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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465304 times)

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Pretty sure also that many (most) folks in all states will just say:  Hey, it's all over now . . . let's party!

In this day and age the best party is a party of one!

I wanted to go to Las Vegas this year but if there is a vacation, it'll be in a location where few people gather or cancelled. I don't gamble but I can imagine, even if the economy opens up, casinos will be hurting. There will be a lot of hands touching slot machines and cards. It'll be a turn off for many gamblers.

Going to live concerts and sporting events probably not going to happen for awhile. Go to Ticketmaster and all events say cancelled except for a few that says postponed. When concerts, sporting events and casinos are allowed to open up, will the government give them special protections to where they won't get sued if a fan or customer gets infected and dies? We are a sue happy nation.
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April, May, June...

I still anticipate a 2-3% contraction for Q2. If the SBA II doesn’t get out by May, expect a wash or even slight contraction for Q3.

One of the most wonderful news I heard today was there wasn’t ONE person denied use of a ventilator when needed much less choose who dies because of the lack of it.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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"Fortunately the true American spirit won't buy their dread."

denial, isn't a river in Egypt...
instead it's the river you're floating on now 'pardner'

just ask yourself one question
if Trump was an Russian asset obeying Putin's direct orders to destroy America...
then tell me one thing he'd have done differently, from what he's actually done...
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 06:55:13 PM by krimster2 »

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Can You Beat COVID-19 Without a Lockdown? Sweden Is Trying
The Swedish experiment is to accept the coronavirus as a problem to be managed, rather than conclusively defeated. But will it mean more deaths? By T.A. Frank April 16, 2020
Sweden has a way of triggering people. It represents everything we’re supposed to do or everything we’re not supposed to do. It is the welfare state at its best or multiculturalism at its worst. True to form, or contrary to form, Sweden is now setting off everyone in its handling of the coronavirus. Unlike most of the developed world, including neighboring Norway or Denmark, Sweden has kept its elementary schools running and allowed most its businesses, including restaurants and bars, to remain open. Travel in and out of the country remains possible for E.U. nationals. And social distancing remains, for the most part, voluntary, provided the group in question has fewer than 50 people. In short, Sweden has refused to join the rest of us in a lockdown.This has caused a lot of traditional Sweden lovers and Sweden bashers to trade places. Much of the MSNBC left, which normally loves Sweden, now shakes its head. Much of the Fox News right, which often scorns Sweden, is now a fan. Populists on both sides are critical, with the populist left interpreting Sweden’s response as an outgrowth of a cold-blooded neoliberalism (market efficiencies over humanity) and the populist right seeing it as an outgrowth of a fanatical globalism (loose borders over health).
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

Offline BillyB

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Can You Beat COVID-19 Without a Lockdown? Sweden Is Trying

Sweden is taking action against the virus on a limited scale and they do recommend people to stay home. They want to manage the crisis without taking too much of a hit on the economy. Eventually countries that did lockdowns will want to continue managing it too limiting groups sizes and encouraging social distancing.

Who is going to pay for this????

The new coronavirus kills by inflaming and clogging the tiny air sacs in the lungs, choking off the body’s oxygen supply until it shuts down the organs essential for life. But clinicians around the world are seeing evidence that suggests the virus also may be causing heart inflammation, acute kidney disease, neurological malfunction, blood clots, intestinal damage and liver problems.

Almost half the people hospitalized because of covid-19 have blood or protein in their urine, indicating early damage to their kidneys

Even more alarming, he added, is early data that shows 14 to 30 percent of intensive-care patients in New York and Wuhan, China losing kidney function and requiring dialysis, or its in-hospital cousin, continuous renal replacement therapy.

A particular danger of the virus appears to be its tendency to produce blood clots in the veins of the legs and other vessels, which can break off, travel to the lung and cause death by a condition known as pulmonary embolism.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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"Fortunately the true American spirit won't buy their dread."

denial, isn't a river in Egypt...
instead it's the river you're floating on now 'pardner'

just ask yourself one question
if Trump was an Russian asset obeying Putin's direct orders to destroy America...
then tell me one thing he'd have done differently, from what he's actually done...

