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Author Topic: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?  (Read 364021 times)

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1575 on: November 09, 2012, 03:41:17 PM »

The Republicans nominated an economic hero, a business specialist at turnarounds, with an admirable personal character regarding honesty and integrity.   51% of America did not want him.
I never hear viable proposals from the Democrats.  Today the President proposed as part of the fiscal cliff to keep the same tax measures for people earning less than than $250k pa.  That seems reasonable.  I believe the extra revenue from those earning over $250k will keep the government running for a couple of days.   In other words, the extra tax revenue is peanuts.  Its a start, but where were the President's words about cutting government spending?   The Democrat's history (and Republicans at times) raise taxes not to reduce the deficit but to support more spending.
More than that, where are the initiatives to deal with what is really wrong with America.   Here is a clear example of what's wrong (and no candidate talked about it).  For each engineer the US graduates, smaller South Korea graduates 17.  For each lawyer South Korea graduates, America graduates 40.  Which country is focused on wealth creation and which on wealth redistribution?   
Yes, America has problems but a President who is a career politician and a Congress composed mostly of lawyers is not going to fix it.   Do you recall your Biology 101?  Lag pase, growth phase, etc.?  If something is not growing, it is dying.  We need growth, not redistribution.

"Thank you."    Again, those of us who worked paid more than we will ever receive.   Repeat,  those who worked paid more than we will ever receive.     (Hint:  Consider investment of those payments with compounded returns).
Maybe you should move and start your own country.  Us old dudes don't have that option; however, I am moving my money.  Completely legal, and not done to escape higher taxes.  Simply moving to emerging markets to obtain better returns than possible with American companies constrained by government initiatives.  You will now respond with something about unequal work conditions, etc.   Maybe your President will correct it.
Phil, this is an awesome post that really speaks the truth to any thinking person.

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1576 on: November 09, 2012, 05:37:06 PM »

I chose to invest in Bullets.. and Rice..  so, when the looters head my way, there'll be plenty of fresh meat to go with the Rice..

Not necessarily directing this comment at you Daveman, but if there are any members of RWD who are seriously worried about the direction that the GoodOl' USA is heading towards, I would strongly encourage you to contact your local state militia (Google is your best friend).
Before anybody starts howling that these groups are nothing but a bunch of white guys running around with sheets on.... you couldn't be further from the truth.
Some may be your neighbors down the street.
Some of them are former "professional" soldiers/Marines.
Some members are even former Commissioned Officers.
Also, before anybody considers going out and buying a bunch of junk pistols and rifles to protect themselves and their families, I would suggest consulting with some professionals and getting several opinions on the matter before wasting your money.  ;D
PS... BTW, there are some excellent (well trained) militias in your neck of the woods Daveman.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 05:38:57 PM by GoodOlBoy »
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1577 on: November 09, 2012, 05:40:35 PM »

Throw in sexy and fond of heels and those are the kind of FSUW that attract me. The ones that focus on disposable income, not so much. (I think this is a concer for WM with or without money, except for those who truly think they are purchasing a bride)

Thanks pitbull we have disagreed in the past too, I am glad you can find ways to agree with people with whom you have had disagreements too. It is a great character quality, some of my best friendships and associates thrive in the ability to disagree well.

Something foreign to American polar politics, hopefully the death of a poor generational character found primarily in one party will result in results and not rhetoric.
Hmm... don't remember fighting with you, but whatever the disagreement was -  all is forgiven for your great posts in this thread  :-*
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1578 on: November 09, 2012, 09:26:36 PM »
I was refraining from posting to you directly after our previous exchanges in the past didn't seem to offer me anything of value. However, I do not mind to try once again.

What in your opinion makes the 65 year old white man's station in life less valuable to him than the 26 year old black females station in life does to him? Who has offered and put up more (yes more of the negative political conditions also) bacon on the collective table? The 65 yr old white man or the 26 yr old black female wanting more?

It's hard to offer some thing to a man who has it all, especially knowledge. I do not recall past exchanges with you. Thanks for remembering me, I'll do better.

