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Author Topic: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad  (Read 54651 times)

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #175 on: September 15, 2021, 01:38:54 PM »
Team Biden says, "If you’re in private business you’ve got to get vaccinated,
but if you’re in the postal union you don’t have to. If you’re an illegal
immigrant you don’t have to."

Also exempt are White House Staff, Congress's and their Staff, employees that work for the CDC, FDA, big pharma employees, and 100K Afghan refugees. It's not about safety if they are making exemptions. Actually those who are exempt are allowed to keep poisonous vaccines from entering their bodies so safety is considered for them. Biden needs Congress's votes on his policies and needs to keep certain voter bases happy. He'll CRAP on the rest of us. if Biden truly cares about safety, he needs to fire Fauci and put in somebody the anti vax crowd has faith in.

Also, they really don't care about people's lives elsewhere because they are considering giving unnecessary boosters to people from nations with money over vaccinated for the first time of those living in Africa.

Did you guys know the boosters are outdated vaccines that were designed for the Alpha? To truly combat the Delta and 2 dozens other variants out there they need to create all new vaccines for each variant. Vaccines are specific for one virus but if you let your natural immune system beat the virus, it will handle ALL variants.

Top scientists say we are headed to depopulation. Vaccinating a healthy population will diminish any protection the vaccine may give which in turn kill many elderly in the future since only anti vaccine variants would be the killers. Similar to the agriculture industry, they are careful about overusing antibiotics for animals which could create a superbug which will be a bigger killer for them and us. Vaccinating a healthy population was never a tactic used to combat past pandemics and epidemics. Only the most vulnerable should be vaccinated.

Not only did 2 top FDA officials resigned saying the White House is ignoring the FDA, now 18 senior FDA officials are speaking out against the White House. It's political and the recent actions we've seen taken has nothing to do with science or safety.

Look around the world and what do we see. People are denied rights to buy food, go to work, travel, or get medical care if they're not vaccinated. Governments are using this virus to obtain more control and punish the unvaccinated who are resisting. We are living in dangerous times. What if government starts denying people the right to buy food, work, travel, or get medical care because they smoke too much, drink too much, are obese, or make other unhealthy lifestyle choices that affect their and other people's health? Give the government an inch, they'll take a mile. Soon everybody will lose freedoms for one reason or another.

CEO of Pfizer announced they have a twice a day pill to be taken to combat COVID. How nice of them to care about us so much! Who here is going to get 3-4 experimental jabs and take 730 experimental pills every year to assist the failed vaccines? The new slick tv commercials will tell you to do your part to combat the virus and protect others. Hire Lebron to deliver the message. It worked last time so it may work again.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #176 on: September 16, 2021, 06:58:26 AM »

Some more news about the Valneva vaccine and some of the reason the UK cancelled the deal. Apparently they reckon it would have never passed UK Medical board approval for use. There must be a real problem for them to say that. The Valneva vaccine apparently uses the traditional method rather than mRNA. It's made by a French company so don't know if that plays into it, recent news is that the French have been dumped by the Australian government in supplying news submarines in favour of a US/UK deal instead. Possibly wanting the French cut out of stuff in general maybe? Whether Astra Zenaca or someone else might have similar in the works to Valneva who knows?
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #177 on: September 16, 2021, 10:45:24 AM »
This latest news seem so absurd that I may well have misunderstood the gist of it altogether.

The WH offered Nicki Minaj a phone call to assure her that the vaccine is safe because Nicki's cousin's boyfriend suffered swollen testicles allegedly after getting immunized. He (Nicki's cousin's boyfriend) apparently 'was cheating' on Nicki Minaj's cousin when he found out about his swollen balls! Which he blamed on the vaccine. It actually even involved Trinidad-Tobago's health minister to make an official announcement to the matter.

It's because of this that made Nicki apprehensive about getting vaccinated resulting in her missing the MET GALA.

