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Author Topic: Odesa Dreaming  (Read 28718 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #175 on: May 25, 2022, 01:25:11 AM »
Who said Trench doesn’t have ambition? His aspiration is to live of the equivalent of what someone on benefits gets.

I see you still haven’t finished doing up your house. How many years have you been waffling on about this fantastic income you’re going to get from letting rooms?
Yet to see a penny of it, never mind that exotic lifestyle off the back of it.

Lol, well the house I had to build a small extension on the back, just under 3 meters so as to avoid planning but also that was all that was needed and easiest in terms of land space at the back of my house. I completed that just before winter kicked in last year which was good. I spent all spring and summer working weekends doing the block work then the flat roof, it's quite a fair bit of work involved as although a small extension doing a cavity wall takes time. So I've just got to finish off inside it and doing other finishing work inside the house and all set. I estimate roughly by the end of July.

The main thing here is that the income generated will allow me to chuck in my job and hence in turn give me better opportunity to seek out other independent income methods and go anywhere and meet women :D There are some jobs out there that are advertised not just as WFH but also as work anywhere jobs now. The downsides is that they tend to be popular choices and they are likely of course to monopolise my time as if I was going to work in the workplace anyway. I've got a few ideas to try out to garner some extra income, and I know Krim offered a few good ideas in the past. It doesn't have to be a lot of money just a top up off the rental income. Taking in a Ukrainian girl is still one that I very well may do, that will take my income just over £14k so about the same as my present wages so it's really one to think about.

I kind of would like to help Ukrainian refugees though I know a few of them won't be genuine and just using the situation to be out for what they can get. Mostly they seem to be single girls and often want places in London as of course the best wages are there. Where I am, well it's not far from Cardiff but it's not such a magnet for such ambition. It would of course be a single Ukrainian girl I would take in as I would only have a single room. She might as well be hot looking as that way even if she is not into me and goes for some other guy at least it improves the gene pool ;D Seriously though hot or not it would really be the money that I would be interested in up to her to do as she pleases as far as I'm concerned. She gets the place rent free for a year so it would be a win on her side also.

Ordinarily I would have some concern if taking on a Ukrainian refugee would take a job away from a local youngster needing to get on, moreso in London I think. At the moment though we seem to have an ongoing labour shortage in the country so it's perhaps not so much of an issue, so I can probably put my concerns in that one to one side. During Furlough many took the opportunity to start up businesses and some were successful often as a result of putting the time and effort they would have spent at work into a business that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to spend. Furlough payments were a bit less than regular salary in the the majority of cases so it probably wasn't so much the money that they were ploughing into it by the looks of things. Some businesses took off and some didn't of course, could be luck of the draw or some having a better take on what would work etc. It gives me cause fir optimism though that I may stumble upon a good little earner if I try a few things out.

For the moment though I am looking forward to finally finishing off the house. It's starting to look good and I think will give me a good long time income I can (hopefully) rely upon and almost be a bit like early retirement lol :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Odesa Dreaming but possibly waking up in Moldova
« Reply #176 on: June 01, 2022, 01:39:15 PM »
So more or less decided recently that I will probably go for Moldova this Summer and check things out there. Might as well be the capital, Chisinau as I can get a direct flight there pretty cheap with Wizz Air. Possibly I'm guessing they might be using aircraft that they were using to fly to Ukraine. I had also considered Turkey as their currency is in the toilet so great value for the GBP. However, flight costs tend to be a little more and although I would love to check out Istanbul and not just the airport I'm not convinced the at Turkish girls would be the sort of girl I seek, I'm thinking Moldovan/FSW more closely fit the bill. That said of course if I meet a decent Ukrainian woman in Moldova then that's all good, hopefully. Istanbul may be a tourist visit along the way somewhere.

So Moldova will at least be a fresh break, a new city I haven't been to before, a currency I haven't used before and a population that tend to speak their version of Romanian though also know Russian. Again I will approach this somewhat like my Odessa plan, I will tell the girls I plan to live out there - in reality that will depend on how I find the place, but as so long as I find it bearable to hang around I can split my time between there and the UK. My guess at the moment this will probably be happening around August time when I will have hopefully finished the house off. So for the moment that is my focus and will just have to see if I can make my way forward from there.

