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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465308 times)

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Online Trenchcoat

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Just thought I would start a thread here to get an idea of each member's response to the virus threat (buying of respirator masks, stocking up, etc). Also how it is affecting them so far including any plans to travel and/or date women in the FSU?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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Just thought I would start a thread here to get an idea of each member's response to the virus threat (buying of respirator masks, stocking up, etc). Also how it is affecting them so far including any plans to travel and/or date women in the FSU?

Mostly I'm just gob-smacked at the fuss some folks are making ... 

Online krimster2

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are you serious?
we went from NO cases at all here in texas
to the first case yesterday, and two cases today, both not far from where I live
and the entire city of San Antonio is on emergency quarantine, because a government quarantined patient who had Covid-19 was accidentally released from the hospital and he then spent two hours at the food court at a local shopping mall...

so we are at stage 1 of the epidemic, people returning from infected zones bringing the disease with them...
hopefully warmer weather will slow the future rate of infection here in Texas and elsewhere
but I suspect the first cases to appear here are just the tip of the iceberg

I am slowly preparing for what's coming, I don't want to contribute to panic buying
where I live, most people are already somewhat prepared because this is hurricane country
and most of the dewds in my neighborhood already have automatic weapons in case we need to establish a "well regulated militia"...

think night patrol with gibbeting outside your community gate of apprehended looters
this will be normal 5 years from now...

when I run out of food..
i'll tell my family that I spent all day hunting in the forest behind my house got a deer and traded it to someone else for food...
but in reality, I'm using the cover of the woods, to stake out other's people's houses...
and when I find one that is vulnerable, I will rob it and kill the people inside and then bring what I robbed back to my family...
hi honey! I'm home!

sure hope my neighbors don't read this!

« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 03:33:50 PM by krimster2 »

Online Trenchcoat

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Mostly I'm just gob-smacked at the fuss some folks are making ...

Just returned from an ASDA superstore just outside of Cardiff. The hand wash pump bottles and the soap were completely out of stock, all sold out! Never seen anything like it, at least 1 metre wide by 1 meter high and about at least a foot back, where loads of bottle normally are, now nothing. Toilet roll isle was low too about three quarters empty. Fortunately they still had their Asda 12 pack recycled toiled tissue, so stocked up with three lots of them.

Earlier in the day I popped in Wickes and they are all out of the paper masks. Looking online apparently most of them are made in China so they are unlikely to be restocked for some time. China aren't letting anymore be exported abroad and some people there are resorting to wearing bra's cups for face masks, lol.

Anyway, picked myself up some cheap goggles there and a pair of heavy duty gloves in ASDA. I've got enough hand wash to keep me going but some more hand sanitizer would have been nice. Will add to my stock as and when I can :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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when I run out of food..
i'll tell my family that I spent all day hunting in the forest behind my house got a deer and traded it to someone else for food...
but in reality, I'm using the cover of the woods, to stake out other's people's houses...
and when I find one that is vulnerable, I will rob it and kill the people inside and then bring what I robbed back to my family...
hi honey! I'm home!
Nice! But if you go after Mooby's house a black eye and the firearm up your ass is what you can expect! 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Online Trenchcoat

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are you serious?
we went from NO cases at all here in texas
to the first case yesterday, and two cases today, both not far from where I live
and the entire city of San Antonio is on emergency quarantine, because a government quarantined patient who had Covid-19 was accidentally released from the hospital and he then spent two hours at the food court at a local shopping mall...

so we are at stage 1 of the epidemic, people returning from infected zones bringing the disease with them...
hopefully warmer weather will slow the future rate of infection here in Texas and elsewhere
but I suspect the first cases to appear here are just the tip of the iceberg

I am slowly preparing for what's coming, I don't want to contribute to panic buying
where I live, most people are already somewhat prepared because this is hurricane country
and most of the dewds in my neighborhood already have automatic weapons in case we need to establish a "well regulated militia"...

think night patrol with gibbeting outside your community gate of apprehended looters
this will be normal 5 years from now...

when I run out of food..
i'll tell my family that I spent all day hunting in the forest behind my house got a deer and traded it to someone else for food...
but in reality, I'm using the cover of the woods, to stake out other's people's houses...
and when I find one that is vulnerable, I will rob it and kill the people inside and then bring what I robbed back to my family...
hi honey! I'm home!

sure hope my neighbors don't read this!