I guess it is just lost on you, age discrimination. Your generation has been voting for decades, a 26 year old inherited the politics and the debt of the Boomers. Your generation has a history of separation and conflict, how did all those marriages work out for Boomers--lot of divorces, a record.

If means testing a 65 year old SS check is offensive to you in principle, let's be practical kids need to eat and be educated. When Boomers were 26 they were given some good times, hiccups and difficulties, but often difficult times because of the inability to come together.

This mess isn't about work ethic. The country's economic engine is in serious jeopardy and all hands need to be part of the solution. Even older pale, or obnoxiously tanned ones.

We need ecomic heroes, enough with the war heroes. Let them come home and work with the rest of us to heal this country so that being American will mean something special again.  If you are old and disagree, four years from now you will either be older or gone. The message 2012 election gave is that the oldsters drove the car in the ditch in 2008, they lost their driving privileges. Please play nice with your grandkids in the back seat. Also learn to say "thank you" and "please" as we pay for your entitlements you failed to fund, but you insist on receiving. That's mine.

Obama is 51
Romney is 65
Bush is 65
McCain isn't he 80 or something

As I suspected. I asked you a very simple question of your opinion. You toss red herring freely I suspect for nothing more than avoidance. Dialogue with you is like nailing jello to a tree. One must accept that you are either incapable of any direct frank discourse or scared.

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1579 on: November 09, 2012, 11:55:47 PM »
Good equipment is going to be essential if you HOPE to survive the CHANGE ahead....

It could/might get so bad that these will come in handy someday for someone.

My gear stash these days includes:

.22's (7 rifles) in various configurations and magazine sizes ranging from a single-shot (or my grandson) to 30 rounds in an AK-style mag for my Ruger.

A solid .22 handgun (Browning Buckmark) and thinking about a couple more of the same model.

A 9mm pistol (and two 9mm carbines) along with the .40 caliber handguns I usually carried and practiced with regularly. Plenty of ammo and multiple mags for all of them.

A Mossberg 590 12-gauge with extended magazine (but I am looking more closely at their 20-gauge model and the #3 load). Yes, nothing says "I didn't hear you knock and ask for permission to enter my home." quite like racking a round in a pump shotgun. Although I do keep a round in the chamber on everything I own when I'm home.

An FN-AR PBR (Patrol Battle Rifle) in 7.62X51 (nice game round), 20 rd. mags, Nikon scope and some minor polish work on the feeds. Good for me out to 600m but I have a buddy who can use it reliably out to 700 without a problem. Heavy sucker though so I have some lighter rifles for moving around.

Just obtained a Ruger Scout Rifle in 7.62 but it's still in the box along with two SKS carbines (and a case of stripper clips).

Don't neglect your ammunition stocks! I have a share of my buddy's reloading bench capacity so the stocks are high for me/us. Plan accordingly.

I have a lot more which are for various purposes (hunting, concealment, back-up, collection, etc.) but these are the ones I consider primary and three of them are essential if it really came down to selections in a hurry with limited carrying capacity.

For now, they're all in storage back in the states. You never know, my plans might change again and moving back into the US may become necessary.

Living in countries without firearms rights is worrisome. The people are powerless against their governments and it shows in their stoicism and rationalized acceptance of poor/corrupt government. In talking to the average person over here they cannot understand why half of the USA doesn't want a le....lea...(gag)..."leadur" who promises to give more money, distribute food and not make you work so hard. More than a few are happy to see the US fall from the top tier. It's clear they largely cannot imagine a level playing field for all and have resigned themselves to living a notch or two above subsistence, taking a beach vacation once or twice a year and someday not having to work their jobs around the 25-odd holidays and 5 weeks of vacations they get each year.

Pay attention to good gear, get good advice (about your selections, ignore the idiots who want to tell you about why you don't need guns or the ability to defend yourself, family, others and property), practice regularly and be prepared. After all, you're a Boy Scout or Young Pioneer, aren't you?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 01:05:40 AM by ECOCKS »
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1580 on: November 10, 2012, 05:31:47 AM »

I mulled a bit over Bill Gate's comment you posted:

We  always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and  underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.  Don't let yourself be  lulled into inaction. - Bill Gates

I find it can be seen in both positive and negative light.