Odesa & Ukraine will just have to see how long the war will go on for, it might still be a while. While it doesn't look like Odesa is in any immediate danger it will just be awkward trying to cross the border by train needless to say of the added journey time also.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #177 on: June 04, 2022, 09:12:05 AM »

the problem you have isn't about LOCATION!
it's about YOU!

women have meaured you, and you've been found WANTING!!
changing location won't effect their perception of you, these things are "kinda" universal
YOU need to change that!
unless you address this issue,
then the next pickup hot spot you'll switch to will be the streets of Calcutta
looking for homeless women using squat toilettes in an alleyway
NOT that their's ANYTHING wrong with that, to each their own, etc, etc....

I can just hear your well practiced pickup line:
"hi - I'm from the Midlands, would you like to go out for a meal at McDonald's?"

major  Hepatitis issue
get vaccinated first!
left-handed handjobs ONLY!!!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2022, 09:46:39 AM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #178 on: June 05, 2022, 03:52:58 PM »

the problem you have isn't about LOCATION!
it's about YOU!

women have meaured you, and you've been found WANTING!!

changing location won't effect their perception of you, these things are "kinda" universal
YOU need to change that!
unless you address this issue,
then the next pickup hot spot you'll switch to will be the streets of Calcutta
looking for homeless women using squat toilettes in an alleyway
NOT that their's ANYTHING wrong with that, to each their own, etc, etc....

I can just hear your well practiced pickup line:
"hi - I'm from the Midlands, would you like to go out for a meal at McDonald's?"

major  Hepatitis issue
get vaccinated first!
left-handed handjobs ONLY!!!

I agree there is probably some truth in what you say Krim. Admittedly it's not all women that would not take me on there are some but they tend to be the ones I would not be that keen on, I'm a kind of go for what you want or not at all kind of guy. I'm not the kind of guy to pick up any girl just to have a hole to put it in and breasts to fondle, I really only feel that I can go for a girl where I have some genuine interest in her.

So I wouldn't say I'm without scoring some points on the scale but yeah I could do better. I really am working towards that and without trying to sound like a cracked record once I've finished the house I'll have more quality time to devote to that. So I think I am making progress, I realize better what I need to do now.

I think one of the biggest things I have realized of late is that of needing to come across better in terms of Charisma to people, especially women. One thing I think I have overlooked for a long time is Charisma and in fact had no idea of how to go about sorting that out. A few months back on here we were discussing how women love confident guys (not that I am unconfident but I know I'm not the greatest socially) and someone suggested door to door sales, think it was CB but 2tallbill also had a bit to say on the subject. So they suggested door to door sales to improve social skills, etc. I always wondered why people did door to door as the thought of it never really grabbed me. However after they discussed it I could see why and it became of interest and something I intended to do.

Since then I have been turning it over in my mind, I know Bill said he had gotten the idea of how to go about talking to the potential customer after so many doors in. I looked up online about it and there were a few ideas suggested about how to go about it. However, I think the realization dawned on me just recently that in order to get a sale (and some people rely on that for their wages) the guy is going to really have to come across well to the potential customer in terms of Charisma. That they are going to have to come across warmly to the customer and make that customer feel good and do that from the get go. That Charisma I think is something I am lacking, sure I can talk to people and have a nice enough conversation but really socking the ball out of the court I think is something I don't do but I think some of course can. Sometimes I think you can see it with some guys from countries where they are poor and they probably had to sell stuff to tourists to make a living, as children growing up.

I think here the most uncharismatic tend to work (but not always) in stuff like IT, tech industries, science stuff, stuff where it's a boring mundane matter of fact kind of sphere of influence. The occasional guy may of course have charisma but those industries king of get known for characters that don't. So yeah, I think I kind of could really raise my game if I got more Charismatic. I that I have the option of knocking on door to door till I get it (hopefully) or/and get some kind of mentor to show me a few pointers to aid me on the way in that. If possible that may not be a bad idea for me as I think I might fail for quite some time at door to door before (if ever) I make some kind of progress as I'm not always the best on that sort of front I you know what I'm mean.

