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Author Topic: Why a Russian/FSU woman?  (Read 26300 times)

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Offline jen

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Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« on: August 05, 2007, 01:20:26 PM »
Hi everyone,

I am back online after some time out of town, most recently in Denver where I met some really nice folks.

OK, here is a new question. When I mention my research to people who do not have much experience with this issue, but have heard of the international marriages that many people refer to as "mail-order," they often ask me: why do some AM/WM search specifically for Russian or FSU women? As opposed to, say, Filipina or other Asian women, i.e., women from other countries from which many wives are known to have come?

I have heard a lot of discussion about the virtues of Russian/Ukrainian/etc. women, but I never heard much directly from a man about his own thought process -- that is, assuming you didn't have any previous experience with the FSU (I know some of you did), did you consider any other countries/regions before settling on the FSU? What attracted you there as opposed to other countries/women?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts,

Offline TigerPaws

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2007, 01:55:16 PM »

To be politically incorrect and totally honest I was looking for a white European featured woman, hence the FSU.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 02:07:31 PM by TigerPaws »

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2007, 02:37:47 PM »
Hi everyone,

I am back online after some time out of town, most recently in Denver where I met some really nice folks.

OK, here is a new question. When I mention my research to people who do not have much experience with this issue, but have heard of the international marriages that many people refer to as "mail-order," they often ask me: why do some AM/WM search specifically for Russian or FSU women? As opposed to, say, Filipina or other Asian women, i.e., women from other countries from which many wives are known to have come?

I have heard a lot of discussion about the virtues of Russian/Ukrainian/etc. women, but I never heard much directly from a man about his own thought process -- that is, assuming you didn't have any previous experience with the FSU (I know some of you did), did you consider any other countries/regions before settling on the FSU? What attracted you there as opposed to other countries/women?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts,

I would say that russian women have Slavic looks, which are deffo not Western looks, there is a great difference.

For me, I never looked, it just happened and I know this sounds like a tired old tale but I found my beloved by natural means, love grew out of knowing each other over time.

I maintain 'seeking' isnt the right way to govern ur future romantic interludes, it should just happen naturally,   maybe with a common interest, but not looking for love, that's just stupid.

Email,MSN and crappy calls with babytalk does not a relationship make.

Offline ScottinCrimea

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2007, 03:11:33 PM »
It wasn't so much what I was looking for as it was what I was ultimately attracted to.

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2007, 07:26:45 AM »
It wasn't so much what I was looking for as it was what I was ultimately attracted to.

TP, is this what you meant as well? If you were looking for a white, European-looking woman, was it because this is what you find attractive? Or any other reasons? (E.g., I have heard someone suggest before the idea that a white woman might integrate more smoothly into your social network at home, raise fewer questions about how you met, etc. I don't know if there is anything to this, but just a question.)

And Ste, I'm sorry, I'm sure you have described your story elsewhere, but while we are talking about it: by meeting "naturally," do you mean that you were traveling or living in the FSU and just got lucky to meet someone? Or?

Thanks, Jen

Offline TigerPaws

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2007, 07:46:56 AM »
TP, is this what you meant as well? No jen. If you were looking for a white, European-looking woman, was it because this is what you find attractive? Yes, personally I do not find Asian women attractive for a long term relationship Or any other reasons? (E.g., I have heard someone suggest before the idea that a white woman might integrate more smoothly into your social network at home, raise fewer questions about how you met, etc. I don't know if there is anything to this, but just a question.) No I was not interested in marrying a woman of a race other then white European and the FSU offered the greatest opportunities.


Thanks, Jen

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2007, 06:21:05 PM »
Hi everyone,

I am back online after some time out of town, most recently in Denver where I met some really nice folks.

OK, here is a new question. When I mention my research to people who do not have much experience with this issue, but have heard of the international marriages that many people refer to as "mail-order," they often ask me: why do some AM/WM search specifically for Russian or FSU women? As opposed to, say, Filipina or other Asian women, i.e., women from other countries from which many wives are known to have come?

I have heard a lot of discussion about the virtues of Russian/Ukrainian/etc. women, but I never heard much directly from a man about his own thought process -- that is, assuming you didn't have any previous experience with the FSU (I know some of you did), did you consider any other countries/regions before settling on the FSU? What attracted you there as opposed to other countries/women?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts,

The initial process was totally not thought. I was planning to travel to Ukraine for work and as I was looking for information about accommodation in Ukraine on the web, I clicked on the ad of a marriage agency . More for fun and killing time, I decided to subscribe and started to write to several women with no real hope or goal.

