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Author Topic: How to Visit Many without lying?  (Read 127524 times)

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Offline JayH

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #200 on: November 13, 2018, 04:08:25 PM »
OK -here we go ! I have resisted commenting as most of what I have to say I have repeated many times here( unlike some who take every opportunity to repeat a lot of nonsense !)

Donna-Pedro has  done her best to explain and I totally agree with most of what she has written .

It is 100% consistent with my own knowledge -gained personally and in many( many many) conversations on this topic ( & many others) that relates to this type of scenario.

Telling anyone they are 2nd choice( or the 10th ) or a backup is offensively dumb thing to do  --just plain stupid .
Guys come here paranoid about being scammed-- non genuine girls etc etc--yet then think it is ok to tell a girl she is on a list of maybe's !

How would guys react to being told -- "I can see you between 10 am & 11 am as I have other guys to see in the afternoon? Where would you place that girl on YOUR list?btw -- for me- i would not care as regardless of all else I would back myself in if I was really interested in that girl-- why? Because I understand the reality is that NOTHING is real until you meet .

But-- doing that to a girl -an FSU girl in particular -- all you have achieved is to raise the bar higher.--for yourself.
If you have to justify your actions to a girl- you have probably just lost !

Understand that the very large majority of guys who show up in the FSU ( & that is only somewhere less that 5% of those who take to the keyboard)  are not in what I call the "normal" guy category   eg Read the total idiot Trenchcoat here on forum :wallbash:. Girls may have met  a guy/s previously-- or read on FSUW forums some of the horror stories and some of the actions of guys visiting-- some funny,some criminal,some dangerous, some just plain social misfits .

Last for now--one of my favourite stories is a funny one -- a guy shows up in a smaller city with a bag of engagement rings -- and using a few agencies meets a number of girls -- who in each case he asks her to marry him and presents who with an engagement ring!   He was quite cut when agency told him that handing out 10 rings was excessive- he told them he still had another 4 to hand out! LoL

Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #201 on: November 13, 2018, 04:31:05 PM »
" and using a few agencies meets a number of girls -- who in each case he asks her to marry him and presents who with an engagement ring!"

that guy is either a FREAKING genius or he's Irish. good on him!!!

Offline Trenchcoat

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #202 on: November 13, 2018, 05:13:41 PM »
The more I talk to FSU women, I’m learning that your philosophy is not uncommon.

I have noticed a lot of prying questions about why I am visiting Ukraine, how long I will be staying, who I am seeing.  One girl was out of town when I will be there in November, so I told her that maybe we could meet when I return in January.  I am pretty much an open book, so I usually don’t mind questions, but she started demanding to know why I am visiting Ukraine so often.  What is she suspicious of?  Does she just think I have a ton of girls lined up? Is she thinking I’m a sex tourist?

I found some potential business dealings in Kiev... I’m thinking on setting up some meetings just so suspicious girls will get off my back. There is actually some business potential there, so it won’t be a lie at all...

From what Krimster says the competition is so great to find a decent man (who can provide, etc) that I'm guessing girls go rushing to be no.1 and are wary that the competition may be sniffing around also. I think they wish to stake their claim on each man they hold some interest in. Chances are not all girls will just be talking to you, a few may do most will probably be talking to other guys. Stands to reason to hedge their bets as for all they know your promises to visit may come to nothing. Meanwhile time is ticking for them and they've probably missed out to other girls in the past so know how quick off the ball they have to be on the men they are interested in.

That said, if they meet with prospective guy and it becomes apparent he is no the guy for them then they won't be so bothered. I think almost every girl with interest in a guy is eager for him to visit after all she is not paying so has no real cost for her.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline brownbeard99

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #203 on: November 13, 2018, 05:20:47 PM »
OK -here we go ! I have resisted commenting as most of what I have to say I have repeated many times here( unlike some who take every opportunity to repeat a lot of nonsense !)

Donna-Pedro has  done her best to explain and I totally agree with most of what she has written .

It is 100% consistent with my own knowledge -gained personally and in many( many many) conversations on this topic ( & many others) that relates to this type of scenario.

Telling anyone they are 2nd choice( or the 10th ) or a backup is offensively dumb thing to do  --just plain stupid .
Guys come here paranoid about being scammed-- non genuine girls etc etc--yet then think it is ok to tell a girl she is on a list of maybe's !

