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Author Topic: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?  (Read 4371 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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The way I see it if Russia wins the war then Ukraine becomes part of Russia, their society.

If Ukraine wins the war (or at least survives) then the very real risk is that the EU etc will look to change Ukraine to their society model.

Here is a recent article on equal pay for women in Ukraine:

That follows recent calls by the EU specifically Von der Leyen for equal pay for women.

Of course we all know where that leads to the same f*cked up mess of a society that we have here in the west, in the UK, in the US, etc. Why on earth the same catastrophic policy is now thought to be a good idea to be brought to Ukraine after we have seen the societal mess we are in from it I don't know.

As we know the fallout from such equal pay for women tends to be women less serious about dating and having kids, etc. Already in Ukraine there is problem maintaining the population level (before covid & the war). With such a policy there is likely to be an even greater fall off in childbirths and hence population. The likely effect of that will probably be pretty critical in a couple of decades time when finding pensions and so forth of a dwindling work force would kick in.

So are we at risk of losing Ukraine with all its values that we love and then end up like us. It's been said that Ukraine is kind of like the opposite land to us (EU, UK, US, etc) which is why a lot of us love going there, certainly I do. Things can work for us there that don't work for us in the west. So is that now all at risk? And do the Ukrainian soldiers on the front line realise that even if they win the war and keep their country they could stand to lose the society that they do better by as a result?
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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2023, 10:47:54 AM »
the more ukraine changes, the more it remains the same...
and in YOUR case...
the more you remain the same, the less likely your 'bad fortune' is gonna change
so it's all about sameness vrs change, which side do you embrace?

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2023, 12:23:03 PM »
the more ukraine changes, the more it remains the same...
and in YOUR case...
the more you remain the same, the less likely your 'bad fortune' is gonna change
so it's all about sameness vrs change, which side do you embrace?

I don't get what you mean? For everywhere else they've brought in equal pay it's turned the women into shemen. I don't see how Ukraine wouldn't end up the same way. An even bigger mess than it's currently in maybe but the dating scene would be screwed surely?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2023, 12:57:26 PM »
I wouldn't worry yourself Trench....

ukraine long ago embraced western consumerism....
ukraine's dating economy is based on a 'scarcity model'

in ukraine, there always will be a demand for men who are able to support a family
since in ukraine, they are in very short supply while hot lookin wimmin are every 10 feet on the street

unfortunately for you, you are kinda 'border-line'
if you were in a group of mates being chosen for cricket teams, you'd be the last pick
this is how women are gonna see you Trench....
you do SOMETHING to change that....
I say OR you find a woman with REALLY LOW self-esteem who will accept you as you are...
preferably one that can combine ground beef and a can of sloppy JO sauce and make ya a sammich
life is really simple when you reduce it to a sloppy JO sammich

you have such a simple, streamlined life, I don't know why you wanna give that up?
we always crave what we don't have, and then when we get it, find out it wasn't really all that important....
all that turmoil and effort...
in the end, is all for nothing
just go with the flow of the river
until you reach the sea
is all that you need to be free!

« Last Edit: July 09, 2023, 03:23:59 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2023, 03:17:37 PM »
I wouldn't worry yourself Trench....

ukraine long ago embraced western consumerism....
ukraine's dating economy is based on a 'scarcity model'

in ukraine, there always will be a demand for men who are able to support a family
since in ukraine, they are in very short supply while hot lookin wimmin are every 10 feet on the street

unfortunately for you, you are kinda 'border-line'
if you were in a group of mates being chosen for cricket teams, you'd be the last pick
this is how women are gonna see you Trench....
you do SOMETHING to change that....
I say OR you find a woman with REALLY LOW self-esteem who will accept you as you are...
preferably one that can combine ground beef and a can of sloppy JO sauce and make ya a sammich
life is really simple when you reduce it to a sloppy JO sammich

Ah yeah I guess you're probably right, equal pay would mean that less men can afford to raise a family and two would have to tie up together with a combined salary worth being able to do that. Then of course there is who is going to look after the sprog. If Ukraine is let into the EU in theory there is the possible cheap wage economy so possible big investment that might boost its growth a lot a bit like Poland. Though of course that would be dependent on them getting rid of corruption and that seems a big issue.

