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Author Topic: Hello from North Carolina  (Read 23953 times)

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Hello from North Carolina
« on: March 23, 2017, 12:58:00 PM »
What is the acromyn for Former Soviet Union?  Is it not USSR or CCCP.  I've made like 50 attempts at first post until now I get a different question.  Update- Maybe it was FSU (seems like a overly difficult security question) but apparently after two posts it stops asking the questions so I am good now.

Anyways I'm Ryan, age 39.  Divorced about 4 years ago.  I was lucky enough to date a younger polish girl who was in the country (green card, was a Polish national gymnastics champion) when I was separated.  Foolish enough to let her slip away (I was going through a rough divorce and she a teacher at my kid's gym) due to potential drama.  Also went out with her roommate from Romania for a time.  Spend the last 3 years dating a beautiful but troublesome young lady I am moving on from now.  I'm stuck on how awesome I got along with the two eastern european girls vs everyone else have gone out with here. 


Russia Cupid -  During the hour membership I didn't reply to anyone, but two girls found me on facebook and added me.  Both russian lawyers, so thought it was scam at the time, but its been months had have chatted on and off and they are real.  To many events, legal postings, friends in the profession to be a fake.  I really like one of them but she would be the oldest (36) I have ever pursued, and not sure what her intentions are. 

Initially my idea was just to add contacts and pursue talking more working on game before a physical trip there.  I since realized I started to early.  I've lost contact with half of them.

Fdating - I have only focused on Ukraine and seem to have some good leads.  I really suck at chit chat.  No one seems to carry the conversation I feel like I am interrogating people.  I'm trying to sort these out now but some potentials here.  Geography is a big issue, because they are spread about, and some that that list residence in Ukraine are working in Russia.

Why are you looking at dating someone where, surely they are lots of women in the USA?  I get this a lot and not sure how to answer it.  I have been sticking with the truth.  "I dated two eastern european women that were here in the states before and we got along great, and I enjoy other cultures so I'm wanting to give it a chance."  I get the impression most don't like my answer. 

Why did you get divorced?  Or other questions about why I have 50/50 custody of the my kids?  I've just been sticking with the truth but I guess it a culture shock that fathers actually want to be invovled with their children in the USA.  I feel like they are uncomfortable with my answers again.

I'm having the worst time figuring out what to chat about.  Locally I just jump to dates quick to make up for it, but obviously not an option here.  I am going to push for video chat sooner, I do good face to face, tend to suck at small talk. 

Speaking of small talk, 9/10 are like I like to read, etc.  Am I suppose to fudge stuff, change the subject, or tell the truth.  I play COD and Madden on Xbox live, work out, and build guns doesn't sound like an answer they want to hear, lol.   

Any comments? Ryan

« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 02:01:55 PM by drsecu »

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2017, 01:18:10 PM »
"After your death, you will be what you were before your birth." - Schopenhauer


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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2017, 01:38:10 PM »

I'll try that.  Ironically now I can't even get it to ask me that question anymore!

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2017, 03:13:49 PM »
 :welcome: Dr. Secu

Be yourself.  Be honest.  You could use some coaching, such as honesty does not mean volunteering info about your warts, unless they RW ask a specific question about warts.

I like your answer that you dated two Eastern Europeans and really enjoyed their ways.  Such an answer means you have to explain specifically how the two differed from American women.  So think of some good reasons.

Be careful about saying how great these two were because RW do not want to talk about your ex-girlfriends and ex-wives.   Instead be 100% into the one on video chat.

You need more hobbies than video games and guns.  Working out is good.  Guns may intrigue them, yet video games will likely turn them off.  RW want a serious man who they can depend upon to have a stable source of income.  RW have trouble getting a good job when they first arrive in America. 

You mentioned reading.   Get a book on Russian history or research the subject on the Internet.   The oldest woman (36 yo) is too young to recall much about Soviet days, yet most RW take pride in their country, its culture and its long history. 

If this becomes serious, the subject of having babies will be discussed.  Do you want more children?

BTW, every woman is different.   So have some serious talks to ascertain personal values.  You can start with religion. 

