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Author Topic: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///  (Read 18410 times)

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Offline neilhardy

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2006, 01:09:34 PM »
Guys !

Thanks again, im fascinated and thankfull for all opinions, I laid it on the line no phone number, no meeting. She has now given me her address, and now she says she will give me the cell phone soon !

Its like some huge detective story, very intruiging.

here is a quote, I hope Im not breaching protocol by posting a fragemnt of her e-mail, my sincere apologies if it is. I have given her all my numbers and address.

" I think, that I can call to you very soon. I think, that now time to speak by
with you to phone. Let me to call to you. OK? We should speak with you before I
arrive to you! I want to hope, that you will love my voice. I ask you that you
have written to me once again your domestic phone number, number cell and
probably number of your work. So we can better coordinate our time. I have
always got used to take all things correctly and I think, that we shall soon
speak with you. You writed which in that mobile phone, In russia we not all have at flat and
and house, I ask friend which shall tell that mabe you mean cell phone. I can tell fairly that I
have cell phone, and will give you soon, by my accent is varied and maybe you confused as we talk"

what do you think ??

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #51 on: August 04, 2006, 01:39:00 PM »

 The more I read of this the more it sounds like a scam. Of course, I could be wrong and she could just be being careful but the numbers still add up to a negative from what I see. If she is "going to come to you" then why is it "soon" on the phone number, and why is she going to call you and not you her? Your time would probably be better used in pursuit of a different lady as this is more of a "Fat Yuri" than anything else. Best of luck which ever way you go.

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Offline tim 360

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #52 on: August 04, 2006, 01:59:25 PM »
You are being scammed.  It is that simple. tim360
"Never argue with a fool,  onlookers may not be able to tell the difference".  Mark Twain

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2006, 02:35:15 PM »
Hi Neilhardy,

Why are you back with another question?  In John McEnroe's words, "You can not be serious."

I infrequently read here and rarely post.  However, I do have 4 years of experience with these RW.  I will make a comment for the benefit of serious newbies having similar concerns.   

Neil, if you were earnest you would join some reputable agencies.
By corresponding with 10 or more RW, you will find yourself eliminating them one by one over a month or two.  Some will eliminate you.  The reasons are too many to list.  Most of it is common sense and a gut feeling.

If you had done this, you would have eliminated this woman by the second letter.  Why?   Because there are so many better women and law of averages would have given you several from which to choose.

At this stage, you should not have to ask advice from this Board.  The time you need advice is when you are sharing face time with these intriguing creatures.  You will confront many situations very new to you.  You will experience exhilaration and doubts.  A thousand questions will emerge.  You will have to make battlefield decisions.  Guess what?   There is only yourself at those moments.  And if you are like me, you will have a glorious time.

Last advice.  If you do undertake this quest seriously, I recommend that you romance only those who are not desperate to leave.  In the end you may not win her heart.  However, if she does come you likely will have a winner.

BTW, does anyone else find it strange that Neil’s RW called it a “cell” phone and was confused by “mobile”.  I have dated about 15 RW who spoke English, and none said “cell”.

Offline neilhardy

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #54 on: August 04, 2006, 02:45:38 PM »
Thanks so much gator, your contribution is most welcome, so thanks for taking the time.

I correct you, having worked in mosow on and off for three years, cell and mobile are interchangaleble  in English speaking in habitants, I agree not however in those whom have letters translated

U R wrong m'boy

В следующий раз, когда Вы объявляете оскорбление, я заставлю Вас выглядеть еще более глупыми чем Вы.

Privet !   8)

Offline Bruno

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #55 on: August 04, 2006, 02:53:12 PM »
BTW, does anyone else find it strange that Neil’s RW called it a “cell” phone and was confused by “mobile”.  I have dated about 15 RW who spoke English, and none said “cell”.

The two term are both used in Russia :

- мобильный телефон for mobile phone
- сотовый телефон for cell phone

Sometime, the term GSM is used too...

But i find strange that she have not understand "mobile" since it sound almost like in Russian...

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #56 on: August 04, 2006, 02:54:27 PM »

I have not see any insult  ???

