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Author Topic: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran  (Read 42255 times)

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~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #151 on: June 26, 2019, 07:51:50 PM »

but you are right about one thing!!!!
I AM "bat shit" crazy!!!!!
I even sell my droppings on Ebay as a natural fertilizer
for home gardeners who insist on the very best...
and the smell?
when you catch a whiff of the aroma of some fresh Krimster guano
you will just feel your vegetables growing faster
I guarantee it!

This variant of Krimster's Dissociative Identity Disorder is much better;   I know it well and find pearls to appreciate.   

The Chicken Little variant is disconcerting because I am not sure if you are pulling our leg because some of the bullshit comes across too serious and so wrong that it should never be mentioned - e. g., cheering the sinking of a US aircraft carrier.     

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #152 on: June 26, 2019, 08:15:56 PM »
so what’s Iran to do?
just let their country fall into economic ruin because Donald Trump said so
keep moving closer and closer to shutting down the  Strait of Hormuz to oil and LNG shipping

I'm hoping Iran takes some notes from other nations in the world that are doing very well without the problems they are having. If they behave like those other nations, they'll be successful. Some guys are clueless and don't get it. Iran is one of those guys.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #153 on: June 26, 2019, 08:23:56 PM »

Hate = passionately dislike. Same ol', same ol'...
I don't hate nor even passionately dislike Trump personally.  I know people who do, but personally I think he is rather humorous.

This next statement, if read VERY carefully, actually does show you're a conflicted man...
1) It's 'drone'.
2) You call Trump a wimp but you agree with him, which makes you what exactly? Conflicted, maybe?
3) Trump has not put military on the ground in too mane places and you support him, seem to agree with everything he had done so far based on that statement, yet you hate/passionately dislike his policies...conflicted, maybe?

For the most part wrong again.   Me calling trump a 'wimp' is being sarcastic because that is what the conservative patriots would call Obama if he were to have reacted the way trump has to Iran shooting down an expensive drone.   Of course now many patriots are refraining from labeling trump a wimp.   
And yes I do agree with trump's decision not to attack Iran militarily.    I don't see a conflict,  I have the capacity to agree with certain aspects of trump policy and disagree with others, and I feel fine about it.    I find the conflict with supporters that once advocated hard line tactics when Obama was president now are suddenly dovish because trump 'wimped out'. 


Unemployment in the sub--4 percentile. Record.
Lowest black/latino unemployment. Record.
Outstanding GDP reports. Awesome!
Highest female employment. Record.
Abolish NAFTA and replaced with USMCA. Amazing.
Rejected the stupid Paris Agreement (depriving Europe of a cash cow). Awesome!
Deals directly with China's unfair trade practices (that everyone agrees IS unfair). Phenomenal!
Mostly eliminated the ISIS caliphate in less than 2 years! Awesome!
Tabled peace negotiations with NK. Bravo!!!!
Despite a deluge of silly obstructions by the Democrats/MSM, had massively exposed cronyism in DC and the DNC including the corruption with the intelligence agencies. Incredible!!!

I mean, there's so much more to state to show how much THE Trump had accomplished in just less than two years of his presidential term as he move forward to Make America Great Again!!!!
Trump is continuing and hasn't harmed the recovery that occurred under obama.  Many numbers compare closely.  Many of his policies aren't progressing. 


I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #154 on: June 26, 2019, 08:24:41 PM »
"bullshit comes across too serious and so wrong that it should never be mentioned"

i have a cousin whose kid is on one of those carriers, so I'm not cheering
but plenty of people in that part of the world will be
losing a carrier to Iran would be a HUGE military blow to the USA
and Iran can easily accomplish this

Khalij Fars is anti-ship missile produced entirely in Iran
300 km range with 650 kg warhead
transported by 18 wheeler
handful of these can sink a carrier
and smaller Noors can be used to strike tankers

they also make the Ra'ad, an enhanced copy of the Chinese silkworm anti-ship missile
360 km range with a 550 kg warhead

they ARE going to escalate
forcing Trump to respond militarily
and sooner or later it'll be with a carrier

« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 09:46:59 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #155 on: June 26, 2019, 08:27:17 PM »

Peace?!?!   How many proxy wars does Iran support?   How many people have been killed in those wars? 
Typical hypocritical response.  How many proxy wars does the US support AND start?   How many people have been killed in our wars?   

