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Author Topic: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!  (Read 112954 times)

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #400 on: August 14, 2011, 08:58:38 AM »

No big surprise there. You are an expat living in Italy and pretty far removed from the day to day in America. You can watch the news and your relatives can fill you in but, you still won't experience unless you live here and are reliant on it.

True FP, but I do believe (or wish) that a true worldly view will eventually prevail.  Europeans do seem more interested in US politics than vice versa.  I do not blame US citizens for this as it is an effect of geographic isolation.  Had the continents not drifted we would all be much better off IMHO.

No but, I don't think it would be as dogmatic as it is now. If McCain were president we'd still have some major financial hurdles but, we'd be in more of a better position to deal with them. IMHO, we are in major financial dire straights and we have an Administration with it's head in the sand and intent on spending as fast and hard as it can.

I don't think anyone has his/her head in the sand. I give the US more credit than that.  It's definitely a difficult situation but I sense more pessimism than optimism and that is what is really disturbing.  Leads me to believe that resigned apathy prevails and that is bad... really bad.

My favorite as to who I think will win or who I'd like to see win?

At this point I think Romney will win but, it is still way too early. Mainstream America has seen the abyss of Leftist America. I am afraid we haven't learned anything and will now swing hard right for yet more abyss. All the while the problems we face in the country continue ignored and polarized partisan politics as usual.

I am an oddity politically. Of those in the race and Obama included IMHO, Ron Paul would be our best possible choice. If I were a member of a political party today, it would have to be Libertarian Party. I am a conservative, I believe in less government intrusion in every aspect of our lives. I believe in a balanced budget and paying enough taxes to make that happen. I believe roughly 60% of our current obligations and debt are wasted. I believe in a form of isolationism. We should leave the world alone and mind our own business and this is in all aspects.

I agree with you fully on most of the last paragraph and especially the bold part.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #401 on: August 14, 2011, 09:09:03 AM »
Surely you believe that healthcare costs are too high? 

Yes, and some parts of Obamacare seem needed.   Yet taken as a whole Obamacare was not the answer.   As one of many  examples, it addressed the deficit in Medicare in part by increasing taxes. 
  EU health systems do use their leverage to keep costs contained.

Yes, unlike the US I understand that  EU systems have controls to assure that 90% of one's lifetime healthcare expenses are not spent in the final year of one's life.
I don't believe healthcare will be a major issue in 2012.  The issue will be the economy, particularly jobs. 

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #402 on: August 14, 2011, 09:13:33 AM »
True FP, but I do believe (or wish) that a true worldly view will eventually prevail.  Europeans do seem more interested in US politics than vice versa.  I do not blame US citizens for this as it is an effect of geographic isolation.

Let's see, Canada is on the same continent as the United States, yet how many Americans are truly knowledgeable about Canada? I don't think geographic "isolation" has much to do with it.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #403 on: August 14, 2011, 09:14:06 AM »

None of my Republican friends say that.  Some of my Democratic friends say such.  Playing the race card is dead wrong IMO. 

LOL, I can say the same thing in our area. The race card is outrageously funny to play. Obama is as much white as he is black (and please folks, Tiger Woods is more Asian than he's African-American, and African men are NOT African-American).
The sad truth to this is, the 'black' side of Obama is the side that forsaked him since birth while the 'white' side are the ones who took care of him. But to play the society and get votes, he identified far more of him being black. Affirmative Action et al. Scholarships, LOL! Release his GPA, I say...His mother is the only uninsured government employee I know who ever lived...The Kool-aid is starting to churn.
Obama got elected because the media orchestrated manipulated his campaign very well. He certainly didn't get elected because of his merit (no vote senator), his governing experience (zip), nor his academic achievements (release his GPA. Bush and even Gore did).
As for the GOP, I'm suprised Bachman got the straw votes. She threw a few misinformation during her response regarding the US credit ratings issues. To note, I like the way Newt handled Chris Wallace's postured line of questioning. Add note, I like Rick Santorum the best, but this isn't saying much as this wasn't such an impressive bunch.
But maybe the media will start showing caskets returning from the Middle East everyday on TV, like they did during Bush's last year of office, especially now that under Obama's watch, he had successfully surpassed Bush's 5-year death count in Afghanistan in half the time. That's what happened when, as a president, you'd rather be skirting around the globe trying to influence an Olympic committee instead of meeting with your General during a war.
4 more beers! 4 more beers! 4 more beers!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 09:25:47 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #404 on: August 14, 2011, 09:21:26 AM »

 I believe in a form of isolationism. We should leave the world alone and mind our own business and this is in all aspects.

