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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465453 times)

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H1N1 was one of Obama's viruses, in that it happened on his
watch. 12,469 Americans died of H1N1/swine flu in 2009.

My prediction: Far less Americans will die of Corona virus
yet Trump will be blamed by liberals for every single death.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
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H1N1 was one of Obama's viruses, in that it happened on his
watch. 12,469 Americans died of H1N1/swine flu in 2009.

I made that point upthread. Yet, you see and hear far more panicked folks out on the streets and in the news channels. I went to pick up some fresh vegetables and criminey, I can't believe some of the people hoarding things of whatever they believe will be their survival essentials.

My prediction: Far less Americans will die of Corona virus
yet Trump will be blamed by liberals for every single death.

There was a White House press conference earlier to give the public an update. It was headed by VP Pence. Dr. Berg (sp) said they have reasons to believe that when all is said and done, they anticipate a 90-98% survival rate. This wouldn't be out of line if you consider everyone is reporting that roughly 80% suffer 'mild infection'. That's taking this from China and So. Korea.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline msmob

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Test Kits will not save a person's life.

Perhaps I wasn't being clear .. by 'kit' I meant respirators ..

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H1N1 was one of Obama's viruses, in that it happened on his
watch. 12,469 Americans died of H1N1/swine flu in 2009.

My prediction: Far less Americans will die of Corona virus
yet Trump will be blamed by liberals for every single death.

Warning - there are rude words in this video .. 

Online krimster2

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I am sorry everyone!!!

I am going to stop bullshitting you now...
and tell you the truth....

so listen....

we are at the VERY BEGINNING of a global collapse...

the virus will just be one thread of the rope that’s gonna be wrapped around our necks...

the virus itself, is going to infect millions in the USA by the 4th of July...
killing 10s of thousands by then, with most of the deaths occurring in large cities

if you have any serious medical emergency from now on...
a serious car accident, heart attack...
you’re going to die
by the time you are going to hear about mass burials and cremations
what you hear will only be the tip of what’s actually happening

when the stores all shutdown, the government will be in charge of food distribution
either through some kind of a delivery system or distribution centers located in all
closed schools

there will be emergency tent hospitals everywhere, find your closest
there should be refugee centers by then
if your area is getting too dangerous, you may want to consider relocating
to a center in your quarantine zone

millions of high anxiety people who are running out of money, food and hope
but still have lots of ammo
they will be runnin ‘round everywhere
every time your designated shopper goes out
they’ll be running into these people
hundreds of ‘em

what about Hillary’s emails now, bitches?

Hey everyone!
the covid-19 testing problem is NOW almost solved in the USA!!!!

you can get a FREE government issued covid-19 test!!!

YES!!!  and be provably covid-clean!!  and go through a quarantine zone with this

where do you get it?
at Jarred’s!!!

you know!
that tech-driven health insurance company company that Kushner owns stock in....
they’re selling the government covid test kits, now that the gov is gonna pay top $$ for them

this is why we didn’t use the free WHO covid tests like Korea does
and why we were waiting so long for the tests

“a tech-driven health insurance company, launched the first testing center locator for COVID-19 in the U.S., featuring more than 100 centers today. It is accessible to the general public and more testing centers are being added every day.”

ka-ching MFers
once again ya’all got played for suckers
you NEVER learn do ya

so Trump's family owns and bills the government for covid testing now...
and since Biden has a stuttering problem
it should stay that way for quite a while
Jarred's corporate market survey saw that the numbers of infected would rise
and this would raise the testing market sky high
incredible margins and profits
dumb phuques

journalists please do your job
and report on all of Trump's business interests that are involved in covid testing

did Trump just pass the 50 billion emergency aid package
just so he can pay himself for covid testing?


and you're upset about toilette paper hoarders?

« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 04:12:38 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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I am sorry everyone!!!