At the end , I have met one Ukrainian woman, we are dating since around one year and half (with a 6 months break from my side for health reasons), we have just relinked and I hope for the best now.

I am european, living in Canada and what seduced me with Ukrainian women is their behaviours, the way they think , they are proud, very feminine, they are independant but for them manhood is important too. And the importance for them to take care of themselves, very far from the kind of women I can meet her.  At the end, this is for me, probably the most appealing cocktail

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes Oscar Wilde

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2007, 03:17:33 AM »
I can't believe I am answering your questions. But the answer is.......

I am seeking my soulmate. Here in the US, and elsewhere.

I am tall, and for reasons that you could easily find out for yourself, tall women like tall
guys. Short women like tall guys as well. I have a myspace profile, and I have women who are interested in me from as far as Florida to the FSU.

I did a search on myspace for women over 6' tall. I like women regardless of there height but
I made the search anyway. I found several women who were actually men, posing as women. I found
several who were bisexual as well. I am not looking for something like that. I also found several who
actually weigh more than I do. I weigh 240lbs. I found several who have body art. I am not attracted to that either. I have made some friend at myspace, only the future can tell.

I am looking for my soulmate. I will find her where ever she is.

I will travel to where my soulmate is. It could be Florida, or California, here in the bay area or in the FSU.

Good luck with your research,


FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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The answer is as close as your local wal-mart.  Walk in and take an objective look at the real "average" american woman.

When my Elena arrives I am afraid she might go to wal-mart one time and immediately ask me to take her to the airport for a return trip to Russia.  I will keep her away from that place as long as possible, as she will think she has found an alternate universe where people care nothing about themselves.

I met a friend of mine yesterday for a beer.  He owns a bar.  He hired a very cute, innocent woman of 23 years old to tend bar.  I had an opportunity to talk to her a few times recently.  Yesterday she asked me why I went to FSU for a woman.  I despise people that answer questions with questions - but I did this myself.  I asked her how many of her close friends her age that she knew were interested in marriage and family.  She said quickly - 3.  I asked out of how many.  She said 9.  She has 9 friends that she is close to and said they all had discussions about what they want.  Only 3 out of the 9 desired to find a man, get married, and settle down.  The others are completely opposed to this.  I also asked what the chance of one of these friends wanting an older man - she said zero.

If you talk to the average 23 year old women in FSU I think you will have opposite results.  6 or more out of 9 I would guess are interested in finding a good man to settle down with.

The answer can also be found on the web.  Simply log on to and  Randomly select profiles of single women in the same age range.  Judge each one based on physical and written characteristics.

My only regret in pursuing FSUW is not doing it sooner.

Oh... and I AM a bit bitter about this issue.  I should not need to search for a woman globally.  What the hell is going on here in the states with the woman is a tragedy in my view.

Just like I told my last AW when we broke up and what I would like to say to most (not all) AW:  You should be ashamed.
Back to having fun in life!

Offline jen

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 08:04:07 AM »
Hi Maxxum,

OK, these points are understood, but it doesn't address specifically why FSU? Presumably the higher likelihood of finding women who are interested in settling down would apply to other countries/regions as well?


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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2007, 10:06:24 AM »
Hi Maxxum,

OK, these points are understood, but it doesn't address specifically why FSU? Presumably the higher likelihood of finding women who are interested in settling down would apply to other countries/regions as well?


Ahh...  Well...

I had heard about philipino (sp?) women.  Not interested in a philipino.  Just not for me.  Same with columbian women.  I women of my race, especially when it comes to the idea of marriage.

FSU had many thousands of women that fit what I was seeking physically.  This is great because in my search it was easy to focus on their words and communication - rather than just settling for a woman because she fit my physical wants.  And for the record my physical wants were very simple.  Just a woman who is not overweight, with dark hair, average to attractive.  Very simple.  I think it's the Italian in me that desires dark hair women.  Can I find this in USA?  Yes - but I have not yet found a woman who I am physically attracted to with the next issue that brought me to seek in FSU:  Marriage minded with a desire for dedication to husband and family.  Actually more than marriage minded - READY to be married if the right man comes to them.

So...  like I said there were thousands of profiles on Elenas Models that met my physical factor.  Seeing the profiles there was such a freeing experience.   FSU offered so many options that it was great to finally initiate communication with women that were marriage minded - and of course 99% of them on Elenas are marriage minded.

