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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465354 times)

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Offline BillyB

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In all fairness Italy was the first one the other day who published for the world to see the actual Mortality to Recovery rate. Before that the WHO were lying to the world.

Italy recently reported numbers and they now have 827 dead to 724 recovered. The mortality rate is getting higher by the day. I hope they can reverse the trend. In all fairness to WHO, they were misled by the Chinese. China was the only country with a large enough sample pool to evaluate what was happening. At first it was believed this virus was no more dangerous than the flu. I'm not surprise we still see people not understanding how dangerous this is thanks to China. Although the overall mortality rate continues to go up, it's still heavily watered down by the Chinese numbers. People think it's sprinkling, not pouring, and don't think it's necessary to get onto Noah's Ark.

WHO is officially calling this event a pandemic and raised its health emergency level to it's highest level. Enjoy the ride.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Online Trenchcoat

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More Trench twaddle

Italy has NOT changed it's reporting methodology

As of yesterday ..12.4 k reported infections ...827 deaths   ...

Italy has the oldest population in Europe, with about 23% of residents 65 or older...  Most of the deaths are ppl in their 80's/ 90's

And you get your 'most of the ppl are in their 80's/90's' data from where?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Took a drive and met with some people today.  Here is what i've seen today.

---spoke with owner of a 100 million dollar equipment company.   "all is well" he says,   later spoke with warehouse worker, different story, he says 'we are running out of stuff', nothing new is coming in.  my thought is soon jobs will be gone. 

----a guy came by my shop today, bought a large item, we loaded into his truck....he had 60 rolls of TOILET PAPER in the back seat!  I told him the virus can be transmitted through toilet paper.  I learned that through GQ's link earlier today.   

---good buddy next shop over is drying up, about to call it quits, today asked me if I want to buy his forklift and big box truck.   

Just interesting observations at this point. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Online Trenchcoat

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Took a drive and met with some people today.  Here is what i've seen today.

---spoke with owner of a 100 million dollar equipment company.   "all is well" he says,   later spoke with warehouse worker, different story, he says 'we are running out of stuff', nothing new is coming in.  my thought is soon jobs will be gone. 

----a guy came by my shop today, bought a large item, we loaded into his truck....he had 60 rolls of TOILET PAPER in the back seat!  I told him the virus can be transmitted through toilet paper.  I learned that through GQ's link earlier today.   

---good buddy next shop over is drying up, about to call it quits, today asked me if I want to buy his forklift and big box truck.   

Just interesting observations at this point. 


Indeed, at work I have decided to bring in my own toilet paper and tissues. I realised that everyone in the office will be putting their germs on it particularly after pulling off what they need. Not worth using the freely supplied stuff.

I think your observations are very apt Fathertime to the Global economic situation. If it's already that bad early on it could get pretty bad further down the line.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline BillyB

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I told him the virus can be transmitted through toilet paper. 

That's fake news. The virus can't live outside the body for very long and certainly can't breed on toilet paper. Viruses need a cell to breed in. Live viruses can be found in poo poo though. So if one reuses the toilet paper somebody else uses, it's possible they can catch the virus. I never reuse toilet paper with brown stains on them.

I went to out to eat pizza today. Owner said his business dropped 20%. He said an owner of a high end steak house said his business dropped 80%. People with money staying home more often? People saving their money for necessities?
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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Indeed, at work I have decided to bring in my own toilet paper and tissues. I realised that everyone in the office will be putting their germs on it particularly after pulling off what they need. Not worth using the freely supplied stuff.

I think your observations are very apt Fathertime to the Global economic situation. If it's already that bad early on it could get pretty bad further down the line.

Trench, do  you mean you are still mixing with humanity ?  Are you 'mad' ?   It's a huge risk ...   ISOLATE

I took Ma to a dentist and she had her hair done, visited the local tip, popped into a grocers - to buy 2 kitchen rolls bread  and milk..

Not ONE person was wearing a mask - other than the Dentist and his assistant..

Offline GQBlues

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Indeed, at work I have decided to bring in my own toilet paper and tissues. I realised that everyone in the office will be putting their germs on it particularly after pulling off what they need. Not worth using the freely supplied stuff.

Well, you may as well be as diligent as you can under such circumstances. Get a foot long 2" rope with grip handles on both ends. Once done, just slid it between your legs, position between butt cheeks, then slide to/fro 3-4 times.

It comes on 3 types of braids, and four types of fiber (nylon, hemp, etc..), 9 different colors (neon green is cool, or *incognito brown* - reduces the amount of washing, etc..).