I am going to stop bullshitting you now...
and tell you the truth....

so listen....

we are at the VERY BEGINNING of a global collapse...

the virus will just be one thread of the rope that’s gonna be wrapped around our necks...

the virus itself, is going to infect millions in the USA by the 4th of July...
killing 10s of thousands by then, with most of the deaths occurring in large cities

When the stores all shutdown, the government will be in charge of food distribution
either through some kind of a delivery system or distribution centers located in all
closed schools

there will be emergency tent hospitals everywhere, find your closest
there should be refugee centers by then
if your area is getting too dangerous, you may want to consider relocating
to a center in your quarantine zone

millions of high anxiety people who are running out of money, food and hope
but still have lots of ammo
they will be runnin ‘round everywhere
every time your designated shopper goes out
they’ll be running into these people
hundreds of ‘em

That is my fear Krim is what you are saying will come about. I hope it doesn't, the more scarcity of food that there is the more likely that things will turn very bad. The general public do not generally have guns here in the UK but other stuff will be used. When so e people run out of stuff and there is precious little other place to get it they will have no option other than to use whatever other means are at their disposal.

That's why I think Italy has taken a wrong decision in shutting all shops, it risks playing into that world.

Honestly I do wonder if when we get to the stage Italy was at with lockdowns we would be better off just chatting on as normal. Instead of telling Coronavirus suffers to call 111 and go to hospital we would probably be better advising them to stay at home and see it out. Either they will make it or they won't.

That is what happened back in the day. If it really is just those with underlying health conditions then that will be the size of it, mostly. Those with underlying health conditions and any suffering real bad could just turn up at hospital and a doctor would asses them and see if they could mutually agree whether intervention would be useful or not.

I don't see panic as causing a problem here, I see it more of one of fear spreading and wreaking society. Better to just say 'hey theres's a real bad virus doing the rounds, it's (apparently) mostly those with underlying health problems that are affected so carry on as normal, but some of you with underlying health problems may wish to hibinate for many months or risk the inevitable'.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline BillyB

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Meanwhile our capacity for robust testing is rapidly increasing using Roche (Swiss medical company) technology for highly automated tests, with results reported in 3-½ hours.  The testing  "can be run on Roche’s fully-automated machines which are already installed in hospitals and laboratories across the U.S. and around the world."

3 1/2 hrs for results? That's awful. If the machine tests 100 people in that time, where are they going to put them all while they wait for their test results? Can't put them in a room together. Can't send them home.

I know guy who knows a woman that went in for a test a few days ago. Test results are instant and she went home right after. This is in King County, WA

I just came home after eating at a restaurant I normally go to once a month. Across the street is a hotel that is shut down. I ask the waitress about it. She says it's been closed for two weeks and was to be turned into a hospital. The fact that it's still not being used after two weeks gives me hope we got decent control over the virus. If mass people are infected, they would be sick within two weeks and we would be using that hotel by now.

H1N1 was one of Obama's viruses, in that it happened on his
watch. 12,469 Americans died of H1N1/swine flu in 2009.

My prediction: Far less Americans will die of Corona virus
yet Trump will be blamed by liberals for every single death.

1 out of every 1000 people die from the flu

1 out of every 3000 dies from the swine flu  Obama had to deal with a Level 1 pandemic. Trump will have to deal with a level 5 pandemic.

There was a White House press conference earlier to give the public an update. It was headed by VP Pence. Dr. Berg (sp) said they have reasons to believe that when all is said and done, they anticipate a 90-98% survival rate.

Wow! Somebody at the government anticipates up to 10%(1 out of every 10 people) will die? I believe it but I never expected them to admit it. If everybody in the world gets this virus once, up to 780 million people can die. Without a vaccine how many will die on the second and third and fourth waves etc...….?
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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I'm thinking that there might be some truth in the theory that there are a lot of mild cases out there that are unknown about by the governments of countries. Problem is that most countries have the 'call us if you think you have it and we'll quarentine (ahem, lock you up!) for the duration'. During this time you will be bored witless, likely never develop severe symptoms and wished you had never called while you contemplate weeks of your life being wasted. Not until they continue testing you and you get an all clear will you be allowed out.