So yeah it's something I've got to turn over in my mind and think of how to approach it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #179 on: June 08, 2022, 02:58:17 PM »
Dan, any chance of lifting the restrictions on my account? I intend to visit Moldova fairly soon and it would help the conversation flow with members here to keep them updated.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Chelseaboy

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #180 on: June 08, 2022, 04:38:14 PM »
I agree there is probably some truth in what you say Krim. Admittedly it's not all women that would not take me on there are some but they tend to be the ones I would not be that keen on, I'm a kind of go for what you want or not at all kind of guy. I'm not the kind of guy to pick up any girl just to have a hole to put it in and breasts to fondle, I really only feel that I can go for a girl where I have some genuine interest in her.

So I wouldn't say I'm without scoring some points on the scale but yeah I could do better. I really am working towards that and without trying to sound like a cracked record once I've finished the house I'll have more quality time to devote to that. So I think I am making progress, I realize better what I need to do now.

I think one of the biggest things I have realized of late is that of needing to come across better in terms of Charisma to people, especially women. One thing I think I have overlooked for a long time is Charisma and in fact had no idea of how to go about sorting that out. A few months back on here we were discussing how women love confident guys (not that I am unconfident but I know I'm not the greatest socially) and someone suggested door to door sales, think it was CB but 2tallbill also had a bit to say on the subject. So they suggested door to door sales to improve social skills, etc. I always wondered why people did door to door as the thought of it never really grabbed me. However after they discussed it I could see why and it became of interest and something I intended to do.

Since then I have been turning it over in my mind, I know Bill said he had gotten the idea of how to go about talking to the potential customer after so many doors in. I looked up online about it and there were a few ideas suggested about how to go about it. However, I think the realization dawned on me just recently that in order to get a sale (and some people rely on that for their wages) the guy is going to really have to come across well to the potential customer in terms of Charisma. That they are going to have to come across warmly to the customer and make that customer feel good and do that from the get go. That Charisma I think is something I am lacking, sure I can talk to people and have a nice enough conversation but really socking the ball out of the court I think is something I don't do but I think some of course can. Sometimes I think you can see it with some guys from countries where they are poor and they probably had to sell stuff to tourists to make a living, as children growing up.

I think here the most uncharismatic tend to work (but not always) in stuff like IT, tech industries, science stuff, stuff where it's a boring mundane matter of fact kind of sphere of influence. The occasional guy may of course have charisma but those industries king of get known for characters that don't. So yeah, I think I kind of could really raise my game if I got more Charismatic. I that I have the option of knocking on door to door till I get it (hopefully) or/and get some kind of mentor to show me a few pointers to aid me on the way in that. If possible that may not be a bad idea for me as I think I might fail for quite some time at door to door before (if ever) I make some kind of progress as I'm not always the best on that sort of front I you know what I'm mean.

So yeah it's something I've got to turn over in my mind and think of how to approach it.

Getting customers for the local Milkman is a good way to go door to door canvassing ,especially now that people are aware of the environmental damage plastic does.
They'll like the idea of glass milk bottles again.

Go to your local Dairy depot and ask them if they'd like more customers .

If it's  Dairy Crest don't bother as they're tied up with a national canvassing outfit who'll pay you peanuts after they've taken their cut out of your earnings whilst they're sat on their backsides in their're paying for them and their offices.

I made serious money canvassing for the Co-op and then when Dairy Crest took them over where i live..but i left when they let a national canvassing company take over the canvassing and i could see my money would drop drastically for doing the same work.

Of all the sales work i've done getting customers for the local milkmen was by far the easiest plus a lot of fun with the ladies...i did it for nine years.

I'd get invited to parties and all-sorts by some of the hottest women imaginable.

When i knocked on people's doors i'd say "Hello..just a quick call about milk "

The women in particular would often smile/giggle and say "Milk " ?

