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Author Topic: A Hit on Russia's Opposition  (Read 54111 times)

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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #100 on: March 01, 2015, 05:01:49 PM »
Yeah, I didn't know why a sweeper truck would stop there unless to block camera access.  It should be easy to track down which truck it was and why the guy had stopped.  From a view from afar it looks like a clearly planned and coordinated hit with elements of the city services involved.

Gasparov offers an explanation


[Link broken to save server space]

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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #101 on: March 01, 2015, 07:25:54 PM »

Why not? Putin's objectives can be understood on the assumption of his advance for  favorable strategic position of Russia in the world.

Whether it's just Ukraine or Ukraine with Poland and the Baltics or the entire world, whatever is strategically best for Russia, you'll support Putin's decision. That's all you need to say. Propaganda and lies by Putin are justified as long as it brings the desired result.

Do you remember that Putin asked Donbass to postpone  their referendum about independence? Political solution is what he always called for. 

Putin has called for peace many times and even said there is no military solution to the conflict. He's mocking the West. The reason Putin postponed the referendum in Donbass is because they didn't have enough control over the population living in the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk to rig the vote. Minsk 2 is supposed to get Ukraine to change their constitution to give those regions the freedom to vote any way they want. Putin didn't like Minsk 1 so he violently took more land until he learned Hollande and Merkel agreed to give away a piece of Ukraine if the fighting stopped.

Billy, Please stop worrying about what Russia's gonna build and worry about what they have.

What you're talking about just doesn't exist yet.

I've posted many links over the months. There are already working prototypes of what you think doesn't exist.

If architects are busy this year, I know I'll be busy next year since I work in construction. Putin thinks ahead of most people. I think ahead of most people and I got a good read on Putin. What did Japan and Germany do before starting major war? They did what Putin is now doing with his military. War and the steps leading up to it can increase industry and technological advances faster than any time in history. You may think some of Russia's ships are 10 years out but America used to make more than one Liberty ship a day during WW2. State of the art Wisconsin class battleships and aircraft carriers didn't take long to design and build either. Hitler nearly defeated Russia in 1943. Two years later Russia had the most tanks and was a superpower. Doesn't take long for a nation to advance technology and build military equipment if the leader in charge says to do it.

Europe tank factories are closed America is downsizing it's military while many of the bad players of the world are building up their militaries. Putin is sacrificing his economy and rapidly building up and modernizing his military. He wants a return on his investment and something to show for his sacrifice.  What you're seeing in Ukraine is small potatoes compared to what's coming up. Putin has his scientists and engineers working very hard now. Everybody needs to be concerned.

I also want to know why a city sweeper truck slowed down just seconds prior to the shooting, then stopped in just the right spot to block surveillance cameras from getting a full view. After the shooting, the truck moves again and continues along as if a shooting, with multiple shots, had not just happened next to where it had stopped.

Government truck could be carrying an extra assassin. A backup plan and/or distraction. Those trucks, when operating its attachments, are extremely loud and possibly used to dampen the noise from guns and keep Nemtsov from hearing the hit car approaching from behind.

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #102 on: March 01, 2015, 09:43:37 PM »
Some experts say that the sanctions imposed on Russia is Close to a declaration of war. Doing what you suggest will be a certain declaration of war on Russia. Think about it once more, is this something you really want to see done?

Yes; absolutely yes.  The sooner the better.  The longer the West waits to punish and then remove dictator for life Putin from planet Earth, the more lives will be lost.

More than likely Putin and his cohorts are bluffing.  The only thing a bully understands is a broken nose and two black eyes.  Arming Ukraine to the point that Putin's soldiers are going home in body bags in record numbers would be one of his black eyes.  Swift the other.  And if he wants to push the game further he'll get his broken nose as well.

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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #103 on: March 01, 2015, 10:00:32 PM »
Hopefully no one would ever use names such as "fucker" or racial epithets such as "brownie."


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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #104 on: March 02, 2015, 02:13:04 AM »
Gator, thank you for your kind comments.
The Mendeleyev Journal. Member: Congress of Russian Journalists; ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.RU (Journalist-Russia); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.UA (Journalist-Ukraine); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.KZ (Journalist-Kazakhstan); ПОРТАЛ ЖУРНАЛИСТОВ (Portal of RU-UA Journalists); Просто Журналисты ("Just Journalists").

