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Author Topic: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?  (Read 20654 times)

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2019, 02:35:50 PM »
I don't believe men are emasculated by society.  The majority of the WW is governed by men.  Men run most of the world's Fortune 500 countries.  Men still outearn women. 

I think the problem with the nuclear family is not the role of men within them, but that in most families, both parties need to go out in the workforce to earn enough to live.  Real income has stayed flat for three decades. 

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After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2019, 02:47:17 PM »
I don't believe men are emasculated by society.  The majority of the WW is governed by men.  Men run most of the world's Fortune 500 countries.  Men still outearn women. 

I think the problem with the nuclear family is not the role of men within them, but that in most families, both parties need to go out in the workforce to earn enough to live.  Real income has stayed flat for three decades. 

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Very few women are ready to work 15hours/24 during 40 years in an hyper competitive environnment, that's why there is not too much women to get this pressure.

Men still outearn women, If you let apart ultrarich, superrich, not sure, 
 it's admitted that now 40% of women win more than men. If you look with scrutiny to the whole package : social helps, compensatory alimony, what they get after a divorce from the community (in north america many men are cleaned to the toilets), reversion pension, total of financial bonuses they get during the time they spend with a man who have more means,
FINALLY i am not sure that men outearn.
But of course this type of statistics doesn't interest anyone, that's not mainstream. IT would disturb.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2019, 02:55:04 PM »
Women without children do work the same hours as men.  Women with children don't.  I worked typically 45 to 50 hours a week when my children were young, and I still did:

a)  the majority of the cooking;
b)  grocery shopping (husband and I did this together);
c)  all registrations, taking children to lessons/sports, etc., which basically was every day;
d)  all indoor house cleaning (to this day).

I don't think my experience is different from many working mothers, although most at my level have nannies and/or housekeepers.

One of the areas I work in is establishing tax efficient structures for divorcing parties.  In my experience, men almost always come out ahead, in terms of the numbers, and that's in over two decades.  The court cases across Canada (where parties can't agree) tend to have 50/50 splits in the absence of prenuptial agreements. 

You will get one view here, because this site is dominated by men.  If you read a forum dominated by women, they'd be complaining the system favours men.  That usually means the system is neutral to the individuals.

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After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2019, 02:55:46 PM »
I don't believe men are emasculated by society.  The majority of the WW is governed by men.  Men run most of the world's Fortune 500 countries.  Men still outearn women. 

I think the problem with the nuclear family is not the role of men within them, but that in most families, both parties need to go out in the workforce to earn enough to live.  Real income has stayed flat for three decades. 

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No the real income has not stayed flat, that's worse.The purchase power has lowered last 40 years at least. And it hits 90% Of the population, i would say it's more about 99%.
And in this big fight to not see the portion of the cake disappearing of our plate we don't see any reason as men,  to be plummeted because we are men, rapers, murders, shameful fathers, shameful pension givers and so on. This shit must cease.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2019, 02:58:12 PM »
You're missing the point, I believe.

For a very brief time in history, a family could survive on one income.  That is no longer the case.  That is what drives the dysfunction in our society, not giving women equal rights.

FSUM certainly are not emasculated, it's a very macho society.  Yet that society is far more dysfunctional than is mine.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2019, 03:01:58 PM »
. . . the world's Fortune 500 countries. 

I didn't know there were even that many countries !!  :-)
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline scarface816

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2019, 03:13:48 PM »
Actually men do not outearn women for the same job. That is a myth that has been disproven for years. Women self select lower-paying jobs. They select jobs with fewer hours and less risk. They work for a few years and then take off time to raise children. And usually not for a few months but for a few years. Losing their skills and experience and seniority. This causes their pay to suffer.

Most men do run Fortune 500 companies but that is because they are willing to make the sacrifice that women won't. A Fortune 500 CEO is not some fatcat sitting in a cushy chair smoking on a long cigar. They sacrifice their time, their freedom, their family time everything to do that job. They fight and struggle and claw their way their against their competitors and sometimes their own friends. Then at the end of the day when they achieve it. Their wife ends up getting the benefit of the money they made. And after a few years of that, she can divorce him and get half of whatever else he has. And then get alimony to be paid to her for the rest of her life even though she does not need it and can go out and earn her own money.

