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Author Topic: How to Visit Many without lying?  (Read 127620 times)

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #525 on: January 14, 2019, 01:21:26 PM »
I stumbed across this article on a completely unrelated website. What stood out was the following:

My ex got me into bed with her less than 6 hours after getting off the plane in the Philippines in 2007; geez, I was suckered bad.

I'm always dubious about women who jump straight into bed. In my experiences none have been marriage material... замок, который можно открыть любым ключом, плохой замок!

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #526 on: January 14, 2019, 01:23:17 PM »
Actually we both do change out of outdoor clothing when we come into the house.
One of the main reasons for me is allergens on the clothing.
Don't want to have such achieving such an easy entry into the house.
And it would be even worse to lay down on a bed, even a fully made up bed, with such clothes.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #527 on: January 14, 2019, 01:31:07 PM »
My ex got me into bed with her less than 6 hours after getting off the plane in the Philippines in 2007; geez, I was suckered bad.

I'm always dubious about women who jump straight into bed. In my experiences none have been marriage material...

I don't think this is totally true.
Depends on why the woman wants to get into bed with you (or any man) so soon.
At least two scenarios:
1) They are using sex to rope you in.  This is the bad scenario and probably they are not good marriage material.
2) They have a really, really high sex drive for a female.  Doesn't disqualify them as good marriage material.  But of course could cause trouble down the road if the man isn't willing to satisfy her.  And this doesn't mean he has to have standard intercourse and orgasms for himself at her same rate.  Men have all sorts of tools they can use to please the woman sexually;  most are unwilling to perform though.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline rwd123

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #528 on: January 14, 2019, 02:34:57 PM »
I don't think this is totally true.
When it is straight into bed + much older man + foreigner + with kids + beard + no prior exposure to local culture + no language skills + Ukrainian girl + in her mid 20s + girl has plenty of disposable income then dubious shouldn't be a surprising default position. Good luck to BB99, wish him the best, but smells of James saying how great Ukrainian girls are and how less likely they are to wander...

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #529 on: January 14, 2019, 03:40:02 PM »
I am supposed to meet her mom tonight.  I am taking her mom and her mom's boyfriend out to dinner.  This should be interesting.  Her mom is my age... but her mom's boyfriend is 26, so they are obviously used to big age gaps in relationships.

Potential for a switch of mates ?
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline brownbeard99

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #530 on: January 14, 2019, 05:14:34 PM »
Interesting thing about the cold stuff. I have been battling a cold and she has been only wanting me to eat hot food and drinks. She thinks if I consume anything cold it will make me sicker. 

She has no problem with raw stuff though.  We eat sushi all the time (for those who have been here, you know sushi is very popular in Kyiv).  When we were in France, I ate steak tartare many times and she never freaked out.

I am picking my battles wisely with the differences. I don’t mind the clothing thing too much, because when she changes, she takes off her bra and wears very tight/skimpy things... so it’s kind of a bonus for me.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #531 on: January 14, 2019, 05:49:41 PM »
Ahhh, the shoe thing.  Yea... I'm learning that one.  When we arrived in our hotel room in Paris, I immediately started unpacking.  After a couple minutes, I noticed she was just staring at me with this dirty look on her face.  She finally said, "Could you please remove your shoes?"  her words were nice, but with her tone, she might have well said, "Take your shoes off you damn pig!"

She is also REALLY anal about turning lights off.  She freaks out if I leave a room without turning the lights off... even if I am going back to the room in 30 seconds.  Once we were leaving the apartment and I had my boots all laced up and saw that I left a light on.  I looked at her and wondered if it would be okay to leave the light on, just this once... or if I could tiptoe across the floor with my shoes to turn the light off...  One look from her said it all... I unlaced my boots, took them off to walk five feet and turn off a stupid light....

