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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465247 times)

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Offline BillyB

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I haven't been to the doctor in years. My wife pushed me to make an appointment for a checkup. I made an appointment at the VA hospital in Seattle over a month ago and I promised to tell everyone about my what I see in the hospital there tomorrow but it's not going to happen.

I usually get calls from a computer reminding me of my appointment or telling me where the coronavirus testing is located in the hospital. Today I get a call from a human. The lady recommends I cancel but will keep the appointment if I insist. I ask what is the importance for cancelling. She said its for their safety but I feel it's also for patients safety and she's not telling people because she doesn't want to scare them. I told her I'm healthy, don't have anything contagious to hurt the staff, and just going in for a checkup so I'll keep the appointment. The lady proceeds to ask me a series of questions pertaining to my condition and where I been lately. Call was on speakerphone so wife runs over and tells me to cancel. I cancel.

Wife who's college quarter has been cancelled told me her teacher is currently working at the VA hospital. They have confirmed COVID-19 cases there and her teacher has to wear full protective gear. Seems like the hospital is getting busy and is needing people to cancel appointments. My wife told me they are injecting patients with high doses of Vitamin C as part of the therapeutic treatment. I went out to buy high doses of Vitamin C at Faux Pas recommendation a few days ago. Shelves were nearly empty but I got two bottles and my wife ordered real Vitamin C online. If you guys still have money left over after buying toilet paper, go out and buy Vitamin C to boost your immune system.

An Italian nurse talks about her work. It's a good read. Medical professionals are the front line soldiers in the fight against the virus.

Seattle's sex industry is getting decimated. Clients are cancelling appointments and there's no new clients to replace them. I see a lot of financial hardships coming for people in certain industries.

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Not really, it should be the number of deaths divided by the number of infected - which over time will change and become more accurate as the numbers and testing rise.

Correct.  Apples and oranges when comparing data from different nations, as per your South Korea example. The laboratory techniques likely differ too.     

Statisticians will also go further by drilling down to the age groups most affected and their proportionate representation of the population.

Not just age, yet other factors such as existing health when infected.  I expect smoking also to be identified as an important  factor determining death rate.   

Offline GQBlues

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I haven't been to the doctor in years. My wife pushed me to make an appointment for a checkup. I made an appointment at the VA hospital in Seattle over a month ago and I promised to tell everyone about my what I see in the hospital there tomorrow but it's not going to happen.

I usually get calls from a computer reminding me of my appointment or telling me where the coronavirus testing is located in the hospital. Today I get a call from a human. The lady recommends I cancel but will keep the appointment if I insist. I ask what is the importance for cancelling. She said its for their safety but I feel it's also for patients safety and she's not telling people because she doesn't want to scare them. I told her I'm healthy, don't have anything contagious to hurt the staff, and just going in for a checkup so I'll keep the appointment. The lady proceeds to ask me a series of questions pertaining to my condition and where I been lately. Call was on speakerphone so wife runs over and tells me to cancel. I cancel.

Good for you, but maybe just reschedule it sometime in the near future. WA is the US epicenter right now. Being in a clinic where you are is probably not the best place to be in at this time. I was at my doctor's office Monday, and my doctor was more 'serious' about the craze than I. He's wearing the proverbial mask understandably, though I kid and asked him why it isn't at least a N95.

Wife who's college quarter has been cancelled told me her teacher is currently working at the VA hospital. They have confirmed COVID-19 cases there and her teacher has to wear full protective gear. Seems like the hospital is getting busy and is needing people to cancel appointments. My wife told me they are injecting patients with high doses of Vitamin C as part of the therapeutic treatment. I went out to buy high doses of Vitamin C at Faux Pas recommendation a few days ago. Shelves were nearly empty but I got two bottles and my wife ordered real Vitamin C online. If you guys still have money left over after buying toilet paper, go out and buy Vitamin C to boost your immune system.

I hate to break it to you and FP, and you guys know how I feel about you two, but it's a myth that Vitamin C is helpful. Especially the supplements. If it has any advantage at all, I reckon it'll be fairly modest. Besides, unless you're on a strict burrito daily diet, you're like getting your daily Vit. C dosage already anyway. If not you're better off with a nice blueberry smoothie in the AM than a supplement. You'll be better off making sure you're adequate with your Vit. D daily requirement to help with your immune system.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 04:37:27 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline BillyB

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Correct.  Apples and oranges when comparing data from different nations, as per your South Korea example. The laboratory techniques likely differ too.     