I am not saying I feel sorry for him. But I am saying it is not like some kind of special benefit awarded to men. Every Fortune 500 company I have worked at the company's recruiting organization was desperately trying to attract and retain as many women as they could find. The problem was they just could not find them. Why is that? Is it because they could find a man to earn that money for them? For a hell of a lot less effort?

In addition, women control 88% of all money spent in the US.
Men in the military suffer 98% of all injuries.
Men are over 20 times as likely to die in the workplace than women.
Men commit suicide at a rate of over 4 to 1 men vs women during a divorce.
Homeless men comprise 60% to 80% of the entire homeless population.
Domestic violence is thought to be a man on woman issues. But statistics show that women initiate more domestic violence assaults than men.
There is something like 1100 shelters for women that are victims of DV in the US. Men are not allowed in them. Even boys as young as 12 cannot go inside with their mothers.
There is one DV shelter in the US that allows men. And that is with a country of a population of 330 million people.
It is estimated that 20% to 30% of divorced fathers are paying child support for a child that is not theirs. It has gotten so bad that many states are outlawing DNA testing of children by the father without the consent of the court.
76% of homicides are against men.
Men are overwhelmingly the victim of rape. There were 300,000 male rape victims in 2017.

I could go on.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 03:44:49 PM by scarface816 »

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2019, 03:14:06 PM »
FSUM certainly are not emasculated, it's a very macho society. 

A somewhat different slant on this, but . . .

In talking with hundreds of FSU guys and gals, a point came across frequently.

After breakup of FSU, there was tremendous unemployment and times when even those who were employed did not get paid for extended periods.

Women (probably due to their nurturing instincts) quickly took the lead in finding new income sources and ways to survive and feed their children (and their husbands).  i.e. selling any and everything in metro stations, starting large gardens, etc.

Many men, on the other hand, were in a total state of despair and turned to heavy drinking.

After a time, many of the women in this situation finally divorced their husbands to stem the tide of spending on alcohol.

As result, many FSU men did and still do have a feeling of emasculation . . . even as they brought much of it on themselves.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline Patagonie

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2019, 03:14:22 PM »
I didn't know there were even that many countries !!  :-)
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #59 on: November 12, 2019, 03:16:29 PM »
A somewhat different slant on this, but . . .

In talking with hundreds of FSU guys and gals, a point came across frequently.

After breakup of FSU, there was tremendous unemployment and times when even those who were employed did not get paid for extended periods.

Women (probably due to their nurturing instincts) quickly took the lead in finding new income sources and ways to survive and feed their children (and their husbands).  i.e. selling any and everything in metro stations, starting large gardens, etc.

Many men, on the other hand, were in a total state of despair and turned to heavy drinking.

After a time, many of the women in this situation finally divorced their husbands to stem the tide of spending on alcohol.

As result, many FSU men did and still do have a feeling of emasculation . . . even as they brought much of it on themselves.
I like when people are bringing such talent in exposing different points of view
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #60 on: November 12, 2019, 03:23:45 PM »

Men are overwhelmingly the victim of rape. There were 300,000 male rape victims in 2017.


WOW, I had no idea !!

Where are the references to this statistic ?
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline Patagonie

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #61 on: November 12, 2019, 03:25:47 PM »
Actually men do not outearn women for the same job. That is a myth that has been disproven for years. Women self select lower-paying jobs. They select jobs with fewer hours and less risk. They work for a few years and then take off time to raise children. And usually not for a few months but for a few years. Losing their skills and experience and seniority. This causes their pay to suffer.

