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Author Topic: Life Continues  (Read 105091 times)

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #225 on: October 29, 2017, 05:12:28 PM »
Glad to hear that she was able to navigate her way safely back to you.

Fortunately, Alaska Airlines was very accommodating and provided support for her as she deboarded in LA and ensured she made it safely to her gate to meet her flight to SEA.

I know that they aren't always, but I would like to hope that ANY airline, given sufficient notice and detail of what assistance someone may require, would be this helpful.  I know that, in general terms, my own Air New Zealand is extremely well thought of in this regard.

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #226 on: November 07, 2017, 10:25:13 AM »

My wife is 5'9" which is 175cm tall, same height as me. Do you want to see my legs too? Actually I have shorter legs but my upper body makes up the difference. She's got me beat when she wears high heels though. I'll catch up again to her when platform shoes from the 70's are back in style.

Blimey Billy you lucky bastard, perfect height to be a hot Victoria's Secret model! :P Almost missed your response.

:devil: Actually I'll be quite happy to see your presumably hairy legs. Now be a good sport and take a picture of you wearing those killer platforms for me  :crackwhip:  :devil: On second thought, I'll rather you reserve your bare legs for your lady  :rolleyes:

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #227 on: December 22, 2017, 12:05:18 AM »

Wife and MIL dragged me shopping today. They needed my face because MIL wanted to buy me sunglasses. She bought me $188 Oakley's. It does look good on me!

While in a coffee and chocolate shop, they seen a woman with a baby and walked up to her and commented how cute the baby was. They even asked to hold the baby in which the woman allowed. My wife asked where she was from and she was from Moldova and 25 years old. I talked to her husband. He was black and 50 years old. They have a bigger age gap than me and my wife. They met in America at work. He works with a lot of people from the FSU. After talking to him a bit, I judge him to be a polite, kind, and a quality man. Looks good for his age. Considering the Moldavian woman had many to choose from, she chose a much older man from a different race. So if you're having problems attracting FSU women, you may have to work on some issues.

At a shoe store I talked to a guy working there and come to find out, he served in the Army and was in Ukraine training Ukrainians during the first Orange Revolution. He wouldn't talk about what all he did but he did say we gave some assistance. He also worked in Russia and with Russian troops. He said Ukrainians were willing to use strategy in Army games while Russians wanted to go in with brute force. He wasn't impressed with the Russian military. He was also a gunner in a chopper in Somalia. The military operation was made into the movie Blackhawk down. He was also in Afghanistan and stepped on a land mine. Fortunately it was kicked to the side and the main blast went away from him. Got a little shrapnel though. Showed me all the scars on his arm from the shrapnel.

He doesn't like Trump but dislikes Hillary even more for abandoning the troops in Benghazi. He had a friend there who died. Like most Americans, he believes we shouldn't be in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places in the world but then he told me stories of flying over towns in Africa seeing piles of dead bodies and wishing he could've saved those lives. I told him that some people think America does too much to be the world cop and some people think we could do more. Lots of really bad shit happening in this World.
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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #228 on: January 12, 2018, 09:14:46 PM »

Just came back from a business trip to Las Vegas attending CES(Consumer Electronics Show). Countries from all over the World had set up at the show promoting their products and trying to lure American businesses to their countries. Russia and Ukraine was there. Met a guy from Australia during an Uber ride we shared. He was originally from Italy and wanted to live in America but he said it was too hard to get in so he moved to Australia. Now his job is to find American companies to open business in Australia. He found six companies but thinks maybe three will be successful.

Wife stayed home but a friend of mine came with me. We were sitting down during dinner and he mentioned no steak dinner is worth $100. I know in the past he worried about his daughter getting into a relationship with a guy who has financial problems. I told him he should take his daughter out for a $100 steak dinner. It's not about the price of the food but the experience. Not only will she get an opportunity to eat the best meal in her life, she will have a taste of an experience she'll want more of and she will begin to understand she won't get that with a deadbeat of a man. The goal isn't to turn her into a gold digger but to improve her standards of what she will look for in a man. If she wants to have an occasional nice meal or family vacation, she will need a man that achieves in life.

Sometimes when driving down the road with my son's, I point to a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood and tell them "that can be yours if you study hard and work hard." When in the bad neighborhoods in Seattle, I point out the houses and people and tell them "that will be your house and your life if you underachieve."

