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Author Topic: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.  (Read 55422 times)

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #50 on: August 09, 2006, 08:15:02 PM »

            Kevin you really mislead us on the age differences." Close to the same age" is not
  22 and 32. If you would have told us she was 22 I would have said sit them down and you
  and your wife give them some council. They have plenty of time. Marriage does not have a
  "FLAT RATE" and what is ASAP?  ??? As Stupid As Possible !!  Somebody up thread said I have
   joined the clue bat crew. I believe I have been right on target. I said to" stay out of this " read
   AVOID these situations by planning. This kind of thing continues there is going to be a shortage
  of green paper. I just cannot believe the family does not have a better relationship with your
   people. There is an old saying: Pretty is as Pretty does.  She might be Pretty but she Does not
   have a clue about her responsibility to her new guy, her parents, or your agency. They better
   both get some serious council from the local pastor. Any help is better than none. I wish them
   the best.

Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2006, 08:55:51 PM »
In this case, how could you possibly know?  It looked like a pretty scatter brained deal from the beginning to me, no rhyme or reason to anything.  In your shoes I'd have told the client to save his money, stay at home, and await a logical outcome of the mystery of where she was and what she was doing.   Ya gotta admit, being kidnapped by a UM boyfriend is pretty far fetched.  I'm not sure I  believe all that crap.  She could have just as easily walked away from the clinic and contacted her family in any one of a hundred ways for a ride home.  Losing her phone and passport is not a reason to hide out with a UM boyfriend for several days or weeks.

Frankly, my guess is; you have wedded a very insecure and immature AM to a girl who will use him for whatever she can get.  Probably a GC, then she'll file an I-130 for her UM boyfriend and they will live happily ever after.

I question the father. He did not hear from his daughter for a time yet he did not worry about her? I'd be in a car or on a bus heading there to learn why. He seemed to be either not concerned or not fully devulging all what he did know. He served to complicate the situation. That is why I earlier said that the guy should get with the father and pin him down on this. She could have alerted someone. The fellow, unless he was keeping her locked in a room, had most likely given her enough freedom for her to interact with other humans. She could have sent a message to her father for him to come to save her and to advise her fiancee of her dilema.

It seems to me that she went to this resort or whatever it was to be with this fellow. She gave him enough hope that there might be a future for them. When things got out of control she embelished a partially true event, women are very good at doing  this when it looks like things are about to blow up on them, to make herself look innocent. (Remember the story of the run away bride?)

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 09:00:04 PM by PeeWee »

Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2006, 09:06:32 PM »
I thought of the above because I had recalled something I had read about an Air Force doctor who had done a study that involved his review of Air Force women's claims of sexual assault. He concluded that over 60% of those claims were false. The women had either begun the encounter with the man and later filed a false charge to cover her misconduct or she flat made up the story to implicate the man to seek revenge, or whatever.

He wondered if that was unique of his military study or did this also occur in the civilian sector as well. He studied a grouping of sexual assault charges brought by women in the Chicago area. He learned that the results were the same. That over 60% of those women also had lied or had filed false claims.

I'll see if I can somehow find that study on the internet but I forgot the doctor's name.


Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #53 on: August 09, 2006, 09:12:46 PM »
Here you go. I found it within a matter of minutes. What I am suggesting is that the woman depicted in Kevin's story made up the story to cover something that happened that would have made her look bad. Again, something that women are very good at doing.

"Meanwhile, a U.S. Air Force investigation by Dr. Charles P. McDowell of 556 cases of alleged rape found that 27% of the women admitted that they had lied (Farrell 322). Three independent investigators then reviewed the other cases, developed 25 criteria for assessing evidence, and unanimously found 60% of the original accusations to be false.

Dr. Fekete concluded that:

According to various sources, including the Air Force study, which had the benefit of 75 false accusers volunteering their motivations, women lie most frequently for spite, revenge, compensation for guilt, or shame, and to account for pregnancy or to conceal an affair. This makes up two thirds of false accusations. The rest have to do with testing someone's love, avoiding personal responsibility, extortion, or some kind of mental/emotional disorder (Farrell 325)."

