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Author Topic: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer  (Read 7961 times)

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2019, 02:02:20 PM »
Iamthere, you are exhibiting two faults that you need to correct now if you sincerely seek a possible marriage with a FSU woman. 

                  1.  Don't develop  scammer paranoia.   Your past posts suggest you already have run into one scammer, so I uinderstand your caution.  In fact, sincere FSUW know there are some bad women and they expect a prudent man to exercise some care.  Nevertheless, you should have detected enough by now to sense whether this woman is sincere.  I assert any woman who shows her face without makeup is sincere. 

                  2.  FSUW expect men to take the initiative.  Hence, I agree 100% with these two experienced posters:

When you don't get on a plane and it flies away, then all planes are
frickin' planes.

You seem to be attentive, and this is good in commanding her interest.   However, if you procrastinate more, this woman will lose interest in you.

You say you plan a trip this summer, but why not sooner.  You reside in China, and Thailand would be a good place to meet.  Many FSU travel companies offer inexpensive charter packages to Thailand.  Prices are reasonable except around New Year's Day.  Bill's suggestion of March is a good one.  If she wants you to come to her city first, March is also good.

Ad soon as i can go is April. Merry Taxmas, as I do not want to lose my job.

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2019, 03:06:18 PM »

I don’t think you have given enough info to give advice regarding if she’s a scammer or not. There are some red flags in my mind, but more details are needed.

Where did you meet....What site, agency etc...

You are  planning a WOVO trip. Is she showing the signs of being into you and having a great mutual connection to take the risk of a VO trip?

Does she converse with you daily and how?

Have you video chatted much? Most women will want at least a few sessions a week, if not daily if they are genuinely attracted to you.

Has she sent you pictures and videos of all aspects of her life?... her family, children,  work, interests.... cooking, hobbies etc...

What in context did she bring up the claim she can pay for her own meals etc...? In my limited experience, I’ve spent time with two women who are financially successful / comfortable......They wouldn’t bring it up in conversation and would still want the man to pay as that’s his traditional role in courting.

Has she continued to talk about her not having a phone?

Do you know if the place you get food sent to is an actual place of business?

Approximately what age is she and does she have children?

Give us more details 🙂

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2019, 03:23:27 PM »

All what have been written is relevant.
My jaw falled on the floor  when i read "in the summer". 
I will give you a real example :
A woman mid 40 but a 8.5 in the biggest city of Ukraine
You put her on Badoo and one month after she is in Italy to meet a man few days. And 6 weeks after she meets an other man in an other city of Europe. So of course we hope (humour on) that she is not unijambiste 88 years old, and living in the last siberian gulag village.
Guy, you are facing 3 types of opponents :
1/ locals, don't understimate them
2/ Western coming to visit her or the city
3/ European especially who offer them a free trip (don't forget : Ukrainian women can enter in the Schengen Space without BIZ visa)

4.  Debonair French men who steal every good one away.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2019, 04:23:05 PM »

I think you should write a book about the following subjects
1. Pregnancy: What to expect in the third trimester.
2. Time travel is possible: Here is the math that explains it.
3. The dark side of the moon: A Topographic Map of what I
think it probably looks like.
4. How to pick up on Supermodels, the Trenchcoat method.
5. Trenchcoats wisest advice: The thinnest book in the world

Is it possible that you are getting worse? Or am is my patience
wearing thin today?

What part of my advice was wrong? I know you are no fan of Hotels Bill but Apartments are not always hassle free. If Iamthere gets trouble from one he could end up freezing his nuts off ending his days in the artic Russian winter. I've twice now had problems with apartments, once in Lviv with meet up and after once in Minsk where they told me on arrival the apartment they had booked me in for was now unavailable since the bed was now broken. Fortunately they managed to find another in the city centre but asked me prior to finding this would I be content with one outside the city centre, lol - yeah like I want to be dumped in some dump in the middle of nowhere on first visit to a city I have never been before nor have a clue where the hell I would be.

