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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 464902 times)

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Wife just back from shopping at Aldi a couple of towns over.

Was not stopped for police control but did have an auto certification with her stating intent for her trip. Grocery shopping is considered a necessity so is ok.

No shortages, store fully stocked, not crowded, no waiting line to get in.  Someone was posted near the fresh bread and veggie/fruit section reminding folks to use the provided gloves.

I went to pick up a package at Mailboxes, on the way took a picture of the signs I saw kids putting up yesterday.

'Everything is gonna be fine'...  That's the spirit.

Note: We're a good ways south of the critical areas around Lombardy.  Up north it will be a bit different in the big cities, but nothing chaotic or anywhere near that that I can see from news reports.

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Meh, different strokes for different folks. I believe in the power  of vitamin C. What I suggested to Billy is what I do myself. Particularly in the winter months I will hammer VC pretty hard. Yeah I'll take 2000mg and even knock it back with orange juice. If there's flu in the air I'll do it twice a day. I've been doing it for years. That was advice from a doctor friend of mine. He does it to.

In Wuhan they are finding VC therapy helpful in combating the virus for those infected and many of those not infected and taking heavy doses are not getting infected. I do understand what you believe about the smoothies but in many instances it's just not enough. Better living through chemistry. Everyone's best bet short of the cure is a strong immune system


I read the therapy application to infected folks report in Wuhan. IIRC, it’s inconclusive. Further testing/therapy was administered to non-infected folks, the same thing, result is mixed.

I know the virtue of perception. FWIW, OJ have very high fructose content. It is so bad for your liver. Americans have a very high number of diabetics. I suggest maybe a bit of caution. What I’m able to absorb at my younger days is far different than what my body can today.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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There is an arthritis drug that Italians are seemingly having some success with recovery in bad cases. Was first used in China. Reports are that it is already being used here and stock for each province already ordered and is on the way.  Obviously not a cure or preventative measure, more like the last hope for getting some off respirators or keeping others from having to need one.

Hope it works well and if so thanks China.

Online Faux Pas

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I read the therapy application to infected folks report in Wuhan. IIRC, it’s inconclusive. Further testing/therapy was administered to non-infected folks, the same thing, result is mixed.

I know the virtue of perception. FWIW, OJ have very high fructose content. It is so bad for your liver. Americans have a very high number of diabetics. I suggest maybe a bit of caution. What I’m able to absorb at my younger days is far different than what my body can today.

It is inconclusive and I'd suspect the successes probably have other factors involved but, VC doesn't hurt you per se'. One can't OD on it but you can have an insufficiency. VC does boost the immune system which helps to fight attacks on the body by viruses. For me it makes sense. So, rather than buying 10 years of TP and water to soothe the anxiety I'll "boost up" LOL

I am one of those diabetics and I'm a bit of a juice queer. I love my juice but no sir, my OJ is normally fresh squeezed. Water, juice and alcohol is about all of the liquids I consume

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I am one of those diabetics and I'm a bit of a juice queer. I love my juice but no sir, my OJ is normally fresh squeezed. Water, juice and alcohol is about all of the liquids I consume

Bruddah, are you kiddin’ me!? I used to raze a bushel full of mandarin oranges in one sitting. As a kid, I’d go through a half a dozen unripe mangoes like it was bread. The greener the more sour, the better. Papayas, pineapples, jackfruits, etc.. That’s after having a nice bowl of loco moco for breakfast ( bowl of white rice with two sunny side up eggs, spam, then drenched in soy sauce). The stuff is king, baby!

Result of my blood draw last Monday had my doctor jumping with joy. A1C read is down 5 pegs. I’m currently at 6.1. Literally teetering at the point of no return, Bro. I say, slow down bud. Move over one lane down. No need to speed on that fast lane. Folks like us are near our destination point these days.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 06:47:24 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Online Faux Pas

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Bruddah, are you kiddin’ me!? I used to raze a bushel full of mandarin oranges in one sitting. As a kid, I’d go through a half a dozen unripe mangoes like it was bread. The greener the more sour, the better. Papayas, pineapples, jackfruits, etc.. That’s after having a nice bowl of loco moco for breakfast ( bowl of white rice with two sunny side up eggs, spam, then drenched in soy sauce). The stuff is king, baby!