I therefore have no qualms with his statement whatsoever, but do tend to think the thought originated as a positive statement, something akin to working hard and keeping momentum going forward and not against you.

With that I'm going to bow out of this election thread and move on to other topics. 

The election is over.  Life is what it is and lets hope the short term negative political impacts are being overestimated and that we are all surprised with real changes in the long term.

Poka to this topic till sometime late in 2015...  It's been fun and enlightening.

Cheers all!

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1581 on: November 10, 2012, 06:53:11 AM »
Ed, why do you need so many guns? I do have a 9mm and a shotgun, thought that was enough? What are your thoughts?

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1582 on: November 10, 2012, 07:27:38 AM »
...Ford did not take Fed money but got saddled with the same pro-union deal as GM and Chrysler ($6,000 cost per car just for unfunded pensions, something no other car company pays). The Big Three will never be competitive.  They will die a slow death.  The next time maybe they will go through bankruptcy and a viable entity emerge.  However, the plan worked as it gave Ohio's electoral votes to Obama (in effect, us taxpayers paid for his reelection even though half of do not like the man).

Not quite sure if you are up-to-date about this Union sweet-of-a-deal. When all was said and done and tax monies finally stopped spinning around, the US taxpayers parted with a doozy 1.3 billion dollars through the Chrysler deal which is now owned by Fiat, aka Fix It Again Tony. Repeat: CHRYSLER is no longer an AMERICAN OWNED CAR manufacturer.

Remember the hip *Imported From Detroit* Chrysler commercial touting their 200 & 300 sedan series not too long ago? LOL, bet you don't see it anymore, no? Well, Chrysler had to settle with a lawsuit after getting sued because the fact is, none of these cars were made in Detroit.

This is how stupid 51% of Americans today are. They get hosed with their money, then fed with bull*#!t, bought into the 'rescue' campaign slogan then re-elect the clown who orchestrated the money scheme to begin with.

I just bought a Ford not too long ago and one of the reason why I even considered Ford was mainly because they did not participated in that silly Union payback scheme. They took their lump, re-negotiated their Union contracts, paid off Gettlefinger, and moved on. At the present time, I couldn't be more happier with my Ford, product-wise and their customer service.

GM is a whole 'nother story altogether. If this is part of the reason why Ohio folks turned blue, then all I can say is this country is really screwed.

Peace out.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 07:40:30 AM by GQBlues »
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1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1583 on: November 10, 2012, 03:27:31 PM »
Ed, why do you need so many guns? I do have a 9mm and a shotgun, thought that was enough? What are your thoughts?

Why do I "need" them? I don't.

I have them for several reasons.....

1. Guns are tools. Some tools work better for one purpose, others are better for another. Handguns are convenient for carry and concealed placement, carbines come in handy for movement in confined spaces, shotguns have a higher fear factor and can be useful for hunting fowl and other fast-moving, smaller-sized game while rifles give you a dramatically extended zone of control.

2. Calibers are good for different purposes as well. Some carry better (7.62X51), others spread more effectively (OO and #3 shot for instance), ballistic data indicates that .40's knock-down better than 9's and .22's (see below) are useful in a great many situations for small game, practice and low costs.

3. I have guns because I can. Some people have trains, others boats, some knit, I enjoy shooting as a hobby.

That heavy AR is good for the long, mid-range. A 7.62X51 is an excellent hunting round as well as giving a measure of control out to the 500m mark. I have a couple of pother rifles which are used for hunting but would not fall into my first choices for self-defense.

Carbines, particularly 9mm, are useful for closer-in defense of an area while giving you more range and allowing you to use pistol ammunition inventory. Personally, I also find them to be good options in case I have to equip friends.

When it came to a SD handgun, I read the ballistic data, considered it, then balanced magazine capacity against control and power when I decided to carry .40's as my main handgun caliber. I still keep a 9 in my inventory since there is so much 9 out there and you never know what you might have to scrounge if you lose the ability to reload and are forced to work from others stocks.

