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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 466093 times)

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Are efforts being made to ensure they are available to doctors there?

In Florida, we are in the plan and preparation phase, and spreading the word to "Stay at Home."

Thus, we have too few serious cases where any sort of organized experimentation could be undertaken.  I have heard nothing, yet because of the community health exigency and  profit motive,  I presume experimentation in one form or another is part of the ongoing planning.   

To illustrate our present status, yesterday Florida had 15 new cases.  Ages of patients  range from 20 to 83, with a median of 57.  9 cases were "travel-related," 2 from Nile Rover Cruise, 4 from Europe travel, 1 from Port of Entry inspection, and 2 unspecified travel. 

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gator, when are ya gonna realize...
I'm NOT the one with the anxiety
YOU are...

This makes no sense.  You are the one projecting doomsday, yet I am the one with anxiety?  Yes, I have concerns but do you see me make irrational, emotional posts? 

And now you are again making it political.   You would never listen to reason, so I will not attempt it. 

You have not added something credible to this discussion in recent days.  Until you do, I consider you crazed.  Meanwhile, the Russian gestapo is enforcing preventative measures at my home.   

Offline tfcrew

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If this was a UK seller i'd bet it was Trench.

Yes, it's a real auction on ebay.
Paper towels are an option. Baby wipes are much softer though.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
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Offline GQBlues

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...The two past coronaviruses are SARS and MERS. COVID-19 is a present virus, not past and they have not claimed it came from an animal. No animal in the world infected with COVID-19 has ever found except in pets that were infected by their owners. The article didn't claim COVID-19 was from an animal. They can't without proof.

For the last time, then I will quit..

CORONAVIRUSES are common in different animals, but rarely in humans. The Inter-specie transmission mechanism, while different in specifics, is generally in the same mold. There are different strains of coronaviruses but all have the same *zoonotic* genesis.

COVID-19 is CoronaVirus Disease - 2019. These are called corona (crown) because of their crown-like spikes that attaches to it's host cell.

FWIW, (avian) Influenza also have the same zoonotic genesis as these more recent coronaviruses, SARS. MERS, etc...animal viruses being transferred to human.

COVID-19 was not invented in a Chinese bio-lab, BillyB. You need to give up on that spy conspiracy. Give these guys a break.

Edit: Here's a sypnosis of zoonotics for coronaviruses that was done March 2019:

~ During the past two decades, three zoonotic coronaviruses have been identified as the cause of large-scale disease outbreaks⁻Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome (SADS). SARS and MERS emerged in 2003 and 2012, respectively, and caused a worldwide pandemic that claimed thousands of human lives, while SADS struck the swine industry in 2017. They have common characteristics, such as they are all highly pathogenic to humans or livestock, their agents originated from bats, and two of them originated in China. Thus, it is highly likely that future SARS- or MERS-like coronavirus outbreaks will originate from bats, and there is an increased probability that this will occur in China. Therefore, the investigation of bat coronaviruses becomes an urgent issue for the detection of early warning signs, which in turn minimizes the impact of such future outbreaks in China. The purpose of the review is to summarize the current knowledge on viral diversity, reservoir hosts, and the geographical distributions of bat coronaviruses in China, and eventually we aim to predict virus hotspots and their cross-species transmission potential. !
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 11:12:03 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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In Florida, we are in the plan and preparation phase, and spreading the word to "Stay at Home."

Considering the retirement population and tourist attractions complacency could be very dangerous.

Experience shows it sneaks up on you.  Spain numbers doubled overnight to over 4k, Germany by a third reaching 3k Switzerland also doubled to more than 1k likely because of increased testing.  In our rather remote area in the south, 10 turned zoomed to over 100 in the arc of a few days - with preparations underway to handle thousands.

Do take care of yourselves and be proactive.  An ounce of prevention kinda thing won't hurt anyone.