It seems clear to me that Iamthere that he isn't the most ablest of guys (I mean that as no put down). We are as we are and some guys are even more uncomfortable than me trying stuff out especially if it seems a bit unassisted. In fairness going it alone in a place previously unchartered by that person isn't going to likely be all plain sailing if unassisted. If it's a guy like OP above then it sounds like he could be very uncomfortable in such a position. I'm not even sure he will follow the advice you have given him Bill as the impression he gives me is that he is not the sort of guy that is willing to do stuff unassisted. There's reason to believe that he is not wrong in this path for him as the moves he has made so far with this girl had probably been worse than my efforts to date ;D I think OP is probably aware that he finds it difficult without assistance along the way. He just needs to be sure that assistance is going to actually help and not screw him over.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2019, 04:36:06 PM »
I have been intending to start an  updated  thread   on phones   and sims ,internet connections etc
I will preface my comments with a this is MY OPINION and thoughts ! :)
The only reason I can see these days for paying crazy money for a phone is it is similar for the buyer to showing off an expensive watch! :)
For those with Apple and  expensive Samsung models -- they are not necessary-- 99% plus of you will never have a reason to utilise the features that MIGHT set some models aside.
In relation to this thread  -- and for those buying a second phone etc  -- you can spend less than USD $100  and get a phone that will do all the basics -- including video chat  etc and be simple and easy to use-- and set up.
The model I refer to is available in Ukraine  through the Mi stores -- and over the last year through many of the major retailers  for less than UAH2000    -- the model Xiaomi  Go .
Excellent battery life and relatively quick recharge.

I have & have had  had numerous Xiaomi  Mi  & Redmi models  and they are really good value for money.  For less than $300 you get a phone that pushes the best on the market  -- in fact about $180 is probably all you need to spend.
The only issue at the moment-- Xiaomi keep releasing new models and hard to say when excellent is good enough!

My thought to the OP here --I wonder what would be said if you organise  the UAH2000 version I refer to above -- that will allow any communication through all of the video chat methods ! :)

Jay I took your advice and several months ago purchased a Xiaomi Mi after accidentally dunking my old Samsung in water after which it only lasted a few months despite being supposedly waterproof. You do indeed get a lot more for less which pleased me :D The battery is built in but is huge 4000 as opposed to my old Samsung 1300-1800 ish so lasts a lot longer so it works because of its size so no longer carry around back up batteries. It has a big memory capable of holding many apps so way better than my old Samsung. It's also way cheaper than a Samsung. Plus it has space for two Sim cards. My one and only gripe is that you can't seem to control the layout of the display it seems to be done by Xiaomi, every do often they change it arbitrarily with the user having no control over them doing this whatsoever. They also seem to be able to mess about with where the menu is put in Google Chrome (at the top or bottom) and switch it every so often, the most recent being today. It's s real pain in the perverbial rear when they do it as I've just gotten used to stuff bring all in its place. I kind of get the impression of a Chinese guy on the other side just doing it all for a laugh as a kind of a wind up. Anyway apart from that all has been great for the year or so that I have had it for :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2019, 05:36:42 PM »

I hope those who haven't been to the FSU, yet realise Trench is CLUELESS about wimen in general and I am very happy buying the prev model Samsung and dunking it in a pool for hours on end ...taking wonderful photos without an issue ..

1800 mah batteries on a serious smart phone in 2019…?!

Are you referring to a flip phone, Trench?

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2019, 06:13:09 PM »
What part of my advice was wrong? I know you are no fan of Hotels Bill but Apartments are not always hassle free. If Iamthere gets trouble from one he could end up freezing his nuts off ending his days in the artic Russian winter. I've twice now had problems with apartments, once in Lviv with meet up and after once in Minsk where they told me on arrival the apartment they had booked me in for was now unavailable since the bed was now broken. Fortunately they managed to find another in the city centre but asked me prior to finding this would I be content with one outside the city centre, lol - yeah like I want to be dumped in some dump in the middle of nowhere on first visit to a city I have never been before nor have a clue where the hell I would be.