Shotguns, particularly pumps, are utilitarian, give you a lot of close-in punch and still allow you to have the capability to take fowl and several types of small game.

The .22's are wonderful for training, small game, excellent control (particularly for older folks who suffer joint pain) and still are the most lethal caliber for civilian deaths.

I picked up the SKS because it has a reputation for being simple, reliable and low cost. Another choice for equipping friends that might not be able to reach their own weapons which doesn't break my wallet.

Not a day goes by that I don't miss my guns, but life goes on. Looking around various countries I am convinced that reducing them or restricting the individual's ability to own and carry them is a step on the path to enslavement.
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1584 on: November 10, 2012, 04:30:46 PM »
Yeah, but I'm fairly sure most people don't say "not a day goes by I miss my Lionel train set.." .. Nor do they advocate contacting your "local toy train militia"

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1585 on: November 10, 2012, 04:54:03 PM »
Thanks Ed, I too enjoy target practicing and I can do it right in my yard, although lately have very little time to enjoy the sport.

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1586 on: November 11, 2012, 01:34:25 AM »
Yeah, but I'm fairly sure most people don't say "not a day goes by I miss my Lionel train set.." .. Nor do they advocate contacting your "local toy train militia"

Heh, I'm fairly sure they do when someone brings it up in a conversation and then questions are asked about types and styles, go figure.
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1587 on: November 11, 2012, 01:40:59 AM »
Thanks Ed, I too enjoy target practicing and I can do it right in my yard, although lately have very little time to enjoy the sport.

Make time to go to the range and get in some practice time. Just like you don't automatically learn English when you finally arrive in the US, you won't magically become a Special Operator just because people are shooting at you and you find a firearm laying on the ground. Practicing the mechanical workings, figuring out the sights, learning control and building endurance over time are key in developing your skills. Otherwise it's no different than if you have to learn to drive a car in 10 seconds when you have never done so before.

Get a couple of .22's and build some skill then work up your heavier weapons over time. Best of Luck!
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1588 on: November 11, 2012, 04:51:42 AM »
...Looking around various countries I am convinced that reducing them or restricting the individual's ability to own and carry them is a step on the path to enslavement.

Ted, you would have to be one of the scariest characters I've ever encountered (and I can't imagine you being a pussy cat in real life  ;) ).  This thread is the first time that I can recall you listing your arsenal in such detail, and I'm SO glad that I don't live anywhere near you!
Fine, you have the right to bear arms, even if you and the rest of the pro-gun lobby have retained the twisted meaning that some lawyer ascribed to the Fourth (?) Amendment 100 or more years ago, but don't expect the rest of the world to buy into it.
"A step on the path to enslavement" is total bollocks.  I know that Azerbaijan is somewhere that you probably wish you had part of your collection with you, and I can sympathise with that, but please don't tar the rest of the world with the same brush.  My "on the way to enslavement" country had only 39 murders last year - for the whole country!  Of those, fewer than 10 were shot.
I do realise that our population of 4.5 million is only about the same as St Petersburg, and is far less than (for example) New York, Chicago or Los Angeles, but I'd be willing to bet your whole national debt (was it $22 trillion quoted in another thread?) that any of those four cities would love to have that small a proportion of its citizens lying in a morgue with large round holes in their bodies in places where no holes should be.
FWIW, I can actually use a gun, but there's no way I'm going to purchase one even though, like most people in New Zealand, I would pass the requirements needed to get a gun licence.

