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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465336 times)

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Yes, but China doesn't have the fat women we do.

Hmm, and how do you wok THAT out ...?

I knew this as I see Chinese in Thailand, etc.,   You must walk around with your eyes closed ...or you don't travel much ..

It is fat women and their over consumption of food that is the big problem here. They will want to maintain the size of their fat bums and won't care who else starves to do it. We desperately need the government to introduce food rationing to stop them eating all the food and reduce the size of their bums. They won't like it one bit but when needs must.

Food will start running out if this goes on a long time as society falls apart, potentially.

'We' have fat guys, too and many people who over eat - eat cheap crappie food ..

BTW : There may be a trend appearing that guys seem to be more at risk than ladies ( in China) ..

With ever post - you seem to strive to prove misogyny is strong in you

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Before you alarmists lose control of your wits, consider the Singapore case.  Singapore is a city nation of five million people. 

Singapore was one of the worst hit countries when the virus first started spreading outside China.  However,  it had long been preparing for epidemics, after its history with SARS. 

Today the number of total cases is small, only 150, with 90 recoveries.  60 cases are still active, of which 9 are critical.  Number of deaths is ZERO, yet official say deaths are inevitable. 

Was the small number of infections due to the warm climate, as Krimster might claim?  Maybe the climate helped, yet Singapore's response according to this article explains "Tough laws and semi-invasive methods coupled with cajoling and cheerleading are Singapore’s way of handling epidemics."  The article covers the detailed vigilance their epidemiologists undertook to contain the outbreak.

The state and local health officials in the US are manning the frontline against this disease.  They have the capability to do the same.  The question is whether Americans will cooperate or will they panic.   

Agreed. The hysteria is at Defcon 5 now as evidenced by the reactions here, at RWD. The markets and onslaught of media coverage only fuels the baseless panic. 3200 deaths so far world wide from the corona virus and in that same time span about 940,000 deaths by abortion and yet not one flag is raised.

Right now globally people are accepting martial law and quarantine like blind sheep for a virus that hasn't reached the heights, deaths or contagion of the seasonal flu virus. Makes one to wonder what is really behind the wide spread panic

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Yes, but China doesn't have the fat women we do. It is fat women and their over consumption of food that is the big problem here.

There are more overweight men than women in the U.K. 

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Right now globally people are accepting martial law and quarantine like blind sheep

You are free to challenge the wisdom of such laws .... 

3200 deaths so far world wide from the corona virus and in that same time span about 940,000 deaths by abortion and yet not one flag is raised.

What ?  That's supposed to be some sort of comparison?

Virus v a choice ?! ( Well it should be a choice )


Right now globally people are accepting martial law and quarantine like blind sheep for a virus that hasn't reached the heights, deaths or contagion of the seasonal flu virus. Makes one to wonder what is really behind the wide spread panic

Makes one wonder how ANYONE  could believe govts like S.Korea, China and Italy are involved in  some giant conspiracy..

Offline GQBlues

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Agreed. The hysteria is at Defcon 5 now as evidenced by the reactions here, at RWD. The markets and onslaught of media coverage only fuels the baseless panic. 3200 deaths so far world wide from the corona virus and in that same time span about 940,000 deaths by abortion and yet not one flag is raised

You would think the public would be panic-driven to the umpteenth degree and empty all condom/birth control shelves because of that, no?

It's still hard for me to believe part of *my* tax help pay for these killings. F*#k Obama!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 08:02:08 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline msmob

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It's still hard for me to believe part of *my* tax help pay for these killings. F*#k Obama!

The subject - here - is a virus ... not your feelings re abortion

Feel free to start a thread on that, though ..

Offline GQBlues

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The subject - here - is a virus ... not your feelings re abortion

Feel free to start a thread on that, though ..

...and yet you enter your silly endless bullying squabble with trenchcoat in every thread. That pot sure is black as night.

For example...

'We' have fat guys, too and many people who over eat - eat cheap crappie food ..

With ever post - you seem to strive to prove misogyny is strong in you

Since when did fat people became a virus? LMAO!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 08:19:18 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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Singapore was one of the worst hit countries when the virus first started spreading outside China.  However,  it had long been preparing for epidemics, after its history with SARS. 