How would guys react to being told -- "I can see you between 10 am & 11 am as I have other guys to see in the afternoon? Where would you place that girl on YOUR list?btw -- for me- i would not care as regardless of all else I would back myself in if I was really interested in that girl-- why? Because I understand the reality is that NOTHING is real until you meet .

But-- doing that to a girl -an FSU girl in particular -- all you have achieved is to raise the bar higher.--for yourself.
If you have to justify your actions to a girl- you have probably just lost !

Understand that the very large majority of guys who show up in the FSU ( & that is only somewhere less that 5% of those who take to the keyboard)  are not in what I call the "normal" guy category   eg Read the total idiot Trenchcoat here on forum :wallbash:. Girls may have met  a guy/s previously-- or read on FSUW forums some of the horror stories and some of the actions of guys visiting-- some funny,some criminal,some dangerous, some just plain social misfits .

Last for now--one of my favourite stories is a funny one -- a guy shows up in a smaller city with a bag of engagement rings -- and using a few agencies meets a number of girls -- who in each case he asks her to marry him and presents who with an engagement ring!   He was quite cut when agency told him that handing out 10 rings was excessive- he told them he still had another 4 to hand out! LoL

I’m not sure if this was directly talking to me, but I agree and would never in a million years tell a girl that she was my second choice, nor would I ever volunteer that I have any other dates in the same day, week, or month as that girl.  I don’t do this at home either.  As previously stated, I have planned multiple dates in a week and I just cancel the other dates if the first one works out.  This has never been a problem because no girl has ever asked about if I have other dates planned. 

If I ask a girl to go out with me on Saturday, I have never had her ask, “Do you have another date on Friday or something!”... I have had her suggest Friday, and if I already have another date scheduled, I just say “I already have plans”.  This has never been a problem and I have never had a girl pry any further.

Maybe the thread should be called “How do you tactfully navigate a WMVM strategy without hurting anyone’s feelings”

The problem I am currently having is that I am discovering a lot of things about my “visit one” girl that I’m not sure I really like.  I don’t have time before my trip to build this great rapport (like Donna Pedro did) with someone new. 

It’s too late to cancel my trip and I don’t want to fly across the world just to visit one new girl I have been chatting with for less than two weeks.

So yes, I want to make my trip worth it.  I want to plan multiple dates,  there is no rank.  I don’t have a number one, two, three... there are just girls I am interested in who are available when I am there.  At home, I am continually dating girls.  I date them based on availability, not rank. They are dating around too and nobody has a problem with it.  When you find someone you click with, you drop all the others.  Why does it have to be so complicated?

I have heard it asked rhetorically, “Do these FSU women stop all dating activity when they agree to go out with a foreign man in a month?”

I really want to know the answer.  I don’t really want to ask any girls directly.  It sounds invasive, prying, controlling and rude.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #204 on: November 13, 2018, 05:36:19 PM »
Depends of they can get a date or a local deemed worthy enough. By even mid twenties a girl can apparently be left with all the dregs to chose from to date out there. Alcoholics, drug addicts, dim wits, the low paid, unemployed, homeless,  criminals, domestic abusers, etc, etc. Ukraine is a poor country with a few wealthier people.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline brownbeard99

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #205 on: November 13, 2018, 06:00:16 PM »
Depends of they can get a date or a local deemed worthy enough. By even mid twenties a girl can apparently be left with all the dregs to chose from to date out there. Alcoholics, drug addicts, dim wits, the low paid, unemployed, homeless,  criminals, domestic abusers, etc, etc. Ukraine is a poor country with a few wealthier people.
So, what you are telling me is that if they aren’t dating around, it’s not cause they are “morally superior” or something.  They aren’t dating because the simply can’t.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #206 on: November 13, 2018, 06:06:00 PM »
I’m not sure if this was directly talking to me, but I agree and would never in a million years tell a girl that she was my second choice, nor would I ever volunteer that I have any other dates in the same day, week, or month as that girl.  I don’t do this at home either.  As previously stated, I have planned multiple dates in a week and I just cancel the other dates if the first one works out.  This has never been a problem because no girl has ever asked about if I have other dates planned. 

If I ask a girl to go out with me on Saturday, I have never had her ask, “Do you have another date on Friday or something!”... I have had her suggest Friday, and if I already have another date scheduled, I just say “I already have plans”.  This has never been a problem and I have never had a girl pry any further.