You'd be the envy of the masses. Chicks may even dig you after that,
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Online Trenchcoat

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Italy recently reported numbers and they now have 827 dead to 724 recovered. The mortality rate is getting higher by the day. I hope they can reverse the trend. In all fairness to WHO, they were misled by the Chinese. China was the only country with a large enough sample pool to evaluate what was happening. At first it was believed this virus was no more dangerous than the flu. I'm not surprise we still see people not understanding how dangerous this is thanks to China. Although the overall mortality rate continues to go up, it's still heavily watered down by the Chinese numbers. People think it's sprinkling, not pouring, and don't think it's necessary to get onto Noah's Ark.

WHO is officially calling this event a pandemic and raised its health emergency level to it's highest level. Enjoy the ride.

Sh*t Billy, I didn't realise the figures had suddenly gotten a lot worse. That's over 50 percent dead. I now seriously doubt they were all old, I'm guessing the odds are that some younger peeps immune systems are putting up a old fight but after a few weeks can't take it anymore, hence the delayed death rate, very much a trailing figure.

Yeah, I thought it silly for the WHO to tell us what we already know, that it's a pandemic. Yeah glad I put some preparation work in at least, with a mortality rate like that and a real ordeal if you get it, it's one I hope I duck.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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And you get your 'most of the ppl are in their 80's/90's' data from where?

An Italian... 

"Little is known yet about the deceased patients specifically, other than the fact that their median age is 81, the majority of the deceased are male, and in more than two-thirds of cases they had three or more pre-existing conditions.

This is according to the latest available data, released by Italy's Higher Health Institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, or ISS) on March 5, which is based on a preliminary study of 105 patients in Italy.

The study also showed a 20-year difference between the average age of the deceased patients, and that of the virus-positive patients in general.

"Although preliminary, these data confirm the observations made so far in the rest of the world on the main characteristics of patients, in particular on the fact that the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases are more at risk," commented ISS president Silvio Brusaferro.

"These are very fragile people who often live in close contact with others, and who we must protect as much as possible."

Online Trenchcoat

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Trench, do  you mean you are still mixing with humanity ?  Are you 'mad' ?   It's a huge risk ...   ISOLATE

I took Ma to a dentist and she had her hair done, visited the local tip, popped into a grocers - to buy 2 kitchen rolls bread  and milk..

Not ONE person was wearing a mask - other than the Dentist and his assistant..

I know, now that I have heard Billy's update from Italy I would rather avoid the hug risk of humanity for the next few months. Despite my efforts mixing with others in the workplace means there are always the gormless who just don't get that we are 'supposed to be avoiding exchanging human contact and hence germs'. They still prefer to stick to old traditions as a matter of convention.

I have not started to wear a mask yet as the numbers/risk rate is not high enough yet to warrant it. Once the numbers start to rise though I'm all equiped :)

Can't afford to ditch the job yet but if it starts getting too risky I will. I just need a bit longer to sort out my present commitments.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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That's fake news. The virus can't live outside the body for very long and certainly can't breed on toilet paper. Viruses need a cell to breed in. Live viruses can be found in poo poo though. So if one reuses the toilet paper somebody else uses, it's possible they can catch the virus. I never reuse toilet paper with brown stains on them.
The virus cannot replicate without a host, but it seems it can survive several days on surfaces; in fecal matter close to a week - not good news for plumbers. In optimal conditions (for the virus) up to 9-10 days. It can also be present in the air for at least 30 minutes.

To minimize the risk of contracting the virus you need to cover your eyes/nose/mouth (yes, even improvized masks are worthwhile), frequently wash your hands thoroughly, and at least twice daily disinfect regularly used surfaces like benches, light switches, keyboards, etc.

Your best preparation is having a strong immune system to begin with - plenty of rest/sleep, low or no stress, lots of sun (vitamin D), cold showers, exercise, good diet, no smoking, etc.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I have prior commitments in Russia so will be using a face mask and protective eye wear in airports and on planes. It is risk reduction not risk elimination. I'll also take stuff like vitamins/minerals and elderberry syrup... but the virus is endemic now so it will eventually enter your community.

The bigger health risk will be economic collapse / depression and ensuing fallout/panic so a complete shut down probably isn't in any way viable.

Obviously the perfect time to visit FSUW before Vlad and others close the borders... you'll get all the women to yourself!  :P

msmob - as this is a respiratory disease smokers are hit hard. It's reasonable to suggest this is why men have been impacted more than women, particularly elderly men. It may also be why those in Wuhan and other parts of China were at such great risk (air pollution).

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Can't afford to ditch the job yet but if it starts getting too risky I will. I just need a bit longer to sort out my present commitments.