Look at the numbers coming in from trustworthy nations with top quality health care systems. Choose any nation with a good sample size. Death rates are much higher than swine flu. If I had a choice to experience swine flu 5 times in my life or CoOVID-19 once, I'm eating bacon every time.

Not just age, yet other factors such as existing health when infected.  I expect smoking also to be identified as an important  factor determining death rate.   

COVID-19 magnifies the chances to die for all age groups across the board. Young healthy people have a much smaller chance to die compared to old people when infected with the common flu. Young people's death rate is magnified with COVID-19 and if there is no cure and a young person gets it multiple times in their life, they may die before they get old.

There's a lot of articles going around downplaying how dangerous the virus is to reduce panic. I'm okay with them not telling the truth because panic kills too. But if you want the truth, don't believe what you hear. Use your eyes and see what is going on around you. After one confirmed infection, Mongolia shut down all schools. After one confirmed infection the NBA and other sports suspended their seasons and cancelled tournaments. Disneyland is closed. Some states have shut down all schools. Hospitals and governments are preparing for war against the virus. It's not an overreaction to a virus that's a little more dangerous than the flu and only kills old people. It's the proper reaction to a very dangerous virus that kills people of all ages and has the ability to change the way we live forever.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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You'll be better off making sure you're adequate with your Vit. D daily requirement to help with your immune system.

Vitamin D3 supplements will help the immune system, especially if you are exposed to little sunlight.       

Surprisingly I have seen little discussion of this in the COVID-19 chatter. 

"Specifically in respiratory health, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to increase the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and tuberculosis and to decrease the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) in asthma and wheezing diseases."

Online Trenchcoat

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Trench, since people, experts, governments and the media are having a hard time understanding mortality rate which gets them to severely underestimate the danger of this virus, I'm going to do a comparison today so more people will "get it".

WHO doesn't use the word "Pandemic" often. They reserve that word for worldwide epidemics that threaten humanity. Let's do a little comparison with the COVID-19 pandemic and the last designated WHO pandemic, the 2009 Swine Flu.

Swine Flu in Europe had  500,000 infected  and  caused 2889 Deaths which means they had 497,111 Recoveries. Mortality rate is not calculated by infection. Mortality rate is deaths divided by deaths plus recoveries so basically it's 2889 divided by (2889 + 487,111). The confusion comes from deaths plus recoveries also equals total infections when an epidemic is over and people think infections is what needs to be used in calculating mortality rate but not true and during an event where people are currently fighting for their lives, using infections into the calculation definitely waters down mortality rate estimates as we see from the reports on COVID-19.  Since everybody is finished with their battle swine flu in Europe, the final mortality rate is .57% which is 5.7 times more deadlier than the flu which kills .1% of the people it infects. 1 out of every 173 people in Europe who caught the swine flu died. Normal flu we experience kills 1 out of every 1000 people.

Italy, now with a large sample pool of COVID -19, has 15,113 infected, 1016 deaths, and 1258 recoveries. To calculate the current mortality rate of Italy deaths(1016) divided by (deaths(1016) plus recoveries(1258)) which translate to a 44.7% mortality rate killing close to 1 out of every 2 people in Italy and is 447 times more dangerous than the flu and 78.4 times more dangerous than the swine flu. Hopefully with more numbers coming it, death rate will go down but don't expect it to go down to swine flu pandemic numbers.

Even if someone doesn't understand numbers, they have eyes. Just look at the World crashing down around you in a very short time this virus showed up. This is just the beginning of COVID-19. It hasn't reached the amount of infections the Swine flu pandemic achieved yet but if it does, you will see quarantines implemented in a way that makes the Italian quarantine look like a joke. The world wasn't crashing during the swine flu pandemic. Not all pandemics are equal and COVID-19 kills people at a much higher rate than the flu and swine flu.

The high mortality rate is scary but what is more scary is that this coronavirus is related to the cold virus and humans have tried for over a 100 years to create a suitable vaccine for the cold viruses and failed. At least with the Swine flu virus, it was comforting to know that discovering a swine flu vaccine was possible and only a matter of time in getting it out to the public. Governments will tell you they are working on a vaccine. After a few years pass by, if they haven't found one, they probably never will. We get colds 2-3 times a year. With no cure, we may have to live with COVID-19 multiple times a year forever just like we live with cold viruses. Periodic quarantining may be a big part of our lives from here on out. The only solution we have now is locking down people, finding those infected, quarantine those people separate from the population and eradicate this virus from the human body so we don't have to live with it anymore. If we miss just ONE person and they go around infecting others, we will continue to have outbreaks. Fighting COVID-19 will cost lives and our economies but it must be done. Trying to do this cheap will cost humanity more in the end.