Maybe the thread should be called “How do you tactfully navigate a WMVM strategy without hurting anyone’s feelings”

The problem I am currently having is that I am discovering a lot of things about my “visit one” girl that I’m not sure I really like.  I don’t have time before my trip to build this great rapport (like Donna Pedro did) with someone new. 

It’s too late to cancel my trip and I don’t want to fly across the world just to visit one new girl I have been chatting with for less than two weeks.

So yes, I want to make my trip worth it.  I want to plan multiple dates,  there is no rank.  I don’t have a number one, two, three... there are just girls I am interested in who are available when I am there.  At home, I am continually dating girls.  I date them based on availability, not rank. They are dating around too and nobody has a problem with it.  When you find someone you click with, you drop all the others.  Why does it have to be so complicated?

I have heard it asked rhetorically, “Do these FSU women stop all dating activity when they agree to go out with a foreign man in a month?”

I really want to know the answer.  I don’t really want to ask any girls directly.  It sounds invasive, prying, controlling and rude.

It's been long time since a girl asked if I was only visiting her on a trip.

Not sure if it is the girl's the OP's picking or the conversations he's having with them that brings on the questions of why he is visiting her country.

If you have friends in the area or have a valid reason for visiting other than to visit a girl that could ease some of pressures of questions. I have good friends in Odessa, Moscow and Chisnau, Some of girls have met some of my no lying if I say I am visiting friends and want to meet a girl.

My passion for history and anything historical was a good reason for visiting. Women were amazed of my knowledge of certain subjects. And my many travels to see historical sites( Egypt was a big one), focused attention on something other than visiting a 'girl'.

So, OP, what are you telling these girls that ask why you are visiting????? They already know that visiting on 'business' means....  wink, wink
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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #207 on: November 13, 2018, 06:09:03 PM »
Depends of they can get a date or a local deemed worthy enough. By even mid twenties a girl can apparently be left with all the dregs to chose from to date out there. Alcoholics, drug addicts, dim wits, the low paid, unemployed, homeless,  criminals, domestic abusers, etc, etc. Ukraine is a poor country with a few wealthier people.

Please disregard this post!!

Girl's can get a date anytime they want. Enough men there, girls just need some extra money pocket money from any visitors!!!
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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #208 on: November 13, 2018, 06:15:49 PM »
So, what you are telling me is that if they aren’t dating around, it’s not cause they are “morally superior” or something.  They aren’t dating because the simply can’t.

Essentially yes, I asked a girl this and she basically told me about the poor state of local men. I don't think she was lying either, a poor guy in Ukraine really has little to offer a girl that would make him a going concern in her eyes capable of raising children which can cost a lot and mean the man is at work out there all hours to support the child. Of course odds are the girl is not without the odd issue/flaws to have been passed over by the decent local guys but they'll still be way superior to western girls on sites like Match, they'll have way less issues.

Some girls as LAman says may need the extra pocket money, some will want a more long term relationship with a reasonably well off western guy. They want to have children and a comfortable life all of the time, not just when a western man visits. Some women laugh at the short termism of girls that go just for the few purchases a WM can afford here & there before they get too old then no one is interested in them apart from the odd old goatsonce in a blue moon like Mobers, eh ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline brownbeard99

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #209 on: November 13, 2018, 06:29:41 PM »

It's been long time since a girl asked if I was only visiting her on a trip.

Not sure if it is the girl's the OP's picking or the conversations he's having with them that brings on the questions of why he is visiting her country.

If you have friends in the area or have a valid reason for visiting other than to visit a girl that could ease some of pressures of questions. I have good friends in Odessa, Moscow and Chisnau, Some of girls have met some of my no lying if I say I am visiting friends and want to meet a girl.

My passion for history and anything historical was a good reason for visiting. Women were amazed of my knowledge of certain subjects. And my many travels to see historical sites( Egypt was a big one), focused attention on something other than visiting a 'girl'.

So, OP, what are you telling these girls that ask why you are visiting????? They already know that visiting on 'business' means....  wink, wink

A few ask right away. I have a number of reasons... I think “looking for love” is a bad one... that invites suspicion and a million other questions.  I have told them about my friend who owns several apartments in Kiev and is letting me stay in one.  I talk about my fascination with Ukraine... as a kid, my family used to make Ukrainian Easter eggs. It a very elaborate artistic process that can take several weeks to make one egg.  I talk about my love for travel.. Last month I went to Mexico, Nov/Dec I’m going to Ukraine, in January-Mar I’m going to the Netherlands, Germany and France... I think I may have gone overboard on the travel thing once... it’s a good excuse, but it makes Ukraine seem like just a box to check on my bucket list.