Oh...  and the way I heard about FSU women:  A female friend of mine suggested it.  She knows my desire for many years was most of all to be married to a good woman.  She told me in october of last year to go get me one of those russian brides.  She knew of 5 men in Syracuse that had done it and she said they were all happy.  I blew it off as a joke.  Then she calls me to wish me merry christmas a few days before the holiday.  She asked me how the search is going.  I asked what search?  She reminded me about the RW idea.  I told her I thought it was a joke.  She made me promise I would at least look into it.  So I did, and was immediately hooked.
Back to having fun in life!

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 11:37:32 AM »
Hi everyone,

I am back online after some time out of town, most recently in Denver where I met some really nice folks.

OK, here is a new question. When I mention my research to people who do not have much experience with this issue, but have heard of the international marriages that many people refer to as "mail-order," they often ask me: why do some AM/WM search specifically for Russian or FSU women? As opposed to, say, Filipina or other Asian women, i.e., women from other countries from which many wives are known to have come?

I have heard a lot of discussion about the virtues of Russian/Ukrainian/etc. women, but I never heard much directly from a man about his own thought process -- that is, assuming you didn't have any previous experience with the FSU (I know some of you did), did you consider any other countries/regions before settling on the FSU? What attracted you there as opposed to other countries/women?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts,
I was not searching for a bride at all.  I am of Russian decent and was intrigued by the RW listed in the Net.  In fact my first phone call to Lena was to talk about Russia.  Most of our following conversations were about Russia and America as she was as inquisitive about America as I was Russia.  It was Lena that opened my eyes to the wonders of RW not that I was enamored with RW and then met her.  I knew zero about the fine qualities that RW tend to offer before I came to know Lena.

Now with 20/20 hindsite I can say that RW are very attractive to me because of their physical beauty, the likelihood of a high education, their increased femininity (over AW), and their great sense of culture.  It also doesn't hurt that they have a better grip on the roles that men and woman should play in a relationship.

I have never been attracted to Asians.  Although the women of South America are very hot but they appear to be more simple and less educated.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 12:21:29 PM by KenC »
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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2007, 12:04:14 PM »
 I think I am a bit different the the average poster here in that I am not specifically looking for a wife.  

 I was born in 1969 and as far as I can remember I have been fascinated by Russia and always wanted to visit there. When I was doing research for my vacation in 2004 I came upon all of the usual ads for Russian brides. I thought it was interesting, but I really had no inclination/desire to marry anyone.  When I visited Odessa I discovered the attitudes of Soviet and FSU women.  

 That was the first time I had been exposed to women that were proud to be a woman and were not afraid to show it, I was also fascinated that a typical woman could do so much with so little and I came to the conclusion that Soviet women are true survivors.  

  I think what attracts me in particular to Soviet women is their pride and stubbornness, and the traditional values (that the United States is sorely lacking).  I also find their straight forwardness (OK, bluntness) refreshing and is a nice fit with my personality. The biggest difference I've noticed is if a Russian lady likes you-she leaves no doubt in your mind as to her feelings, but an American woman (yes, I used woman not lady) in more into playing head games and trying to get ahead (whether is getting the upper hand emotionally or financially).

Another part of the equation is I am tired of American women complaining about how they're looking for that perfect man that will be loyal to them, and yet they don't look twice at the guy that doesn't make the high 6 figure income or has the 6 pack abs or they go for the "bad boy" type because their maternal instincts kick in and they think they can change them.

 I am a 6'5" big frame, 38 year old guy with a decent stable job (that I enjoy most of the time), I do not lie, have (nor will ever) never cheated on a partner, I have strong morale beliefs and I firmly believe that the family has first priority to my personal wants. I am responsible with my finances and responsibilities, I have been told that I am highly intelligent (I've taken several IQ tests which scored me from 125-128 range-but I think the test was in error), I work out 4-5 days a week, average or slightly below average in looks (nothing you would look twice at).

 Yet the pickings are mighty slim, I am also too selective and refuse to lower my standards for temporary physical and emotional satisfaction.  If I happen to find that one-great, but if I do not and I remain single for the rest of my life, then so be it.  Either way I will continue to experience as much as I can in the time allotted to me.

  I always found it interesting how two people can find their soulmate on this planet, when you look at the odds-it's just amazing.  

  Just the opinion of a civil servant
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Offline ScottinCrimea

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2007, 12:09:18 PM »
I was watching TV the other day and a AW was describing what she wanted in a man.  She said step one is that he has to always listen to her.  If not, she goes straight to step three.  Step two, he must always do what she says.  If not, then step three is to give him the boot.  Enough said.