Even before I had read this I knew this to be true about women. I always took what they were telling me with a grain of salt and a measure of doubt.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 09:15:36 PM by PeeWee »

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #54 on: August 09, 2006, 09:21:36 PM »

               Peewee would this be a normal way for a family to handle this in the East?
             I hope not!!  Do the parents just fade out of the picture after eighteen ? ???


Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #55 on: August 09, 2006, 10:21:24 PM »

               Peewee would this be a normal way for a family to handle this in the East?
             I hope not!!  Do the parents just fade out of the picture after eighteen ? ???


I don't know about the East. I just know that I, as a father, would have gone to find out what had become of my daughter. I have done it several times with my son when he seemingly turned up missing. He is easy to find. I just head for the portion of Seattle known as "China Town". I drive around until  I spot his car. I park and then pop into the close by bars until I spot the lad. He is always playing cards with the Chinese guys, flirting with the China dolls, and sipping bubble tea. I have yet to have to pull the kid out of trouble but at least I have the piece of mind that he is not in trouble. I only then have to remind him that I have not heard from him for a few days and wondered if he was alright.


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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #56 on: August 09, 2006, 11:53:15 PM »
I question the father. He did not hear from his daughter for a time yet he did not worry about her?



I raised this question earlier with Kevin and I suggest you go read his reply!

"Father was kept out of the loop"......

The whole thing looks to me as another Ukrainian scam.....

She forgot or didn't know when she was getting married??????

or the Letter send to her with the date for the wedding was not delivered ??????

If she was so keen to this American chap WHY she did not get in touch with the agency?

They only talk with a translator and getting married ???????

Too many ??????

Sorry Kevin I am not having a dig on you but Ukrainians are well known scammers, as you must know, and will not stop in anything.

They send their wives illegally to work abroad to send money back......and don't care what work she does!

If I have time I will post later the story of one such tragic example.

Offline tim 360

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2006, 07:36:01 AM »
Kevin this story is smelly,  more from the girls actions/inactions than by anything else.  She appears to have been a fairly compliant and willing kidnap victim unless I have missed something here.  It seems like she was free to work as a nurse and come and go as she pleased.  Ample opportunities to make phone calls or emails or get the police or run away.  No SOS?  This kidnapping does not appear to be against her will over the weeks in which this said event transpired.  Makes no sense.

There seems to be no kidnapping here.  It does not sound as if she was handcuffed to the radiator or trundled up in duck tape and forcibly held against her will.  Does it?  Did she require counseling after this ordeal? 

I think the one who needs the counseling is your client.  But a little too late for that.  Cheerio. Tim360

"Never argue with a fool,  onlookers may not be able to tell the difference".  Mark Twain

Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #58 on: August 10, 2006, 07:40:26 AM »


I raised this question earlier with Kevin and I suggest you go read his reply!

"Father was kept out of the loop"......

The whole thing looks to me as another Ukrainian scam.....

Why would the father be kept out of the loop. He looks to me to be the center of this entire farce. I said before that I would have been next to that guy and asking questions of him both often and always.


Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2006, 07:45:26 AM »
"Shoot gun wedding." Again, why was the wedding hurried?

"Railroaded."  Now there is a term that I have not heard used in a while.


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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2006, 08:14:13 AM »
Some of you guys seem to have forgotten the key comments.

1. Their was a family arugment in kiev and the lady left home and went to her summer job She not sure which clinic she will work at until she arrive and goes to each clinic asking if they are hiring. Also she was upset with her father.
2. The father wasn't sure where she went and this is a very poor family. he was willing to go with the client to find her. But didn't have the money himself to go looking at every resort in Crimea.
3. Their was no set date on the marriage when the couple left. She was aware he would return in 2 months but no set date. It wasn't until he return that he decided to come back and get married in Ukraine as they had talked about. 
4. Once she became aware that he was in Ukraine she attempted to return and this is where the jeolous X got involved.
5. Today they are very happy together as she is living in Kherson and he will return in 2 weeks.

Most of you guys are yelling scam without knowing the couple. Their has  been no money given to the family and she gets very little so I dont' see any the normal scam signs.   "shoot gun wedding" was a concern up front. but the lady had a choice to say No and continue to work and she chose to return as soon as we got a hold of her and appears very happy now.