Yeah, FSW can be like that, the previous girl I was with was. In most cases I was observant enough to go through the necessary delicacies. I understand that they are woman and like a bit of refinement and house care, respectful living procedure if you like. I don't mind a bit of it the shoe horn thing I don't mind, etc but sometimes it can be a bit over the top when set against covienience. Kind  of feels like you are walking on eggshells or having to make an effort on minding yourself a bit much sometimes. I did the shoe on in the hotel room and also put my generally clean suitcase on the bedpread to unpack (wheelsof the side of course) that is a big no, no also so watch out for that one ;) 
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #532 on: January 14, 2019, 06:13:03 PM »
I stumbed across this article on a completely unrelated website. What stood out was the following:

My ex got me into bed with her less than 6 hours after getting off the plane in the Philippines in 2007; geez, I was suckered bad.

I'm always dubious about women who jump straight into bed. In my experiences none have been marriage material... замок, который можно открыть любым ключом, плохой замок!

An interesting Article RWD, it kind of ties in with what I've been saying recently about being reasonably realistic and looking at oneself critically as I think the same applies to FSW. The flooeing stuff in the artle speaks to the same:

"Remember, most of these girls are beautiful enough to have their pick of men and so many of them know it too."

"But don't EVEN think about marrying them. They'll break your heart in the end unless you are a) very "guapo / pogi" meaning: good looking, b) reasonably young and c) possess a high income, preferably all three. If you're in that category, why look overseas for a wife anyway?"

"There are however, genuine Filipina girls out there, but they're much harder to find though. Land one though, and you're set up for life. Such "good girls" are wonderful wives; you'll never meet more loyal, faithful or hard-working partners than these types. Perhaps I'm making generalisations here but I've found that it's the plainer, more homely girls with good education and English, who are also not from dirt poor families that are true marriage material and the girl

"They'll advertise themselves on their Friendster, Facebook, MySpace pages or even dating sites in order to find younger / better looking / wealthier benefactors for better sex and / or to fund the lifestyles that they want (for example, regular nightclubbing and / or long morning lie-ins) without being forced to work for anything. Webcams are great for taking pornographic images or even videos! Regular nightclubbing with "friends" is also another convenient way of picking up prospective partners (so beware if your fiancée / wife wants to go out clubbing often unless it's something you enjoy together.) These girls usually end up conducting an affair (or series of them) only after obtaining their spousal visa"

I think similar could be seen in the Indel King case, he was a balding fat guy who didn't look at all attractive and he went for a much younger girl. Some guys have the wherewithall to make it work and a very small few get lucky. Most though are a walking target. If he had got down the gym and got a decent toupee and went for a girl around her early thirties he would have been far less of a target. Not to dayhe would'nt have had problems but that he would'nt have been such a big target by underscoring in the character stakes do much.

Girls will unfortunately look down on guys who basically look past it, out of it, undesirable looking in probably at least one or more likely several ways. I think girls who view one guy as inferior will be viewed the same way by many girls, a big age gap for many will likely raise the disadvantages. I think not being taken seriously by girl after girl is a problem and best worked on before repeatedly hitting the same issue.

Another issue is when the girl gets into the UK, US etc and can see how the guy matches up to other guys around. So again ifthe guy is obviously coming up short he will face all of the above dangers of him being used as a mule and the girl hooking up with a guy in her age group. For me, reducing the affects of any obvious disparity would be the thing to do.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #533 on: January 15, 2019, 12:29:41 AM »

WHY are you posting drivel, again ? !

THIS poster  advocates that you cannot truly know a person until you've lived with them a long time ...

Having a bonk with someone you met on a plane .... risky !

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #534 on: January 15, 2019, 05:23:00 AM »
I stumbed across this article on a completely unrelated website. What stood out was the following:

My ex got me into bed with her less than 6 hours after getting off the plane in the Philippines in 2007; geez, I was suckered bad.

I'm always dubious about women who jump straight into bed. In my experiences none have been marriage material... замок, который можно открыть любым ключом, плохой замок!

6 hours? Are you kidding? They slept together after 6 hours!


