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Author Topic: Trench's Questions and Philosophies  (Read 492075 times)

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Offline John Gaunt

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2125 on: August 12, 2018, 06:07:28 AM »
For a lawyer you don't read well Boethius :D

It essentially tells you the flat rate you'll get is £125. Everyone will get that unless there is a shortfall in their National Insurance (NI) contribution - which means they have failed tk pah in for all or part of a year. They might have been a student, gone abroad for a long time, did not work but did not sign on, was bringing up child, did not work/earn enough over the NI threshold ti be taxed NI and hence be credited with a contribution, etc.

The bit about salary after the bottom is stating how much the £125 will increase by each year. It increases based on society average salaries.

None of it relates to how much you earn during your lifetime it's irrelevant so long as you earn enough each week to be taxed NI on it.
Actually, that is incorrect. If you were born before 1951 you get the basic state pension. Otherwise you get the new state pension which is £164 per week and linked to the CPI. I think one has to pay in a min of 30 years full contributions to qualify for the full amount. So if there are any gaps the pension will be less.
The state pension is not enough to live on so, Trench, your poverty will continue into old age.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2126 on: August 12, 2018, 06:20:08 AM »
Wealth is relative. One mans wealth is another’s pocket change.
You don’t have to employ an accountant. There is such a thing as self assessment.
 If you leave behind a loving family you won’t be forgotten. You live on in your children.
Why exoectvthe world to give you something? Go work for it. No, you don’t work clever. You’re simply a scrounger and envious of those better off than you.
Lower middle class is where I place you in the social stratum, probably with working class roots, nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, social mobility won’t come to you. You’ll stay where you are. Probably left school with a couple of GCSEs and no desire to better yourself.
Like you said, no one is going to give you a plum job. Why should they? What have you to offer an employer for a well paid job? Jack S**t apparently.

The queen has given a lifetime of dedicated service to this country. What have you done?
The Royal Family is paid from the Sovereign grant which replaced the civil list a few years ago. It’s not tax payer funded. The money comes from the ‘profits’ from the Crown Estates, which she owns do she actually pays more into public funds. The grant is about 15% presently servto rise to 25% in s few years to pay for renovations to Buckingham Palace. Bo is spot on, the Royals generate billions in tourism revenues. They do us proud.
Oh, when (if) you get hitched, let us know. We’ll send the homeless around to cheer you. Sure your bride would appreciate that.

All of what the Royals have is stolen money over the centuries, they have never earnt any of it.

I get the impression you are one of these people that run a business and live of the backs of your hard working employees who earn you a lot of money. Then have the cheek to turn around and call guys like me scroungers while it is you who is the scrounger, nothing more than a parasite living of the backs of your employees hard work. Then come out with the old right wing chestnut of the 'World not owing me a living'. Well the World apparently seems to owe you a living John or rather your workers do. No I like many have decided I am done with working like a mug and won't be whipped to work harder for lazy feckers like you John to live of my back. In the future you may have to do your own work, fill you with fear does it? Perhaps it's uncharted territory for you?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline John Gaunt

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2127 on: August 12, 2018, 06:33:15 AM »
All of what the Royals have is stolen money over the centuries, they have never earnt any of it.

I get the impression you are one of these people that run a business and live of the backs of your hard working employees who earn you a lot of money. Then have the cheek to turn around and call guys like me scroungers while it is you who is the scrounger, nothing more than a parasite living of the backs of your employees hard work. Then come out with the old right wing chestnut of the 'World not owing me a living'. Well the World apparently seems to owe you a living John or rather your workers do. No I like many have decided I am done with working like a mug and won't be whipped to work harder for lazy feckers like you John to live of my back. In the future you may have to do your own work, fill you with fear does it? Perhaps it's uncharted territory for you?
You don’t KNOW what hard work is, you lazy tosspot. So here’s a case of extreme sour grapes. Do you also belong to the Socialist Workers Party?
Oh, your impression is waaaaaaay off.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2128 on: August 12, 2018, 06:39:15 AM »
your critique of Capitalism makes you sound like one of the "Warwick Marxists"
I know about the "class divide" in the UK
but this resentment will not be productive in your OWN LIFE
plenty of people (even in the UK, where IMHO these is less social mobility) have risen from humble backgrounds to become successful people
but they usually have a very HIGH level of DETERMINATION
I just don't see this determination in you, it's been replaced by resentment
if you don't have OPPORTUNITY where you currently live, then MOVE!

