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Author Topic: Chișinău  (Read 40667 times)

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Offline krimster2

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #225 on: January 18, 2023, 04:36:02 PM »
Bee Farmer's "girlfriend" is a "virtual girlfriend"
and NOT a REAL GIRL!!!
it's just another form of porn that Bee Farmer discovered, after working his way up from old "National Geographics" featuring bare bosomed native girls
Bee Farmer uses his virtual girlfriend, the same way young single homely looking Chinese guys were using theirs,  as a visual aid to get their imaginations all fired up for another round of "seed spillin"
just like in video games, "players" gotta maintain a state "of the suspension of reality" and pretend THIS is a REAL GIRL!!! 
Ecce Homo

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #226 on: January 19, 2023, 02:54:36 AM »
We have had that discussion.  Right now doing her patriotic duty is what is most important to her.  She has not even visited her parents/sisters/niece/nephew since before the invasion, and she adores them.  Her mom recently had a tumor removed, and it is killing the girl because she can't be there for her mom.
She has a strong sense of responsibility.  Right now, she has no interest in leaving the country.

We're both ok with how things are between us.  We both realize that we aren't living our lives to satisfy how other people think we should do things.  We personally have to live with the decisions we make.  We decide what is best for us.
If her country is more important than what is supposed to become her husband, are you ready to be always put behind other things? Once the war is done, it will be her mother needing help, her dog feeling lonely and so on, until finally there i no other excuse to find and she admits her life will not be shared with you.And she will blame you for not being a man, as a man would have been able to get her full attention.I know, it is harsh, but I am afraid that is the reality.
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #227 on: January 19, 2023, 09:41:13 AM »
"old guys ..."

do you mean guys with long term marriages to FSU women and who've had children with them, and who have also had the privilige to see these children grow up and get married as well?

vrs. a guy with a lotta credit card charges for hand lotion and facial tissue (the real soft kind I bet, you PERVERT!)

Bee Farmer's Horniness Problem
a dilemma in search of a "solution"

1. National Geographic
2. Playboy
3. Pornhub
4. Virtual Ukrainian Soldier Girl
5. ??

what do these ALL have in common?

They are ALL HAND LOTION DEPENDENT forms of "auto-eroticism"!
The ONLY kind of sex, Bee Farmer enjoys or has EVER experienced (not counting family members!)

Well, I'm afraid, that's ALL we have time for today
I look forward to our next meeting

« Last Edit: January 19, 2023, 09:53:12 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #228 on: January 19, 2023, 11:19:49 AM »
"old guys ..."

do you mean guys with long term marriages to FSU women and who've had children with them, and who have also had the privilige to see these children grow up and get married as well?

vrs. a guy with a lotta credit card charges for hand lotion and facial tissue (the real soft kind I bet, you PERVERT!)

Bee Farmer's Horniness Problem
a dilemma in search of a "solution"

1. National Geographic
2. Playboy
3. Pornhub
4. Virtual Ukrainian Soldier Girl
5. ??

what do these ALL have in common?

They are ALL HAND LOTION DEPENDENT forms of "auto-eroticism"!
The ONLY kind of sex, Bee Farmer enjoys or has EVER experienced (not counting family members!)

Well, I'm afraid, that's ALL we have time for today
I look forward to our next meeting

krimster ... your point has been made, and made again. No further need for the graphic sarcasm.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #229 on: January 19, 2023, 03:11:50 PM »
If her country is more important than what is supposed to become her husband, are you ready to be always put behind other things? Once the war is done, it will be her mother needing help, her dog feeling lonely and so on, until finally there i no other excuse to find and she admits her life will not be shared with you.And she will blame you for not being a man, as a man would have been able to get her full attention.I know, it is harsh, but I am afraid that is the reality.

Absolutely A1 Shadow :clapping: Bee Farmer could well find himself several years down the track and that sort of stuff happen. He'll then likely feel pretty miffed that she's spent years of his life waste by being led on. I'm not saying she would do such on purpose but that is how in effect it could very likely play out.