Only time will tell us for sure. As I said up front this isn't a normal situation. But sometimes things are not what they appear as many of the readers would had stay homed. This client followed his gut feelings and got married.


Offline Turboguy

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2006, 08:26:52 AM »
I have enjoyed the story Kevin.  I am also glad the groom is the groom and it is not me.  I hope as you hear more you can keep us posted.

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #62 on: August 10, 2006, 10:03:23 AM »
Just for the record the agency did most of the work for free. I spent hours with the client in my personal car going to the villages and place of employement of the father and never charge him. The only charge the client got from the office was for an interpretor service during the wedding and meeting with the family.  In fact we arranged the wedding for the client and saved him about $800 that the wedding company wanted to charge him.  I would say the agency lost money because of the amount of time we put into helping this client for free.  It is my desire to create marriage. Not to sell marriages.

How can you say that you have loose money in these story... by helping the client, you have save your reputation... and a reputation mean a lot of money...

Imagine if the guy have never married these girl... trip with all family for nothing, agency who don't know where is girl... what type of post have can make the guy in so situation... You have simply save your business... I don't say that it is wrong, almost all good business man will have act like you but don't say that it was only for help the customer... In these story, you have help yourself...

In these story, your are like have predict Leslie, the white knight in the bright armor... nothing wrong with this since each good business will make the same for save own reputation...  but please, don't speak of helping the customer... you have help yourself !!!

Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #63 on: August 10, 2006, 02:35:39 PM »
Some of you guys seem to have forgotten the key comments.

1. Their was a family arugment in kiev and the lady left home and went to her summer job She not sure which clinic she will work at until she arrive and goes to each clinic asking if they are hiring. Also she was upset with her father.
2. The father wasn't sure where she went and this is a very poor family. he was willing to go with the client to find her. But didn't have the money himself to go looking at every resort in Crimea.
3. Their was no set date on the marriage when the couple left. She was aware he would return in 2 months but no set date. It wasn't until he return that he decided to come back and get married in Ukraine as they had talked about. 
4. Once she became aware that he was in Ukraine she attempted to return and this is where the jeolous X got involved.
5. Today they are very happy together as she is living in Kherson and he will return in 2 weeks.

Most of you guys are yelling scam without knowing the couple. Their has  been no money given to the family and she gets very little so I dont' see any the normal scam signs.   "shoot gun wedding" was a concern up front. but the lady had a choice to say No and continue to work and she chose to return as soon as we got a hold of her and appears very happy now.

Only time will tell us for sure. As I said up front this isn't a normal situation. But sometimes things are not what they appear as many of the readers would had stay homed. This client followed his gut feelings and got married.


I can understand now how this would happen. It is a different country and the living conditions are different. When give a limited picture then some assumptions are made. Now more details are revealed, or explained in a different way. I have a friend who lives in Moscow and her parents who live in Rostov. One day her father became ill and so she went to him. She did not relay this information to me and for three weeks I did not hear from her. She was so caught up in her concern for her father's health that she did not think to send an email as there were more important things on her mind.


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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #64 on: August 12, 2006, 01:36:36 AM »
I don't know any father who would not go crazy if he hasn't heard about the whereabouts of his daughter for a couple of days. Family fight or not, having money or not, he would have done every possible to get in contact with her to make sure she is fine if he hadn't known that she was fine. He constantly assured the agency owner and American boyfriend that the girl would be back for the wedding and voila, she was back! He knew something, right? otherwise why he would not admit that he had no idea where the girl was?
Why the girl lied to her father about her situation when he was allowed to speak with her? What I think is that the girl was having a good time with her local boyfriend and made her appearance just in time for the wedding with this laming story. What is the variant of the kidnapping boyfriend to this story? And why nobody reported this to the police? Helloo, we are speaking about a kidnap!! Or maybe not??

