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Author Topic: Hello RWD!  (Read 30292 times)

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2017, 11:38:13 AM »

You live in a small town people are fleeing from because there's little to no opportunity and you want to bring an FSU woman there? You may be a great guy but if she goes into extreme culture shock, things may not work out. You should focus on finding an FSU woman from a small town and be honest with all the ladies you communicate with the place your living at. Tell them people are leaving your town like it's a house on fire so there's no surprises when they decide to live with you in a house on fire.

I understand your point and certainly plan to be honest about my hometown with any prospective partner, though you should know that my financial situation is vastly different from those around me and my dwellings are quite nice.
"My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait." - Canticle of the Turning

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2017, 11:40:04 AM »
Incidentally, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!
"My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait." - Canticle of the Turning

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2017, 12:35:47 PM »
Date as many women as he can at home and keep his options open overseas. Even if he's wanting to marry someone from the FSU instead of someone at home, by staying active dating it will improve his confidence and social skills with women. A higher level of confidence and social skills will allow him catch higher quality women and a lot of women.

Very good advice.

Spend as much time as you can with many women in any social and business setting as you can.  It helps you to be able to talk and relate to them without any awkwardness or shyness.

I had been out of the dating scene for scores of years and was  worrying about my abilities.

But I found that I had zero trouble when I began dating again . . . and I attribute this to the fact that in my business ventures I had been interacting with women of all ages for all these same scores of years that I had not been dating.

When I did begin dating again,  most of the women remarked that it seemed like they had known me for years rather than for hours or days.  This was because I had no unease around them, could immediately make them laugh and feel comfortable, etc., . . . because this was virtually the same as I had done in business situations for all those years.

So as Billy said . . . spend as much time as you can with and around women.  Get comfortable with them and make them comfortable with you, even when you are not on dates.
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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2017, 04:17:33 PM »
Thanks for the welcome Trenchcoat (do I recognize your handle from RUA?).

As enthusiastic as I may be, I definitely understand that knowledge, patience and honesty are key in securing a good mate. I don't plan to rush anything, and as you suggest, 'getting in early' will only seem to aid in my search. I'm an only child without much extended family, so the prospect of minting a family of my own is appealing to me. This feeling stated, I do have standards. Unfortunately I won't accept children from previous marriages / partners. I don't doubt that there are many wonderful single women around the world that happen to have a child or two, but I feel strongly of having my own children (to note, I'm not a mean guy! We actually sponsor a few kiddos around the world).

Yep I'm the same one as on RUA though I tend to spend most of my time here as its more dedicated to dating in the FSU. More topics on FSU dating I think are covered here though I find RUA a bit more down to earth which can be a nice change.

I like yourself would like my own family, you kind of realise as you get older that your old folks aren't going to be around forever more which is depressing in itself. I've got some close family but it would still essentially be me by myself and maybe a dog. Most of the women around my way and I guess yours know that they can take their pick of the guys, you don't have to be that much off the pace to miss out. That and some girls are just gold diggers so you really need to watch out. Fortunately the situation in the FSU is completely different, there are loads of girls to date and its easy hunting out there. I tend to prefer women without children too simply because I do not want the immediate commitment of someone else's child and all the added complexities it brings, this search normally throws up enough problems without adding more. That said a woman with a child will normally greet a WM warmly with legs wide open. They will unlikely get any other guy visit them so they can't afford to be fussy. Local guys see them as only fit for a good lay anyway so if a WM who can support a family turns up and may marry them they tend to play all in. In all honesty some women with children can be pretty fit. I've seen a few 10's on Mamba compared with 7 or 8's for without children, I think this is because all the local guys hit on them first as top priority so they get pregnant then of course the number of local guys interested in them plummet as none of them want to get saddled paying for someone else's kid.