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2007, 12:11:27 PM »

Now with 20/20 hindsite I can say that RW are very attractive to me because of their physical beauty, the likelihood of a high education, their increased femininity (over AW), and their great sense of culture.  It also doesn't hurt that they have a better grip on the roles that men and woman should play in a relationship.

The women of South America are very hot they appear to be more simple and less educated.

Ken C  

The above is not very politically incorrect (of which I am sure you've never been accused of ;) ), but as our British cousins would say "Spot on"

I couldn't agree more :applaud: :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 12:12:59 PM by acrzybear »
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Offline Wayne B

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2007, 12:27:43 PM »
Hi everyone,

I am back online after some time out of town, most recently in Denver where I met some really nice folks.

OK, here is a new question. When I mention my research to people who do not have much experience with this issue, but have heard of the international marriages that many people refer to as "mail-order," they often ask me: why do some AM/WM search specifically for Russian or FSU women? As opposed to, say, Filipina or other Asian women, i.e., women from other countries from which many wives are known to have come?

I have heard a lot of discussion about the virtues of Russian/Ukrainian/etc. women, but I never heard much directly from a man about his own thought process -- that is, assuming you didn't have any previous experience with the FSU (I know some of you did), did you consider any other countries/regions before settling on the FSU? What attracted you there as opposed to other countries/women?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts,
Jen, no doubt here that I am not an eloquent writer/speaker. That being said, I will try my best to give an answer as it applies to myself.
I as a child have always been interested in Europe, mainly Russia.
Why? because for one thing above all is that, I wanted to know why these people did not like American's. So, that sparked my curiosity.   When the day came for me, to be financially able to travel to Europe, I did so, after divorce....
This came about after an almost 14 year marriage to an AW, and we have two beautiful children together.
I have dated more than my share of AW, and the same theme popped up time after time. My, ex-wife was/is a very good mother....but, after children, it seemed as though I was fourth in line...children, wife and then me.  We lost that 'spark' or fire....

Back to why FSU/W...I made my first trip to Moscow then to Novosibirsk.....for me to see the country and it's people. Love at first sight of country and it's people. Why, because it was a complete turn around from what I had seen, read and been told....

The beauty of the country was unimaginable....the beauty of the women...I have yet to find a word to give due justice....

My AW, was as beautiful as they come....and could compare to most FSU women any day....
What I found later, and also her...was that we really did not have anything in comman in everyday life....anymore...she had her children and for the most part, was finished with me...

What I found out about many FSU women, was that the man comes first, wheather he is a father of 1, or a father of 12. As long as he was a good father. That they would always try to make a good man better with/without children, that after a child, he was still number 1. Today, in America, children are number 1. NOTHING is wrong with that....unless you are the father...for a father, there is still life with children and wife/ just seems to me...that Father is put on the shelf....until children leave the nest....
Please, do not get me wrong about how I feel about my children or any other children....I am very close to my children, as am I close to my brothers children....but, I was raised where father, was  served supper only after father came home from work, took a bath, put on his cloths, and said, OK, I am ready to eat....and then he was served first, then my brother and I, and then my mother....but, we always had prayer and then we ate together as a family...without television

If, I ever need to look back for what I call a traditional wife/mother, all I have to do is drive about 1 mile, and say hello mama....but, if today, for some reason, I cannot drive or walk.....I just have to reach out and touch my wife.... :D and I love her with all that I have to offer....    

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2007, 12:31:02 PM »
I was watching TV the other day and a AW was describing what she wanted in a man.  She said step one is that he has to always listen to her.  If not, she goes straight to step three.  Step two, he must always do what she says.  If not, then step three is to give him the boot.  Enough said.

I went on a date a couple of years ago with the friend (I'll call her Jane Doe) of one my coworkers wife (set up by her)  

 Per Jane Doe's request I picked her up by her office, when I got out and opened the car door, she hesitated and then got into the car.  When we got to the restaurant I opened the door for her and she made a snide comment that she was quite capable of opening her own doors. When the waiter arrived to take our orders I let her go first as is customary (ladies and children first).

 Well dinner arrived and I had to listen to her talk about how men are only nice because they want one thing from a woman and that any true woman was more then capable of taking care of herself without a man-yadda yadda.  I finished my dinner and requested the bill, when it arrived I placed $40.00 cash (to cover my share of the meal and the tip) and got up to leave.  She asked me where I was going and I told her to go see some friends, she then asked me how she was getting home and I told her that a strong capable woman such as herself shouldn't need a man to give her a ride home and that she should also be able to pay her share of the bill since everyone was considered equal.  