Remembering back to the first girl I met in Kyiv from Mariupol. Well after our week away together there we were discussing further possibilities of meet up. She said it would have to be soon and was angling for a meet up in Turkey (guess who would be paying ::) she didn't ask specifically but of course she didn't have the money). Anyhow there was not any romance during our Kyiv visit, we got on well and I was unaccustomed to FSW and their dating culture with only a vague idea of the basics. I kind of felt she was holding back and/or a lack of chemistry so wasn't keen on paying to go on holiday with her. Mariupol at that time was near the front line so a no go for newbies like me really. Anyhow the main point is she told me that basically there was the next month or two to meet up because her father was retiring and as an only child she would need to work more hours to support him & her mother (who didn't work).

So that's the kind of scenario that can crop up. Whether it's bs or not who knows but I agree with you 100 percent Shadow that there's always likely to be something if ventured down that path to start with.
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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #230 on: January 19, 2023, 04:14:16 PM »
ok, but just ONE more piece of GRAPHIC SARCASTIC humor!!
what do you call an American Incel?
A Yankee!!

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #231 on: January 19, 2023, 07:42:42 PM »
ok, but just ONE more piece of GRAPHIC SARCASTIC humor!!
what do you call an American Incel?
A Yankee!!

Now that is a pretty good one Krim :ROFL:
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #232 on: January 20, 2023, 06:11:47 AM »
Quote from: BeeFarmer

Oh, you still talk it.  You just haven't realized that you are talking far below the intelligence of others and you come across as being an idiot.

Now that’s funny.

Offline krimster2

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #233 on: January 20, 2023, 08:23:23 AM »
my dad heard all these back in the war!!!
"over-paid, over-sexed and over-here!"
he still ended up marrying a British woman!!
bad part of having an Englisski mother, English people are forced to eat the most bland and boring food imaginable - Thanks MOM!
this made me TOUGH, so I had NO PROBLEM eating military rations as a kid
cuz it was BETTER than the English cooking I ate (except for Yorkshire pudding) back at home
then give your 4-pack of cigs in the MRE (back then we called them K-Rations, to someone in your "crew"
good times...

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #234 on: January 20, 2023, 08:28:15 AM »
"Now that’s funny."

yeah Bruv, but the joke's on YOU
and I'm the only one laughing

Johny me lad,
do ya n'think laddie, that this MAY be the reason that JEEZUS implored his followers
fer the sake, of NOT being judged themselves by others
in some kinda reciprocity
funny, how the world seems to try to seek out an equilibrium at some level between opposites

ergo, I, offer NO JUDGMENT of you
only observations

John Gaunt "back in the day"
was a "Mod"
and he wore these WEIRD CLOTHES
that today, would look totally GAY (not that there's ANYTHNG wrong with that)
and then when you saw the "hair style"
fer sure, you'd get that impression!!!

nahhh, don wanna hear how you wuz a big rocker back in the day
Dewd, when I was 12 I went to see Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention in Baltimore right after the biggest race riot in the city's history
you have no idea what it means to be a ROCKER!
(Krimster makes the sign of the DEVIL with his right hand)
does an about face
and disappears into a puff of smoke....
« Last Edit: January 20, 2023, 09:54:45 AM by krimster2 »

Offline John Gaunt

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #235 on: January 20, 2023, 10:11:38 AM »
"Now that’s funny."

yeah Bruv, but the joke's on YOU
and I'm the only one laughing

Johny me lad,
do ya n'think laddie, that this MAY be the reason that JEEZUS implored his followers
fer the sake, of NOT being judged themselves by others
in some kinda reciprocity
funny, how the world seems to try to seek out an equilibrium at some level between opposites

ergo, I, offer NO JUDGMENT of you
only observations

John Gaunt "back in the day"
was a "Mod"
and he wore these WEIRD CLOTHES
that today, would look totally GAY (not that there's ANYTHNG wrong with that)
and then when you saw the "hair style"
fer sure, you'd get that impression!!!