Hmm, not what you've told us, before ... You need to check your previous ' Trench, my plan to get a FSU W' posts ..

You should be quitting your job and building a wall - to protect your stock of toilet rolls

Offline BillyB

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Italy just updated their recoveries to 1,045 and now recoveries is ahead of deaths. It'll probably go back and forth. Don't know why they aren't reporting both categories at the same time.

Trump announce he'll speak to the nation tonight 9 PM eastern time. Maybe he'll say this virus is mortality rate is higher than previous estimates without freaking people out too much. He does have a responsibility to protect the economy. Causing panic is not productive. I also predict he'll offer help to businesses. Many small business can't maintain a 20% loss of sales for an extended period of time.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Online Trenchcoat

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Things are not going well in Italy:
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online Trenchcoat

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Just heard on the radio that apparently Boris is expected to announce moving to the second stage of delaying the virus tomorrow. This could include closing schools and banning large public gatherings.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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That's fake news. The virus can't live outside the body for very long and certainly can't breed on toilet paper.
wait a minute, you mean GQ was playing a joke on me!   I just got through burning my entire supply of TP.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Offline BillyB

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Things are not going well in Italy:

Damn. All shops and restaurants will be closed except food stores and pharmacies. A lot of business owners will go out of business.

People should watch the video in the link. The Director General of WHO in the video said he's deeply concerned about the alarming levels of spread, severity and alarming levels of inaction. A lot of people and governments out there still think this virus isn't much more dangerous than the flu. Thank you China for educating us early on with your fake reports that imply it's weak stuff.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Online Trenchcoat

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Damn. All shops and restaurants will be closed except food stores and pharmacies. A lot of business owners will go out of business.

People should watch the video in the link. The Director General of WHO in the video said he's deeply concerned about the alarming levels of spread, severity and alarming levels of inaction. A lot of people and governments out there still think this virus isn't much more dangerous than the flu. Thank you China for educating us early on with your fake reports that imply it's weak stuff.

Indeed, I think a lot of people won't change their ways unless forced as they just see it as too much bother. We need to at least build in more methods of not needing to touch everything, move more to sensors like in some lavatory taps and automatic air dryers etc.

Apparently the UK is potentially only about two weeks or so from a lockdown situation like Italy. So we either sort it now or end up in a ghetto like situation.

I think you're right Billy, Italy will be hit by the ravages of a failing economy and unfortunately BC could soon be in for a shock, I certainly am not envying him at the moment, swimming pool or not.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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LOL... I guess we'll be spared from the Great TP War here as most here have a bidet available with TP used only as a pre-wash wipe..  Heck, we even have a well if public water goes out.  If the electricity goes away we can always use buckets I guess.  TP is overrated anyway, only a smear job.  I miss the bidet when back home in the US.  Heck even the shower heads are stuck way up there and can't be pulled down to properly wash the nether areas.  It's very hard to stand on your head in the shower trying to scrub..

Oh wow! You mean they haven't yet offered topless bathing Beauts services that scrub you down good in Italy?

BC, how the heck can you use the bidet without feeling a little...well, squirmish, or worst, bust up laughing.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Indeed, I think a lot of people won't change their ways unless forced as they just see it as too much bother. We need to at least build in more methods of not needing to touch everything, move more to sensors like in some lavatory taps and automatic air dryers etc.

Apparently the UK is potentially only about two weeks or so from a lockdown situation like Italy. So we either sort it now or end up in a ghetto like situation.

I think you're right Billy, Italy will be hit by the ravages of a failing economy and unfortunately BC could soon be in for a shock, I certainly am not envying him at the moment, swimming pool or not.

This is if course armchair plague, inc. But I feel like the US might not feel the effects as bad. I know paid healthcare blah blah, but firstly, the major insurance companies waived the copays for testing. Secondly. Look at an apartment or neighborhood of the US and compare that to Europe or China. Notice anything? The distance. Anyone been to Disney with a ton of Chinese? No concept of personal space. My house is about 400 yards in either direction from the next house. My old apartment complex houses 300 people for 6 stories and an entire block on Austin. It won't be as bad besides SF, LA, NYC, Boston, etc.

Edit: jesus fu*k I thought it was just a joke with people joking about prepping hardcore. Then I have a friend in Indiana post this sh*t. SMDH. What are you gonna do with 40 rolls of tp *face palm*
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 05:08:58 PM by IvanM07 »

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Question is, is Italy's response the correct response? How is shuttering  businesses going to serve Italy in the long run?

More damage may be caused by doing this than by the virus itself. Hordes of unemployed plus of course the illegal immigrants already there could turn into a devastating situation for Italy. Rampaging riots and society falling apart could indeed be the outcome.