What took him so long? That's playing hard to get in the Philippines. Either that or she was already having doubts him for the first 5 hours
« Last Edit: January 15, 2019, 05:24:37 AM by GenMish »

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #535 on: January 15, 2019, 09:44:52 AM »
I don't think this is totally true.
Depends on why the woman wants to get into bed with you (or any man) so soon.
At least two scenarios:
1) They are using sex to rope you in.  This is the bad scenario and probably they are not good marriage material.
2) They have a really, really high sex drive for a female.  Doesn't disqualify them as good marriage material.  But of course could cause trouble down the road if the man isn't willing to satisfy her.  And this doesn't mean he has to have standard intercourse and orgasms for himself at her same rate.  Men have all sorts of tools they can use to please the woman sexually;  most are unwilling to perform though.

I have a feeling that in the OP's case it's something in-between 1 and 2.  She had chemistry with him and decided to act on it to rope him in to regard only her during the trip.  The OP initially had 2 or 3 other dates set up after her, that he cancelled.  So it worked. ))

Offline brownbeard99

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #536 on: January 15, 2019, 11:44:57 AM »
There is little correlation between me and the guy in this story. First, I’m not a pathetic guy who can’t get a date back home. She didn’t rope me in with sex.  I’m the one who initiated sex and I have sex on the first date about 25% of the time... not a big deal.

This girl is not some sex vixen... she is rather inexperienced sexually and has a lot to learn.  Sex is not the centerpiece of our relationship.  She is an attorney with the high council of justice of Ukraine.  She works with the Supreme Court.  She isn’t some slutty, desperate low life... if fact, she often goes back and forth about whether she is really prepared to leave everything for the US..  We have many heated debates and probably argue about things more than we should. We are currently having an argument right now... she translated a government website into English for work.  I thought her wording was confusing and she’s mad that I insulted her work.

If she is some trickster trying to rope me in for a ticket to the US, she is doing an extremely shitty job of it.  I enjoy the company and it’s nice having sex with a 25 year old where nothing is stretched out or sagging... but I can’t say I’m in love or anything.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #537 on: January 15, 2019, 12:17:54 PM »
There is little correlation between me and the guy in this story. First, I’m not a pathetic guy who can’t get a date back home. She didn’t rope me in with sex.  I’m the one who initiated sex and I have sex on the first date about 25% of the time... not a big deal.

This girl is not some sex vixen... she is rather inexperienced sexually and has a lot to learn.  Sex is not the centerpiece of our relationship.  She is an attorney with the high council of justice of Ukraine.  She works with the Supreme Court.  She isn’t some slutty, desperate low life... if fact, she often goes back and forth about whether she is really prepared to leave everything for the US..  We have many heated debates and probably argue about things more than we should. We are currently having an argument right now... she translated a government website into English for work.  I thought her wording was confusing and she’s mad that I insulted her work.

If she is some trickster trying to rope me in for a ticket to the US, she is doing an extremely shitty job of it.  I enjoy the company and it’s nice having sex with a 25 year old where nothing is stretched out or sagging... but I can’t say I’m in love or anything.

You should probably know that being an 'attorney' is not the same thing in Ukraine as it is in the US.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #538 on: January 15, 2019, 12:44:06 PM »
You should probably know that being an 'attorney' is not the same thing in Ukraine as it is in the US.

Yes, I am fully aware of her duties and responsibilities. Her mom is a gynecologist and I know that is also different (she does deliver babies).

I lived in Korea while serving in the military and am quite familiar with the “Drinky” girls that would serve us in bars... they come from places like Thailand and the Philippines.  The clever ones would trick soldiers into marriage.  Those girls seem
Very similar to the girl in the story posted.  My situation is quite different.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #539 on: January 15, 2019, 12:54:24 PM »
The only certainties are death and taxes

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #540 on: April 12, 2019, 06:30:07 AM »
Okay, so I think it’s about time I have an update... no it wasn’t happy ever after.

So this girl drinks a lot... at least a flask of whiskey every day.... sometimes half a liter.  It really started getting to me. My last day in Kiev, she stayed at work late because she was getting drunk with her colleagues. She showed up two hours late for our last dinner together... so drunk she threw up.  I flew to the Netherlands the next day and I decided to end things.

I was working in the Netherlands for the next three months, but already had booked a flight back to Kiev for 16 days before I flew to the US.  While in the Netherlands, I started talking to another girl and planned on another WOVO trip.