Anyhue, I would get going if I were you on some of the free dating FSU sites and just try and learn about FSW to start with, no need to go out there immediately just learn about all the sorts of characters you get turn up, good & bad, ins & outs, I think doing so will save you much time later.   
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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2017, 11:57:37 PM »
Now why the FSU? I perceive women from Eastern Europe to be more intrepid and adventurous than women from the West (important qualities to me). I also appreciate their embrace of traditional values. Obviously I'm speaking in generalities, but it is my opinion that I can do so when referring to an entire region of the world (surely there are mates who'll fit the bill).

How can someone be adventurous enough to try new things and yet remain traditional?  :-\  You have me confused

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #30 on: December 25, 2017, 01:54:03 AM »
How can someone be adventurous enough to try new things and yet remain traditional?  :-\  You have me confused

You make a good point. I notice a lot younger FSU women getting tattoos, breast implants and 6 inch heels. Of course those might be the exceptions and not the rule. I've heard women from Western Ukraine are considered more traditional, true Ukrainians unlike those of the East. I've heard Georgian women to be the most traditional of all and rarely marry outside their nationality. Although I know a few exceptions including my landlady married to a Russian man. She told me that when Georgian men marry Ukrainian women the children are never raised as Georgians. In Georgia Georgians take two things very serious, their religion and their cuisine. Never criticize either. But I stray a bit from the topic.

Doll asked my why I said, "I don't want them either." I meant that I am not interested in young women. To me young is anyone under the age of forty. Ideally a woman in her 50s would be the best choice for me for a life without a lot of drama.

LD you're in a not so good age to finding a woman for a permanent life together. Women your age, especially younger, are usually not serious about marriage. One problem you would have is finding one who is truly grown up. Most people change as they leave their early mid twenties. For many at age 25 there is strong desire to be married. In the Philippines they called those that haven't married by 25 as "Christmas Cake." Meaning after the 25th they are become day-old and beyond their expiration date. That is that culture. I believe it true with other traditional cultures as well. Then when they hit the age of 29 or so they go through mid-life crisis and want children. I seem to remember an old time poster by the name of Ken that had that problem. The twenties are a really mixed up time for women. Not so much for the men, as they don't take life serious. But the women do, usually. You'll find a lot of party girls in that age, but who wants any of them for a life time partner? I speak in generalities in this paragraph. Lots and lots of exceptions I know.

My advice is get yourself a passport. The one with the double amount of pages, 52 I believe. Then book yourself a flight over here. Just be a tourist. Ride the river boats and visit the museums. Don't worry about doing it with a woman by your side. Just have fun that a single guy can have before life's commitments (usually from a woman/wife) descends on him. Do things. Go visit Dracula's castle in Romania. See the historical sites of WW2 in Ukraine and Poland. Do some volunteer work teaching English. You'll meet lots of people that way. Maybe a young woman that is cool to have fun with.

LD, when you read these boards you get the spirit of the sense of the urgency to quick find a wife. But this comes from men who are not in your position. You have more time to do it than they do. They are limited to a few weeks a year of vacation time per year, a business that takes a lot of their time or my case a limited number of years, period. Don't let this spirit of urgency mix with your spirit to find a mate, to mate. You got lots of time. I'd work on making an interesting life first. Really find out who you are. You have many interests that have told me about. Traveling about as I suggest you do might find another one that really gets your attention. If you find a woman that has the same interest, and if it is of a certain type, then you might have the basis of the strongest of friendships. And of course a possible life time partner.

I recently read a story about Aristotle views on friendship. A marriage or a lifetime partner would be best if it was based on third type of friendship.

Aristotle outlined two kinds of common friendships that are more accidental than intentional.
The first is a friendship of utility. In this kind of relationship, the two parties are not in it for the affection of one another, but more so because each party receives a benefit in exchange.

It’s not permanent in nature, and whenever the benefit ends, so does the relationship that brought the parties together. Aristotle observed this to be more common in older folks.

An example of this would be a business or a work relationship. You may enjoy the time you spend together, but once the situation changes, so does the nature of your connection.

Similarly, the second kind of accidental friendship is one based on pleasure. This one, however, is more common in people that are younger. It’s the kind of relationship frequently seen among college friends or people who participate on the same sports team.