  I have found that older ladies appreciate manners more then the younger modern ones, I routinely open doors for ladies and I have received more compliments from the  ones on their 60's and 70's for such a simple courtesy.

"Chivalry is not dead, it's just hard to find"  
Necessitas dat ingenium

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2007, 12:32:30 PM »
I am sure you meant that my opinion was not politically "correct".  Thanks for the appreciation any way.

You brought up a couple of good points though.  One is that RW are not all driven by the outward appearance of men as much as AW.  In fact they have a saying "that as long as their man is better looking than a monkey", all is well.  The fact that their culture has coined a cute (and popular) phrase to address that a man's looks are not important says a lot about that culture.  The other point is that not all RW are consumed with marrying a rich man as are AW.  Most RW expect to work and help support the family.  Not to obtain more wealthy belongings, but to exist in a humble sort of way.  I know from my own marriage that I am much more money driven than Lena ever will be.  She would prefer me to work less, make less money and have more time to enjoy life at a more humble income level.
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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2007, 12:37:38 PM »
I went on a date a couple of years ago with the friend (I'll call her Jane Doe) of one my coworkers wife (set up by her)  

 Per Jane Doe's request I picked her up by her office, when I got out and opened the car door, she hesitated and then got into the car.  When we got to the restaurant I opened the door for her and she made a snide comment that she was quite capable of opening her own doors. When the waiter arrived to take our orders I let her go first as is customary (ladies and children first).

 Well dinner arrived and I had to listen to her talk about how men are only nice because they want one thing from a woman and that any true woman was more then capable of taking care of herself without a man-yadda yadda.  I finished my dinner and requested the bill, when it arrived I placed $40.00 cash (to cover my share of the meal and the tip) and got up to leave.  She asked me where I was going and I told her to go see some friends, she then asked me how she was getting home and I told her that a strong capable woman such as herself shouldn't need a man to give her a ride home and that she should also be able to pay her share of the bill since everyone was considered equal.  

  I have found that older ladies appreciate manners more then the younger modern ones, I routinely open doors for ladies and I have received more compliments from the  ones on their 60's and 70's for such a simple courtesy.

"Chivalry is not dead, it's just hard to find"  
Loved your story Bear!!!!!!
You are a den of vipers and thieves-Andrew Jackson on banks
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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2007, 12:43:33 PM »
I am sure you meant that my opinion was not politically "correct".  Thanks for the appreciation any way.

Yeah Ken I saw that and went back and fixed it, That's what happens when I'm thinking 3 or 4 words ahead of what I'm typing :selfharm:

 "that as long as their man is better looking than a monkey", all is well.  

Well I'm not nearly as hairy!!,But I have been accused of being a knuckle dragger!! Think I stil have a chance? :devilish: lol  
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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2007, 12:46:12 PM »
Thanks Ken

Sometimes I think I was born 30 or 40 years to late-things were so much simpler then.
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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2007, 12:46:59 PM »
Good points about priorities.  I don't know what you are complaining about, I only wanted to be more important than our dogs in my first marriage!  I knew I couldn't ever reach the level of the kids or my ex wife!
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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2007, 12:52:11 PM »
Thanks for the thoughts, everyone!

I have never been attracted to Asians.  Although the women of South America are very hot but they appear to be more simple and less educated.

OK, so a lot of people have mentioned that it just basically has to do with what kind of appearance you are attracted to, but KenC raised another point above. I wonder if anyone here actually experimented with looking on own through agencies in other countries first? And if so, differences that struck you?


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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2007, 01:08:59 PM »
Bear, in 1980, I went to California to visit some of my kin folks....opened the door for women and men... they looked down on me as if I were abnormal ;)  I guess I was really abnormal when I said Yes Mam and Yes Sir.... or no mam/sir.  I did not ever have a problem in the FSU doing this same thing...was I looked upon as back woods....I don't think so....For the women in FSU, I think that they look at this action as being respectful... but, then again...I am a back woods fellow, that listened to words by example ;)

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Re: Why a Russian/FSU woman?
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2007, 02:37:24 PM »
Ken C, mind you...I don't want to be put on a pedestal....I just want to be acknowledged when I come home....Now I am...I have a true love....

Before I have even come to a the drive one and only is there, to greet me with hello, how are you....I could never imagine this....I as you,are a very lucky man :D Wayne. 


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