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Author Topic: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?  (Read 31948 times)

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How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« on: February 21, 2019, 04:21:45 PM »
It's something that has been weighing on my mind more and more over time. A girl could pick any guy online to continue correspondence with, video chat with, and finally meet only to find there is no chemistry. Similarly she could choose not to get into correspondence with a guy online perhaps even adding him to the ignore list but had they met there may have been amazing chemistry.

Even meeting many women a lot of women may  turn the opportunity down a guys invite to message online and so not be in the final 10, 15 or 20 girls you may meet. It could be if luck is not in your favour that all off the girls on a meet 10, 15, or 20 girls may have no chemistry with. Same could be true for a meet one.

So how do we make sense of internet dating? Say guys go for girls initially of photos and girls do the same. So some girls will put in for a girl and they will turn him down based off photo or perhaps some other reason. However, there might have been great chemistry there had they met. So does it make best sense to do internet dating websites or make better sense to try other methods such as going over there and using real meeting people situations instead?
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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2019, 04:34:00 PM »
It's something that has been weighing on my mind . . .

So how do we make sense of internet dating?

Trenchcoat, I would not think to much.

Perhaps purchase a lottery ticket & spend more time in the real world.
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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2019, 04:52:07 PM »
Trenchcoat, I would not think to much.

Perhaps purchase a lottery ticket & spend more time in the real world.

There is that, but internet dating sites are not exactly the 'real world' and I think therein lies the problem.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2019, 03:14:10 AM »
There is that, but internet dating sites are not exactly the 'real world' and I think therein lies the problem.

The problem is one finding the lass that could suit you . you you aren't the only poster who sees 'lies' and repeats ones of his own - but cannot actually demonstrate 'one' of mine  ;)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 03:17:16 AM by msmob »

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2019, 10:08:45 PM »
The problem is the internet is here to stay and very few people use any other medium so.....It's as random as life......some women you get what's apping with a lot you don't.  Maybe you find a partner maybe you don't.   Totally random. 

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2019, 08:06:00 AM »
"How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?"

Is it a 30-minute meeting over chai and tort, or a serious meeting?  I assume you are talking about the latter. 

Before deciding to meet, the man must pass an initial hurdle, which has two parts:  1) her interest in the man based on his profile/introduction and 2) her availability (how much she is in demand, how busy she is, her existing relationships).   

If you pass her initial hurdle, its time to talk and explore a possible connection.  Most important:  act normal.   From there its all about feelings, not criteria.   If a connection evolves, a meeting should happen naturally.  If it is difficult to  develop a connection....NEXT!   

Its not Rocket Science!

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2019, 11:14:02 AM »
So please tell me why in the UK I have used .   Plenty of fish ...  match  ..  with medium results .  Yet almost the same add gets me relationships with top professionals with great looks.  Initially I thought it was that somehow my looks fitted in the f s u.  It now dawns on me these top professionals earn 300 dollars a month in the fsu and would probably earn 5000 to 10000 dollars a month as a UK resident.  So am I just a mule ?

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2019, 01:09:21 PM »
So please tell me why in the UK I have used .   Plenty of fish ...  match  ..  with medium results .  Yet almost the same ad gets me relationships with top professionals with great looks.  Initially I thought it was that somehow my looks fitted in the f s u.  It now dawns on me these top professionals earn 300 dollars a month in the fsu and would probably earn 5000 to 10000 dollars a month as a UK resident.  So am I just a mule ?

That's a good question James. A few days back I noticed a girl, serious looking but real enough looking from her photos so that she had a nice everyday look to her which is a look I like as it gives me the impression a girl is authentic. I would put her at around a 6-7 looks wise which I would be happy with, then I read the bad news, she's a Lawyer >:(

Always puts me right off when I see that and similar high professional careers. I would much rather have a check out girl than a career girl. Apart from my thought that a Lawyer type may be too straight laced/stern type there is also the issue for me she would see me as unsuitable as my career path is a bit ad hoc.

Then if course there is the matter that she would earn much more here as you state. So while 300 dollars is above average salary in Ukraine in the west she would earn far more. Now I know these women complain even on FSU sites that guys seem afraid to date a career woman. Problem is I can't see it leading anywhere good unless I got lucky. I would have to feel there was definite chemistry there then hope for the best. In any case once she earned more than me would it become an issue?

On the other hand there are materialistic girls, etc so do I just lump a load of girls together to meet and just see if there is chemistry with any of them? and not worry about the concerns I have.

