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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465509 times)

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Offline GQBlues

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Relax Krim. Just pointed out the error in your statement is all. I see a lot of them in your posts. The only difference with this one is the irony in your silly attempt to try and insult others by writing a bonehead statement. It’s like that water burning leaves gig, you know.

You’ll get over it in the morning.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 07:38:32 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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All though WHO is calling for all nations to put out all the stops on this virus now,  on January 9 WHO praised China for their quick ability to identify this new virus and capability to manage it. WHO should've put out warnings to all nations back in early January but they were  misled by China. We now know that the virus was discovered much earlier than when China first reported it and we know they never had it under control spreading recklessly within and outside of their country. Their deception and lack of transparency is now getting a lot of people killed, not to mention we may have to live with this virus forever if we lose control of it.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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Where have you read WHO criticising / chastising China, subsequently?.....

Whilst I realise you are becoming an 'expert' on micro-biology and there is an element of 'not the right moment', I would like to ask you how you believe knowing earlier would have changed anything?

Example: Italy was one of the first nations to ban (direct ) flights from China...

Offline GQBlues

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All though WHO is calling for all nations to put out all the stops on this virus now,  on January 9 WHO praised China for their quick ability to identify this new virus and capability to manage it. WHO should've put out warnings to all nations back in early January but they were  misled by China. We now know that the virus was discovered much earlier than when China first reported it and we know they never had it under control spreading recklessly within and outside of their country. Their deception and lack of transparency is now getting a lot of people killed, not to mention we may have to live with this virus forever if we lose control of it.

You’re killing me, Billy  :P

Maybe China had to find away to scare the beejesuus out of those Hong Kong prostesters as Beijing was losing total control of that situation while the world looked on. After all, those riot moved out of the media focus since the virus came around. The plan worked! They seemed to have found a way to have those protesters stay home.

Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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Where have you read WHO criticising / chastising China, subsequently?.....

WHO belongs to the UN. International organizations aren't in the business of blaming member nations that pays dues. Don't want to hurt people's feelings. When WHO praised China for it's quick action on containment and months later announce to the World this is a five alarm fire and everybody should now get in on the action, that should tell you something. When WHO says China hasn't allowed their experts yet into their country to help. That should tell you something.

I would like to ask you how you believe knowing earlier would have changed anything?

Next time a fire breaks out in an apartment building and everybody is asleep except you, wait an hour before calling the fire department if you don't think the outcome will be different from if you took action right away.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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A lot of words...excuses..

So, you could not find any criticism..

You will find the UN has member states and does criticise members...

'Thank you'..

Offline BillyB

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Mongolia reports its first case of coronavirus. They shut down all schools in the country and suspended all local travel in the province the infected person was in. Government officials get the truth from top doctors and scientists. The actions they are taking against this particular virus are extreme and are different than the actions they took against previous viruses. There's enough education on the internet that tells you the truth about this virus's characteristics and behavior but you have to filter out the crap and most of it is crap. If you understand it, you will agree with Bill Gates, who has experience fighting many epidemics, that COVID-19 is the once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about. It's here and we get front row seats to the show that will make the history books.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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Bill Gates is a smart chap, but it doesn't mean we have to agree with his thoughts.

Let's see if China really has peaked and we'll be more certain who'd been panicking....

My old college friend from Rome has a large garden near the centre and is looking forward to getting stuck in.... not too worried, but Marcello on Sardinia is SCARED for elderly members of his family...

One seems to be taking this in her stride...t'other, not so.

They are both glad of the internet...for now..

I asked Jackie, in Rome ( She has a dog) how folks can 'relieve' their dogs needs to pee and pooh...if under quarantine conditions...

That is a permissible excuse to go out..

Offline Trenchcoat

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Your line of thought is perpetuating the hysteria. The media can not let it rest and ignores other news of the world. Worldwide some 94,000 have contracted the virus 3200 have died many of those are elderly and other under lying issues. The contagion of the virus is 2. The contagion of SARS was 4 and for the measles is 18. 55,000 of the 94,000 recovered.

It is okay to assume for a minute that the panic caused by the mainstream media is just that, panic. The tip of the iceberg? Hardly. We'll see more cases of that I had no doubt. There's no epidemic even yet much less a pandemic. What you should be asking yourself is why now? COVID isn't ebola, it isn't even SARS or seasonal influenza. Yet all MSM news outlets gloss over that factoid.

I'm not at all indicating that measures shouldn't be taken to slow and stop the virus. Not at all but you should ask yourself, why this one and why now?