I suppose you mean nonintervention rather than isolation.  We operate in a global economy and we do need trade agreements and the like. 
While it would be ideal not to stick our nose into conflicts, there are some bad people in the world.  While we have a history of military intervention, I assert that our corporations have done far, far more globally and most of it to the good.   American business is why English is the international language.   

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #405 on: August 14, 2011, 09:27:00 AM »

Let's see, Canada is on the same continent as the United States, yet how many Americans are truly knowledgeable about Canada? I don't think geographic "isolation" has much to do with it.

I never knew Canada had a "little brother" syndrome.  ;)
We do not fully grasp the French Canadian culture, yet the average American probably comprehends Canada far better than it does California.     :D

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #406 on: August 14, 2011, 09:28:01 AM »
Any comment?  Europe is much closer to Putin, yet he remains silent.

Read the parenthetical phrase.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 09:32:20 AM by Gator »

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #407 on: August 14, 2011, 09:29:05 AM »
True FP, but I do believe (or wish) that a true worldly view will eventually prevail.  Europeans do seem more interested in US politics than vice versa.  I do not blame US citizens for this as it is an effect of geographic isolation.  Had the continents not drifted we would all be much better off IMHO.

I don't think anyone has his/her head in the sand. I give the US more credit than that.  It's definitely a difficult situation but I sense more pessimism than optimism and that is what is really disturbing.  Leads me to believe that resigned apathy prevails and that is bad... really bad.

I agree with you fully on most of the last paragraph and especially the bold part.

Obama inherited one big clusterf**k. I don't know anyone that would deny that. I would deny that W was the cause, certainly he contributed but this goes much farther back than W. Obama is content with pointing the finger at W and the republicans rather than assuming the leadership role he wanted so badly. Blame? There is a lot of blame to go around but, blame doesn't address the issues. We are where we are now, at this point in time. He is the leader yet he is not interested in pursuing solutions, only politics while the country goes down the tank. I don't know how much more one could have their head up their ass than does he, his staff and his advisers.

Pessimism is the prevailing feel I get from the many different business and personal contacts I make on a daily basis. Business is down in general across the board. Everyone is feeling the heat and scrambling to stay in the game. The future is too uncertain for most anyone to stay optimistic. Many do not feel they can make it until better days or if there is better days.

Most average Joe's 401Ks haven't recovered from the last bad Obama policies and have taken another beating in the past week. The small investor can't afford to invest in the stock market instead choosing to put cash in a savings account that pays little to no interest. There is so very little to be pragmatic about and Obama with his inexperience and ineffectiveness just continues to pile it on and make the situation worse. His batting average is something like .075 since being in office. I think most of us  "non-Obama" supporters fear another four years of the same old shyt

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #408 on: August 14, 2011, 09:42:44 AM »
We'll get either establishment Obama or some mainstream establishment Republican (Romney/Perry). Nothing will change in any big way on how the county is run. The super rich will get richer and the "rich", middleclass and poor will get poorer.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #409 on: August 14, 2011, 09:45:04 AM »

I never knew Canada had a "little brother" syndrome.  ;)

Are you kidding, American ignorance about geography, history and everything else has been a great source of   >:D

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #410 on: August 14, 2011, 09:51:23 AM »
Any comment?  Europe is much closer to Putin, yet he remains silent.

Read the parenthetical phrase.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #411 on: August 14, 2011, 09:52:04 AM »

I suppose you mean nonintervention rather than isolation.  We operate in a global economy and we do need trade agreements and the like. 
While it would be ideal not to stick our nose into conflicts, there are some bad people in the world.  While we have a history of military intervention, I assert that our corporations have done far, far more globally and most of it to the good.   American business is why English is the international language.

Not really. Maybe there is some sort of compromise between the two. Much of our conflicts abroad are a direct result of invested interests usually financial. I think if a US company invests abroad or locates abroad they should be left to their own devices. Our leaders have totally missed the boat on protecting US markets in their zeal to open and protect other world markets. If you want to trade with the US, it is done only on our terms. Much like the rest of the world now. No more foreign oil from the ME or cheap toys from China. The trade balance is balanced no excuses. There is nothing we can't produce right here at home. Of course we would have to become accustom to paying higher prices for it.