I think to get even medium results on POF & Match you're doing pretty well James. I only met one girl of Match way back and other guys I know didn't meet any. Those sites can be pretty tough for guys to get much response on.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 01:13:07 PM by Trenchcoat »
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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2019, 03:46:16 PM »
Trench I found the 2 lawyers I dated really great company.  I find highly educated career women easier to be around than the less well educated as you can talk and discuss more and figure out your differences...some times.   Plus they have far more inventive minds.  Each to their own my friend.  Both were really nice people who had been given a hard time by their high flying career husbands and were very happy to just have a romance.  Money never comes into it and they always went Dutch on the bill despite me offering to pick up the entire tab.

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2019, 03:49:38 PM »
Trench I think it's about time you dated a single mum many have been given a rough time and really appreciate  kindness far more than a woman with no kids who's  more fancy free

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2019, 06:36:38 PM »
Basic rule I is that man should date/marry women who are at his level intelligence/education/social wise or below.

And women want to date/marry men who are at their level or above.

So those of you who know you don't measure up intelligence/education/social wise, you are following a fools path if you go after the higher level gals.

Sure, you can get a higher level FSU gal more easily than you could a home gal, but she will tire of you and even come to be embarrassed to be with you.

Note:  I am talking about higher level gal intelligence/education/social wise.

A different rule applies to looks, where you can trade up without as much risk . . . if you don't trade up too far.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2019, 07:25:17 PM »
Put it this way, intelligence wise is not a problem, I hold qualifications as long as my arm. Salary wise/job status wise is a different matter. Thinking it through if a Lawyer type came here, well unless she was real into me I think there would be the threat that she would go off with someone at her law firm or a client, etc.

I really think I would be best off getting a girl who doesn't mind losing her career and getting pregnant.

Looks, well if the girl is between an 8-10 then she would have loads of men to choose from in the UK instantly. So that would be a concern also.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2019, 12:11:04 AM »
Put it this way, intelligence wise is not a problem, I hold qualifications as long as my arm. Salary wise/job status wise is a different matter. Thinking it through if a Lawyer type came here, well unless she was real into me I think there would be the threat that she would go off with someone at her law firm or a client, etc.

I really think I would be best off getting a girl who doesn't mind losing her career and getting pregnant.

Looks, well if the girl is between an 8-10 then she would have loads of men to choose from in the UK instantly. So that would be a concern also.

Having thought it through more I'm going to rule out girls in the 8-10 looks category. I'm going to assess the girl and if she is above a 7 I'll only contact those after I've exhausted the 5-7 looks category that I think I would prefer.

I've basically decided to avoid the Barbie girls and go for a non-Barbie girl. I want a girl who looks very everyday (not mediocre though) and authentic. I want a girl you could see up or down the street. I've reached this decision as I want a girl who is suitable for a serious long term relationship who I can relate to. I think many Barbie girls just aren't suitable for an LTR and Marriage etc however much they say they are. I've already been there and when I look up a lot of these Barbie girls profiles I foresee the same/similar. They just all give me that impression. When I really just want a down to earth girl next door type of girl.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2019, 12:50:14 AM »
Having thought it through more I'm going to rule out girls in the 8-10 looks category. I'm going to assess the girl and if she is above a 7 I'll only contact those after I've exhausted the 5-7 looks category that I think I would prefer.

You are STILL in a dream world.... read on

I've basically decided to avoid the Barbie girls and go for a non-Barbie girl. I want a girl who looks very everyday (not mediocre though) and authentic. I want a girl you could see up or down the street. I've reached this decision as I want a girl who is suitable for a serious long term relationship who I can relate to. I think many Barbie girls just aren't suitable for an LTR and Marriage etc however much they say they are. I've already been there and when I look up a lot of these Barbie girls profiles I foresee the same/similar. They just all give me that impression. When I really just want a down to earth girl next door type of girl. don't - you DO want a 9/10 and you will not get a 1/2 unless you rid yourself of your misogynistic tendencies..((

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2019, 01:56:31 AM »

You are STILL in a dream world.... read on don't - you DO want a 9/10 and you will not get a 1/2 unless you rid yourself of your misogynistic tendencies..((

Prey tell them dear Mobers why I want a 9/10?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2019, 02:35:57 AM »
Prey tell them dear Mobers why I want a 9/10?

You like the idea of a 9/10.. but your paranoia and insecurity are telling you that a woman who is a) superior to you in looks, b) superior to you in intellect and, c) superior to you in ambition is going to run off with the next best man that comes along.

You and your mate James continue to look at this in entirely the wrong light and it is why you are (both) doomed to failure. You need to stop theorising over needless BS and start actually DOING something to find someone who is good and compatible for you, irrespective of her grading of looks or career aspirations. 

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2019, 05:05:55 AM »
Well I'm off to dinipro 17 March for a week .  Megan fox the gas  and oil pipeline engineer beckons.  After my divorce I dated any English woman who replied to my internet profile strangely the intelligent 8s and 9s were far easier to get along with than the 3 to 7s.  The same can be said for the fsu the more intelligent and better looking the easier we got on.