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2017, 10:43:22 PM »
Why are you looking at dating someone where, surely they are lots of women in the USA?  I get this a lot and not sure how to answer it. 

Don't like the question? If you marry a gorgeous high quality woman like I did, you won't get that question anymore. People will wonder why they didn't do what you did. Welcome to the forum.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.


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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2017, 06:08:01 AM »
:welcome: Dr. Secu

Be yourself.  Be honest.  You could use some coaching, such as honesty does not mean volunteering info about your warts, unless they RW ask a specific question about warts.

I like your answer that you dated two Eastern Europeans and really enjoyed their ways.  Such an answer means you have to explain specifically how the two differed from American women.  So think of some good reasons.

Be careful about saying how great these two were because RW do not want to talk about your ex-girlfriends and ex-wives.   Instead be 100% into the one on video chat.

You need more hobbies than video games and guns.  Working out is good.  Guns may intrigue them, yet video games will likely turn them off.  RW want a serious man who they can depend upon to have a stable source of income.  RW have trouble getting a good job when they first arrive in America. 

You mentioned reading.   Get a book on Russian history or research the subject on the Internet.   The oldest woman (36 yo) is too young to recall much about Soviet days, yet most RW take pride in their country, its culture and its long history. 

If this becomes serious, the subject of having babies will be discussed.  Do you want more children?

BTW, every woman is different.   So have some serious talks to ascertain personal values.  You can start with religion.

Thanks.  Rewrote my profile and made a standard go-to first message I can just copy instead of winging it. I'm just going to be really direct, I mean it worked for me here, I'll just stick to what I know.  I come off as arrogant with USA women (which they seem to like) just wasn't sure how it would translate.

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2017, 08:49:23 AM »

There are two schools of thought on the forum.  Many here will opt for a WMVM.  This theory holds that you aren't going to hit a home run your first time at bat so you should have many options.  The second school of thought is a WOVO.  Some on here will communicate with one woman and choose only to see that woman.  Essentially you're traveling across the pond for a blind date, no matter how many times you've Skyped her.

Read up on these theories.  They will help guide you through interactions with FSUW and protect you from making mistakes.  Most guys here will tell you that the most valuable commodity that you invest in this search is your time.  I tend to agree with that.

In any event, welcome to the forum.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2017, 02:17:13 PM »
What is the acromyn for Former Soviet Union?  Is it not USSR or CCCP.  I've made like 50 attempts at first post until now I get a different question.  Update- Maybe it was FSU (seems like a overly difficult security question) but apparently after two posts it stops asking the questions so I am good now.

Anyways I'm Ryan, age 39.  Divorced about 4 years ago.  I was lucky enough to date a younger polish girl who was in the country (green card, was a Polish national gymnastics champion) when I was separated.  Foolish enough to let her slip away (I was going through a rough divorce and she a teacher at my kid's gym) due to potential drama.  Also went out with her roommate from Romania for a time.  Spend the last 3 years dating a beautiful but troublesome young lady I am moving on from now.  I'm stuck on how awesome I got along with the two eastern european girls vs everyone else have gone out with here. 


Russia Cupid -  During the hour membership I didn't reply to anyone, but two girls found me on facebook and added me.  Both russian lawyers, so thought it was scam at the time, but its been months had have chatted on and off and they are real.  To many events, legal postings, friends in the profession to be a fake.  I really like one of them but she would be the oldest (36) I have ever pursued, and not sure what her intentions are. 

Initially my idea was just to add contacts and pursue talking more working on game before a physical trip there. I since realized I started to early.  I've lost contact with half of them.

Fdating - I have only focused on Ukraine and seem to have some good leads.  I really suck at chit chat. No one seems to carry the conversation I feel like I am interrogating people.  I'm trying to sort these out now but some potentials here.  Geography is a big issue, because they are spread about, and some that that list residence in Ukraine are working in Russia.

Why are you looking at dating someone where, surely they are lots of women in the USA?  I get this a lot and not sure how to answer it.  I have been sticking with the truth.  "I dated two eastern european women that were here in the states before and we got along great, and I enjoy other cultures so I'm wanting to give it a chance."  I get the impression most don't like my answer.