Today the virus is up to 30 to 116 in total and the first person to die of it in the UK, a woman with pre-existing medical condition. Some of those 116 are from the early days and have since been treated and released of course, but it's certainly out there and slowly spreading. People here are panic buying now but it's all been civilized so far as I know.

I think the real mad panic will set in when cases suddenly spike up. That's when all those with masks like myself will come out and put them on. At the moment there's little point as if we are going to be wearing them a while it would be better to avoid doing so for as long a period as possible as it will no doubt get a pain after a few months of it. Of course I would generally only wear it when out of the house.

I'm surprised with your level of economic muscle you aren't in the midst of it all Krim, you could buy up loads of all the essentials now and sell on at a vastly inflated price later. It's likely to only get worse. I may buy up some masks for that purpose but am seeing how the supply goes but with China holding out it looks like it's mostly rubber masks that will be in supply as short as that may be.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Chelseaboy

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Between 250,000 and 500,000 people die each year worldwide from the Flu.

3,000 people have died from Corrona virus in three months worldwide.

What's all the fuss about ?

You've far more chance of Flu killing you.
Just saying it like it is.

Online Trenchcoat

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Between 250,000 and 500,000 people die each year worldwide from the Flu.

3,000 people have died from Corrona virus in three months worldwide.

What's all the fuss about ?

You've far more chance of Flu killing you.

True, but Coronavirus would probably kill far more if it wasn't for containment. So far Coronavirus has infected far less people. I think if people hadn't bothered with containment it would already be a major pandemic.

That said I do wonder if it might have been easier for those with existing health conditions to self isolate and the rest of us just to take our chances and ride it out that way. There's no better fun than a good panic though, lol.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline GQBlues

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Truth of the matter is, of those infected with covid-19, only old farts with medical condition had died so far.

Since, FWIW, the men on this message board don't look their age, or feel 20-25 years younger than their age, methinks no one on this board have anything to be concerned about.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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Just thought I would start a thread here to get an idea of each member's response to the virus threat (buying of respirator masks, stocking up, etc). Also how it is affecting them so far including any plans to travel and/or date women in the FSU?

I don't need to buy anything now. I don't need to stand in long lines or overpay for items like masks. Life is normal but wife and I are curbing our activities outside the home.

Between 250,000 and 500,000 people die each year worldwide from the Flu.

3,000 people have died from Corrona virus in three months worldwide.

What's all the fuss about ?

You've far more chance of Flu killing you.

Most people in the world get the flu multiple times in their life. WHO now says there's a 3.4% death rate after originally underestimating it at 2%. Their numbers are still low but assuming the rate holds, if 7.7 billion people on earth get this virus once in their lifetime, 268 million people will die. Imagine if we had to live with this virus and get it multiple times over our lives. This virus is related to the cold virus. There has never been a cure/vaccine invented for the variety of cold viruses we get. This isn't a normal cold virus. It's a cold virus on steroids. Could've be genetically engineered to be a bad ass.

WHO right now is asking all countries to put out all stops. Regions experiencing outbreaks have medical systems overloaded. There will not be enough medical personnel and devices to help people breathe if too many people get infected. South Korea is spending 25 billion dollars to fight the problem. A few nations already closed all schools. China shut down their economy and quarantined 760 million people to stop the spread. Humanity can't live with this virus because it will cost us over and over and over again. But governments are doing the right thing to give the impression this virus isn't much more dangerous than the flu. Governments are not acting like this virus isn't more dangerous than the flu though.

Truth of the matter is, of those infected with covid-19, only old farts with medical condition had died so far.