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1589 on: November 11, 2012, 08:18:48 AM »

Ted, you would have to be one of the scariest characters I've ever encountered (and I can't imagine you being a pussy cat in real life  ;) ).  This thread is the first time that I can recall you listing your arsenal in such detail, and I'm SO glad that I don't live anywhere near you!
Fine, you have the right to bear arms, even if you and the rest of the pro-gun lobby have retained the twisted meaning that some lawyer ascribed to the Fourth (?) Amendment 100 or more years ago, but don't expect the rest of the world to buy into it.
"A step on the path to enslavement" is total bollocks.  I know that Azerbaijan is somewhere that you probably wish you had part of your collection with you, and I can sympathise with that, but please don't tar the rest of the world with the same brush.  My "on the way to enslavement" country had only 39 murders last year - for the whole country!  Of those, fewer than 10 were shot.
I do realise that our population of 4.5 million is only about the same as St Petersburg, and is far less than (for example) New York, Chicago or Los Angeles, but I'd be willing to bet your whole national debt (was it $22 trillion quoted in another thread?) that any of those four cities would love to have that small a proportion of its citizens lying in a morgue with large round holes in their bodies in places where no holes should be.
FWIW, I can actually use a gun, but there's no way I'm going to purchase one even though, like most people in New Zealand, I would pass the requirements needed to get a gun licence.

Zeke, Donk, Crocodile (you don't bother with my correct name so I won't bother with yours), you're entitled to your opinion(s) and beliefs, just as I am mine.

FWIW, I'm truly happy you found a place in the world you feel safe and certainly wish you the best. Like you, I am equally glad to live next door to and among like-minded individuals who understand their rights and responsibilities as American citizens and human beings. Oh BTW, it's the Second Amendment and it's clear to quite a few Americans, along with the US Supreme Court, that our right to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed" has nothing to do with militias (read the decisions in Heller and McDonald before you spout off about something you're apparently clueless about).

The rest of the world can sit and worry themselves into a frenzy or wet their undies regularly as they worry about America's weapons, but really, they might be better served seeing to their own rights and privileges, food supplies and personal security along with various other side issues like their debt ratios, unemployment, government interference in their lives and the slowing of the world's technical development. "Bollocks to the bollocks-criers!" is one of the catch-phrases we might consider while living our lives these next few years.

I detailed a bit of my "arsenal" (not all of it by any means) because the subject came up and it's a kick-it-around sort of discussion. At least one member engaged and asked a reasonably intelligent question about it. If all you could think of after seeing that was that it scared you to think of living next door to someone who had those then I suggest you check and make sure I am not your neighbor when you buy your next house. Maybe you can somehow get your government to paint a marker symbol on houses with guns to prevent this from happening in your future (see, that's pussycat me, trying to help your world be a safer place!)?

Wow! Over 25% of your murders involve a firearm! That's shocking! So, 75% of the people who decide to commit murder don't let not having a gun stop them from killing someone...interesting information and useful for when I run into some wanker prattling about how dangerous firearms are in the hands of citizens. 

It's great that you could have a gun if you want to but chose not to do so! "A good man should know his limitations!" is another great phrase to keep in mind as a guide in life.
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1590 on: November 11, 2012, 09:10:03 AM »
Ted, you would have to be one of the scariest characters I've ever encountered

Actually I see the scariest people in the world as men who hand all their freedoms to a government. Men who want to be controlled by a government. Men who would happily hand over more family money in the form of taxes and agree with it.

Inspiring is men who fight to keep their freedoms and rights knowing what they do with these rights is of principals and character. Not because of what a government says is right and wrong. The inspiring men don't abuse the freedom and rights.

Societies with large percentage of people with character and morals need very few man laws.

Now for your little history lesson. The US constitution was based on Christian principles. It was said by the founders it could not stand without Christian principles as the foundation. To apply this to the 2nd amendment........A gun in a good mans hand is not a danger to society.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 09:12:48 AM by pokerintherear »

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1591 on: November 11, 2012, 09:32:37 AM »

Poka to this topic till sometime late in 2015...  It's been fun and enlightening.

