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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465436 times)

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did you mean "close to creating a vaccine"
as in you're close to getting a Ukrainian girlfriend....
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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in 3 months, the number will be HIGHER than China's current number AND
higher than the number you propose...

Next time, say what you mean the first time.  Even so, H1N1 will likely be more pervasive than COVID-19. 

how the f&ck did you guys EVER win WWII against freaking Nazis and Japs at the same freakin time
and now look at ya...

I don't understand...

Few liberals then.  A nation of hard working, God fearing patriots. 

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No one posted anything, yet I find the the expansion of laboratory testing featuring a partnership between the public and private sectors another example of Trump's ability to get things done. 

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somehow Korea, a country with less than 10% our population and wealth
tests more people in one day, then we have in the last couple of months
trump's biggest accomplishment has been reading the teleprompter without making too many major mistakes
just a lot of little ones, which is pretty damned good for him

all the things he tried to hide
will be revealed on the other side

« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 09:28:51 PM by krimster2 »

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Well, it looks like this Coronavirus pandemic thing may soon be over, it looks like British scientists have beaten the rest of the world too it and have created a vaccine: :clapping:

Looks like things might soon be back to normal :D It will take a few weeks to get the human trials done but this can be speeded up by just accosting a few Oirishmen like Mobers and using them as unwilling guinea pigs.

Tell you what this will be one big slap in the bollocks to the EU withdrawing it's science organisation from the UK. Looks like we are getting on very well without them ;D

Taken from the Daily Express and mentions working in Paris ..  Trench, thinks Ebola can be undone with antibiotics ..

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No one posted anything, yet I find the the expansion of laboratory testing featuring a partnership between the public and private sectors another example of Trump's ability to get things done.

Don't you mean his ability to screw things up ?

This is a President who announces stuff on Twitter and then spends his time explaining why he 'meant something else',  :rolleyes:

Outside the US we are in constant wonderment as to the magic dust he must be sprinkling overhead to allow such continuous gaffes to be over-looked ..  Some on here even think such negative observations are 'envy' (?!)

Lest you think my stance is a British / Oirish 'thang' .. this headline is from Switzerland

"Coronavirus: Trump fait volte-face et met l'Amérique en état d’urgence"

Over in the UK ... we have our v.own 'mini Trampu' - so don't take it personally !

Offline Brillynt

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Ukraine has announced that they are canceling all flights in and out of Ukraine starting on the 18th of March.  All Ukrainian citizens need to get back to the country by the 17th if they are flying.  Land crossings will still be allowed.  I have not seen how long this flight ban will last.

I was able to book a flight out for the 16th for a reasonable amount. Yesterday I was looking at UIA flights and they were $640 KBP to JFK, today they are starting at $900.

It should be interesting to see if I am able to get back to the USA successfully.

On a side note.

I have been trying for 3 days to contact Lufthansa to see what was happening with their flights. My original flights on the 28th were booked through them.
I call the phone number and only get
  A) no answer.
  B) Answers and recorded message saying due to extreme call volume please call back later, then the call is dropped.
  C) Answers and on hold for exactly 34 minutes and then the call is dropped.

Needless to say I am not impressed with Lufthansa's customer service.

I had called United since I am a premier member with them and they answered and I had a agent in 15 minutes, unfortunately they were not able to help since the ticket was not originally booked through them even though some of my flights are United flights.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 11:55:08 PM by Brillynt »

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Don't you mean his ability to screw things up ?

This is a President who announces stuff on Twitter and then spends his time explaining why he 'meant something else',  :rolleyes:

Outside the US we are in constant wonderment as to the magic dust he must be sprinkling overhead to allow such continuous gaffes to be over-looked ..  Some on here even think such negative observations are 'envy' (?!)

Lest you think my stance is a British / Oirish 'thang' .. this headline is from Switzerland

"Coronavirus: Trump fait volte-face et met l'Amérique en état d’urgence"

Over in the UK ... we have our v.own 'mini Trampu' - so don't take it personally !

Adorbs. Look at the haters try. Damned if you do damned if you dont.

A month ago trump was hated for being the racist that cut off China flights now he's a dick that waited a week to call a national emergency. Honestly with these people you can't win.

