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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 316931 times)

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Online krimster2

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #50 on: September 24, 2019, 01:29:00 PM »
oichen manoga things Russified Ukrainians don't know, eta pravda!!!

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #51 on: September 26, 2019, 10:57:19 AM »
Distinguished President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of Ukraine, I congratulate you, Mr. President, on having been elected President of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly. Ukraine supports the implementation of all ambitious priorities of this year's Assembly.

Let us be honest, everyone present here has different interests, views, values and problems. But there is one thing that unites us all. Each of you, ladies and gentlemen, had the first speech from this rostrum.

Please recall your feelings at that moment. Every one of you, respected and honored today, was once a beginner yet a sincere world politician. And then, a cocktail of pragmatism, skepticism and harsh geopolitical reality has not yet managed to quench your passion, romanticism and unwavering belief that the world can be changed for the better.

Remember how important it was to tell the problems and troubles of your country and your people to the world back then. How important it was to be heard.

I have the same feelings today.

Let me tell you one story. The story of a person for whom "being heard" has become the meaning of life. For this man had a divine voice. He was called one of the best baritones and countertenors in the world. His voice was heard at Carnegie Hall in New York, Notre Dame Cathedral, Covent Garden in London and Grand Opera in Paris. Each of you could have personally heard his incredible singing. But unfortunately, there is one thing that will not allow you to do so. I’ll show you. It looks like this. 12.7 millimeters that not only stopped his career, but also stopped his life. It costs 10 dollars. And, unfortunately, today on our planet it is the value of human life.

There are thousands of such stories, millions of such bullets. Welcome to the XXI century. A century of opportunities. Where instead of "being heard" you have an opportunity to be killed.

The name of the man I’ve told you about was Wassyl Slipak. He was a Ukrainian, a soloist of the Paris National Opera who was killed in Donbas defending Ukraine from the Russian aggression.

The war in Donbas has already lasted five years and five years have passed since Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. Despite the existence of international law and hundreds of organizations designed to defend it, our country defends its own sovereignty and territorial integrity with weapons in its hands and losing its citizens.

More than 13 thousand people killed. 30 thousand wounded. One and a half million people were forced to leave their homes. Every year, these monstrous numbers are heard here, but with one correction - every year these numbers get bigger.

The end of the war, the return of all the occupied Ukrainian territories and the prevailing of peace are my tasks. But not at the cost of our citizens' lives, not at the cost of freedom or the right of Ukraine to its own choice.

That is why we need the support of the world. I understand: everyone present here has their own state concern and other people's problems should not worry you more than your own. But in today's world, where we live, there is no longer someone else’s war. None of you can feel safe when there is a war in Ukraine, when there is a war in Europe.

And it can be fatal to think that this does not concern you and will never affect you. You can't think of the global and close your eyes to the details or, as it may seem, even trifles. Because that's how the foundation for the two world wars was laid. And tens of millions of human lives became the price of inattention, silence, inaction or unwillingness to sacrifice one's ambitions. Have humanity started to forget these dreadful lessons of history?

Ukraine remembers them. And Ukraine has always demonstrated its willingness to provide peace in a civilized way. And took steps towards international security. For example, when it gave up its nuclear capability, which at the time was larger than in the UK, France and China combined.

Because it seemed to us that we were all building a different, new world. Where you do not need to have a nuclear weapon to be heard. Where you will be respected for deeds, not for nuclear warheads.

After all, in this "new" world, our country has lost part of its territories and is losing its citizens almost daily.

That is why, if not Ukraine than who has the right to speak today about the need to rethink and revise current world rules?

Of course, we do not question the authority of international institutions, in particular the United Nations. But we must admit that the mechanisms are not flawless. They start failing and therefore need an update

United Nations. But let's be honest - are nations really united today? And even if so, what exactly unites them?

Disasters and wars.

We always hear calls for fair change, just promises, announcement of new initiatives from this highest platform in the world. It is time to make sure that they are always backed by real deeds. Because in the modern world, where the human life costs 10 dollars, words have been devalued long ago.

Let us remember the goal of the UN’s establishment in 1945? To maintain and strengthen peace and international security. But what shall we do when the very basis of international security is at stake?

For any war today - in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Yemen or any other corner of the planet, regardless of the number of casualties - is the greatest threat to the entire civilization. Because in 2019, homo sapiens still resolves conflicts by killing. Throughout its existence, humanity has been constantly finding new ways to overcome distance, transfer information, cure diseases.