Offline neilhardy

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #57 on: August 04, 2006, 03:00:33 PM »
Thank you Bruno!!!

That bears me ou exectly Mobile and cell are understood well in russian , Thanks B

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #58 on: August 04, 2006, 03:31:12 PM »

Insult?  Not intended.  Too frank, too presumptuous? Yes

Please make me look silly if you wish, but in English as my Russian is very limited. 

To be even more direct, if you have been in Moscow for three years, I am sure you have been sniffing around a lot of RW.  Such is impossible to avoid in Moscow.  With this experience, why do you ask “beginner” questions?

Offline tim 360

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #59 on: August 04, 2006, 05:24:47 PM »
Neil,  Are you trolling?  You have 3 off/on years spent in Russia and you can't figure this out?  Have you ever spent any time with a girl from Russia or Ukraine???  Cells are an epidemic there.  After 3 off/on years there one would conjecture you POSSIBLY may have known a few real non-virtual girls?  And let me get this straight.  You spend 3 months playing virtual email tennis with a supposed 26 year old in Razan and you can't get her phone number?  She won't give it to you?  HaHaHa!  And you just got some kind of address?  Because you forcefully finally asked for it after getting advice here.

Oh!  And lets not forget that she now thinks she is in love with you after some emails.  This is all pretty simple to add up:  Either you are trolling for your own entertainment or you need more HELP than a board like this can ever provide.  Good luck and I do mean that sincerely,  Cheerio, Tim360
"Never argue with a fool,  onlookers may not be able to tell the difference".  Mark Twain

Offline PeeWee

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #60 on: August 04, 2006, 06:48:18 PM »
Lots of maybes here. She cannot come to you unless you live in a country that will allow RW to visit without visa. Or a Schengen visa agreement country, and you know who they are. You are living in the UK. May not be possible for her. So that is a maybe. The other maybe is that she is just shy with giving out the phone number. My lady was. But then again after 5 months of communication she has not told me that she loves me either. Only jb and Leslie have professed their love to me in that span of time. Oh and Turbo and Michaelangelo but they are gay so that does not count on my book.

Anyway. Odd stuff here. But maybe play it out. If she is a scammer she will come to the plate, as they say, soon.


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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2006, 04:08:17 AM »
Guys !

Thanks again, im fascinated and thankfull for all opinions, I laid it on the line no phone number, no meeting. She has now given me her address, and now she says she will give me the cell phone soon !

Its like some huge detective story, very intruiging.

here is a quote, I hope Im not breaching protocol by posting a fragemnt of her e-mail, my sincere apologies if it is. I have given her all my numbers and address.

" I think, that I can call to you very soon. I think, that now time to speak by
with you to phone. Let me to call to you. OK? We should speak with you before I
arrive to you! I want to hope, that you will love my voice. I ask you that you
have written to me once again your domestic phone number, number cell and
probably number of your work. So we can better coordinate our time. I have
always got used to take all things correctly and I think, that we shall soon
speak with you. You writed which in that mobile phone, In russia we not all have at flat and
and house, I ask friend which shall tell that mabe you mean cell phone. I can tell fairly that I
have cell phone, and will give you soon, by my accent is varied and maybe you confused as we talk"

Ok Neil, here is an excerpt from an e-mail my wife sent me midway through the FOURTH week after initial contact. Compare it with your's above:
You asked my phone number.
It is not top-secret (especially for you, my sweetheart).
My phone number is 26#62.
(Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926 and she died in 1962.)
I think the phone code of my town is ##### (but I am not sure).
You can call on my phone even in the night, but you have to know.
Jim, my sweet angel, I don't speak English.
I have never thought I'll have to speak English.
I studied just to read and to write in English.
I want to begin study English more assiduously now because I met you.

I think you have also to know my home address.
Different things can happen with my computer and I can lose you.

If my computer will be out of order you can write me the letter (on the paper).
This is my home address:
Zip code ####00
Nizhniy Novgorod area
******** City
Lenin street
House number ##
Apartment number ##
******* L.N.