They're adorable raging in the wind though, I'll give 'em that.

Best to ignore or troll and piss on them. Honestly the latter is far more fun. Seeing a troll whine is incredibly fun.

Boomers like him don't know how to react to that ;)

Anyways to the real info. It will get bad. If Germany is right, 50% will be infected. I think it will be fine in the end, not the apocalypse but still bad.

I'm already taking a mini vacation working remote.

Our grandma is 92, we took her out of the Nursing Home a week ago. Didnt trust it. One in ETX biw has the 'flu'.

Back in our guest house for now.

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No one posted anything, yet I find the the expansion of laboratory testing featuring a partnership between the public and private sectors another example of Trump's ability to get things done.


The first case in the US was detected on 19 January.  In Italy the first case 31 January.

Anyone in Italy, or outside can click on one link and see the actual status for each region (state)

Easy as pie.

For Lombardia, the hardest hit region as of 5pm yesterday:

32700 total tests
9820 total covid cases detected
7732 active cases at the moment
836 new cases yesterday
5085 total hospitalizations
4435 currently in hospital with symptoms
1198 discharged as recovered
650 currently in intensive care
2647 in-home quarantine
sadly, 890 have passed

The same information resolution is not available to the President of the United States. Not even close.  In consideration of the lack of test availability, he is working in the dark.  On 2 March CDC dropped the number of tests performed from their website, seemingly not to startle folks at how little testing was being done.

This does explain Trump's reaction or better said lack thereof in a timely fashion, even to the extent of puh puh and rah rah for his fans.  The only thing that seems to have caught his attention the last days is the Dow.

Trump and the administration messaging to citizens and residents continues to be disjointed, incoherent and confusing, often needing to be corrected. Even his prepared speech yesterday.

Good decisions cannot be made when no coherent data is available.  A good decisionmaker should be able to listen to the advice of his advisors and act accordingly.  He shouldn't have advisors that only feed him only information he wants to hear.  Trump does not or will not listen, a well-known failing of his.  The longer numbers are not known and artificially remaining low, the better and more he rejoyces and touts how we are doing so much better than others when in reality we are far behind others, even insinuating it's all a political hoax, or passing blame with debunked information.  He is more worried about keeping the numbers low rather than tackling the problem head-on.  Diamond Princess is a good example of that:

“Do I want to bring all those people off? People would like me to do it,” Trump admitted at a press conference at the CDC later on Friday. “I would rather have them stay on, personally.”

“I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault,”

When this all calms down a bit a postmortem will surely be performed and we will be able to see how lacking our capabilities are to react in a timely manner to such a crisis.  The experts have already admitted before Congress that we have failed in many areas, beginning with the essential task of providing testing capabilities.

The relative calm I see here in Italy is due to concise messaging, accurate information and concrete actions that are very visible to the population.

I don't only criticize our inaction.  I find the situation in Germany is also lacking.  H in Italy, the government guaranteed the population that stores will continue to be stocked and for the most part, with few exceptions they are.  My kids and grandkids are in Germany and reported yesterday that stores being emptied after a government report told folks to stock up for 10 days creating a run. Much like the US they have limited testing to those with symptoms who have had contact with someone that has been confirmed positive, or have symptoms and travelled/had contact with someone in a high-risk area like China, Iran, S.Korea and Italy, thus far showing abnormally low numbers that would be expected if anyone with symptoms would be tested.

Fortunately, like here, they have a decent universal healthcare system, sick leave, employment protection etc that helps keep a lid on folks having to worry too awful much or panicking when they open their mail after a doctor or ER visit, or get sick and have to pull out their healthcare insurance paperwork and microscope to try and decide whether or not a visit to the doc will be covered or not, budget-busting hospital bills, copays, deductibles, their jobs, having to stay home to take care of their kids while school is out etc etc etc...  - all items which we Americans are just now trying to figure out how along with how much more we'll be asking our future generations to pay for it all.  Let's see how that works out and whether or not folks that need help most will be helped before corporations and big biz that have been raking in profits and not paying taxes.