So who knows I guess you know more than me so I'll trust what you say. I know countries out that way have a history of the same old same with stuff like corruption, etc.

I get your point with the women, a lot of the hottest girls are going to have ideas about a guy from abroad where money is no object. I'm not that kind of guy, once I get money in from Lodgers I still won't be that kind of guy. I reckon I would have enough to raise a family and be more comfortably off than most Ukrainians but I wouldn't be the money is no object kind of guy unless I won the lottery lol.

Anyway, I appreciate the input Krim, you've alayed my concerns about Ukraine being screwed up for me by the EU. I guess even if it did then just a case of flying to another country a bit further out, the Stans or somewhere like that.
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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2023, 03:22:45 PM »
I know this may sound kinda CRAZY, but...
instead of finding a destination with even lower standards than ukraine
have you thought about raising yourself up, making yourself a better man instead?
I know CRAZY right?

Offline Boethius

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2023, 04:26:24 PM »
Your first post is stupid and flawed, Trench.  Raising women to the same salaries as men is not the downfall of Western society.  Consumerism and putting the almighty dollar above everything else is. 

After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2023, 05:05:56 PM »
Your first post is stupid and flawed, Trench.  Raising women to the same salaries as men is not the downfall of Western society.  Consumerism and putting the almighty dollar above everything else is.

Have you seen the state society is in our there???

- Growing mental health issues.
- around 75 percent of Americans (probably same for UK) don't like/hate their job.
- Growing problem with pill popping.
- Growing problem with drugs.
- More problems with family, lack of family, more single parents, broken families, people with issues.
- People unsure of whether they are male, female or if there even is a gender???
- Most people wages in real terms falling.
- People not knowing people around where they live in a friendly way anymore.
- Growth of Incels.

The list is probably even more extensive than that, none of these were all that big a problem before equal pay for women cane about. After it all kicked off and the more we pander to women the worse these problems get, go figure!

I'm pretty sure that if we abolished equal pay for women and put things back towards men getting paid more guess what? I bet the things above would reverse, it would be worthwhile giving it a try somewhere as an experiment to see. I bet you anything happiness would improve overall as a result. It's not whether we are equally paid that counts but whether society functions that counts.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2023, 05:11:44 PM »
I know this may sound kinda CRAZY, but...
instead of finding a destination with even lower standards than ukraine
have you thought about raising yourself up, making yourself a better man instead?
I know CRAZY right?

I can only do that properly once the house is finished off and I'm renting the rooms out. That will free up time and bring some money in. With the free time I can do a lot more, work out, more time for language learning, other improvement stuff, etc. It can all snowball on, it's slow to get going at first but for sure once the house is complete in a few weekends time then it will pick up speed. Getting the snowball going as everyone knows is the hardest part. The house is starting to look good and bearing complete just lots of small jobs now.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2023, 05:27:43 PM »
in the land of the BLIND
the man with one eye can become a king!

open your good eye Trench
and look...

you incels should become aid volunteers in Ukaine
god will help you get laid there, if you do good deeds, I swear it!!!  "pinky swear"
you can read the fine print, if ya want
but it essentially says god will definitely help those who help others, even if there is an ulterior motive, like the quest for pooty-tang

had a great fourth of july celebration, firing automatic weapons in the forest behind my house
while celebrating this country's independence from you wankers and yur lords and ladyships
and replaced it with an aristocracy of con artists and rap musicians
so we went from bad to terrible, but that's "progress"

how can ya'll accept money with charles's face on it
he's hideous
I would demand payment in gold!!!
or actual sterling silver
instead of pictures of charles, Liz II was OK...
it'd be like russians offering me rubles...
I just wave them away with my hand and sneer....