I flew to Kiev March 30. She met me at the airport and we hit it off immediately. By the second day, she moved in with me in my apartment.  Things were okay, but I found out she is I extremely emotionally immature (she is 25) and I knew things weren’t going to work.  I broke things off after about a week in Kiev.

I went back on dating websites and started looking for someone new. I met a girl that same night.  We met at this really cool speak easy called “Hendricks Bar”.  She ended up spending the night. We went out the next night and she spent the night again. I asked her out a third time and she became busy all of the sudden. We had fun, but I don’t think she was serious about a relationship.

So now the money thing...

I met another girl online the next night and she asked for money for a taxi. I have always been against giving women cash for any reason, but I heard this is common in Ukraine, so I decided to do it.  I guess it was a good decision, because she spent the night with me as well.

I started feeling like I was missing the point of going to Ukraine in the first place. I want a wife. I am not a sex tourist, but realized I was just hooking up with the party girls.

So... I met another girl online who asked for cab money.  She picked a very expensive restaurant and ordered expensive dishes, wine, etc.  I really started to feel used. Yes, she was gorgeous and she knew it... she was some kind of swimsuit model.  She wanted to go for a walk after dinner and we ended up at Gulliver mall (after window shopping at Tiffany, YSL, etc).

At the mall, she said her lips were chapped but she forgot her lipstick... I offered to go to a makeup store to get some.  She ended up getting some other things and in total it cost over €100.  I knew she was taking advantage of me a little, but I just didn’t care at the time... then she took me to an electronics store. She asked me to buy her an iPhone XR.  I laughed at first and then realized she was serious. When I told her no, she got really pissed off. She said I was “cheap” because I wouldn’t spend “a mere $1,000” on the first date.  I ended the date shortly after, but she kept texting me for 24 hours, trying to convince me to buy her an iPhone.

Then I met my “dream girl”.  She asks for stuff too, but not in a bratty, entitled way. I’m not sure where to draw the line.  I could use some advice on how to handle this money thing with Ukrainian girls.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #541 on: April 12, 2019, 06:52:06 AM »
taking care of a woman
should NEVER be considered a problem
because it’s ALWAYS an opportunity...

so really no problem at all
but what is a problem for you is THIS...

“Narcissistic personality disorder is found more commonly in men.
Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of false entitlement.”

now THAT’s a freakin problem that you can't cover up with a beard
do you have so little self-awareness that you don't see this in yourself and what it does to your relationships or lack thereof
really you never stopped to think about it?
too busy playing the pharmaceutical executive slash Harvard MBA
although why you diidn't also add neurosurgeon and astronaut leaves me perplexified to no end

while you were in Amsterdam you should’ve met gazillions of Russian and Ukrainian women, gazillions, just open your "ooshkie" and then follow with your "glasskie"...
my oldest daughter would bring arm fulls of them up into our apartment and we’d sit together and do bong hits and watch old Russian MTV episodes - lovely, lovely young women.....

« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 07:32:15 AM by krimster2 »

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #542 on: April 12, 2019, 07:43:07 AM »
Okay, so I think it’s about time I have an update... no it wasn’t happy ever after.

So this girl drinks a lot... at least a flask of whiskey every day.... sometimes half a liter.  It really started getting to me. My last day in Kiev, she stayed at work late because she was getting drunk with her colleagues. She showed up two hours late for our last dinner together... so drunk she threw up.  I flew to the Netherlands the next day and I decided to end things.

I was working in the Netherlands for the next three months, but already had booked a flight back to Kiev for 16 days before I flew to the US.  While in the Netherlands, I started talking to another girl and planned on another WOVO trip.

I flew to Kiev March 30. She met me at the airport and we hit it off immediately. By the second day, she moved in with me in my apartment.  Things were okay, but I found out she is I extremely emotionally immature (she is 25) and I knew things weren’t going to work.  I broke things off after about a week in Kiev.