Ok rant over now :)

« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 04:54:45 AM by BC »

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  The longer numbers are not known and artificially remaining low, the better and more he rejoyces and touts how we are doing so much better than others when in reality we are far behind others, even insinuating it's all a political hoax, or passing blame with debunked information.  He is more worried about keeping the numbers low rather than tackling the problem head-on.  Diamond Princess is a good example of that:
The numbers in the US were being posted in the media and easily seen before.  Now that the number of cases has run into the thousands or more they are no longer being reported front and center.   I believe our government is demanding the major media suppress or downplay the numbers based on 'national emergency' as to not cause a panic any greater than is already occurring.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Damned! 250 dead in one day in Italy. I bet these poor souls died a long slow death gasping for air as Italy doesn’t have adequate equipment to save their people. These are literally the sacrificial lambs as these are likely recipients of decision made to just deprive them of care and effort to revive. These are the very people that likely had the most faith in their medical care system and likely the ones that were made to pay into it their entire life just to get this reality when they need it the most.  Sadly ironic.

 He’ll, they’re reporting they’re also out of protective gear for their caretakers. One doctor already died because he kept treating people without one. This is the beacon of social care?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 06:05:18 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline Trenchcoat

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In Spain the number of cases rocketed by 1500 today it has suddenly become so bad there that flights from the UK turned around in mid air, lol:

Spain has warm weather at the moment, something around 20 degrees Celsius. I can't see this thing peatering out as the spring/summer come somehow, if anything it may make it even worse! The warm temperatures making the germs easier to transmit. Whether that has any upshot in meaning it doesn't act like a cold so not seasonal but instead a one of virus I don't know.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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This is the beacon of social care?

No, it's a system that is seeing the likes of which you may not be spared.

Let's chat in a month or so about it.

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Aside from medical equpment factories running 24/7 building respirators and other necessities being picked up by ambulances the moment they are boxed, the Chinese Red Cross sent a shipment of respirators, masks and experts to help out in the hardest-hit area.

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No, it's a system that is seeing the likes of which you may not be spared.

Let's chat in a month or so about it.

BC it won’t prove anything because according to the likes of you, our system is so much more inferior. As of today,  the first US infected person was diagnosed iIRC two weeks before Italy, YET more Italians had been dying since. Literally 300 fold.

Explain that.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Damned! 250 dead in one day in Italy. I bet these poor souls died a king slow death gasping for air as Italy doesn’t have adequate equipment to save their people. He’ll, they’re reporting they’re also out of protective gear for their caretakers. One doctor already died because he kept treating people without one. This is the beacon of social care?

I read that too GQ, 250 dead in one day!!! That's scary and it could unfortunately get way worse, we may be talking about thousands dead in each country each day as this thing rolls on. Like I said in previous post it looks like the figure of number of infected to deaths is a rolling/trailing figure. People can lay in hospital beds for weeks to a month or more before either recovering or dying. So the few cases we get at the beginning of just those that are elderly with underlying health problems don't really give an accurate picture of the deadliness of this disease. The elderly with underlying health problems will of course be the first to die that stands to reason. What Italy seem more cagey about though are the figures for those that are not in the elderly and/or existing health problems category. I have the same feeling that I had over the 1 percent mortality rate (that turned out to be bs) that there is something being left unsaid. Billy showed us that was indeed the case. Here I fear that they are keeping from us that younger people without underlying health problems are also dying too. They just don't want to panic the young and cause mass anxiety & hysteria as that is not helpful. I reckon for some people it just comes down to chance on whether their immune system can cope with it or not.

The UK is looking at focusing hospital resources (ventilators) & efforts more on those that have a better prognosis of survival. They are looking at not bothering with the elderly with pre-existing conditions as cases rise and hospital resources are spread thin as they pretty much always die so no point wasting the resources trying to avert the inevitable and prolong their pain. Better to use those resources on those that might have a chance of survival.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Life in Utaly is not as rosy as BC would like us all to believe. He should speak to this poor guy what he thinks.

BC is just maybe too busy googling trump hate materials instead of paying better attention in his ‘home’ country
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Explain that.

Italy knows how many die of coronavirus.

We don't.