You imagine yourself as a clairvoyant.  To me you are as blind as a Wuhan bat. 

Online Trenchcoat

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The UK economy was not doing badly in 1997.  4% growth in 1994. 2.5% in 1995, 2.7%, in 1996, and 2.6% in 1997.

I remember reading analysis of the election at the time of the loss.  Part of it was attributed to the ERM, but mostly, it was about how long the Tories had been in power.

Google was used to find the above link.

Unemployment was high throughout, too high, that is why they lost the General Election, unemployed people won't vote for you if you are the cause of their unemployment through bad economic management.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Unemployment was high throughout, too high, that is why they lost the General Election, unemployed people won't vote for you if you are the cause of their unemployment through bad economic management.

Repeating bollox will not a fact make , Trenchie

You weren't a mortgage payer or a Dad, then ... 

1/ The economy was ticking along
2/ unemployment was falling
3/ The Tories had been in power 18 years and  were corrupt
4/ Constant bitching about Europe
5/ Blair pulled the rug under the Tories by appealing to Mondeo Man .. then the best selling car ..

Hilarious to hear the view of someone who may just have been old enough to vote for the first time, versus someone voting for the 5th ..

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Good luck to us all as we take this necessary and huge step forward.          

Indeed, good luck Gator.

We can only hope that the Governors and citizens of each state act in a responsible and considerate fashion and that they receive the support needed to do so.  It won't be easy, quick or painless.

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I imagine that Fauci and Birx are already onboard.  The plan is dynamic and adjustments can be made.

Yes, they gave first a red, then yellow and finally green.

My only concern is with the disparity between states that causes more problems down the road. 

The virus does not follow our rules.

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As has been reported here, some companies are giving covid rebates etc like car insurance companies.

If you have an AMEX Platinum or black, you can call and ask if you can get reward mile points since you are not able to use your normal travel privileges like lounge insurance etc.  Just called and they gave me points equalling 3 months of the card fee that is worth several hundred bucks.  No fuss, just a call.  Don't know if it works in the USA but worth a try. 

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Repeating bollox will not a fact make , Trenchie

You weren't a mortgage payer or a Dad, then ... 

1/ The economy was ticking along
2/ unemployment was falling
3/ The Tories had been in power 18 years and  were corrupt
4/ Constant bitching about Europe
5/ Blair pulled the rug under the Tories by appealing to Mondeo Man .. then the best selling car ..

Hilarious to hear the view of someone who may just have been old enough to vote for the first time, versus someone voting for the 5th ..

I'm right on this Move, but I'm not going to argue with you old man, I have better things to do.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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I'm right on this Move, but I'm not going to argue with you old man, I have better things to do.

You are no more 'right' than you are on giving 'advice' on how to attract a female ..

But let's put this to bed :

1/ Europe split the Tories

2/ Sleaze ( Corruption )

"The Tories lost their way as feuding over European policy and sleaze both pointed to a party tired after having spent nearly 20 years in office."


"However, since the Tories had denied responsibility for the recession of the early 1990s, the voters did not give them credit for the subsequent recovery."

You see, Trench ... I lived through those times as an adult .. with responsibilities ... I saw mortgages hit 16.5% for a few hours before we crashed out of the ERM ..Soros is not my mate ...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 07:43:30 AM by msmob »

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Trump is playing this well politically speaking.   Now there are small protests that people want to reopen economy and get back to the way it was.  Trump has signaled all along that he does too, and if anything he would err on the side of opening sooner rather than later.    I think the protests (Which I suspect will grow) will empower Trump to encourage a reopening of the economy.   

I tentatively support the protests, and the perspective.  With the upcoming changes in society, including masks, and social distancing,, no shaking hands, I support beginning to reopen to a point.  It has been so nice though to have no traffic, but I guess it won't last much longer. 