« Last Edit: July 09, 2023, 05:56:05 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2023, 06:12:26 AM »
I wouldn't worry yourself Trench....

ukraine long ago embraced western consumerism....
ukraine's dating economy is based on a 'scarcity model'

in ukraine, there always will be a demand for men who are able to support a family
since in ukraine, they are in very short supply while hot lookin wimmin are every 10 feet on the street

unfortunately for you, you are kinda 'border-line'
if you were in a group of mates being chosen for cricket teams, you'd be the last pick
this is how women are gonna see you Trench....
you do SOMETHING to change that....

you have such a simple, streamlined life, I don't know why you wanna give that up?
we always crave what we don't have, and then when we get it, find out it wasn't really all that important....
all that turmoil and effort...
in the end, is all for nothing
just go with the flow of the river
until you reach the sea
is all that you need to be free!

Yeah so far on that one I looked into the idea of starting a business on something. However, while I will kind of do that I don't think I can rely on it. They will essentially be like hobby businesses and whether they grow anything more will essentially be down to sheer chance I reckon. Looking online about 70 percent of businesses fail in the first 3-5 years so the outlook is not good on that one to start with. So I don't want to put a lot of money, time and effort into a business where the chances of failure are high and even if I'm in the 30 percent that survive there is no guarantee that it will earn significant money and at the same time may end up tied to the business. Hobby businesses are ok as whether or not they end up working a large part of my life hasn't been sunk with them. Some people spend all their time trying to make a go off their business that they become strangers to their family so for me that doesn't sound a good place to be. A lot of businesses where the owner wants to be all in to try and make best go of it can often mean a lot of cost with no guarantee of profit either so risk of a big spend out with no reward guaranteed doesn't sound a good place to be to me.

Instead my thoughts are on becoming an Author. Writing books and self publishing on Amazon means that I stand to generate money with minimal cost. If the book doesn't sell then it's just a loss of time and I can always write another book. I'm not suggesting that I will get instant success but that over time with a bit of luck some decent money will come in. All I need is one good book on there and I could make many sales and my pockets fill with gold :D

So yeah it's not a bad one I think as I can pick it up and leave it as I please and do it from home so I'm not stuck away from a girl too long for it to become a problem. So for me going forward that is likely to be what I will look to convert over too over time from my present line of work in Employment. After all I can certainly write a lot so it might suit me quite well.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2023, 11:47:00 AM »
when I worked in Israel, I learned how to dress in arabic street style with cheap sunglasses and capka and get a deep, deep facial tan and could pass myself off as an arabic dewd walkin down the street as long as I didn't interact with folks

this is how I comported myself in uzbeckistan when I went down south to the "markets"
I went with a local who did all the talkin/negotiating and I was just the money man
you can buy anything you want there
highest quality raw emeralds I've ever seen, for next to nothing...
a new iphone could get you a box of raw emeralds....
I bought a baggie of raw opium for $20 and was wasted for a week

the girls were BEAUTIFUL there, but scored very high on the "HOT/CRAZY" matrix
some of the ethnic groups there like Azeiri wimmin were just plain weird as hell
just too crazy to mess with even though the young ones were really hot lookin
these women are VERY primitive and provincial, like ukrainian village girls on steroids
you have to teach them basic table manners before you go out and eat at a 5 star restaurant level of primitive

« Last Edit: July 10, 2023, 11:54:15 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2023, 02:39:52 PM »
when I worked in Israel, I learned how to dress in arabic street style with cheap sunglasses and capka and get a deep, deep facial tan and could pass myself off as an arabic dewd walkin down the street as long as I didn't interact with folks

this is how I comported myself in uzbeckistan when I went down south to the "markets"
I went with a local who did all the talkin/negotiating and I was just the money man
you can buy anything you want there
highest quality raw emeralds I've ever seen, for next to nothing...
a new iphone could get you a box of raw emeralds....
I bought a baggie of raw opium for $20 and was wasted for a week

the girls were BEAUTIFUL there, but scored very high on the "HOT/CRAZY" matrix
some of the ethnic groups there like Azeiri wimmin were just plain weird as hell
just too crazy to mess with even though the young ones were really hot lookin
these women are VERY primitive and provincial, like ukrainian village girls on steroids
you have to teach them basic table manners before you go out and eat at a 5 star restaurant level of primitive