I'll get home later today.
It will be around 7 PM.
I have long days at school on Monday and on Thursday.
But you will stay in my thoughts all day.
I didn't have to "lay it on the line" - I merely asked (once). If she's into you for being you, it wouldn't be a big detective story. Reading what info has been posted so far I'm also shocked at the type of questions being asked for someone who's been there and had the benefit of day to day interaction close up and personal.
Every action in company ought to be done with some sign of respect to those that are present. ~ Geo. Washington

Offline RussianGal

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2006, 10:00:16 AM »
...BTW, does anyone else find it strange that Neil’s RW called it a “cell” phone and was confused by “mobile”.  I have dated about 15 RW who spoke English, and none said “cell”.

I don`t. Cause that`s how we call it back home 'cell' (or 'sotovij' in Russian) instead of 'mobile' (or 'mobilnij' in Russian).
Plus, if she had to use an on-line translator to decipher his letters into Russian, it very well could translate the word 'mobile' into something like 'quick'/'lively', because that`s another meaning of it.
As for the girl, I agree with majority here - it`s a scam. Turboguy and others explained it well.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 10:14:37 AM by RussianGal »
Translation, Consultation, 3-Way Call - it can be done by RussianGal.

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2006, 06:28:57 PM »

 Thanks for sharing that snippet of Lil's letter just
above. The contrast is obvious - and that's the
first time I've witnessed an RW letter using "assiduously".

Offline Christopher

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #64 on: August 10, 2006, 05:45:14 PM »
Any chance this Boris jerking our chains ;)
Ive been searchin for the chord I can't hear
Been searchin for years
Its somewhere inside
But its well disguised

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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2021, 06:44:49 AM »
Ive met a russian woman, on a pay to join website where all must pay
£30-00 to join I wrote to her in russia, she wrote back and we communicate via e-0mail.

Shes 15 years younger than me, pretty, cute and seems serious about it

I was clearly sceptical so Ive been performing all the regular due dilligence checks
please tell me your opinion, in fact some times I was pretty direct with her, bordering rude I think.

1. I wrote back to her first then ingonred the nexy two e-mails.
2. She kept writing saying "why are you ignoring me "   - Good sign ?
3. I began email tennis with her,

4. I told her right up I was not interested in long correspondence but the
    only way we could see if we are a true match was to meet. She said yes soon - Good sign ?

5. I told her twice I will never send her money for tickect OR a visa ever - She said OK, -Good sign ?

6. She send a new photo each time, not a studio quality "model" type one but just a high
    quality digital camera type one, of her her mum, dad, they look authentic - Good sign ??

7. I told her its very unlikely she will get a visa to visit the UK and it will be expensive, she said
    she has travelled to Europe on business before and will have no problem getting a visa - Good   sign ?

8. I re-iterated for the third time no way will I send her money, but she can come and stay with me and she wont need anymoney when she's here and Ill give her her airfare back if we hot it off when she is here, she said ok and that she will be able to indenpendently fund her travel out of her own pocket - Good sign ?

8a) Shes a head of car sales earning $450 per mo, apparently 150 bux more than the average - good sign ?

9. I asked to speak and write to her, she says she wont give me her phone or address yet - Bad sign ??

10. Shes told her folks all about me and they say tread carefully - Good Sign .

11. Its been two months and I was sceptical, but now I think its bone fide.

12. She tells me tentatively that she loves me ? bad sign after 3 months ??

Please tell me guys what you think.

Much respect and peace.

I realize that the guy is long gone and won't be reading this but he needs to double
check his English and spelling, when writing to FSUW. (I know I make mistakes myself)

There are some weird things in his correspondence. I have to run to a meeting right now,
but when I get back I'll point out the weird stuff. 
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Re: Please assess this Russian Woman for me guys ///
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2021, 06:46:34 AM »
Plus, if she had to use an on-line translator to decipher his letters into Russian, it very well could translate the word 'mobile' into something like 'quick'/'lively', because that`s another meaning of it.

If she had to use an online translator to translate his letters, she probably had problems
since he spells every 4 word wrong.  :D
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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