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Author Topic: Hello😊  (Read 21742 times)

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2020, 11:49:36 AM »
I couldn't imagine getting advice from a 23 year old except
maybe which tech product was best, but relationship advice?
What does a 23 year old know?

I think her reasoning was that she (the mother) had been out of the dating scene for 20 years or so.

The daughter was an active dater, so it made some sense that the daughter would be up to date on the latest.

The pitfall, I think, was that a 23 year old probably could play hard to get, whereas a 40 year old couldn't.

I remember our own Lily telling here many, many years ago, that . . . a woman in Russia who didn't know how to flirt with men would not have any success with men.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2020, 12:39:44 PM »
have you heard of the expression, “the map is not the territory”?
if all you have is a map, then you really have no facts, just assumptions...
no facts, means no real knowledge...
I mean the Germans had well drawn maps of Russland when they invaded...
how did that work out for them when they actually got there and had a look around?
what did they think of their map after this?
what do you think of yours?

what I’m trying to explain to you, is WHY you are having such a difficult time climbing the mountain
why your climb seems “rough and steep”
which apparently is not what you expected...
I’m giving you the “why”

so first, as I pointed out to you, since you are dating a full decile older than you
and that this group has a much smaller number of male members than the females in your lower decile... that this contributes to a supply/demand imbalance that DOES NOT WORK in your favor...

secondly, from that shrinking supply of potential partners, you will have guys who are very poor,  and who in the near future will be living on a meager pension...
they will not want to assume the financial liability of the costs associated with having a relationship with you, so subtract this group....
you should also include the divorced dads who pay huge alimony payments
and don’t have a whole lot of money left over at the end of the month...

by the time you scratch all this off, you know what you’re left with
a bunch of pridorki and durrichki...

and why is that?
because the high status males in this age group have it easier now than at any other time in their lives... the last place they need to go is tinder or something like that
because the women will “find them”, they don’t need to bother looking...

so besides the pridorki, you only have low status males with lower incomes
or males who live out in the middle of some gopnick village of 100 people who are all relatives

also, be aware, every predator that goes after a prey, will have competition from other predators
in your case local women...
because of the demographic imbalance in the decile above you...
there is a huge surplus of women in that decile...
and these women will have NONE of the costs that a Russian woman will have...
and they can be every bit as pretty as you are...
with no travel costs, no visa processing costs, no language or cultural issues...
and they will have their own income on day one...
and live 7 km away and not 7,000 km
so I hope I have made clear to you the natural forces that are at play here
why things are the way they are...

and another related but entirely subjective point, is about the “signal” you are putting out to men
if the signal is not strong enough then it just gets lost in the noise
no one will hear it so no one will answer

yes, I know it is difficult to come to America
yes, but so what?
I have done 100 impossible things in Russia
because deeds and not words matter
it’s what YOU DO and not what YOU TYPE on a keyboard that matters
and that’s why I went to the forest to hunt the foxes and not to the internet
sure it’s hard, so...?
for every problem, there is a solution, if you look for it...
« Last Edit: February 24, 2020, 02:08:46 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2020, 04:19:57 PM »
The same Elena Petrova recommends that girls use more explicit photos, because ALL men react to the female body.

Scammers and gold diggers get a lot of attention from men. They supply me with sexy photos.

I can only say about myself - when I look at a man's profile, I immediately assess it from the point of view of intimacy - can I imagine myself in bed with this man? Can I imagine him touching me and kissing me? If I do not like a man - what kind of relationship can we talk about? So it's not just men who think about sex.😉😊Maybe this is shocking to someone, but I used to be honest-first of all with myself.

To have a relationship with someone, there also must be physical attraction. If we are not physically attracted to the other person, all we can become are friends.