I get your drift Krim, for me though I would have to learn to cut those emeralds, make jewellery for them, embed them in the jewellery, and if selling back home or in another country do all the certification, paperwork, tax, etc. Then I would have to hope I would find a buyer for the Jewellery. I would also have to try not to be robbed either, etc. So for me that's a lot of stuff to get my head around and I'm not sure if I would get the return on investment Vs the risk IF I could pull it off.

It would kind of be like learning a new field of work for me and that of course takes time. I think I would be better of sticking to stuff I know rather than starting over at this point at least.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2023, 07:49:37 AM »

had a great fourth of july celebration, firing automatic weapons in the forest behind my house
while celebrating this country's independence from you wankers and yur lords and ladyships
and replaced it with an aristocracy of con artists and rap musicians
so we went from bad to terrible, but that's "progress"

how can ya'll accept money with charles's face on it
he's hideous
I would demand payment in gold!!!
or actual sterling silver
instead of pictures of charles, Liz II was OK...
it'd be like russians offering me rubles...
I just wave them away with my hand and sneer....

Ah yes, happy 4th of July in the land of the not so free :D

I guess one thing I like about Ukraine is that it's more of a mind your own business get on with it kind of culture. The US I see as people plaguing themselves with 'issues' and taking it out on each other, pro abortion, pro life, pro guns rights, pro gay rights, pro trump, pro Biden, etc, etc. People decide they have to take up an issue like that and inflict themselves on each other. I get the amusing entertainment side but I think it can breed too much antagonism taken too far. We have really only had the Brexit issue in recent years, there have been lesser stuff like COVID but that wasn't as prominent divide as in the US I think. A small amount of 'issue' stuff like in the US on abortion creeps over slightly from time to time but I think has never really taken on a life of its own as in the US thank goodness.

I think though for getting out there and doing stuff the UK can be as bad as the US. Too much potential for I interfering from others, local government, etc. Too many people willing to complain about something they see others up too. That's what I like about Ukraine that the impression I get is people aren't generally poking their nose into matters that don't concern them, you can just get on with it. Hopefully the EU won't change that about Ukraine and bring in the fuss they are known for.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2023, 08:38:21 AM »
I don't get what you mean? For everywhere else they've brought in equal pay it's turned the women into shemen. I don't see how Ukraine wouldn't end up the same way. An even bigger mess than it's currently in maybe but the dating scene would be screwed surely?

I don't want to ask you WTF is your point. Equal pay makes for bad women? Don't tell me,
I have read enough stupid stuff.

Women never have and will never have equal pay. They will never at any significant rate
become plumbers, bricklayers, mechanics, welders, stem field workers and such. They will
usually take off large chunks of time to raise their children and after a certain age will stop
working at jobs 80 hours per week. They will always work more part time jobs. They will
take office jobs more often than roofing jobs.

As a result when you divide their total average income to men's total average income they
will make less on average. They don't get paid less for the same work.

Ukrainian women are not different they work less hours per week than men and in more
indoor jobs than men. They may get paid less for the same work, I don't know.

There is no societal or social benefit to paying women less than men for the same work.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 08:42:24 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2023, 08:54:44 AM »

It looks like you are still alive.

I need the answers to these three questions to help.

1. There is a certain amount of effort and risk required to find and pursue an
FSUW. Is there some reason that you think that you have the minimum amount
of effort and risk taking required to be successful?