As far as conflicts go, let's get back to minding our business we have at home. No Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Korea. Bring all our troops home. Secure our borders rather than those of others. No more world cop and any and all foreign aid to other countries ended. Humanitarian aid provided by the private sector.

All drastic measure but sorely needed IMHO

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #412 on: August 14, 2011, 09:53:51 AM »
Obama is content with pointing the finger at W and the republicans rather than assuming the leadership role he wanted so badly.


I'm not seeing that.  Care to point out some examples?

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #413 on: August 14, 2011, 10:16:37 AM »

I'm not seeing that.  Care to point out some examples?

The finger pointing is everywhere, the leadership no where. 
Of course during the election in 2008 Obama blamed incumbent Bush for everything as most of America did too.  However, once you have become President it is time to look forward.  When taking a job, a leader accepts what he inherits.  Otherwise, refuse the job.  BTW, did not Obama inherit a AAA S&P rating?
Yet today the "Blame Bush" talk  still continues.
August 2:
August 8:
Obama even blamed Bush for the BP oil spill in the Gulf.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #414 on: August 14, 2011, 10:31:29 AM »

Are you kidding, American ignorance about geography, history and everything else has been a great source of   >:D

Your comedian was kind.   We have worse, and we make fun of our own.  One comedian is Jay Leno, and these are his best:
 In Florida we see plenty of Canadians, especially in the winter.  So we know something about Canada.  As an example, there is the story of two wheat farmers from Canada who booked a winter trip to Florida.  When they got off the plane, still wearing their winter garments, they wandered into a bar and sat down. The locals wondered about these strangers, so one walked over and asked,    "Good day. Where're you from?"
   "Saskatoon, Saskatchewan," one Canadian replied.
   "Oh," said the local, and he returned to his table.
   "So where are they from?" the other locals asked.
   "Don't know, they don't speak English."

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #415 on: August 14, 2011, 01:04:43 PM »

I'm not seeing that.  Care to point out some examples?

Gator's is an exact example of what I was eluding to. You can take your pick really, anything Obama receives negative questioning on, he is quick to point out, he inherited it blaming Bush and Republicans. Now the Tea Party seems to be the fashionable "whipping boy". Adversely, he is never offering solutions or leadership outside of the Democratic mantras.

BC being in Europe you are not likely as bombarded with these examples on a daily basis as we are here.

The only campaign promise he has kept is Obamacare which will be the tipping point of financial collapse if it comes to fruition. The uniting of political parties/differences, transparency in government, Guantanamo, Iraq, Afghanistan all of which are unchanged. Obama is working for someone and it isn't the American people. IMO

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #416 on: August 14, 2011, 01:13:52 PM »
I'm not sure why you believe Obamacare will be a financial tipping point, FP.  All EU countries have some form of "socialized" medicine, as does Canada.  In fact, unlike most EU countries, private health care is very restricted in Canada.  There are no private hospitals. 
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #417 on: August 14, 2011, 01:25:43 PM »

Your comedian was kind.   We have worse, and we make fun of our own.  One comedian is Jay Leno, and these are his best:
 In Florida we see plenty of Canadians, especially in the winter.  So we know something about Canada.  As an example, there is the story of two wheat farmers from Canada who booked a winter trip to Florida.  When they got off the plane, still wearing their winter garments, they wandered into a bar and sat down. The locals wondered about these strangers, so one walked over and asked,    "Good day. Where're you from?"
   "Saskatoon, Saskatchewan," one Canadian replied.
   "Oh," said the local, and he returned to his table.
   "So where are they from?" the other locals asked.
   "Don't know, they don't speak English."

 Well, I'm not a wheat farmer but I am from Saskatoon!!!   ;)

 But its funny to hear that you boys down there think we don't speak english... any time we hear people from your part of the world talk we think it is YOU who don't speak english! Its almost as difficult to understand you as it is a Brit!!!    :ROFL: 

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #418 on: August 14, 2011, 02:38:35 PM »


Geeze Muzh, The tea party is as close to the constitution than any other current party in the country. Do you have a problem with the Constitution?

So is the ACLU. You tell me what is your impression of the ACLU.