WTF! Are you liberals/woke populist had really become this silly?
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #178 on: September 16, 2021, 10:49:31 AM »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #179 on: September 16, 2021, 11:03:44 AM »

Idaho hospitals are so overwhelmed with the surge in coronavirus cases that doctors and nurses have to contact dozens of regional hospitals across the West in hopes of finding places to transfer individual critical patients.

The situation has grown so bad that the Idaho Department of Health and Wellness announced Thursday that the entire state is in a hospital resource crisis, permitting medical facilities to ration health care and triage patients.
The hospital received permission from the state to begin rationing care last week. That's all in response to the Covid surge that in recent weeks has taken over much of Idaho — a state with one of the nation's lowest vaccination rates.

The need for ICU bed space is affecting a range of patients: those suffering from Covid, as well as people who have had heart attacks or strokes or were involved in accidents, for instance.

This should not be happening.. not today, after all we've been through and learned from others.  Yet here we are.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #180 on: September 17, 2021, 08:25:15 AM »
Just had this year's flu vaccine this morning, first of the queue :D
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #181 on: September 17, 2021, 08:34:15 AM »
I'll be getting the flu shot as well, along with a J&J Janssen top up for covid.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #182 on: September 17, 2021, 09:00:55 AM »

This should not be happening.. not today, after all we've been through and learned from others.  Yet here we are.

There's no emergency when they threaten last years heroes who worked unvaccinated with termination if they don't get vaccinated this year. When they need every single medical personnel regardless of vaccination status, that's when you know we have an emergency.

In other news Israel is pound for pound the most vaxxed nation and the most infected nation. You vaxxers are making it worse. Their summer outbreak is worse than their winter outbreak when nobody was vaxxed. This month's UK data shows vaccinated people are dying more than unvaccinated. It's been the same month to month.

Why are vaxxed people so worried about the unvaxxed? They feel the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected  to use the protection that didn't protect the protected. Do you guys know why there are two dozen anti vaccine variants out there increasing infections and prolonging the pandemic? Because they turned people into human petri dishes allowing the vaccine to learn vaccine defenses and mutate. There isn't a single anti natural immune system variant out there because natural immunity is superior and doesn't allow the virus to learn how to beat it.

In 2019 an interviewer asked Fauci if he should wear a mask when an infectious disease is running loose. Fauci laugh and told him not to do anything paranoid. Fauci told him to get nutrition and exercise which will get him a strong immunity system.

My county will force the entertainment industry, restaurants, and fitness clubs to require vaccine passports from customers next month. I guess they want to punish people who don't vaccinate with less fun, less food, and no exercise. Less of everything increases depression, stress, and weakens the immune system making us more likely to get sick and die. They aren't making exceptions for the superior natural immunity some of us have or religious exemptions. My county's website says they won't require ID with the vaccine passport. They state "In our stakeholder engagement, we received feedback that ID checks are associated with trauma stemming from racist and discriminatory practices, plus can lead to distrust for many communities." It's probably why they don't require ID when we apply to vote and when we vote. Don't want to offend minorities.

You may be in an abusive relationship government if they........

If for 60 years they failed to get a rocket to a moon causing countless harm and death to the pilots and passengers in each attempt but in this year they say all rockets are safe and effective, would you take your family on that rocket? Over the last 60 years they failed in creating a safe coronavirus vaccines due to the massive harm and death caused to animals. This is history and it's important to learn from history or it'll repeat but the biggest crime against humanity is about to happen because the harm and death is not going to happen to animals, but in humans. The risks and benefits of the vaccine are unknown according to the FDA but we do know the history of previous attempts at creating a coronavirus vaccine. We know the vaccine don't prevent infection and doesn't prevent transmission. We know it creates the variants who learn to beat vaccine defenses which in turn makes infections skyrocket this summer much worse than last summer when nobody was vaccinated. The real crime isn't going to happen now but in the future. People may die 5-10 years prematurely but big business and governments don't care. Less pension and medical benefits they have to pay out for old farts who can't produce anymore. We know what happened to lab animals in the past. What are the chances all coronavirus in the past were 100% failures and they now claim 100% of the coronavirus vaccines in the world are a success. Not possible. They are lying to us. They know the history of what happened to lab animals injected with coronavirus vaccines. A lot of people are going to die because of this experiment. When this is over, people need to be hung.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #183 on: September 17, 2021, 10:55:14 AM »
I'll be getting the flu shot as well, along with a J&J Janssen top up for covid.