2. I don't remember when your last trip was. Was it more than 3 years ago?

3. What is the age range you are pursuing? Min/Max

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2023, 08:59:39 AM »
don't ya see how your life would have been better if you had more money?
how the problems you have now would simply not even exist if you were wealthy?

here's a lesson I learned when I was a teenager....

so, as a result, I structured my life around monetizing my skills to ensure a maximum return
and with decades of climbing up a steep ladder, accumulated more than enough wealth to stop running on the hamster wheel of life
and instead lay out in the pool or fiddle around with electronics in the basement

I do however miss my 'hillbilly' hamlet in Crimea and my old home there even though it's a war zone now
I was an early part of the 21st century russian diaspora and sold/gave away my russian assets

my father's parents were part of the 19th century diaspora
so i have traveled a well worn path

i came, I saw, I went back to the USA before Pootin could put in me jail
and so here I sit, just me and my security detail....
after July 4th we sure do have a lot of brass to reload!!!!

BTW, still plenty of HOT lookin women in their 30s in ALL major Ukrainian cities
it seems like most of the ones who left were young college educated
older, professional women stayed behind
their dating prospects in Ukraine are near ZERO

take a couple of weeks off from your job and go find some place to volunteer in a big Ukrainian city

I am DEAD SERIOUS when I tell you that when I was your age, I had a 50% success rate in asking randon women I met to have lunch in a cafe with me
no reason why you wouldn't have that level of success today

only problem you're gonna have Trench is a lack of sexual experience
becasue if you are SERIOUS about this woman
then the first time you have sex with her
you have to make her COME HARD!!!!

this is not exactly a well known skill amongst the midlands incel poulation
so my question is, when it comes to your performance
what level of player are you gonna be based on your 'experience'
IMHO, you are not even prepared for dealing with this
and if you ever saw a bare vagina in person,  instead of on your computer monitor, you'd probably have a seizure or somethin!!!

« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 10:27:15 AM by krimster2 »

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Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2023, 10:25:24 AM »
all you young incels have no clue about the life ya could be livin
ifn I was doing it now, I'd be a medical/relief volunteer in a big Ukrainian city
and I'd be scoopin up more pooty-tang than anybody has a right to

You and I think alike, but an incel is afraid of their own shadow. The only advice they
will listen to is which hand lotion is the best.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2023, 10:46:59 AM »
when I was a youngster in uniform in both USA and Israel I got hit on by 'groupies' 
it turns out a lotta women get turned on on by a dewd wearin a uniform who isn't a play soldier
older ones wanted to feed me and phuque me, and it'd be stupid to turn down a home cooked meal compared to army chow...
younger ones, wanted me to strip and flex for them

my advice...
create your own combat medic look, put BLUE/GOLD and union jack patches on
you TOTALLY want a a freakin green beret!!!!!!

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Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2023, 12:59:54 PM »
my advice...
create your own combat medic look, put BLUE/GOLD and union jack patches on
you TOTALLY want a a freakin green beret!!!!!!

You rock the uniform.

For Newbies (not Krimster)

I highly recommend that those who have never been in the military don't
pretend that they were. You WILL screw it up. No civilian knows how everything
is supposed to be arranged and they don't know how a marine speaks vs army.
A real Army, Marine, Navy vet will be offended and want to punch the faker in
the face many times.

If you end up marrying the woman that you lied to ........................... watch
any romantic comedy Ben Stiller film and witness all the chaos that happens
when he lies and lies again and again. I would prefer to do my own dental
work (those wisdom teeth won't pull themselves) and I still have mine.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 01:03:44 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2023, 02:02:55 PM »
I put on the uniform of a deceased colonel in the russian army with my own gold-rimmed aviator glasses and walked around various places in sevastopol like this and got away with it until my wife found out and completely freaked out....

you have NO IDEA how much fun I could have back in those days in sevastopol
bunker diving, exploring cave cities and cave churches in the mountains with kids and dog
dressing as russian officer.....

in the summer i'd take my daughters to the beach, and we'd be mobbed by local girls goin "ooooo" ahhhhhhhhh" over them
I saw so many teenage boobies up close and personal, back then damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....
lookin ain't a crime, if you're passively lookin and not actively
so just sit back and enjoy the itty bitty titty show in the summer with teen girls on a crimean beach with high school girls who wanna speak english with ya
IMHO, not a particulaly bad way to spend a summer afternoon...
referring of course to the pleasant ambiance of the beach

« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 02:07:24 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2023, 04:00:00 PM »

It looks like you are still alive.

