old and alone, likely his choice, as he has a lot of money.  He has also sired enough children to field a baseball team with a few spares.  I don't know how many of his children have relationships with him.

It is funny how much you know of my personal life, and then use this example.

I'm not getting involved in the p*ssing match between you and moby, just pointing out that when I read your posts, I often think, what you don't know about women is a lot, and both of you are incorrect in "type casting" FSUW.  They are as varied as are WW
He is clearly your dog, from what i , and every other person can tell. I just don't come on here and play whatever games you, Moby are playing , most of us just want to post, have friendly discussions. But some people find building a wall too hard, and instead like breaking walls, which is a very much easier thing to do.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 11:48:11 PM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #163 on: November 09, 2020, 01:59:57 AM »
Hi Boethius

If I may correct you on two points?...

1/ this is not a p*ssing contest! That would assume both parties were making valid points..

2/ Indeed we are both generalising about FSUW in a dating / relationship context.

I cannot speak for other members, but I regard folks with a long-term monogaomous relationships as people we should listen to more.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #164 on: November 09, 2020, 10:13:35 AM »
You are welcome to open a new  thread about same.. :rolleyes:

I'm on the blower to SKY internet, as I recommended her to use them and today it should go live and there's a fault ..

We are fine, now, and my current wife and she have met numerous times.

Clearly, you are gossiping with folk who aren't in the loop

Furniture stored at my place in the UK - now at her place in time for the lockdown

So, I note you chose not to deal with querying your assertions re learning the lingo, etc,..

My relationships lasted years ..not days

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #165 on: November 09, 2020, 10:25:32 AM »
Notice moby goes quiet when we bring up the fact his second wife (Russian), left him after his business took a hit. I wish i was on the forum with popcorn when him and his ex were on this forum accusing the other of giving them herpes.

Moby how did you communicate with FSUW after, to tell them you had herpes? Was it in english or in russian?
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 10:33:52 AM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #166 on: November 09, 2020, 11:15:48 AM »
Yes, didn't you say you didn't legally divorce , as it would effect her sons visa to stay in the UK? Glad you are both dancing around in the photos, sad she left you just when your business went down hill.

There is no gossip, these are things you have disclosed on here. Your marriage last till your business was doing well, then she left after it went down hill. You came here excusing her of giving you herpes.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 12:04:33 PM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #167 on: November 09, 2020, 02:19:14 PM »
You mention sex (Top 3 for reasons of divorce), finances (Top 3 reasons for divorce), physical appearance, yet not Russian language? That is a weird way to agree with me, and instead use a strawman attempt to talk about intellect, you know what i do for a living, i just don't dwell on intellect it comes naturally, hence why i gave you some tips on how to apply philosophy in ones life, rather than regurgitate something you read. Also , some people base too much on intellect, using it as a safety net to not work on other areas. The reason why i talk about things people can actively change, is because those are easily things we can change. What is your advice to people? Train intellect?

I googled top reasons for divorce (see link at bottom of post), and sex wasn't among the top 3. It didn't even crack the top 5 in most surveys.  In some surveys, lack of intimacy is in the top 3, but it isn't just sex.  Emotional intimacy is probably more important than sex to most women.

I laughed at your comment on intellect. For all your "great intellect", you missed completely the point of my post.  Every girl you meet is not going to have brain surgeon intellect.  You can't assume that just because she is going to university, she is bright.  There are plenty of airheads in Ukrainian universities, as well as bright women.  You won't know a woman's intellect unless you can communicate fluently in a common language.  I mean, when I first met the better half, I could ask him "Do you agree with Nieztche's concept of objective truth?" and he could give me his views rather than clipping his eyes like a doe.  He was well and broadly read, from literature, to philosophy, to religion, to science.  In many areas, he was better versed than I, because he can read more languages fluently, and his grandfather had a huge inherited library that the commies didn't manage to confiscate, so he had access to many banned works.  His grandfather had gone to school before the Revolution, and was fluent in ancient Greek and in Latin, something he passed on to the better half. 