Some advice I give to men is to improve their hygiene. Dress nice for the ladies. Shave top and bottom. Get a haircut. Make a woman proud to walk down the street with you. We can't control the way we are born but there are some ways we can make ourselves look more appealing.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2020, 09:06:13 PM »
There is an opinion that people when meeting in the first 10 seconds understand whether they "want" this person. I mean, not just sex, but life together. Everything else is secondary. Yes, a woman can chase a man, and even get into his bed - but after a couple of dates, it's over because she didn't hook up with him. The Creator of the Agency Elenas models teaches girls in their training sessions- "fuck and smile". When a man comes you have to have sex with him, give him pleasure in bed.Be cheerful, smile, so that he is comfortable with you. Every time he thinks about sex, he'll remember you. Here is such a simple psychology. Satisfy a man in bed - and if you're lucky, he'll come back.
It is interesting advice, and not consistent with my experience. I dated a woman via Elena's Models and didn't even get a smile! I don't think she read the book.

I would agree it is ten seconds and you know if there is physical attraction, but I think five minutes before I know if I want a (first or) second date. I have met physically attractive women who I would not want a relationship with even if I was paid to do so.

Sex is an extension of both intimacy and playfulness. Different people will have different attitudes. At my age if I'm not in bed by the third date then it's usually a good sign to move on (different for a 20yo). I like playful women.  :P

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2020, 06:45:07 PM »

I have another question for you. Internet trainers teach women- " ask a man a question, why is he looking for a woman abroad, and not in his own country?". I asked the men. Most say " we have too many feminists. Our women have forgotten what it means to be a woman. They are not feminine, do not have family values, etc." Coaches talk about such men - they do not value a woman as a person, they need a slave, which they will manage. These are potential abusers. Of the many men who wrote to me, only three(!!) said they were looking for an equal partner, at eye level. And then I have a dissonance. The whole world speaks of Slavic women as feminine, gentle, and family-loving. And men know that. I still tend to be skeptical of such words of coaches. What do you think?

 :welcome: Eve,

I think out of the western men that give you the answer, 'because of feminists, women putting career first, lack of decent women, because women are over weight' only a few of these may turn out to be abusers or overly dominant, maybe 10 percent or so at a guess. So I think your coaches are wrong to apply it in a blanket fashion as if it applies to all men that respond like this.

When the question is reversed men get such answers from the women that there are 'no good men where they live, they are either alcoholics, drug addicts, live in poverty so can't support a family or perhaps themselves, have mental health problems, etc, etc'.

Both answers have a large element of truth they are doubtless too as otherwise they wouldn't be trotted out so often by either side.

It can be a bit of an embarrassing question to have to face as few want to go into the ins and outs of why they are single. In a fair number of cases it might well be down to societal reasons and in others there might be areas where that person may need to improve if possible. Even then many people that have issues can have good relationships and are probably more likely to in areas where the pool of availablity of the opposite sex is higher.

Eve, I think that the idea of you going to the west is a good idea better than western men coming to you. I have found that it can take anything from a few seconds to probably under a minute for it to become obvious to both sides whether there is anything there. If you are meeting a man one every few months, once a year, once every two years, etc then your chances are not at all good. I think the US, Canada, Australia are too difficult for you and many Russian ladies to get to by themselves. I think you need to make the move yourself as it's too difficult to get a guy there to help you across.

I think your best chance is to look at Europe, probably either the Baltic States or the possibly looking at Moldova (since one of your parents are Moldovan) and what they might be able to do that way such as a work visa to the EU. Moby's idea of Cyprus is a good one, if you go to Southern Cyprus, there you will come across other Russian speakers plus written Russian here & there, the orthodox church so familiar stuff. Yet at the same time there will be quite a lot of English guys, Greek guys, etc. So it might be worth a try at getting in but I would forget about trying to find a native to invite you, it will likely be too much hassle and push you back to the dating sites. Remember though that Cyprus gets ridiculously hot in the summer.

Essentially, if you were in Europe, the EU then you would come across loads of guys daily, your chances of getting a guy go way up. Compared to International Dating sites your chances go through the roof. You get to potentially come across many men each day and crucially you get to see there and then if there is any chemistry/attraction there and then, no messing about. You can mess about on dating sites a long time but being in the west in person will likely accomplish the task a lot sooner.