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #156 on: June 26, 2019, 08:29:43 PM »

Cheers!   Cheers for the deaths of American sailors?  Cheers for starting a world recession?  The only people cheering would be some Iranians and sick, treasonous bastards. Which one are you....sick or treasonous?  I hope your behavior in real life is not this disturbing.     
YOU cheer on the military when other people of other nations are getting killed so what is the difference if other people cheer if US citizens are killed? 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #157 on: June 27, 2019, 06:44:32 AM »

i have a cousin whose kid is on one of those carriers, so I'm not cheering

Sorry, I misinterpreted your comment.  We do have many Americans who would cheer.   

losing a carrier to Iran would be a HUGE military blow to the USA
and Iran can easily accomplish this

Khalij Fars is anti-ship missile produced entirely in Iran
300 km range w

they also make the Ra'ad, an enhanced copy of the Chinese silkworm anti-ship missile
360 km range

If so, we need to keep carriers 300-360 km offshore.   Super Hornets have a range of 3,000+ km, so no problem.  Keep in mind the carriers are supplemented by Air Force combat planes stationed at land bases on the southern shores of the Persian Gulf.  Add to this the firepower of missiles from smaller Navy ships, nuclear subs,  and land bases.   

I sleep at night. 3000+ years of civilization did not bring peace; deterrence did. 

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #158 on: June 27, 2019, 06:47:36 AM »
Dear American Rednecks and Village Idiots

something for you to consider...
August 1, 1941 the USA blocked oil exports to Japan
Dec 7, 1941, Japan responds...

so go ahead and put an embargo on Iranian oil...
after the whole world, including the US supported the Nuclear treaty
when Iran responds, you'll have another day that lives in "infamy" to mark on your calendar
100% provided to you by your chosen god, Donald Trump...
hope ya'll enjoy the ride!
it's gonna be a long way down folks!

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #159 on: June 27, 2019, 06:57:17 AM »
Trump's unilateral actions have given Iran NO OTHER option than to use a military solution to remove sanctions...
and if it works, Russia will copy it...
Trump's reason for quitting the treaty?
"President Trump said Iran was violating the spirit of the deal, arguing that Iran was not an ally and that it was working against US interests in the Middle East. "
yeah, some pretty deep thinking going on there, at least it wasn't because of Hillary's emails, or was it?
so do you expect Iran to accept having its primary source of state revenue reduced by 2/3 which results in economic ruin for the country
just because Trump said so and for no other reason than that...

based on the success of the last treaty
do you think Iran should pursue ANOTHER treaty with the USA?
or do you think this time they will try to make a deal on their own terms
where the medium of exchange is American blood
why not, Iranian people are suffering because of sanctions
Persians and vengeance...I believe these two are well acquainted with each other
so we are on step 1
and Trump bailed on step 2
so Iran will now make more and bigger step 1's
and at some point Trump will walk right into their trap
and a whole bunch of poor and middle class Americans are gonna get some real sympathetic next of kin letters from the US military
maybe the NRA can send some of their "thoughts and prayers" along to these folks as well, if they even exist after next year

but I don't want ya to worry, no, no, wouldn't want that
there won't be ANY Trump or Romney family members who might be harmed serving in the US military
cuz obviously, there never was and there never will be any there....
just YOU dumb asses will have your kids there

Iranians are among the deepest strategic thinkers I have ever encountered
ahead of Russians and Chinese, chilling, kinda like melding a Thugee cult into politics
I read a nonfictional account of a group of Iranian clerics
who controlled Iranian politics through assassination
it was like a giant chess game
everything going on in the middle east is an Iranian chess game
and you guys got Donald Trump playing for your team!!!
how do say checkmate in Farsi?