Those are very extreme statements you made there and both completely wrong IMO. I'm not a TP'er and yes they are extreme in their position but the idea is stick to the Constitution. It was/is a ground swell, grassroots party. WHY, does the far left hate it so bad?

I'm sorry but if there is an extreme statement is that the left hate the US Constitution.

I have met many from the far left that they would give their lives to protect the Constitution. The civil rights people in the 60s gave their lives protecting the Constitution and they were labeled traitors and <shudder> COMMUNISTS.

Problem that we have is there are people still believing the demagoguery that came from McCarthy and is still being perpetuated today.

Our founding documents clearly state that WE are ALL created equal. However, anytime any American staking that claim because they don't look or behave "equal" are call subversives and that they hate this country. Really?

I'm a progressive (read: LIBERAL) Do you honestly think I hate the USA?

Do you think that my oldest son who was raised by a liberal and is joining the Armed Forces hates the USA? He's a liberal, to much consternation of his mother.

Where do we draw the line and accept that people are entitled to their free will as long as it is within the boundaries of the law?  Hatred???[/quote]
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead. Thomas Paine - The American Crisis 1776-1783

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #419 on: August 14, 2011, 03:32:29 PM »

The finger pointing is everywhere, the leadership no where. 
Of course during the election in 2008 Obama blamed incumbent Bush for everything as most of America did too.  However, once you have become President it is time to look forward.  When taking a job, a leader accepts what he inherits.  Otherwise, refuse the job.  BTW, did not Obama inherit a AAA S&P rating?
Yet today the "Blame Bush" talk  still continues.
August 2:
August 8:
Obama even blamed Bush for the BP oil spill in the Gulf.


I see..  I was hoping for less rather than more, but I guess a politician is a politician.. the bug did bite him.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #420 on: August 14, 2011, 03:32:59 PM »
I'm not sure why you believe Obamacare will be a financial tipping point, FP.  All EU countries have some form of "socialized" medicine, as does Canada.  In fact, unlike most EU countries, private health care is very restricted in Canada.  There are no private hospitals.

The models and projections of Obamacare are not favorable. A deficit of one trillion dollars per year expected. The supposed savings from medicare will not cover that. This is the same government that can't operate medicare and social security yet, they want to handle my healthcare? The reason they can't operate medicare and social security is going broke is because they have taken the money and used it for other purposes.

Now they wish to dismantle a working system and replace it with Obamacare.  I have no confidence in our government to provide the level of healthcare I have now. There is almost a guarantee that when I reach retirement age in 20 years social security will be broke. This is the same group of clowns that couldn't pass favorable legislation to prevent a downgrade by S&P.

Boethuis you have much more trust in your government than I do mine. Sad I know but it is the reality. I don't want any part of it and I am paying 12-14K per year. That is what interest our politicians, not anyones healthcare. If it did, they wouldn't have exempted themselves from it.


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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #421 on: August 14, 2011, 04:12:35 PM »

So is the ACLU. You tell me what is your impression of the ACLU.

If you are looking for praise, you've asked the wrong guy. However, the ACLU is needed and has been a very important agency for many people for many years. They have also been very selective in the latter years of which causes they will champion. For a while after it's founding did some excellent work. The latter years not so much as pushing the extreme left wing agenda. Would I call them to protect my civil liberties? No.

I'm sorry but if there is an extreme statement is that the left hate the US Constitution

I have met many from the far left that they would give their lives to protect the Constitution. The civil rights people in the 60s gave their lives protecting the Constitution and they were labeled traitors and <shudder> COMMUNISTS. .

C'mon Muzh. You are being very dishonest, where did I state the left hates the constitution?

Problem that we have is there are people still believing the demagoguery that came from McCarthy and is still being perpetuated today.

I agree. Both the left and the right. Somehow I notice more of it from the left than anywhere else

Our founding documents clearly state that WE are ALL created equal. However, anytime any American staking that claim because they don't look or behave "equal" are call subversives and that they hate this country. Really?

More dishonesty Muzh. Where did I say anything even remotely related to what you are attributing to me?

I'm a progressive (read: LIBERAL) Do you honestly think I hate the USA?

Do you think that my oldest son who was raised by a liberal and is joining the Armed Forces hates the USA? He's a liberal, to much consternation of his mother.

Hates? Where does this strawman end Muzh?