I think one of the main things is the cultural stuff. Western society is different culturally from Russia and western culture is different between countries and even within countries in the west. The US, Australia and the UK are all different culturally from each other, some similarities exist but mostly they are different. Western culture is often something I find Russian women don't really have much of an idea over. In the UK for example we have better social security benefits than the US, but our taxes can be higher and our salary usually less than a lot of US guys. However, we don't pay School Fees if sending our children to state schools which many do, we have low dentistry costs, decent enough state pensions to retire on, fee free fairly decent state hospital's, etc, etc. Yet we also have a shortage of housing problem and rising homelessness. People in general are ending up with smaller rooms & houses than they did back in the 80s & 90s. We have a fairly decent unemployment & housing benefit state support system but this does not always make it possible for everyone to be in housing. So all of that will have an effect in shaping people, their mentality and values, it is all to some extent social engineering. Then there is the cultural change over time, in the 70s in western society there were hippies, free love and the rise of feminism (bra burning etc), then in the 80s there was a focus on money, excessive greed (of some) corporate culture and women starting to compete against men in the workplace. Fast forward to the present day and feminism as well as the Trans-sexual, gay and lesbian lobby have immense power, environmentalists also. They will try to steam roll and dominate any issue that becomes of interest to them. There are social problems in society as a result of this, some people are 'gender confused' in the workplace men and women competing for too few top jobs are creating dysfunctionality in society - men can't support the women how they would like but at the same time women want to be able to support themselves :-\ suffice to say that the result is often that neither gender is satisfied.

If you are looking for a western man the UK does of course does come with the advantage of being a lot closer to Russia, this makes it quicker and cheaper to travel, a few hundred pounds and a four hour flight. The US the guy would be on about a 15 hour flight and likely pay way over a thousand pounds/dollars. So a guy from the US will likely have to be fairly wealthy and with a bit of holiday time on there hands. They are hence going to have to be pretty motivated to go visit someone in Russia, the whole lot including hotel, airport parking, airport travel either end, food, expenses during the holiday could easily be on excess of two thousand for a week away, three thousand for two weeks. If a Russian lady just expects him to pick himself up on her whim and come then few will probably do so. That said bear in mind also that some will just prefer another woman as women find they prefer other men. Some of it may just be down to generic factors, if for example a guy started messaging a girl a month ago then that girl is already has a month head start if you had just started messaging the guy. Odds are on balance if there wasn't much in it to sway him away he would end up concentrating on her and blow you off after a couple of weeks or so and go visit her.

So there can be a lot of factors and not a straight forward game for either us guys or you girls. The really serious guys want to seriously meet real serious girls but only the ones they end up having interest in and vice versa.

Elena Petrova hands out some interesting advice and I think generally good advice. For men a woman shows she is interested in him. Whether that is for love reasons is another matter but to not fuck a guy after some aquaintance would mean to the guy she is not interested, or should at least. In the west feminism has produced a prudishness that men shouldn't show too much interest to the woman in sex, but of course we are and this is a matter which again causes social problems in the west. I think Elena Petrova interest is in getting men and women together, there is some what the Russian belief of a man and woman coming to love each other if they are at least mutually acceptable to each other I think here. That's not a bad thing I think, companionship and a mutual relationship of support can be worthy than just endlessly looking for instant love on the outset relationship that may never come. I too though would need to ask myself if I could find myself waking up next to this person and being around them, not in a sex way but in an everyday sense, that I think is a reasonable expectation to hold.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 12:54:33 AM by AnonMod »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2020, 10:28:42 PM »

Elena Petrova's advice in likely 15 years old and I'm not even sure she owns 'Elenas' Models now..

There might be CYPRIOTS on the island of Cyprus ( very few Greeks ) and there is no such nation as 'South' Cyprus

Does Eve realise that you are one of the sites misogynists and clueless about women in general ?

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #56 on: February 29, 2020, 09:19:53 AM »

Elena Petrova's advice in likely 15 years old and I'm not even sure she owns 'Elenas' Models now..

There might be CYPRIOTS on the island of Cyprus ( very few Greeks ) and there is no such nation as 'South' Cyprus

Does Eve realise that you are one of the sites misogynists and clueless about women in general ?