Your "philosophies of life" will change as you age, if you are growing as a person.  The better half, as I posted previously, gave our children the works of a particular philosopher to read when they each turned 19.  Why?  Because he thought that particular philosopher was good to read at that particular stage of their lives.  All found interesting things to ponder but, for the older two, three years later, they'd outgrown that philosopher.  He's interesting, but he's really for a particular time in one's life. 

I'm not agreeing with you.  I am disagreeing with you.  I could never have entered into any form of relationship with a man with whom I could not communicate fully and fluently.  I couldn't have childlike conversations with someone I was viewing as a possible life mate.  I wanted someone whose intellect would hold my interest my entire life, and I got that, in spades.  I'm not suggesting this is they way for everyone.  Obviously, it isn't for you, and that's fine.  But you present your opinions in a black and white/right and wrong dynamic.  Life is far more nuanced than that. 

My point also was not just about intellect.  For me, that was a primary desire.  I didn't care if the man I married made a lot of money, as I knew that I could always support myself. 

I don't think the point was about speaking Russian.  The point was that if you are going to pursue FSUW exclusively, knowing her language is a plus.  It is, although not all posters, even those married to FSUW agree with this (ML for example).  For you, living in Ukraine, knowing either Russian or Ukrainian definitely would be a plus.  It would open up so much more of the world of the country to you if you could speak the language.

I think one of the most interesting things about me, is i actually practice what read, sadly not everyone is the same. Also making a woman laugh is a very big attribute, but maybe you lack a humour? And are serious most of the time?

No, I don't lack a sense of humour.  The better half is very jokey, and all our children inherited that.  But I do tend to be on the serious side. 

It is funny how much you know of my personal life, and then use this example.

As noted above, I respond to what you post.

He is clearly your dog, from what i , and every other person can tell. I just don't come on here and play whatever games you, Moby are playing , most of us just want to post, have friendly discussions. But some people find building a wall too hard, and instead like breaking walls, which is a very much easier thing to do.

Wrong. Anyone with an ax to grind thinks that.  moby has been moderated by me probably more than anyone else on this forum.  The difference between him and others, though, is that he doesn't whinge about it.  Even in his last two week time out, when it was brought up by another poster, moby posted he thought the timeout was unfair, and left it at that.  I also don't really care what most of the posters here think about me.  They don't know me.

I am not "playing games".  What a stupid assertion. 

Notice moby goes quiet when we bring up the fact his second wife (Russian), left him after his business took a hit. I wish i was on the forum with popcorn when him and his ex were on this forum accusing the other of giving them herpes.

Moby how did you communicate with FSUW after, to tell them you had herpes? Was it in english or in russian?

I am letting this post stand although it is against the terms of service.  moby was not on this forum at the time of his divorce, and his ex wife never posted here.  I did see the posts, in real time, elsewhere (I suspect Bill did as well, as did a few other posters here).  moby's wife never alleged he gave her herpes.  She only made a post or two, and then asked that all their posts be deleted, and as the request came from her, they were.  When moby made those posts, I asked him on the open forum to stop it and reconsider what he was doing, as it was from a place of hurt and humiliation, and he was trying to get "back" at his wife, unfairly, I thought, by airing dirty laundry.  It wasn't something that should have played out among strangers.

You need to live in the present, not the past.  It's also a good thing to do in relationships. 

Google was used to find the below link.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 03:24:40 PM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #168 on: November 09, 2020, 04:59:58 PM »
Ah so our Mobers was 'muzzeled' for two weeks :D I must be informed next time so I can post continuously on the Brexit forum with poor old Mobe just able to read but not reply, oh the agony that would put him through ;D

Anyway, personally for me I stear away from too much intellectualism. I could do it, I could spend just a few months to years reading the ins and outs to all these 'great works' but I know one can come across as a bore if not careful. That is also dependant on the people you are mixing with. I know to a lot of people that unless they are the heavy intellectual type I would come across as weird and strange if I suddenly started rattling on about it. Even with even vaguely intellectual talk I've noticed some people in the past a bit bemused. Over time since found it best to start basic and only work onto something more intellectual if the other person does. In general though I like to appreciate other aspects of life particularly that girls might have to offer.