The source of such a friendship is more emotional, and it’s often the most short-lived of the relationships. It’s fine for as long as the two parties gain enjoyment through a mutual interest in something external, but it ends as soon as either tastes or preferences change.

Many young people go through different phases in their views on enjoyment, and quite often, the people in their lives tend to change as the phase they’re in recalibrates over time.

Most of the friendships that many of us have fall into these two categories, and while Aristotle didn’t necessarily see them as bad, he did feel that their depth limited their quality.

It’s fine, and even necessary, to have accidental friendships, but there is far more out there.

The friendship of the good

The final form of friendship that Aristotle outlined is also the most preferable out of the three. Rather than utility or pleasure, this kind of relationship is based on a mutual appreciation of the virtues that the other party holds dear. It’s the people themselves and the qualities that they represent that provides the incentive for the two parties to be in each other’s lives.

Rather than being short-lived, such a relationship often lasts until the end, and there is quite generally a base level of goodness required in each person for it to exist in the first place.

People that lack empathy or care for others seldom develop these kinds of relationships because, more often than not, their preference is to look for pleasure or utility. On top of that, friendships of virtue take time and trust to build. They depend on mutual growth occurring.

You’re a lot more likely to connect at this level with someone when you’ve seen them at their worst and watched them grow from that or if you’ve both endured mutual hardship together.

Beyond the depth and intimacy, the beauty of such relationships is that they automatically include the rewards of the other two kinds of friendship. They’re pleasurable and beneficial.

When you respect a person and care for them, you gain joy from being with them. If they’re a good enough person to warrant such a relationship to begin with, then there is utility, too.

These relationships require time and intention, but when they do blossom, they do so with trust, admiration, and awe. They bring with them some of the sweeter joys that life has to offer.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 02:02:09 AM by Maxx2 »

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #31 on: December 25, 2017, 10:55:42 AM »
Interesting re Aristotle Maxx; thanks for posting.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #32 on: December 25, 2017, 11:06:18 AM »
How can someone be adventurous enough to try new things and yet remain traditional?  :-\  You have me confused

It takes an adventurous person to move to a new country to start. Travel, new experiences, open to different cultures, etc are all things I find many FSUW are generally more open to. Yet they cling to certain traditional values. Family is one. Not into drugs like as many women in the West. "Home cooked meals are better for you". At least this is what I have found in my wife. The best from both Worlds.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #33 on: December 25, 2017, 11:29:32 AM »

It takes an adventurous person to move to a new country to start. Travel, new experiences, open to different cultures, etc are all things I find many FSUW are generally more open to. Yet they cling to certain traditional values. Family is one. Not into drugs like as many women in the West. "Home cooked meals are better for you". At least this is what I have found in my wife. The best from both Worlds.

I think more often than not, 'looking for better life' is reason I hear most, especially with kids in tow.

Who knows what will happen when an FSUW is exposed to western culture and life. I think the true person comes out. Some have trouble adapting while others are like fish in water, I have seen more of the latter. The 'russian' women I have met here(LA) are exactly like any women you will meet here, loving the good life!!
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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2017, 12:51:39 PM »
I think more often than not, 'looking for better life' is reason I hear most, especially with kids in tow.

Who knows what will happen when an FSUW is exposed to western culture and life. I think the true person comes out. Some have trouble adapting while others are like fish in water, I have seen more of the latter.

Depends on the woman and set of circumstances I imagine. But most of the women we know did not have children, were good looking younger women, and had many options. They were looking for a partner, not a better life.

We know a few that were escaping something, those women seem to have had a harder time.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2017, 03:45:09 PM »
From what I can make out young women in their early twenties or younger that are attractive and without children and character flaws probably have a girl few options locally. Those that are hitting around mid twenties or older without children the options I get the impression are getting thin on the ground. Maybe not so in the larger richer cities in the FSU but more so in the smaller poorer cities. These women may have been left on the shelf for a reason, too materialistic, too moralistic, mental health problems, difficult personalities, not that attractive, career mindset, etc. I was messaging one girl a couple of years ago and she wasn't quite right up top I don't think, in the end messaging her became impossible she was just so difficult to communicate too.