Why did you get divorced?  Or other questions about why I have 50/50 custody of the my kids?  I've just been sticking with the truth but I guess it a culture shock that fathers actually want to be invovled with their children in the USA.  I feel like they are uncomfortable with my answers again.

I'm having the worst time figuring out what to chat about.  Locally I just jump to dates quick to make up for it, but obviously not an option here.  I am going to push for video chat sooner, I do good face to face, tend to suck at small talk. 

Speaking of small talk, 9/10 are like I like to read, etc.  Am I suppose to fudge stuff, change the subject, or tell the truth.  I play COD and Madden on Xbox live, work out, and build guns doesn't sound like an answer they want to hear, lol.   

Any comments? Ryan

Hi Ryan and welcome to the forum :) Well we're about the same age so we are probably in a similar situation. I've been looking over a year now and have been on a couple of tips to Ukraine with more upcoming shortly. Anyway, yeah you'll find if a girl messages you over a long period she is most likely real, fakes tend to want their pay off within weeks if not days. Checking girls off against facebook or vk is a must really I've found and a lot more reassuring. Timing is everything in this game, I found like you have that if you start too early you can't carry so many girls for long. A week or more of not having the time to reply to a girl tells her you are not that interested in her and the lead is often effectively over. You can take to one or two girls for many weeks and chances are your heading for a vist one, vo, date. For the visit many strategy to work you need to only start about a week, two at most before you go. Any more than this and the girl will expect you to just be seeing her for like a whole week or so even if you have talked about seeing others she will assume that you have changed your mind on this. Also for visit many to be feasible I think you really have to keep your profile hidden and only contact girls in one geographical location otherwise a girl will spring up who you really seem to take a shine to and gel with and your on a vo for sure, lol. This has happen to me again recently, what can I say I was bored and just not too seriously signing up here and there to whatever legit dating site and wham all of a sudden this real hot chick started messaging me - she's legit though I make sure to check that out ;D

Anyway, if your finding messaging a girl an uphill struggle, I would move on I've had this and in my opinion it means the girl is already spending her time in communication with another guy she feels more of a connection with, further along with or whatever. The effort you would have to put in trying to become no.1 for her is either not worth it or counter productive as other girls out there may suit you more - spend your worthwhile time on them. So hence we see a big strategy  difference between visit one, and meet man. You cannot really have quality communication (messaging, Skype) with many unless you have no job and little to do in life and just live of investment income. Visit many I think is a disciplined approach that is needed and rather methodical but at the same time practical. Visit one is far less disciplined, and spontaneous more like serendipity and as Jone rightly says your essentially going out there on a blind date as you never really know if there is any chemistry with the girl until you meet - so a big gamble. Seems silly but apparently for some it works and some say better chances than visit many.

I think you'll find many people get there nose out of joint because they either get jealous or have some outdated view that you should stick to native women. I say sod them, they have no business trying to determine how others should lead their lives. What I have seen of FSU women are a whole better scene than women in the UK and no doubt US. Better attitudes more softer, caring, less likely to turn on you and see you as competition. Sod these people that seem to think you should take the unappealing left overs of our society's misguided feminist career driven culture, which these days often means obese women.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2017, 03:06:45 AM »
Welcome Drsecu

The second school of thought is a WOVO.  Some on here will communicate with one woman and choose only to see that woman.  Essentially you're traveling across the pond for a blind date, no matter how many times you've Skyped her.


IF you go Wovo and have skyped lots - discussed many topics  - you should have learnt a lot - if it is a 'blind date' - you haven't done due diligence.

Using Skype, I have learnt who is impatient, moody and other negative character traits

Is arrogance a positive character trait ?

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2017, 10:12:41 AM »
I like my hunting and shooting and was brought up around guns,  but generally talking about guns won't intrigue women when you're trying to get to know them online no matter where in the world they are from. Exceptions being some rural women in the U.S Im guessing, just seems to be one of those hobbies to bring up later on down the track I've learnt.