Most men do run Fortune 500 companies but that is because they are willing to make the sacrifice that women won't. A Fortune 500 CEO is not some fatcat sitting in a cushy chair smoking on a long cigar. They sacrifice their time, their freedom, their family time everything to do that job. They fight and struggle and claw their way their against their competitors and sometimes their own friends. Then at the end of the day when they achieve it. Their wife ends up getting the benefit of the money they made. And after a few years of that, she can divorce him and get half of whatever else he has. And then get alimony to be paid to her for the rest of her life even though she does not need it and can go out and earn her own money.

I am not saying I feel sorry for him. But I am saying it is not like some kind of special benefit awarded to men. Every Fortune 500 company I have worked at the company's recruiting organization was desperately trying to attract and retain as many women as they could find. The problem was they just could not find them. Why is that? Is it because they could find a man to earn that money for them? For a hell of a lot less effort?

In addition, women control 88% of all money spent in the US.
Men in the military suffer 98% of all injuries.
Men are over 20 times as likely to die in the workplace than women.
Men commit suicide at a rate of over 4 to 1 men vs women during a divorce.
Homeless men comprise 60% to 80% of the entire homeless population.
Domestic violence is thought to be a man on woman issues. But statistics show that women initiate more domestic violence issues than women.
There is something like 1100 shelters for women that are victims of DV in the US. Men are not allowed in them. Even boys as young as 12 cannot go inside with their mothers.
There is one DV shelter in the US that allows men. And that is with a country of a population of 330 million people.
It is estimated that 20% to 30% of divorced fathers are paying child support for a child that is not theirs. It has gotten so bad that many states are outlawing DNA testing of children by the father without the consent of the court.
76% of homicides are against men.
Men are overwhelmingly the victim of rape. There were 300,000 male rape victims in 2017.

I could go on.
The blue nasty soap served by any big medias and by the state start to make men to feel disgusted and they are considering that this distorted reality has some very worrying outlooks.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 03:34:19 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #62 on: November 12, 2019, 03:30:01 PM »
You're missing the point, I believe.

For a very brief time in history, a family could survive on one income.  That is no longer the case. YES EXACTLY WHAT I WROTE

FSUM certainly are not emasculated, it's a very macho society.  Yet that society is far more dysfunctional than is mine.

This post was composed without the aid of google.

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2019, 03:35:16 PM »


According to the 2009 United States National Crime Victimization Survey estimates, only 55% of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement officials. When a male is raped, less than 10% are believed to be reported. Female-male and female-female rape are ignored altogether in this survey.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 03:37:15 PM by scarface816 »

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2019, 03:57:22 PM »
Another one. Look at the numbers of boys in juvenile detention facilities that are victims.

It is deeply shameful in our society or any other society for a man or a boy to admit they are a victim of violence especially if the woman is committing it. So many times it is hidden and never talked about.

The sad truth is that when a man is a victim people don't want to talk about it. When a woman is a victim then we have to do something about it.

Maybe we need some more women's rights to fix this?

Oh well probably getting a little off-topic anyway.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2019, 04:25:24 PM »
yeah, it IS difficult for me to cope with all of the sexual abuse meted out to me by Russian Women, especially my wife and her various girlfriends over the years (my wife is STRONLY bi)....

you see...
Russian women are cruel mistresses....
if you saw the HBO series “Spartacus” and the character of “Domina”
this is your high-end Russian woman, and guess who the sex slave is gonna be?

so yes, while my wife is reclining in the white marble tub
she will compel me to do “certain things” merely for the sake of her own pleasure...
and I must OBEY....

then she makes me participate in her “erotic games”
and of course I have to perform demeaning acts of servitude
to demonstrate my loyalty and be a hirroshi malchick...
and I want to be a GOOD boy and please her.....
so I get my “reward”
you don’t want to know what that is....
it's too dark and twisted, even for here...

« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 04:27:58 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2019, 04:28:13 PM »

so I get my “reward”
you don’t want to know what that is....