Saw this today from a guy that is going through it, the first report I have come across about someone who is going through it. Down in thr comments section at the top of those comments is a person who has gone through it who said it was a month long fight. That supports my comment last night that some people are in for a long fight for life on this one and its not something that people necessarily get over with in a few days. It really seems to have knocked this 32 year old from New York for six, he is a non-smoker as well with no underlying health conditions:
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Another report showing that you can catch Coronavirus whilst on a plane:

They then unknowingly spread it around their hotel in Vietnam presumably by touching surfaces around them.

Judging from this report the virus appears highly contagious and being in close proximity to someone with it might unfortunately be all that it takes.

Also appears that seven Britons also caught the virus on the flight just from that one infected passenger so shockingly highly contagious indeed.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 02:37:14 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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Another report showing that you can catch Coronavirus whilst on a plane:

You MAY be able to catch it from a fellow passenger - how does this article PROVE it .. ?

YOU are not a fan of Asiatic women so you'd not have WANTED to be near Ms Nga Nguyễn

Online Faux Pas

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Saw this today from a guy that is going through it, the first report I have come across about someone who is going through it. Down in thr comments section at the top of those comments is a person who has gone through it who said it was a month long fight. That supports my comment last night that some people are in for a long fight for life on this one and its not something that people necessarily get over with in a few days. It really seems to have knocked this 32 year old from New York for six, he is a non-smoker as well with no underlying health conditions:

There is so much shit out there now on the virus it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate the wheat from the chafe. Is it a serious issue? Yes, no doubt but the media blitz appears to be causing a panic by design. Why? Then there are those of you who are taking everything they hear as fact when it is not. Little to nothing in the media is designed or reported to help you. It's motive appears to drive your panic into full blown hysteria. Why? Don't be led like sheep to slaughter

This one appears to be tapering off. For the most of us this one isn't much to worry about. The next one we likely won't be so lucky

Offline krimster2

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someone should be responsible for administering "bitch slaps" to Trumpists for when they become hysterical about dear leader...

Caution! Numbers!!!  requires thinking

3-8-20   7:57 PM      538 cases
3-9-20   7:40 pm      624 cases

see the total and rate of progression....
now look these numbers up on the Chinese and Italian graphs of numbers
and see where they correlate

also, once we start getting test kits instead of promises of them being there real soon now
watch the numbers blow up....

and then watch them REALLY blow up this flu season

yup, the odds of a specific individual getting the illness "this year" is low....
but a social financial meltdown is VERY HIGH!

this election will be about Trump's handling of the the virus vrs whatever BS Gulianai throws out about Biden's stuttering and Hillary's emails
and not much Trumpists can do about it, except go quietly into the night next year

the good news about the virus for Trumpists, is this...
after Trump's defeat at the hands of Marxist Leninist Democrats
you WON'T have to drink the Kool-Aid....
nope, the virus will relieve you of that burden
cuz, it's gonna drink you
and it's just sittin there lickin its tiny little lips
quivering with anticipation of meeting ya'll later this year

you all made your bed when you voted for dear leader
so when you start to feel bad
you can lay down in this bed
and have a little nap
sweet dreams
and in your final breath, exclaim "what about Hillary's emails... cough...cough..."
before embracing eternity

may gawd bless you, gesundheit, Amen
you will be in our prayers that we usually recite after a school shooting
but this prayer is for all you Trump voters....
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 06:54:33 AM by krimster2 »

Online Faux Pas

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someone should be responsible for administering "bitch slaps" to Trumpists....
for when they become hysterical about dear leader...

Caution! Numbers!!!  requires thinking

3-8-20   7:57 PM      538 cases
3-9-20   7:40 pm      624 cases

see the total and rate of progression....
now look these numbers up on the Chinese and Italian graphs of numbers
and see where they correlate

also, once we start getting test kits instead of promises of them being there real soon now
watch the numbers blow up....

and then watch them REALLY blow up this flu season

yup, the odds of a specific individual getting the illness "this year" is low....
but a social financial meltdown is VERY HIGH!

this election will be about Trump's handling of the the virus vrs whatever BS Gulianai throws out about Biden and Hillary's emails
and not much Trumpists can do about it, except go quietly into the night next year

the good news about the virus for Trumpists, is this...
after Trump's defeat at the hands of Marxist Leninist Democrats
you WON'T have to drink the Kool-Aid....
nope, the virus will relieve you of that burden
cuz, it's gonna drink you
and it's just sittin there lickin its tiny little lips
quivering with anticipation of meeting ya'll later this year

I remember when you use to actually post well reasoned information. It was helpful and appreciated by most who read it.  How the mighty has fallen. Now, there's nothing more than useless dribble that develops in the dark recesses of your marijuana fogged mind wrapped in abscess of your over-inflated self worth surrounded by the misery that is you.