Today the number of total cases is small, only 150, with 90 recoveries.  60 cases are still active, of which 9 are critical.  Number of deaths is ZERO, yet official say deaths are inevitable. 

Coming back to this again because Germany also reports zero deaths although they have over a 1000 infected. It's possible Germany and Singapore are not lying but are avoiding reporting the truth to avoid panic and damage to their economies.

We may see other trustworthy nations eventually adopt the same policy of not reporting anything and they may put pressure on John Hopkins and other websites to remove damaging info. Look what Italy, South Korea, USA, France, and Spain are reporting for deaths and recoveries at the moment. Not a good ratio. As our sample pool gets bigger, we can more accurately predict the mortality rate.

onslaught of media coverage only fuels the baseless panic.

Actually the media is under reporting the magnitude of the situation. There are probably millions of viruses we can get and doesn't affect our lives much but there is one virus with two strains that has got governments to lock down 10% of the worlds population in a matter of months.

Many colleges in Seattle, including the University of Washington is shut down. Local government will shut down restaurants if they don't have hand sanitizer available for customers. The rationing of hand sanitizers and masks have begun and sales are banned on online websites like Ebay.

Personally, I'm not panicking. There's no reason to panic until it's time to panic and that time is when the economy and society collapses and everybody is on their own. If my county or city goes into quarantine, I know the State and Federal government have the capacity to help those stuck on the inside. When the State and Federal government loses the ability to help those stuck on the inside, that is the time to panic. Pay attention to Italy. Their economy wasn't strong to begin with and they just quarantined 25% of their people.
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Offline GQBlues

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...Actually the media is under reporting the magnitude of the situation. There are probably millions of viruses we can get and doesn't affect our lives much but there is one virus with two strains that has got governments to lock down 10% of the worlds population in a matter of months...

I disagree.

The world's total population is 7.53 BILLION. Your John Hopkins site reports 111,363 confirmed infection. In the period of 4 months, what's the infection rate given the numbers above? How can anything so relatively 'benign' be given so much media attention? A whole bunch of folks act as though this is the coming of the zombie apocalypse.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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The world's total population is 7.53 BILLION. Your John Hopkins site reports 111,363 confirmed infection.

Those numbers aren't scary. The facts are scary and those in the know know this can get real bad real soon if it's not stopped. I did some reading on this virus when it came out from legit sources, not conspiracy theory websites.  I never made comments in the past on MERS, SARS, and the various swine and bird flus that showed up at one time and a don't have a reputation for being a dooms day predicter every week but if there is a doomsday virus we'd see in our lifetime, this could be it. The numbers you posted aren't scary but these facts are.

1) COVID-19 is related to the cold virus and there is no cure for the cold after over a 100 years of trying to find one.
2) If you get the virus and recover, you may later get it again just like we get the cold. Don't expect us to build an immunity to it. Yes, old people die easier but if a young person doesn't die now, the person may die later. We get 2-3 colds a year on average.
2) Mortality rates are very high in nations with good health care systems. If everybody in the world got this thing just once, abortion and flu deaths would pale to what this virus will do to us. Governments allow the cold virus and flu virus to get out of control and live side by side with us. Cold viruses are harmless and the more dangerous flu viruses can be slowed down by vaccines. Imagine a much more dangerous virus that lives with us forever without a vaccine to slow it down.

Even if a person doesn't understand the mortality rates and characteristics of this virus, they shouldn't pay attention to what governments say and influence the media on what to report. They should pay attention to what governments do.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline GQBlues

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The odds so far of winning the lotto is much better than you dying of this virus at this time, BillyB.

But I do understand despite the ridiculous odds of the lottery, millions of people still buy lotto tickets, FWIW.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Spring break is coming to university here next week.

Similar timing to many universities across the USA.

This will lead (when the kids come back) to a tremendous jump in Corona cases in areas that have been isolated from such up to this point.

I am worried as I will have my gall bladder surgery tomorrow, and will be in weakened condition for some time . . . and wife will have increased risk of bringing illnesses of all types into our home from students.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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I would relish a report from our Milan correspondent "canary in the coal mine."

Sandro, what's happening?   Chirp us a song please. 