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denial is the opiate of the Republican voting class...
you're all going to OD on it now...

what you're labeling as my "doom and gloom" mr smarty pants...
is called "doin the math"

ALL the infections are following a "curve"
we are less than two weeks behind Italy in THE curve...

so look at Italy TODAY...
this'll be us two weeks from now

hospitals will be performing triage on patients then
and all businesses in the USA will be getting ready to shut down
a month after that, the military will be out in force and we will have the first looting and rioting when everyone is home and havin some of that "anxiety" you were mentioning
so we're talkin


do ya wanna talk about...
the months?
and the years?

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 10:56:36 AM by krimster2 »

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Seems the doctors here can do what doctors should be doing, pulling all stops to save lives.

Doctors all over the world should be allowed to experiment with drugs on COVID-19 patients without fear of losing their jobs and lawsuits. But if you're a betting man BC, bet 20 years from now you'll read on WHO, CDC websites, and history books that no vaccine or treatment has ever been found.

Italians may be bombarded with stories of cures and treatments to provide hope and lift their spirits which is a good thing. Reading those stories are a waste of time but do it if lifts your spirit. Until WHO makes an announcement something is found, consider nothing works.

 Some people seem to resist the truth. They will believe the virus isn't much more dangerous than the flu. Only old people can die from it. They will survive the virus and remain 100% healthy. They will have an immunity to the virus after they get it so they will never get it again. People should believe in whatever they want to give them peace of mind. I can handle the ugly truth and my mind is still at peace.


The efforts in Italy or elsewhere for that matter will never 'get rid' of the virus.  The genie is out of the bottle and won't ever go back inside. Quarantine is geared only to buy time to help healthcare providers keep up with the demand, allow time for new therapies to be developed and hopefully an effective vaccine to be produced.

There is a real chance we can get rid of this virus. The world has successfully stopped other pandemics and epidemics. This one will be harder to stop but we have shown we can get it done. First we need to slow the spread and then make sure it's eliminate it from every human body so nobody is carrying it. Although a monumental task, it's not impossible.

CORONAVIRUSES are common in different animals, but rarely in humans.

Animals don't have a monopoly on coronavirus although they are more likely to be in them than humans. Labs can also genetically engineer viruses not seen in animals or humans. Biological weapons have been invented. Although we don't get to see every invention, there is a chance a worker can get infected and take it out of the lab. Until there is proof a colony of bats, snake farm, herd of animals or even a single animal has COVID-19, nobody can claim it came from an animal. If you want to believe China's story, it's up to you. After China announce the virus to the world Dec 31, 2019, WHO asked for permission to come to Wuhan to evaluate the outbreak, study the virus and investigate the source but China denied them entry.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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This makes no sense.  You are the one projecting doomsday, yet I am the one with anxiety? 
Don't know how much doomsday... but yeah Krimster---the last 65 66 /100 posts are about virus. Take a break.
The other posts.. eh the nude beach.

FWIW, (avian) Influenza also have the same zoonotic genesis as these more recent coronaviruses, SARS. MERS, etc...animal viruses being transferred to human.
The Spanish flu of 1917 killed approx 50 million people. More than WWI did...Caused by pig infection.  The Hong Kong flu of 1968 almost killed me....caused by pig infection. 
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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"Doctors all over the world should be allowed to experiment with drugs on COVID-19 without fear"

I have already been doing this for quite some time already, 100% of this effort has been about the medical effect and not the recreational aspect!!!!
some inhalation

but smoking opium...
is laying down
and having a sweet dream
of being made love to
by beautiful orchids
of the most brilliant color
and most sensuous curves
your brain
is capable of creating

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the spanish flu was a pebble
this is not

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Some interesting animated graphics showing the speed of detected infections/spread outside China along with graphs over time below.

Offline tfcrew

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the spanish flu was a pebble
this is not
A pebble? 50 Million people?
Deaths worldwide..20[217][218]–100[219][220] million
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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As there are so many posts - I don't know if this is 'news' - my apologies if not ..

No weekend trips for Trench to Ukraine ..