That said I don't think the situation is nearly that bad as in the UK. Here the women really are a tough task that remain, most for many will be impossible to deal with even if you bend over backwards for them and try ever trick in the book. Problem with many FSU women is that some fail to realise that they have a problem in a certain area as above that is screwing them up, telling them doesn't often seem to register with them. As is often said attitude is one off the hardest things to change in a person. I think many FSW turn to foreign dating as it is the only viable option left to many. On meeting though I'm not sure many of these women realise that it has to work for both sides not just them.
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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #36 on: December 25, 2017, 04:17:36 PM »
From what I can make out young women in their early twenties or younger that are attractive and without children and character flaws probably have a girl few options locally.

...many options both locally and internationally. With the internet and social media good looking women have more options than most men realize.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2017, 06:12:59 PM »

You make a good point. I notice a lot younger FSU women getting tattoos, breast implants and 6 inch heels. Of course those might be the exceptions and not the rule. I've heard women from Western Ukraine are considered more traditional, true Ukrainians unlike those of the East. I've heard Georgian women to be the most traditional of all and rarely marry outside their nationality. Although I know a few exceptions including my landlady married to a Russian man. She told me that when Georgian men marry Ukrainian women the children are never raised as Georgians. In Georgia Georgians take two things very serious, their religion and their cuisine. Never criticize either. But I stray a bit from the topic.

LD you're in a not so good age to finding a woman for a permanent life together. Women your age, especially younger, are usually not serious about marriage. One problem you would have is finding one who is truly grown up. Most people change as they leave their early mid twenties. For many at age 25 there is strong desire to be married. In the Philippines they called those that haven't married by 25 as "Christmas Cake." Meaning after the 25th they are become day-old and beyond their expiration date. That is that culture. I believe it true with other traditional cultures as well. Then when they hit the age of 29 or so they go through mid-life crisis and want children. I seem to remember an old time poster by the name of Ken that had that problem. The twenties are a really mixed up time for women. Not so much for the men, as they don't take life serious. But the women do, usually. You'll find a lot of party girls in that age, but who wants any of them for a life time partner? I speak in generalities in this paragraph. Lots and lots of exceptions I know.

My advice is get yourself a passport. The one with the double amount of pages, 52 I believe. Then book yourself a flight over here. Just be a tourist. Ride the river boats and visit the museums. Don't worry about doing it with a woman by your side. Just have fun that a single guy can have before life's commitments (usually from a woman/wife) descends on him. Do things. Go visit Dracula's castle in Romania. See the historical sites of WW2 in Ukraine and Poland. Do some volunteer work teaching English. You'll meet lots of people that way. Maybe a young woman that is cool to have fun with.

LD, when you read these boards you get the spirit of the sense of the urgency to quick find a wife. But this comes from men who are not in your position. You have more time to do it than they do. They are limited to a few weeks a year of vacation time per year, a business that takes a lot of their time or my case a limited number of years, period. Don't let this spirit of urgency mix with your spirit to find a mate, to mate. You got lots of time. I'd work on making an interesting life first. Really find out who you are. You have many interests that have told me about. Traveling about as I suggest you do might find another one that really gets your attention. If you find a woman that has the same interest, and if it is of a certain type, then you might have the basis of the strongest of friendships. And of course a possible life time partner.

I recently read a story about Aristotle views on friendship. A marriage or a lifetime partner would be best if it was based on third type of friendship.

Rather than being short-lived, such a relationship often lasts until the end, and there is quite generally a base level of goodness required in each person for it to exist in the first place.[/font]

People that lack empathy or care for others seldom develop these kinds of relationships because, more often than not, their preference is to look for pleasure or utility. On top of that, friendships of virtue take time and trust to build. They depend on mutual growth occurring.

