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Author Topic: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?  (Read 6375 times)

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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2020, 07:33:19 AM »
I accept your challenge. 

Let me assure you there is nothing special about me.   

I did not keep a list but the number was maybe 80-100 different women over a couple of years.  Not Wilt, but actually more than I needed, and certainly more than I sought.

This is the definition of a 'humblebrag'.  There was no challenge to post the number of ladies anybody was with here. 

Yeah, a couple hundred ladies or more would put you in the top tiers of western men in terms of numbers.  I think ML's point is accurate. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2020, 08:14:23 AM »
I accept your challenge. 

Let me assure you there is nothing special about me.  In my younger days I merely "showed up" and behaved as if I were "normal."  I rarely ventured to the singles bars, yet would encounter young women at my pad shared with 8 bachelors (many parties).  Meet women when shopping.  Meet women on business trips.  Introductions.  Etc.  They were everywhere. 

I did not keep a list but the number was maybe 80-100 different women over a couple of years.  Not Wilt, but actually more than I needed, and certainly more than I sought.

The pace slowed considerably when I worked for the UN in Muslim countries.  Even there, I did not lack female companionship.  Diplomat staff.  Western educated locals. Expat daughters.  In that setting I typically stayed with a woman for 2-3 months.  There could have been more if I had not avoided hungry wives.   But wait; there is more.   I would work two months and then travel for 2-5 weeks to see the world.  Met many women in those travels, especially summer in Europe.  Met no women in Ethiopia and Afghanistan. 

Maybe the key phrase is dating this to "1970s."   

The key point is you are/were successful at what you do career wise. Nobody needs to be a model, with muscles, but it does help, yet you had other stuff going for you. It is no shock you did those numbers. But i think you described it well, at a certain point, it gets all meaningless, hence why you married, and settled down.

I have a question though, at what age did you realise that you had to settle down? More like, at what age have you felt like you stopped growing in what you offered society, terms of attractiveness, wealth and so forth?

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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2020, 01:41:05 PM »
I dated a girl in Kiev who asked me to buy her an $800 coat.
I said no. I dated a girl who told me it was $30 for a cab ride
to a nearby place. I gave her the $30 and never called her again.

I dated a girl who tried to ordered 4 pies to take home from a
restaurant. I told the waitress that I wasn't paying for them.

Those are little pro-dater scams.

Pro as in Professional? And the best a professional could do was to try for four mince pies???

To me a professional (pro-dater) is the type that a guy might typically end up with as a result of being on a PPL (Agency) site or romance tour. They'll take the guy to a restaurant and try and land him with an extortionate phoney bill and/or ask him to buy Jewellery for a few hundred £ or $. It's hardly a winner for a girl to walk off with four mince pies rather than hundreds and sometimes thousands of £/$ from one date/meet.

So what does that make mince pie girl? I think we both know that it would have been a pointless waste for you to buy those mince pies as her action in asking clearly showed she only cared of herself in that situation, it happens. I would suggest that she falls into the category of what I mentioned earlier about gameplay between guys and girls on dates. Sometimes the girl would have some feelings for him, sometimes not but there would still be gameplay from the girl. Some girls are carefree (often a trait in UW as I hear) and will mess about and see what they can get off a guy, it's all part of dating play. The guy doesn't have to give it and will likely try to evade. Nano was the one who told me that this goes on when I messaged her about Kherson girl, that its gameplay that happens often.

In a way it could be said that the girl is possibly subconsciously testing a guys wits, which if course are no doubt needed out there and being a bit cheeky while doing it. I don't think there is a concentrated effort to empty a guys wallet clear as a malicious act here.
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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2020, 02:09:36 PM »
I don't think this is true . . . the first sentence.
I think in the 'single dating world,' behavior reverts to the animal kingdom situation
i.e. A small percent of the males mate with a large percent of the females.

There really are a very large percent of single men who are 'incels' , a word that I heard for the first time just this year.

Anectdotal:  Wilt Chamberlain and his 10,000 sex partners. 
Extreme . . . yes.  But I'll bet there are hundred of thousands of guys world wide who also have very, very large numbers, whereas millions of single guys world wide have almost zero.