You've sucked into the panic lock, stock and barrel. You, as most mental midgets blame Trump. Your need to point fingers at Trump is as over whelming as your need to masturbate in the open streets when your little willy pokes out. You're pathetic Krim. Sober up, go run a few laps and put the crack pipe down. We miss you

Offline krimster2

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ok... here is a true fact

I have not masturbated in over 20 years....
20 years...that's a gawd damned long time...
hand jobs...yes, I've had plenty!!!
but I've never gone solo in 20 years....

your insult doesn't work on me, sorry, I know you spent a lot of time on it, but a wasted effort...

look, you're frightened and confused, and I can see you came from an impoverished background with a matching dysfunctional family and childhood
and this has made you "butthurt", not sure if I'm using your vocabulary correctly, this is just my feeble attempt to speak your "jive"
which consists primarily of phallic and anal references
kinda like sayin "wussup my n^gger" to black folks

it must be difficult for you writing in a language where the lexicon consists mainly of synonyms of anus, and penis, masturbation, etc...
but this gives me a glimpse inside your mind...
it's fascinating to observe
because it tells me the kind of environment you lived and worked in

look behind you sir,
the sight you see, is Rome burning....
and YOU are the fiddle the emperor is playing...

« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 09:08:05 AM by krimster2 »

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Not hearing too much today about the latest numbers in the USA.   My daughter went out to get toilet paper yesterday, and all 4 stores didn't have any!  Not only did we not get to 'stock up' but we are actually almost out!  I'm considering selling some stuff and accepting toilet paper instead of dollars as payment.  :) 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Online Faux Pas

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ok... here is a true fact

I have not masturbated in over 20 years....
20 years...that's a gawd damned long time...
hand jobs...yes, I've had plenty!!!
but I've never gone solo in 20 years....

your insult doesn't work on me, sorry, I know you spent a lot of time on it, but a wasted effort...

look, you're frightened and confused, and I can see you came from an impoverished background with a matching dysfunctional family and childhood
and this has made you "butthurt", not sure if I'm using your vocabulary correctly, this is just my feeble attempt to speak your "jive"
which consists primarily of phallic and anal references
kinda like sayin "wussup my n^gger" to black folks

it must be difficult for you writing in a language where the lexicon consists mainly of synonyms of anus, and penis, masturbation, etc...
but this gives me a glimpse inside your mind...
it's fascinating to observe
because it tells me the kind of environment you liveed and worked in

look behind you sir,
the sight you see, is Rome burning....
and YOU are the fiddle the emperor is playing...
a sad tune....

I spent no more time on my reply to you than typing it. You really don't require any thought krim. I know that disappoints you. Your innermost thoughts are on constant display for all to see. Makes me no difference how you medicate to get through the day. Your excuses carry no weight. You're not the only soul to see the brutal inhumanity of life. Whatever gets you through your day is fine by me. I've made no attempt to insult you. I'm just holding up the mirror for you to see. You've lost yourself. I hate to witness your spiral. You are correct in that Rome is burning. That's probably the only statement you've made in months with any validity

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have you noticed how certain folk spend their time telling us how 'uninteresting' we are?  :popcorn:

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Well Italy is essentially under 'martial law' until a solution is found. Some reckon it's economy could contract by at least 3 percent (maybe more) that is huge and depending on how this plays out could mean the UK becomes Europe's second biggest economy.

It might be said that this virus is nature's way of balancing out the imbalance on the planet of the overpopulation of us humans. If if goes from hundreds of deaths to thousands and possibly millions it's not going to be pretty for us, it could be anyone of us that doesn't make it. I guess at least we're not in our teens and have lived a lot of our lives already. Still the preparation continues in the supermarkets today, young & old buying up the essentials.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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sir, your assumption about the amount of time I spent in the composition and typing of my previous post is absolutely NOT AT ALL accurate!
in reality, I spent much less time than you did in creating that post!
because I'm a Machine Learning Expert, and I have a TensorFlow 2.0 LSTM voice recognition system of my own design
trained specifically on my voice to do speech recognition and type this in real time....
this system is far better than the Nuance Dragon Voice Recognition and Dictation System...
so based on your argument that the idiot is the one who spent the largest amount of time composing and typing their post
well sir, that would be YOU then...

now who has the bigger penis, huh?
that would obviously be ME MFer!!!
now who's "butthurt"? (sorry, is it one word or two, computer says two...)

« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 11:41:01 AM by krimster2 »

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Not hearing too much today about the latest numbers in the USA.   My daughter went out to get toilet paper yesterday, and all 4 stores didn't have any!  Not only did we not get to 'stock up' but we are actually almost out!  I'm considering selling some stuff and accepting toilet paper instead of dollars as payment.  :) 


Same in the UK, my mother was able to get hold of a few last rolls of toilet paper in the morning, I visited two large supermarkets in the afternoon and both were completely sold out of toilet paper. A lot of kitchen roll had gone too, I'm thinking a lot of idiots bought kitchen roll hoping to use it instead of toilet paper without realising that it will just block up your toilet real quickly. My mother unfortunately is all too keen to move to the post WWII solution of using cut up newspaper instead :(

Fortunately I have stocked up a big supply of toilet paper that should last for months, maybe even a year. Sorry to hear you were a bit behind the curve on this one Fathertime.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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It's not martial law.  It's called being prudent, limiting time outside the home to necessities for a couple of weeks.  Wife went shopping this morning, stores allowing a limited number of folks in the store at one time to allow folks to keep some distance, no shortages.

It's also not 'until a solution is found'.  It is until the situation normalizes a bit and to keep from overburdening medical resources allowing those unfortunate enough to get it to be treated with the best possible care.  It won't halt the spread entirely, but hopefully, slow it down enough to keep things from getting too far out of hand.

Folks are adjusting their daily routines.  Some may grumble a bit, others may enjoy being together a bit more.

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someone should be responsible for administering "bitch slaps" to Trumpists for when they become hysterical about dear leader...

People may see Trump as a hero during these trying times and we may need to change the rules and vote him in for a third term since solid, stable leadership is needed to defeat the mighty coronavirus.

My daughter went out to get toilet paper yesterday, and all 4 stores didn't have any!  Not only did we not get to 'stock up' but we are actually almost out!  I'm considering selling some stuff and accepting toilet paper instead of dollars as payment.  :) 

The reason I am not waiting in long lines and panicking is because after I read about the characteristics of the virus over a month ago, I didn't trust China's numbers and what media and governments were saying and went out and did all my shopping prior. I got a case of 48 rolls of toilet paper at home. Tell your daughter I'm selling them for $100 a roll.

The good news is in stressful times when food is scarce, we won't need toilet paper. Anybody seen that based on a true story movie Alive where the people in the plane crash was stuck on the mountain for over two months? They took one crap in that whole time they were up there and it was hard and dry. You will be amazed how fast the body will adapt during a time of stress to maintain 100% of the nutrients in the food you eat instead of crapping it away. When I was in the Army and did some non stop stressful war games playing in the desert of California and got little sleep, I crapped once during the two weeks of the war games. That never happened to me before but made me realize how fast my body went into survival mode for the situation I was in.

There's no reason to panic. We need to keep working knowing a certain amount of humans will be sacrificed for every wave of the virus that comes in. In regions or nations that are hit hard, they will endure hardships until they can control the spread but keep in mind, without a vaccine or getting eliminated off the face of the earth, the virus will be back again so we should get used to periodic quarantining for the rest of our lives. The little people like ourselves can't stop the virus but we can do our part to prevent spread. Governments will determine when and how quarantines need to happen.

If if goes from hundreds of deaths to thousands and possibly millions it's not going to be pretty for us, it could be anyone of us that doesn't make it. I guess at least we're not in our teens and have lived a lot of our lives already. Still the preparation continues in the supermarkets today, young & old buying up the essentials.

I have good news and bad news for you Trench. In an early study, China said two thirds of their recorded deaths were men. That is the bad news for you. The good new is if you survive, eventually there may be two women for every man on earth.

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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"eventually there may be two women for every man on earth"

"two girls for every boy."
what "surf city for real"
damn, who knew the apocalypse was gonna be this cool, not this guy!

seriously WTF???????

« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 10:48:10 AM by krimster2 »

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Just read an article about Germany, why the numbers are so low, especially the mortality rate which is a fraction of what it is in Italy.

Basically boils down to testing or lack thereof.  Italy, for example, is not only testing more, but also doing tests for folks that have died.  Germany is not doing so.

Spain also started doing testing of folks that died and confirmed a lot of suspected flu cases were Covid instead.

Countries that do more testing will have higher numbers of infections and a more accurate picture of what's really going on.

Don't let low numbers in your country deceive you.  Be prudent, especially if you are in the higher-risk category or you have contact with someone who is.


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Today at 07:51:28 AM

Re: Swisskids' Excellent Ukrainian Adventure! by Trenchcoat
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