It seems clear to me that Iamthere that he isn't the most ablest of guys (I mean that as no put down). We are as we are and some guys are even more uncomfortable than me trying stuff out especially if it seems a bit unassisted. In fairness going it alone in a place previously unchartered by that person isn't going to likely be all plain sailing if unassisted. If it's a guy like OP above then it sounds like he could be very uncomfortable in such a position. I'm not even sure he will follow the advice you have given him Bill as the impression he gives me is that he is not the sort of guy that is willing to do stuff unassisted. There's reason to believe that he is not wrong in this path for him as the moves he has made so far with this girl had probably been worse than my efforts to date ;D I think OP is probably aware that he finds it difficult without assistance along the way. He just needs to be sure that assistance is going to actually help and not screw him over.

Regarding hotels V apartments...... you’ve been involved in these discussions in the past and I believe the consensus is a woman is more comfortable and anonymous in the privacy of an apartment V a Hotel were prying eyes may think she’s a hooker and get a bad reputation in her city.

Trench the biggest argument in my experience for an apartment in a residential complex, is meeting your neighbours, inviting them over for a drink & a meal, listening to their stories about life in the FSU, asking questions about the culture etc... the more friends and contacts you have the better understanding you’ll have on life in general in Ukraine. If you’re trying to date a local and understand her life it makes sense to live like her.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 06:15:20 PM by Davo »

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2019, 08:57:15 PM »
5. As I said, she is still on my family and friends plan, so I am only spending the same amount of money I would on any one of my friends or family for Christmas.


I am not sure what you mean by this.  I am only aware of cell phone plans called "friends and family".  If that is what you mean, then I would like to point out that cell phone plans in Ukraine are dirt cheap - $7/month for unlimited data, about $11/month for data and voice.

If it is something else, could you explain?

About perfumes - did your lady friend tell you the perfume or perfumes she likes?  Or are you getting something you like or something expensive to try to impress her? 

When I was dating my wife and we discussed perfumes, she told me never get any for her without asking. In the past when boyfriends got perfume for her, she used it as bathroom air fresheners unless it was specifically one of the few she liked.

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2019, 09:16:49 PM »

I am not sure what you mean by this.  I am only aware of cell phone plans called "friends and family".  If that is what you mean, then I would like to point out that cell phone plans in Ukraine are dirt cheap - $7/month for unlimited data, about $11/month for data and voice.

If it is something else, could you explain?

About perfumes - did your lady friend tell you the perfume or perfumes she likes?  Or are you getting something you like or something expensive to try to impress her? 

When I was dating my wife and we discussed perfumes, she told me never get any for her without asking. In the past when boyfriends got perfume for her, she used it as bathroom air fresheners unless it was specifically one of the few she liked.

1. Friends and Family plan means I will not spend any more on a gift that I will spend on a friend or a family. A girlfriend has special privileges, just as the way as a boyfriend does. I will not give her the privileges until I receive the title of boyfriend. (pardon my grammar)

2. Yes, she told me what she likes, because I hate the scent Chloe, if she wants me to stay 100 feet away from her, she should wear that.

3. I do not want to go into too much detail in case she is on this board.

4. I have been to the FSU several times, and quite frankly it is hard tracing our roots because of the nomadic behavior of our family.

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2019, 12:46:04 AM »

About perfumes - did your lady friend tell you the perfume or perfumes she likes?  Or are you getting something you like or something expensive to try to impress her? 

When I was dating my wife and we discussed perfumes, she told me never get any for her without asking. In the past when boyfriends got perfume for her, she used it as bathroom air fresheners unless it was specifically one of the few she liked.

Ouch, so true. I bought SC a well known brand that I wanted her to try and noted it was air freshener in the bathroom on the next visit, too.

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2019, 01:22:41 AM »
4.  Debonair French men who steal every good one away.
Lol  :P
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2019, 10:47:35 AM »
1. A girlfriend has special privileges, just as the way as a boyfriend does.

If you haven't met in person you are cyber pals.

I have visited the FSU several times to meet a beautiful, interesting   
and sexy woman. However sometimes we didn't have chemistry after
meeting. You aren't boyfriend/girlfriends until you have your first date
face to face. What is her age?

2. Yes, she told me what she likes, because I hate the scent Chloe, if she
wants me to stay 100 feet away from her, she should wear that.

I don't know anything about Chloe, but there are perfumes that
make me sneeze and there are others that smell (to me) like insect
repellent. Like I said previously, I wouldn't do it before meeting in

3. I do not want to go into too much detail in case she is on this board.

She's not here, the peanut gallery here insults and/or offends women
and runs them off. She wouldn't likely know you from your moniker here.