Offline GQBlues

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Spring break is coming to university here next week.

Similar timing to many universities across the USA.

This will lead (when the kids come back) to a tremendous jump in Corona cases in areas that have been isolated from such up to this point.

:grin: Usually they are served in plastic cups from kegs and draft dispensaries. Besides, new trend with millennials are party hurricane and lava flow cocktails these days.

I am worried as I will have my gall bladder surgery tomorrow, and will be in weakened condition for some time . . . and wife will have increased risk of bringing illnesses of all types into our home from students.

Good luck on that. May you have a speedy recovery.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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The odds so far of winning the lotto is much better than you dying of this virus at this time, BillyB.

If I factor in the rest of the population of America, you're right but if I look at what is happening just where I live, you're wrong. I wish you weren't wrong though.

There's about 2.2 million people in King County, WA.  83 are infected without including the 70 sick nursing home employees since their illness is yet to be determine. 2.2 million divided by 83 means 1 out of every 26,505 people in the county are confirmed infected. Of course there's more walking around undetected. Since 19 people in the county have died, 1 out of 115,800 people have died from the virus that we know of. There could be other COVID-19 deaths that doctors incorrectly blamed something else as being the cause.

King County may be become the next Lombardy Italy. 1 out of every 8200 people in Italy are currently infected. One out of every 165,245 Italians are dead from the virus but if you concentrate on the Lombardy region and not include the rest of the population in Italy to water down the numbers, the situation in Lombardy becomes real grim. Grim conditions means government lockdown.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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If I factor in the rest of the population of America, you're right but if I look at what is happening just where I live, you're wrong. I wish you weren't wrong though.

There's about 2.2 million people in King County, WA.  83 are infected without including the 70 sick nursing home employees since their illness is yet to be determine. 2.2 million divided by 83 means 1 out of every 26,505 people in the county are confirmed infected. Of course there's more walking around undetected. Since 19 people in the county have died, 1 out of 115,800 people have died from the virus that we know of. There could be other COVID-19 deaths that doctors incorrectly blamed something else as being the cause.

King County may be become the next Lombardy Italy. 1 out of every 8200 people in Italy are currently infected. One out of every 165,245 Italians are dead from the virus but if you concentrate on the Lombardy region and not include the rest of the population in Italy to water down the numbers, the situation in Lombardy becomes real grim. Grim conditions means government lockdown.

Don't worry, BillyB. It gets even better than these numbers because then you need to splice in age ranges and their respective probability of death of those confirmed to be infected. 0-15 is zero - 81+ with medical condition is 25+% (report I last saw).

But I am glad to see you're exercising precautions.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline Gator

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I am worried as I will have my gall bladder surgery tomorrow, and will be in weakened condition for some time . . . and wife will have increased risk of bringing illnesses of all types into our home from students.

Good luck!    Do you come home after the surgery, or do you stay in the hospital?
Convalescing at home would be safer due to fewer  social contacts.   If you and your wife follow these practices, your COVID-19 risk is virtually zero. 

My guess is touching surfaces is the greatest source of risk. 

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Don't worry, BillyB. It gets even better than these numbers because then you need to splice in age ranges and their respective probability of death of those confirmed to be infected. 0-15 is zero - 81+ with medical condition is 25+% (report I last saw).

But I am glad to see you're exercising precautions.

I'm very optimistic I, my family, and most people on this forum can survive a battle of COVID-19. However, if it behaves like the cold virus and we have to battle it 2-3 times a year for the rest of our lives, most likely our deaths will be blamed on COVID-19 instead of something else.

Also, I'm not worried about being locked down by the government 30 days. I've had lots of experience. I'm married.
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Something to worry about. 

America has a total of  about 940,000 hospital beds, of which 600,000 are in use at any moment.   That yields a reserve of about one hospital bed available per 1,000 people. 

Outbreaks will not be distributed uniformly across America, so if COVID continues to spread, some centers of infection will not have enough hospital beds for patients requiring intensive care.   China had the same situation and built large, temporary hospitals in two weeks.   This fast track capacity is not available in the US because of many restrictions (zoning, construction permits, contracting, etc.).

How about the number of available ventilators?     

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Something to worry about. 