A bigger challenge is to explain “why Ukrainian women?”  My answer is I find them beautiful and they have traditional values I find lacking in many American women.  I know this is a broad generalization, but that’s the gist of it.  I know all Ukrainian women don’t meet this description and I haven’t given up on American women either (I have a date later this week in Chicago).
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 06:32:16 PM by brownbeard99 »

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #210 on: November 13, 2018, 07:24:07 PM »
A few ask right away. I have a number of reasons... I think “looking for love” is a bad one... that invites suspicion and a million other questions.

I tell them "I'm came here to look for love and haven't found it yet." Never a problem with that response.

A bigger challenge is to explain “why Ukrainian women?”  My answer is I find them beautiful and they have traditional values I find lacking in many American women.

Just tell them you think Slavic women are the most beautiful in the world. There's a lot of women in the FSU with poor values just as there are American women. I'd leave the other stuff out of the conversation.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #211 on: November 13, 2018, 07:41:25 PM »
A few ask right away. I have a number of reasons... I think “looking for love” is a bad one... that invites suspicion and a million other questions.  I have told them about my friend who owns several apartments in Kiev and is letting me stay in one.  I talk about my fascination with Ukraine... as a kid, my family used to make Ukrainian Easter eggs. It a very elaborate artistic process that can take several weeks to make one egg.  I talk about my love for travel.. Last month I went to Mexico, Nov/Dec I’m going to Ukraine, in January-Mar I’m going to the Netherlands, Germany and France... I think I may have gone overboard on the travel thing once... it’s a good excuse, but it makes Ukraine seem like just a box to check on my bucket list.

A bigger challenge is to explain “why Ukrainian women?”  My answer is I find them beautiful and they have traditional values I find lacking in many American women.  I know this is a broad generalization, but that’s the gist of it.  I know all Ukrainian women don’t meet this description and I haven’t given up on American women either (I have a date later this week in Chicago).

My comments earlier were generalised so apply what concerns you!
LAman again makes a good post -- and having friends is good!  I also have friends across Ukraine- business interests-and more -all developed after my more recent( years ago now)

 Taking a REAL interest in Ukraine and Ukrainians will take you a long way  too --especially history,architecture and in some case politics ( leave your Trump badge at home!!) & world affairs.Taking an interest in how people live ( without looking down your nose !- nb -- the idiot Trenchcoat makes more dumbass comments across a few threads today-he personifies how not the think)

The questions that have come up- you need to develop answers to them and be able to answer in a credible way-- I think of it as being 100% truthfull without telling 110% of the fact!!

As  a couple of examples -- I did ( & would) say -- that I hope to be able to meet someone that could become special for me !
Why Ukraine? -- they say the most beautiful women in the world are here/there and I want to see for myself  and of course--it allows me to visit a country  that I am very interested in etc etc

Even now -- when I am alone in Ukraine( not with my lady) these questions come up-- and a lot more so I still get to practice these answers in a vague way -- politely>

The point about not letting a girl know she on just one on a list --is that you create a negative unnecessarily  before you even start.
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #212 on: November 13, 2018, 07:42:35 PM »

A bigger challenge is to explain “why Ukrainian women?”  My answer is I find them beautiful and they have traditional values I find lacking in many American women.  I know this is a broad generalization, but that’s the gist of it.  I know all Ukrainian women don’t meet this description and I haven’t given up on American women either (I have a date later this week in Chicago).

Why Ukrainian women???? Easy, I am looking at whole world to find my beloved.

Traditional values? Yes way too broad. Ex:  Family is very important for me.  In Ukraine, for women, family is very important. I like that.