Perhaps we should leave it to Eve to tell us from what she has heard her what she intends to do? In moving her search forward?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #57 on: February 29, 2020, 11:11:23 AM »
said the chap who wrote a nonsense  'dissertation' ..  Sure ... fine by me

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #58 on: February 29, 2020, 11:40:18 PM »
Is it Elena's 101 book?

I translated most of it to English. I agree with most of Elena's
recommendations. There are some puritans in the USA who
would disagree with Elena's photos but you are European and
should go with what feels correct for you, rather that what some
Baptist minister in Kansas might say.

I would also recommend logging in from the English side of the site
as if you were a man and then look to see what the most popular
girls wear. 

Some FSU women have no clue what looks good on them or what
photo a man would like. My recommendation is that you get several
opinions on which photos are best.

The part that I agree with her the most is figuring your chances
with Age, how many children, hair length, weight, English abilities,
beauty, etc and then improving your chances where you can. Like
improving English, diet, exercise, growing hair longer etc. 

I know of one Russian woman who I won't name because others
know her, that was incredibly stubborn and would ask men what
shoes, dress, hair, necklace, etc they liked and then she would
ignore everyone and choose something that nobody besides
herself liked.


This is the book "Magic wand for Cinderella" Some men claim that they do not like provocative sexual photos, but practice shows the opposite - it is girls with sexy photos that are most popular on websites.
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #59 on: February 29, 2020, 11:45:33 PM »
have you heard of the expression, “the map is not the territory”?
if all you have is a map, then you really have no facts, just assumptions...
no facts, means no real knowledge...
I mean the Germans had well drawn maps of Russland when they invaded...
how did that work out for them when they actually got there and had a look around?
what did they think of their map after this?
what do you think of yours?

what I’m trying to explain to you, is WHY you are having such a difficult time climbing the mountain
why your climb seems “rough and steep”
which apparently is not what you expected...
I’m giving you the “why”

so first, as I pointed out to you, since you are dating a full decile older than you
and that this group has a much smaller number of male members than the females in your lower decile... that this contributes to a supply/demand imbalance that DOES NOT WORK in your favor...

secondly, from that shrinking supply of potential partners, you will have guys who are very poor,  and who in the near future will be living on a meager pension...
they will not want to assume the financial liability of the costs associated with having a relationship with you, so subtract this group....
you should also include the divorced dads who pay huge alimony payments
and don’t have a whole lot of money left over at the end of the month...

by the time you scratch all this off, you know what you’re left with
a bunch of pridorki and durrichki...

and why is that?
because the high status males in this age group have it easier now than at any other time in their lives... the last place they need to go is tinder or something like that
because the women will “find them”, they don’t need to bother looking...

so besides the pridorki, you only have low status males with lower incomes
or males who live out in the middle of some gopnick village of 100 people who are all relatives

also, be aware, every predator that goes after a prey, will have competition from other predators
in your case local women...
because of the demographic imbalance in the decile above you...
there is a huge surplus of women in that decile...
and these women will have NONE of the costs that a Russian woman will have...
and they can be every bit as pretty as you are...
with no travel costs, no visa processing costs, no language or cultural issues...
and they will have their own income on day one...
and live 7 km away and not 7,000 km
so I hope I have made clear to you the natural forces that are at play here
why things are the way they are...

and another related but entirely subjective point, is about the “signal” you are putting out to men
if the signal is not strong enough then it just gets lost in the noise
no one will hear it so no one will answer

yes, I know it is difficult to come to America
yes, but so what?
I have done 100 impossible things in Russia
because deeds and not words matter
it’s what YOU DO and not what YOU TYPE on a keyboard that matters
and that’s why I went to the forest to hunt the foxes and not to the internet
sure it’s hard, so...?
for every problem, there is a solution, if you look for it...
Thank you😘, I take all this into account .
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #60 on: February 29, 2020, 11:51:17 PM »
It is interesting advice, and not consistent with my experience. I dated a woman via Elena's Models and didn't even get a smile! I don't think she read the book.