:welcome: Dr. Secu

Be yourself.  Be honest.  You could use some coaching, such as honesty does not mean volunteering info about your warts, unless they RW ask a specific question about warts.

I like your answer that you dated two Eastern Europeans and really enjoyed their ways.  Such an answer means you have to explain specifically how the two differed from American women.  So think of some good reasons.

Be careful about saying how great these two were because RW do not want to talk about your ex-girlfriends and ex-wives.   Instead be 100% into the one on video chat.

You need more hobbies than video games and guns.  Working out is good.  Guns may intrigue them, yet video games will likely turn them off.  RW want a serious man who they can depend upon to have a stable source of income.  RW have trouble getting a good job when they first arrive in America. 

You mentioned reading.   Get a book on Russian history or research the subject on the Internet.   The oldest woman (36 yo) is too young to recall much about Soviet days, yet most RW take pride in their country, its culture and its long history. 

If this becomes serious, the subject of having babies will be discussed.  Do you want more children?

BTW, every woman is different.   So have some serious talks to ascertain personal values.  You can start with religion.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 10:16:34 AM by Terryrnz »

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2017, 10:36:15 AM »
Welcome Drsecu


IF you go Wovo and have skyped lots - discussed many topics  - you should have learnt a lot - if it is a 'blind date' - you haven't done due diligence.

Using Skype, I have learnt who is impatient, moody and other negative character traits

Is arrogance a positive character trait ?

My point being that many guys believe that chemistry defines a relationship.  The feel, the closeness, the sexual attraction.    No matter how many times you Skype, you do not know what the chemistry will be.  Come on, Moby, get with the program.  We have had this discussion, over the years, countless times.  Let's not detract a newbie on points that have already been honed.  My post said that there were 2 schools of thought.  Would you like to add a third and call it Moby's codicil?
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2017, 10:53:28 AM »
My point being that many guys believe that chemistry defines a relationship.  The feel, the closeness, the sexual attraction.    No matter how many times you Skype, you do not know what the chemistry will be.  Come on, Moby, get with the program.  We have had this discussion, over the years, countless times.  Let's not detract a newbie on points that have already been honed.  My post said that there were 2 schools of thought.  Would you like to add a third and call it Moby's codicil?


Your choice of wording was poor / misleading and you have explained your case.

Thank you

I have to say that having Skyped SC - and eliminating all others - the only thing I worried about was would I like how she smelt !  :)

I was already certain of the chemistry ...

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2017, 11:31:41 AM »
My point being that many guys believe that chemistry defines a relationship.  The feel, the closeness, the sexual attraction.    No matter how many times you Skype, you do not know what the chemistry will be.  Come on, Moby, get with the program.  We have had this discussion, over the years, countless times.  Let's not detract a newbie on points that have already been honed.  My post said that there were 2 schools of thought.  Would you like to add a third and call it Moby's codicil?

I with Jone on this one, Jone has many years experience and I think one of the most solid members on this forum when it comes to needing advice, I know I have certainly benefited from your advice here Jone :) Like said in my other thread on Skype before it got hijacked Moby ;) by Brexit, Skype has its uses but its akin to photos when trying to tell chemistry. You can tell if you get on, her personality, if shes attractive, but chemistry I think you need to be there in person for that.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2017, 12:34:42 PM »
I'm having the worst time figuring out what to chat about.  Locally I just jump to dates quick to make up for it, but obviously not an option here.  I am going to push for video chat sooner, I do good face to face, tend to suck at small talk. 

Speaking of small talk, 9/10 are like I like to read, etc.  Am I suppose to fudge stuff, change the subject, or tell the truth.  I play COD and Madden on Xbox live, work out, and build guns doesn't sound like an answer they want to hear, lol.   

Any comments? Ryan

Try to never fudge anything.

First, I recommend that you do a ton more research here, read until
your eyes bleed. I will put some links at the bottom of the page

If you can't think of anything to chat about then there are problems.
1. The girl bores you 
2. You haven't done much research/planning as to everything you need
to know.
3. You are going about this the wrong way.