I need the answers to these three questions to help.

1. There is a certain amount of effort and risk required to find and pursue an
FSUW. Is there some reason that you think that you have the minimum amount
of effort and risk taking required to be successful?

2. I don't remember when your last trip was. Was it more than 3 years ago?

3. What is the age range you are pursuing? Min/Max

1). It depends what you mean in which way. The Titan sub crew did risk taking, the risk didn't pay off for them. People talk about taking risks and assume it will be a win against the odds of losing and they will come up shining. Doesn't always happen, often risk can be taken and you end up in a worse situation. Do I chuck my job in before getting in a sound financial position on the off chance a business etc might take off? If I do I could get stuff rolling earlier, if my finances start to fail I slip up and set myself back possibly months or years for the sake of a few weeks.

2). Yes my last trip was more than 3 years ago. It was in the Summer 2019 to Kyiv before the virus. So virus definitely was a big difficulty in going. I had the house to do anyway so  made sense to concentrate on that then all the problematic difficulty of trying to get to the FSU. Then war kicked off, again still more stuff to do on the house a real pain as if I had been at Warsaw or Krakow rail station I could have picked up a chick potentially but no telling if I could get a good one on the hoof. A visit is still penned in but I am best placed with the house done and rooms rented out with money coming in. That way I have plenty of time and my finances aren't stretched.

3). Age range is thirties age range, the way I figure it is that most women in their thirties are in the milk past sell by date category so are most readily available and serious. I'm not saying it couldn't happen with anyone younger but I'm not aiming for them or hitting them up. Twenties or younger bring complications, they can be already dating at home, bf, married even, it tends to be in general a very vibrant volatile dating scene particularly with the more prettier girls. Any girl that is reasonably pretty or better tends not to be short of guys to date at home especially in their late teens to mid twenties. So I don't have time to waste on girls that may not be free and playing games. Most of the time women in their thirties are pretty much just as attractive, more serious as the click is ticking and more likely unattached. Also it avoids the 'is that your daughter' big age gap feeling. Not that I mind but it's best if each other can relate to each other rather than others. When I get around to going out there I hopefully soon I will be not be taking it too seriously just see what comes.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2023, 06:27:37 PM »
You rock the uniform.

For Newbies (not Krimster)

I highly recommend that those who have never been in the military don't
pretend that they were. You WILL screw it up. No civilian knows how everything
is supposed to be arranged and they don't know how a marine speaks vs army.
A real Army, Marine, Navy vet will be offended and want to punch the faker in
the face many times.

If you end up marrying the woman that you lied to ........................... watch
any romantic comedy Ben Stiller film and witness all the chaos that happens
when he lies and lies again and again. I would prefer to do my own dental
work (those wisdom teeth won't pull themselves) and I still have mine.

Just say you were in the IRA so no need to answer further questions ;D

I agree though with you Bill, going in with the truth is the best way. Untruths spread distrust and once distrust starts snowballing it gets bigger and bigger potentially for the guy and the girl. Before long it destroys the relationship when neither feel they can rely on the other or know who they really are. Once either tags onto a small untruth it tends to get the mind suspicious and many other instances can be regarded as untruths even if they aren't.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2023, 03:36:52 AM »
Trenchcoat take a good look around you where you are currently living. Do you see men that are more handsome? Do you see men that have more money? If so, are you really prepared to bring a woman there based on inequality and you being more rich than what she can get locally? Very likely you will be left on the first opportunity for a better option.Find someone that is prepared to leave a better life just to be with you. Regardless of you being you.
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Re: Is Ukraine as we know and love it doomed whoever wins the war?
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2023, 06:41:59 AM »
Trenchcoat take a good look around you where you are currently living. Do you see men that are more handsome? Do you see men that have more money? If so, are you really prepared to bring a woman there based on inequality and you being more rich than what she can get locally? Very likely you will be left on the first opportunity for a better option.Find someone that is prepared to leave a better life just to be with you. Regardless of you being you.