Precisely, before Brad Pitt was famous I bet he had loads of girls or at least loads of girls interested. He wouldn't have had to have a lot of money for girls to be wanting it with him. No one gets a choice at birth with how they will look, they get landed with whatever and get judged by it, men and women.

The difference with men is that most men are actively interested in it/after it, women can be but either often less so or keep quiet about it apart from a few slappers, mostly due to societal convention.

Some guys will use other factors such as wealth or whatever to entice a girl, but that will rely on making the girl aware of it or her catching on. In a room where everyone is dressed much the same and at the same level of physique before a word is spoken the good looking guys will get girls gravitating towards them. Odds are a lot of them will think it's down to them being their own sweet selves lol.
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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2020, 02:14:15 PM »
Pro as in Professional? And the best a professional could do was to try for four mince pies???


Yes, a prodater rarely leads to great wealth or income.
A home run would be to get an allowance each month.

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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2020, 02:40:30 PM »

Yes, a prodater rarely leads to great wealth or income.
A home run would be to get an allowance each month.

That's true but they rarely if ever see it, in their world when a pro dater gets a few hundred/thousand £/$ in jewelry or kickback they will think fabulous riches has arrived and landed in their lap. Same for a monthly allowance. They fail to realise that they are living in a false reality/sense of wealth. Relative to what is around them it is wealth...for a while. Eventually many come to grief when they get older and 'work' runs to a trickle or they have to end up getting work writing letters to WM all the time filling in for 'Boris'.

Transactional girls are often wasting time too as they are messing around. Some do it too much for too long or/and it becomes a habit. Often the value of what a transactional girl asks for doesn't amount to much that she could live off well on for long. I would say when it gets too large sums that she could live off well for a while is the point at which it becomes 'professional'.

I don't think transactional girls are good girls they aren't much better than pro daters. They are the type of girls local guys end up leaving by the wayside by their mid twenties in order to marry girls with better character. They are often fun time girls after a fun time rather than a set piece dating scam structure.

On balance why would a girl ask for pet food and dance lessons when she could go for scam set ups that would net her way, way more? Doesn't make sense.

Kherson girl was manipulative but she stated she was honest and I believe she was. I think that's probably the difference, pro-date girls are dishonest (possibly manipulative also) while transactional girls are honest but manipulative so won't pro-date. Out in Ukraine manipulative can be a common trait and way of life but many out there can spot a bull sh*tter meaning many probably do try and avoid being dishonest.
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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2020, 07:19:41 PM »

I have a question though, at what age did you realise that you had to settle down?

The realization was a starkly compelling feeling to change my life deriving from about six months of introspection  including analysis of new opportunities.       

At age 35, I was a liberal working for the UN and literally wandering the globe.

At age 36, I discovered the world was round  having returned to where I was two years earlier, Philadelphia.  There lived a special someone I dated in the past and continued to see during my global travels.  She wanted to settle down and start a family with a baby.  So did I.  We married.  Also there, I started a consulting business with two men I knew in my prior US employment.  Bought some land and built a house, then used it as collateral to borrow money to make payroll.  With the responsibility of baby, house, business, and debt,  I registered as a Republican.   Family grew and so did our little consulting company.  Burned out and retired 14 years later   

More like, at what age have you felt like you stopped growing in what you offered society, terms of attractiveness, wealth and so forth? 

Not sure of your criteria to distinguish "settling down." 

My contributions to family and society and business kept growing.  In the first couple of years after retirement I wrote a textbook published by McGraw-Hill and took some special assignments.  Soon, however, I hit the "off" switch, and spent more time with family.

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Re: Prodaters vs prostitutes what's the difference?
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2020, 01:04:49 PM »
She wanted to settle down and start a family with a baby.  So did I.  We married.  Also there, I started a consulting business with two men I knew in my prior US employment.  Bought some land and built a house, then used it as collateral to borrow money to make payroll.  With the responsibility of baby, house, business, and debt,  I registered as a Republican.   Family grew and so did our little consulting company.  Burned out and retired 14 years later   

Not sure of your criteria to distinguish "settling down." 

I think he meant something similar to what your wifey #1
wanted. To stop dating others, get married and start a family.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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