They're not expecting it because they're used to boring stuff like Charities,Energy or Home improvement canvassers  pestering them and trying to twist their straight away they're more relaxed when you say you're calling about Milk.

Then i'd go into my little spiel about the Milkman which would normally get them giggling even more ; ))

"Will you be my milkman " ? was a common line i'd get EVERY day.

If i fancied her i'd say " Would you like me to be " ? with a big smile on my face.

"Well yeah ..that's why i'm going to have my milk delivered " would be the usual response ..with an equally big smile on her face.

So i'd say "Well no i'm not actually a milkman as much as i'd love to be your personal milkman BUT  how about i give you a call and we can go for a night out somewhere  " ?

You don't even have to ask for her number because she's already given it to you when she agreed to have her milk delivered.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2022, 04:52:46 PM by Chelseaboy »
Just saying it like it is.

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #181 on: June 09, 2022, 10:15:14 AM »
SO THIS is your problem Trench!!!
This is a major "LORDHELPUS"!!

“there are some but they tend to be the ones I would not be that keen on”

you’re reluctant to have sex with the girls who might be willing to have sex with you
in favor of ones who won’t have sex with you!

glad that it’s working out for you so well, me bruv...


Are you mad?

Look, turn off the fookin lights and pretend she’s THE HOTTEST WOMAN EVAH!
Give her an orgasm, however you want…
and then tell her to go and getcha some tea and lunch

WTF is wrong with you English guys?
No wonder when my father was in Britain in WWII, he was getting HUGE attention from the local wimmin….

Cuz you guys ain’t got “no flow” with the ladies...

PS, I can say this and "get away with it" becuz me mum was born in  Lancashire
so it's kinda like a black guy sayin the "N-word"" to another black guy...

« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 11:08:17 AM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #182 on: June 09, 2022, 12:35:24 PM »
SO THIS is your problem Trench!!!
This is a major "LORDHELPUS"!!

“there are some but they tend to be the ones I would not be that keen on”

you’re reluctant to have sex with the girls who might be willing to have sex with you
in favor of ones who won’t have sex with you!

glad that it’s working out for you so well, me bruv...


Are you mad?

Look, turn off the fookin lights and pretend she’s THE HOTTEST WOMAN EVAH!
Give her an orgasm, however you want…
and then tell her to go and getcha some tea and lunch

WTF is wrong with you English guys?
No wonder when my father was in Britain in WWII, he was getting HUGE attention from the local wimmin….

Cuz you guys ain’t got “no flow” with the ladies...

PS, I can say this and "get away with it" becuz me mum was born in  Lancashire
so it's kinda like a black guy sayin the "N-word"" to another black guy...

A lot of squadies in the UK have a similar mentality to just go with whatever has female sex organs no matter in what state. I just can't bring myself to that I wouldn't feel right and would rather forgo the sex as strange as that may sound to you Krim. I guess I've always felt a strong pull to the more pretty tarty sort of girl it's what does it for me. I don't think I could reconcile my imagination with reality of getting with a girl who I wouldn't find bangable in decent daylight. Just the way I'm geared I guess but I like what I like. Not long now and I'll finally be able to rent out the room in my house, about a month or so of work left. I'm kind of real looking forward to it as it means I will shortly after be able to chuck in work and move on. It means I'll have a lot more time on my hands to devote to working out, learning Russian better and spending time abroad looking for a woman. On top of the rental income from my house it will give me the opportunity to seek out other means of income which should hopefully mean that I'll be able to avoid working for an Employer again, that for me should (hopefully) be a great position to be in :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #183 on: June 09, 2022, 12:57:41 PM »

Getting customers for the local Milkman is a good way to go door to door canvassing ,especially now that people are aware of the environmental damage plastic does.
They'll like the idea of glass milk bottles again.

Go to your local Dairy depot and ask them if they'd like more customers .

If it's  Dairy Crest don't bother as they're tied up with a national canvassing outfit who'll pay you peanuts after they've taken their cut out of your earnings whilst they're sat on their backsides in their're paying for them and their offices.

I made serious money canvassing for the Co-op and then when Dairy Crest took them over where i live..but i left when they let a national canvassing company take over the canvassing and i could see my money would drop drastically for doing the same work.