Beyond the depth and intimacy, the beauty of such relationships is that they automatically include the rewards of the other two kinds of friendship. They’re pleasurable and beneficial.[/font]

When you respect a person and care for them, you gain joy from being with them. If they’re a good enough person to warrant such a relationship to begin with, then there is utility, too.

These relationships require time and intention, but when they do blossom, they do so with trust, admiration, and awe. They bring with them some of the sweeter joys that life has to offer.

What a thoughtful post Maxx! Like all generalisations, I agree there'll exist exceptions. On the whole though, I really concur with your observations as to the "expiration date" of the girls in the FSU. The same cultural norm is pretty much seen across Southeast Asia too, as I have many relatives and friends scattered across that region who will happily agree.

Regarding Aristotle's views on friendship, perhaps it is true. However, I do not think it necessarily means this third type of friendship can last forever even whilst both are still alive and well.

Even if a girl respects and loves a man who is like a role-model (leader) to her, I doubt she will remain with said man IF the man turns abusive, ultra-controlling, playboy, blames everything on her and makes her suffer continuously. Eventually, there would probably come a point when she loses all love, trust and respect with him and leaves him.

It takes an adventurous person to move to a new country to start. Travel, new experiences, open to different cultures, etc are all things I find many FSUW are generally more open to. Yet they cling to certain traditional values. Family is one. Not into drugs like as many women in the West. "Home cooked meals are better for you". At least this is what I have found in my wife. The best from both Worlds.

Maybe "it takes a courageous person to move to a new country to start" is a more accurate statement? I do not think adventurous people would actually be able to settle down successfully as they will always be seeking new thrills and excitement elsewhere? Would they not?

I think I understand you better now. I think the "specific" traditional values that you and OP are referring to may be part of  "christian values" as well. Perhaps being adventurous and traditional may be mutually-exclusive but I still highly doubt they are.

I believe the moment we are born, we are more or less a clean slate with perhaps a few personality quirks built in. Then as we grow up, we change, eventually developing our own views and becoming very much unchangeable after the age of 30. People keep saying FSU women "grow up" faster, but I highly doubt that implies their character can be fixed far earlier.

Notwithstanding that, how long do you think it will take before a young woman with "traditional" values, makes new friends that advise her on what's possible within the laws in the West, discovers the countless numbers of guys willing to hook up no strings attached, loses her feminine side, and becomes more or less "Americanized" and loses said values? :rolleyes:

In regards to the drug problem, erm, are you absolutely sure it's worse in the West? I mean the last time I read the WHO reports just a year back, there was a conclusion that there's still a massive, under-prioritised, growing epidemic of drug abuse (eg. Meth) in the FSU especially in Russia which has coincidentally led to a big growing increase in HIV cases as well due to the use of needles for intravenous drug injections under non-sanitary conditions.

Wiki gives a decent overview.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #38 on: December 25, 2017, 06:34:39 PM »
Maybe "it takes a courageous person to move to a new country to start" is a more accurate statement? I do not think adventurous people would actually be able to settle down successfully as they will always be seeking new thrills and excitement elsewhere? Would they not?

I would defer to "adventurous". Nobody mentioned settling down. My wife and I travel quite a bit. In fact she travels extensively for work.

I think I understand you better now. I think the "specific" traditional values that you and OP are referring to may be part of  "christian values" as well. Perhaps being adventurous and traditional may be mutually-exclusive but I still highly doubt they are.

I am an atheist, but sure I can appreciate some christian values. Some I disagree with. It will really depend.

Notwithstanding that, how long do you think it will take before a young woman with "traditional" values, makes new friends that advise her on what's possible within the laws in the West, discovers the countless numbers of guys willing to hook up no strings attached, loses her feminine side, and becomes more or less "Americanized" and loses said values? :rolleyes:

My wife has been here 6 years and has not changed very much (besides trading in high heels for flip flops and wearing less makeup). Neither have many of the women from the FSU we know. Family and home is still very important to them. Moreso than most Western women. But that is my experience and the women we know. Of course every individual is different.