There are ten billion things to talk about all directly related to your future
life, kids and happiness. What are this woman's theories on disciplining your
children? what about children that you produce together? What are her pet
peeves? Does she smoke sometimes? after wine? toilet seat up or down or
doesn't care?

Would having a pet sleep in your bed be a good idea or bad one? Does she
want more children? Would she want to name one of them Igor? How does
she see work around the house distributed? What would she cook each day?
will you be eating borscht 3 meals a day 7 days a week?

How many times a day or week does she want to have sex? Believe me if
you want it 5 times a week and she wants it biweekly you won't be any
happier then if she wants it thrice daily and you want it 3 times per week.

Ask what would you the two of you do if you were together? play video games
and target shoot? Go to Tar Heel games? Does she have hobbies which she
would happily do while you did one of yours without her?

I come back to the fact that you don't seem interested in one of these girls
enough or maybe you need to rethink your current strategy. What is your
current strategy? Do you plan to weed these girls down to one and then
go visit her? (with a backup plan hopefully)

If the girls don't interest you at this stage, I would suggest either
1. Dump all of them and start over until you find a girl that you can't wait to talk to.
2. Dump all of them and start a visit many trip instead. See if you have chemistry
before trying to get to know them.

How to get started

Trip reports
I recommend that you read as many as you can stand

You can read mine here

As you read you will have questions write them down. Then you can either use
the search feature or come back and ask your questions here. When you ask
questions you will get answers. Some will be very helpful, some of questionable
help and some will be pretty dubious in nature. Your job is to not get offended
and sift through the answers using the good and ignoring the bad. Nobody
knows you better than you, your situation, goals and need better than you do.


« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 12:40:36 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2017, 02:34:52 PM »
Bill, I am reading your trip report. Very nice. Loved your theory of keeping happy wife. Clicked on It appears it has turned into a PPL site.

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2017, 03:24:53 PM »
There's a lot of merit in what 2tallbill has to say Dr. Sec though in my experience I would leave a lot of question asking until after you meet and establish if there is chemistry. Otherwise you could have asked a lot of questions and it all been a big expense of effort all washed away in that split second you meet her eyes and see - oh there is nothing there. Your then not going to feel great about starting over and going through the same again. Yes you could of course end up interrogating her if there is a lot of questions also, it may well turn her off. I've found asking one, two at most questions per letter pertinent to the conversation at hand works well enough. If its all question and answer then in my opinion its not a conversation, at least one of you needs to be ready to let the other know what happening in their day. The girl I am in conversation with at the moment tells me about her day - I love hearing about it as it really helps bring her to life. Women often like to talk about their lives 'once they trust you and feel at least a degree of connection on some level'. If they are not sharing there lives they either do not feel comfortable enough with you or take a while to get to know. After all you are just some picture who is messaging them. I would not though jump quickly to Skype, as some on here have told me messaging often tells you how Skype will go, i.e poor message communication = poor skype communication, good message communication = good skype communication.

I know how frustrating it can be on these online dating sites, even though you get way more response than on something like match its still a waiting game until the right one pops up. I personally think that once you have one where there seems to be a 'get on well' situation the need to ask a lot of questions is not necessary as the vibe will tell you if she is right enough at least to meet on a vo. The girl I am due to go out and meet soon on another vo has the right vibe, the best yet I would say we've only skyped once and she seems into me already. Whether there is chemistry when we meet is another matter. She is serious and I find her sweet and authentic, the initial signs are very encouraging so much so that I don't get any feelings of doubt or wonders over her level of commitment. Dr Sec. you just have to keep messaging or replying to messages from girls you find attractive looking (natural looking) and reply to all initial messages however brief. It mays take several weeks or so but it will likely happen. As 2tallbill states, discard all of those that after a message or two in show little interest/life, discard those who don't seem authentic i.e they profess love but haven't even met/skyped with you, discard those that don't seem to gel with you or flow with you. All the time you are spending on communications with girls that are not anywhere near the ball park you will be missing out on girls that are. Be ruthless and move through the girls profiles messaging in quick fire succession day after day until you get a proper bite. :o
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2017, 03:45:24 PM »
I think what Bill is saying is that those questions filter out those with whom you would not be compatible.  So from that perspective, it's not a waste of time.  To the contrary, actually, if any of the answers are deal breakers.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2017, 04:14:12 PM »
I think what Bill is saying is that those questions filter out those with whom you would not be compatible.  So from that perspective, it's not a waste of time.  To the contrary, actually, if any of the answers are deal breakers.

