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Author Topic: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?  (Read 14504 times)

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #50 on: December 14, 2019, 02:34:50 PM »
I reckon within about a year I could be around a 5 on your scale.

Trench may you explain how you count those 5 points?

Yeah -- I am guessing we all want to know that !!! :ROFL:
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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #51 on: December 14, 2019, 03:07:38 PM »
The maths
Tome 2
Revisited by Trench (and severely modified)

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #52 on: December 14, 2019, 03:10:28 PM »

I am always mystified by these talking points. There is no healthcare problem in the US. Contrary to what foreigners may have 'read', our healthcare was, and is, doing fine. It was better even BEFORE Obamacare.

The US population had always enjoyed not having the government make decisions for them. The larger portion of our society get their medical coverage from their employment. The smaller one, those mostly who work for themselves, buys coverages for themselves as part of the cost of doing business. There are those who choose not to 'buy' it, or of bare minimum of coverages. Those, more times than not, are whom is reported to face dire financial challenges.

I think you meant to say *cost of health insurance* not cost of health care. On average, Obamacare costs roughly about $400.00/person per month. Roughly less than $5,000.00/year. This also depends on the program you choose. This is extracted from their pay before tax are levied as the taxable sum. The rest of the cost of this coverage is picked up by the employer. This 'coverage' includes dental, vision, and life insurances. The alternative to Obamacare, and most companies also provide, is what they call PPOs. It's slightly pricier but  better in so many ways, IMO.

Before Obamacare, you can 'see' a/your physician literally the same day. Most of the times, an appointment can be made within days, but never more than a week. Since Obamacare kicked in, your appointment can take up to weeks/months now. That's one BIG STUPID law levied upon the millions just to suck up the 700 billion in 3 years. Before Obamacare, an employee didn't even have to pay anything for medical coverages. Companies had competitive medical coverages as part of employment benefits to lure/keep topnotch employee/s.

There are just as many uninsured people before this stupid law was forced upon us, than there are today. The only real difference is, $700 billion of taxpayers money disappeared into thin air.

Treatment for pre-existing conditions is what many people faced before that cost a lot of families financial drain. But this was politically used front and center to sell Obamacare and it shouldn't have been.  Pre-existing condition could've been legislated and passed without having to screw up our health care system.

Davo, if our country could provide *free* health care to millions of illegal aliens, and they have, it certainly can provide for millions of it's citizens.

Again, the US do not have any healthcare problems. If that had been the case giant insurance companies like AETNA/BlueCross/Blue Shield wouldn't exist today and thriving.

Thanks GQ for this detailed reply and you too Billy, Bill & ML.  I honestly had no idea how the US health care system worked before this post, so now I have some understanding.... thanks 👍
« Last Edit: December 14, 2019, 06:33:11 PM by Davo »

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2019, 05:40:42 PM »
TC - life is not transactional and deterministic, particularly when dealing with intercultural relationships. Women are different and seek different attributes in a partner. But I'll try to make it easy for you.

There are (at least) five primary factors that will determine possibility of "success" in international dating. They will vary at different times in your life:

A) Money
B) Language skills
C) Time
D) Physical characteristics
E) Personality

-1: you receive any government welfare
0: need to budget, cannot afford two additional dependents, on a "low" income, etc.
1: can support two additional dependents and travel regularly without increasing income
2: money is not a concern

Language skills
-1: No language skills and clueless about the culture
0: Little or no (Russian) language skills
1: Passable conversational ability, can read a bit
2: Advanced conversational ability

-1: Unlikely to visit the FSU in the next six months
0: Hard to take time off work, only two weeks annual holiday, etc.
1: Can travel up to four weeks a year and at least 2 visits
2: Can travel more than four weeks a year and make at 4+ visits

Physical characteristics
-1: 15+ years older than a woman, fat, ugly, etc.
0: 10+ years older, in poor shape, average looks, etc.
1: Within 5-10 years of a woman, in good shape, etc.
2: Less than 5 years older than a woman, good looking, good physique, etc.

-1: No confidence, boring, lacking social skills, etc.
0: Low confidence and a relatively boring person
1: Confident in dating, intelligent, an interesting interlocur
2: Can engage with people without speaking the same language, confident, charismatic, etc.