Some guys here are thrifty and think they are smart with money. My wife has a saying "A scrooge pays twice." If my friend doesn't give his daughter a taste of the good life, she may not know what she should be searching for and she may end up living a difficult life with an underachieving man. My friend's daughter, future grandkids and so on may struggle in life. Plant a bad seed, get bad results. So if you're a guy here that gives the impression you don't want your family to enjoy some nice things in life because there's a cost, don't be surprised when you get rejected.
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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #229 on: January 12, 2018, 10:03:30 PM »

Wife stayed home but a friend of mine came with me. We were sitting down during dinner and he mentioned no steak dinner is worth $100. I know in the past he worried about his daughter getting into a relationship with a guy who has financial problems. I told him he should take his daughter out for a $100 steak dinner. It's not about the price of the food but the experience. Not only will she get an opportunity to eat the best meal in her life, she will have a taste of an experience she'll want more of and she will begin to understand she won't get that with a deadbeat of a man. The goal isn't to turn her into a gold digger but to improve her standards of what she will look for in a man. If she wants to have an occasional nice meal or family vacation, she will need a man that achieves in life.

Sometimes when driving down the road with my son's, I point to a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood and tell them "that can be yours if you study hard and work hard." When in the bad neighborhoods in Seattle, I point out the houses and people and tell them "that will be your house and your life if you underachieve."

Some guys here are thrifty and think they are smart with money. My wife has a saying "A scrooge pays twice." If my friend doesn't give his daughter a taste of the good life, she may not know what she should be searching for and she may end up living a difficult life with an underachieving man. My friend's daughter, future grandkids and so on may struggle in life. Plant a bad seed, get bad results. So if you're a guy here that gives the impression you don't want your family to enjoy some nice things in life because there's a cost, don't be surprised when you get rejected.


Well, my father used to say the same thing about this could be your nice house, boat, car, etc one day if you work hard. Problem is that I think many a kid gets told that these days so there's an oversupply of people getting well educated and wanting to work hard to achieve this, well at least there is in the UK and from what I hear not too dissimilar in the US too. So some people are starting to reconsider if it is worth the cost of education and just get going in life sooner and earning sooner. Due to the pool of well educated, hard working workers on offer pay has decreased substantially for many well educated and hard workers. This is added to by the large amount of female career women that were just not around a few decades ago, they are making a push for equal numbers and top jobs in the workforce.

Essentially you have top be hitting top scientist, engineer, IT, Medical, etc positions before you get the good pay these days and few can get into the genius category, that or have connections to get you a cushy job and/or set up yourself so you can work hard for yourself instead of working your nuts off for some employer of McDonald's pay. Remembering of course even after the little bit extra you get for some mind aching stressful job situation tax will take it only a little above McDonald's pay, that is how things are in the UK anyway. We are all socialised in schools and by parents to work hard and get a good education and set against each other so employers can get us to all work hard for low wages in technically demanding jobs or face being underemployed or unemployed. So it can be one big trap.

Even inheritance if there is more than one offspring then the inheritance is (usually) shared so it requires going out to work just to get a place of similar standard to the one you grew up in. To do better these days usually means hitting it big time in whatever field you choose.

Now I usually agree with you on most things on here Billy but socialising the girl to expect a certain material standard from a guy is where I think our society in the west has gone wrong. There are simply too few guys that can meet the expectations of a girl like that. So there is an oversupply of these types of girls with high material expectations. In both instances these oversupplies being created are setting many a person up for a bad fall. The girl with high material expectations often ends up alone and dejected that she never met her prince charming, knight in shining armour, the guy that he cannot hope to meet the high material expectations of these women and is off put by them anyway as he wants to be assured the girl is into him not material goods, how would he know otherwise?

I think many a person can live a happy life so long as they can provide the essentials, normal food, roof over their head, bills paid and a bit of money for entertainment. For me this kind of reminds me of medieval times when a girl's future was often pre-determined by father's or even themselves to the best material match not necessarily the guy they were in love with. Anyways that's my dissertation on the matter ;D   
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #230 on: January 12, 2018, 11:54:56 PM »
Pretty sure his daughter can achieve the level of comfort to afford her own steak dinner, if she so chooses, no man required?
  But you two macho men debate which way is best for her to be *trained* to succeed in a cough, *mans*  world, by attaching herself to the right man.