If they ask what else, mention the beauty you see in Ukrainian women. Not only physical but in how they take care of themselves.
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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #213 on: November 13, 2018, 07:46:04 PM »

Why Ukraine? -- they say the most beautiful women in the world are here/there and I want to see for myself  and of course--it allows me to visit a country  that I am very interested in etc etc


Jay, to me it is superficial to mention the most beautiful women in the world are Ukrainian. Maybe a reason down the line.
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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #214 on: November 13, 2018, 07:53:42 PM »
Why Ukraine? -- they say the most beautiful women in the world are here/there and I want to see for myself  and of course--it allows me to visit a country  that I am very interested in etc etc

I had several UW tell me that UW are all pretty.
I reply that this is not true.
It bewilders them.
Later, I may tell a gal that she is pretty.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #215 on: November 13, 2018, 08:10:54 PM »
I had several UW tell me that UW are all pretty.
I reply that this is not true.
It bewilders them.
Later, I may tell a gal that she is pretty.
Why Ukrainian women???? Easy, I am looking at whole world to find my beloved.

Traditional values? Yes way too broad. Ex:  Family is very important for me.  In Ukraine, for women, family is very important. I like that.

If they ask what else, mention the beauty you see in Ukrainian women. Not only physical but in how they take care of themselves.

I agree with both of you -- actually is is the overall grooming and presentation that stands out . I think it is clear that looking good is important  and as a result -- more like that . 
  Another point -- Ukraine has a population of over 40 million is not a very large country --   so -- many more per sq km than in physically larger countries.
Last -- in western countries suffering a fat people  epidemic - eg in Ukraine a big framed girl may get to 65kgs and still look good -in the west  it would be 80 -100kgs -- often at 18 yo ! 
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #216 on: November 13, 2018, 08:53:55 PM »
I agree with both of you -- actually is is the overall grooming and presentation that stands out . I think it is clear that looking good is important  and as a result -- more like that . 
  Another point -- Ukraine has a population of over 40 million is not a very large country --   so -- many more per sq km than in physically larger countries.
Last -- in western countries suffering a fat people  epidemic - eg in Ukraine a big framed girl may get to 65kgs and still look good -in the west  it would be 80 -100kgs -- often at 18 yo !

Weight is a big factor in all this for me.  The AVERAGE American woman is 77kgs.  75% of American women are overweight.  I live in the Midwest where it’s much worse than other places (it didn’t seem as bad when I lived in CA and FL).

Is this an acceptable thing to mention to UW?  I said something similar to this and the girl said she became nervous that I would divorce her if she gained weight.  Part of me wanted to reassure her... and part of me liked her being scared.  My first wife gained a ton of weight when she got pregnant and kept gaining weight.  By the time we got divorced, she was more than TWICE my weight... around 180kgs... it was extremely disgusting and unhealthy.  She has so many health problems related to her obesity that she is hospitalized at least once a year... sometimes several.

There is no way I can go through that nightmare again (probably why my second wife weighed 52kgs)!

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #217 on: November 13, 2018, 09:15:34 PM »
Always be careful in introducing a negative that impacts on a fsuw !  If you like-focus on her positives !
A few others added to the way to lead YOUR thoughts ! Parcel that up for others consumption !

One of the major difficulties in cross cultural relationship is the actual meaning of words and the overall intent of a sentence.Choosing words carefully becomes very important so there are no misunderstandings. As en example -- you say -- "you must see zzzz movie" --we see that as saying this is a good thing to do --whereas -- it can be interpreted as a command-- an order !
  Some years ago --I had just met a girl whose English was very very good ( now teaching English in China!!) and at the end of the night I said " I want to see more of you" --mm she recoiled with one of those looks on her face !  Now -- what I meant was to see more as in see again ! You can figure out what she thought at that moment! We are still in contact ( as friends ) and I still coach her in many ways English is used -- and we often laugh about the incident on the day we met !

Funny you mention ex's weight --my Australian ex  ( quite a few years ago now)   kept very fit & trim -- and we used to joke that she stayed that way or I would be gone !!   After we separated she got all the way up to 60kgs ( she is now back at 55kgs-- she was 50kgs earlier)  and she told people that she got fat and I kicked her out !!  The look on people faces gave no end of amusement to her !

My current Ukr lady is 170cm & 53kg and wants to lose a kg or 2 ! She works hard at looking good ( and is very successful !) I am 182cm and currently 79kgs -- I will get back down to 73kgs in the next few months!!

My point earlier about Ukrainian women -- even if a bigger natural frame -- unusual to be fat . We are not all built the same -we are what we are -- and most in the west have no excuse for being way overweight .
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 09:29:32 PM by JayH »
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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« Reply #218 on: November 14, 2018, 12:29:04 AM »
Now this I totally agree on. What galls me is the number of fat women you get in the UK who think they are entitled to a relationship, having kids, etc all whilst being vastly overweight and making no effort what so ever! I'm fed up with the amount of times I go to the supermarket, DIY store or wherever just to be 'treated' to another obese woman's big fat arse wobbling past my field of view. What's more I get the impression they seem to feel it's something to be proud off. It's truely a horrific sight.