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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #105 on: March 02, 2015, 02:14:02 AM »
Billy, good points about the possible uses of the sweeper truck, in addition to it blocking the cameras that were positioned nearby.
The Mendeleyev Journal. Member: Congress of Russian Journalists; ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.RU (Journalist-Russia); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.UA (Journalist-Ukraine); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.KZ (Journalist-Kazakhstan); ПОРТАЛ ЖУРНАЛИСТОВ (Portal of RU-UA Journalists); Просто Журналисты ("Just Journalists").

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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #106 on: March 02, 2015, 02:44:00 AM »
Kommersant newspaper is reporting that several of the street cameras had been turned off the night of Nemtsov's murder for repairs.

Also, some city worker, or someone dressed as one, was nearby with what appears to be a snow shovel. The question is why? Snow had already melted in most spots and it was not snowing that night.

It seems more and more to have been a professionally done hit, one with quite a lot of planning...and involving multiple players. In my mind that begins to eliminate the theory of just some nationalistic thugs who were out to punish an enemy of their leader.

Ah, but theories abound. Vladimir Markin, spokesman for the Investigative Committee (chief prosecutors) advanced the theory that Islamic extremists might have been angry over Nemtsov’s support for the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists who were murdered in France.

Follow the obvious: Mr. Putin, who is heading the investigation himself, has appointed Maj. Gen. Igor Krasnov to work on the case. Krasnov is a Russian expert on prosecuting cases of violence committed by Russia's ultranationalists.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 02:53:15 AM by mendeleyev »
The Mendeleyev Journal. Member: Congress of Russian Journalists; ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.RU (Journalist-Russia); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.UA (Journalist-Ukraine); ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ.KZ (Journalist-Kazakhstan); ПОРТАЛ ЖУРНАЛИСТОВ (Portal of RU-UA Journalists); Просто Журналисты ("Just Journalists").


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A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #107 on: March 02, 2015, 06:05:34 AM »
Of course there are conspiracy theories.  Its Russia.  They can't handle the truth.

If something similar where to happen anywhere else (except Argentina) there would be arrests.  Draw your own conclusions.

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Putin’s Culture of Fear and Death
« Reply #108 on: March 02, 2015, 09:06:48 AM »
Here is an excerpt from a piece written by former world chess champion Gary Kasparov:

Vladimir Putin actually started, and ended, the inquiry while Boris’s body was still warm by calling the murder a “provocation,” the term of art for suggesting that the Russian president’s enemies are murdering one another to bring shame upon the shameless. He then brazenly sent his condolences to Boris’s mother, who had often warned her fearless son that his actions could get him killed in Putin’s Russia.

Hours after Boris’s death, news reports said that police were raiding his home and confiscating papers and computers. President Putin’s enemies are often victims and his victims are always suspects.

Boris was a passionate critic of Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine and was finishing a report on the presence of Russian soldiers in the ravaged Donbas region, a matter that the Kremlin has spared no effort to cover up. But the question “Did Putin give the order?” rings as hollow today as when journalist Anna Politkovskaya was gunned down in 2006, the same year that Putin critic Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned in London—or when a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was shot down over eastern Ukraine last year.

Certainly the arrogance of the assassins is a notable clue. They could have chosen many dark and out-of-the-way places along the same route Boris took but instead sent a message by selecting a prominent and heavily surveilled spot.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #109 on: March 02, 2015, 09:54:17 AM »
I've posted many links over the months. There are already working prototypes of what you think doesn't exist.

If architects are busy this year, I know I'll be busy next year since I work in construction. Putin thinks ahead of most people. I think ahead of most people and I got a good read on Putin. What did Japan and Germany do before starting major war? They did what Putin is now doing with his military. War and the steps leading up to it can increase industry and technological advances faster than any time in history. You may think some of Russia's ships are 10 years out but America used to make more than one Liberty ship a day during WW2. State of the art Wisconsin class battleships and aircraft carriers didn't take long to design and build either. Hitler nearly defeated Russia in 1943. Two years later Russia had the most tanks and was a superpower. Doesn't take long for a nation to advance technology and build military equipment if the leader in charge says to do it.

Europe tank factories are closed America is downsizing it's military while many of the bad players of the world are building up their militaries. Putin is sacrificing his economy and rapidly building up and modernizing his military. He wants a return on his investment and something to show for his sacrifice.  What you're seeing in Ukraine is small potatoes compared to what's coming up. Putin has his scientists and engineers working very hard now. Everybody needs to be concerned.

All you've done here is rehash exactly what I've commented on in my earlier post to you. Reread my post, read the links and understand that there is a huge difference between a prototype(s) and production...