Of all the sales work i've done getting customers for the local milkmen was by far the easiest plus a lot of fun with the ladies...i did it for nine years.

I'd get invited to parties and all-sorts by some of the hottest women imaginable.

When i knocked on people's doors i'd say "Hello..just a quick call about milk "

The women in particular would often smile/giggle and say "Milk " ?

They're not expecting it because they're used to boring stuff like Charities,Energy or Home improvement canvassers  pestering them and trying to twist their straight away they're more relaxed when you say you're calling about Milk.

Then i'd go into my little spiel about the Milkman which would normally get them giggling even more ; ))

"Will you be my milkman " ? was a common line i'd get EVERY day.

If i fancied her i'd say " Would you like me to be " ? with a big smile on my face.

"Well yeah ..that's why i'm going to have my milk delivered " would be the usual response ..with an equally big smile on her face.

So i'd say "Well no i'm not actually a milkman as much as i'd love to be your personal milkman BUT  how about i give you a call and we can go for a night out somewhere  " ?

You don't even have to ask for her number because she's already given it to you when she agreed to have her milk delivered.

Thanks CB, interesting to see how it works. I would literally have had no to little idea door to door. It's not my natural terrain as I've worked the past almost 15 years (this September) in the same industry. So spending a bit of time in another industry briefly where I might pick up some other skills might be useful to me. Like said above in general I'm eager to give being an Employee the heave ho as soon as it becomes possible. I've got a small amount of debt to clear so may be best off keeping the job on for another month or two in tandem with the rental income to get that paid off. So hopefully exciting times :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #184 on: June 09, 2022, 01:28:20 PM »
yeah, soldiers are pragmatic, above all else...

this is known as “opportunistic sex”
it happens without you even planning on it
vrs some kind of idealized sex, that you haven’t and CAN’T obtain

seriously, you never “played doctor” with all the little girls when you were little?
Oh MAN!!!

I saw SO MUCH pooty tang back then!!

this is kinda how ya play it…

inspire curiosity
be willing to “accidentally” stand naked before her…

and because I was REAL GOOD at figuring out “how to make a woman COME HARD!
I had these women all wrapped around my little finger the very first time I gave them an orgasm, which wasn’t the finger I used to help give it to them

can you see the difference in our dating styles Trench?
oh and I had a boat AND a swimming pool, both of which are MAJOR babe magnets!

« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 01:31:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #185 on: June 09, 2022, 03:42:06 PM »
I agree with Trench about only having sex with women one finds attractive.

If i don't fancy her then it ain't happening.

Plenty of men think differently than me though...i see the women they're walking around with...yikes !
Just saying it like it is.

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Re: Odesa Dreaming but possibly waking up in Moldova
« Reply #186 on: June 09, 2022, 04:51:54 PM »
So more or less decided recently that I will probably go for Moldova this Summer and check things out there. Might as well be the capital, Chisinau as I can get a direct flight there pretty cheap with Wizz Air. Possibly I'm guessing they might be using aircraft that they were using to fly to Ukraine. I had also considered Turkey as their currency is in the toilet so great value for the GBP. However, flight costs tend to be a little more and although I would love to check out Istanbul and not just the airport I'm not convinced the at Turkish girls would be the sort of girl I seek, I'm thinking Moldovan/FSW more closely fit the bill. That said of course if I meet a decent Ukrainian woman in Moldova then that's all good, hopefully. Istanbul may be a tourist visit along the way somewhere.

So Moldova will at least be a fresh break, a new city I haven't been to before, a currency I haven't used before and a population that tend to speak their version of Romanian though also know Russian. Again I will approach this somewhat like my Odessa plan, I will tell the girls I plan to live out there - in reality that will depend on how I find the place, but as so long as I find it bearable to hang around I can split my time between there and the UK. My guess at the moment this will probably be happening around August time when I will have hopefully finished the house off. So for the moment that is my focus and will just have to see if I can make my way forward from there.