A cookie, no doubt.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline Patagonie

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2019, 05:02:11 PM »
yeah, it IS difficult for me to cope with all of the sexual abuse meted out to me by Russian Women, especially my wife and her various girlfriends over the years (my wife is STRONLY bi)....

you see...
Russian women are cruel mistresses....
if you saw the HBO series “Spartacus” and the character of “Domina”
this is your high-end Russian woman, and guess who the sex slave is gonna be?

so yes, while my wife is reclining in the white marble tub
she will compel me to do “certain things” merely for the sake of her own pleasure...
and I must OBEY....

then she makes me participate in her “erotic games”
and of course I have to perform demeaning acts of servitude
to demonstrate my loyalty and be a hirroshi malchick...
and I want to be a GOOD boy and please her.....
so I get my “reward”
you don’t want to know what that is....
it's too dark and twisted, even for here...
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #68 on: November 12, 2019, 05:04:13 PM »
A cookie, no doubt.
Dark and twisted i would have said chocolate, more.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #69 on: November 12, 2019, 05:27:42 PM »
I didn't know there were even that many countries !!  :-)

I meant this list  :) -

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« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 05:40:43 PM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #70 on: November 12, 2019, 05:38:06 PM »
I have been the phallic fetish Konfekte for numerous Russian women....
who have liked to "play rough" with me
you guys think it's fun to have "perform" this way ALL THE TIME!!
once in awhile sure....

if you don’t think women can be sexual aggressors YOU ARE WRONG!
here’s a pic from when I was a younger, naive looking kid
older women used to hit on me all the time back then EVEN when I was UNDER AGE!

I used to “play dumb” and protest vehemently...
but the first time was a Jewish woman in Arlington, VA who wanted proof of my Jewishness before she would sleep with me...

too bad she didn’t know that in my time period almost all boys were circumcised at birth, no bris required, thankfully I do not remember ANY of the genital mutilation I underwent as an infant...

but whatever pain and suffering that occurred at this time
was AMPLY rewared later!!!
with an esthetically pleasing (based on MANY “oooo” and “aaaaa” reactions!) Johnson/Willy....

I mean, I don’t wanna brag or nothin, but...

I’ve had women from 3 different races in 3 different continents all give the same reaction...

you have to find a certain kind of woman who has this kind of fetish (but a phallic fetish is pretty common in Russian women!)

the trade-off is the fetish object is gonna get abused OFTEN!!!

my advice:
the best notion is to always use lotion!!!

« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 05:45:56 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #71 on: November 12, 2019, 05:40:19 PM »
Actually men do not outearn women for the same job. That is a myth that has been disproven for years. Women self select lower-paying jobs. They select jobs with fewer hours and less risk. They work for a few years and then take off time to raise children. And usually not for a few months but for a few years. Losing their skills and experience and seniority. This causes their pay to suffer.

No, women do not "self select" lower paying jobs.  In my field, for example, working in large firms, women typically billed as much as did men (a requirement), but made less money.  It wasn't always a huge discrepancy, say, $2000 to $10,000 per annum, but it was there.

Most men do run Fortune 500 companies but that is because they are willing to make the sacrifice that women won't. A Fortune 500 CEO is not some fatcat sitting in a cushy chair smoking on a long cigar. They sacrifice their time, their freedom, their family time everything to do that job. They fight and struggle and claw their way their against their competitors and sometimes their own friends. Then at the end of the day when they achieve it. Their wife ends up getting the benefit of the money they made. And after a few years of that, she can divorce him and get half of whatever else he has. And then get alimony to be paid to her for the rest of her life even though she does not need it and can go out and earn her own money.

I don't recall saying CEOs don't work.  But having worked in large firms, and in a public company for a time, I can say that everything is geared more to men, probably, because they initially built the way companies function.

As for a wife, if she is at home ensuring that fat cat's life outside work is running smoothly, so, he doesn't have to worry about picking up his suits at the dry cleaner, or having his dinners ready when he comes home, or having the lawn mowed and the house cleaned, or having his children cared for, then his wife is contributing to his success.  So, she should be compensated for giving up her career aspirations for his.
The problem was they just could not find them. Why is that? Is it because they could find a man to earn that money for them? For a hell of a lot less effort?