I went back on dating websites and started looking for someone new. I met a girl that same night.  We met at this really cool speak easy called “Hendricks Bar”.  She ended up spending the night. We went out the next night and she spent the night again. I asked her out a third time and she became busy all of the sudden. We had fun, but I don’t think she was serious about a relationship.

So now the money thing...

I met another girl online the next night and she asked for money for a taxi. I have always been against giving women cash for any reason, but I heard this is common in Ukraine, so I decided to do it.  I guess it was a good decision, because she spent the night with me as well.

I started feeling like I was missing the point of going to Ukraine in the first place. I want a wife. I am not a sex tourist, but realized I was just hooking up with the party girls.

So... I met another girl online who asked for cab money.  She picked a very expensive restaurant and ordered expensive dishes, wine, etc.  I really started to feel used. Yes, she was gorgeous and she knew it... she was some kind of swimsuit model.  She wanted to go for a walk after dinner and we ended up at Gulliver mall (after window shopping at Tiffany, YSL, etc).

At the mall, she said her lips were chapped but she forgot her lipstick... I offered to go to a makeup store to get some.  She ended up getting some other things and in total it cost over €100.  I knew she was taking advantage of me a little, but I just didn’t care at the time... then she took me to an electronics store. She asked me to buy her an iPhone XR.  I laughed at first and then realized she was serious. When I told her no, she got really pissed off. She said I was “cheap” because I wouldn’t spend “a mere $1,000” on the first date.  I ended the date shortly after, but she kept texting me for 24 hours, trying to convince me to buy her an iPhone.

Then I met my “dream girl”.  She asks for stuff too, but not in a bratty, entitled way. I’m not sure where to draw the line.  I could use some advice on how to handle this money thing with Ukrainian girls.

I read this segment and then re-read it to my wife as she was heading out the door to university.

She said she might even vomit.  She repeated what she has said multiple times:  "Why do these men keep choosing such women when there are thousands of very good decent women in Ukraine."
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #543 on: April 12, 2019, 07:49:16 AM »
I didn't re-read all the OPs posts from the beginning of this thread and in other threads.

However, the first problem that jumps out at me is the probability of choosing the gals from the websites based on looks first.

Look at the 'How to do it . . ." thread.

The principle is to first screen the gals by your desired attributes such as:  age, height, weight, education level, drinking, smoking, children, hobbies, etc., etc., . . . . WITHOUT FIRST LOOKING AT THE PICTURES.

Keep choosing swimsuit model looking girls as a first criteria . . . and you are likely to continue down the $1,000 first date path.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #544 on: April 12, 2019, 09:19:47 AM »

I met another girl online the next night and she asked for money for a taxi. I have always been against giving women cash for any reason, but I heard this is common in Ukraine, so I decided to do it.  I guess it was a good decision, because she spent the night with me as well.

I started feeling like I was missing the point of going to Ukraine in the first place. I want a wife. I am not a sex tourist, but realized I was just hooking up with the party girls.

This sounds like you are not rigorous about whom you select online.


At the mall, she said her lips were chapped but she forgot her lipstick... I offered to go to a makeup store to get some.  She ended up getting some other things and in total it cost over €100.  .......I ended the date shortly after, but she kept texting me for 24 hours, trying to convince me to buy her an iPhone.

The classic pro-dater. 

For our first meeting my wife flew to Moscow, and I hired a driver/interpreter to take me to the airport.

All the way to Domodedovo airport he spoke condescendingly to me about bad Russian women.  He told the example of meeting one dyev who flew into Moscow in cold weather without a coat.  So the American client took her to a coat store!!!

He had many other things to say about bad Russian women.  I explained that I had some experience and I feel positive about the woman we were meeting.  He rolled his eyes.

At the airport, he directed me to the correct gate, while waiting for me at the doors where he parked the car.  I met my Cossack woman.  Thank God - she was wearing a coat (and had lipstick)!  We spoke for a couple of minutes, depleting all of my Russian and her English.  We walked to the driver.  As we got close, his eyes became big.

The two of them spoke and spoke, and he only occasionally interpreted for me.  Before getting into the car, he stops and turns to me with a huge smile - "You have found a true Russian flower!  You are a lucky man."   Five days later he met us to take her to the airport.  Again, he had a huge smile upon seeing the two of us happy together.         