Self assess with a critical lens, rank yourself against each and add up your score:

< 0 (Cold): forget it, you don't have a chance.
0-4 (Cool): don't pursue an FSUW unless you dramatically improve yourself.
5-7 (Warm): there's potential but weaknesses may hold you back.
8-10 (Hot): if you're smart and persistent you'll probably find a good woman.

(Note: Whether you have children or not is probably the other factor I'd call out, but it really depends on your age and attitudes of a potential partner, and the age of children, so harder to rank. Generally speaking, -1 if you have kids, +1 if you don't.)

Is this your own system RWD?..... It’s a great reality check and I think it’s something that all new members should fill out when introducing themselves. 

I put myself to the test and this is what I’ve scored and my reasons behind my decisions.

I can see this could cause issue when searching for a younger woman who has no children, but in the age group I’m looking in..... an older woman with a child, having older children myself has been an asset so far, so I’ll give myself a 0 to start with.... (Others might debate this)

I had to give myself a reality check regarding this recently. I’ve always had the ability to earn extra money, now i’ve taken the steps to achieve that. I was in the middle of 0&1 and not because of a really low income, just because I had a lot of dependents. I’ve now halved my dependents and almost tripled my income. Now I’m on the border of 1&2, maybe a clear 2, but i’ll round it down to +1.

I have the ability to travel 4 weeks a year and I have lots of paid leave up my sleeve so I could spend longer in the FSU if needed..... +1

The culture i’m getting my head around. The language.... I’m not going to delude myself, I have as much chance of understanding a Martian as a Russian ATM, but i’m working on it with an online course...... 0

Physical characteristics
I’m just an average guy and not by any means a buff male model. Sometime I can carry some extra weight occasionally (usually when my knee plays up), but I can lose that quickly and generally I have an athletic build. I thought about putting a +1 for this, but I’m going to go a +2, only because i’m  searching for a woman exactly the same age as me,  my competition is usually older men according to the women I’ve met and chatted with online, so I think thats a slight advantage. Also i’m a bit of an adrenaline junky and lead an active life, which I’ve been told by FSU women is attractive.

I’d like to think I’m a 2 and most Aussies would generally fall into this category, due to our outgoing social nature and culture. We are pretty confident in all social settings, but typically in a laid back style, which Russians commented on after spending time with me. We tend to make friends in a matter of minutes when we meet strangers of either sex. I now have 5 good Russian friends (not counting K&S) which is a good example of this, but i’ll put a +1 because I’m definitely sure I fall into this category and it offsets the “0” I gave myself regarding my children.

Total score is a solid 5 = (Warm): there's potential but weaknesses may hold you back.

I think that’s  realistic. I know my big weakness is the language barrier and even with a woman who speaks fluent English, there is still some communication problems when it comes to relationships issues.... Maybe this is just cultural differences and individual personalities?.... Also it could be me. When an issue arises, I over think things too much and push for answers, when I should just let it pan out like a Russian man would. I don’t do this with local women, so it’s an easy fix I think.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2019, 06:25:20 PM by Davo »

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2019, 06:42:02 PM »
I reckon within about a year I could be around a 5 on your scale. There's still a bit more work to do. I don't think I'll ever be the most exciting and stimulating guy around but I can do stuff to make my life a bit more interesting. That should become easier after I get more financially Independent, I can put more time over to leisure, etc. I think the main reason most adults social circle dwindles as they get older is that work starts to take over, both for them and them people they know.

I know that it can depend on finding the right fit rather than holding particularly stuff, but that of course you can be better placed and make the process easier.

I don't know what ideas FSW have of the WM they will meet and the lifestyle. I've heard some stuff from some of them. Some expect to be a kept women, others want to work, some have visions of a mansion perhaps, others something more common maybe.

Come on trench, all of the other guys are married or have been married to a FSU women. We’re pretty much the only two beginners who are regularly on here and haven’t achieved their level success yet, so this is only for our benefit.