I call my wife Angel eyes, because she has very pretty eyes and because
it makes her far more difficult to track down.

There are absolute scoundrels here that will track down your girl if you give
them enough information, they will twist your words and try to turn her
against you. It's happened to me. It's best not to give out any personal
info about yourself and very little about the girl.

There are several reasons I ask about the girls age. I don't want to make

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2019, 06:28:22 PM »
If you haven't met in person you are cyber pals.

I have visited the FSU several times to meet a beautiful, interesting   
and sexy woman. However sometimes we didn't have chemistry after
meeting. You aren't boyfriend/girlfriends until you have your first date
face to face. What is her age?

I don't know anything about Chloe, but there are perfumes that
make me sneeze and there are others that smell (to me) like insect
repellent. Like I said previously, I wouldn't do it before meeting in

She's not here, the peanut gallery here insults and/or offends women
and runs them off. She wouldn't likely know you from your moniker here.

I call my wife Angel eyes, because she has very pretty eyes and because
it makes her far more difficult to track down.

There are absolute scoundrels here that will track down your girl if you give
them enough information, they will twist your words and try to turn her
against you. It's happened to me. It's best not to give out any personal
info about yourself and very little about the girl.

There are several reasons I ask about the girls age. I don't want to make

I am quite sure this one seems to be legit. She is grateful for any kindness shown to her. I think she is completely unaware of how beautiful she is. (I never was into supermodel looks.)

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2020, 03:45:58 AM »

Who gives a **** what some wack job might one's g/friend / partner / wife...?!

SC has met V, talked to her and knows all my 'best' points)

I have no idea if any chaps have tried to 'warn or save' her...but they may be a little late)))

Your Angel Eyes seems far too smart to be interested in paying attention.

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Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2020, 09:05:17 AM »

Who gives a **** what some wack job might one's g/friend / partner / wife...?!

SC has met V, talked to her and knows all my 'best' points)

I have no idea if any chaps have tried to 'warn or save' her...but they may be a little late)))

Your Angel Eyes seems far too smart to be interested in paying attention.

It's happened to me.

One guy figured out who a girl was that I was visiting and caused
a big ole fight between us while I was visiting her.

One guy from the forums years ago had a thread speculating about
threesomes and he brought his girl to participate on the forum years
later and some numbnuts pointed out the threesome thread. True story.

Bob says I'm meeting Anna from Omsk she's 45 years old and blah,
blah, blah. Joe 2much_time on his hands searches VK or someplace
and finds this Anna from Omsk and twists his words around on a
discussion about her country and the differences between a prostitute
and a wife and causes trouble. It's happened to at least a dozen guys

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2020, 01:02:58 AM »
Thanks for explaining, Beel.

SC's profile info cannot be seen unless you are her fwend. Messages from 'not fwends' go to a dark place by default.

I can only assume the saddo(s) involved is / are still single and / or in a mental institution.

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Re: Wonderful or Wonderful Scammer
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2020, 01:28:08 AM »
It's happened to me.

One guy figured out who a girl was that I was visiting and caused
a big ole fight between us while I was visiting her.

One guy from the forums years ago had a thread speculating about
threesomes and he brought his girl to participate on the forum years
later and some numbnuts pointed out the threesome thread. True story.

Bob says I'm meeting Anna from Omsk she's 45 years old and blah,
blah, blah. Joe 2much_time on his hands searches VK or someplace
and finds this Anna from Omsk and twists his words around on a
discussion about her country and the differences between a prostitute
and a wife and causes trouble. It's happened to at least a dozen guys

Maybe more ? Certainly some well known cases .

Also some coincidental contact-- eg a guy in chat explaining about his soon to be wife only to find  one of the guys in chat had also visited her! In this case--he did go on and marry her.

Another time -- a guy had been in chat waxing lyrical about a girl -- and his description sounded familiar to me ! I had met her a year earlier -- he was already down more than $20000  at that stage so my info saved him plenty! He later ( some years)  did meet and marry a fsuw -- so it did not stop him trying ! :)
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