nahhh, don wanna hear how you wuz a big rocker back in the day
Dewd, when I was 12 I went to see Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention in Baltimore right after the biggest race riot in the city's history
you have no idea what it means to be a ROCKER!
(Krimster makes the sign of the DEVIL with his right hand)
does an about face
and disappears into a puff of smoke....
Are you off your meds today? Or escape the loonie bin?
Some serious screws loose here.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #236 on: January 20, 2023, 10:37:16 AM »
"Some serious screws loose here"

Nuts Bolts AND SCREWS...

but thanks for the helpful reminder about "my meds"
hmmmm.... medicine..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
NO, then have you EVER seen a 6'1" tall Ukrainian woman be attacked by seagulls in Texas in broad daylight?
well, check this out...

crazy freaking rich! (notice wife's Rolex?)

« Last Edit: January 20, 2023, 05:26:16 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #237 on: January 20, 2023, 07:49:35 PM »
If her country is more important than what is supposed to become her husband, are you ready to be always put behind other things?

We're not engaged yet.  It seems really selfish to think that a lady should make a guy the most important priority in her life, while they are still in the dating phase.

Once the war is done, it will be her mother needing help,

And what's wrong with that?

I know many families where the in-laws live in a small house behind the regular house.  Heck, I work with a guy who is 65 - his mother in-law has lived in a house trailer behind his house for many years. 

You don't just marry a girl - you marry her family too.  Which is one of the reasons that marriage is not something to be rushed into.

until finally there i no other excuse to find and she admits her life will not be shared with you.

It sure sounds like you are projecting your own experiences.

A man should find a way to integrate his life into the lady's life.  It's unreasonable to think that a lady should do all the adjustments so she can conform to your life.

And she will blame you for not being a man, as a man would have been able to get her full attention.

Every girl is different.

I have a fairly high level of her current attention.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #238 on: January 20, 2023, 08:02:57 PM »
That I fear is the problem with Bee Farmer he's all to ready to accept roadblocks, reasons why something can't be done. Nothing will ever happen that way he needs to set his reasons aside and make progress. Either with this girl or looking around for another that will meet his criteria however extensive that may be.

Why are you worrying about my involvement with a girl?  Seriously, that's bizarre.

Why do you suggest that I am not making progress?  Could it be that my goals are not the same as your goals?
I assure you that I am making progress.  You do realize that the stronger a friendship you can build while getting to know her, the better your chances of a successful long-term relationship, right?  Oh wait - sex tourists forget about emotional closeness.

Bee Farmer do you realise you've probably done more time on Duolingo than you thought.

I don't know. I don't care.  And I have no clue why anyone would even think about something so trivial and worthless.  I usually do one lesson a day.  It's usually 3 or 4 minutes.  Sometimes I do it in 2 minutes.  Sometimes it's 5 minutes.  And occasionally I do a couple lessons in one day.  I only spend a short time.  That is the only thing that matters.  The exact time doesn't.

He'll then likely feel pretty miffed that she's spent years of his life waste by being led on.

Americans don't get miffed.

I'm not being led on.  I'm not leading her on.  We both have our eyes wide open.  (Which is one of the reasons we are progressing so slowly.  Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.)

Some guys are like a kid in a candy store.  They look around and can't make a decision.  The next girl is always better.  And they spend years never able to pick one girl, and put their efforts into her.

Other guys are sex tourists trying to buy a girl's affection.  She may even marry him.  And as time goes on, it turns into an open relationship, and they get in bed with other partners.  This is a union of convenience, and not a union of love and commitment.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #239 on: January 21, 2023, 06:49:28 AM »

It sure sounds like you are projecting your own experiences.

Not directly, but the experience of being around here for nearly 20 years.
I hope your story will be different, but it would be the one exception.
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #240 on: January 21, 2023, 07:01:18 AM »
it's pretty obvious TO THE REST OF US....
that you have NO EXPERIENCE with ANY of this....
and as a result, have NO IDEA
that without exception, all your proclamations are pure rubbish, devoid of even a scintilla of REALITY....
and this RUBBISH is the CORE of your life's plan?
your phone's ringing, I think you have Dunning Kreuger on line two...

one of your MANY problems Bee Farmer, is that because you live in a Hill Billy Hamlet, you end up getting the impression that someone like you is part of the local intelligentsia...
however, switch to a different venue, and you wouldn't even rank "village idiot"
is all I'm sayin....
and deep down
is probably the main reason as to "why" you live where you do other than following the path of least resistance, which is what led you there...

you're like a bomb-maker blown up by his own bomb...
bottom line: you've NEVER HAD the experince of being happy with a woman
and as a result...
you have NO IDEA HOW to be happy with a woman...

« Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 12:06:28 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #241 on: January 21, 2023, 02:13:36 PM »
Not directly, but the experience of being around here for nearly 20 years.
I hope your story will be different, but it would be the one exception.

I'm already an exception around here. 
I've never married, and have no kids.  I'm not interested in a girl who has ever been married, or has kids.
I'm not in a rush to try to get married as quickly as possible.  I wouldn't consider marrying a local girl without first dating 2-3 years.  And that's a lot of face to face time.  I wouldn't consider marrying a foreign girl that I hadn't dated at least 2-3 years too. (and probably longer)
I'm past the age for kids, (35) and I'm not looking for a girl who is young enough to still want kids. 

There's no guarantee a relationship will work out, but it's not that difficult to avoid a lot of the common pitfalls.

I think the cost of air travel in the future is a wild card.  It looks like AirBus is exiting the aviation business, and that just leaves Boeing.  I also anticipate a big drop in demand for air travel, so maybe it will balance itself out. 
But if everyone goes back to crossing the Atlantic by boat, if a one-way trip takes 1-2 weeks, that puts a big damper on international travel.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #242 on: January 21, 2023, 04:52:54 PM »
"I'm past the age for kids, (35) and I'm not looking for a girl who is young enough to still want kids.  "

more rubbish, I was 40+, when my wife, who is 16 yr younger, first gave birth to two daughters
read some basic human reproductive biology....
reproductive wise, it doesn't matter for men, like it does for women
women have a fixed number of eggs and don't create new ones
men OTOH, are constantly regenerating sperm cells
A subject, that I am sure you are "intimately" familiar with....
cuz dewd, face it, if it weren't for the regeneration, you woulda RUN OUT a LONG TIME AGO!

BTW, 35 yr olds, are the group who want kids THE MOST!!!
because their biological hourglass is almost EMPTY
which means most want to find a sponsor and a "baby daddy" ASAP before their looks are completely gone and GAME OVER!!!

so, to meet your requirement of "not wanting children" due no doubt to the high level of family inbreeding leading to genetic abnormalities that you don't want to pass on to "future generations" so they aren't forced to live a life of misery like you did (which I find comendable!)

my advice is to stick to the 40+ yr olds....
but many of these women are gonna be just as "squirrely" as American ones of that age!
so what's the point?

I mean seriously, did you ever experience some 20+ yr old Ukrainian eye candy sans clothing?
a perfect female hard body with flawless, soft skin
and you don't wanna rest your head between two soft pillows as you sleep like I do, EVERY NIGHT
with someone who could've rated a Playboy centerfold?
of course NOT, why would you want that?
GEZZZ!!! what's wrong with me, I'm CRAZY, RIGHT?

« Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 05:02:39 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #243 on: January 21, 2023, 09:31:35 PM »
We're not engaged yet.  It seems really selfish to think that a lady should make a guy the most important priority in her life, while they are still in the dating phase.

FSW if they are serious apparently do, even I know that ;)

Bee Farmer I had no idea you were just 35, I thought you were nearer my age, about ten years older. One thing I didn't catch onto sooner when in my teens, twenties or thirties was that older people bring with them a lot of knowledge rooted in experience. Shadow & Krim are heavy in that experience that has given them expert knowledge of how dating works in the FSU. Dating in the FSU isn't like dating in the west, it might seem like it at face value but there are their own conventions going on. What I'm saying is just be open to hearing what Shadow & Krim are saying without dismissing it because it doesn't agree with your own judgements that you seem to have already set in stone.