Well done BC, I may have to come over and join you for the J&J vaccine ;D

Probably won't need to take a vaccine vacation to the US for a J&J booster for a few more months. Plus it depends on my time & finance available.

Reckon I will probably be ok even though protection from the vaccines start diminishing after 5-6 months there will probably still be enough protection left to not be too concerned. Though think one recent study suggested that protection may even start diminishing in as little as 4 months. Anyway will see how it goes, so hopefully I should be ok for avoiding fly this winter. I'm going to keep up with my mask wearing in public spaces indoors and using gloves and hand sanitizer gel as well as trying to mix too much with others so hopefully all should go ok and I'll avoid being one of these people ending up on a staycation in hospital this winter. Can't think of anything worse than being stuck in one of those places.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #184 on: September 17, 2021, 11:06:16 AM »
I got my flu shot last week.
Wanted to get it early as previously the rule was couldn't get Covid shot within X weeks of receiving flu shot, and I wanted to get booster Covid shot as soon as eligible.
But after getting flu shot and telling above to the gal, she said the advisory had changed and now no waiting time after flu shot to get Covid shot.
However, wife doesn't want the two at same time as one year she had bad reaction from getting flu and pneumonia shots at same time
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #185 on: September 17, 2021, 11:17:35 AM »
Well done BC, I may have to come over and join you for the J&J vaccine ;D

Probably won't need to take a vaccine vacation to the US for a J&J booster for a few more months. Plus it depends on my time & finance available.

The US wouldn't let you in anyway.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #186 on: September 17, 2021, 02:27:56 PM »
I got my flu shot last week.
Wanted to get it early as previously the rule was couldn't get Covid shot within X weeks of receiving flu shot, and I wanted to get booster Covid shot as soon as eligible.
But after getting flu shot and telling above to the gal, she said the advisory had changed and now no waiting time after flu shot to get Covid shot.
However, wife doesn't want the two at same time as one year she had bad reaction from getting flu and pneumonia shots at same time

Edit: I erred on this post regarding the for/against voting. It S/B 16-against and 2-for


Just released.

FDA Advisory Committee voted against booster shot against the general public except those 65+ Y.O. and individuals at high risk of severe illness, and only for Pfizer vaccine.

The 'vote' count for this was 16-for and 2-against. This, baby, is just damned *unnerving*.

Why is this being conducted on an opinion-based voting system? Isn't the science behind the vaccines a decided, absolute science after immunizing hundreds of millions of people?

Excuse me, but this just appears too sinister for me.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 04:12:39 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #187 on: September 17, 2021, 05:11:54 PM »
Edit: I erred on this post regarding the for/against voting. It S/B 16-against and 2-for


Just released.

FDA Advisory Committee voted against booster shot against the general public except those 65+ Y.O. and individuals at high risk of severe illness, and only for Pfizer vaccine.

The 'vote' count for this was 16-for and 2-against. This, baby, is just damned *unnerving*.

Why is this being conducted on an opinion-based voting system? Isn't the science behind the vaccines a decided, absolute science after immunizing hundreds of millions of people?

Excuse me, but this just appears too sinister for me.