Apparently looking online some people may even have Coronavirus and not even know/have no symptoms. While if this is the case the chances of them passing it on is seen as far less if they at least had a more open policy on testing and verdict of what happens next it could motivate more mild suffers to get tested. This could be important information in understanding how this virus operates and spreads. It could show us that this virus spreads without us being able to detect it in many people and that would make it an uncontrollable virus at the outset.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline calmissile

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I made that point upthread. Yet, you see and hear far more panicked folks out on the streets and in the news channels. I went to pick up some fresh vegetables and criminey, I can't believe some of the people hoarding things of whatever they believe will be their survival essentials.

There was a White House press conference earlier to give the public an update. It was headed by VP Pence. Dr. Berg (sp) said they have reasons to believe that when all is said and done, they anticipate a 90-98% survival rate. This wouldn't be out of line if you consider everyone is reporting that roughly 80% suffer 'mild infection'. That's taking this from China and So. Korea.

GQ, I was curious about the quote about 90-98% survival rate so I looked for the quote and could not find it.  It appears to me that the statement (quote for Dr. Birx) needs to be qualified.  It is not clear to me if he meant everyone that contracted the virus, only those with symptoms that sought medical treatment, or limited to those with severe symptoms.  The 90-98% survival rate figure by itself is somewhat useless to evaluate without defining the data base.  If you still have the quote by Dr. Birx, please provide the reference.  Thanks.

Offline GQBlues

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GQ, I was curious about the quote about 90-98% survival rate so I looked for the quote and could not find it.  It appears to me that the statement (quote for Dr. Birx) needs to be qualified.  It is not clear to me if he meant everyone that contracted the virus, only those with symptoms that sought medical treatment, or limited to those with severe symptoms.  The 90-98% survival rate figure by itself is somewhat useless to evaluate without defining the data base.  If you still have the quote by Dr. Birx, please provide the reference.  Thanks.

Hey Cal-

I found the entire press conference. I started fast forwarding to Dr. Brix (yeay!) speaking. Hearing this over again looks like I misheard or misunderstood what she actually said. The closest portion to what I said above was when she cited testing results that was yielding 99-98% negative. This would definitely be my bad, if so...

This conference actually detailed most of the things that a lot of people are wondering about. It seems every section of the purpose of this Coronavirus Task Force was given to share with the public, including the partnership with Google in the creation of the website dedicated to the testing. It seems they'll pilot the site this Monday and will first be focusing on the Bay Area. Further travel ban (UK/Ireland), the pending bill, etc...'s the press conference...a hour and 25 minutes +/-.

Just listened again. It was actually SG Jerome Adams who made the statement. I did erred in the numerics. He said 98-99% of the people will recover. It is at the 1:04 mark of the video.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 07:50:05 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Thanks for the response.  I watched the press release and did not pick up the figures you had posted so was curious.  Since no one has any idea how many are carriers without symptoms, how many have symptoms and not sought treatment.  My opinion is that the only metrics that have any credibility or value are those that only include the cases that are medically treated.  Futhermore, it would be valuable to break down those cases by age group and further separate them by those with and without underlying health conditions.

This toilet paper crisis is a riot to watch.  How idiotic.  Can't city slickers survive without their ultrasoft toilet paper? :)  They should take a trip to Ukraine and wipe their butts with the tiny square they sell you at the public restrooms.

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This toilet paper crisis is a riot to watch.  How idiotic.  Can't city slickers survive without their ultrasoft toilet paper? :) 
Venezuela is shipping us some cargo ships of toilet paper so us 'resilient' Americans will be just fine.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Spain is locking down their nation.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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H1N1 was one of Obama's viruses, in that it happened on his
watch. 12,469 Americans died of H1N1/swine flu in 2009.

My prediction: Far less Americans will die of Corona virus

It will be a tempest in a teapot if indeed less people die from this Corona virus than did from the swine flu.   Still not hearing about bodies piling up in the USA, and at this stage I would have expected to have.   Of course there is a chance that the number is being suppressed for the moment....but I don't that is the case. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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You'll soon see your neighborhood supermarts (Target, Walmart, Malls, etc..) housing tents and makeshift drive throughs with alien-looking hazmat-suited beings abducting Americans into their keep.
After hearing all the stories throughout the work day, I couldn't resist taking a peak in the local supermarket.  No long lines...probably because there was very little left on the shelves.   There was some bottled alkaline water available, which I made the decision I'd rather die than drink that, whatever it is.   There was also cases of Fiji and Voss water which is very expensive so it seems the survivalist shoppers were still pinching pennies.