I would agree it is ten seconds and you know if there is physical attraction, but I think five minutes before I know if I want a (first or) second date. I have met physically attractive women who I would not want a relationship with even if I was paid to do so.

Sex is an extension of both intimacy and playfulness. Different people will have different attitudes. At my age if I'm not in bed by the third date then it's usually a good sign to move on (different for a 20yo). I like playful women.  :P
In Russia, flirting is part of life. Girls are happy to flirt with men who are nice to them.,men are happy to accept attentions from girls. For example, I can't imagine my life without flirting. This is nice for both me and the man to whom my attention is directed - so why not?😊
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2020, 12:14:40 AM »
Perhaps we should leave it to Eve to tell us from what she has heard her what she intends to do? In moving her search forward?
Boys, don't fight.😘😘😘 Each of us has its own point of view and it is correct for each of us.
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #62 on: March 01, 2020, 10:19:56 AM »
Some men claim that they do not like provocative sexual photos, but practice shows the opposite - it is girls with sexy photos that are most popular on websites.

That is true. But if a woman attracts men with her body, it will be harder to find a man who is interested in her brain. If 30 men write you, you will have a difficult job to learn which man will respect more than just your body.

Some of the family oriented women I wrote didn't use sexy photos in their profile but later they sent me sexier photos of them at the beach in a bikini after getting to know me.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #63 on: March 01, 2020, 10:36:19 AM »
Quote from: albajulia on Today at 01:40:18 AM
Some men claim that they do not like provocative sexual photos, but practice shows the opposite - it is girls with sexy photos that are most popular on websites.

That is true. But if a woman attracts men with her body, it will be harder to find a man who is interested in her brain. If 30 men write you, you will have a difficult job to learn which man will respect more than just your body.

Some of the family oriented women I wrote didn't use sexy photos in their profile but later they sent me sexier photos of them at the beach in a bikini after getting to know me.

- - - - - -

As Billy said, I don't doubt that 'most' men do contact the women with most sexy photos.

But, as Big Bill (I think it was him) said, the man who is really serious about finding a wife will mostly avoid contacting women with the most sexy photos.

So there is a dichotomy.

Myself, I knew that I would not have a long term relationship with a woman who posted extremely sexy photos on dating websites.

However, since I wanted some sex on my WMVM trips, I would include a few whom I was fairly certain would be 'sure things.'

Often times however, these 'sure things' were based more on the emails we exchanged rather than initial photos posted.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #64 on: March 01, 2020, 11:27:15 AM »
In Russia, flirting is part of life. Girls are happy to flirt with men who are nice to them.,men are happy to accept attentions from girls. For example, I can't imagine my life without flirting. This is nice for both me and the man to whom my attention is directed - so why not?😊

Sounds like paradise :D I wish I lived there, lol.

In the west men have to be careful with flirting, if it is not well received then the more feminist minded women will claim harassment etc and the man will likely be in for an ordeal, this could be anything from losing his job to court cases, etc. It started out decades ago from a few men that would go overboard and keep hounding a women who made it clear their advances were unwanted, fair enough. Problem was in trying to tackle these men through laws and social influence they ruined it for the vast majority who enjoyed it. A case of trying to cut out the bad but in doing so only ending out cutting out the good. The bad men that went overboard and could never take a no for a no still do the same as they just don't care about laws or any of that stuff anyway.

With photos I would say go a little on the sexy side without going overboard, do what I would call classy sexy. That is avoid overly provocative poses and wearing very revealing clothing. Also be careful about using a professional photographer, a professional photo that is also very raunchy looking will likely either be seen as a scammer or attract guys just after sex.

I would say short dresses and skirts that are figure fitting are the way to go. Something a bit sexy looking but not overly provocatively so. Plain colours are probably the best and safest bet as flowery patterns may not sit well with a guy. I would also suggest long straight hair.

A bikini photo can be nice but again avoid an obvious professional photo, do it down on the beach or by the pool side, if unable then one's bedroom should probably suffice. Main thing here is to not have it look model looking. Have it natural looking in a nice pose, smile as in all the photos of course.