You mean if someone left the loo seat up ::)

I would say get the broad strokes covered to see where both of you are and are coming from. Stuff that really bothers you first and foremost be it Values, Morals, Religion, Politics, Family, Marriage, Alcohol, etc. Some of these won't bother some, some don't bother me. The girl may feel less or more strongly on one or the other or simply won't care. I find if a girl feels strongly about something it will come up sooner rather than later and you'll know about it fairly soon. The above said I think that being too forthright on a particular issue that only you may hold is likely to be unhelpful in this search. Though having opposing views on something isn't necessarily a deal breaker, many get on well in relationships that do and some it even adds a bit of spice to the relationship. I personally am willing to accommodate someone who doesn't think alike areas like me even the areas I hold stronger views on such as Brexit for example, as long as its not a deal breaker for her then all's good (not like Brexit is likely to be a big issue in the FSU).
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2017, 04:44:52 PM »
And I would say none of that matters.  When I met the better half, I knew he was the one.  He's always been the most interesting person I've ever met.  We never discussed any of the things on Bill's list. 

My point is, for each person, different things will be important.  There was a poster here quite some time ago whose criterion was his beloved, like him, loved to party and live the high life.  He didn't get much sympathy when, broke, she took a lover.  But a party girl was what was important to him, so who are we to judge?  He was happy for years, until the money ran out.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2017, 05:18:42 PM »
And I would say none of that matters.  When I met the better half, I knew he was the one.  He's always been the most interesting person I've ever met.  We never discussed any of the things on Bill's list. 

My point is, for each person, different things will be important.  There was a poster here quite some time ago whose criterion was his beloved, like him, loved to party and live the high life.  He didn't get much sympathy when, broke, she took a lover.  But a party girl was what was important to him, so who are we to judge?  He was happy for years, until the money ran out.

Yep, when the money runs out so does the girl :'(

I often find chemistry with party girls but often they turn out to be too much party girl and the gulf is too big to bridge.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2017, 05:56:01 PM »
There's a lot of merit in what 2tallbill has to say Dr. Sec though in my experience I would leave a lot of question asking until after you meet and establish if there is chemistry.

If a guy is going to narrow it down to one girl to visit then I would ask the questions.
If a guy is going to meet many then I wouldn't ask any questions, except can you
meet me for coffee?
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2017, 05:59:09 PM »
Bill's list. 

I stated there were ten billion things to talk about. I only listed some examples, 
If he couldn't think of anything then perhaps he needed to find a different girl.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2017, 06:11:06 PM »
Agree.  It should not be difficult to make conversation.  But, that too, is a judgment.  For some people, that is not a criterion.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2017, 10:24:34 AM »
I like my hunting and shooting and was brought up around guns,  but generally talking about guns won't intrigue women when you're trying to get to know them online no matter where in the world they are from. Exceptions being some rural women in the U.S Im guessing, just seems to be one of those hobbies to bring up later on down the track I've learnt.

I thought it was tough to own a gun where you live. I wouldn't bring up guns right away, some women may believe you're a fanatic about guns, but it's okay to let her know your activities for the day or weekend if it involves guns. I may tell the ladies I'm communicating with I'm going to have fun for a few hours with friends at a gun range for the weekend. I haven't had any women tell me they are anti gun and hate me for it.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2017, 11:30:02 AM »
Like said in my other thread on Skype before it got hijacked Moby ;) by Brexit,

Which YOU brought up ..  Are you as exasperating on a date ? !

Skype has its uses but its akin to photos when trying to tell chemistry. You can tell if you get on, her personality, if shes attractive, but chemistry I think you need to be there in person for that.

TC, 'even' I don't recommend virtual dating ... :deadhorse:


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