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2129 on: August 12, 2018, 07:00:25 AM »
You don’t KNOW what hard work is, you lazy tosspot. So here’s a case of extreme sour grapes. Do you also belong to the Socialist Workers Party?
Oh, your impression is waaaaaaay off.

No I don't. But I'm not going to drag myself into work 5 days or more a week for an employer and resign myself to serfdom. I would rather free myself from that and go out and get my due for my work.
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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2130 on: August 12, 2018, 07:22:01 AM »
when I was younger, I used to work 80 hour weeks in a salaried position
salaried, means my paycheck was exactly the same whether I worked 40 or 80 hr a week
but the outcome of that exploitation is I received the maximum amount of "on the job training" that an engineer can get
and a strong desire to be "on my own" to escape this obvious exploitation, which I admit feels awful
my first year of being "an independent engineering contractor" doubled my income and halved the number of hours worked!
and it got even better after that when I started selling my designs instead of my labor
just sayin there are ways out of "the trap"
and that way isn't resentment

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2131 on: August 12, 2018, 08:30:02 AM »
No I don't. But I'm not going to drag myself into work 5 days or more a week for an employer and resign myself to serfdom. I would rather free myself from that and go out and get my due for my work.
If you’re someone( which you are, apparently) with no talent, skill or sought after employability then you take what you can get. You can still move up the ladder but you have to be motivated and have a work ethic. You have neither.
Where does that leave you? Competing for jobs at the lowest level, hence I suspect your resentment of Easternn European migrants. The difference between you and them however, is their work ethic. They come over, and yes, they take the lowest paid jobs and undercut the likes of you but soon they move up, save their cash, start up businesses and become successful, whereas you, are stuck in the same place, wallowing in your resentment and self pity.
It’s your attitude which determines your lack of success plus the fact the state, with its misguided intentions, perpetuates the cycle of dependency and poverty.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2132 on: August 12, 2018, 08:38:58 AM »
All of what the Royals have is stolen money over the centuries, they have never earnt any of it.

I get the impression you are one of these people that run a business and live of the backs of your hard working employees who earn you a lot of money. Then have the cheek to turn around and call guys like me scroungers while it is you who is the scrounger, nothing more than a parasite living of the backs of your employees hard work. Then come out with the old right wing chestnut of the 'World not owing me a living'. Well the World apparently seems to owe you a living John or rather your workers do. No I like many have decided I am done with working like a mug and won't be whipped to work harder for lazy feckers like you John to live of my back. In the future you may have to do your own work, fill you with fear does it? Perhaps it's uncharted territory for you?
What you’re actually saying is you want to do the least amount of work for the maximum reward. Unfortunately, beggars can’t be choosers. If you had a in demand skill or talent you could command your own price. The market would see to that but you haven’t so you’ll have to settle for less or change your skill set to your advantage.
I doubt you’ll do that. You just don’t want to work but expect the rewards anyway.
The world isn’t going to change for you. To change the world, start by changing yourself.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2133 on: August 12, 2018, 09:44:22 AM »
Actually, that is incorrect. If you were born before 1951 you get the basic state pension. Otherwise you get the new state pension which is £164 per week and linked to the CPI. I think one has to pay in a min of 30 years full contributions to qualify for the full amount. So if there are any gaps the pension will be less.
The state pension is not enough to live on so, Trench, your poverty will continue into old age.

And, in 20 years time (assuming Trench is approximately 45 now) will continue to change. Expect retirement age to increase and I would not rule out the state pension becoming significantly reduced or defunct. In the current climate it isn't sustainable any more. Legislation has changed significantly in all companies to obligate them to offer a private pension contribution.