 There's hope some people working in government/FDA are doing the responsible thing. Before the FDA denied approval for the boosters to people under 65, at least 2 top FDA personnel resigned and 18 spoke out against our government trying to influence their decisions.
Some think we are living in modern times and evolved into better people and our government wouldn't do bad things to people. Less than 50 years ago our government had the Tuskegee study conducted where they injected syphilis into black males. Before that they parked our troops near H-bombs going off to see what radiation does to their bodies.
Project Veritas will make an announcement Monday. They have a whistleblower pertaining to the vaccines. Don't expect the media to report it. Expect big tech to censor it. A few social media places like Gab and Telegram won't censor it.
 There's a  virus called "Hunger" out there. It kills many more people everyday than COVID. The vaccine is called "Food" and its easily created in abundance but there isn't an urgent need by governments to distribute the vaccine. Isn't it a goal of theirs to save lives? Maybe its not their goal.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #188 on: September 17, 2021, 07:03:59 PM »

Here's the 8 hour FDA meeting that was shown live. FDA officials talked about the data and ultimately ruled those under 65 don't need boosters. This video should start in the place I set but if not go to the 4 hour, 21 minute and 24 second mark to see the data from three sources that shows more people are dying from the vaccine than lives saved.

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #189 on: September 17, 2021, 07:14:05 PM »
It seems here in Southern California the noose is tightening further on those without vaccines.   The new rules are going to be no more going to bars, or large events of 10,000 or more people without a vaccine.   I sometimes go to a local pub for lunch across from my shop.  If they follow the rules, I will no longer be welcome.   I'm also no longer welcome at the facility where my father lives.   

I continue to hear conflicting reports on the vaccines and their effectiveness for the latest variants.   In Israel it seems their emergency rooms are flooding with vaccinated people so I've read. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #190 on: September 17, 2021, 07:23:42 PM »

Why is this being conducted on an opinion-based voting system? Isn't the science behind the vaccines a decided, absolute science after immunizing hundreds of millions of people?

Excuse me, but this just appears too sinister for me.

They do have the data from studies, but two of the members differed on the approach, along with risk/benefit analysis.

It is known that immune systems of older folks is slower or weaker.  Take flu vaccinations as an example, where older folks are basically given four times the amount of antigen in a normal dose to better prod their immune systems into a higher gear.

Since mRNA vaccines disappear quickly, two doses some time apart are given to build up antibodies.  Although antibodies wane, T-cells should 'remember' for a longer period, and likely 'learn' better in younger folks, while the older generation needs to take an extra class to make up.

IMO this more conservative route is prudent.  Better to use available vaccines for those that haven't got it yet.

Just watched a report from Idaho, where ICUs are full.  It was stated that 98% were unvaccinated.  I suspect the 2% that were vaccinated may have been among the older crowd, or those with compromised immune systems.

Interesting NOVA episode on bats

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #191 on: September 17, 2021, 09:26:31 PM »
Although antibodies wane, T-cells should 'remember' for a longer period, and likely 'learn' better in younger folks, while the older generation needs to take an extra class to make up.

Although Boris Johnson said the vaccines aren't reducing infections or death let's pretend there is a benefit against COVID. You're ignoring the fact the vaccines compromise the immune system against everything else. Killer T-cells are reduced. Idaho pathologist and owner of a lab said he's seeing more mono, shingles, herpes and a 20 times increase in cancer among those who are vaccinated. History on coronavirus vaccines have shown us lab animals get weakened immune systems from them. They've known it for decades. They can't plead ignorance. They know what they are doing. We are headed into winter when people's immune systems are at their weakest. The vaccines have weakened hundreds of millions if not a billion people's immune systems further which will lead to massive death from a variety of pathogens.

RT news says study shows increase chances of getting HIV. Another study that shows the vaccines compromise natural immunity.