Ukraine closing border for foreigners for two weeks

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The Spanish flu of 1917 killed approx 50 million people. More than WWI did...Caused by pig infection.  The Hong Kong flu of 1968 almost killed me....caused by pig infection.

If those viruses made their first appearance on Earth today instead of back then, I wouldn't worry about them. We've come a long way when it comes to making vaccines and anti viral medicine and flu viruses can be beat with vaccines and anti viral medicine unlike cold viruses. Spanish and Hong Kong flu would be defeated much quicker today than in the past and less lives would be loss.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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If those viruses made their first appearance on Earth today instead of back then, I wouldn't worry about them. We've come a long way when it comes to making vaccines and anti viral medicine and flu viruses can be beat with vaccines and anti viral medicine unlike cold viruses. Spanish and Hong Kong flu would be defeated much quicker today than in the past and less lives would be loss. would probably die. The vaccines came as a result of those historical cases. People have developed a partial immunity to previous disease.
Read the links available.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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That's a pretty sobering assessment Billy.

Except it was somewhat 'naughty' in it's use of words to describe the situation ..

BillyB was confused as to the meaning of pandemic and as a consequence alluded to something WHO haven't said and would not have said .

That you would fall for a BillyB ASSessment is just what I'd expect ..

Unfortunately it probably ties in with the UK Government Cobra briefing today, at least in parts. There was still bs coming out so as not to panic the stupid in the population such as elating the overall infections to mortality then just stating that I may be higher in the elderly especially those with pre-existing conditions.

Honestly, Trench - could you please post use specific examples that lead you to your 'conclusions' ... We may  have been listening to / reading different announcements.

However they admitted that up to around 80 percent of the population may get Coronavirus. So that's pretty much everyone.

Well there's an exaggeration, already was a worst case scenario.. and 'everyone' is not 80 percent ..

Boris gave a stark warning that we are likely to lose many loved ones. Despite trying to not show fear I think he looked to be trying to cover a lot of worry.

It's a pretty clear statement of fact and  BoJo is a consummate actor .. 

Although he didn't press the point to a specific extreme extent he said this Virus will be the biggest obstacle of our generation. My underlying impression taking into account what you have found out is that the scientists are telling him that initial signs are not good news. They could have well told him it's a pretty dire situation much as you have outlined.

Like your record for reading people ( opp sex in particular) is stellar .  You're 'theorising', AGAIN ..

Some virus epidemics only die out once they can't find any more humans. Basically because so many have been killed off. While these days we can develop vaccines if one can't be developed that is the situation we may be facing.

Hilarious .. Many viruses mutate into a weaker form .. I  was driving overnight and heard a Prof from the Mayo clinic (?) in the US pointing out that there would appear to be signs this virus is getting less virulent ..

The only other realistic hope might be that it doesn't easily reinfect people that have already had it, and/or it has a far milder affect.

No evidence has been found of 're-infection'

Potentially even other strains of it may not have as great an effect. Some reports suggest there may be people having mild cases of it first time around, perhaps moreso the young. If it is possible that this virus ends up as no worse than a mild cold in the long term then that would take away the problem over time.

'Some reports' ...  ?

It looks like this virus looks set to clear away the old to make way for the new.

TOSH..   The elderly simply have more health issues - making their resistance lower ..

If it really does go as bad you outline Billy then there is also the very probable and scary reality of society going into meltdown. The stockpiling going on won't last forever in which case we have to consider there will be little in the way of future supplies. We would need to adapt to find our own source of food if the convenience of it no longer being delivered to supermarket shelves becomes a reality.

Where are their food shortages ?  .. Other than morons who stock-piled pasta in some belief it all comes from Italy and might be in short supply

Here's a chance to make your own pasta ..