I’ve put it all out there and I’m happy to take criticism for my score and reassess it. You need to do the same. What’s your perceived score now for each section and where do you see your score heading?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2019, 06:49:18 PM by Davo »

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #55 on: December 15, 2019, 04:40:01 AM »

Is this your own system RWD?.....
It's not a system but something that came to mind reading Trench's post.

I'd self assess as a 4 or 5, as I've taken a hit financially in the last 12 months and has had a massive impact on my life/lifestyle. If I get my work and finances sorted I'll bounce back up (though wouldn't mean I'd pursue a woman local or international, I have an extremely busy and enjoyable life and not sure I'd prioritise a relationship at the expense of other things).

My guess is Trench is currently in negative territory, I did say critically self-assess. It's supposed to be a way to give yourself a reality check, not a delusional affirmation.

My guess Pat is around the 7 or 8 mark but isn't looking for a good woman, but rather a good time. Nothing wrong with that but you attract certain types of people by your attitudes and actions.

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Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #56 on: December 15, 2019, 12:39:22 PM »
A busboy? £25k is good money in the UK, at least standard, if not
more so. Of course it depends on expenses, state benefits etc.

Trench, I want to go all Moby and say negative things to you.
That is not a wage for an adult with a brain. That wage is for
somebody who lives in their mothers basement and smokes
pot all day long, then goes to the 7-11 and works behind the
counter for 6 hours per day, then goes home.

Google Median Income in the UK.

You have to decide if you want to be a loser or not as does
your friend. There is no chance that your friend can be successful
unless he doubles his income.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #57 on: December 15, 2019, 02:18:16 PM »
Trench, I want to go all Moby and say negative things to you.
That is not a wage for an adult with a brain. That wage is for
somebody who lives in their mothers basement and smokes
pot all day long, then goes to the 7-11 and works behind the
counter for 6 hours per day, then goes home.

Google Median Income in the UK.

You have to decide if you want to be a loser or not as does
your friend. There is no chance that your friend can be successful
unless he doubles his income.

Bill this isn't the US, competition for jobs is very tough even for £25k. The type of job you describe would doubtless earn half that, around £12k for doing six hour shifts weekdays in a 7/11.

Davo the other day explained how good money could be gained in Australia for those that aren't afraid to put the effort or risk in. The US is probably more towards that way but in the UK the higher paid jobs are not everyday opportunities for those that are willing, you need either lots of experience and/or high up contacts.

Some jobs if you really put the hours in you can earn money perhaps up to £35k such as lorry driver since there is a shortage of them as no one wants to be sat behind a wheel all day everyday plus it is seen as blue collar. Even then a lorry driving license is need that costs a few thousand £.

Professional jobs are around but many of them start of on £25k or less and most of them won't go up all that much over time. All professional jobs are highly fought over especially the higher earning ones.

The better way to get onto good money in the UK is to find a good income stream through a form of business, but that takes time. Anything easy to do in the UK and everyone is doing it which of course takes away the profit in it usually. That what comes with being on a small island that is densely populated, everyone is treading on everyone's toes. If you come up with a good idea for making money in the UK keep it to yourself or you'll soon have lots of others copying you who will have no hang up about stealing your idea.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2019, 03:02:32 PM »
It's not a system but something that came to mind reading Trench's post.

I'd self assess as a 4 or 5, as I've taken a hit financially in the last 12 months and has had a massive impact on my life/lifestyle. If I get my work and finances sorted I'll bounce back up (though wouldn't mean I'd pursue a woman local or international, I have an extremely busy and enjoyable life and not sure I'd prioritise a relationship at the expense of other things).

My guess is Trench is currently in negative territory, I did say critically self-assess. It's supposed to be a way to give yourself a reality check, not a delusional affirmation.

My guess Pat is around the 7 or 8 mark but isn't looking for a good woman, but rather a good time. Nothing wrong with that but you attract certain types of people by your attitudes and actions.

What you wrote is quite interesting in term of scale of success RWD123.
It could help a lot of guys starting this journey. 
That's a solid foundation and could be improved and incorporated in the five steps for newbies "assess your chances"
I Wrote myself, as i wanted my ex wifey to have a business in the marriage agency business a questionnaire. And we are both around the same topics RWD. 