And only one thing remains unchanged: contradictions between nations and states are still resolved not by words, but by missiles.

Not by word. But by war.

Don't think that war is far away. Its methods, technology and weapons have made our planet not so big anymore. And today, the time I spent on the last paragraph is enough to destroy the Earth completely.

This means that each leader is responsible not only for the fate of his own country, but also for the fate of the whole world. In my opinion, we all need to realize that a strong leader is not the one who, without batting an eyelid, sends thousands of soldiers to death. A strong leader is the one who protects everyone's life.

Now let us answer ourselves - what do our meetings give to humanity? If for someone it is only a political theater where they play a role and declare light intentions, which are then crossed out by dark actions?

It's not just a rostrum. And not a scene. And seven and a half billion inhabitants of the planet are not just spectators, but direct participants in real life. The basics of this life scenario are laid here. And today it depends on everyone present whether it will be life at all.

Honestly, I would really like to call this speech “15 minutes that changed the world”. But I am well aware that changing something that has existed for thousands of years is simply impossible in 15 minutes. And behavioral theories say that war is an integral part of human nature. But the world is changing and people are changing with it. And if we once learned writing, mathematics, invented the wheel, penicillin and conquered space, humanity still has a chance.

Being aware of danger for civilization, we must generate other meanings. And fight for a new human mentality where aggression, anger and hatred will be atrophied feelings.

Ladies and Gentlemen! On this day, September 25, Erich Maria Remarque died. And 90 years ago the world saw his novel “All Quiet on the Western Front”. I recall the words from its preface: "This is an attempt to tell about a generation crippled by war. About those who fell victim to it, even fleeing shells". And 90 years ago the world saw another novel. It's Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms". Here's a quote from it: “War cannot be won by victories. The one who wins the war never stops fighting…”.

The world must remember: every next crippled generation is a path to a new war. Which is impossible, just impossible to win with victories.

Someone says now: “There will be no World War III. It will be the last one”. I hope this phrase is an awareness of the threat to the planet, not an announcement.

Thank you!
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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2019, 04:41:06 PM »
The former actor continues to impress me.

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2019, 04:49:43 PM »
Why are you impressed by someone who has installed all of Kolomoisky's people to the levers of power in Ukraine?

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2019, 04:59:16 PM »
Why are you impressed by someone who has installed all of Kolomoisky's people to the levers of power in Ukraine?

This post was composed without the aid of google.

Like too much in this world-it is about compromise (s)
He is doing a lot right --he has the peoples mandate and needs to run with it.

His handling of Trump was outstanding -- sucking up and not offending in a really tricky situation for him and Ukraine.

That said --I  am thinking so far so good-- but I want to see real results and reforms.
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2019, 06:05:18 PM »
"the former actor continues to impress me."

what do you mean "former"?

seriously, how do you rob 5 billion dollars from a country the size of Ukraine (kolomoisky/privatbank)...
and not only do you NOT go to jail!!!
but instead, the government bails out the bank

CHIVO bela malchick?
what cho talkin 'bout Willis?

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2019, 08:21:25 PM »
Like too much in this world-it is about compromise (s)
He is doing a lot right --he has the peoples mandate and needs to run with it.

His handling of Trump was outstanding -- sucking up and not offending in a really tricky situation for him and Ukraine.

That said --I  am thinking so far so good-- but I want to see real results and reforms.

Zelensky is there to enrich himself, just like all the other past presidents.

The only person who truly knows what he wants is Kolomoisky.  He now controls the SBU.  He is trying to legalize his wealth, which is why he returned from exile in Israel, where he couldn't be extradited back to Ukraine. 

There was a photo last week of a meeting of Zelensky and his top ministers, with Kolomoisky beside Zelensky, like the cat that just ate the canary.  I am not optimistic.

This post was composed without the aid of google.

After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #57 on: October 07, 2019, 08:12:18 AM »
Dear Readers!

Ukraine is not dead yet!!
Molly K. McKew  says we oughta call a Priest...

so don't y'all forget now! Donbas coal is gonna be called Novo Russiya coal in about another year or so...
please make all the necessary changes to your lexicons, spossiba!

told y'all this was comin' now didn't I?

and now from Krimster Maps prepared especially for our esteemed Readers!

this map well help our Dear Readers familiarize themselves with the pipelines BEFORE they start hearing about them on the news!!!