Imagine a girl that is a bit of an airhead, I've seen various types over the years. Some don't have much else to offer but a fair few have different talents. There is even something to be said for being with a girl who is fun and able to live the moment. After all I think if someone can live a happy life without a lot of complexity then it can be quite rewarding all in all.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #169 on: November 09, 2020, 07:55:35 PM »
Notice moby goes quiet when we bring up the fact his second wife (Russian), left him after his business took a hit.

What a whooper !)

1/ I suggested you start a new thread, rather than deflect from your thread

2/ The fact of the matter is that she started to believe I had been running a fraudulent enterprise..with the Police interviewing former neighbours..we had moved to be nearer her son, who was studying in Oxford. The Police even came to try to interview her.

This has been aired MANY times and I received compo from financial institution responsible and an apology from Glos'shire Police.

If 'silent' is showing recent photos of us together and getting on better than most divorcées, I can only only wonder at your power of reasoning and observational skills.

Does it look like we hold grudges, now?

So, was this your way of dealing with my questioning your assertion that guys shouldn't bother to try learning the local language, if on the ground?

I wish i was on the forum with popcorn when him and his ex were on this forum accusing the other of giving them herpes.

Only I posted...She had a thread shut down in another place.

Moby how did you communicate with FSUW after, to tell them you had herpes? Was it in english or in russian?

Depending on the lady, I could, and did,  explain I have antibodies present and have been them the option of curtailing a developing relationship.

Unlike you, I had fathered all the offspring I was ever going to bring into the world and HSV simplex II can certainly make a pregnancy complicated.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #170 on: November 09, 2020, 08:04:17 PM »
Ah so our Mobers was 'muzzeled' for two weeks :D I must be informed next time so I can post continuously on the Brexit forum with poor old Mobe just able to read but not reply, oh the agony that would put him through ;D

The motivation I experience when responding to one of your posts is educational..

It is noted you learn little from anyone on here, despite the time taken to try to help relieve you of your 'interesting theories' from 'Brexit', dating and women's physique..

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #171 on: November 09, 2020, 08:23:14 PM »

I am letting this post stand although it is against the terms of service.  moby was not on this forum at the time of his divorce, and his ex wife never posted here.  I did see the posts, in real time, elsewhere (I suspect Bill did as well, as did a few other posters here).  moby's wife never alleged he gave her herpes.  She only made a post or two, and then asked that all their posts be deleted, and as the request came from her, they were.  When moby made those posts, I asked him on the open forum to stop it and reconsider what he was doing, as it was from a place of hurt and humiliation, and he was trying to get "back" at his wife, unfairly, I thought, by airing dirty laundry.  It wasn't something that should have played out among strangers.

You did indeed try to appeal to my (entirely lacking ) sense of proportionality /reasoning.

It was my PATHETIC way of countering what a kind poster at another place had found and highlighted.

She had posted on a dating profile about any future partner not having a dodgy biz

It is only posters that get butt hurt that regurgitate our collective stupidity.

 It is a perfect moment to highlight the wisdom of VO from a due dilligence PoV and the need to ensure you really know about each other's potential harmful secrets by having STI tests together.

It is the perfect way to provide a sample for examination.....

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #172 on: November 09, 2020, 10:20:08 PM »
A friend asked me to read this thread and perhaps comment.

I read the first half page and my eyes are hurting...🤭

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #173 on: November 10, 2020, 01:26:06 AM »
If people are going to take blows against my short flings (i commit only when i truly want to), only fair i comment on their past also. I am not interested in mud slinging, i said this numerous times, but if there is a fight, then i will give blows also.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #174 on: November 10, 2020, 01:28:47 AM »

Back to actually trip reports...... Got two dates planned for this week. One for today (if she doesn't flake for the second time).


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