This girl seems to me very irresponsible, with her father, American fiance, local boyfriend, family,  but most importantly, towards herself! She doesn't know the wedding date, doesn't communicate with her fiance, goes to a remote resort to work while waiting for her fiance's arrival, gets kidnapped by a jealous ex (how the ex got exactly to that resort?), but manages to speak with her father a couple of times, however, she doesn't inform him about having been kidnapped, no one reports her missing, yet when the American fiance arrives she can learn about it and escape. Yeah, right.

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What would you do if this happen to you? Final comments
« Reply #65 on: August 12, 2006, 08:09:25 AM »
 Yes, reputation is important. But I would had done it for anyone client or no client. The option of calling of the engagement was given to the client a week after we lost contact with her and the advice was not to come. But when the father keep telling us she was coming to Kherson and was in love it was the client determination that keep it going. The client was convinces that something wasn't right and that it was real love.   The are many stories of men who come to Ukraine seeking a lady only to find the lady missing once they arrive. This is the first time I've heard of a lady missing 2 weeks prior to the arrival that didn't involve an agency scam.  As I stated before this was discuss live on our yahoo group as it happen.  I have nothing to hide or gain by it and I would prefer that it never happens again.  I prefer the less stressful marriages where everyone shows up.

Bluebell. The X boyfriend (or friend)  works in the same resort area the prior year when they meet. They meet again this summer when she arrived. she claims not to have any interested in Him and they where never dating but he was someone who liked her allot.  This could be the real truth or it could be a lie. Only she knows for sure.  Again she wasn't aware of the date and after leaving her family after a conflict she wasn't in contact with the agency to get his letters.  I do agree she should had been a little more proactive.  Yet in Ukraine things are not as easy as in the West.  The resorts are not modern and do not have phones and internet services.  So I can understand the lack of communication.   Also her history with letters was a typically 2 week delay between letter already as it took her 2 1/2 hours to get to the office via bus.  I did expect her to contact the office at least once a week and she still hasn't explain why other then the lack of mobile phone and money.

I do not believe the father was in the loop. He did seem concern but lacked the desire or money to have lead a search. Again let remember she left the family for some reason that I'm not sure of and the family let her go.  Again cultural difference might have removed the motivation to go searching for her or just a family structure that lack the desire.  I am not sure.  What I am sure of is when we did make contact and sent a car she left everything behind but a change of clothes and was very happy we where coming to get her.  As far as calling the police. This is Ukraine not America.  The police would had responded but lack the man power or equipment to do much more then we could.

Today she started English lesson in Kherson.

I am just as curious of what we will be posting in a year about this couple as everyone else.

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #66 on: August 12, 2006, 11:56:58 AM »
Truthfully it reminds me of Luda and I  and PhotoGuy and Larisa which I think were both cases where we wanted it to work more than we wanted  to breath but our partners were a little less motivated.   I sure hope we have happy tales of this couple but I will guess the result won't be much better than for me or PG. 

I have a feeling there will be no 5th Anniversary celebration for those two.

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 4.
« Reply #67 on: August 12, 2006, 11:01:34 PM »
 :D... sorry!   The more I read, and re-read, this story--- the funnier it gets!
   First, the St. Louis metro may have more than 3 million people in it, but it is midwestern.  I have also lived in small towns (briefly)... BUT... this village mindset thing in the east is outrageous.  I figure St. Louis is as down-home as any city in America can possibly be, and I have seen some very un-urban behavior in the small towns that have been my home... BUT... this story tops them all!!!
Quote from: khersongirls
When she got word that he was coming one of the men who also worked in the center who is in love with her got very upset and would [NOT]allow her to leave. He took her phone and passport. He also threaten[ed] her that if she would leave he would kill himself. A lot of stress for this lady.
Kevin--- did this guy (the ex-boyfriend, not your client) ever go out on a date with the lady???

Can't say I have ever met a chick that would compel me to *kill myself* if I could not win her heart.  She might drive me absolutely mad for a brief interval... but not to the point of taking my life.   These people come off like a bunch of back-woods, mountain hicks.  Incredible! :D

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #68 on: August 13, 2006, 02:04:14 AM »
One thing I can’t understand.. People are coming for their weddings and still correspond via agencies? What a rip off! Why do you do it that way? Can imagine how much money they make just through your letters…  ::)

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #69 on: August 13, 2006, 02:42:23 AM »
Bradstl,  The lady said they never dated and he as only a friend that fell in love with her.