these are people who got hundreds of Vespa scooters and welded a copy of an M20 recoilless rifles to the frame and added an enlarged trigger and shorter barrel
meant to be fired at less than 50 meters from target
they recruited teenagers for suicide missions where 30 teens on these scooters would attack in a wave each Iraqi heavy tank
about half survived
the operation was considered a HUGE success

USS Cole nearly sunk by 4 Arabs in a row boat (2 of them children)

Al Queda with just 19 soldiers armed with boxcutters, killed thousands of Americans, destroyed 3 commercial airliners and bombed the pentagon
caused 100 billion in economic damage to the USA
caused the USA to engage in two wars costing thousands more lives and trillions of dollars
and they are Sunday school amateurs compared to Iran

sleep well...

if you look in detail at what Iran is doing
you can see that it's VERY calculated and deliberate
and the next step will be an escalation
a tanker will be sunk or pipeline blown up

you can bet with 100% certainty
that whatever plan Iran has cooked up
they've already spent years training for it
and they're ALL just itching for a chance
to do it....

« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 09:40:28 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #160 on: June 27, 2019, 08:05:09 AM »
" deterrence did.  "

and when deterrence no longer deters
because the stakes are too high?

you don't understand Iranians

I lived and worked with them for two years.   Both those educated at Cambridge and those who herded sheep.  I understand their culture of martyrdom.  I understand their culture of dishonesty.  I understand their religious zeal.   

I also understand some of their weaknesses.  Example - traffic in Teheran was absolutely horrendous.  British consultants for UNDP analyzed traffic volume, width of streets, signaling, police, etc.  Their conclusion - there would be no traffic jams if drivers followed the rules.  They do not queue.

Example Two -  One evening a date and I went to a Teheran cinema showing an English film.  Hordes of Iranians crowded outside the doors (no queue), so we paused outside to ponder options for the evening.  The theater shared a building with a restaurant where suddenly flames broke out of a window.    This had the ingredients for a horrible tragedy: fire moving from the adjacent restaurant into the theater,  theater doors blocked by an unruly crowd, traffic jam blocking arrival of fire fighter equipment. 

Within mere minutes I could see the fire trucks making their way through the traffic jam.  Running ahead of each truck was a team of muscular Iranians pushing cars into the bordering jubes (large, open drainage ditches alongside the major streets).  The trucks got through, and the fire extinguished.  The next day some cars remained stuck in the jube. 

The answer to your justifiable concern - no boots on the ground.  Economic warfare.  How are we doing?  My concern is with sleeper cells of IRGC embedded across the globe, ready to hit us. 

Their civilization is older than 3,000 years, and look at them today.  The classic Persian literature speaks of encounters with Vikings (probably from Sweden) a 1,000 years ago and describes these ancient Swedes as  filthy, stinky barbarians.  Things change.      :D ;D ;D

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #161 on: June 27, 2019, 08:16:21 AM »
Dear American Rednecks and Village Idiots

something for you to consider...
August 1, 1941 the USA blocked oil exports to Japan
Dec 7, 1941, Japan responds...

And Japan woke a sleeping giant. 

Japan in 1941 was relatively stronger than Iran in 2019. 

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #162 on: June 27, 2019, 08:24:32 AM »
you should study the history of the Spartans...
hundreds and hundreds of military victories created their culture over two centuries...
but the first time they suffered a major military defeat
their civilization collapsed

when US sanctions on Iran and Russia are overturned by clever asymmetrical warfare
so that US sanctions become irrelevant
America's military prowess becomes a laughing stock
if a carrier is sunk by 2 old men and a boy in a fishing boat
or an Italian registered oil tanker firing a salvo of Silk Worm anti-ship missiles
where's your deterrence then?

this will be the complete END of America's super power status if this happens
this is the bet your great leader has chosen for your people...
let's see which way the coin lands when it gets tossed...

don't go by WWII
might as well be medieval knights in armor

everything's asymmetrical warfare now...
all Iran has to do is shut down the straits
take whatever punishment is inflicted for this
and holdout for as long as possible
since you know Iranians AND Americans
who do you think will blink FIRST?

« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 09:59:36 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #163 on: June 27, 2019, 08:44:26 AM »
Wrong.  I don't hate nor even passionately dislike Trump personally.  I know people who do, but personally I think he is rather humorous.

You see how conflicted you are. You previously cited your passionate dislike was about his/their policies. Not personality. Now you're citing personality. You do know the first impulse of a conflicted person is deny that they are. You know that, right?

For the most part wrong again.   1Me calling trump a 'wimp' is being sarcastic because that is what the conservative patriots would call Obama if he were to have reacted the way trump has to Iran shooting down an expensive drone.   Of course now many patriots are refraining from labeling trump a wimp.   
And yes I do agree with trump's decision not to attack Iran militarily.   2I don't see a conflict,  I have the capacity to agree with certain aspects of trump policy and disagree with others, and I feel fine about it.   3 I find the conflict with supporters that once advocated hard line tactics when Obama was president now are suddenly dovish because trump 'wimped out'. 
Trump is continuing and hasn't harmed the recovery that occurred under obama.  Many numbers compare closely.  Many of his policies aren't progressing...

...and here are more reasons why I now know for sure you are conflicted.

1. Steve Kerr was asked after losing the 7th game in the finals about what does he think would've happened had Klay Thompson not go down in the 3rd quarter, to which he immediately replied..."I don't 'think' because it didn't happen. He went down!" That, FT, contrary to your stated sentiment above, is an example of a man who is not conflicted. Downed drone under Obama's administration didn't happen during his presidency. It happened with Trump's.

2. Your overwhelming 'disagreement easily far outweighs your agreement. The TRUMP thread (I can't believe that thread is still active, 3 years after the election. LMAO), where you likely own half the posts in it showcasing your passionate dislike of Trump's presidency - hardly supports the notion you're 'indifferent'. Matter of fact, not until we engaged in this current exchanged that you admit to actually 'agreeing' with Trump on anything. Definitely conflicted there., too.

3. In your conflicted state of mind, you aren't able to discern the difference between Obama's 'redline' threat from Trump's cancellation of a military strike. Now mind you, and unless you were ignorant of it, the US succeeded in virtually shutting down IRGC's radar systems and missile base systems rendering the IRGC's incapable of defending itself momentarily to which a supporting ensuing military strike was wholly unnecessary. That was enough to remind those idiots where 'control' really is. Thus, Trump  simply said he's open for renegotiation again. SO - you may rest in your laurels that Trump didn't 'do anything' despite what he said he was going to do - but that's OK with me, too. I am not the conflicted one.

Moreover, saying the current economy is Obama's doing is another reason why I know you're definitely conflicted. It's akin to saying Obama caused the financial collapse because the repercussion happened during his term.

Methinks FT, you listen to Rachel Maddow & Co. too much...
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 09:41:12 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #164 on: June 27, 2019, 09:14:15 AM »
only total dumbshitz think the sun shines out of King Trump’s ass
but ya'll are gonna get sun burn though or something that looks like it, burned definitely....
don't get too close...

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #165 on: June 27, 2019, 09:19:41 AM »
:::::hello darkness my old friend:::::I've come to talk with you again:::::
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #166 on: June 27, 2019, 09:43:03 AM »
Hhhmmm...what a 'pickle' 
But it's no big dill.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #167 on: June 27, 2019, 10:43:37 AM »
You see how conflicted you are. You previously cited your passionate dislike was about his/their policies. Not personality. Now you're citing personality. You do know the first impulse of a conflicted person is deny that they are. You know that, right?

The one is is confused and conflicted sounds like you!   Lets be clear, personally trump is ok with me if he were an individual in our society.  As president, I think not.   That said, it is ok with me if you want to think there is a big conflict in how I view Trump.  You are mistaken, but no worries.