I'm afraid that other countries might follow suit thinking Italy has the right answer, I don't think they do.

I certainly wouldn't go beyond the previous lockdown situation. If the virus just affects the elderly with pre-existing conditions then they would be best to all isolate themselves and hope for the best. If the virus spreads it spreads, don't worry about it and let matters take their course. Otherwise it's saving some old people who have little time left anyway and buggering over the younger generations who will be left with a recked economy.

That said of course, if a lot of the younger generation require stays in hospital in order to survive it then if the numbers rise too high for beds available then that could have a a pretty dire outcome.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 05:25:32 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Question is, is Italy's response the correct response? How is shuttering  businesses going to serve Italy in the long run?

More damage may be caused by doing this than by the virus itself. Hordes of unemployed plus of course the illegal immigrants already there could turn into a devastating situation for Italy. Rampaging riots and society falling apart could indeed be the outcome.

I'm afraid that other countries might follow suit thinking Italy has the right answer, I don't think they do.

I certainly wouldn't go beyond the previous lockdown situation. If the virus just affects the elderly with pre-existing conditions then they would be best to all isolate themselves and hope for the best. If the virus spreads it spreads, don't worry about it and let matters take their course. Otherwise it's saving some old people who have little time left anyway and buggering over the younger generations who will be left with a recked economy.

That said of course, if a lot of the younger generation require stays in hospital in order to survive it then if the numbers rise too high for beds available then that could have a a pretty dire outcome.

Most folks say Merkel was giving a worst case scenario. I'm a Trump supporter everyone knows that from the Pol threads, but I know he will recommend businesses stay open. He has been staking his presidency (among other positives) on the Economy, of which he has done a terrific job!

That said, there is a difference from European/American Norms than Chinese. As I said I remember in 2015 being crowded by 35 Chinese. Hell Ralphie May has a bit about it! -

As an aside, has anyone been tracking the curious tendencies of the virus? Specifically to spare younger children?

No evidence there, it's just popping up several times and I thought it was curious.

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One lady had a whole shopping cart full of toilet paper. All those ladies have pretty big butts to wipe though. Hope they get the virus under control. Humanity is only 3 meals away from total anarchy.
Mgmnt should have placed a 2 ply two package limit sign to keep the peace.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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Apparently the UK is potentially only about two weeks or so from a lockdown situation like Italy. So we either sort it now or end up in a ghetto like situation.

UK numbers have slowly gone up but it's going up faster and faster and may explode soon.

Stay positive and keep thinking you're going to survive and in the end, there will be two women for every man.

Question is, is Italy's response the correct response? How is shuttering  businesses going to serve Italy in the long run?

It's extreme to shut down businesses and restrict movement but I think it is the right thing to do. Not doing enough is worse than doing too much. The virus must be stopped, period. Economies can't function while this virus is wrecking havoc unchecked. Quarantines will work. Let's say your city has a high rate of infection. The government locks down your city. They get everybody checked out and put all those infected into another quarantine keeping them away from the population which can in then function normally within their quarantine. After a month or two, the virus will be burned out. Those infected would beat the virus or die but the virus will not exist in the city. The quarantine can be lifted and everybody can function normally until you have another outbreak.

The country of San Marino is within Italy's borders and 1 out of every 550 citizens there are infected with the virus. They are worse off than Italy.

I'm a Trump supporter everyone knows that from the Pol threads, but I know he will recommend businesses stay open. He has been staking his presidency (among other positives) on the Economy, of which he has done a terrific job!

America is very different all over. We've got heavily populated areas and rural areas. We have different virus cases scenarios all over the place. A one size solution will not fit for all like what Italy is doing. Trump will allow States and local governments make their own decisions first before he tells them what to do. If States and local governments feel a need to shut down businesses, he shouldn't stop them but provide financial help to those who are suffering financial loses. 15 more minutes and Trump will speak to the nation.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Question is, is Italy's response the correct response? 
For a short term maybe yes.
The Koreans seem to be getting the upper hand by massive sanitizing.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~


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Re: UK General Election 4th July 2024! by Trenchcoat
Today at 08:58:22 AM

She wants me to send her money for her plane ticket.... by 2tallbill
Today at 08:50:08 AM

Re: How much money to send to wife by 2tallbill
Today at 07:55:15 AM

How much money to send to wife by 2tallbill
Today at 07:51:28 AM

Re: Swisskids' Excellent Ukrainian Adventure! by Trenchcoat
Yesterday at 06:28:20 PM

Re: How much money to send to wife by krimster2
Yesterday at 05:47:12 PM

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