I often like seeing more natural, personally taken rather than professional photos. Professional photos are of course nice but often they are very staged and don't really give me an idea of how the girl looks day to day. Occasionally the girl will look similar or the same as how she looks day to day if she is model like in daily life. Otherwise it's can give a false impression, I much prefer to look at a real person and consider if I might like waking up next to her than a photo that looks a bit manaquin like.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #65 on: March 01, 2020, 12:35:27 PM »
Hello, guys😘
Here's another case for you. I registered on the website of Elenas models in may last year. I almost do not go to the site, over the past year I went there no more than 10 times. Since in the first days men did not show much interest in my person ( imagine, I was shocked by this fact😂😂😂), I stopped going to the site.I went there two weeks ago to update my contact information. A week ago, a man who found my profile on the site writes to my email. Today, he told me that he wants to meet. Yes, he is willing to pay for my tickets, visas, and all my possible expenses. Here are his words - "for the first 10 days on the site, 86 women wrote to me. But I liked your profile and I want to get to know you better." I ask him- "why did you write to me?"  You know what he said? - " because those other women communicate on the site all day long and I know that they also write to other men.".  I do not write to anyone, and just do not go to the site. So to say a virgin on this site.😂😂😂 Interesting point of view.
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2020, 01:09:01 PM »
Hello, guys😘
Here's another case for you. I registered on the website of Elenas models in may last year. I almost do not go to the site, over the past year I went there no more than 10 times. Since in the first days men did not show much interest in my person ( imagine, I was shocked by this fact😂😂😂), I stopped going to the site.I went there two weeks ago to update my contact information. A week ago, a man who found my profile on the site writes to my email. Today, he told me that he wants to meet. Yes, he is willing to pay for my tickets, visas, and all my possible expenses. Here are his words - "for the first 10 days on the site, 86 women wrote to me. But I liked your profile and I want to get to know you better." I ask him- "why did you write to me?"  You know what he said? - " because those other women communicate on the site all day long and I know that they also write to other men.".  I do not write to anyone, and just do not go to the site. So to say a virgin on this site.😂😂😂 Interesting point of view.

Certainly interesting, what's your take on this? Are you going to go meet him?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2020, 01:18:33 PM »
But, as Big Bill (I think it was him) said, the man who is really serious about
finding a wife will mostly avoid contacting women with the most sexy photos.

It wasn't me who said that. Besides, what one man finds sexy isn't always
the same that another finds sexy.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2020, 01:21:53 PM »
Sounds like paradise :D I wish I lived there, lol.

In the west men have to be careful with flirting,

No. we do NOT..  This is Trench nonsense..   At work  - one must be professional ... that's it ..

As SC walks to the beach ( whilst talking to me )  a guy will tell her she has a nice figure and asks for her number ...  FSU / Cypriot guys are more direct (?)

Trench thinks that if he brings a FSU W to the UK that a richer, better looking guy will tempt his beloved away  :wallbash:

A week ago, a man who found my profile on the site writes to my email. Today, he told me that he wants to meet. Yes, he is willing to pay for my tickets, visas, and all my possible expenses. Here are his words - "for the first 10 days on the site, 86 women wrote to me. But I liked your profile and I want to get to know you better." I ask him- "why did you write to me?"  You know what he said? - " because those other women communicate on the site all day long and I know that they also write to other men.".  I do not write to anyone, and just do not go to the site. So to say a virgin on this site.😂😂😂 Interesting point of view.

*I* think your potential suitor may not be being sincere ..but ..he HAS succeeded in convincing you..;)

Q: How quickly ( how many messages were exchanged) before he made the offer ?  Are you video chatting .. ?

You don't have to answer ...

*I* have done that once and I already knew I wanted to marry the lady .. but we chatted constantly ..there could not have been time for other'competitors' ;)


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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #69 on: March 01, 2020, 01:22:23 PM »
Certainly interesting, what's your take on this? Are you going to go meet him? Russia, there is a saying - to promise does not mean to get married. 😊
That is, people can say a lot, but not do anything that was promised. I will continue to communicate with him and see what happens.
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2020, 01:30:21 PM »
No. we do NOT..  This is Trench nonsense..   At work  - one must be professional ... that's it ..