Say What?
the latest scuttlebut is shutting off gas to Ukraine at the end of 2020....
Ukraine can re-route some gas from Poland and Romania, but only get about 50% of it's needs
and it would lose 3 billion/yr in gas transit fees, plus hundreds of millions in stolen gas, all lost...
that transit fee represents 3% of GDP, shutting off 50% gas supply could shrink the economy another 20% in a matter of months....


PrivatBank and the NBU implode!!!!


and Right Sector is planning a coup at this very moment while the anti-capitulation protests are going on!!!!

Putin is already at the 50% point for launching "The Operation" the biggest use of military force by Russia since WWII to liberate Kiev from fascists....
biggest variable is Trump...
and fear of a Democratic Presidential backlash

Ukraine military is so weak in the East, that if Russia launched a full attack the size of its last military exercise against Ukraine...
it would be 24 hours at most before Kyiv and ODESSA (the main target!) fell....


In a couple of more years, y'all are gonna be spelling Kiev again!!!!!!

average age of Ukrainian soldier in the East is 40!!!!
young Ukrainians are NOT signing up for this war!!!!
there's almost NO support among the young...
for the "battalions"

the GRU assassinated its military leader to replace him with a pro-Russian puppet
and Zelensky used him to withdraw all the battalions from Novo Russiya
now Zelensky has agreed to hand over Novo Russiya to Russia...

so Novo Russiya will either end up like Transnistria or be eventually incorporated into Russian territory like Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014
either way, huge step forward for Putin!!!!
BUT, I don't believe this will be the end of the story...

I told y'all that Putin was the rude beast slouching towards Bethlehem, would you see it...
because, folks, he ain't gonna stop after Ukraine....
in 2024, they make him king...
Emperor of The Russian Federation
and he founds a new state recognized  aristocratic class based on hereditary oligarchy
he does this to gain the votes in the Duma to be king
and everyone in "all the Russias" bow down to their new lords and masters

foreigners in Ukraine, you'd best be gone before the shooting starts...
because when it does, all air and rail will be shutdown on the first day...

please find one of the safety passes that are posted on walls and billboards
and present it and yourself to the nearest anti-fascist coalition soldier
please remember to have your passport handy

« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 11:14:17 AM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2019, 10:19:56 AM »
dear Readers!

do not be distracted by all the press in the Western Media a few weeks from now about the meeting between Jarred Kushner, Rick Perry and Ukraine President Zelensky in Brussels...

it’s a distraction....
when it’s revealed that it was the USA that pressured Zelensky for the Steinmeier formula
and then later it will be revealed that Putin pushed Trump to do this...
it will further undermine Ukrainian popular support for Zelensky...

the MOST IMPORTANT thing is happening this week in Kyiv!!!
yeah Kyiv!!!!

this week a judge will decide if kolomoisky has Privat Bank returned to him...
because Putin’s plan will ONLY work if kolomoisky has the bank returned to him...

and once again, I gotta say, "Putin is a gawd damned genuis"!

since it’s pretty much a done deal...
then I guess everyone will just have to take kolomoisky's word that he won’t start looting Privat Bank or the NBU next month...

if he does, then it’s one step away from “GAME OVER!” for Ukraine....
to save it from fascism that erupts in the chaos of economic collapse
oh the horrors being perpetrated by Russian paid titushki and prvocateurs...




the recent exercise showed that Russian units were mixed in with an exercise that took place on the Belarus border with Ukraine...

see the helpful diagram

In the case of anti-fascist liberation forces coming to your neighborhood in Ukraine and you’re a Western tourist, I’d recommend the following:

Forget about trying to leave, airports, rail, major roads will all be shutdown in the first few hours.
The border cross-points will be dangerous because many will be mined and booby trapped...
So stay put!!!

I would have your suitcase packed and be ready to quickly evacuate.....
if you have a passport, hold it clearly in your hand and approach the nearest anti-fascist coalition soldier and you will be safely escorted to your embassy

in the case of heavy artillery attacks DO NOT shelter inside Ukrainian apartments, especially basements, they’re death traps, it’ll be months before someone will dig your body out...
instead, scout around in the immediate vicinity where you live for an emergency bunker, like a drain-pipe for instance...

« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 10:41:43 AM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2019, 10:44:06 AM »
Can I put my pop-up Ukrainian doll in my suitcase?
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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2019, 05:01:05 PM »
what I'd certainly DO if I were you man, I mean if you TRULY care....
is go to a welding shop that does TIG welding and score a small tank of helium for about $100 or so...
inflate your seks kukla with the helium...
and just LET HER GO MAN!!!!

do this and you will be soaring in the clouds with her
set your seks kukla free....