It's because the way companies are run is not conducive to the way most women want to conduct their lives.  I don't mean the long hours, either.

In addition, women control 88% of all money spent in the US.

They don't control the money.  They control how the money is spent (groceries, clothing, sundries).

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #72 on: November 12, 2019, 05:43:55 PM »
A somewhat different slant on this, but . . .

In talking with hundreds of FSU guys and gals, a point came across frequently.

After breakup of FSU, there was tremendous unemployment and times when even those who were employed did not get paid for extended periods.

Women (probably due to their nurturing instincts) quickly took the lead in finding new income sources and ways to survive and feed their children (and their husbands).  i.e. selling any and everything in metro stations, starting large gardens, etc.

Many men, on the other hand, were in a total state of despair and turned to heavy drinking.

After a time, many of the women in this situation finally divorced their husbands to stem the tide of spending on alcohol.

As result, many FSU men did and still do have a feeling of emasculation . . . even as they brought much of it on themselves.

I have a different take on this.

About 40% of FSUM on the collapse of the FSU were already alcoholics.  But authorities kept them restricted.  Hours to buy liquor had been restricted.  Public drunkenness was always punished.  Drunkards could lose their apartments, and be put in dormitories.

After the collapse, there were no restrictions.  So, alcohol was a free for all.  A lot of those men drank themselves to death.

Ukraine today is still a very macho society, far more than most Western societies.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #73 on: November 12, 2019, 05:49:03 PM »
In addition, women control 88% of all money spent in the US.
Men in the military suffer 98% of all injuries.
Men are over 20 times as likely to die in the workplace than women.
Men commit suicide at a rate of over 4 to 1 men vs women during a divorce.
Homeless men comprise 60% to 80% of the entire homeless population.

I want equality!

Domestic violence is thought to be a man on woman issues. But statistics show that women initiate more domestic violence assaults than men.

Guy that works for me dated a 911 operator. In her estimation, 2/3rds of all domestic violence cases are by women. She said some women try to get their men arrested on false charges. When someone dials 911, the operators are already listening for a few seconds before they say "This is 911, what is the nature of your emergency". She said she's heard women tell their men "I'm going to get you arrested!!!" and when they hear the operators voice, they start crying and making up a story.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Raising the Flag and Saluting Approach?
« Reply #74 on: November 12, 2019, 06:04:20 PM »

And this is based on your extensive experience dating FSUW??

WW don't all "get uptight" about what a man does.  My cousin married her high school sweetheart.  He's blue collar - an electrician.  He still runs his company because he wants to.  Their net worth is over $100 million.  She was always a housewife.  She never looked down on him.  I think this statement about women is mostly projection on your part.

FSUW are far more judgmental than most WW about what people wear.

This post was composed without the aid of google.

There's always exceptions to the generality. The electrician guy might be extrovert with good social skills or the woman may not be all that attractive or fat or introvert and not very socially skilled.

The more I have researched into the dating game the more I see the underlying reasons people are with one another. It may be conscious or unconscious reasons, if course there is love and sexual attraction but normally the two have to first accept each other and there are normally reasons for this acceptance. It's almost like an old fashioned weighing scale one trait or aspect of one person balancing off against the other.

I think it's why celebrities where one gets a lot more fame and wealth split up from the other, if something happens to noticeably tip the scale on one side it can spell the end of the relationship. It can be any variable, not just fame and money, a whole host of reasons but normally they need to balance somewhat or one party will see the other as insufficient.

FSW do indeed get picky about clothing but not always in the same way as WW. WW it is more about status and that irritates me. The other day I was on the train and I couldn't help but overhear this woman's conversation on her mobile phone. She said to the other person about this guy that, "I wish he would dress 'nicely' but he buys his shoes from Tesco's (a UK mid-market supermarket)". Now it's that sort of snootyness that just turns me of UK women and probably the reason why the guy bought his shoes there to put off materialistic women. The shoes were no doubt decent enough from there but this woman seems to think that guys should go out spending silly money in shoes etc just to suit her view on clothing.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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