Yes my score is a solid 8 considering that my willingness is to not marry in my country so supporting two people (i did) is out of the score.  I Think the link is not clear between age difference and shape, i understand how you want it to work but maybe should be separated.  Or maybe i misunderstood, you wanted to say Within 5-10 years of a woman OR in good shape, etc. (maybe better with a OR). 
Now about attracting the good girls because you are serious and getting the bad girls because you are not serious (what is it to be serious? first question that needs to be discussed).
I never really thought in such simplification. i met tons of good girls last 16 months but the ones i had been in relationship didn't give me any real sparks, so you can line up a train of good women it ends in few weeks (two months with my french girlfriend of this summer, two trips and one week of dating with my first girfriend of Kiev in June July). 

But the good news RWD123 is that i have some real and genuine sparks with this woman from Kiev I met 5 weeks ago. And she is damned interested in me also.
Is she a good woman? I think so, but only time will show. We meet again in 15 days. The connection is very very high.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2019, 03:06:16 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2019, 05:50:11 PM »
This is simply a way to consider the possibility of success in pursuing an international relationship. It's not a pass/fail test. It would be interesting for guys married to FSUW to critically self-assess (and share) how they rated themselves at the time they met their wives. My guess is they were 7 or more, even if they couldn't speak Russian.

Physical characteristics has to do with how desirable you are physically to other women. Your age, age difference, looks, and physical health will play a part. If you're overweight or chasing women 20 years younger then you're likely to be -1, whereas if you are fit and seeking women of a similar age then you may be +2. Are you physically desirable to women? It depends.

Pat, Some people have very specific life objectives such as getting married, having two children, etc. It appears you don't. My perception is you enjoy the chase more than the catch, so you may be attracting women who are more interested in being chased (possibly seen as "sluts") than being caught. There is nothing wrong with that, but if your behaviors are not aligned with your objectives then happiness may elude you.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #60 on: December 15, 2019, 07:42:11 PM »
TC - life is not transactional and deterministic, particularly when dealing with intercultural relationships. Women are different and seek different attributes in a partner. But I'll try to make it easy for you.

There are (at least) five primary factors that will determine possibility of "success" in international dating. They will vary at different times in your life:

A) Money
B) Language skills
C) Time
D) Physical characteristics
E) Personality

-1: you receive any government welfare
0: need to budget, cannot afford two additional dependents, on a "low" income, etc.
1: can support two additional dependents and travel regularly without increasing income
2: money is not a concern

Language skills
-1: No language skills and clueless about the culture
0: Little or no (Russian) language skills
1: Passable conversational ability, can read a bit
2: Advanced conversational ability

-1: Unlikely to visit the FSU in the next six months
0: Hard to take time off work, only two weeks annual holiday, etc.
1: Can travel up to four weeks a year and at least 2 visits
2: Can travel more than four weeks a year and make at 4+ visits

Physical characteristics
-1: 15+ years older than a woman, fat, ugly, etc.
0: 10+ years older, in poor shape, average looks, etc.
1: Within 5-10 years of a woman, in good shape, etc.
2: Less than 5 years older than a woman, good looking, good physique, etc.

-1: No confidence, boring, lacking social skills, etc.
0: Low confidence and a relatively boring person
1: Confident in dating, intelligent, an interesting interlocur
2: Can engage with people without speaking the same language, confident, charismatic, etc.

Self assess with a critical lens, rank yourself against each and add up your score:

< 0 (Cold): forget it, you don't have a chance.
0-4 (Cool): don't pursue an FSUW unless you dramatically improve yourself.
5-7 (Warm): there's potential but weaknesses may hold you back.
8-10 (Hot): if you're smart and persistent you'll probably find a good woman.

(Note: Whether you have children or not is probably the other factor I'd call out, but it really depends on your age and attitudes of a potential partner, and the age of children, so harder to rank. Generally speaking, -1 if you have kids, +1 if you don't.)

I am in the minus category.