Billy, Please stop worrying about what Russia's gonna build and worry about what they have.

The aircraft carrier is pie in the sky and pablum for the Russian masses. Even if they laid the keel tomorrow it'd a decade away from operational duty.

The Sukoi T-50, fighter is scheduled to start being delivered in 2016.

What Tank are you talking about? The T-14, still on the drawing board or the T-95 that was cancelled in 2010 with a few prototypes still floating about?

If you're talking about the T-90sm that tank is barely comparable to the current 3rd generation tanks employed by a dozen countries or so.

We discussed this earlier. All this stuff is Russia promising itself to have a modernized military by 2020. Even if they role a few prototypes off the assembly line this year they'd have nowhere near the numbers to make a difference (think German Tiger 2 at the end of the WW2, most formidable tank on the planet for it's time but only a few dozen in the field).

What you're talking about just doesn't exist yet.

Having said that the longer the west lollygags about picking it's nose the more time Putin has to put together his modernized military machine.

Aircraft Carrier - still at the blueprint stage.

SU-T50 - "By 2020, the Russian Air Force will have acquired 55 T-50s"

T-14 MBT - MOSCOW, November 20 (RIA Novosti) – "The development of Russia’s new-generation main battle tank will be completed in 2015, and mass production is slated to being in 2016, the tank maker said Wednesday."

Again,  What you're talking about just doesn't exist yet.

Having said that the longer the west lollygags about picking it's nose the more time Putin has to put together his modernized military machine.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #110 on: March 02, 2015, 10:11:43 AM »
There are conflicting reports but apparently the young woman with Nemtsov Anna Duritskaya is now being 'detained'...

Model girlfriend of murdered Russian opposition leader under armed guard begs to 'go home to my Mama' in Ukraine amid fears she is being 'set up' by Putin

Read more:

According to this article "'I didn't see a man. When I turned, I only saw a car of light colour, but I didn't see either the brand, not the numbers of the car which was leaving."

Which begs the question, if she didn't record the licence plate as earlier reports suggest, who did?

Boris Nemtsov murder: Girlfriend Anna Duritskaya barred from leaving Moscow


« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 10:13:46 AM by Brasscasing »
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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #111 on: March 02, 2015, 11:02:38 AM »
 It'll go down as another enigma in the history of Russia.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 11:05:29 AM by AkMike »


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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #112 on: March 02, 2015, 11:38:13 AM »
We are in WW3.  We just won't acknowledge it yet.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #113 on: March 02, 2015, 12:40:26 PM »
We are in WW3.  We just won't acknowledge it yet.

No we are not in ww3...although some might say we are always in a state of war.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....


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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #114 on: March 02, 2015, 03:21:47 PM »
No we are not in ww3...although some might say we are always in a state of war.


OK.  How do we avert ww3, feeding 45m Ukies to Mad King Vlad?

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #115 on: March 02, 2015, 05:16:54 PM »
Ah, but theories abound. Vladimir Markin, spokesman for the Investigative Committee (chief prosecutors) advanced the theory that Islamic extremists might have been angry over Nemtsov’s support for the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists who were murdered in France.

Islamic extremists tend to want to kill in quantity and create mass panic. They would've waited for the protest the day after to kill more people IMO.

SU-T50 - "By 2020, the Russian Air Force will have acquired 55 T-50s"

T-14 MBT - MOSCOW, November 20 (RIA Novosti) – "The development of Russia’s new-generation main battle tank will be completed in 2015, and mass production is slated to being in 2016, the tank maker said Wednesday."

Peacetime estimates. We are not at peace. Putin is hoping the West ignores Russia accelerating their weapons programs. It's working. We continue to downsize our militaries.

Aircraft Carrier - still at the blueprint stage.

Aircraft carrier blueprints are being worked on. The orders came from Putin, not the experts at Russia's Defense department. What Putin builds today will give you an idea on what he does with his projects tomorrow. Putin is focusing on his military more than his economy. He has concluded the military is a better investment. For the military to benefit Russia, the military must be used. 

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #116 on: March 02, 2015, 05:55:17 PM »
Peacetime estimates. We are not at peace. Putin is hoping the West ignores Russia accelerating their weapons programs. It's working. We continue to downsize our militaries.

Aircraft carrier blueprints are being worked on. The orders came from Putin, not the experts at Russia's Defense department. What Putin builds today will give you an idea on what he does with his projects tomorrow. Putin is focusing on his military more than his economy. He has concluded the military is a better investment. For the military to benefit Russia, the military must be used.