The point being is that they can save you years on your search potentially and give you a better idea of the FSU dating scene as they are doing here. A couple of trips or so and some video chat doesn't really amount to anywhere near what they have gleaned over the years.

At 35 you have a bit of time to really get to grips with the scene, but if you while away the time it will be time you wished you got going sooner and knew then (now) what you may discover in the future.

I'm not sure why you think you are too old for children, not at all, especially if you go for a girl some years younger than you if you're concerned about how long you might go on for odds are there will be the woman for the children. It's kind of a shame you seem to be writing your life off already and settling for an old man's life decades older than your years. You're even going for an older woman of 39, most guys go for a younger woman out in the FSU not older!

At your age you could easily get a woman late twenties to 35 years old and it be a comfortable fit. In theory those women are looking for men of your age to get with as they believe a guy around your age more likely has the means to provide whereas younger men often don't. Women who are in their late thirties say about 38+ as I have found tend to be questionable if they want children or are just after a pension plan. Many I believe at that age even if they in theory can still have children have given up on the idea (a little younger early thirties to 37 ish many may be thirsty for it) but older I think many are more bothered about their career and/or guy to get with where they benefit from him supporting her without her having to have kids in return. To my mind it's often a one way street unless it suits both parties, etc where the woman's mindset is to hook a guy to be stung with it (paying out to support her from a retirement in poverty). I don't see many of them as having the right attitude to be worthy of being with as most past over having children as they were too self centred to want to do it and want a deal where they get and offer nothing in return.

For older guys around retirement such girls may be ok but for someone your age Bee Farmer I think you can do better. I think you're too ready to accept the left over scrap's because you things all you can get. Over in the FSU (or central/south America) though it is different there is a much greater availablity of women there to a guy who can provide. Most FSM pass over on the left over scrap's and just use them for sex as it's all they are worth. They don't want to be paying for them permanently unless they can offer something big in return. So why accept what poorer FSM have passed over in already?

You may not be a particularly good looking or socially skilled guy Bee Farmer and I'm not saying go for some pretty girl but I think you are likely selling yourself short in the FSU and could do much better. It's up to you but the present setup you are willing to p*ss away many years and potentially leave yourself in a less desirable dating position by adding to your age. I personally think if you open yourself to what people are saying here you could end up a lot better off today rather than miss out on it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #244 on: January 22, 2023, 05:38:59 AM »
FSW if they are serious apparently do, even I know that ;)

Not during the dating phase.  Or if they do, they are way too immature for a serious relationship.

I had no idea you were just 35,

I didn't say I was 35.  I said I was PAST the age for having kids.  I'm past 35.  If you are past 35 and wanting kids, you're probably an idiot.  You may be able to get a girl pregnant, but you're going to have a hard time being a good father and a good husband.  Do you really want to be trying to play ball with your kids when you are using a walker? 
If you father a kid at 35, they are out of the house at 53, leaving you limited time to pay off your home mortgage and save money for retirement.  Having kids past 35 for a guy burns the candle at the other end.  By the time your kid is raised, you are out of time to save up for retirement.  And what kind of good husband is going to enter retirement without significant savings?

Shadow & Krim are heavy in that experience that has given them expert knowledge of how dating works in the FSU.

I would not consider a sex tourist to have expert knowledge of dating in the FSU.  They can however, give you expert advice on picking up hookers.

Dating in the FSU isn't like dating in the west, it might seem like it at face value but there are their own conventions going on.

You mean the patriarchal culture?  I grew up in a patriarchal the west.

What I'm saying is just be open to hearing what Shadow & Krim are saying without dismissing it because it doesn't agree with your own judgements that you seem to have already set in stone.

I'm not a sex tourist, and I'm not interested in picking up hookers.  So why do you insult my intelligence by suggesting that I should listen to the sex tourist?