Wild Orchid: Most often once a couple gets engaged we help the lady get a private email account and the couple correspond directly. This is the recommend policy of the agency. However every once in a while a lady doesn't have internet access as in this case the lady lived in a small village and didn't even have a home phone or internet cafe. So she continue to use the agency to send and translate her letters.  When we have clients such as this they tend to get the monthly rate rate that  only charge .79 cents a letter with free translated and letters from the lady. So your theory of big money Isn't applicable to my agency.  But I do agree many agency that charge $10-$20  per letter both way can a small fortune.


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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2006, 05:10:47 AM »
I realize the psyche can be different there.   I have fallen in love a few times to the point where I might have felt like killing myself over the gal (of course never enough that I would have seriously consdiered it or used it for a threat)  I have fallen in love (or lust) with a few gals I have never dated.  Personally I don't think I ever did or could have fallen enough in love with a gal I never dated to be suicidal over her. 

To me there are some fishy things going on in that part but as long as she sold it and he bought it that is between them.

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2006, 06:56:03 AM »
To me there are some fishy things going on in that part but as long as she sold it and he bought it that is between them.
I ran this story past the wife to get her take on it, because it isn't adding up for me either...
The short answer was "BOOLSHEET!"
Based on the info provided so far, her guess is that lack of communication between the family members, fight or no fight, is most probably a lie. The lost cell phone is a lie, more likely that she, being with her lover from last summer, found it inconvienient to answer when the AM or the Agency called, but could easily speak with the father in the presence of  her RM. Father pointed AM toward "the beach" only after understanding that AM was not going away. Most likely she was "at the beach" the whole time - if she were a hospitality trade worker it would make sense for her to head to Crimea for the summer, as a nurse/hospital worker, it offers no benefit regarding salary or schedule (similar to the US, ever hear of a nurse leaving Pittsburg to work at the Jersey shore for the summer  ???) and on and on......
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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #72 on: August 13, 2006, 07:47:43 AM »

if she were a hospitality trade worker
;D ;D ;D

Was that a typo?  If not,,, I've never heard "ladies of the evening" referred to as "hospitality trade workers", but I can see how that title would work. 

I agree that "the client", was fed a big serving of BS on this one.  Boolsheet is a good word for it.

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #73 on: August 13, 2006, 10:05:35 AM »
I was eluding to waitress, barmaid, dancer, maid, but we could broaden the term to maybe "service industry"  ;D
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Offline PeeWee

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Re: What would you do if this happen to you? Pt 1.
« Reply #74 on: August 13, 2006, 10:25:51 AM »
I ran this story past the wife to get her take on it, because it isn't adding up for me either...
The short answer was "BOOLSHEET!"
Based on the info provided so far, her guess is that lack of communication between the family members, fight or no fight, is most probably a lie. The lost cell phone is a lie, more likely that she, being with her lover from last summer, found it inconvienient to answer when the AM or the Agency called, but could easily speak with the father in the presence of  her RM. Father pointed AM toward "the beach" only after understanding that AM was not going away. Most likely she was "at the beach" the whole time - if she were a hospitality trade worker it would make sense for her to head to Crimea for the summer, as a nurse/hospital worker, it offers no benefit regarding salary or schedule (similar to the US, ever hear of a nurse leaving Pittsburg to work at the Jersey shore for the summer  ???) and on and on......

I'll draw back to the Air Force study that I had posted earlier. If a full  60% of those were were capable of lying about their sexual assult charges and for the reasons given then it would hold true that this woman did the same, but in a smaller way, yet for the same reasons.

Makes sense, so I will agree with you, Jet.



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Re: Large age difference by krimster2
Yesterday at 01:13:11 PM

Re: Swisskids' Excellent Ukrainian Adventure! by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 01:09:31 PM

Swisskids' Excellent Ukrainian Adventure! by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 01:08:45 PM

Your package vs Large age difference by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 12:04:39 PM

Re: Your package vs Large age difference by ML
Yesterday at 11:59:03 AM

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