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2019, 07:54:59 AM »

You like the idea of a 9/10.. but your paranoia and insecurity are telling you that a woman who is a) superior to you in looks, b) superior to you in intellect and, c) superior to you in ambition is going to run off with the next best man that comes along.

You and your mate James continue to look at this in entirely the wrong light and it is why you are (both) doomed to failure. You need to stop theorising over needless BS and start actually DOING something to find someone who is good and compatible for you, irrespective of her grading of looks or career aspirations.

I'm not saying it is not possible to get a 8-10 with all you state and her be loyal etc but that on balance most of the time for me it won't be a good scenario.

I'm not a wealthy guy. I have some wealth but not the sort an 8-10 girl will be looking for. As the old saying goes 'they know what they're worth'. Even if I found an 8-10 with chemistry she could still be very tempted by someone with near film/pop star wealth.

A 5-7 girl will not only know that is a slim chance but also be more down to earth and genuine as a generality, not in all cases but in many. Fine for guys on here that have a lot of money to go for the 8-10 looks girls they can provide the comfort and the lifestyle they are looking for.

I know you can get 5-7 girls who want that/think they can get a real wealthy guy but I think they are in the minority. Even online their profile will be viewed less by men and hit on less by them, I see the stats on number of views etc. Sex tourists also tend to go for the 8-10 girls as they  are just interested in getting a real hottie with film star looks for a quick banging. As a result the 8-10's can get conditioned into game play even if they had an intention for a serious relationship as they'll immediately take that each guy is on the same footing. 5-7's will be passed over by a lot of these guys. I have no illusion with 8-10's that I'm the first one to knock on their door. Then there are the local guys, these girls are not living in the middle of a desert waiting for my arrival they will be attractive to local guys also!

The thing is I think a 5-7 girl will be more compatible for me than a 8-10 girl. Now I don't mean 5-7 in a derogatory way nor in a settling for less sort of way. As we know a 5-7 in the FSU is normally at least one point higher anyway than a 5-7 in the UK etc. The FSU has a lot of girls in the 8-10 looks range and most of the more bearable ones go quick. Here in the UK we have few 8-10's and the ones that are think they are god's gift. We have lots in the 1-4 range many downgraded so because they have trashed themselves by getting fat or just plain don't have the genetics there to look even reasonable nice. They get hit on by guys as guys feel they have little choice and so even then they have competition.

I remember nearly a couple of years ago in Cyprus now. I was walking in Pathos with my Ukrainian girl who was around a good 9. Young English guys were there also, not the real chavvy type either. They were of general athletic build walking around with chubby English girls, not real extreme obesity but not exactly attractive none the less. They saw me with my Ukrainian 9 looks girl and I could see the look on their faces, I even heard one complain to he's other half that why is she with me (since I'm an average rather than athletic build, slightly older looking, etc) and saying to her that it wouldn't harm to lose a bit of weight, lol. Don't think that went down well with her :D

So I'm not theorising here but just being more realistic in terms of what I should be going for and with what I am going for suits me. I don't need to wake up next to a film star looks girl, I just want to wake up to a girl I can love and who genuinely loves me back.
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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2019, 10:17:52 AM »
Incongruous as it seems, the 5-7 gals or even below, often get a little confused when a man finally gives them some attention.
Confused in that, even as they haven't had sex or even a date in X years, they suddenly start thinking they are the Homecoming Queen . . . and begin to act like it.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2019, 10:59:24 AM »
Well I'm off to dinipro 17 March for a week .  Megan fox the gas  and oil pipeline engineer beckons.  After my divorce I dated any English woman who replied to my internet profile strangely the intelligent 8s and 9s were far easier to get along with than the 3 to 7s.  The same can be said for the fsu the more intelligent and better looking the easier we got on.

I think going for a girl with a child would alter the balance a bit in your favour as a generalisation James, not always of course. That and she may be more genuine as see deals with the reality of bringing up a child again as a generalisation. I think you're in a bit different postion to me also in terms of wealth, now I don't think your using your wealth as leverage but its going to be easier to keep a girl content if you can offer a pretty comfortable lifestyle. For me importing a girl with a kid would be a bigger headache as I would have more hurdles to have to clear and support the child too from the word go.

Its kind of funny though how a lot of girls out in the FSU look like celebrity doubles, lol. I think a fair few of hot looking female celebrities have slavic genes even if they were born in the US from often much earlier immigration around the 1900's or so. I think someone in your situation could keep hold of a Megan Fox lokkalike :D Unlike this guy as we have seen, about 1.40 min in:

This guy though lacked the wealth and did not look great despite being a nice guy, some of the comments below the video many from women point to these issues as well. He didn't really realise he didn't compare favourably with Angelina Jolie lookalike and had not near enough sufficient wealth to overcome his issues. She was also of course an agency girl out for a good quick buck of course.