America has a total of  about 940,000 hospital beds, of which 600,000 are in use at any moment.   That yields a reserve of about one hospital bed available per 1,000 people. 

Tourism to Seattle is tanking. Hotels are losing money. Owners can sell their hotels to the government. My county and local governments in China have bought hotels to turn them into hospitals or quarantine zones.

China had the same situation and built large, temporary hospitals in two weeks.   This fast track capacity is not available in the US because of many restrictions (zoning, construction permits, contracting, etc.).

There may come a day where Americans say "Fukc the rules" and just get it done. Government may eventually use soldiers to round up contractors to do a government project and they won't take "no" for an answer.

How about the number of available ventilators? 

Machines to assist breathing and oxygen bottles are critical to keeping people alive long enough so they can build up enough antibodies to beat the virus. Our government visited 3M for more masks. I'm sure they paid a visit to companies that make equipment to help with breathing.
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Something to worry about. 

America has a total of  about 940,000 hospital beds, of which 600,000 are in use at any moment.   That yields a reserve of about one hospital bed available per 1,000 people. 

Outbreaks will not be distributed uniformly across America, so if COVID continues to spread, some centers of infection will not have enough hospital beds for patients requiring intensive care.   China had the same situation and built large, temporary hospitals in two weeks.   This fast track capacity is not available in the US because of many restrictions (zoning, construction permits, contracting, etc.).

How about the number of available ventilators?   

I would assume this will be handled the same way we have in recent past when other tragedies warrant immediate provisions by hosting them in arenas and large scaled sporting venues or convention centers. Even football arenas with roofs even. High school or collegiate gymnasiums, etc...Or even those FEMA trailers...
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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I would assume this will be handled the same way we have in recent past when other tragedies warrant immediate provisions by hosting them in arenas and large scaled sporting venues or convention centers. Even football arenas with roofs even. High school or collegiate gymnasiums, etc...Or even those FEMA trailers...

China has already taken over sports arenas, warehouses and office buildings. Problem with that is we're dealing with an infectious disease. As beds will be side by side with no walls between them, it's not comforting for a person who is trying to get over the virus to know the guy next to him is coughing and sneezing more viruses into the air.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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China has already taken over sports arenas, warehouses and office buildings. Problem with that is we're dealing with an infectious disease. As beds will be side by side with no walls between them, it's not comforting for a person who is trying to get over the virus to know the guy next to him is coughing and sneezing more viruses into the air.

Well, I would hope our medical professionals and caretakers aren't silly enough to confine infected and non-infected folks 'side-by-side' no?

Otherwise, we'd end up like this...

Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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Italy just reported their numbers. Yesterday they had recorded totals of 366 deaths to 622 recoveries. Today's totals are 463 deaths to 724 recoveries which means they added 97 new dead and 102 new recoveries. They had a very bad day with the mortality rate getting worse, not better. France, Spain, and the USA are all currently experiencing worse mortality rates than Italy.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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As long as folks won't or can't pay copays and don't have sick leave they will go to work and infect others.  Tests may be free, but the ER and doctor visits are not. Considering the lack of testing and even availability of tests, chances are the US is vastly undercounting.  Even the Surgeon General was not able to guestimate the number of people that have been tested.  Most EU countries have considerably more hospital beds and doctors per capita than the US.  Obviously, Italy acquired a lot of testing kits.  Sure, Lombardia which is a densely populated area that is a transit hub with three major airports, many tourists etc will be hard hit.  Kids are out of school sitting it out at home with big events and even small banned countrywide and not only in affected areas. I cancelled a business trip and others are staying at home as well. See the attached photo to get an idea which areas are going to be most at risk in Europe.

The first two confirmed Covid deaths reported in Germany today, with 1140 confirmed sick.  More sure to come.  All just a matter of time.

This isn't a problem you can just throw money at to fix.  In reality, this pandemic is just a shot over the bow affecting mainly the elderly and those with other conditions that put them at risk.  We may not be so lucky one of the 'next times' that will surely come when we least expect it.

The one positive side of all this is that aside from showing how unprepared we are for such, maybe folks will start thinking that it is better to mandate flu shots for everyone next year, especially if a Covid vaccine can be combined with flu shots.   


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