...and here are more reasons why I now know for sure you are conflicted.

1. Steve Kerr was asked after losing the 7th game in the finals about what does he think would've happened had Klay Thompson not go down in the 3rd quarter, to which he immediately replied..."I don't 'think' because it didn't happen. He went down!" That, FT, contrary to your stated sentiment above, is an example of a man who is not conflicted. Downed drone under Obama's administration didn't happen during his presidency. It happened with Trump's.

3. In your conflicted state of mind, you aren't able to discern the difference between Obama's 'redline' threat from Trump's cancellation of a military strike. Now mind you, and unless you were ignorant of it, the US succeeded in virtually shutting down IRGC's radar systems and missile base systems rendering the IRGC's incapable of defending itself momentarily to which a supporting ensuing military strike was wholly unnecessary. That was enough to remind those idiots where 'control' really is. Thus, Trump  simply said he's open for renegotiation again. SO - you may rest in your laurels that Trump didn't 'do anything' despite what he said he was going to do - but that's OK with me, too. I am not the conflicted one.


I would suspect that YOU are conflicted regarding trump and projecting that conflict onto me.  Reason being he has taken positions contrary to prior positions you have taken, like the dealing with the Palestinians.    Your Kerr example has no relevance to me  Trump allowed the US to take one on the chin and did nothing much to respond except try to 'scare' Iran with words.  They are as 'defiant' as ever though so that didn't work either.   

I really don't care if you personally are conflicted.  It really doesn't have anything to issues where I disagree with trump and the attitude he projects.  Overall the belligerence he is projecting is probably more harmful then the positives of keeping the economy going well. 

Methinks FT, you listen to Rachel Maddow & Co. too much...

I do not watch any TV aside from some youtube clips of which Maddow is never one of them. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #168 on: June 27, 2019, 11:53:40 AM »
The one is is confused and conflicted sounds like you!   Lets be clear, personally trump is ok with me if he were an individual in our society.  As president, I think not.   That said, it is ok with me if you want to think there is a big conflict in how I view Trump.  You are mistaken, but no worries.
I would suspect that YOU are conflicted regarding trump and projecting that conflict onto me.  Reason being he has taken positions contrary to prior positions you have taken, like the dealing with the Palestinians.    Your Kerr example has no relevance to me  Trump allowed the US to take one on the chin and did nothing much to respond except try to 'scare' Iran with words.  They are as 'defiant' as ever though so that didn't work either.   

I really don't care if you personally are conflicted.  It really doesn't have anything to issues where I disagree with trump and the attitude he projects.  Overall the belligerence he is projecting is probably more harmful then the positives of keeping the economy going well. 
I do not watch any TV aside from some youtube clips of which Maddow is never one of them. 


Okay now, you remember about what I said regarding 'denial' as a first reaction, right?

I used Steve Kerr's response as an example to show you how a non-conflicted person will never rely on hypothesis to drive their point like you do when you try to tell us what Obama would've done, or not do, had some hypothetical state downing some hypothetical drone. Why? Because like Kerr's position about it - It's utterly useless. Only very conflicted people do that sort of thing.

To make it even worst, you then try to compare two distinct different scenarios as though they shared similar circumstances. You just compounded the severity of your state! It's conflicting!

C'mon FT, admit to us you're conflicted. That'll be a good first step to your recovery.   :P
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #169 on: June 27, 2019, 03:57:45 PM »
And Japan woke a sleeping giant. 

Japan in 1941 was relatively stronger than Iran in 2019.

Japan was relatively much more stronger than Iran AND America then was relatively much more weaker than America of today.

Iran fought Iraq for eight years and gained nothing. America fought Iraq and marched all the way to Baghdad in a few days.