Now compared to this guy on the same docu tour:

His girl was way below an Angelina Jolie lookalike, I would say she was probably about a 4 facially looks wise. She actually had a nice slim figure and look quite tall which is nice. He came across like Elmer Fudd, an NRA nut, not great socially, slightly balding and a bit overweight/beer belly. He didn't get ripped off and ended up having a kid with her. Still compared to the fatties in the US and scraggy girls I'm guess she would come in at least a 5 in the US and of course he is no doubt happy with a girl who if was a US girl he would probably struggle to get. So I think its worth taking note from this that a good life may be had with girls who don't come in on the 8-10 model looks scale I'm thinking. Body wise his girl is probably at least a good 7 and he no doubt goes to bed a happy chappy :)     
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2019, 11:06:22 AM »
Incongruous as it seems, the 5-7 gals or even below, often get a little confused when a man finally gives them some attention.
Confused in that, even as they haven't had sex or even a date in X years, they suddenly start thinking they are the Homecoming Queen . . . and begin to act like it.

Thanks ML, that's good to know, I appreiciate the input. I can imagine that you're right there. The 9 girl I had in Cyprus started to act like an San Fernando spoilt teen brat, very much so towards the end of the holiday. Looks like its a case of not treating these girls too well at any level or they quickly get up themselves.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2019, 12:10:08 PM »
Thanks ML, that's good to know, I appreiciate the input. I can imagine that you're right there. The 9 girl I had in Cyprus started to act like an San Fernando spoilt teen brat, very much so towards the end of the holiday. Looks like its a case of not treating these girls too well at any level or they quickly get up themselves.

When did everyone stop seeing attractive women for what they were and start feeling the need to brand them as 5', 7's, or 9's?

This isn't a statistical analysis, it's based on chemistry and emotions. Get a grip Trench.

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2019, 12:49:39 PM »

When did everyone stop seeing attractive women for what they were and start feeling the need to brand them as 5', 7's, or 9's?

Started with Moses.

We do see women's looks for what they are; and they are in categories 1-10.

You need to get a grip.

Referring to 5, 7, 9 etc., is just an easy way to make most understand what she looks like even as the assignment is imperfect and different folks would assign a different number to different gals.

But rarely would anyone assign a 2 to a 9 and vice versa, etc.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: How does a girl choose which guys she wishes to meet?
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2019, 01:11:32 PM »
Started with Moses.

We do see women's looks for what they are; and they are in categories 1-10.

You need to get a grip.

Referring to 5, 7, 9 etc., is just an easy way to make most understand what she looks like even as the assignment is imperfect and different folks would assign a different number to different gals.

But rarely would anyone assign a 2 to a 9 and vice versa, etc.

ML is absolutely correct. Women do the same with men even if they don't verbally state a number system.

When we get to know a girl all the assigned number can become less relevant. The being in a relationship with someone you get on with, value and care about can become top.

I don't really have a thing about obsessing about the category number a girl is or assigning each and every girl one but as ML says it's way way of understanding what she looks like, once communication may have commenced then there are other things to go by.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online 2tallbill

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Find a good girl, then win her heart
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2019, 02:14:30 PM »
So please tell me why in the UK I have used .   Plenty of fish ...  match  ..  with medium results .  Yet almost the same add gets me relationships with top professionals with great looks.  Initially I thought it was that somehow my looks fitted in the f s u.  It now dawns on me these top professionals earn 300 dollars a month in the fsu and would probably earn 5000 to 10000 dollars a month as a UK resident.  So am I just a mule ?


Why can you find a better quality girl in the FSU who is looking for marriage than in the UK?
It's because of supply and demand. There is a reason they call it the law of supply and demand
rather than the theory of supply and demand.

What percentage of UK girls are looking for marriage? 20%? Less?
What percentage of FSU girls are looking for marriage? 80%? More?

What percentage of HOT UK girls are able to find a man to accept their 3 children
from 3 different men? 75%? More?

What percentage of HOT FSU girls are able to find a man to accept their 1 child
and be that childs father 25%? Less?

It's supply and demand very simple.

So am I just a mule ?

You need to find a good girl, then you need to win her heart, then you will have nothing to
worry about. Most FSUW marry men who have very little money or income because they
L-O-V-E them. That's a good girl, that's what you want.

If you need help learning to determine what a good girl is and how to find her you've
came to the right place (if you actually want to learn). Otherwise feel to fumble about
on your own.



Edit to add

top professionals earn 300 dollars a month in the fsu

Angel eyes made more than 4 times that amount in Russia.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 03:18:40 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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