Trench, tax is tax and all of us have to pay it. I pay the 50% threshold. Do i like it? No. Do I use it as an excuse to not work? No. I would not wish to contemplate living off £164 per week when I get to retirement. If I had a FSU (or other) spouse to support to boot and live a pleasant final phase of life? Ludicrous.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2134 on: August 12, 2018, 09:46:57 AM »
human social behavior has its roots in biology
from an evolutionary perspective, strong males will allow for a more assured preservation of the human species.

if you’re not a strong male, nature intends for your genes NOT to be passed on for the sake of the whole species, this is just the way “things work”

you want your genes to be passed on? then BECOME a strong male
note: i’m not talkin about body building here!

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2135 on: August 12, 2018, 10:24:06 AM »

if you’re not a strong male, nature intends for your genes NOT to be passed on for the sake of the whole species, this is just the way “things work”

you want your genes to be passed on? then BECOME a strong male

Not an expert here, but . . .

I don't think changing one's current behavior causes any change in our genes that are passed on.

And evolution has a long way to go in terms of the 'correct' genes being passed on.
If it had worked to date, we wouldn't have any surviving physical and mental retardation.

Yes, I am in favor of selected breeding.  It will have to happen at some point in the future.  The sooner the better.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2136 on: August 12, 2018, 11:12:46 AM »
I think I was told the monthly pension here (Ukraine) is 1,500UAH. So governments will always provide a pension. Good luck living on it!

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2137 on: August 12, 2018, 11:19:13 AM »
I think I was told the monthly pension here (Ukraine) is 1,500UAH. So governments will always provide a pension. Good luck living on it!

About £45 compared to current UK state pensioners of £500 approx per month.

So more than 10 times as much!

Our UK pensioners could live like lords out there then :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2138 on: August 12, 2018, 11:25:34 AM »
This brings back memories. During my dating everything FSU days, I dated a Ukrainian woman for awhile. I really liked her but she didn't want commitment. She had HUGE boobs that where shaped well. Not the sagging type most men don't like. On one date I let her choose where we should go. She chose a cemetery in in Seattle. It was a very nice and well kept cemetery. We walked around until we found a bench at a mausoleum. We sat, talked and made out. Then talked and made out over and over again.

Long story short, she had the same beliefs as you. She felt it the past, the weak would die and that is a natural process. Now everybody is living with the strong carrying the weak and it's weakening the gene pool and we are going to have a higher percentage of people with problems. There will come a time when the burden becomes too great for the able mind and body people to take care of those who can't or those who are lazy. In the old days, if you can't perform or are lazy, you don't eat.

I'm not sure when things come to a head but I don't think anytime soon. Soon we'll be able to buy robots with artificial intelligence for everyone on social programs.

She was obviously wanting to be careful who she passed those great boobs onto :D

When we have robots & machines to do everything, no one will have to work, so I guess we will all get alloted benefit money and get lazy, lol
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2139 on: August 12, 2018, 11:40:38 AM »
“I don't think changing one's current behavior causes any change in our genes that are passed on.”

it doesn’t ALTER the genes, it alters the EXPRESSION of the genes
for example:

researchers say that chronic exposure to stressful conditions—such as poverty, family discord, and poor nutrition—can alter the way genes behave in children and adolescents, making them more susceptible to depression, anxiety, and other negative effects of stress

however, not the intent of my admittedly poorly phrased post

for example, if you’re a member of a species that defines “reproductive strength” as how bright your plumage is, and how big your chest is when you “puff it up”, well if you want to mate, you sure better have these qualities.

to me trench’s problem is he doesn’t have human male reproductive strength, which let’s face it, is based upon indications of “success”

but where we differ from animals, is that if an animal is lacking, not much they can do about it, but we CAN change ourselves

I hate to tell Trench this, but I think it’s already too late for him, however, as I have previously indicated, I have seen couples in Ukraine based on a western man with a UA woman, where in my own admittedly flawed perception, the male had even LESS reproductive strength than him, and if it weren’t for that observation, I’d tell him that my opinion was that he should abandon his quest

if I were in Trench’s condition, I’d move to a large city in the UK, I think he’d have more opportunity there for EVERYTHING, all the corrections I feel Trench should’ve made in his life, should’ve been figured out and implemented by him A LONG TIME AGO, that’s why IMHO I think it’s too late for him