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #545 on: April 12, 2019, 11:15:31 AM »
I flew to Kiev March 30. She met me at the airport and we hit it off immediately. By the second day, she moved in with me in my apartment.  Things were okay, but I found out she is I extremely emotionally immature (she is 25) and I knew things weren’t going to work.  I broke things off after about a week in Kiev.

Wow.  What a surprise!  A 25 year old is immature.

I went back on dating websites and started looking for someone new. I met a girl that same night.  We met at this really cool speak easy called “Hendricks Bar”.  She ended up spending the night. We went out the next night and she spent the night again. I asked her out a third time and she became busy all of the sudden. We had fun, but I don’t think she was serious about a relationship.

You don't understand the Ukrainian translation of this.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #546 on: April 12, 2019, 11:30:37 AM »
Okay, so I think it’s about time I have an update... no it wasn’t happy ever after.

So this girl drinks a lot... at least a flask of whiskey every day.... sometimes half a liter.  It really started getting to me. My last day in Kiev, she stayed at work late because she was getting drunk with her colleagues. She showed up two hours late for our last dinner together... so drunk she threw up.  I flew to the Netherlands the next day and I decided to end things.

I was working in the Netherlands for the next three months, but already had booked a flight back to Kiev for 16 days before I flew to the US.  While in the Netherlands, I started talking to another girl and planned on another WOVO trip.

I flew to Kiev March 30. She met me at the airport and we hit it off immediately. By the second day, she moved in with me in my apartment.  Things were okay, but I found out she is I extremely emotionally immature (she is 25) and I knew things weren’t going to work.  I broke things off after about a week in Kiev.

I went back on dating websites and started looking for someone new. I met a girl that same night.  We met at this really cool speak easy called “Hendricks Bar”.  She ended up spending the night. We went out the next night and she spent the night again. I asked her out a third time and she became busy all of the sudden. We had fun, but I don’t think she was serious about a relationship.

So now the money thing...

I met another girl online the next night and she asked for money for a taxi. I have always been against giving women cash for any reason, but I heard this is common in Ukraine, so I decided to do it.  I guess it was a good decision, because she spent the night with me as well.

I started feeling like I was missing the point of going to Ukraine in the first place. I want a wife. I am not a sex tourist, but realized I was just hooking up with the party girls.

So... I met another girl online who asked for cab money.  She picked a very expensive restaurant and ordered expensive dishes, wine, etc.  I really started to feel used. Yes, she was gorgeous and she knew it... she was some kind of swimsuit model.  She wanted to go for a walk after dinner and we ended up at Gulliver mall (after window shopping at Tiffany, YSL, etc).

At the mall, she said her lips were chapped but she forgot her lipstick... I offered to go to a makeup store to get some.  She ended up getting some other things and in total it cost over €100.  I knew she was taking advantage of me a little, but I just didn’t care at the time... then she took me to an electronics store. She asked me to buy her an iPhone XR.  I laughed at first and then realized she was serious. When I told her no, she got really pissed off. She said I was “cheap” because I wouldn’t spend “a mere $1,000” on the first date.  I ended the date shortly after, but she kept texting me for 24 hours, trying to convince me to buy her an iPhone.

Then I met my “dream girl”.  She asks for stuff too, but not in a bratty, entitled way. I’m not sure where to draw the line.  I could use some advice on how to handle this money thing with Ukrainian girls.
I would advise you to spend time here on RWD because you have many things to learn, nothing wrong, that's called experience.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #547 on: April 12, 2019, 12:16:51 PM »
I agree with others here. You need to take some time and do lots of reading here. If you continue to go for the eye candy, then you will always get the same result.... Get a clue dude  :cluebat:
every ship can be a minesweeper at least once...

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #548 on: April 12, 2019, 12:43:55 PM »
I have a coworker who went through similar experience locally.