So good thing I got my Gal trapped some time ago.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2019, 04:06:49 AM »
I am in the minus category.
So good thing I got my Gal trapped some time ago.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #62 on: December 16, 2019, 10:21:06 AM »
Bill this isn't the US, competition for jobs is very tough even for £25k. The type of job you describe would doubtless earn half that, around £12k for doing six hour shifts weekdays in a 7/11.


Minimum wage in the UK is £8.21 per hour for people of 25 years old.
For a 36 hour week that is £295.56 x 52 weeks is £15,369.12 and for
a 40 hour week that is £17,076.8‬0. That means that ANY and EVERY
legal job in the UK gets that much.

£12.02 per hour is what your barely employed friend makes if he worked
full time (40 hours per week). Median income in the UK is £29,4001
which is not enough to support a FSUW and a child.

What kind of slackers can't make the median income? If you've can't aspire to be
average then stop trying to get a FSUW. FSUW aren't for slackers, the ones that
I've dated won't allow it to happen.

They will pester you to death. They will ask you to apply for every single job
that makes ONE penny more that you currently make. It doesn't matter if
the job is slopping hogs or rebuilding Harley's they will present it to you.
They will forward job openings to you every day.

As an experiment go to a marriage site and find the most average plain Jane
Svetlana who is moderately slim and 45 years old. She has close to ZERO
chances at marriage in Russia. Write her a letter and tell her that you make
substantially less than the median income and then ask her,
"how do you like me now."

She will prefer to stay single in Russia. You want a woman many years younger
and better looking AND you want to make a baby with her. With a bun in the oven
she will become even more intense that you need to make at least median income. 

I was unemployed very briefly. I knew this would be very stressful for Angel Eyes,
so I outlined my plan, potential employers, different companies that did what I did
and the advantages of the various companies. Angel Eyes and I would sit down at
least twice a week and go over everything.

I am a salesman, so I would always get hold of the sales manager and convince
them that they couldn't live without me. I didn't go through the idiots in HR first.
A sales manager in my industry could talk to me for 5 minutes and KNOW that I
knew what I was doing. Some clunker desk worker in HR wouldn't have a clue.

In a short time I had several offers and I sat down with Angel Eyes and went over
every detail. How much was salary, how much was commission, how much territory,
what the company did well and what they struggled with.

I had Angel Eyes engaged every step of the way, and she still forwarded suggestions
to me for fly by night jobs selling crap door to door, long haul trucking, driving Uber,
mixing paint at Home Depot and crap like that. 
You can't aspire to mediocrity and get one of these girls ESPECIALLY if you want to
make a baby with them.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 09:06:44 PM by AnonMod »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2019, 10:46:37 AM »
Sometimes when I think back, it amazes me at how times changed in a relatively short time. I still remember 'surviving' on a $1.65/hr picking fruits during the time I ran away from home. It was cash basis because it was illegal to have me working based on my age. I worked alongside mostly illegal aliens. That was hard work, man...

Then, when mumski 'found me' and got back home, we moved to SoCal. Shortly after that, left home before turning 18, I worked multiple jobs while I went to school. Roomed with 2 other guys in a small apartment. I was 'making' $2.50/hr. I remember getting a 50 cents raise and thought the sun shined upon me and sent angels to sing in my ears! $0.50/hr raised!

It's still hard for me to imagine how I was able to manage 'life' back in the time, so to speak. That life seems so long ago now that I'm getting $8.24/hr.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 10:51:23 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #64 on: December 16, 2019, 11:02:09 AM »
Trench look at it this way, it's just as easy to marry a man with some money as it is to marry one without any. She doesn't need any help to live in poverty. She can do that by herself. Why would she double that misery?

Many/most of these women aren't looking for millionaires or Adonis gods. The same group are more than willing to do their part.

You spend more time rationalizing that lack of or minimum income is okay. It isn't. It takes above average income. The relationships are already hard enough to forge into a solid one. Lack of income is already half of that battle lost

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #65 on: December 16, 2019, 01:03:44 PM »
Trench, you’ve said you have the capacity to make more money, why aren’t you putting that plan into action now?....This is the ideal time. You’re single with no commitments and time rich. If you succeed and marry a FSU woman, I suspect you won’t have that luxury for the first few years as she will be dependant on you not only financially, but emotionally. You having to work  (12-14 hour days) because you suddenly realise that having a wife who doesn’t work is more expensive than you realise, isn’t good for a new relationship.