These are not peace time estimates. They are Russian news reports of new equipment Russia hopes to put into production in a year or two nothing more. Are you even reading the links?

Aircraft carrier- What are you saying-that Putin can build a carrier in one day? Otherwise, what's he gonna do, come running up and throw blueprints at the 10 operational carrier groups the US possesses. Jeez Billy you give this guy way too much credit.

Quit panicking the stuff's not being built yet, lol.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #117 on: March 02, 2015, 06:27:00 PM »
Well, the young lady has been released and is flying home to Ukraine.

Boris Nemtsov murder: Girlfriend allowed to return to Ukraine

..."Anna Durytska has just left for Kiev," Ukrainian Foreign Minister spokesman Yevhen Perebyinis said."...

She needs to be cautious and vigilant...

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #118 on: March 02, 2015, 07:02:20 PM »
These are not peace time estimates. . Are you even reading the links?

On the T-50 jet, Wiki estimates back in 2011 are in line with your article. Look at the date on your tank link. 2013. The 2300 T-14 tanks Russia is supposed to get according to the article was a peacetime estimate. Putin has since then increase the military budget by 30%. The math changes and you can be sure the production is going to speed up. Soviets churned out over 20,000 armored vehicles a year during WW2. The key is Putin's factories will be functioning and the West's factories are slowing down or closing.

Quit panicking the stuff's not being built yet, lol.

Panic is going to happen, not now but it's going to happen when Putin plays with his new toys and goes after a return for his investment surprising everybody he's much stronger than anticipated. Can we at least agree Russia is going to be much stronger militarily in two years than today?

Well, the young lady has been released and is flying home to Ukraine.

Boris Nemtsov murder: Girlfriend allowed to return to Ukraine

..."Anna Durytska has just left for Kiev," Ukrainian Foreign Minister spokesman Yevhen Perebyinis said."...

Possible witness or accomplice allowed to leave a country days after a murder? Doesn't sound right. I think they know who pulled the trigger so it's safe to let her go.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.


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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #119 on: March 02, 2015, 07:17:04 PM »
Soviets churned out over 20,000 armored vehicles a year during WW2.

My grandfather, father, two of my uncles and two of my cousins are both double E's.  It doesn't make my Einstein.

The key is Putin's factories will be functioning and the West's factories are slowing down or closing.

Our war surplus is better than the junk they are pushing out.

Panic is going to happen, not now but it's going to happen when Putin plays with his new toys and goes after a return for his investment surprising everybody he's much stronger than anticipated.

The Red Revolution occurred after gains the Russians made on the Eastern front in 1916.  Bread riots has a way of destabilizing the body politic.  Same thing happened to a less extent in 1905.  Russia is not a stable country.

Can we at least agree Russia is going to be much stronger militarily in two years than today?

When you queue up to trade in your trucks for rubles, I will take notice.  Until then, we should jone's prophesy of the Russia after Iranian style sanctions.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #120 on: March 02, 2015, 07:52:07 PM »

Aircraft carrier blueprints are being worked on. The orders came from Putin, not the experts at Russia's Defense department. What Putin builds today will give you an idea on what he does with his projects tomorrow. Putin is focusing on his military more than his economy. He has concluded the military is a better investment. For the military to benefit Russia, the military must be used.

Well Billy, I think another way the military investment could pay off is merely by it's presence, which will act as a deterrent...and a way to influence.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #121 on: March 02, 2015, 09:36:30 PM »

Well Billy, I think another way the military investment could pay off is merely by it's presence, which will act as a deterrent...and a way to influence.


Are you sitting down?   If not, please do because of what I am about to say - I agree with this point. 

BillyB is probably itching for a fight because he recalls the 1991 battles when American armor went up against Russian armor, operated by Soviet-trained Iraqis:

February 26   the American forces lost one Bradley and its driver was killed.  The Iraqis, 85 tanks destroyed, 40 AFVs destroyed, 30 wheeled vehicles destroyed, 2+ artillery batteries.

February 27 " the American forces suffered only one fatality (due to friendly fire), while destroying 186 Iraqi tanks (mostly export model T-72Ms, Asad Babils and obsolete Type 69s) and 127 armored vehicles.  We had air support, the Iraqis did not. 

The story will not be the same with Russians operating the armor with air support.  Nevertheless, Las Vegas places the odds for NATO victory at 20::1. 