He was going through a divorce and after getting comfortable about dating again, he was overwhelmed.  He was inexperienced at dating but was very desirable in a middle class single dad sort of way, mainly by owning a good house in a great neighborhood.  He was acting like a kid in a candy store from many women hitting on him.  He never received that type of attention before.

BB, it seems you are starting to wake up a bit.  All those beautiful, fit, affectionate women consumed you but you are seeing that in the end, without the right woman, it's ultimately hollow.

But I don't think you've reached the turning point.  Admit to yourself you're a sex tourist and work it out of your system.  Yes, there is a chance one of those eye candies is a sincere, loving, wonderful woman.  That type of chance is why I keep playing the lottery.

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How to Visit Many without lying?
« Reply #549 on: April 12, 2019, 01:03:49 PM »
So this girl drinks a lot... at least a flask of whiskey every day.... sometimes half a liter.  It really started getting to me. My last day in Kiev, she stayed at work late because she was getting drunk with her colleagues. She showed up two hours late for our last dinner together... so drunk she threw up.  I flew to the Netherlands the next day and I decided to end things.

You've identified the problem in two days but knew for sure by day three.
The mistake you can learn from this experience is to act on the problem
sooner. If you dumped the girl on day two or three you could have met
the future Mrs BB99 during your trip.

Learning to immediately dump a girl with character flaws is a great lesson
to learn but it takes pluck and resolve to do and far easier said than done.
If and when you learn to do this you are a thousand times more effective
than you were before. 

Some guys never learn to do this, but I think you can.

Lesson #1 Dump a girl as soon as you see a character flaw or discover
this is not the future Mrs _______________ (your name here)

I flew to Kiev March 30. She met me at the airport and we hit it off immediately. By the
second day, she moved in with me in my apartment.  Things were okay, but I found out
she is I extremely emotionally immature (she is 25) and I knew things weren’t going to
work.  I broke things off after about a week in Kiev.

Grasshopper, you are learning to make different mistakes. You were pursuing a too
young girl for serious consideration for marriage. I think you probably knew this before
a week expired so you are still working at dumping girls as soon as you know that she
isn't the future Mrs BB99.

Lesson #2 Don't chase 20 something girls. 
If you are 30 then maybe 25 and up.

She ended up spending the night. We went out the next night and she spent the night again. I asked her out a third time and she became busy all of the sudden. We had fun, but I don’t
think she was serious about a relationship.

A girl spending the night is NOT a sign that she's not a good girl. You determined she
wasn't serious and moved on.

So now the money thing...

I met another girl online the next night and she asked for money for a taxi.

The taxi money is a MOB industry thing. You visit Kiev, Odessa or Nikolaev then you
will be dating MOB industry girls. A good girl doesn't ask for money. They have been
taught to ask for it in the MOB hotbed. In Kiev, Odessa or Nikolaev, you pay the taxi

Go to Lviv, Brest, Chisinau, Pskov, Omsk or anywhere outside the MOB industry hotbed
you will never hear a girl ask for taxi money. There are lot's of good girls in the MOB
hotbed, but there are a thousand times more prodaters there than in Ufa or

I was just hooking up with the party girls.

That's probably an age thing. You aren't still chasing twenty somethings right?

She picked a very expensive

Next lesson, you pick everything in the beginning.

You are knocking down lesson after lesson, I am confident that you can learn from this.

Then I met my “dream girl”.  She asks for stuff too, but not in a bratty, entitled way.
I’m not sure where to draw the line.  I could use some advice on how to handle this
money thing with Ukrainian girls.

In the beginning you pay for the date but you chose the venue, which you can walk
to from your apartment that you've arranged for yourself. In Kiev you can call Pavel
or someone else to can arrange local transportation, so you won't have to worry about
taxi scams and such.

Lesson #3 Avoid prodaters by making your own arrangements, picking the venues,
pursuing girls outside the MOB hotbed and not opening your wallet to win over a girl.

A prodater will refuse if she can't get into your pocket and that will free you up to
pursue good girls.



NOTE: I received this advice (paraphrased) from the guy who wrote the
RWD ten commandments

"Don't be surprised if you catch gold diggers if you use money as bait"
« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 01:15:23 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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