Result of my blood draw last Monday had my doctor jumping with joy. A1C read is down 5 pegs. I’m currently at 6.1. Literally teetering at the point of no return, Bro. I say, slow down bud. Move over one lane down. No need to speed on that fast lane. Folks like us are near our destination point these days.

LOL slow down from what? Any slower and I'll literally be starving myself to death. I had a heart attack 8 years ago and that's when I was diagnosed diabetic. My diet made a complete 180 and I've lost 100 lbs. The wife who's always been a conscientious healthy eater holds my feet to the fire. No refined sugar of any sort enters our domain unless it has snuck in by some of those crafty sneaky bastards hiding it in something or other. No frucose or syrups of any kind. My A1C teeters in the high 6 low 7. The biggest difference for me was losing the weight

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"Not really, it should be the number of deaths divided by the number of infected"

ok, but why?
since you don't know the outcome of the currently infected, they are currently "alive" but 5% will die later
this leads to quite a variance
I kinda think the deaths/recovery is a more accurate metric with less variance
moy dva kopec
but I'm just lookin at it numerically
maybe there's a non-numeric reason to look at it as you suggest
I dunno, can you explain why you chose your calculation?

This is an interesting math problem, Krim. Earlier in the thread you mention that young people are not getting it. Are they not getting it (they took a test and it showed they were not infected) or are they getting it, but because they are young and without preexisting conditions, they are fine after a week? It would be interesting to show the statistics of who has been tested by age. If this virus only goes for old people, it would have to point to an engineered virus, would it not?

I know that the company I work for has prohibited any domestic and international business travel until the end of May...


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As for what we are mistakenly calling 'mortality rate' here

Watch the video at top right of the page.

Then start putting the math on paper and posting.

People in the video talk about those who are not diagnosed and go undetected but don't talk about those misdiagnosed or undetected and died so they will get their CFR numbers lower. There's a lot of unknowns. We can only calculate what is known. CFR, like mortality rate is based on time. It's a mistake to calculate those currently infected into CFR or mortality rates until their time is up.

Billy are you even reading the link you provide? Your claim is counter to what the very citation you’re providing as support is saying.

Not counter to what I said. There is a controversy but controversy isn't fact. It also said research shown vitamin C to reduce length of colds by 1 to 1.5 days. That research and the fact medical professionals are using Vitamin C on infected patients is good enough for me. Vitamin C is not an anti viral medicine. It promotes healthy stronger immune system which in turn will fight viruses.

I thought you refuted the genesis of the strains of coronavirus? Then you provide another link with a report linking the genesis to which you refuted.

The article didn't claim COVID-19 came from animals. The article said SARS and MERS came from animals. COVID-19 is not SARS or MERS although it is a coronavirus.

There's also a supplement called Energen. It's pretty good stuff and a caffine boast as well. There's 1000mg VC per packet.

When I bought vitamin C, I noticed a few items, one being Energen, was sold out.

Social media and 24 hours news channels have inflamed the hype.

If anybody out there is reading Social media, right wing news or anti left wing news for coronavirus education, stop. All news have been underestimating the danger of this virus. The info the governments put out on the coronavirus can't be translated into something that will cause panic. If they put out the truth, panic will happen.

People complain doctors are telling people go home without a test. Even the Italian nurse in the article I provided tells people to do their part to go home. That is the solution. Hospitals can't provide anybody with a cure, only relief and support. If restricting travel doesn't work, we will come to the point of shutting down work and our countries for 30+ days where everybody stays home. Those sick at home can burn out the virus or die but at least they won't infect others and overload hospitals.

There is an arthritis drug that Italians are seemingly having some success with recovery in bad cases.

There may be stuff out there that provide relief or support to the immune system but there is no anti viral medicine or cure available. A person's immune system is the only thing available to beat the virus.

There are numerous articles and videos out there that claim they found something that works or Lab directors claiming they are close to finding a vaccine. It's all BS. Do not believe anything you read or hear on that until you see an official statement from WHO they found something. Why do they lie? Maybe they want more government funding or they are told to lie to give people hope a cure is around the corner buying time so people don't panic.

Man has been trying to find antiviral medicines and vaccines for cold viruses for over a 100 years with no success. If they can't find a cure or treatment for a weak virus, do not have hope they will find one for a dangerous relative of a cold virus.