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To be clear, as individuals we can't stop the problem. Individual participation can only help reduce the spread. To get rid of the virus we ALL have to participate. ALL meaning everybody in the world. Italy in total quarantine is a solution only for themselves. What should be a permanent solution for them will only be a temporary solution without participation from ALL nations and ALL individuals in within their nation to stop the spread. All it takes is a few idiots that say "Can't stop living", goes to the bar and parties, sharing cups and needles, engaging in reckless behavior which can drag this thing on longer.

The two past coronaviruses are SARS and MERS. COVID-19 is a present virus, not past and they have not claimed it came from an animal. No animal in the world infected with COVID-19 has ever found except in pets that were infected by their owners. The article didn't claim COVID-19 was from an animal. They can't without proof.

I agree, though I think the only way all nations will get on board with a 30 day/1 month globally agreement lockdown at the same time is when all nations have the problem around the level the US & UK presently have the problem, i.e the delay phase. Till then there are countries with less of a current problem such as Russia, Ukraine & elsewhere who are likely not to want to play ball. That could very likely set the whole problem off again with re-introducing the virus back into virus cleansed nations. I'm thinking the government's of many nations would currently be agreeable to this method but need to wait until they can get all nations on board for sure. 

I think as you point out Billy, getting individuals on board within nations may prove even harder. Again having it as a problem to the extent that it is hitting them in daily life will likely persuade most. I reckon though the police & the army patrolling the streets will be needed to make sure people stay indoors and ontop of that temporary CCTV hooked up along main residential roads to help keep an eye on it also.

I do think that provided that is all done your solution is the best option for getting rid of the virus.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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before the Spanish Flu pebble
killed millions....
human immune systems had thousands of years of experience with other influenza strains...
not the covid boulder
it will ultimately kill FAR MORE because of this
AND its rapid recombination and mutation rate
no vaccine system
no treatment system
no immune system
no system of any kind

you are totally underestimating what is going to happen not only in the near term, like in the next month...
but in the long term, like the next two years....

you are living in a NEW HISTORICAL period!

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as you can see from the response I’ve gotten from two Trump voters here on this board using my “krimster2” personna,

the Trump electorate is having a “very high level of anxiety” about the virus!
off the chart!

I think in about two more weeks you can start the coordinated social media campaign to “delay” the US presidential election in November because of the virus, I’ve already talked to Parscale about this...

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After China announce the virus to the world Dec 31, 2019, WHO asked for permission to come to Wuhan to evaluate the outbreak, study the virus and investigate the source but China denied them entry.

What is your source on this?
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please have a seat....
no really...

i'll give ya all a moment...
I know how slowly ya'll move...
there, all comfy?


3.5 million minimum....
by July...

not sure what'll happen starting November, will it get much worse or just stay the same? (not a metaphorical or rhetorical question)

might be time to pull the ostrich head out of the ground now and start lookin above ground instead

uh oh!!! it's a lot scarier above ground than below for a redusneckus or ostrich

now isn't it....

they just stuck their little heads back in the ground again!!

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 12:50:30 PM by krimster2 »

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"Doctors all over the world should be allowed to experiment with drugs on COVID-19 without fear"
 I have already been doing this for quite some time already, 100% of this effort has been about the medical effect and not the recreational aspect!..some inhalation but smoking opium..

Uh....I believe I understand the problem. Just stay away from the meth...that stuff'll kill ya.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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In case any of you wondered where jone and fathertime is right now...look no further!

Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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I did stock up.   A gallon of milk.  Some eggs.   And a huge steak to enjoy the weekend with.  But I like Food For Less, not Costco.   Too many people there and the little savings for huge buys of product don't work well for a small home such as mine.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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"Just stay away from the meth.."

n^gger please,
that sh^t's for redneck trailer trash...

i could even bake ya up some from some lithium batteries and a kilo of the Chinese herb ma huang you can buy on ebay
while watching old "Leave It To Beaver" shows...

remember this, "gee, Mrs Cleaver, I really like that dress you have on?"
If I were Eddy, I would've totally boned June Cleaver...
and it would've been the hottest sex a teenager like him coulda had
no judgements here...

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 02:30:17 PM by krimster2 »


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