We got seks kuklas in the corn flour, seks kuklas in the corn
seks kuklas in the bedroom,  seks kuklas in the barn
We got seks kuklas drivin' Cadillacs to Washington Dee Sea
When I set my seks kuklas free

yeeee- haaaaaaa!!!!

now speakin just for me and some people from Tennessee
we got a thing or two to tell ya'll
this lady may have stumbled, but she ain't NEVER fell!
and if the RUSSIANS, they don't like it...
they can all go STRAIGHT TO HELL!

hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! dumb phuque Yankees got PLAYED!!!!
hard to imagine anyone dumber...
they STILL haven't caught on to the CON!!!
but they will SOON learn about it....
but OOPS!!!
too late!!!!

« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 05:28:19 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2019, 07:08:50 AM »
today the court in Kyiv deferred its finding to this instead
case No. 826/7432/17

IMF negotiation with Ukraine has ALREADY failed because of this....
this is already a firm win for Putin against Ukraine...

the public mood in Kyiv is tense and anxious even now....
a lotta anti-capitualtion protests been goin on you see...

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2019, 08:38:28 AM »
today the court in Kyiv deferred its finding to this instead
case No. 826/7432/17

IMF negotiation with Ukraine has ALREADY failed because of this....
this is already a firm win for Putin against Ukraine...

the public mood in Kyiv is tense and anxious even now....
a lotta anti-capitualtion protests been goin on you see...


When is the case against the Russian arm of Privatbank ? ;)

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2019, 10:05:45 AM »
B&N Bank acquired 100 percent of Moskomprivatbank's shares from Ukrainian PrivatBank

Moskomprivatbank has an estimated value of $168 million, which includes a subordinated loan.

B&N Bank received a $336 million loan from Deposit Insurance Agency to maintain Moskomprivatbank's liquidity and implement a project related to the creation of the credit institution's independent information technology infrastructure.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation also approved the rehabilitation procedure of Moskomprivatbank, under which B&N Bank will act as an acquirer. The Central Bank imposed temporary administration on Moskomprivatbank in March, at which point DIA was assigned as Moskomprivatbank's temporary administrator.

Moskomprivatbank shareholders will elect new governing bodies during an upcoming general meeting. Control will be carried out under B&N Bank's control after new governing bodies are elected.

as you can see from this recent video, Americans are just about able to see what's ACTUALLY going on now....

and remember, I told ya'll here, before the whistle blower story was public...

« Last Edit: October 17, 2019, 10:13:45 AM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2019, 09:15:53 AM »
so when y’all see groups of smiling Russian soldiers takin selfies on Potemkin Stairs...
that’s the time when I’ll be making my next trip to Odessa as well...
now remember tovarish , don't forget to say, "spossiba veteran" on Victory Day, horrosho!

I have my eye on a kino studio there, but UNFORTUNATELY I am not high enough in the organizatsiya to be “allowed” to buy it....

technically, at the moment, I’m a nobody, cuz I ain’t a citizen of the Russian Federation...
I’m just a “consultant” who works “pod stolom”....
most of the time, I figure out an angle to make money so that it doesn’t come out of my patron’s pocket...
he tends to appreciate the thoughtfulness of this approach...

but in a couple of years, I WILL be a Russian citizen...
AND I will even be allowed to change my name to a new Russian sounding name...
I will essentially have a new identity thanks to the Russian government!!!!
spossiba bolshoi!

so in order to get the studio, I’ve had to bring it to the attention of my patron
and offer him a partnership in it...
I knew he’d be interested because he has a daughter the same age as one of mine...

he has the judicial and United Russia and FSB connections to just grab the company outright in court... and this is basically what he will do, file a bogus law suit and then seize the company from its Ukrainian owners in the new Russian property court, we will just be one of a thousand similar cases...
we each have to put into escrow the amount needed to cover all the payoff costs, which totals $500,000.... not too bad for a company worth 10 million.....
right after this happens, we will have to make a large payment to a special Russian “Rare Violin” purchase program through an offshore bank in Latvia....
AND THEN, I will be part owner, and give myself a vice presidency position...
I am also hoping to “piggyback” my own side deal on top of this through the same process...
for getting 80 hecters of land that borders the Akkerman fortress south of Odessa...
and build the Villa Del Krimster there....
and if I’m successful in making all the connections for doing the side deal, then I'll just be doing more and more..

this is how I am laying the foundation for my future family dynasty in Russia...

« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 09:29:31 AM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #65 on: December 05, 2019, 09:26:27 AM »
What a fanciful tale.   Imagine, dividing the war spoils before the war. 
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2019, 09:29:26 AM »

he has the judicial and political and FSB connections to just grab the company outright in court... and this is basically what he will do, file a bogus law suit and then seize the company from its Ukrainian owners in the new Russian property court, we will just be one of a thousand similar cases...

And you will be able to look your daughters in the face !!  ??
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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #67 on: December 05, 2019, 09:37:21 AM »
"And you will be able to look your daughters in the face !!  ??"


this is how BIZNESS gets done in Russia moy droog...
if it wasn't me, it'd just be someone else doin it...

we live part-time in Russia now...
so I teach my daughters to be as hard as nails and as "cut-throat" as they can be...

"What a fanciful tale.   Imagine, dividing the war spoils before the war.  "

it's ALWAYS done this way... it's not as ad-hoc as you think...
everyone in Russia knows what's coming for Ukraine at the end of next year...
that's all the GazProm execs talked about at my home during Thanksgiving...

« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 07:41:21 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #68 on: December 05, 2019, 12:25:44 PM »
Wonder how all of those tanks will enjoy meeting the Javelin missiles that the US just provided Ukraine?   Absent a full scale war, including air bombardments, Putin will not have his way.   And if Putin does proceed with an all-out war, then Ukraine will have significant support from the US and European allies.   

Personally,  I think ole Krimster is smoking the whacky weed.  We've heard his predictions like this before.   But I've always noticed his political prognostications do not, typically, come through.   My guess is that the first thing NATO countries would do to an all out war by Russia and against Ukraine is that they would turn off the oil spigots from Russia and let Russia choke on their own bile.   Europe has had five years, now, to prepare for Russian belligerence.    Russia is, after all, a third world country with a big gas can.  And the Europeans know all too well about allowing other European countries the ability to make war on their neighbors.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #69 on: December 05, 2019, 02:40:19 PM »
Trump supporters say the dumbest stuff ever...
a Javelin will never be launched in Ukraine...
half of Ukraine's military will surrender the first day...

North Stream was done with Europe's cooperation, just so this could happen...
Europe is switching to Russia....
Putin controls ALL the pipelines to Europe, it's why he's in Syria...
Putin will call Trump and tell him what to do and say when he takes Ukraine just like all the OTHER CALLS...
Russian mob is already moving into Odessa and displacing Ukrainian one...
your president is done now and on borrowed time, Putin KNOWS EXACTLY how long Trump will be in Office
and Trump's last day is Putin's deadline for taking Ukraine...
« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 02:42:48 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #70 on: December 05, 2019, 02:46:59 PM »
Perhaps you've only been reading your own posts.   I am castigated on this forum because I do NOT support Trump.  But then, your head has not been seen for a long time on this forum.   It disappeared a long time ago.   But we know where it is.  Why don't you pull it outta there?

I find it absolutely amazing that you support the fringe liberal element here in the United States, but when you walk off the plane in Russia you turn all radically ultra conservative despot supporter.   And yet, you see no disparity between the two positions.    :rolleyes:
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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #71 on: December 05, 2019, 04:15:27 PM »
“Why don't you pull it outta there?”

yeah, you’re right...
my wife and her GF have had enough...
now, it's my turn, oh boy oh boy....

"And yet, you see no disparity between the two positions."

nothing to do with ideology
my only ideal in Russia is to make money...
and it's an incredible place for that!!!

« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 07:40:03 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #72 on: December 09, 2019, 05:53:12 PM »

Ukraine and Russia has meeting in Paris and agree to ceasefire among other things before end of 2019.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #73 on: December 09, 2019, 08:00:35 PM »
ever hear of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact...
you don't think Russia would EVER do something like that again do you?
isn't the treaty a great cover story for when you DO invade....
do you know that 7% of Ukraine's territory IS ALREADY under Russian occupation....

if you're a foreigner in Ukraine
just remember this...
when you hear that Russia has cut off the gas to Ukraine....

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2019, 08:41:59 PM »

do you know that 7% of Ukraine's territory IS ALREADY under Russian occupation....

Most of us do .. it's just the Kremlin that suggests, otherwise .... ;)


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