The amount of exercise equipment being sold is unreal right now...people don't want to work out on those gross sweaty public machines.  Also large fuel storage containers and generators. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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...This toilet paper crisis is a riot to watch.  How idiotic.  Can't city slickers survive without their ultrasoft toilet paper? :)  They should take a trip to Ukraine and wipe their butts with the tiny square they sell you at the public restrooms.

LOL, it took nearly 30 minutes to get through the register when I was at the market earlier. Trader Joe's and Whole Foods were a cluster, but orderly. It's just beyond me why people are panic-buying. Costco, & I'm sure Walmart, is probably seeing their daily gross tickets exceeding any black Friday they've recorded.

Just read FT's post above...we have polarized experience today.

What the heck is an alkaline water used for? Is that anything like Whole Foods' *Asparagus Water*? :devil:

« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 08:08:00 PM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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I got all my stuff a long time ago when China was putting out BS numbers giving people the impression the virus isn't much more dangerous than the flu. I don't go to store but I still eat out sometimes and there's not many people in the restaurants. Most employees there estimate about a 20% drop in business.

WHO declares Europe as the epicenter of the pandemic. 7 more European nations closes their borders
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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ok, rednecks, listen up

why do you want to hoard food now as opposed to hoarding it later...

i’m gonna ‘splain to ya, “why”

let’s say, each time you go into the grocery store...
there’s a “virus count” inside the store...
kinda like the “pollen count” outside the store....

now when do ya’ll wanna go to the store?
when the virus count is low, like now?
or in late May to July when it’s at its peak?

from now on, start thinking about how to lower your risks!!!

shop as much as you can when the risk is low
so that you can shop less when the risk is high

my advice start shopping now on a daily basis
and put a little away each day
the more you save the better

I urge others to start a new thread, that I promise NOT
to pollute with pro-kremlin trolling
dedicated to practical survival tips to share with each other

I'd like to provide a medical guide for geezers about what to do if you get it
what medicines are must haves and what to stay away from

I want someone credible to start and kinda supervise it
and keep it free from bullshit!!!

just the best survival tips for you and your family
and absolutely NO BULLSHIT!

anyone agree?

at 11:30 PM on Sat night you can still buy some food items on Amazon for a "reasonable" price
I was able to buy a week's supply of freeze dried food for 3 people for < $200, prices are rising fast
and selection falling even faster

but if you bought a month's worth of food for your family online
that's a month's time one of you won't have to leave the house to shop
May to maybe July will likely be the peak months
that's when you want your stash of freeze dried food
so you don't even have to go out and expose yourself

« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 09:54:16 PM by krimster2 »

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Pollen count is not a bad way of putting it Krim, I'm really starting to think this virus and all flu viruses are more like gas or weed in that it just floats around in the air unseen. People unknowingly walk into it and get infected, they just breath it in or it infects their face. That apart from wearing respirators, gas masks to a full blown hazmat there is little we can do about getting it. We think about people getting it was a result of coughs and touching stuff but that is just the tip of the iceberg, a heavy handed way about it while the virus moves a lot more cunningly with us totally unawares.

I have stocked up most stuff now, I've done it a bit at a time. I've tried galvanising other family members into action where I can with caring degrees of success so if a shortage hits we are not being weighed down a lot giving other family members who haven't bothered a lot of the stock. I think it's better to be prepared as the old boy scout motto goes even if it means panic buying, better to panic now than have a worse panic when the sh*t hits the fan and lockdowns etc occur. I have also bought stuff to prepare for it all, I have just yesterday bought an electric hair clipper off Amazon so I can do my hair and avoid the hair dresser, I have bought other useful tools also. It's all costing me money but for all I know that may become worthless soon anyway. The currency of the day might become a tin of beans, eggs, etc just like back in the hyper-inflation days in Germany in the interwar period.