That's a pretty sobering assessment Billy.

Unfortunately it probably ties in with the UK Government Cobra briefing today, at least in parts. There was still bs coming out so as not to panic the stupid in the population such as elating the overall infections to mortality then just stating that I may be higher in the elderly especially those with pre-existing conditions.

However they admitted that up to around 80 percent of the population may get Coronavirus. So that's pretty much everyone. Boris gave a stark warning that we are likely to lose many loved ones. Despite trying to not show fear I think he looked to be trying to cover a lot of worry. Although he didn't press the point to a specific extreme extent he said this Virus will be the biggest obstacle of our generation. My underlying impression taking into account what you have found out is that the scientists are telling him that initial signs are not good news. They could have well told him it's a pretty dire situation much as you have outlined.

Some virus epidemics only die out once they can't find any more humans. Basically because so many have been killed off. While these days we can develop vaccines if one can't be developed that is the situation we may be facing.

The only other realistic hope might be that it doesn't easily reinfect people that have already had it, and/or it has a far milder affect. Potentially even other strains of it may not have as great an effect. Some reports suggest there may be people having mild cases of it first time around, perhaps moreso the young. If it is possible that this virus ends up as no worse than a mild cold in the long term then that would take away the problem over time.

It looks like this virus looks set to clear away the old to make way for the new.

If it really does go as bad you outline Billy then there is also the very probable and scary reality of society going into meltdown. The stockpiling going on won't last forever in which case we have to consider there will be little in the way of future supplies. We would need to adapt to find our own source of food if the convenience of it no longer being delivered to supermarket shelves becomes a reality.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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if it does continue to grow
then by the end of winter, it’ll be GAME OVER


thank you ALL for voting for him, cuz I was stoopid and voted for Hillary
and not REAL SMART like you guys!!!
so again, thanks!!!

I originally thought your criticism of Trump regarding COVID-19 was merely political partisanship.  Now I believe it is a product of anxiety, a not uncommon condition these days.

Krim, you and I and our healthy loved ones will make it through this episode.  Humans, especially Americans, are resilient. 

Offline BillyB

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Boris gave a stark warning that we are likely to lose many loved ones. Despite trying to not show fear I think he looked to be trying to cover a lot of worry. Although he didn't press the point to a specific extreme extent he said this Virus will be the biggest obstacle of our generation. My underlying impression taking into account what you have found out is that the scientists are telling him that initial signs are not good news. They could have well told him it's a pretty dire situation much as you have outlined.

Governments and large organizations have access to some of the top doctors and experts on viruses and epidemics and they tell those experts "Give me the NO BS description of this new coronavirus". After getting the NO BS version, governments and organizations will take action that doesn't make sense because most people got the BS description of the virus that it's not a big deal. I didn't watch the Boris video but I did watch Trump and I can see Trump is worried. There is no quick solution. There will be a huge cost in lives and economy to battle the virus.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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I was supposed to see my primary care doctor this last Tuesday as a blood draw follow-up. Got a call Monday afternoon asking to cancel my appt. as my Dr. was exposed to Covid19 and is now self isolating himself...... I live in Kitsap County, WA. I may have dodged a bullet....
every ship can be a minesweeper at least once...

Online Trenchcoat

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Governments and large organizations have access to some of the top doctors and experts on viruses and epidemics and they tell those experts "Give me the NO BS description of this new coronavirus". After getting the NO BS version, governments and organizations will take action that doesn't make sense because most people got the BS description of the virus that it's not a big deal. I didn't watch the Boris video but I did watch Trump and I can see Trump is worried. There is no quick solution. There will be a huge cost in lives and economy to battle the virus.