Odesa & Ukraine will just have to see how long the war will go on for, it might still be a while. While it doesn't look like Odesa is in any immediate danger it will just be awkward trying to cross the border by train needless to say of the added journey time also.

I have a good friend married and living in Chisinau, if you need assistance. he is a Brit.
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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #187 on: June 09, 2022, 05:00:22 PM »
I agree with Trench about only having sex with women one finds attractive.
If i don't fancy her then it ain't happening.
Plenty of men think differently than me though...i see the women they're walking around with...yikes !

Depends on the guy's hormone level or whatever.
Many of you have probably heard of or experienced the following, which I certainly did myself as a 17-21 year old boy/man in US Navy.

Go into bar with your gang on 2nd night in port where you all got laid first night.

You all look  around and say, "Wow none of these gals are attractive, so I  am just going to drink some and head back the ship."

X number of beers in, some guys start saying, "Now look at that one gal, she is not that bad looking."

X more beers and guys start saying:  "There seem to be some pretty good looking gals in here now.

Result:  Most of us get laid second night in port.  Repeat for next several days.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #188 on: June 09, 2022, 06:53:03 PM »
You can do things to the less attractive girls RIGHT AWAY, compared to waiting for the super models to feel comfortable doing it

In my 30s I was REALLY attracted to average looking women with dark hair, big sad looking dark eyes, and a HUGE bust size
BIG plus, if they had very light colored skin and high cheekbones and a positive attitude


Cuz I liked to “titty-phuque” these girls
so what if they weren’t REAL pretty, just average...
I didn’t have to look at ‘em eye to eye
it didn’t matter one bit
cuz I was titty-phuquing them….

And I could decide which ones were allowed to stay over (based on how cool they were)
or makeup an excuse for them to leave!

I took this and improved upon it in Ukraine
my first trip to Ukraine left me “shocked”
cuz women were FLIRTING with me CONSTANTLY

it was QUICK AND EASY to pickup a woman you met ANYWHERE in Ukraine
by 3rd date, their underwear comes off, and you can “check out her junk”
and then you can do the same and show yours

see how easy this is, and JUST like playing doctor!

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #189 on: June 11, 2022, 03:26:45 PM »
I agree with Trench about only having sex with women one finds attractive.

If i don't fancy her then it ain't happening.

Plenty of men think differently than me though...i see the women they're walking around with...yikes !

Lol, yeah CB I'm the same sometimes I just look at the women sone guts are knocking up and I think, 'OMG you're not doing that, Oh, your ARE doing that!'

It just kind of horrifies me sometimes what some man will go with and do. Some of the women I see in one way or another look truly horrific. I don't expect every girl to look like a model or nicely turned out but it just shocks me how a guy can fail to see a woman (if it can be determined to be a woman) being way too rough.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #190 on: June 11, 2022, 03:47:35 PM »
Ok so thanks for the comments above guys some interesting stuff in there. Moldova for me is looking a sound enough bet at the moment, they have a visa free regime like Ukraine (up to 90 days) and Wizz Air go there so likely cheap enough flights.

Did see news article today that both Moldova & Ukraine are after Candidate Status to join the EU and it's up for discussion this week for the EU to decide. That is not great but even if they are given candidate status it is likely to be years if ever before they join. Ursula has already just told Ukraine they are too corrupt lol. I think Moldova might stand more chance as their economy is not as bad as Ukraine and not under invasion but I don't think they will want Moldova to trump Ukraine with getting in plus there is the breakaway Russian region right next to it.

Personally I really do think that Ukraine should re-evaluate whether joining the EU is a good idea. Ukraine had a fairly similar deal with the EU as we have in the UK now. Apart from some extra money and 'possibly' mutual defense agreement or similar I think that Ukraine would be giving up a lot of sovereignty something they are fighting for so dearly now and suffering such a heavy price. While in theory Ukraine can leave the EU whenever they want I think they would find themselves cowed by economic dominance of the EU once in the EU especially as a poorer economy to most other member states. I think Ukraine would be better of sticking with its strong voice to remain Independent that it has found against the Russian Invasion. Here in the UK we too have found a strong voice to be Independent as a strength of recent I think it is fair to say. I think if Ukraine looked at matters starkly they would see that the UK along with the US have given most in terms of military aid and assistance while the EU's efforts have been somewhat wanting, were it not for a few of its individual member states offerings I don't think the EU would have been seen to have done much at all.