Old farts have a higher chance to die when obtaining any illness. If WHO's 3.4% death rate holds, it would mean this virus is 34 times more deadlier than the flu and that makes it more deadlier for any age group. At least with flus we have vaccines and anti viral medicine to combat it.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Truth of the matter is, of those infected with covid-19, only old farts with medical condition had died so far.

COVID-19 could be instrumental in improving the deficits expected in Social Security and Medicare programs.  Just like the Enron traders chanting, "Burn baby, Burn,"  the Millenials will chant "Choke geezer, choke."   :D     

Offline msmob

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Nice! But if you go after Mooby's house a black eye and the firearm up your ass is what you can expect! 


 firearms .....?

ME ?

Just my hard head ;)

Online krimster2

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well it looks we're gonns get a wall with Mexico after all and they REALLY are gonna pay for it...
BUT, it's purpose is to keep gringos out of central America now...
Costa Rica just had its first case...

however, in Costa Rica, normal Flu season is from May to December
Costa Rica is now almost at its highest temperature for the year
my partners and I will probably suspend our Costa Rica project now
so we don't end up being quarantined and cut-off in the future, when there are more stringent travel restrictions....

here, in texas, we've already run out of testing kits, so whenever a doctor or hospital orders a test, the result is, "sorry we have no supplies"....

in the USA we went from 124 cases 3 days ago to 226 late last night...
in texas we went from 0 to 14...

it seems to be more lethal than we expected, also there are two different strains, one more lethal than the other and you can get both

it looks like the growth slowed down today though...


Online Trenchcoat

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Business report confirming what I said in the other thread about other airlines potentially going bust over Coronavirus:

Looking like there could be some big winners & losers in business from Coronavirus.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online Trenchcoat

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I don't need to buy anything now. I don't need to stand in long lines or overpay for items like masks. Life is normal but wife and I are curbing our activities outside the home.

So far I've managed to buy everything at normal price including my mask without overpaying. This has surprised me as I expected shops to cash in not just go with the normal price they charge. I'm guessing if it turns into a long term thing it won't stay this way though.

Screwfix (DIY trade chain) even had a £1 discount on their paper masks reducing them from £2.99 to £1.99, crazy, they could have easily have charged the going rate, lol.

Panic buying has been going on in the supermarkets and reported in the news this morning. They are still charging normal price here in the places I have been shopping in at least, not sure whether the supermarkets could have cashed in by charging more. Guessing when people have stocked up enough on toilet rolls etc it will ease of them as they can last a while. Hand sanitizers might be ongoing a while though I'm guessing:
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online Trenchcoat

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Most people in the world get the flu multiple times in their life. WHO now says there's a 3.4% death rate after originally underestimating it at 2%. Their numbers are still low but assuming the rate holds, if 7.7 billion people on earth get this virus once in their lifetime, 268 million people will die. Imagine if we had to live with this virus and get it multiple times over our lives. This virus is related to the cold virus. There has never been a cure/vaccine invented for the variety of cold viruses we get. This isn't a normal cold virus. It's a cold virus on steroids. Could've be genetically engineered to be a bad ass.

WHO right now is asking all countries to put out all stops. Regions experiencing outbreaks have medical systems overloaded. There will not be enough medical personnel and devices to help people breathe if too many people get infected. South Korea is spending 25 billion dollars to fight the problem. A few nations already closed all schools. China shut down their economy and quarantined 760 million people to stop the spread. Humanity can't live with this virus because it will cost us over and over and over again. But governments are doing the right thing to give the impression this virus isn't much more dangerous than the flu. Governments are not acting like this virus isn't more dangerous than the flu though.

Old farts have a higher chance to die when obtaining any illness. If WHO's 3.4% death rate holds, it would mean this virus is 34 times more deadlier than the flu and that makes it more deadlier for any age group. At least with flus we have vaccines and anti viral medicine to combat it.