For sure, I fear that this virus will cause a miserable life for many of us, those that survive if course. All because the dumb arse Chinese never learnt after the close call with Sars that eating wild animals is just not worth the risk. They should have banned it outright with stiff penalties, imprisonment, etc.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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look at these two numbers, ok...

date              number of new cases
3-8-2020       40
3-12-2020     415

in the last 4 days, the number of new cases per day, climbed 1,000% here in the USA!!!!!!

ok, the way for rednecks, and other social riff raff to understand visually what's happening is this web site here for ya'll

zoom in on the USA...

see all them thar "red dots"
well them thar red dots is gonna grow bigger and bigger
and then....
there's gonna be more and more and more and more
of them there red dots...
until they is all touchin each other
like a bunch of possum babies at dinner time
and the USA is just a big ole red dot

me, I just hired my first blond teen delivery girl using a webcam interview (more on her later)
because I'm gonna live like Howard Hughes and completely isolate myself from the world
except for the teen girls!!!

my wife and children are self quarantining "real soon now" according to them
both my children now only attend university online!!!
apparently, I pay $48,000 per year for each one of them for an online education, and I'm actually OK with that!!!
the weird world I live in now

also guys...
I think I just figured out something about the virus based on what I see from the low rate happening in Costa Rica!!!
it's the dry season there!!!!!

I think the virus likes it more where it's wet compared to dryer
will spread faster in those conditions

and rate of increase is proportional to population density...
big densities get hit harder earlier

Costa Rica should just cut all tourist travel, but the country lives by tourism
so the same thing that happened to the USA in January is starting to happen in Costa Rica now..

i'm beginning to think there are actually lots of infected people, maybe younger, who don't know they're infected yet
and so they're getting on planes and infecting older people who become symptomatic...
and we're just letting them come on in to uninfected areas
the world needs a harder travel quarantine NOW!
but maybe already too late
even for Costa Rica
and doing that would only shave a week off at best from exponential stage
and bog help us when that comes...
when the whether turns cold and rainy....

« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 07:53:36 PM by krimster2 »

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I hate to break it to you and FP, and you guys know how I feel about you two, but it's a myth that Vitamin C is helpful. Especially the supplements. If it has any advantage at all, I reckon it'll be fairly modest. Besides, unless you're on a strict burrito daily diet, you're like getting your daily Vit. C dosage already anyway. If not you're better off with a nice blueberry smoothie in the AM than a supplement. You'll be better off making sure you're adequate with your Vit. D daily requirement to help with your immune system.

Back in the old days Vitamin C was used to prevent and treat Scurvy. It works. Today it's used for treating and preventing the common cold according to the link below. Remember what I said about this coronavirus being related to the cold virus? It makes sense what my wife said about the doctors at the hospital are giving super infusions of Vitamin C to coronavirus patients. I call a friend of mine who was a nurse. He said Vitamin C does work but mileage may vary. Some people will benefit from it more than others. I learned more about Vitamin C today and I recommend everybody buy some since it'll improve your immunity system, and good for treating colds since this new virus is related to the cold virus.

My wife's college just sent out an email that one of the students has COVID-19
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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But I find it interesting that Nevada doesn't have a recorded infected person considering Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe are huge gathering areas...
check this out. 

Wynn Resorts uses thermal cameras to screen guests, 100.4 degrees or higher asked to leave

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Wynn Resorts is using thermal cameras to monitor the temperatures of guests.

“We will be screening for temperature using non-invasive thermal cameras at all our entrances,” Wynn CEO Matt Maddox said in a statement about new company policies in response to the intensifying spread of COVID- 19.

The USA TODAY Network asked the company how it will use temperature readings:

"Any person registering a temperature of 100.4F or higher will be discreetly informed by a trained member of the security team and not be permitted to remain inside the resort," a company statement said.... 
I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Views from the looney far-right. You'd think a pandemic would be a time for a country to unite, guess not.

I heard hannity today briefly while driving....his partisanship was absolutely disgusting.  what is worse is the multitude of lemmings that buy his bs hook line and sinker.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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There's a lot of articles going around downplaying how dangerous the virus is to reduce panic. I'm okay with them not telling the truth because panic kills too. But if you want the truth, don't believe what you hear. Use your eyes and see what is going on around you. After one confirmed infection, Mongolia shut down all schools. After one confirmed infection the NBA and other sports suspended their seasons and cancelled tournaments. Disneyland is closed. Some states have shut down all schools. Hospitals and governments are preparing for war against the virus. It's not an overreaction to a virus that's a little more dangerous than the flu and only kills old people. It's the proper reaction to a very dangerous virus that kills people of all ages and has the ability to change the way we live forever.
I'm going to have to agree with billyb on this one.  It is amazing how many people hannity has influenced into believing the covid virus is nothing much.   talk show host Dennis Prager was lamenting what a bunch of wussies our society is for closing schools, and things like that. What a partisan idiot!  It is as if we are supposed to wait until a kid is infected so he can infect 10 other kids.  IF the virus is as serious as it seems it might be, the schools should be closed.  Prager is obese, old, and likes to smoke cigars, let's see how his tough talk handles the virus, if it comes his way.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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  Humans, especially Americans, are resilient.
No, not 'especially americans'.  We are not exceptionally resilient, no more so then other peoples.  Other people suffer many more hardships and are resilient. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Some more bad news about the virus:

Only potentially positive news was that they are going to test out some antibiotics they developed for the likes of ebola, etc.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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my wife and children are self quarantining "real soon now" according to them
both my children now only attend university online!!!
apparently, I pay $48,000 per year for each one of them for an online education, and I'm actually OK with that!!!
the weird world I live in now
We are in the same boat, my daughters classes end today from here on out  Online classes only, 44k a year for her education as a MD at some point.   

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Back in the old days Vitamin C was used to prevent and treat Scurvy.

It still prevents scurvy as scurvy is a lack of vitamin C. Humans can't produce vitamin C so it needs to come from our diet.
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check this out. 

WOW! So Vegas is starting to shade too. The PGA cancelled the next 5 tournament. March Madness cancelled the 2020 schedule. We got notified the Getty museum is closing until further notice. Disney, universal, etc. I haven’t received anything from the Reagan library but I’m sure they’ll follow suit soon too.

NASCAR is probably the only sporting venue left that continues on albeit with no spectators. My club had been closed but it’s because of the current storm so I’m awaiting to see if notification of course shutdown is in the future.

California have a moratorium for all venues that’s >250 folks. This will include theaters, religious congregation, malls, etc...
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 08:42:35 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline Gator

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I think I just figured out something about the virus based on what I see from the low rate happening in Costa Rica!!!
it's the dry season there!!!!!

Nice try.  Iran has an arid climate except in a narrow littoral strip along the Caspian Sea.  However, of the 9" of annual rainfall, a vast majority occurs over the six months from November thru April (creating excellent ski conditions  in the mountains) 

and rate of increase is proportional to population density...
big densities get hit harder earlier

Higher opportunity for contact and exposure.  Social distancing near impossible in transit - think about the many surfaces one touches in using the subway, the close proximity of riders, etc.

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WOW! So Vegas is starting to shade too. The PGA cancelled the next 5 tournament. March Madness cancelled the 2020 schedule. We got notified the Getty museum is closing until further notice. Disney, universal, etc. I haven’t received anything from the Reagan library but I’m sure they’ll follow suit soon too.

NASCAR is probably the only sporting venue left that continues on albeit with no spectators. My club had been closed but it’s because of the current storm so I’m awaiting to see if notification of course shutdown is in the future.
the santa anita race track must be closing, because my sisters 50th birthday was cancelled this weekend at the track.  I just read the races will go off, but without fans in the stands.     

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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WOW! So Vegas is starting to shade too. The PGA cancelled the next 5 tournament. March Madness cancelled the 2020 schedule. We got notified the Getty museum is closing until further notice. Disney, universal, etc. I haven’t received anything from the Reagan library but I’m sure they’ll follow suit soon too.

NASCAR is probably the only sporting venue left that continues on albeit with no spectators. My club had been closed but it’s because of the current storm so I’m awaiting to see if notification of course shutdown is in the future.

California have a moratorium for all venues that’s >250 folks.
I stopped in briefly at pechanga Last weekend as I was passing through.  Definitely less people, by now I'm guessing it would be a ghost town.  I'm curious to see if CA shuts them down...although they are on sovereign indian land probably, i"m not sure if that makes a difference. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Offline GQBlues

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I thinks it transcends all sector of humanity.

Part of me feels somewhat relieved that the majority of California’s population are non-smokers. There’s got to be some advantage for people who don’t smoke.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Some more bad news about the virus:

Trench, once you get this virus, don't expect to be a 100% healthy human being ever again if you survive, especially if you get pneumonia. The damage to your lungs most likely will be permanent. After a patient survives the virus, the patient may continue to be a burden on the health care system.

Trump is considering banning travel to my State which would be another step forward towards a full blown quarantine. I pasted by a motel 10 minutes away from my home this morning. It was closed and the parking lot was barricaded off but had a government vehicle in the parking lot. Sounds like my local government bought another hotel to make a hospital. If they did buy another hotel, they didn't advertise it like the last one which people protested they didn't want infected people near their neighborhoods.

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.


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