At face value that's good advice Shadow but things are rarely that simple. The hypergamy scale would be kicking in majorly against me in such a situation. The girl would probably quickly get tired off me if I didn't up my game. I mean it might work but be dependent on the girl and the situation.

Around where I live there is always going to be someone either better looking, more money or both. However, some of those are married, already with someone or may not be interested in girl I would be with or not familiar with her, know her, them much younger or older than her, etc.

It's why I'm looking at girls in their thirties, girls in their twenties would probably be almost hopeless trying to hold onto in the UK unless they were massively into me. Girls in their thirties are in a less vibrant dating market even here in the UK. No guarantees of course but a lot less vibrant. They also have the clock running down on time when they can have a baby as well as potentially their looks possibly slightly on the wane from their twenties, likely not a lot but just a little. They also have their competitors to think off, other women and they'll be attuned to how things were in Ukraine for a bit.

Even still I have issues in my search, even among the thirty year old category I tend to be attracted to the prettier girls. My life at the moment is probably in a situation that wouldn't line up with their desires moreso my job. My job isn't the most glamorous and potentially any woman may see it as a bit of a joke. It brings the money in and is a stable easy going enough little earner but I doubt many women would look upon it well, western women or FSW. Only ones that probably would be ok with it are more down to earth everyday looking women in the FSU. I think they would see it does what it does and be content with that, most of the prettier women I doubt it would match up to their high status vision they probably dream off. So at some point in the near future I have to do something with a lot more go in it on that front.

For example, one girl was looking at last night is into Dance in a big way, basically it is her life from the looks of things. Does choreography and all the popstar posing stuff but in a lower league if course. Probably had dreams of hitting it big or possibly just really into Dance. So lots of fancy Dance pics on her site. Looks like she taught children Dance a lot along the way also so not a bad sign though possibly did that more when she was in her latter career stages. As you can imagine Dance career probably only lasts so long as who wants to have some olden gigging around on stage. So now she's in her early to mid thirties and my guess is she is getting near the age that her dance career is coming to and end and she's relagated to teaching Dance. My guess is that her earnings are dropping off as a result particularly as in hard times people cut out that stuff for kids and it probably doesn't pay that well over there anyway. So she is likely looking for a guy to take her on as a result. So would she accept me? Or be looking for a guy with a lot more glamorous lifestyle himself not to mention possibly bringing in better money?

A person who is into Dance would probably suit her best or at least some connection to the industry but my guess is that someone with a more mundane lifestyle probably wouldn't suit her.

Then of course the model looking girls, assuming they are real model looking and not just staged photos glamming them up. They would likely be pretty similar.

So I've either got to really bring my life along or get a girl who suits me in some particular sort of way.

I was also looking at a girl last night after the above one with big tits, I would guess about double F's. Again I'm her early to mid thirties, everyday looking to possibly reasonably attractive. Very top heavy, think possibly some of it padding but most of it real. Very many pics of her with her big tits popping out. Lives out near some small city in Ukraine. The big tits were quite enticing for me so I wonder if I should go for her. It's a nice plus in a way and probably would avoid a lot of trouble that the prettier girls would get as she's not really model pretty, pleasant looking but not model pretty so made me wonder if she might be a good choice.

If of course I were majorly successful in some way then a lot of my issues would be non issues but so far success has eluded me. Catching up on the Tour de France yesterday I noticed that one guy had a pretty model girl girlfriend, funny how they seem to be around guys bringing the money in big lol.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 07:00:16 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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