“If it had worked to date, we wouldn't have any surviving physical and mental retardation.”

not true, some of these things are recessive and don’t get expressed but can still be passed on

rwd123, in Russia average pension is 16,000 rubles a bit over $200 per month, some people get less

WTF?  now I can't get this image out of my mind, almost seems like a good opening to a horror movie, called "Strip by the Crypt"
oh wait, she had BIG boobs, oh well that's alright then, sorry

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2140 on: August 12, 2018, 11:46:32 AM »

And, in 20 years time (assuming Trench is approximately 45 now) will continue to change. Expect retirement age to increase and I would not rule out the state pension becoming significantly reduced or defunct. In the current climate it isn't sustainable any more. Legislation has changed significantly in all companies to obligate them to offer a private pension contribution.

Trench, tax is tax and all of us have to pay it. I pay the 50% threshold. Do i like it? No. Do I use it as an excuse to not work? No. I would not wish to contemplate living off £164 per week when I get to retirement. If I had a FSU (or other) spouse to support to boot and live a pleasant final phase of life? Ludicrous.

They can't just axe the state pension because people have paid for it. Plus it is political suicide as the vast bulk of voters are relying on it. That and it is a proven reliable system which works. It's more than sustainable, once the baby boom generation pass on there will be a smaller elderly population, some of us are living longer yes but the state pension age is moving up gradually from 65 to 68 to reflect this.

I opted out of the automatic company pension, I'm no mug ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2141 on: August 12, 2018, 12:24:26 PM »
About £45 compared to current UK state pensioners of £500 approx per month.

So more than 10 times as much!

Our UK pensioners could live like lords out there then :D

Another cracker from our Trench.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2142 on: August 12, 2018, 12:32:36 PM »
They can't just axe the state pension because people have paid for it. Plus it is political suicide as the vast bulk of voters are relying on it. That and it is a proven reliable system which works. It's more than sustainable, once the baby boom generation pass on there will be a smaller elderly population, some of us are living longer yes but the state pension age is moving up gradually from 65 to 68 to reflect this.

I opted out of the automatic company pension, I'm no mug ;D
Any govt with a sizeable majority can do just that. You are so fixated on the idea that you will hit the gravy train on retirement that you haven’t seen the goal posts changing these past few years.
Don’t forget, there are people who don’t pay into it (like you) but expect to be paid anyway. In any case it is not sustainable. It’s a ponzi pyramid scheme and will come crashing down in the not too distant future. You’re not paying for your pension, Trench but for the current pensioners. Your pension is already in hock, unlikely you will live to collect.
Make sure you have access to food banks, you’ll need them before long.
You should have stayed in that company scheme. More fool you.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2143 on: August 12, 2018, 12:38:45 PM »

And, in 20 years time (assuming Trench is approximately 45 now) will continue to change. Expect retirement age to increase and I would not rule out the state pension becoming significantly reduced or defunct. In the current climate it isn't sustainable any more. Legislation has changed significantly in all companies to obligate them to offer a private pension contribution.

Trench, tax is tax and all of us have to pay it. I pay the 50% threshold. Do i like it? No. Do I use it as an excuse to not work? No. I would not wish to contemplate living off £164 per week when I get to retirement. If I had a FSU (or other) spouse to support to boot and live a pleasant final phase of life? Ludicrous.
Absolutely correct.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2144 on: August 12, 2018, 12:48:33 PM »
Trench, haven’t the foggiest notion about UK pensions, but I’ll assume the underlying logic is the same as for the US

I’ve been contributing to my 401k since 1981.  not a a lot in the first 5 years, and some years I had matching contributions from my employer

when I became self-employed in 1993, I began “maxing out” my 401k contribution, because my federal/state income tax was about 50% of my income “at the top end”
so every dollar I put in the 401k, was equal to $2 had I put it in my my non 401k savings, it’s kinda like compound interest, in the 90's and especially in the Obama era that money really grew, in fact during the Obama era the value of my 401k tripled (and that’s minus new contributions, I was invested in what’s called an indexed mutual fund), so when I cash it out and pay the taxes this year, the amount I have left over will be substantially more than had I just paid the income tax on this when earned and placed into my regular savings account, SUBSTANTIALLY more Trench
why was that a dumb move on my part, if you do the math it wasn’t!!!