Vermont is the state with the highest percentage of population vaccinated in America and like Israel which is the country with the highest percentage of population vaccinated, Vermont also has a higher infection rate this summer than last winter. That is unheard of with infectious diseases. The vaccine is making the disease worse.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #192 on: September 17, 2021, 11:42:48 PM »
This is probably the most detailed explanation of statistics on Covid in Israel that I have read.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #193 on: September 18, 2021, 03:12:54 AM »
Billy you need to become a vaccine junkie like me and BC :D

Well, I had a bit of a reaction to the Flu vaccine overnight. Temperature not fluctuating like last year that much but a queasy feeling and felt myself under strain a bit countering the dead virus. This morning much better but not quite gone yet, think it will be in the next hour or so. So a bit of a pain to go through that but better than having the Flu for real and quite short lived I think. So probably a small inconvenience to pay for what may turn out to be worthwhile protection.

Anyway glad that it's pretty much over with now. Apparently here in the UK this year's vaccine used a better process making the flu vaccine more effective. Used a cell cultured approach rather than egg based apparently. The woman that created the AZ vaccine also developed this new approach, still traditional tried & tested method. So handy we have her on the job I guess.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #194 on: September 18, 2021, 08:53:30 AM »
Well, I had a bit of a reaction to the Flu vaccine overnight. Temperature not fluctuating like last year that much but a queasy feeling and felt myself under strain a bit countering the dead virus. This morning much better but not quite gone yet, think it will be in the next hour or so. So a bit of a pain to go through that but better than having the Flu for real and quite short lived I think. So probably a small inconvenience to pay for what may turn out to be worthwhile protection.

I took a flu vaccine last year. The vaccine experts I follow aren't anti vaccine and give them to the kids. If scientists correctly calculate the flu strain that will circulate of the season and create a vaccine for it. When the flu vaccine isn't effective, it's not because it's a bad vaccine but them miscalculated which strain would be the one that would circulate the most. I remember at a clinic having a choice of two different flu vaccines but only allowed to have one injected in me. I chose the one the Army was going to give veterans for free. The health organization for the military calculated a different strain was going to be dominate from what another health organization figured.

Thanks to the moderator who brought back my post #182. It's not an easy thing for some people to read because it'll sink in that they could be the victims of the greatest crime against humanity there ever was. The history of coronaviruses vaccines shown them to be ALL bad based on the harm and death caused to animals. Short term studies and real time data  from use of the vaccines are showing us the damage done to human immune systems leading to other problems and long term studies will reveal more but it will be too late to reverse the damage which will be permanent. I am confident this experiment will end like the others and unfortunately this experiment isn't done on animals.

We need to let our immune systems fight the virus weakening its effect on us to the point it's another harmless coronavirus that causes the common cold. Humanity beat coronaviruses in the past this way and we can do it again. Our immune systems won't let the virus mutate into an anti immune system variant. Because the vaccines don't immunize and turns our bodies into petri dishes, the coronavirus is allowed to live and evolve creating all kinds of anti vaccine variants which prolongs the pandemic and will get more people killed. Add to the fact vaccinated people's compromised immune systems allow all kinds of other pathogens to infect the body, life expectancy shortens which leads to world depopulation just as leading vaccine experts predict.
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #195 on: September 18, 2021, 11:42:19 AM »
This is a breakdown of statistics from my province on recent COVID hospitalizations. We are going through a surge, with more hospitalizations than at any time since the start of the COVID crisis. Note that this is a crisis of the unvaccinated.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #196 on: September 19, 2021, 02:34:44 AM »

I took a flu vaccine last year. The vaccine experts I follow aren't anti vaccine and give them to the kids. If scientists correctly calculate the flu strain that will circulate of the season and create a vaccine for it. When the flu vaccine isn't effective, it's not because it's a bad vaccine but them miscalculated which strain would be the one that would circulate the most. I remember at a clinic having a choice of two different flu vaccines but only allowed to have one injected in me. I chose the one the Army was going to give veterans for free. The health organization for the military calculated a different strain was going to be dominate from what another health organization figured.