In regards to the drug problem, erm, are you absolutely sure it's worse in the West? I mean the last time I read the WHO reports just a year back, there was a conclusion that there's still a massive, under-prioritised, growing epidemic of drug abuse (eg. Meth) in the FSU especially in Russia which has coincidentally led to a big growing increase in HIV cases as well due to the use of needles for intravenous drug injections under non-sanitary conditions.

I am very familiar with HIV in the FSU. You can go back and look at my posts on this forum and the other. My wife is from Odesa, the epicenter of HIV in Ukraine. My understanding is that drug use is split among different groups. Those that use are generally looked down on and use heavy drugs like vint, heroin and boltushka. Much of the IV use occurs in prisons. The other group will not touch any drugs, only drink. Of course some will smoke Georgian weed or do extacy in the club scene these days. But for the general population drug use is nothing compared to the West.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #39 on: December 25, 2017, 06:47:40 PM »

Depends on the woman and set of circumstances I imagine. But most of the women we know did not have children, were good looking younger women, and had many options. They were looking for a partner, not a better life.

We know a few that were escaping something, those women seem to have had a harder time.

Yea, looking for a partner that is generous, secure, well off....just to know a couple. I doubt very many girls would leave their homeland to struggle in a new culture.....they can easily struggle at home.

One's that escaped were doing very well as far as I can see. Something about a girl with a Russian accent speaking English catches everyone's attention, never mind she is dressed to kill!! :-)) At least in LA, that's what I see. A few years back I had a Moldovian girl with me, she took me to a few 'Russian events', my God a thousand people dressed fashionably(FSU men and women), heard mostly Russian language....and you could tell there was some money flowing around there. In all my years I had no idea that group was functioning!!!
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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #40 on: December 25, 2017, 06:53:43 PM »
Yea, looking for a partner that is generous, secure, well off....just to know a couple. I doubt very many girls would leave their homeland to struggle in a new culture.....they can easily struggle at home.

Guess I just got lucky then. My wife was doing quite well back home and we have certainly had struggles here. She has stood by my side through all the ups and downs. And we have had a few real shitty downs.

My wife works for the one percent btw. Guys that probably make the wealthy at those parties look like paupers. She could certainly go that route if she so chooses. Has been offerred many times. But some women want a solid partner.

My buddy lives in LA. He dates gorgeous Russian women and is a broke ass dude. He's a musician, girls like him because he is fun.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 07:05:54 PM by alex330 »

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2017, 07:20:36 PM »

...many options both locally and internationally. With the internet and social media good looking women have more options than most men realize.

Theoretically yes they do but getting a guy internationally to visit is another matter. Apart from Keyboard Romeos some guys may just opt to chase another girl. So while she would be appealing to many a guy in the west few western guys embark on the journey. A hot FSW would be a magnet for many local guys were she to arrive in the UK or US. Many hot FSW no doubt crave this access but are imprisoned in their country unless they use a WM as a mule or get wealthy enough to satisfy visa requirements. Otherwise there looks are an aging asset. It's why I've gone off going for girls in their mid twenties as I think many would just view me as a way to access those WM. Most of the girls I'm now looking at are 30 plus so as long as I'm reasonably careful I figure I could stand a decent chance of avoiding local guys in home country problem. The last girl I was with was pretty much a 10 in the looks department facially, I could just visualise all the younger local guys fawning over her like a rash, but as it is she's still stuck in Ukraine without easy access to any of those guys :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #42 on: December 26, 2017, 12:36:13 PM »
Guess I just got lucky then. My wife was doing quite well back home and we have certainly had struggles here. She has stood by my side through all the ups and downs. And we have had a few real shitty downs.

My wife works for the one percent btw. Guys that probably make the wealthy at those parties look like paupers. She could certainly go that route if she so chooses. Has been offerred many times. But some women want a solid partner.