So yeah, I'm kind of hoping long term the EU doesn't taker over Moldova & Ukraine, I'm not sure if the EU will have the money to for a while. In any case though Moldova looks a good enough bet for the short term and to be honest as far as FSU states go probably the most convenient & credible choice. Hopefully not too much longer now before I can book a trip out there, Summer time would be nice I guess :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #191 on: June 11, 2022, 04:36:53 PM »
You guys are “DOING SEX” in Ukraine completely wrong!
Please let me explain,

THE GIRLS YOU WANT are the ones with the slightly above average face, but with the KILLER body!

You don’t face any resistance to sex from them AT ALL, in FACT, THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM MORE THAN YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM!!!!

so you’re gonna have sex with them!!!

the difference is, HOW you have sex with them
instead of standard missionary position sex and a cigarette after
you can do “other things”

some pretty wild stuff, but I don’t want to offend the multitude of Trump voters here (all good god fearin’ people!) with any mention of anything too graphic
but let’s just say that in Ukraine, I entered new sexual territory with women, about “what” goes “where”

I made these wimmin cry out, they came so hard!
And I did the most perverted things to them I could imagine, and they’d be smiling when I did it

you guys sit home, watch porn and masturbate


PS, I liked Moldova, and I would have no problem crossing from Moldova to Ukraine by hired car
did it once, a long time ago with my father-in-law
you could use this approach to go to Odesa, it let's you avoid airports and rail stations
but it would be EXPENSIVE for you Trench

better for you to just checkout Kishinev which isn't a bad place to visit
you'll find Moldovan easier to learn than Russian as well

« Last Edit: June 11, 2022, 04:42:44 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Odesa Dreaming
« Reply #192 on: June 12, 2022, 04:16:09 PM »
You guys are “DOING SEX” in Ukraine completely wrong!
Please let me explain,

THE GIRLS YOU WANT are the ones with the slightly above average face, but with the KILLER body!

You don’t face any resistance to sex from them AT ALL, in FACT, THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM MORE THAN YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM!!!!

so you’re gonna have sex with them!!!

the difference is, HOW you have sex with them
instead of standard missionary position sex and a cigarette after
you can do “other things”

some pretty wild stuff, but I don’t want to offend the multitude of Trump voters here (all good god fearin’ people!) with any mention of anything too graphic
but let’s just say that in Ukraine, I entered new sexual territory with women, about “what” goes “where”

I made these wimmin cry out, they came so hard!
And I did the most perverted things to them I could imagine, and they’d be smiling when I did it

you guys sit home, watch porn and masturbate


PS, I liked Moldova, and I would have no problem crossing from Moldova to Ukraine by hired car
did it once, a long time ago with my father-in-law
you could use this approach to go to Odesa, it let's you avoid airports and rail stations
but it would be EXPENSIVE for you Trench

better for you to just checkout Kishinev which isn't a bad place to visit
you'll find Moldovan easier to learn than Russian as well

Thanks for the advice on Moldova Krim I much appreciate it. Yeah I'll try to learn a few words of Romanian for Moldova and see how I get on with it. I think even if I just learn the basics of 'hello', 'goodbye', 'thank you', etc it will help me feel a bit more at ease and familiar.

I know what you mean with the women, sure a girl whose hot looking facially does it for me as she no doubt does many a guy - and therein can lie the problem that she is in demand by many a guy. I've got to say that I have always liked a woman with a nice big pair of boobs, I don't mean ridiculous large but just a bit larger than average is nice, kind of makes you feel like you are with a proper woman. So just got to get out there and go fish and see what I can get up. Really would like to be there yesterday like but until I'm done here in the house conversion (hopefully not more than a couple of months now) then it would kind of just be messing up the run of things.

Anyhow, I think a bit of Romanian learning for tonight!
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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