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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #231 on: January 13, 2018, 12:05:20 AM »
Pretty sure his daughter can achieve the level of comfort to afford her own steak dinner, if she so chooses, no man required?
  But you two macho men debate which way is best for her to be *trained* to succeed in a cough, *mans*  world, by attaching herself to the right man.

 :ROFL:  Priceless.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #232 on: January 13, 2018, 12:26:58 AM »
Pretty sure his daughter can achieve the level of comfort to afford her own steak dinner, if she so chooses, no man required?
  But you two macho men debate which way is best for her to be *trained* to succeed in a cough, *mans*  world, by attaching herself to the right man.

That's the thing Jumper the western world trains the woman up to do just that - get a job where she can afford expensive meals, but does she want to pay for one for the guy? Hell no, that would be him sponging off her right ;) So she would be looking for a man of equivalent financial stature or near enough or greater. If she fails to get a well paying enough job despite well educated/working hard/connections or lack off then she could be looking for a guy with money/good job if she had been socialised that way. Most of the times though such guys not only desire chemistry but an attractive looking lady - good looks and a decent figure being the sign of a quality woman of course :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #233 on: January 13, 2018, 06:27:28 AM »
I know of at least 3 FSU W in the west, who now rely on themselves for income, but would still like to share their lives - and everything that goes with it -  for Mr Right...

Regardless of the guys financial standing? I agree there could well be those women. What BillyB (not I) is suggesting here is that women should be socialised to not include guys of low financial standing. What I am saying is I think this is a mistake to do this and while women like this exist there are many that don't. I myself would wish to meet a non materialistic girl and be her Mr Right :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline BillyB

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #234 on: January 13, 2018, 10:38:19 AM »
Pretty sure his daughter can achieve the level of comfort to afford her own steak dinner, if she so chooses, no man required?

His daughter is young and doing well in college and may some day be able to afford to buy what she wants but she can't buy what she doesn't know. Some kids grow up in the hole or ghetto. They only know what they've seen, what their parents have shown them or given them. Hard to climb out of the hole if one doesn't have the desire to move on to something better because they don't understand something better exists.

When going on dates or being in a relationship, women appreciate the fact I know good places to eat, where to travel and how to travel. Many women would not know how to drive through National Parks to see the amazing sights. The wrong man wouldn't even take them out of the city they live in so women do appreciate a man that knows more than them. Many women appreciate college that can teach them something. They'll admire a man that can teach them something too. They aren't going to learn about math or life all by themselves.

  But you two macho men debate which way is best for her to be *trained* to succeed in a cough, *mans*  world, by attaching herself to the right man.

She's already attached herself to the wrong man, a guy working part time, partially disabled, and living on social programs. She's a nice girl but the wrong guy will drag her down and she will struggle all her life should she marry the guy. You have a daughter Jumper. You can teach her to men aren't necessary in life or you can teach her what the right and wrong man is and which she will struggle with more and which she'll do better with than if she goes at life alone.

What BillyB (not I) is suggesting here is that women should be socialised to not include guys of low financial standing. What I am saying is I think this is a mistake to do this and while women like this exist there are many that don't. I myself would wish to meet a non materialistic girl and be her Mr Right :)

What is your version of non materialistic? You want your girl to wear cheap clothes and eat cheap food? You want your girl to put your kids in cheap clothes and feed them cheap food? I don't like gold diggers but I want a woman who has standards and will take good care of the kids and doesn't want to live in a trailer park in the worst part of town. Trench, if you give the impression you can do something nice for your family that involves a cost, you will lose a lot more women.

My friend with the daughter thinks women will drag him down financially and emotionally. He has the same fears you do except he doesn't want to get involved with a woman since his last divorce. I occasionally remind him the right woman won't do that. With his current mentality, he will be a turn off for a lot of women.

Most women will read what I said and like what I said. They will see me as a man that appeals to them because they think like me on this issue. They aren't going to change and think like you. You have to change. It may mean getting a better job and working harder but if that's what it takes to make you look more appealing, then make yourself appealing otherwise your competition is going to continually beat you.
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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #235 on: January 13, 2018, 11:38:03 AM »
Your entire basis is basically *she * can't learn life exactly like a man does.She *needs* to be taught or shown, by a *man*.
It's just an odd perspective Billy.Maybe that's notbwhstbyou meant, but how it came across.

Can her parents guide or teach her to make good life choices, certainly .
Can she benefit from being in a relationship
with a motivated successful man? Sure!