Take a look at this article I've found online. It's not just me that has noticed it either:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 12:47:06 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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« Reply #219 on: November 14, 2018, 01:35:52 AM »
Now this I totally agree on. What galls me is the number of fat women you get in the UK who think they are entitled to a relationship, having kids, etc all whilst being vastly overweight and making no effort what so ever! I'm fed up with the amount of times I go to the supermarket, DIY store or wherever just to be 'treated' to another obese woman's big fat arse wobbling past my field of view. What's more I get the impression they seem to feel it's something to be proud off. It's truely a horrific sight.

Take a look at this article I've found online. It's not just me that has noticed it either:
A big problem is that the whole “Fat acceptance” movement is gaining global momentum.  This puts doctors and medical professionals in quite a quandary. Obesity is preventable, but obesity related problems are the number one healthcare cost in the US.

Obesity kills, but we are not allowed to talk about it because it hurts fat people’s feelings.

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« Reply #220 on: November 14, 2018, 02:52:01 AM »
Depends of they can get a date or a local deemed worthy enough. By even mid twenties a girl can apparently be left with all the dregs to chose from to date out there. Alcoholics, drug addicts, dim wits, the low paid, unemployed, homeless,  criminals, domestic abusers, etc, etc. Ukraine is a poor country with a few wealthier people.
Any 'advice' from TC should come with a warning label attached. It beggars belief that he has the audacity to comment on the state of Ukrainian men when he could hardly be put forward as the standard bearer for British men or on the poverty in Ukraine when he is poor himself.
As for his knowledge of UKR women, or anything FSU related: :wallbash:

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #221 on: November 14, 2018, 05:43:38 AM »
I agree with Donna here. One can glean a lot of information from simple everyday conversations. Enough to build a realistic picture of who the other person is.

I never even thought of WMVM. Getting to know a person just enough before visiting seemed to be the best way forward and it worked for me. We both knew enough about each other to be interested in meeting IRL. So much so, that when we met, we felt comfortable in each other's company from the beginning.

Needless to say, that woman is my wife of 7 years.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #222 on: November 14, 2018, 06:21:26 AM »
A big problem is that the whole “Fat acceptance” movement is gaining global momentum.  This puts doctors and medical professionals in quite a quandary. Obesity is preventable, but obesity related problems are the number one healthcare cost in the US.

Obesity kills, but we are not allowed to talk about it because it hurts fat people’s feelings.
One sees efforts to desensitize  the general public in the media through advertising the ‘larger’ sized clothing and figure as beautiful. It also applies to trying to normalize inter racial relationships where such families are portrayed as the norm, when, in fact, they make up a very small proportion of the population.
There’s an agenda for sure.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #223 on: November 14, 2018, 01:41:36 PM »
Any 'advice' from TC should come with a warning label attached. It beggars belief that he has the audacity to comment on the state of Ukrainian men when he could hardly be put forward as the standard bearer for British men or on the poverty in Ukraine when he is poor himself.
As for his knowledge of UKR women, or anything FSU related: :wallbash:

A fairly poor UK guy is a pretty wealthy guy when in Ukraine. Even out of Ukraine a fairly poor UK guy in the UK has a far better standard of living than a fairly poor or even average Ukrainian. I only wish we could import Ukrainian girls in solid relationships on mass and export our fatty girls to Ukraine :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #224 on: November 14, 2018, 01:50:04 PM »
A big problem is that the whole “Fat acceptance” movement is gaining global momentum.  This puts doctors and medical professionals in quite a quandary. Obesity is preventable, but obesity related problems are the number one healthcare cost in the US.

Obesity kills, but we are not allowed to talk about it because it hurts fat people’s feelings.

The problem is the same in the UK, on the radio they advertise how obesity is the no.1 cause of cancer. Doesn't look like the women are taking any norice, they're as fat as ever. Fortunately Eastern Europe appears to be one of the few places where the fat acceptance movement has not yet reached and fortunately doesn't look set to either. In the FSU there is not so much the money to get fat mor the motivation. A fat FSW will almost condemn herself to not getting a man.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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