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #122 on: March 02, 2015, 11:44:41 PM »

Europe tank factories are closed America is downsizing it's military while many of the bad players of the world are building up their militaries. Putin is sacrificing his economy and rapidly building up and modernizing his military. He wants a return on his investment and something to show for his sacrifice.  What you're seeing in Ukraine is small potatoes compared to what's coming up. Putin has his scientists and engineers working very hard now. Everybody needs to be concerned.

I'm not too concerned about a Russian threat to NATO protected countries and I don't know why you are.  Putin can hurry and scurry all he wants to but he will never catch up to the technological superiority of the USA and our allies.

We have sufficient tanks and other weapons but I do agree that more should be in place over in Poland and the Baltics as a deterrent to possible Russian aggression and that more should be staged in Germany.  I also agree that Europe needs to step up and pay for their share of NATO defense commitments.

Here is a link about a secret long-range bomber the Pentagon is working on for 2020 release:

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #123 on: March 02, 2015, 11:54:59 PM »

February 26   the American forces lost one Bradley and its driver was killed.  The Iraqis, 85 tanks destroyed, 40 AFVs destroyed, 30 wheeled vehicles destroyed, 2+ artillery batteries.

February 27 " the American forces suffered only one fatality (due to friendly fire), while destroying 186 Iraqi tanks (mostly export model T-72Ms, Asad Babils and obsolete Type 69s) and 127 armored vehicles.  We had air support, the Iraqis did not. 

The story will not be the same with Russians operating the armor with air support.  Nevertheless, Las Vegas places the odds for NATO victory at 20::1.

With a Republican President in 2017 look for 100 to 1 odds; that is if Putin is foolish enough to push this conflict outside of Ukraine.  Within Ukraine I would put the odds at 4 to 1 in favor of the Ukrainians provided they get the proper weapons they need from the West in time.

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Re: A Hit on Russia's Opposition
« Reply #124 on: March 03, 2015, 12:34:35 AM »
Well Billy, I think another way the military investment could pay off is merely by it's presence, which will act as a deterrent...and a way to influence.

What is Russia planning to do that needs a deterrent(powerful military) to prevent others from stopping them? We need to worry about that. Influence, yes, but a large military isn't going to influence Ukraine, the Baltics, and Poland towards partnering up with Russia. If Russia wants influence those nations peacefully, they can donate some money towards their development and score some points in respect.

February 26   the American forces lost one Bradley and its driver was killed.  The Iraqis, 85 tanks destroyed, 40 AFVs destroyed, 30 wheeled vehicles destroyed, 2+ artillery batteries.

An Iraqi Colonel said after a month worth of air bombing he lost 10% of his tanks in his battalion. After 1 day of encountering the Abrams tank, he lost the rest.

How about the time Israel, flying American aircraft, beat Syria with Soviet aircraft 82-0?

The story will not be the same with Russians operating the armor with air support.  Nevertheless, Las Vegas places the odds for NATO victory at 20::1. 

NATO doesn't want to play so what good are 20-1 odds? Putin feels he's going end his campaign in Ukraine a winner. After seeing the actions or should I say lack of actions by the West, anybody want to bet against Putin?

BillyB is probably itching for a fight

Actually I don't want to fight. I'd like Ukraine to be a free nation and don't want people to die. I believe the best way to accomplish that is to put a strong military in Putin's face. America's military deters a lot of conflicts. When Putin realizes he's facing long odds, he'd back down. If we did that in the beginning, I don't think he'd even start. When Putin was mobilizing large armies back and forth along Ukraine's border in the beginning, he was watching NATO's reaction. NATO didn't respond with their military so Putin decided to walk into Ukraine. Putin will continue grab land and spread his influence until NATO is willing to face him.

Putin does care about his reputation so much that he's willing to assassinate those who tarnish it. He wants a good spot in Russian history books. Going head on with a unified NATO with Russia losing and ending up weaker won't accomplish that. Until then Putin has the green light to make history.

I'm not too concerned about a Russian threat to NATO protected countries and I don't know why you are.

The leaders of the Baltic nations and Poland have increased their defense spending and begged Obama to station America troops in their countries. They don't share your sentiments. You sleep good at night due to your proximity to Russia but if Putin invades those nations, NATO will take months to mobilize and threaten Russia to leave those countries. Like Ukraine, there will be a lot of talk before action but the damage to those nations from an invasion will be done and will have lasting for many years. Look how long it took a coalition of the world's militaries to mobilize and prepare to push Iraq out of Kuwait. It's going to take much longer to adequately prepare to force Russia out of any nation. Currently many rankings have Russia at #3 in strongest military in the world. USA and China take the top 2.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.


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