You teach your boys to be motivated and make good choices.You show the likely results if they are not. You hooevtgey make good choices in relationships, if they are smart and self confident they  should.
  It's the same with his daughter.

If she already makes poor relationship decisions, it's likely  past a great  steak dinner learning curve, and hopefully she learns from her mistakes, most men here don't seem to.

My point is she is already in college, she can make her own path a successful one,men involved can effect it positively or negatively, but how much is up to her as an individual,not some reliance on them.

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #236 on: January 13, 2018, 11:53:33 AM »
That's the thing Jumper the western world trains the woman up to do just that - get a job where she can afford expensive meals, but does she want to pay for one for the guy? Hell no, that would be him sponging off her right ;) So she would be looking for a man of equivalent financial stature or near enough or greater. If she fails to get a well paying enough job despite well educated/working hard/connections or lack off then she could be looking for a guy with money/good job if she had been socialised that way. Most of the times though such guys not only desire chemistry but an attractive looking lady - good looks and a decent figure being the sign of a quality woman of course :D

I don't live in the same western world you do.
Women here are typically quite generous in general.
 Some time ago i was even proposed to by quite wealthy socal woman with the offer to take care of pretty much whatever I wanted,if I did not wish to work.If I had felt strongly for her that would have been nice right? I dint ,so ended it.
Sure that doesnt fit generalities but it sure isn't that unusual either.
I also did not find FSU the same as you have so far.
My wife offered to pay our Crimean vacation,we hadn't even met yet, , nor did i ask her to ,or ever mention anything regarding that at all, she certainly contributed financially prior, and would  now, although she doesnt need to.
Yes I've seen materialistic women in several cultures, men too.
I'm about as unmaterialistic as possible in  western culture .
My definition of successful , has so little to do with monetary things to be insignificant. Perhaps that's why I attract people of  similar   life outlooks? not sure, never have had to worry about it.I can always get by on a smile , and a look. Women arnt complex creatures to me, they are awesome,amazing,incredibly   interesting,  but no mystery.
Just my experience.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 11:57:28 AM by Jumper »

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #237 on: January 13, 2018, 12:18:34 PM »
Your entire basis is basically *she * can't learn life exactly like a man does.She *needs* to be taught or shown, by a *man*.
It's just an odd perspective Billy.Maybe that's notbwhstbyou meant, but how it came across.

Where did I say a woman needs a man to be taught everything? Truth is MOST women, when searching for a man, want a man they can learn from. They don't want a man that's dumber than a box of rocks. They don't want a man they have to teach or pull his weight in life. Men who understand that they need to be a leader, they need to be smarter, they need to provide an environment that is pleasant for a woman to want to enter will catch more women. Men who can take their woman out to a fancy meal once in awhile are more attractive than men who always say "Let's go to McDonalds. They have a great selection at reasonable prices."

My point is she is already in college, she can make her own path a successful one,men involved can effect it positively or negatively, but how much is up to her as an individual,not some reliance on them.

She is dependent on college to make her path successful. As an individual, she can't do that unless she's Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, two guys that can teach the college professors a thing or two. She appreciates and relies on the college to help her make a successful life. She'll also appreciate a man doing what college does which is educating her and making her life more successful over a man that can't teach her anything new or show her new experiences.
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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #238 on: January 13, 2018, 03:54:59 PM »
Regardless of the guys financial standing? I agree there could well be those women. What BillyB (not I) is suggesting here is that women should be socialised to not include guys of low financial standing. What I am saying is I think this is a mistake to do this and while women like this exist there are many that don't. I myself would wish to meet a non materialistic girl and be her Mr Right :)

1/ I note you left out my first paragraph.... how 'interesting'

2/ You agreed with BillyB

3/ Highly unlikely given your apparent tendency to misogyny..

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #239 on: January 13, 2018, 04:51:55 PM »
Jumper, I think you're right, materialistic people tend to want similar people I've noticed. Seeing as they tend to reject those that aren't whether for friends or dating. I personally have little time for it so if I could end up attracting non-material girls like you Jumper it would be a good place for me to be I think.