Where do we draw the line and accept that people are entitled to their free will as long as it is within the boundaries of the law? Hatred???

Wow! We agree here. Why don't you tell me your opinion on the Tea Party?  :D

FWIW, I don't hate liberals and I do not think Liberals hate the constitution or the USA. I know many, many Liberals and many of those are my good friends. Some of them are even family. I was raised a Democrat but, that Democratic party abandon me years ago. Much in the same way as the Republican party did. I'm not your enemy although I do detect a tone in your last post to me. Why?

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #422 on: August 14, 2011, 04:30:30 PM »

The models and projections of Obamacare are not favorable. A deficit of one trillion dollars per year expected. The supposed savings from medicare will not cover that. This is the same government that can't operate medicare and social security yet, they want to handle my healthcare? The reason they can't operate medicare and social security is going broke is because they have taken the money and used it for other purposes.

Now they wish to dismantle a working system and replace it with Obamacare.  I have no confidence in our government to provide the level of healthcare I have now. There is almost a guarantee that when I reach retirement age in 20 years social security will be broke. This is the same group of clowns that couldn't pass favorable legislation to prevent a downgrade by S&P.

Boethuis you have much more trust in your government than I do mine. Sad I know but it is the reality. I don't want any part of it and I am paying 12-14K per year. That is what interest our politicians, not anyones healthcare. If it did, they wouldn't have exempted themselves from it.


It seems your assessment is not accurate.  The only valid critique is that Obamacare did not do enough.


The legislation will reduce budget deficits by about $140 billion during the 2010-2019 period and by an amount in a
broad range around one-half percent of GDP during the following decade.

Is interesting though that the 'luxuries' that cannot be afforded are decrease in infant mortality and a rise in life expectancy.

One day you'll stop bitchin' about it - and seems the government prefers it's sooner rather than later while paying more in the meantime.. LOL

Meanwhile, your insurance company is more than happy to cash your checks, then dump you when you need it most.

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #423 on: August 14, 2011, 05:22:51 PM »

Did you even read that? It does nothing to refute my position. The conclusion was it can't sustain itself into the future and this from Obama's own CBO office...LOL What are we to do then? I'm not sure the point you are trying to make there. There are a lot of ideas and models out there. The one I pay the most attention to is, who's getting the money. In this instance, it is the government, politicians and will be administered by the IRS. I can't in any good conscience support that.

Not so fast my friend  :D  It is to be heard before the USSC court now. It is not faring well for Obamacare and has a good chance of being ruled unconstitutional.

I am not against a National healthcare plan. Quite the opposite. I am against this one and the way they ripped our heads off and shoved it down our throats. It was nothing more than a power play and saddles the taxpayer with more burden. When they can pass one that is good enough for them, it'll be good enough for me  ;D

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Re: Putin calls USA a parasite on the world economy!
« Reply #424 on: August 14, 2011, 05:38:21 PM »

Much of our conflicts abroad are a direct result of invested interests usually financial. I think if a US company invests abroad or locates abroad they should be left to their own devices.

What?  Where have we put troops on the ground in combat? The private investments in Vietnam were mostly French.  In Iraq, the Russians and French accounted for much of the international trade, even violating the boycot.  In Afghanistan, the major trade was derivatives  of the opium poppy followed probably by pistachios.
Our leaders have totally missed the boat on protecting US markets in their zeal to open and protect other world markets. If you want to trade with the US, it is done only on our terms. Much like the rest of the world now. No more foreign oil from the ME or cheap toys from China. The trade balance is balanced no excuses. There is nothing we can't produce right here at home. Of course we would have to become accustom to paying higher prices for it.

I was wrong, you are an isolationist.  You want the US to be a self-sufficient island?   While the rest of the world actively participates in a global economy?  In one generation we would indeed fall behind much of the world.  Afghanistan is largely isolated.   
Economic theory states that if another country is able to produce something for a lower cost than we can, we should buy it from them and use the savings for other needs.  Such will of course result in displacement of the labor force, yet in an efficient expanding economy those workers need to mobilize around newer products with higher value added.  The key is to innovate and adapt.  Economic Darwinism.   
A global economy is not the problem.   The problem is us.  We are our own enemy.  We need leadership, not to protect those without healthcare insurance, but to align the institutions of the US  for the competition we face.  If successful, we can afford national health programs.   
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 05:41:41 PM by Gator »


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