I've been wondering the same thing as it seems to fall worst on the elderly, particularly though with pre-existing conditions. If you think of it many nations are sitting on a population crises of too many people. Among them the elderly are seen as holding on beyond the usual time off passing due to better medical treatment these days. They are seen as an economic burden by governments due to pension payouts, medical treatment costs, long stays in care homes, etc. Then there is the environmental and resources impact of having a lot of people on the planet.

Could it be that the virus may have been deliberately introduced in China under the guise of a wild animal trade? I think China were too lax in allowing this virus to spread beyond its borders while putting across the impression they were taking strict action. They should have really closed all airports and travel in & out of China till it was over. May have been a few months but then it would have been done.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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From 'paper masks' to 'flight bans' Trench's 'thinking' demonstrates he hasn't THUNK.

Before this virus was identified the Chinese were all over the world celebrating New Year.

Italy banned flights from China...

Which Euro nation has it worst?

'Thank you'...

Offline BillyB

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From 'paper masks' to 'flight bans' Trench's 'thinking' demonstrates he hasn't THUNK.

Before this virus was identified the Chinese were all over the world celebrating New Year.

More bad info provided by Moby. Chinese New Year was January 25, 2020. Why do you think the number 2019 is in the name of the virus? But yes, they were celebrating New Year even after the virus was detected in 2019. The city of Wuhan gave out 200,000 free New Years tickets in 2020 for their New Year celebration. Probably had to give them for free because rumors were already going around something out there is killing people.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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well it looks we're gonns get a wall with Mexico after all and they REALLY are gonna pay for it...
BUT, it's purpose is to keep gringos out of central America now...
Costa Rica just had its first case...

however, in Costa Rica, normal Flu season is from May to December
Costa Rica is now almost at its highest temperature for the year
my partners and I will probably suspend our Costa Rica project now
so we don't end up being quarantined and cut-off in the future, when there are more stringent travel restrictions....

here, in texas, we've already run out of testing kits, so whenever a doctor or hospital orders a test, the result is, "sorry we have no supplies"....

in the USA we went from 124 cases 3 days ago to 226 late last night...
in texas we went from 0 to 14...

it seems to be more lethal than we expected, also there are two different strains, one more lethal than the other and you can get both

it looks like the growth slowed down today though...

Premature IMO. This is nothing more than a media fueled hysteria by the powers that be.

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In China, people start travelling for the lunar holiday in early January.  The "official" start of the Lunar Year this was was January 10.  People start travelling before that date.

The first case of coronavirus was officially reported on December 31.  Wuhan wasn't quarantined until January 23.   So, people did in fact travel for the Lunar holiday (which is a 40 day period in China) before that quarantine, but after the virus had spread.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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In China, people start travelling for the lunar holiday in early January.  The "official" start of the Lunar Year this was was January 10.  People start travelling before that date.

 Wuhan wasn't quarantined until January 23.   So, people did in fact travel for the Lunar holiday (which is a 40 day period in China) before that quarantine, but after the virus had spread.

Why help Moby? He specifically said " celebrating New Year" not "celebrating prior to New Year." Chinese New Year preparations started Jan 17. New Year celebration begins Jan 25 and ends Feb 4

The first case of coronavirus was officially reported on December 31. 

That is the day the Chinese government reported they discovered a new virus to WHO. There were so many cases of infected people in Wuhan that a doctor was sounding the alarm on social media before Dec 31. If the doctor didn't sound the alarm and let the cat out of the bag, I don't think China would've reported anything to WHO. China was negligent for allowing their people to gather in large groups for the New Year.

Chinese article below written Sept 18 2019 saying a person was diagnosed with a new kind of coronavirus. As I stated previously, my uncle was on a tour of China and in the middle of November his tour group was scheduled to stop in Wuhan. The Chinese military stopped his train and told them to go around Wuhan.