Billy, cheap clothes and food doesn't bother me. To me clothes are clothes and I often see little difference in quality between fashion brand products and the normal priced stuff. I think why buy one t-shirt for £40 when you can buy a non fashion brand one for £4. Doesn't make sense wasting money to me. I've tried all this fashion brand stuff to see if it makes a difference with girls and to be honest I think it really comes down more to whether there is chemistry. Sure if there is more than one guy she is interested in and she is materialistic then maybe it might come into play then. Cheap food likewise has never bothered me as long as it's not so cheap and bad tasting that it's unpleasant to eat. For me a few minutes after you've eaten you've forgotten about it and it's affect has past anyway so it's affects waste to spend affects lot of money on an affect that is so momentary. I get the impression that many of the people that go for all this stuff are financially poor but trying to look wealthy whereas I prefer to have the money in the bank rather than trying to keep up appearances and have an empty bank account.

I can see what you are trying to get at though that you don't want your offspring ending up with a low life. Here I think there is a difference between a low life and a poor guy genuinely wanting to get on in life. It happens here where a nice girl ends up messing around with some real asshole of a guy or some real waster. I don't know if they see the guy as more fun or natural attraction but it's not a pretty sight to view. Can a girl also find a single available guy that is well off and she is naturally attracted to? Possibly but like said before I think she is narrowing the field a lot and could very likely end up empty handed depending on how high she is setting the bar - there are only so many weathy guys out there. The danger is with how you suggest socialising her is that she sets the bar too high and becomes unrealistic and oblivious to what she is offering herself. I know of fat women that are materialistic and oblivious to the issue that their weight will turn loads of guys off. So I would say go easy on socialising her too strongly in material ways. What I would most like to see in a girl is good values, not a goody two shoes, no charity volunteering or good cause stuff but a girl that is somewhat considerate, making an effort, etc. So I think if you instil a girl with good values and tell/show her to avoid guys that don't that could well suffice.

I think one of the main issues that comes about these days is that some women seem to expect to a guy to come along in his twenties or even thirties and it all be ready baked there for her. He already has a good house which if not paid for is able to get a huge mortgage for, has a good job, good car, is a good socialiser and can entertain her. She does not realise that this is few and far between and for most people it would take two to achieve what she wants there already. Many a woman on including those on a good job sone how still expect a guy to do all this single handedly then want to come in after he has achieved it, lol. These are unrealistic expectations in western society that has moved on to expenses such as these being based on two people especially in the UK where there is a housing shortage in the most popular parts of the country. Many a girl her unfortunately has a kind of entitlement issue which make them not an option for many a guy and why many guys including me go looking in the FSU.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 05:08:33 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #240 on: January 13, 2018, 05:28:06 PM »

Jesus Moby, everywhere Trench goes, you continue to follow and take a shot at him after you've been told it's annoying behavior. We get the picture you don't like him. You once said the Russian embassy in the UK was giving your ex wife bad advice to ignore you. That's good advice. You have a habit of following people you don't like to no end. If your ex wife and Trench are bad people, they will be found out and they will experience a lot of rejection in their lives without you needing to follow them and warn every person they encounter for the rest of their lives.

I myself would wish to meet a non materialistic girl and be her Mr Right :)

The girl you're looking for is rare and although you may be Mr. Right in her eyes, you have competition and she may pick a guy that is more right. Some guys are stubborn and won't change. After many wasted years looking for a woman that would accept them, they grow old and before they die, they come to learn loneliness was their one true companion that never left them. Don't be stubborn Trench. Make some changes before it's too late.

Billy, cheap clothes and food doesn't bother me. To me clothes are clothes and I often see little difference in quality between fashion brand products and the normal priced stuff.

Some women look gorgeous and dress like a million bucks. You want one but not the cost associated with keeping your wife looking young and beautiful. My wife has a good sense of fashion. She's also smart with money. She buy many of her name brand designer clothes at Goodwill, a second hand store, for a fraction of it's normal price. I don't tell her to shop there. She does it on her own. I'm proud of my wife wearing nice clothes and looking beautiful. I don't mind taking her on a vacation or out for a nice meal. When she graduates from college, she may someday make more money than I. Some people complain about the costs of having a woman. I look at it as an investment. If you want a woman that is beautiful, smart and has earning power, you need to be something special yourself.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #241 on: January 13, 2018, 05:59:03 PM »
Wife and MIL dragged me shopping today. They needed my face because MIL wanted to buy me sunglasses. She bought me $188 Oakley's. It does look good on me!