SARS came out in 2002. It is a coronavirus which is related to the cold virus. It's been 18 years and there is no vaccine or antiviral medicine on earth. Our best and brightest minds have failed to find anything so the only thing available is supportive care. Your immune system is the only defense against the virus.

MERS came out in 2012. It is also a coronavirus. It's been 8 years and no antiviral medicine or vaccine has ever been made. Your immunity system is the only defense.

COVID-19 is worse than those two. Bill Gates, who has lots of experience fighting epidemics, said COVID-19 behaves like the once in a century virus we've always worried about.

Do not expect a cure or treatment to be ever invented. Test kits is part of the current solution but it may fail. We really don't need test kits at all. Governments need to tell everybody to quit work and stay home for 30 or more days to eradicate this virus from the human body. It's short term pain for long term gain. We will first try test kits to identify those who are infected and isolate them from the general population but if that doesn't work and this virus drags on for months and years, expect draconian style quarantines and laws. We aren't going to like it but we all have to do our part to get rid of this virus.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 08:00:46 AM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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There is an arthritis drug that Italians are seemingly having some success with recovery in bad cases. Was first used in China. Reports are that it is already being used here and stock for each province already ordered and is on the way.  Obviously not a cure or preventative measure, more like the last hope for getting some off respirators or keeping others from having to need one.

Would that be Kevzara

It is used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), entirely different from osteoarthritis so common in aging people.   RA is a chronic inflammatory disorder,  involving the immune system mistakenly attacking joints and is some cases other body parts. 

The  life-threatening cases of COVID-19 infections involve an overreacting immune system attacking the lungs.  So both RA and COVID-19 infections are autoimmune disorders.  So maybe an RA therapeutic medicine is applicable to treating COVID infections.

The US FDA safety laws would prevent use of a pharmaceutical for purposes other than originally prescribed.    Limited experimentation is allowed under very tight, time-consuming controls.  China regulations are different. 

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P. S.

This article explains how COVID-19 can cause the immune system to 'go haywire' and damage healthy lung tissue.

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the Chinese data is from their hospitals
it's just a demographic of their patients...

of all the infected in the hospitals, less than 2% were under the age of 18...
I think it is a combination of it's harder for < 18 yr olds to get, and when they do get it, the symptoms are MUCH milder. so they just don't go to the hospital..
but after age 20, the numbers start rising FAST....


you freaking hire some teens who are old enough to drive but are 18 or less
YOU do not want to handle money!
so give each teen shopper a debit card that they can use
and as long as the banks are still working
you can wire your teen shoppers their "service fee" at the end of the month
you should hire multiple, in case one gets sick...
but DO NOT ever come into physical contact with them or anyone else
and you sanitize the surface of everything that came from the store, preferably after waiting 24 hours before even touching it

note: pay at the end of the month, so they have an interest in "keeping you alive"
only keep just enough for the groceries on their debit cards so they don't develop "bad ideas" about using it...
they simply shop for your "must have snacks" and drop off a couple of boxes to you once a week....
but you never come into contact with them or anyone else

and as long as the banks, wire transfers and internet are still functioning...
I will be able to watch the world fall apart in both comfort and style

my prediction?
10 years from now, only 3 countries are left in the Northern Hemisphere!

Alaska, which became independent after the USA collapsed
The People's Republic of Nova Scotia
and Russia...
but Russia's new capital is St Petersburg

10 years from now...
when young people see me, they will be in AWE
because most of them will never have met a person over age 50!!!
I will be able to tell them whatever BS about the past they want to hear
and get free meals and entertainment wherever I go
because I lost all my money and spent all my gold and silver on foolish things
so now I just wander and tell stories for food...

I speak English, so I can live in Alaska
and I speak Russian, so I can also go live in Murmansk in Novo Russiya

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 09:17:36 AM by krimster2 »

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It's a dilemma for sure, without the government stepping in and as Billy says telling everyone to stop work and self quarentine at home for say a 30 period how to react as an individual in this pandemic?

Does one stop what one is doing, stop all plans, stop all work and self isolate for however long until this thing is over? - that could be many months :-\


Does one carry on with work and plans regardless and don't concern oneself about the risk of getting the virus, just take the sanitary advice precautions, etc and if one gets it just accept it and matters take their course? - life is not put on hold and whatever happens, happens.

Many elderly with good pensions/good state pensions can isolate for long periods and are potentially more at risk. Entertainment is better these days with many more options available at home, though it depends on what you are into and personal resources.