I’m not boasting or trying to put you down, but just give you an idea of what it takes to more than double an income quickly. I wake at 5:45am and work until 3:30pm in my engineering job for another company. 4:00 - 5:00 I spend time with my kids and prepare dinner for them. Then I start in my business (luckily it’s based at home) and I work until 8pm minimum.... often 10pm. Putting in the hours has started paying off and I have a lucrative contact with a local performance part supplier. Depending on the job I’m doing for them I can make very good money. I also work one day a weekend. Sunday I worked 12 hours, produced 60 components and grossed $1500 US for the day. This is my biggest money spinner atm so I don’t make that much all the time but it shows what’s possible by putting in the hours and working hard

Becoming financially successful takes bloody hard work, long hours and commitment. No FSU women or any woman would accept the hours i’ve been doing. If I’m luckily enough to marry a woman from any country, I’ll be in a good position with my business that I can leave my engineering job and have a better family life.

I’m a blue collar worker and that makes absolutely no difference to 99% of women. As long as you can provide a comfortable life they don’t care. If it takes borrowing money to get your truck licence and make good money don’t let the “blue collar” label hold you back. It’s not a disadvantage in the dating game.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 01:28:46 PM by Davo »

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Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #66 on: December 16, 2019, 01:20:05 PM »
Sometimes when I think back, it amazes me at how times changed in a relatively short time. I still remember 'surviving' on a $1.65/hr

I remember working for my Dad and making $1.25/hr. I got a job elsewhere
because minimum wage was almost double that. My skinflint Dad paid me
less than everyone else even though I was totally trusted above everyone

I had a baby face but convinced somebody that I was 18 (I was 17) at a truck
stop and changed Truck tires for $3.50 an hour. You had to be 18 years old to
work around those big trucks. I can't imagine being happy with my lot in life
making peanuts.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #67 on: December 16, 2019, 07:38:32 PM »
Trench, you’ve said you have the capacity to make more money, why aren’t you putting that plan into action now?....This is the ideal time. You’re single with no commitments and time rich. If you succeed and marry a FSU woman, I suspect you won’t have that luxury for the first few years as she will be dependant on you not only financially, but emotionally. You having to work  (12-14 hour days) because you suddenly realise that having a wife who doesn’t work is more expensive than you realise, isn’t good for a new relationship.

I’m not boasting or trying to put you down, but just give you an idea of what it takes to more than double an income quickly. I wake at 5:45am and work until 3:30pm in my engineering job for another company. 4:00 - 5:00 I spend time with my kids and prepare dinner for them. Then I start in my business (luckily it’s based at home) and I work until 8pm minimum.... often 10pm. Putting in the hours has started paying off and I have a lucrative contact with a local performance part supplier. Depending on the job I’m doing for them I can make very good money. I also work one day a weekend. Sunday I worked 12 hours, produced 60 components and grossed $1500 US for the day. This is my biggest money spinner atm so I don’t make that much all the time but it shows what’s possible by putting in the hours and working hard

Becoming financially successful takes bloody hard work, long hours and commitment. No FSU women or any woman would accept the hours i’ve been doing. If I’m luckily enough to marry a woman from any country, I’ll be in a good position with my business that I can leave my engineering job and have a better family life.

I’m a blue collar worker and that makes absolutely no difference to 99% of women. As long as you can provide a comfortable life they don’t care. If it takes borrowing money to get your truck licence and make good money don’t let the “blue collar” label h increold you back. It’s not a disadvantage in the dating game.

I appreciate your input Davo, Well I'm doing stuff to increase my income, it's just taking a bit longer than I originally hoped. I've been converting my house from a one bed to a three bed outside of my job. Unfortunately some of the tasks took a lot longer than first thought but now I'm making progress quite smoothly and should be done by about June this year. The upshot is that the value of my house will more than double and I will be able to rent out a couple of rooms to Lodgers. I can then mortgage this property and buy another and do the same by doing this I should be able to bring in s monthly income of £500-£1k after mortgage & costs Independant of my job. I will then probably chuck in my job and look to achieve more Independant income, probably online if possible.