it’s NOT my intention to hurt or offend you Trench, but you remind me of a kid, who when he finds out he’s not getting a bicycle for his birthday, says he never wanted one in the first place
this is NOT the way a MAN should behave Trench
and PLEASE TRUST ME in what I am saying, if SOMEONE LIKE ME can see this in you, a Ukrainian woman will see it in 3 seconds!!!

honestly don’t know for certain if it’s too late for you to change you or not, but time is getting short mate, and if you don’t get your life in order you’re probably gonna have zero luck in Ukraine, UNLESS you get VERY VERY LUCKY

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2145 on: August 12, 2018, 01:36:16 PM »
This is where council housing has skewed it in the UK. Fundamentally they carried it on too long letting the weak reproduce. Most people with mental problems are there. It's also produces people that more often than not lack responsibility - a roof is provided for them so they can do what the hell they like.

Some of the guys on here think I am poor. Well I'm not as wealthy as them but I own my own property outright. There are not a lot of people in the UK that can say that, most have mortgagea or rent. I know like Krimster said time is running out as even FSU of child bearing age only want a guy so old. Then it's off to the Philippines ;D

I can really only push things as far as I can in terms of creating wealth so will have to just plug away.

I have a fair bit in terms of intelligence - brains. I have two undergraduate degree's and a masters degree, along with a lot of other qualifications. Aside from that I try to act in an aware manner and try to avoid making dumb moves.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2146 on: August 12, 2018, 01:42:07 PM »
"I have a fair bit in terms of intelligence - brains. I have two undergraduate degree's and a masters degree, along with a lot of other qualifications. "

then why the hell aren't you living in a place where you can use... wait is this another daveny physics degree?
it means you are more educated than me!
if I lived in the UK I would be upper middle class without a doubt
what are your degrees?

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2147 on: August 12, 2018, 01:53:39 PM »
what are your degrees?

My first Undergraduate degree is in History, my second more recent degree is in Architecture.

History was a bit of a non starter in terms of a career. Architecture is low paid until you've been in it for years. Employers also tend to employ a log of East Europeans in the industry, hopefully that will change after Brexit.

It's generally though why I am better off working for myself. Otherwise it's a lot of work with little return.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2148 on: August 12, 2018, 02:24:46 PM »
never would've guessed that, I have a cousin in the UK with a degree in architecture John Grindrod, published author, super funny and nice guy
I don't know him too well, he's from a part of the family that moved outta the west midlands to London when I was a child and he's younger than me, but we've met and had some pints together over the years
I'm pretty sure he grew up poorer than most of my family in the UK
today, he is VERY VERY successful...

don't understand why you don't live in London, or other big city, especially with that education

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2149 on: August 12, 2018, 02:47:42 PM »
This is where council housing has skewed it in the UK. Fundamentally they carried it on too long letting the weak reproduce. Most people with mental problems are there. It's also produces people that more often than not lack responsibility - a roof is provided for them so they can do what the hell they like.
Oh my, virtuous Trench is looking down his nose at council tenants. Trench, you are describing yourself here.
Some of the guys on here think I am poor.
Living on minimum wage=poor. No ifs or buts about it.
Well I'm not as wealthy as them but I own my own property outright.
So you own your mid terraced or semi or whatever. That’s all your money locked away unless you sell but then you’d be homeless. You have no liquidity whatsoever.  Is that what you consider a marker of success?
There are not a lot of people in the UK that can say that
You know this as fact?

I can really only push things as far as I can in terms of creating wealth making ends meet so will have to just plug away.
Fixed that for you.
I have a fair bit in terms of intelligence - brains. I have two undergraduate degree's and a masters degree, along with a lot of other qualifications. Aside from that I try to act in an aware manner and try to avoid making dumb moves.
Bwahahahahahaha, Trench, the gift that keeps giving.
Where are your degrees from-The OU? Lol


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