I think you can do better. I think you're too ready
I think you are likely selling yourself short
I personally think if you open yourself

And I think you should stop thinking...because your thoughts are those of a clueless idiot.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #245 on: January 22, 2023, 08:47:57 AM »
Bee Farmer, it's funny listening to someone with NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL make bold proclamations about life and love, like they were some new gospels recently uncovered in Qumran
all your empty proclamations REALLY are 100% pure BS
and are attempts at justifying your  MANY FAILURES, by saying "this was your idea all along",
cuz you're so dang smart....

you're SO SMART Bee Farmer
that you don't REALIZE how dumb you REALLY are

HERE are just two of many reasons, for KNOWING that ALL your empty proclamations are just the pathetic utterings of a loser trying to justify his losing streak with his loser philosophy
and look at the results of your "philosophy"
you have NOTHING!!! 
NOTHING!!! to show for it!!!!

wanna compare to what I have to show? (be forewarned, it'll take a LONG, LONG time to see it all)
nahhh, I expect you don't wanna do that....
cuz, what you see below, is just the tip of the iceberg Bee Farmer of what I was able to derive from my experince in Ukraine/Russia
this is what my philosophy delivered to me...

how about you?

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 08:52:06 PM by krimster2 »

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Differences in dating in FSU vs in west
« Reply #246 on: January 22, 2023, 09:14:37 AM »
Dating in the FSU isn't like dating in the west . . .

I have very little experience dating in the west, having gotten married the first time at very young age.

However, I have very extensive experience dating in FSU.

I never noticed any problems at all interacting with the FSU ladies, so from my viewpoint there would be no substantial differences between dating in FSU and dating in the west.

Now when it comes to who I could date in FSU and in the west . . . a substantial difference.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #247 on: January 22, 2023, 09:20:28 AM »
I'm already an exception around here. 
I've never married, and have no kids.  I'm not interested in a girl who has ever been married, or has kids.
I'm not in a rush to try to get married as quickly as possible.  I wouldn't consider marrying a local girl without first dating 2-3 years. 
I was exactly the same.

I'm past the age for kids, (35) and I'm not looking for a girl who is young enough to still want kids. 
Do not date any woman under 40 if you are serious.ShadowJr arrived when I was 43, ShadowJr2 a year later. MrsShadow was 33 and 35 resoectively.
There's no guarantee a relationship will work out, but it's not that difficult to avoid a lot of the common pitfalls.

I think the cost of air travel in the future is a wild card.  It looks like AirBus is exiting the aviation business, and that just leaves Boeing.  I also anticipate a big drop in demand for air travel, so maybe it will balance itself out. 
But if everyone goes back to crossing the Atlantic by boat, if a one-way trip takes 1-2 weeks, that puts a big damper on international travel.
If you are worried about the cost of air travel, just let it go.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 09:23:06 AM by Shadow »
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #248 on: January 22, 2023, 10:12:57 AM »
the paradox for western women is that while they seek equality with men, they still WANT a high status male as a mate who is ABOVE them... (women wanna marry up)

in the West, women hold the best cards in the "stacked" deck of dating poker
dewds with "weak hands"  will fold, like Bee Farmer...

in the east,
men hold ALL THE ACES
and RICH men, get a ROYAL FLUSH...
there is NO IMPEDIMENT at all to getting as much Pooty Tang as you want
with NONE of the NEGATIVE consequences you have in the west...

once you leave your own jungle
and go into some other foreign jungle that you've never been in before...
you learn there are NEW RULES....

In China and Central America, you can use "white boy fetish" to get laid ALL YOU WANT!!!
and the intimate experiences you have with these women are "interesting"
it's NOT just about sex, it's something more...
but it means you have to be "open" to it
and not close off your mind to all the possibilities the world may hand you,
when you find yourself in a different venue like Ukraine or Costa Rica or China
you can be someone like Bee Farmer...
and instead of being open to fresh discoveries
be closed to them

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 01:14:23 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #249 on: January 22, 2023, 10:56:08 AM »
Krim, why all the focus on sex?
I love sex also, but sex only takes up a rather small % of the waking hours.

What about finding a gal who will play chess, work on resolving Fermat's Theorems, studying famous works of art, help build or remodel a house, participate in exercise (sexual exercise will not be enough) to keep both of you healthy, etc.?

For me, great sex was a necessary but not sufficient criteria.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.


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