Yes, I believe enough has been said for now.  Let the dust settle and see what unfolds.
You say "2015."   It will again be lively in 2014 when the entire House is contested again.  There is a real fiscal battle ahead about taxes and spending.  The President and Senate want more taxes, especially from the wealthy.  The House wants more cuts in spending.  Here is the key:   Article I Section 7 of the Constitution states it very clearly and without ambiguity: "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives."  Conflict can not be avoided.
I very much doubt this President can structure a reasonable compromise.  Thus, the Republicans in the House who stand their ground as elected  will come under severe attack by the Democrats and be demonized by the liberal press/media. 
Meanwhile the Republicans will make some changes.   One alternative is for the GOP platform to remain conservative regarding fiscal policy and foreign policy yet adopt a more libertarian social agenda.  I would welcome that.
Also, the GOP must develop a closer relationship with the Latinos.  The work ethic of the Hispanics is similar to that of the GOP; however, it is difficult for Latinos to vote for GOP when they fear the GOP is intent on "deporting their grandmother."  In this regard, many will say keep your eye on Senator Marco Rubio (FL).    Rubio is a superb leader; however, Ted Cruz, the newly elected senator from Texas, may be even better.   
Another point.  How can control be taken from the Right Wing GOP during the primary process?
So we will see you again BC in 2014. 

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1592 on: November 11, 2012, 09:37:43 AM »

Now for your little history lesson. The US constitution was based on Christian principles. It was said by the founders it could not stand without Christian principles as the foundation. To apply this to the 2nd amendment........A gun in a good mans hand is not a danger to society.

For clarification purposes to non-Americans (FSUW), and points of argument with uninformed Americans. Christ and Christians are not in the US Constitution, so the effort to steal/steel American constitional law for Christians is a long-standing fraud. The insertion of God into pledges and commerce is recent and most unfortunate. Any help from other nations harming the bigotry and fundamentalism of this group is welcome, I don't want any part of Merican fundamentalists.

That election was a slight hope that a majority coalitiion against fundamental Christans exists, this has just started. Please do not feed or play with our political crazies. The major core is dying, it is a generational ideology death, not just an age thing. As the younger Americans age, Ameican extremism will weaken.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 10:27:26 AM by SFandEE »
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1593 on: November 11, 2012, 09:43:59 AM »

Another point.  How can control be taken from the Right Wing GOP during the primary process?
So we will see you again BC in 2014.

State and federal houses are gerrymandered, rigged by partisan corrupted hacks. Senate, governor, and presidential elections are more telling.

California now allows for a final election to have candidates from the same party. They are the top vote getters from the primary. This means that in SF, where there will always be a liberal, citizens will be able to choose between the type of liberal rather than the most crazy liberal that won the primary and the conservative who chose to run for political exposure.
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1594 on: November 11, 2012, 10:13:54 AM »
That election was a slight hope that a majority coalitiion against fundamental Christans exists, this has just started. Please not feed or play with our political crazies. The major core is dying, it is a generational ideology death, not just an age thing. As the younger Americans age Ameican extremism will weaken.

I have no  religious belief, at least not enough to attend church.   If a Democrat has no religious belief, not only does he not attend church, he wants any mention of God and religion  silenced.   

Politics and religion in the same thread.  Yes, BC, I am out of here too.

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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1595 on: November 11, 2012, 10:42:26 AM »
Politics and religion in the same thread.  Yes, BC, I am out of here too.

It would be nice if your party could take your same attitude towards this thread, in its' platform, leaders, and talking points. Unfortunately for fiscal conservatives who only favor unfunded spending for war and Boomer drug plans, separating from religion would be political death. Hopefully rather than continuing to lash out against the morality of others with political differences, your party will be honest about keeping government out of wallets, the bedrooms, the.churches (subsidizing/socialized religion), and personal life choices.

I agree about this thread having no value , if it ever did, but when I see posts trying to lie about Christ is fundamental to America that is a problem. The US Constitution is fundamental you and gun yielding people know this and should self correct when your allies mobilize differently. It is best for all of us, keep your crazies on the fringe please.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 10:45:12 AM by SFandEE »
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Re: Newt or Mitt VS Obama. Can either of 'em beat him?
« Reply #1596 on: November 11, 2012, 11:50:20 AM »
The answer to the question has been given...

Can either of 'em beat him?  Nope...

So we'll let this Presidential Topic fade for four years..  ;D
The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. -- Thomas Paine


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