I read through your trip reports last night. Indeed, I think you really are one lucky man Alex  :D As for us FSU women seekers who have yet to find our partner to build a nest, we remain unlucky for now :rolleyes:

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #43 on: December 26, 2017, 02:15:08 PM »
As for us FSU women seekers who have yet to find our partner to build a nest, we remain unlucky for now :rolleyes:

Build a nest FIRST and they shall come. Make the nest with 5 bedrooms, large kitchen, 3 1/2 baths on a 8 hectare lot with a Mercedes in the driveway because the garage is full of Lamborghinis.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #44 on: December 26, 2017, 04:26:16 PM »

In addition to the vulgarity, how do you know this to be a fact?  From the vast numbers of married FSUW you dated?  From your (2?) weeks on the ground speaking to these women and the men who "lay" them?

There are at least two FSUW posting here who had children when they married WM.  Ask them if they would "normally greet a WM warmly with legs wide open".

Do the words "SOCIAL MISFIT" ring a bell?
Anyone -- and I mean anyone-- that takes any notice of ANYTHING the completely clueless idiot Trenchcoat has to say --is as big an idiot as he is.
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2017, 05:09:55 PM »
Do the words "SOCIAL MISFIT" ring a bell?
Anyone -- and I mean anyone-- that takes any notice of ANYTHING the completely clueless idiot Trenchcoat has to say --is as big an idiot as he is.

Oh behave GayH :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2017, 05:45:43 PM »

In addition to the vulgarity, how do you know this to be a fact?  From the vast numbers of married FSUW you dated?  From your (2?) weeks on the ground speaking to these women and the men who "lay" them?

There are at least two FSUW posting here who had children when they married WM.  Ask them if they would "normally greet a WM warmly with legs wide open".

Not from any that I have dated but some research I have done on the internet of FSW in such a position, single with a child. As we all ready know from many posts on here life is hard for single mothers in the FSU, they get a pittance from the state for both themselves and their child to live off. Added to this many will live in unsavoury areas. We again already know from various posts on here that there are lots of cities in the FSU that are not nice places to live in, if not unsafe then just boring with little to do. A foreigner coming to visit these women will naturally be great excitement and a once in a lifetime's chance to escape poverty and drudgery to which they have been assigned. Most have grown up with the harsh realities of single mother life in the FSU have become streetwise enough to know they are going nowhere unless they part their legs and profess their love. They can divorce later after green card etc but for the next 2 years that is going to be their life in the hope of gaining a better life for themselves and most importantly for them their child. A good mother will always lay down and take it for their child and a chance for them to get on in life. The FSU offers them very little chance to get on in life so they go all out to get out of Dumpsk. If the guy is lucky she will like or love him and stay with him, if few alternatives present themselves once in US, UK, etc she will probably stay with him by default for the benefit of a stable life and the child's opportunities in life. Women tend to have it better than men in the FSU, for them there is no escape just around the clock working or poverty in unemployment, hence the alcohol problems. You see Boethius I figured out FSU society after all ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2017, 06:16:29 PM »
No, you didn’t figure out FSU society.

If life is so horrible, an FSUW can work abroad, as millions of Ukrainians do. Many of the countries in which they work, such as Poland, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland, offer them paths to citizenship. You assume women are trapped and WM are their sole means of leaving the FSU. That may have been true 20 years ago, but it hasn’t been for a long time.

Life in Russia is not difficult for most single mothers.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 06:55:11 PM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2017, 08:23:03 PM »
Not from any that I have dated but some research I have done on the internet of FSW in such a position, single with a child.

Where did you get your information from? Sex tourists on sex forums? The last thing a single woman with a child needs is another child from a man who's going to disappear on her and the child because life becomes even more difficult. I'd say single women with a child goes into this with eyes wide open more often than legs wide open.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 11:09:01 PM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Hello RWD!
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2017, 09:38:33 PM »
Welcome, Lord of the Dance and thanks for the Seasonal Greetings

Please do NOT take any tips from Trenchcoat seriously - as most of his 'adviSe' sucks.

Can't agree with the advice from some that suggests you need to be a good dater of women to find a FSU wife, either.....   FAR more important

You need to address the question:

Why am I seeking a FSU woman ?

and be a guy that knows how to be a good husband ...


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