If Iran tried major military action, it would give their neighbors and America the green light to bomb their nuke program.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 04:11:31 PM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #170 on: June 27, 2019, 04:34:07 PM »
Iranians are among the deepest strategic thinkers I have ever encountered
ahead of Russians and Chinese, chilling, kinda like melding a Thugee cult into politics

1941 Japanese could sail all the way to Hawaii and annihilate a docked American Fleet. Nearly 80 years later, Iran wouldn't be able to do that. They may be smart but apparently they aren't smart enough to acquire the tools to do what 1941 Japan did.

They even have to buy N Korean nuke technology to advance their nuke program.

America's military today is designed to dominate any opponent. We train to fight at night when the enemy can't see and when they can see, we blind them.

Hundreds of well trained Russian mercenaries died in Syria when they approached an American troop position. Zero American troops died. Iranian troops don't have near the experience in fighting as Russian troops do.

Iran isn't going to start WW3. Japan had Germany and other Axis powers to lean on to split the attention of the Allied powers. Who will gamble their entire nation to join Iran?
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #171 on: June 27, 2019, 05:29:34 PM »
stop thinking about WWII
you might as well be talking about men in armor
warfare has changed

19 Arabs with box cutters killed more Americans on 9/11 than the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor that took the Japanese 5 aircraft carriers...
it's called asymmetrical warfare
this is how Iran will fight
and they may well be the world's best asymmetrical warriors
they have EVERYTHING to gain from this fight and they intend to win
your side has Donald Trump as its commander in chief
if I were you
I'd go build a wall and hide behind it


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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #172 on: June 27, 2019, 07:49:57 PM »
America's military today is designed to dominate any opponent. We train to fight at night when the enemy can't see and when they can see, we blind them.

Well, I am still very embarrassed by our results in Vietnam.

And also by our results in Afghanistan.

Sure, it is easy to say we didn't really go 'all out' in either case . . . but still, I think it casts some doubt on our invincibility.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #173 on: June 27, 2019, 08:35:33 PM »
stop thinking about WWII
you might as well be talking about men in armor
warfare has changed

19 Arabs with box cutters killed more Americans on 9/11 than the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor that took the Japanese 5 aircraft carriers...

Armor was added to pilots doors in airplanes to prevent another 9/11. Box cutters won't cut it this time around.

Well, I am still very embarrassed by our results in Vietnam.

And also by our results in Afghanistan.

Sure, it is easy to say we didn't really go 'all out' in either case . . . but still, I think it casts some doubt on our invincibility.

Politicians, not generals, ran the war if Vietnam. Generals weren't allowed to advance. Our military wasn't allowed to do what it knows best.

As far as Afghanistan goes, easy war to win for America. Soviets struggled and it worried people but Bush allowed the generals to run the show. Managing countries after a war is a different story. It wasn't always easy for Rome and it's not always easy for us. West Germany and Japan are great rebuild stories after a war. Give credit to the citizens that live there. The people over in the Middle East and in Afghanistan are different breeds.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: USA blows up 2 tankers and blames Iran
« Reply #174 on: June 27, 2019, 10:52:34 PM »
Okay now, you remember about what I said regarding 'denial' as a first reaction, right?
What difference is it what you said? 

Okay now, you remember about what I said regarding 'denial' as a first reaction, right?

I used Steve Kerr's response as an example to show you how a non-conflicted person will never rely on hypothesis to drive their point like you do when you try to tell us what Obama would've done, or not do, had some hypothetical state downing some hypothetical drone. Why? Because like Kerr's position about it - It's utterly useless. Only very conflicted people do that sort of thing.

Clearly you are lacking logic here but run with it all if you like.   Reality is I'm not a fan of trump for president.  If you don't believe that is the case then I can live with it.  I'll still agree with specific decisions he makes, like his 'wimping out', in Iran.   Had obama 'wimped out', the patriots would be jumping up and down.  Since it was trump, it was smart or he was 'restrained'...had it been obama he would have been a 'wimp'.

C'mon FT, admit to us you're conflicted. That'll be a good first step to your recovery.   :P
Many trump supporters aren't conflicted, usually the less intelligent ones of course. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....


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