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Author Topic: From the Diary of the Manager of a Marriage Agency „Kaput Mortuum“  (Read 7329 times)

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Offline Kvinna

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[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]As usual, I arrived to the office by 10 am. Today is Monday and we have a planning meeting. I am very surprised that Masha, the secretary of our boss, is humming a merry tune and arranging flowers at the reception. It could mean only one thing - we are blessed by  a visit of our boss. Can it be true that he arrived? He is not very often in the office. Our boss is an American. He is very respectable and important. He could not be any different having such a business! Yes, this is it: Masha has made his office ready. Damn, I will have to do without my morning cup of coffee today. Our boss doesn't like when we are late. [/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]XXX[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]We were all present for the planning meeting. Seven interpreters! Bingo, we will have to work hard... Ok, we are taking notes: 14 foreign gentlemen... Hmm, gentlemen... Can you call a sex tourist a gentlemen? Ok, 11 Americans, 2 Canadians and 1 Mexican. Ok, yes, I understand.... to find accommodations, divide them into groups, assign an interpreter to each group... Of course, I am responsible for all organisational questions. Poor girls who are going to be responsible for collecting "material" for our customers, I would not want to be in their shoes. Oh ok, the collection is assigned to Natalia and Milena. Das ist gut. [/font][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]They will manage. They have an iron grasp. They will easily collect at least 300 ladies of every age and "colour".
So to say,. our boss got into the right stream (or the stream got our boss, go figure). To make a long story short, he met his wife (I think she is his fifth wife), in a marriage agency. Why he went there on the first place, nobody knows. But Galina was there in the right place at the right time. She didn't provide the matchmaking service for the potential groom but she did something absolutely different: it was so different that after one month our boss was dragging her to ZAGS to get married. Galina is someone who can be described "young but ripe". One has to have a special gift at 23 to get herself a 40 year old American with lots of money... What happened next was they simply opened their Klondike here in Russia. Before leaving her job in the marriage agency, Galina "took" the database of brides along with her. Together with her husband they decided to organise a "sell-the-russian-brides"marketplace. All in all that means that in one banquet hall they gather lots of "brides" who cannot wait to "sell" themselves to the foreigners. And there is no need to wait for the buyers. These guys come to Russia, can look at the commodity, and I must say, they have fun to the fullest. I am not blaming my boss though. If not for him, where could I possibly find such a great job and such good money?[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]29th of July 19xx[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]All this week we have been running around booking hotels, restaurants, etc... First customers are arriving today. I am going to meet them at the airport: I have booked the bus already. Ok, I have a trained smile, great makeup, everything is thought carefully.
Ok, these are our dear guests. Very colourful people. Let us drive to the hotel, I will start getting to know them better once we arrive. God, why would I need these "grooms"? They are quite ordinary guys: some are thin, some are fat, they are dressed differently. But they all have something in common that makes them almost twin-brothers... No, not what you have just thought about... They all have this similar curious-disgusted-disdainful look... I had an impression that they came for safari and just entered the monkey-nursery. They are interested yet scared. And they have this knowledge that they are kings of the jungle here. But it's ok, they are allowed to feel superior. They have paid lots of money to come to Russia: 3000 -4000 dollars. Our interpreters make best money. They are paid per hour and in addition if a customer wants, wants, desires, desires... then our girl can translate even under the customer's bed. Then they make good extra money.[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]The evening of the same day[/font]

[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]The more I communicate with these so called men, the more difficult it is for me to smile at them. God, such a slimy crowd! Look, that one, grey haired gentleman who looks very decent. He is 65, he has been married 4 times. He is considering himself a gigolo. His list of requirements for his future wife is just wow. And he is looking for someone up to 35 yo. And look at that one: fat, bold "millionaire". For one hour today he was telling me what a bitch his ex wife was. Frankly, I would have also dumped this stinking piece of meat. Here is another one, a real idiot.  His brain definitely works binary. Poor girl who will marry him. "Knock, knock, where is your husband? - He is not around, he is on line..." And that colourful Mexican! What a man! I cannot believe that anyone can fall for this weirdo. He is so short, he will need to stand on a chair to kiss his bride.
And all our grooms are studying the catalogues of our girls, some are checking the profiles on the internet with a concerned look.
Just now we had a group meeting with our "grooms". When I asked them the question what they were looking for in Russia, they all answered the same: looking for a good, kind, intelligent, beautiful, loving and caring wife." "But it is more complex than finding someone locally", I told them. They immediately started to complain how awful American women are, that they don't love their men, that the only thing they want is money and career. Ok, ok, don't be so harsh, tomorrow, guys, you will have at least 20 girls for each of you. What's your problem[/font]

the more on LillaVilla english version
When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I didn’t speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

Offline Bruno

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And that colourful Mexican! What a man! I cannot believe that anyone can fall for this weirdo. He is so short, he will need to stand on a chair to kiss his bride.


Read the rest at ... these Mexican is the best...

Oh, the Mexican and his fatty are moving towards the exit following the interpreter. Let's go and find out what is going on with them... Is the interpreter going to go with them to the hotel? No, she is coming back to the room.... I don't understand anything and ask her: "Where are the customers?" She tells me laughing: "They are gone". I ask: "How are they going to communicate?" " They are ok, she says, "they understand each other and they use the body language". Oh ok... cool.

He have not find the top model but he have find love...

Offline Fiorella

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It is just a story. But on these socials come very special kind of women...  :P

Offline wxman

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It may be a story, but very much of the story is probably true, and maybe even worse. It is sad how some these agencies sell and display women like cattle.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting that vote." – Benjamin Franklin -

Offline Elen

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my office is next to restorant where some "sociales" take place. I did saw a couple of them. All was almost like it's described above:D:D:D

Offline Frank

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That's pretty disgusting!
When in doubt, run!!!!!!!


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