For the rest of us, there is less of an easy default that the elderly have.

Does the worker or business owner stop their work or business activity and go off to individually hibinate for an uncertain period of time that could prove to be very economically damaging to them and hence detrimental to their immediate and possibly future quality of life?


Does the individual press on with work or business with the potentially much higher risk of contracting the virus, wait it out for government to step in, and just see if one can survive the virus if it comes about to oneself?

To me it's seems like choosing between two bad options.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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it'll be wuhan

if you ain't workin in a hospital, police or fire station, grocery or pharmacy, or morgue
stay home

this IS WHY the infection dropped there!!!
this IS THE ONLY WAY to stop the massive growth...
once China lets everyone go back to work, because they're only having less than 10 cases per day thanks to total quarantine
the numbers will explode again...

so then what?

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KRIMSTER WROTE "stay home."

We were discussing this over a week ago.  It will flatten and lengthen the graphical trajectory  of number of infections.

You are posting a lot of crap and redundant comments.    The redundancy suggests you are not trolling but suffering a serious case of anxiety. 

Assuming the latter, please read and reflect on this from BC's post at 8:55 am.

   I went to pick up a package at Mailboxes, on the way took a picture of the signs I saw kids putting up yesterday.

'Everything is gonna be fine'...  That's the spirit.

Please research the physiological fact that anxiety is not good for your immune system.  It stresses the body, releasing cortisol.  I assert 100% of us will eventually become exposed to this corona virus.   Our body's immunity (mucous membrane, etc.)  in most cases should stop the virus before reaching a critical target cell where it can grow.  You are weakening your immunity system. 

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Not counter to what I said. There is a controversy but controversy isn't fact.

Yes it did, Billy! LMAO. I even bolded the two sentences, yours and theirs, showing CONTRADICTING statement.

The article didn't claim COVID-19 came from animals. The article said SARS and MERS came from animals. COVID-19 is not SARS or MERS although it is a coronavirus.

In the article:

~ Such has been the nature of past zoonotic coronaviruses, ones that hopped from animals to humans like SARS and MERS. Unlike their common-cold-causing cousins, these emergent coronaviruses can spark a viral-induced fire throughout many of a person’s organs, and the new disease—dubbed "COVID-19" by the World Health Organization—is no exception when it is severe.


BillyB, methinks Vitamin C overdose is starting to show, bro...
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Would that be Kevzara


The US FDA safety laws would prevent use of a pharmaceutical for purposes other than originally prescribed.    Limited experimentation is allowed under very tight, time-consuming controls.  China regulations are different.

Google should translate these for you if you select the option.

China’s National Health Commission included the use of tocilizumab in guidelines, to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) patients.[16]. On 11 March 2020 Italian physician Paolo Ascierto reported that tocilizumab appeared to be effective in two cases of COVID-19 in Italy.

Seems the doctors here can do what doctors should be doing, pulling all stops to save lives.

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It's a dilemma for sure, without the government stepping in and as Billy says telling everyone to stop work and self quarentine at home for say a 30 period how to react as an individual in this pandemic?

To be clear, as individuals we can't stop the problem. Individual participation can only help reduce the spread. To get rid of the virus we ALL have to participate. ALL meaning everybody in the world. Italy in total quarantine is a solution only for themselves. What should be a permanent solution for them will only be a temporary solution without participation from ALL nations and ALL individuals in within their nation to stop the spread. All it takes is a few idiots that say "Can't stop living", goes to the bar and parties, sharing cups and needles, engaging in reckless behavior which can drag this thing on longer.

In the article:

~ Such has been the nature of past zoonotic coronaviruses, ones that hopped from animals to humans like SARS and MERS. Unlike their common-cold-causing cousins, these emergent coronaviruses can spark a viral-induced fire throughout many of a person’s organs, and the new disease—dubbed "COVID-19" by the World Health Organization—is no exception when it is severe.

The two past coronaviruses are SARS and MERS. COVID-19 is a present virus, not past and they have not claimed it came from an animal. No animal in the world infected with COVID-19 has ever found except in pets that were infected by their owners. The article didn't claim COVID-19 was from an animal. They can't without proof.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 09:04:25 AM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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yes, bubbas, just stick your heads in the sand...
and don't worry, EXACTLY as dear leader has instructed!!!

gator, when are ya gonna realize...
I'm NOT the one with the anxiety
YOU are...

cuz, i'm one of those "crazy MFers"
and death and chaos are MY bitches, bitches...