Translated version of that Chinese article below.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Just returned from an ASDA superstore just outside of Cardiff.
The hand wash pump bottles and the soap were completely
out of stock, all sold out! Never seen anything like it

Back when I lived in Norf Dekody during the oil boom, I would
go into Walmart with the idea of buying steaks. They didn't
have any meat. They had ox tails and hamburger. No chicken,
no pork, nothing else. 30+ meters of empty refrigerated shelves.

The locals were the worst. It was as if they thought up things to
make things worse. I went into a little store like Target but smaller
and asked about hangers for clothes. The local woman (we called
them Dorothy's*) said that they stopped ordering hangers because
they couldn't keep them on the shelves. 

That was their solution. I went to a restaurant in Watford City at
1:00 pm and they turned me away because they ran out of food. 

I made sandwiches for lunch except when all the stores were out
of bread, which happened all the time. One day I was in the bathroom
at Walmart in Williston which was the always a total zoo. A newbie
was looked at me and said "can you believe they are out of paper

I could just tell he wasn't going to make it. You wouldn't make it if
you lost your mind when something went wrong. For every 10 people 
who went to North Dakota to work at least half wouldn't make it for
6 months. In the winter it was more like 7 out of 10. 

What have I done to prepare for the Corona virus? I've stopped licking
the caps of Mexican beer bottles before opening them. I wipe the cap
area off with my shirt before it goes to my lips.

*Dorothy's reference was from the young girl from the wizard of oz.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 10:05:45 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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I wasn't "protecting" moby.  I merely pointed to the inaccuracy of the riposte. 

The reality is that millions of Chinese had already travelled to their home villages to celebrate the Lunar Year before Chinese officials quarantined Wuhan and other cities.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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well, Rice University had it's first case yesterday from a traveler,
I told my daughter if cases develop from no known contact source to come home
and be quarantined...

I signed up as a volunteer at Rice to test a lab grown covid-19 anti-body as a potential treatment and got the injection today
i'm not sure if I get the placebo or not, I didn't have much of any reaction yet...
i'm supposed to take my pulse and temp twice per day for the next two weeks and get 4 blood tests

next flu season is when this will rage like an Australian wildfire here in Texas

we are in deep doo doo here folks

and beyond survival.....
poverty always trails closely behind his ole pal plague
expect USA GDP to drop 10% next year
hospitals way past overflowing
a rising number of unemployed people fearing over their lack of health insurance
every market has crashed everywhere with huge losses
all schools, restaurants, public places shut down
global travel severely restricted
and that's just next year....
it's gonna get worse the year after that
and worse the year after that
and worse...

here in the USA...
if this strain of SARS, which was completely unknown ANYWHERE in the world less than a year ago
gets to the same level of infection as the flu
it will infect millions and kill hundreds of thousands

at that point the USA is completely shutdown like Wuhan
and everyone is locked in their house

get the picture now folks?


« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 11:23:29 AM by krimster2 »

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well, Rice University had it's first case yesterday from a traveler,
I told my daughter if cases develop from no known contact source to come home
and be quarantined...

I signed up as a volunteer at Rice to test a lab grown covid-19 anti-body as a potential treatment and got the injection today
i'm not sure if I get the placebo or not, I didn't have much of any reaction yet...
i'm supposed to take my pulse and temp twice per day for the next two weeks and get 4 blood tests

next flu season is when this will rage like an Australian wildfire here in Texas

we are in deep doo doo here folks

and beyond survival.....
poverty always trails closely behind his ole pal plague
expect USA GDP to drop 10% next year
hospitals way past overflowing
a rising number of unemployed people fearing over their lack of health insurance
every market has crashed everywhere with huge losses
all schools, restaurants, public places shut down
global travel severely restricted
and that's just next year....
it's gonna get worse the year after that
and worse the year after that
and worse...

get the picture now folks?


I would have loved to read your prose from 1999.   "The end of the world as we know it is upon us.  All computer systems will shut down and we will not be able to draw cash from the bank.  Better stock up on food supplies, toilet paper and firewood.  None of these will be available after Y2K!"
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein


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