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BC is just maybe too busy googling trump hate materials instead of paying better attention in his ‘home’ country

I'm not ignorant.  Three kids in Germany, two here in Italy - one who is in one of the most affected areas and parents in the US.  Guess who I am more worried about due to lack of information and testing?

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Cases are starting to climb more significantly in the UK, up to 820 now. 22 cases reported in Wales in one day and it looks like cases nationally have just about started hitting 200 or so a day. That is still low numbers compared to other parts of the world and low numbers compared to the nearly 68 Million people in the UK at present. So we are in the position of looking from behind to those in a worse situation in Europe to see what is likely to happen to us in the next few weeks. It is not a pretty sight.

It looks very much like risk of contagion is very high and most people will get it. It looks like this will run through into Spring & Summer with a worsening situation all the time. It looks that unless we take the action BillyB suggests or some drug to alleviate the symptoms comes up quick we could likely be looking at hundreds of thousands maybe millions dead by the end of the year and this thing then peatering out having run its course.

At the moment countries are trying to buy time and that is not a bad idea and is working in part. Even still though this is a rapidly expanding virus so they only have so much time.

Worse still is the situation of how long economies in each country may hold up for under the strain of it all. If an economy in a country fails then potentially society in that country could start falling apart pretty rapidly. Worse than that though is likely to be the individual suffering  that may come about. People need jobs to bring the money in to buy food. People need to go to work so most apart from the elderly on pensions won't be able to hide it out forever. Workers will continue to be needed in the factories, farms & supermarkets. Rapid inflation might occur also particularly in food prices and that may be a problem also.

In the UK I am trying to get as much stuff sorted out as I can in the next two weeks to prepare as after that I can see it increasingly becoming a problem doing stuff/getting stuff done as people just won't be around to do it and/or won't be able to get the stuff. I reckon when numbers really jump here and lockdowns start to occur that many people will just call in sick/won't go into work. That is when things may go south in a big way and those that have not prepared will be caught out.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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I'm not ignorant.  Three kids in Germany, two here in Italy - one who is in one of the most affected areas and parents in the US.  Guess who I am more worried about due to lack of information and testing?

It’ll be fine BC. We have Trump. We’d be in trouble had this all happened under Hillary, let alone Obama.

They’re mobilizing private industries in every facet of the medical industry. Unlike Italy, the US have 50 state governments that can also tend to its population. Roche molecular is already distributing their test kits. Our engine of resiliency had already been churning.

This is exactly what I’ve been drilling with you guys. You’re all so caught up in dividing people and country so much that you fail to see there are times that crap need to take a break. But no... some of you just couldn’t.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 07:07:49 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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And Italy has 20 regions and 110 provinces that play the same role as states and counties in the US.

What's your point?

Bottom line is that Italy has been doing what we in the US have just started.  Think Roche is unknown here?  Heck, they're right across the border of the hardest-hit area.

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Italy knows how many die of coronavirus.

We don't.

Not sure who you mean by ‘we’, but if the US I’ll tell you. Since the federal government authorized all states to initiate their own testing and procedures, CDC had ceased logging counts on their own and had since been a resource of tabulating reports from each state. They still maintained making the report’s availability to the public. Except they stopped doing 24/7 reporting as each state is now responsible to do this.

Of all the states reporting, I think Florida has the most impressive.

BC, you need to take off that silly Democrat blunders off and try to stop watching/reading CNN. There’s got to be something else to do in Italy.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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And Italy has 20 regions and 110 provinces that play the same role as states and counties in the US.

What's your point?

Bottom line is that Italy has been doing what we in the US have just started.  Think Roche is unknown here?  Heck, they're right across the border of the hardest-hit area.

Again, tell me why the fatality rate is so much more tragic in Italy considering the first known infected was two weeks later than the US? Unless you’re trying to tell us the US government is suppressing these numbers.

Americans are bred to be independent and resilient. We are not bred to depend on the goverment for everything. There’s recent tide rising to become what they are in Europe, but I’m happy that keeps failing. We will never be a country that feels the ‘Bern’. One can see the obvious difference is starkedky clear today.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 08:12:00 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.


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