While in a coffee and chocolate shop, they seen a woman with a baby and walked up to her and commented how cute the baby was. They even asked to hold the baby in which the woman allowed. My wife asked where she was from and she was from Moldova and 25 years old. I talked to her husband. He was black and 50 years old. They have a bigger age gap than me and my wife. They met in America at work. He works with a lot of people from the FSU. After talking to him a bit, I judge him to be a polite, kind, and a quality man. Looks good for his age. Considering the Moldavian woman had many to choose from, she chose a much older man from a different race. So if you're having problems attracting FSU women, you may have to work on some issues.

At a shoe store I talked to a guy working there and come to find out, he served in the Army and was in Ukraine training Ukrainians during the first Orange Revolution. He wouldn't talk about what all he did but he did say we gave some assistance. He also worked in Russia and with Russian troops. He said Ukrainians were willing to use strategy in Army games while Russians wanted to go in with brute force. He wasn't impressed with the Russian military. He was also a gunner in a chopper in Somalia. The military operation was made into the movie Blackhawk down. He was also in Afghanistan and stepped on a land mine. Fortunately it was kicked to the side and the main blast went away from him. Got a little shrapnel though. Showed me all the scars on his arm from the shrapnel.

He doesn't like Trump but dislikes Hillary even more for abandoning the troops in Benghazi. He had a friend there who died. Like most Americans, he believes we shouldn't be in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places in the world but then he told me stories of flying over towns in Africa seeing piles of dead bodies and wishing he could've saved those lives. I told him that some people think America does too much to be the world cop and some people think we could do more. Lots of really bad shit happening in this World.

Yes there is BillyB, lots of really bad shit happening in this world.  Piles of the bad shit happening in this world is because of your country - slavery from Africa up to the point of America thinking it is the world's supercop.

At 2 billion dollars a day, with a budget larger than the rest of the world combined, you could turn the entire world into a peaceful Walmart parking lot.  Pretty sad really that that is the greatest potential of your country, but on the bright side, you'll just go on creating more wars. 

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #242 on: January 13, 2018, 06:14:13 PM »
Where did you say a woman needs a man to teach her things?
Basically the post i originally responded to you  , infered  she needed a successful man to enjoy a good dinner, a good vacation , a good life.

My point was never that having a good spouse isn't an asset,  it's they way you presented it ,
that she has no other way, or can't be just as successful on her own regardless relationships.
Like I said prior, perhaps you did not mean it that way.

Quote from: BillyB
. I told him he should take his daughter out for a $100 steak dinner. It's not about the price of the food but the experience. Not only will she get an opportunity to eat the best meal in her life, she will have a taste of an experience she'll want more of and she will begin to understand she won't get that with a deadbeat of a man. The goal isn't to turn her into a gold digger but to improve her standards of what she will look for in a man. If she wants to have an occasional nice meal or family vacation, she will need a man that achieves in life.

You  infered her into either a materialistic mode, or a less than equal position.Very littkecroom there for her to merely successful in her own right.

You then follow it up with she relies on colloge to be successful, and use it as an analogy to being appreciative of having a man that can teach her .

Again not saying college is bad, or a good spouse isn't an asset.

I'm pointing out your thinking is odd considering you have done just fine without college.
The keys to your friends daughters success lie within her, and her motivations and choices ,  not whether she attends university or has a smarter man as a spouse to teach her in life .
Those can help, but ultimately her own choices will be the main factor and she is capable without the stance of needing to be shown .
Seriously if she is university age and doesn't know the simple differences in available  lifestyles yet (which are not the be all ,end all road to personal happiniess anyway) then,Houston she's  got a problem!

Plenty of men marry smarter women billy.
It can work both ways,  or gasp! They can actually be equals!
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 06:16:58 PM by Jumper »

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #243 on: January 13, 2018, 06:24:54 PM »
Yes there is BillyB, lots of really bad shit happening in this world.  Piles of the bad shit happening in this world is because of your country - slavery from Africa up to the point of America thinking it is the world's supercop.

At 2 billion dollars a day, with a budget larger than the rest of the world combined, you could turn the entire world into a peaceful Walmart parking lot.  Pretty sad really that that is the greatest potential of your country, but on the bright side, you'll just go on creating more wars.