Like you Davo I realised that there is both the money side and the lifestyle side. A guy that brings in the money but is lacking in any sort of lifestyle as he is working all the time is not likely to be fair well in his relationship with a FSW as she is unlikely to find the lifestyle much fun of spending a lot of time apart from the guy she is supposed to be with. The two together money and time for lifestyle tend to entail more input that working the 9-5 job or whatever and likely mean a move into some form of business to get away from the 9-5.

Honestly though most guys in the UK do the 9-5 type of jobs and not at great money, it's the standard around here. The way the tax system works here is that you get about £12.5k tax free. After that you lose about a third of your pay in tax, that's a heavy hit and means that a £35k job while still getting good money in is not as lucrative as it first may sound. So they key at least as far as I see it is trying to gain income in the most tax efficient manner. You're right though Davo as a single guy this is the best time to work at getting a good income coming in. I don't mind putting in the work just sometimes it doesn't happen magically as quickly as hoped for.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #68 on: December 16, 2019, 10:08:46 PM »
I appreciate your input Davo, Well I'm doing stuff to increase my income, it's just taking a bit longer than I originally hoped. I've been converting my house from a one bed to a three bed outside of my job. Unfortunately some of the tasks took a lot longer than first thought but now I'm making progress quite smoothly and should be done by about June this year. The upshot is that the value of my house will more than double and I will be able to rent out a couple of rooms to Lodgers. I can then mortgage this property and buy another and do the same by doing this I should be able to bring in s monthly income of £500-£1k after mortgage & costs Independant of my job. I will then probably chuck in my job and look to achieve more Independant income, probably online if possible.

Like you Davo I realised that there is both the money side and the lifestyle side. A guy that brings in the money but is lacking in any sort of lifestyle as he is working all the time is not likely to be fair well in his relationship with a FSW as she is unlikely to find the lifestyle much fun of spending a lot of time apart from the guy she is supposed to be with. The two together money and time for lifestyle tend to entail more input that working the 9-5 job or whatever and likely mean a move into some form of business to get away from the 9-5.

Honestly though most guys in the UK do the 9-5 type of jobs and not at great money, it's the standard around here. The way the tax system works here is that you get about £12.5k tax free. After that you lose about a third of your pay in tax, that's a heavy hit and means that a £35k job while still getting good money in is not as lucrative as it first may sound. So they key at least as far as I see it is trying to gain income in the most tax efficient manner. You're right though Davo as a single guy this is the best time to work at getting a good income coming in. I don't mind putting in the work just sometimes it doesn't happen magically as quickly as hoped for.
Trench you make good points there, I wish you to continue to hit the gym and to go full throttle for your real estate project. 
Spend more time in this damned house to finish asap the work that has to be done and less time here. 
Don't complain about the tax system in UK, because in France it's largely worse.
Women in a way would like to enjoy with huby a nice life style that less and less men can offer, while those women stay at home. This damned western culture is full of people that have a lot of fun but you have noticed that you never see them working. Films, videos ...
Of course every people enough serious to be a real adult knows that is a joke, but this "culture" is rotting the mind of many. Women here have an advantage, they benefit more than men of the social standards, which allows them to be supported.
If you want to know more how and why i started to kick my ass about money 14 years ago read Operation White Panther, you could be interested.

An Trench you have to stop to rationalize, a global excuse to justify that your both feet are on the brake, and kick your ass to some action.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #69 on: December 17, 2019, 02:58:12 AM »
Trench you make good points there, I wish you to continue to hit the gym and to go full throttle for your real estate project. 
Spend more time in this damned house to finish asap the work that has to be done and less time here. 
Don't complain about the tax system in UK, because in France it's largely worse.
Women in a way would like to enjoy with huby a nice life style that less and less men can offer, while those women stay at home. This damned western culture is full of people that have a lot of fun but you have noticed that you never see them working. Films, videos ...
Of course every people enough serious to be a real adult knows that is a joke, but this "culture" is rotting the mind of many. Women here have an advantage, they benefit more than men of the social standards, which allows them to be supported.
If you want to know more how and why i started to kick my ass about money 14 years ago read Operation White Panther, you could be interested.