I've thought about stockpiling fuel but I'm not sure how much I'm safely allowed to keep in the UK and it's probably going to be too much bother. I may get an extra petrol can or so but if it becomes a problem I will have to realise that the car is not going to be a long term option and  the cycle will need to come into use. For that I need some new tyres and inner tube since it's still on its first pair since I bought the cycle about 27 or so years ago.

I'm hoping that things won't go any more badly than that. Even stock piled food will run out over time even if getting a trickle through supermarkets. Hopefully this won't descend any further than that into a national food shortage. I'm thinking that this situation will hit it's worst by summer and will have worked through the population by winter. The virus seems to not decrease in the warm weather, if anything it looks like it spreads more so I'm hoping that points to it being a one off rather than a seasonal thing. That would be one saving grace at least.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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For them some, maybe may things are the same as normal for the moment and they are enjoying that while it lasts. Things are very much anything other than normal for most there however.

I'm really starting to think this virus and all flu viruses are more like gas or weed in that it just floats around in the air unseen. People unknowingly walk into it and get infected, they just breath it in or it infects their face. That apart from wearing respirators, gas masks to a full blown hazmat there is little we can do about getting it. We think about people getting it was a result of coughs and touching stuff but that is just the tip of the iceberg, a heavy handed way about it while the virus moves a lot more cunningly with us totally unawares.


would you kindly stop posting this kinda crap?  It only makes things worse for other dipsticks that read and might believe such crap.  You are only projecting your fears on other gullible folks.  If you are worried about the aerosol spread, wear a mask.

Surely things are not the same as before, but we seem to be adjusting well and I am not talking only about myself.  Life goes on, folks that are not sick go to work, folks go to the store to buy what they need, stores classified as 'necessities' are a wide range.

Measures to support those that are affected include a moratorium on taxes, even back taxes, utility bills, mortgage payments, rent and salaries for those that cannot work, Loans for self-employed and small businesses that have more than a 25% reduction in income and the list goes on and on and on.  This from a quick scan of new legislation.

There are assholes in this world whose life sucks so much, they even relish what's going on and seem to want to justify their discontent by trying to create chaos and destruction.  Don't be one of them.  In this unchecked information age, your words can be just as bad as what this guy did:

Sure, let us know how it is where you live or first-hand reports from your loved ones or your thoughts about how things are being done elsewhere, but don't project your fears on others.  Don't worry you are not alone, I also direct this post to Krimster but recognize there may be some mitigating 'issues' involved.

Off to cook brunch here, homemade english muffins, eggs, bacon, homemade breakfast sausage, grits, pancakes and toast.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 01:54:34 AM by BC »

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Health officials expect the epidemic to peak here in the next few days.  The chart shows infections per day:

By mid-April, the count projected is 90,000 infections and 360,000 in quarantine that with symptoms since it all began. Total deaths expected to reach more than 3000.

All eyes are on this weekend as there were many beach parties and other pre containment parties in the more southern areas right before the 'lockdown' went into effect for the whole country so the incubation time makes it 'ripe' in the next days.  'Stupid is as stupid does'....

Reports say the median age of folks in intensive care is getting lower, with many in their 30's 40's 50's without other medical conditions having to be put on respirators, so don't let age alone make you feel safe and complacent.

Folks in intensive care in the primarily affected areas are increasing 700+ or so now vs 650 a couple of days ago. Although there may be isolated cases where difficult decisions had to be made, it does not seem to be a widespread problem as GQ seemed to insinuate.  Such decisions are made daily even without an epidemic.  Today saw reported that only 20 or so intensive care beds available in Lombardia.  If intensive care beds are not available patients are being moved as far south as Palermo and other areas that still have a lot of capacity and where numbers remained low due to containment.  At the same time, 1000 respirators from China flown in a couple of days ago are being distributed and installed. It's not only the number of respirators available that counts but also trained folks needed to operate and care for intensive care patients. Medical personnel are also at higher risk for infection. If one gets a fever and they have to go home which reduces the available medical workforce.

Other tidbits, with the closure of restaurants and open markets, demand for fresh veggies and fish products is dropping with many fisheries closing, boats staying in port and agricultural products not being picked, possibly leading to shortages of these fresh products beginning next week. This is not expected to affect frozen products.