As SC walks to the beach ( whilst talking to me )  a guy will tell her she has a nice figure and asks for her number ...  FSU / Cypriot guys are more direct (?)

Trench thinks that if he brings a FSU W to the UK that a richer, better looking guy will tempt his beloved away  :wallbash:

*I* think your potential suitor may not be being sincere ..but ..he HAS succeeded in convincing you..;)

Q: How quickly ( how many messages were exchanged) before he made the offer ?  Are you video chatting .. ?

You don't have to answer ...

*I* have done that once and I already knew I wanted to marry the lady .. but we chatted constantly ..there could not have been time for other'competitors' ;)
I didn't count the messages, honestly.😁
 We talked for a week. Again, promising doesn't mean getting married. 😉 Man shows his serious intentions by actions, not words.
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2020, 01:31:42 PM » Russia, there is a saying - to promise does not mean to get married. 😊
That is, people can say a lot, but not do anything that was promised. I will continue to communicate with him and see what happens.

Good idea, it could well be that he sends that message to every lady, lol or that he sends different messages depending on what he reads into the lady's profile but contacts many women. He could of course be sincere, find you are an attractive enough lady and does not want to waste time in communication to other lady's only to be cut out down the line. Be sure though that this guy is not a nutter if you decide to go though.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #72 on: March 01, 2020, 01:41:01 PM »
Good idea, it could well be that he sends that message to every lady, lol or that he sends different messages depending on what he reads into the lady's profile but contacts many women. He could of course be sincere, find you are an attractive enough lady and does not want to waste time in communication to other lady's only to be cut out down the line. Be sure though that this guy is not a nutter if you decide to go though.
All these options are quite likely, so I always look at what a man does, not what he says.
"Never give up...You taught me never to give up and you were a good teacher, babe"

Im Evelyn, and Im happy😊

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #73 on: March 01, 2020, 06:38:32 PM »
Hello, guys😘
Here's another case for you. I registered on the website of Elenas models in may last year. I almost do not go to the site, over the past year I went there no more than 10 times. Since in the first days men did not show much interest in my person ( imagine, I was shocked by this fact😂😂😂), I stopped going to the site.I went there two weeks ago to update my contact information. A week ago, a man who found my profile on the site writes to my email. Today, he told me that he wants to meet. Yes, he is willing to pay for my tickets, visas, and all my possible expenses. Here are his words - "for the first 10 days on the site, 86 women wrote to me. But I liked your profile and I want to get to know you better." I ask him- "why did you write to me?"  You know what he said? - " because those other women communicate on the site all day long and I know that they also write to other men.".  I do not write to anyone, and just do not go to the site. So to say a virgin on this site.😂😂😂 Interesting point of view.

Here's what you should do. Tell him you want to learn more about him before deciding to meet him. Offer him your phone number. See how much time he invests to learn more about you as a person. Even invite him to visit your city.

I question mind of a man who's willing to offer free vacations to a stranger. If he's serious about you, he'll accept your offer so you two can learn more about each other. He'll respect you even more that you didn't accept his invitation for a free vacation right away.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Hello😊
« Reply #74 on: March 02, 2020, 12:46:34 AM »
Here's what you should do. Tell him you want to learn more about him before deciding to meet him. Offer him your phone number.

Hmm, Does BillyB know that unless they are using SKYPE to video chat - the likelihood is the 'telephone number' is known ....?

See how much time he invests to learn more about you as a person. Even invite him to visit your city.

I question mind of a man who's willing to offer free vacations to a stranger. If he's serious about you, he'll accept your offer so you two can learn more about each other. He'll respect you even more that you didn't accept his invitation for a free vacation right away.

I knew a Cypriot guy in Cyprus who regularly invited Russian ladies to come to him and he had a string of 'girlfriends'  who never came twice...    I invited one lady - paying for her ticket and she stayed at mine - and I married her :) 

albajulia probably already figured proving a man has the means to care for her doesn't mean he will continue beyond a free holiday (vacation) ...   


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