Flucelvax Tetra was the one they used this year apparently different to the one they used the previous year. The leaflet says it's prepared in cell cultures and therefore egg free. After a nit too bad early afternoon yesterday lethargy, queasyness and feeling weak kicked in again went on all of the later afternoon and into the evening before tailing off a bit. After a good night's sleep it's all gone so with a bit of luck should be fine from here on out :)
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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #197 on: September 19, 2021, 04:10:31 AM »

Although Boris Johnson said the vaccines aren't reducing infections or death let's pretend there is a benefit against COVID. You're ignoring the fact the vaccines compromise the immune system against everything else. Killer T-cells are reduced. Idaho pathologist and owner of a lab said he's seeing more mono, shingles, herpes and a 20 times increase in cancer among those who are vaccinated. History on coronavirus vaccines have shown us lab animals get weakened immune systems from them. They've known it for decades. They can't plead ignorance. They know what they are doing. We are headed into winter when people's immune systems are at their weakest. The vaccines have weakened hundreds of millions if not a billion people's immune systems further which will lead to massive death from a variety of pathogens.

We asked Cole to provide support for those claims, and he referred us to a 2018 paper published in the journal Nature Reviews Drug Discovery that reviewed trials and studies of various, earlier mRNA vaccines.

But that paper doesn’t support his statement.

Norbert Pardi, a research assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, was the lead author of the paper. He told us in an email, “No publications demonstrate that mRNA vaccines cause cancer or autoimmune diseases.”

RT news says study shows increase chances of getting HIV. Another study that shows the vaccines compromise natural immunity.

The article is 10 months old, refers to vaccine candidates under consideration, none of which are in use today.

Vermont is the state with the highest percentage of population vaccinated in America and like Israel which is the country with the highest percentage of population vaccinated, Vermont also has a higher infection rate this summer than last winter. That is unheard of with infectious diseases. The vaccine is making the disease worse.

You again fail to take into consideration lockdowns and other mitigating efforts/factors in your analysis, along with ignoring the effects of the Delta variant that was not prevalent back then, and testing that was minimized as tests were scarce.  In other words you wrongly attempt to make the data fit your agenda.

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Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #198 on: September 19, 2021, 09:11:53 AM »
The article is 10 months old, refers to vaccine candidates under consideration,
none of which are in use today.

I haven't really gotten involved in the debate about Covid, the vaccines,
the best treatments etc. This whole things seems more about control of
the population/economy rather than fighting a virus.

The CDC and that quack Fauci have flopped on every single thing that
they've ever said. Team Biden was going to have a crack team figure
out what if anything China's role was going to be but what they were
really doing is a coverup to take the issue out of the news for a few
months. Why don't they want to know what happened? This virus cost
the US hundreds of billions of dollars (maybe more) to our economy.

I am convinced that nobody really has a good answer about what we should
do. I am going to get the jabs because I want to travel internationally.
I didn't read the 10 month old article but relying on that would be just as
useful as relying on anything else in my opinion.

You guys can go on debating how many fairies can dance on the head of
a pin, but I am convinced nobody knows anything and have better things
to do with my time.


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Re: Vaccines for Travelling Abroad
« Reply #199 on: September 19, 2021, 10:12:42 AM »
I agree Bill all the arguing about the ins & outs of the Coronavirus isn't really going anywhere. People believe what they believe and arguing till blue in the face won't change anyone's opinion. It's pretty well known what the views of the anti-vaxx group are and everyone else. I think we're pretty much at a standstill in terms of the arguments with everything in stalemate. No point repeating the same arguments over and over again. Within the next 6 months or so we will likely see if a more dangerous variant emerges if that is even possible or if the virus problem receeds. Long term we will only know over the course of the next few years how ongoing this Coronavirus situation is going to be. Until then we are pretty much just stuck with dealing with the virus day to day and arguing over it won't make any difference to that. As Bill rightly says better to just get on with life and for us that means chasing FSW :D

Anyway, here is some advice for the upcoming winter flu season if anyone is interested. Appears you yanks pay a lot more for your flu jabs than us Brits, I only paid £14.99 through Boots (a UK pharmacy chain) and that was for the non egg based one.
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