An Trench you have to stop to rationalize, a global excuse to justify that your both feet are on the brake, and kick your ass to some action.

Indeed Pat part of the reason I converted the house was the same as the conclusion you came to with the flat you bought. Funny I was thinking about it just yesterday, while I am primarily looking at it as a means of Independent income in the short to medium term in general there is also the longer term goal of it needing to be more useful. A one bedroom flat or in my case a one bedroom house many a person but women in particular will look at it and think 'ok what are we supposed to do if we have children, put a bunk bed in our main (and only) bedroom' lol. So immediately their is the issue in meeting a FSW  that the guy needs to be able to provide in this instance since a lot of FSW won't be able to bring much to the table unlike possibly their western female counterparts in terms of their own property of value hence moving up the ladder by pooling resources isn't that likely for many of them.

Myself I also had the added longer term reason that for modern living at least my lifestyle if I were to end up living in it permanently one largish bedroom an one fairly largish living room is not enough. Extra rooms for as a study, fitness/gym type of room, stay over room, free space area, etc all come in very handy. In contrast just a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom & lounge can get limited. The place was essentially built in the early part of the twentieth century when such ideas were not thought of for the everyday man but lifestyle has moved on I think.

So I can see why you made a change to your lifestyle Pat. Again it's the girl envisaging herself in a lifestyle with a guy. A three bed place with a nice car etc works for her. I don't think it enters a lot of girls minds whether a guy actually owns it outright, if there is the vision there of it then in a girl's mind it's as if he did own it outright. I see it all the time guys with flash cars they are paying through the ear for in order to get the girl (usually a materialistic one) the guy probably isn't all that wealthy less so as he is up to he's beck in debt with it, but because he is projecting the image they like to see they will go for him. Kind of crazy when it gets to that level of image creation without much if anything in the way if reality supporting it.

Millennials I find too are very materialistic and showy with a profound lack of reality. They tend to be all image and completely deluded to the reality of their situation. Doesn't matter if they are on benefit or low paid work they will go out and spend out all the way just to get 'the look'that they are 'someone'. They seem to think they are all celebrities deluded by Hollywood & Pop culture but in reality they are a nobody, but they still want to keep up the pretense as if they are, lol.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #70 on: December 17, 2019, 08:01:22 AM »
An Trench you have to stop to rationalize, a global excuse to justify that your
both feet are on the brake, and kick your ass to some action.

In six months That would be May of 2020 we can check to see if Trench
did any of these things. I predict that he made 800 new posts, and contacted
dozens of FSUW by May of 2020 and started NONE of the projects. 

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #71 on: December 17, 2019, 08:49:19 AM »
In six months That would be May of 2020 we can check to see if Trench
did any of these things. I predict that he made 800 new posts, and contacted
dozens of FSUW by May of 2020 and started NONE of the projects.
We will see Krim.
He is making some progress anyway.But the main concern is that is has to go the UK field and he has to spend time with women.
You can be rich, you can be smart, you can be handsome, but if after five minutes the three ladies around you are looking for one each other nodding their head with disapproval and start to stop to you talk to you ...
It's better to improve your social skills.
Trench i talk about you here, but you are not alone many men needs to do such a thing. Maybe 80%.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Re: Asking this for a friend - How do they square this one?
« Reply #72 on: December 18, 2019, 02:17:05 PM »
Well, I've got some leave booked off in early February so I am looking at that date for trying out 2tallbill's idea. I can get cheap flights out to Ukraine so that would be best for doing this. That time of year it will be a little chilly but odds are the hotels will be quite cheap. Essentially it means that I can get going on it early in the year at a cheap price. I'll probably choose Kiev or possibly another city depending on what girls I might be able to turf up. I've already seen the city so I won't be distracted by doing tourism. Hopefully I'll have at least a couple of ladies that will agree to meet, I will keep Badoo as a back up just in case. With a bit of luck I'll get to meet a few women and will see how it goes. In any case I figure I can build on my existing experience out there assuming I can get some women up in the first place using this method I'm guessing.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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