I've seen lots of bad things,first hand  on most every continent, that had nothing to do with US involvement.
Not sure if you've noticed but the areas of conflict now, have been that way on and off for the last 5000 years.
Slavery one of the things around the entirec time.
You do realize many us states had laws against slaves in from Africa,as they were thought too difficult  to manage.
The  brits and french had already  populated the west  Indies with slaves  while building their empires prior to the us needs for inexpensive slave labor.The state mandates typically required they be from the west Indies , not direct from africa.
So while all is a tragic part of history, to ignore the main initial culprits is pretty odd.(not to mention the widespread and brutal slavery within the tribes of Africa at the time)

Anyway you are laying a pretty heavy burden of that , on a country that hasnt been around that long.
I don't agree with a pile of our foreign policies, and lost most of my patriotism long ago in the middle east,and africa, so I'm just pointing out it takes 2 to tango.Dont shoot the messenger.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 06:34:49 PM by Jumper »

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #244 on: January 13, 2018, 06:30:42 PM »
I've seen lots of bad things,first hand  on most every continent, that had nothing to do with US involvement.
Not sure if you've noticed but the areas of conflict now, have been that way on and off for the last 5000 years.
You are laying a pretty heavy burden of that , on a country that hasnt been around that long.
I don't agree with a pile of our foreign policies, and lost most of my patriotism long ago in the middle east,and africa, so I'm just pointing out it takes 2 to tango.Dont shoot the messenger.

I think an American, even to most honest one, will easily excuse the damage done by America's massive military budget over the years.  I'm definitely not talking about 5,000 years ago.  There's also something called fuel.  Do you need a 700 Billion Dollar budget to protect you?  No you don't you need it to attack and that's what America does.

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #245 on: January 13, 2018, 06:39:15 PM »
Im not excusing poor foreign policy.
I'm pointing out if we did not exist at all,
You'd simply be complaining about a different super power manipulating the world to thier advantage. China, Russia UK, france etc etc etc. We can debate who is the current villain, or future,  or past ones,
But that's for another part of the forum dont you suppose?

I'll add you have no idea of many Americans backgrounds.
Just like every country you'll have a lot of diversity and opinions especially on something like politics?

I've lived almost as much as my life in other countries as I have in my home land, I don't agree with many of my countrymans views,especially thise not interested in looking outside their county or town for any real answers,much less their country.

But I've seen the same backwoods , nationalistic, closed mindsets in the FSU, in the middle East, in fact just about everywhere, so it's not like the US has a monopoly on such.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 06:50:40 PM by Jumper »

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #246 on: January 13, 2018, 08:20:43 PM »
Where did you say a woman needs a man to teach her things?
Basically the post i originally responded to you  , infered  she needed a successful man to enjoy a good dinner, a good vacation , a good life.

Jumper, I read my original post. Conversations started with my friend saying no steak dinner is worth $100 and I told him to take his daughter out for a meal like that since I knew she's going out with a man with financial problem. This is more about life with a man that has his act together vs those who don't. If you want to add a woman can be just as successful being single, I will disagree and say a woman with the right man will have a better life, including financially, than being alone.

I'm pointing out your thinking is odd considering you have done just fine without college.

Almost everything a person learns in life comes from another person. Although I did fine without college, I understand most people need to be taught. They can't be successful without a teacher teaching them. They can't be successful without someone giving them a job. MOST people rely on others in some fashion to be successful.

Plenty of men marry smarter women billy.
It can work both ways,  or gasp! They can actually be equals!

Most women, including smart and successful women, prefer to be with a man they can learn from and look up to. Finding an equal is like lowering their standards. Plenty of strong women out there want to be weak in a strong man's arms. Strong successful men will get the lion's share of women. The equals and deadbeats can fight over the leftovers.

Do you need a 700 Billion Dollar budget to protect you?  No you don't you need it to attack and that's what America does.

America's military is in 140 nations, mostly by invitation. Anyway, you may get your wish someday and America will become irrelevant. Russia or China can play World Cop and see how you like it. I actually believe you would like it very much because some people and nations deserve an ass whipping for all the pain and suffering they've caused.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #247 on: January 14, 2018, 03:19:11 AM »

The girl you're looking for is rare and although you may be Mr. Right in her eyes, you have competition and she may pick a guy that is more right. Some guys are stubborn and won't change. After many wasted years looking for a woman that would accept them, they grow old and before they die, they come to learn loneliness was their one true companion that never left them. Don't be stubborn Trench. Make some changes before it's too late.