To put geography, topology, population into perspective, think of California with 1.5 times the population as being fairly comparable to Italy.

I really, really do hope the US is spared much of this.  I am posting all this so that whoever and wherever is hit next will have some idea what to expect and what to watch out for.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 03:25:32 AM by BC »

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As I was saying....President Trump mentioned in his press conference that 36,000 people die annually on average in the USA with Flu..yet no-one says anything about that.

50 people die of Corona virus and it's a national emergency.

Of course the Trump hating media can't hold him accountable for the's been around for they're beating him with a stick over this new virus instead and inducing hysteria among the population..suits their agenda.

Same happening over here is happening with the lefty media bashing Boris matter what he does they'll spin it against him.

Any economic crash will have been created by an agenda-driven media who want to make the news rather than just report on it...and gullible public are falling for it.
Just saying it like it is.

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Reports say the median age of folks in intensive care is getting lower, with many in their 30's 40's 50's without other medical conditions having to be put on respirators, so don't let age alone make you feel safe and complacent.

I really, really do hope the US is spared much of this.  I am posting all this so that whoever and wherever is hit next will have some idea what to expect and what to watch out for.

That's what I mean! I said I felt there were blanks we weren't being told about with the, 'there all elderly with underlying health conditions' line. As I suspected there ARE younger people without underlying health conditions this affects. They no doubt kept this back to keep sheer utter panic and  fright from setting into the whole population. Some young people will be going around thinking it is just the elderly which they are not remotely bear and they don't have any underlying health conditions so they don't care. That we now know is not the case and as I said it's just those with pre existing underlying conditions it bumps off first. It looks like many people with underlying health conditions young and old are goners the rest of us will just have to wait and see.

Unfortunately I don't think many will be spared this, perhaps if you live or go to somewhere remote. There is too little reason for me to run off by myself to somewhere remote, none of my family members are likely to, if I had a family though I would.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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would you kindly stop posting this kinda crap?  It only makes things worse for other dipsticks that read and might believe such crap.  You are only projecting your fears on other gullible folks.  If you are worried about the aerosol spread, wear a mask.

Surely things are not the same as before, but we seem to be adjusting well and I am not talking only about myself.  Life goes on, folks that are not sick go to work, folks go to the store to buy what they need, stores classified as 'necessities' are a wide range.

Measures to support those that are affected include a moratorium on taxes, even back taxes, utility bills, mortgage payments, rent and salaries for those that cannot work, Loans for self-employed and small businesses that have more than a 25% reduction in income and the list goes on and on and on.  This from a quick scan of new legislation.

There are assholes in this world whose life sucks so much, they even relish what's going on and seem to want to justify their discontent by trying to create chaos and destruction.  Don't be one of them.  In this unchecked information age, your words can be just as bad as what this guy did:

Sure, let us know how it is where you live or first-hand reports from your loved ones or your thoughts about how things are being done elsewhere, but don't project your fears on others.  Don't worry you are not alone, I also direct this post to Krimster but recognize there may be some mitigating 'issues' involved.

Off to cook brunch here, homemade english muffins, eggs, bacon, homemade breakfast sausage, grits, pancakes and toast.

It's not about fears BC, it's about reality. We are having the truth kept from us by well meaning governments. They are looking at it from a societal view and know it's best not to panic the population at large. We are thinking individuals and as individuals it best serves us to know the truth since we already suspect things aren't as we are told they are. Knowing the truth we can better prepare ourselves and then hope for the best.

Some people I suspect know the picture is not as rosy as made out but they just don't want to accept it and wish to carry on as if nothing is happening. It's the mentality I was talking about up thread about the plane scenario. I don't wish to break their illusion of reality but I can't in good conscience go along with a merry tune of falsehood. It seems to me there are people wishing to believe in bullsh*t then expect others too as well and diss them as scaremongers if they don't believe the same. I won't go along with that idiocy.

For your and everyone else's sake including my own I hope that graph is right and not more bs. Otherwise it could end up feeling like we are living our final days in Hitler's bunker for many if us, each day more gloomier than the last.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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