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 09:14:23 AM by krimster2 »

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...Please research the physiological fact that anxiety is not good for your immune system.  It stresses the body, releasing cortisol.  I assert 100% of us will eventually become exposed to this corona virus.   Our body's immunity (mucous membrane, etc.)  in most cases should stop the virus before reaching a critical target cell where it can grow.  You are weakening your immunity system.

Ain't that the truth! Things unknown triggers a whole lot of panicked reactions, confusion, anxieties and other stressful responses. You can even see these on this thread. People's minds starts connecting abstract, sometimes fictional, dots and start reacting to that.

It's no different than those toilet paper hoarders. One person starts it, then other people sees it, next thing you know - not even remotely understanding why - others begin frenzied buying. You can even see this on the stock market. Massive unwarranted sell-offs.

The ol' Doomsday, Repent Now Survivalist syndrome - kicking in.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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To be clear, as individuals we can't stop the problem. Individual participation can only help reduce the spread. To get rid of the virus we ALL have to participate. ALL meaning everybody in the world. Italy in total quarantine is a solution only for themselves. What should be a permanent solution for them will only be a temporary solution without participation from ALL nations and ALL individuals in within their nation to stop the spread. All it takes is a few idiots that say "Can't stop living", goes to the bar and parties, sharing cups and needles, engaging in reckless behavior which can drag this thing on longer.


The efforts in Italy or elsewhere for that matter will never 'get rid' of the virus.  The genie is out of the bottle and won't ever go back inside. Quarantine is geared only to buy time to help healthcare providers keep up with the demand, allow time for new therapies to be developed and hopefully an effective vaccine to be produced.

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exactly, it's all about "buying as much time as possible"...
but we totally failed...


don't worry, be happy
new republican motto

probably a week from now, the Dow will be below where it was when dear leader took office....
it dropped 1,000 points after his speech

so "The Trump Economy" is a joke and totally fake to begin with...
and as Trump puts 1.5 Trillion into the stock market to prop up travel and hospitality fortune 500 co's
he defends cutting the CDC by 20% and shutting down one of the regional offices in the hardest hit covid areas
ANYTHING the USA had to slow this virus down, dear leader made sure it wasn't there...
EXACTLY as he was told to behave....

the reason WE have NO testing kits
and why other countries do...

is because given the choice to use the WHO covid test kits like Korea...
dear leader, decided INSTEAD that some private company in America should SOLELY develop America's ONLY test kit, so dear leader could take the credit for it...
we're STILL WORKING on getting even a TINY amount of working dear leader covid test kits
read what the mayor of San Francisco said about it TODAY on this subject....

dear republicans
take two tablespoons of Hillary's emails every day to help boost your immune systems to democrats
cuz ya'all know historically that whenever republicans screw up something, like Hoover and the great depression...
that a democrat ain't gonna be far behind to clean it up like Rosevelt...

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 09:42:12 AM by krimster2 »

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Thanks.  The first is the drug TZLS-501 made by Tiziana Life Sciences.  It is a novel, fully-human anti-interleukin-6 receptor (anti-IL6R) monoclonal antibody (MAb) for treatment of patients infected with coronavirus COVID-19.   

The second is Tocilizumab made by Roche, a RA drug but not the RA drug I cited.  I have heard Roche's drug  Tocilizumab holds promise.

The pharmacology differences among the three drugs is very complicated, and I certainly will not attempt to understand it, much less post something that likely is incorrect.  I relish the fact that we have three promising candidate therapeutic medicines.   

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  • Status: Married > 10 years
  • Trips: 4 - 10

Yes, I too hope these drugs do help and any bureaucratic hurdles are quickly overcome on your side of the Atlantic.

Time is short.  Are efforts being made to ensure they are available to doctors there?

Offline tfcrew

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It's no different than those toilet paper hoarders. One person starts it, then other people sees it, next thing you know - not even remotely understanding why - others begin frenzied buying. You can even see this on the stock market. Massive unwarranted sell-offs.
Toilet paper stock should be going up. 
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

Offline BC

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If this was a UK seller i'd bet it was Trench.

Yes, it's a real auction on ebay.


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