Some women look gorgeous and dress like a million bucks. You want one but not the cost associated with keeping your wife looking young and beautiful. My wife has a good sense of fashion. She's also smart with money. She buy many of her name brand designer clothes at Goodwill, a second hand store, for a fraction of it's normal price. I don't tell her to shop there. She does it on her own. I'm proud of my wife wearing nice clothes and looking beautiful. I don't mind taking her on a vacation or out for a nice meal. When she graduates from college, she may someday make more money than I. Some people complain about the costs of having a woman. I look at it as an investment. If you want a woman that is beautiful, smart and has earning power, you need to be something special yourself.

You could be right Billy by cutting out materialistic women that a lot of guys aren't keen on I could be cutting down the field too much. I guess nearly all girls are going to have some issue and while I find some of these issues easier to stomach than materialism finding a girl that is also into me might be a journey. I'very heard similar to this before from a woman (not one I was dating) I guess the two sexes think differently and it's difficult for many a guy to get over their perspective and see it from the Woman's especially when it seems a damning issue.

I've got another thought I would like to run by you but I'll PM you on it so as to not raise the attention of a certain irate Irish man ;)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #248 on: January 14, 2018, 03:42:46 AM »
Jesus Moby, everywhere Trench goes, you continue to follow and take a shot at him after you've been told it's annoying behavior. We get the picture you don't like him.

BillyB, if you or he posts 'adviSe' contrary to my experience - and he's got  virtually none.. I'll post as such - lest some newbie thinks his ( or your )  'adviSE' is 'gold' ....  I don't 'dislike' someone I've never met - and quite often I meet folks from forums I have 'battles' with and keep in contact...

The only time Trench annoyed me was the day one of our kittens got run over and he was less than tactful.... 

You once said the Russian embassy in the UK was giving your ex wife bad advice to ignore you. That's good advice.

Hardly, if you bothered to ask her - she'd even tell you it was CRAP advice - as I was contacting her employer and known contacts - as per England and Wales Divorce law to demonstrate I'd tried to serve her with a legal document - re separating our finances ...  Her continued connection to me was causing us both problems. 

She eventually came looking for me with her son, in tears - seeking my help - to sign the very document - signing it in front of witnesses - my neighbours - 20 months after it was posted....  MASSIVE FAIL, at trying to 'scoring a point', BillyB

You have a habit of following people you don't like to no end. If your ex wife and Trench are bad people, they will be found out and they will experience a lot of rejection in their lives without you needing to follow them and warn every person they encounter for the rest of their lives.

I have never disliked my ex-wife ( to be)  - I was sorry to lose her.... I was disappointed in something she posted publicly that was untrue and I (STUPIDLY) countered with something that was  - when she refused to remove it.

Possibly you are 'upset' at my intimating putting you on a pedestal re  "how to win and treat a woman"  is folly ? ;)

Don't be stubborn Trench. Make some changes before it's too late.

Certainly - and that WAS good advice.... I have suggested he is inattentive - many times - you are just joining the club, now ?

Some women look gorgeous and dress like a million bucks. You want one but not the cost associated with keeping your wife looking young and beautiful. My wife has a good sense of fashion. She's also smart with money. She buy many of her name brand designer clothes at Goodwill, a second hand store, for a fraction of it's normal price. I don't tell her to shop there. She does it on her own. I'm proud of my wife wearing nice clothes and looking beautiful. I don't mind taking her on a vacation or out for a nice meal. When she graduates from college, she may someday make more money than I. Some people complain about the costs of having a woman. I look at it as an investment. If you want a woman that is beautiful, smart and has earning power, you need to be something special yourself.

A somewhat mercenary outlook ? ...   

Our Trench would say, "Why invest in her education for her to move on to a better guy" ( using my ex-to be as an 'example' ) and You'd respond, " another bus will come along, soon enough " ...   ;)

« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 03:56:01 AM by msmob »

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Re: Life Continues
« Reply #249 on: January 14, 2018, 04:04:57 AM »
Do you need a 700 Billion Dollar budget to protect you?  No you don't you need it to attack and that's what America does.

...which nation ( particularly a neighbour ) has the USA attacked and forgot to leave ?

For SURE it has funded regime changes in S.America, Africa, Middle East - often finding the 'enemy' gets democratically re-elected .. but there is another that has a history of 'liberation'  and forgetting to leave...

Ask most Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Ukrainians, Germans, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians,  .... 

Whilst I have the utmost sympathy for eth Russians born in a nation where their forefathers were planted - one can even understand why many ( stupidly ) thought helping the Nazis would be better that continuing under the Soviet yolk..

« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 06:37:45 AM by msmob »


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