Overall, I'm not buying into the 'Trump was incompetent' narrative I often read.  I think he has done an adequate job to this point.  My 2 nursing friends are angry with the lack of equipment, and are furious with trump generally,  but this particular issue isn't Trump's fault. 

There is still a perspective that 'This is nothing more than a flu' group.  They should be the first ones to be back out in public, to see if they will live by that creed. 

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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My only concern is with the disparity between states that causes more problems down the road. 

The virus does not follow our rules.

China doesn't like to report problems but there has been reports of flare up in some Chinese cities but China blames them on imported cases. It would be nice if they have full disclosure so we can see what may happen in round 2. China doesn't report how many people they've tested but they are selling test kits like hotcakes to other nations.

What we do know is when the virus shows up in a country, it can take two months before the country needs to begin shutting down. With some symptomless people walking around for weeks acting as super spreaders, it is certain we will see small outbreaks in some cities after States open up. Hopefully governors decide to shut down some cities or counties when that happens instead of entire states. Some governors complain that Trump shouldn't close everything down or open everything up at the same time but they themselves can be guilty of that. When Washington State was hotter than California and NY but didn't have stay at home orders like those two States, some mayors in my State wrote to the governor pleading him to follow suit. A few days later he did.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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A partial shutdown is what was first tried here.  Don't need to say much more than that except that by the time you find out you have a problem it is already too late.

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Nevermind, BC. I Googled it. Note: I'm not taking a potshot at Italy, as I wanted to just *understand* where this comparison was.

No problem GQ.

I don't debate that unemployment here is higher than in the US (may sound quirky but unemployment may be momentarily lower here now), as Italy simply banned firing folks during the lockdown period, guess it's like a paid layoff arrangement.

A significant part of the workforce here is 'off books'.  How significant? - enough so that it seems the upcoming April assistance package will provide payments to these workers for a couple of months.

So yeah, is not so easy to compare.

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A partial shutdown is what was first tried here.  Don't need to say much more than that except that by the time you find out you have a problem it is already too late.

It's important for leaders to shut things out before too much exponential growth. Most of the world isn't vaccinated from the flu but we allow the flu to act the way it wants. If this coronavirus is allowed to act the way it wants, we see exponential growth and deaths. How much does difference a month makes? Cheaseaboy made a few posts last month with data  so I'll use his for a comparison of data then and now to give people an idea how fast things can get out of control....even with the action we took in the past month.

The UK has 26 deaths/1M population..that's before todays figures have been announced.

Two weeks later death per capital in the UK increased to 8 times that amount

For the doom and gloom brigade on here,

                                                              Professor Ferguson and Imperial College have now dropped their Corona virus death prediction for the UK from 500,000 to 20,000 to todays prediction of 5,700.

Three weeks later, death toll in UK is almost 3 times the amount Professor Ferguson predicted for the overall crisis that may last for years.

I'm very confident we'll have less Corona virus deaths in the UK than the average 17,000 deaths per year from Flu here.

I'm also confident you'll have less Corona virus deaths in the USA than the average 36,000 deaths per year from Flu there.

In 6 months everyone will be scratching their heads wondering what all the panic/bedwetting was about..of course our economy will be in meltdown by then.

In less of a month of when that post was made, USA and UK will pass those numbers.

By the end of February 19 million people had been infected with the good ole common flu in the USA this flu season.

Out of those 180,000 had been hospitalized and over 10,000 had died.

As of today 48 people have died of Coronavirus in the USA the difference ?

5 weeks later we now have under 678,210 recorded coronavirus infections in the USA with over 34,000 dead. There will be many more recorded deaths from that 678K since 85% of them are still battling the infections. There also will be more deaths from future new infections. It's going to be an ongoing process. I'm sure there will also be death by suicide and domestic violence since some people aren't going to like the changes in their lives.

36,000 people die annually on average in the USA with Flu..yet no-one says anything about that.

50 people die of Corona virus and it's a national emergency.

That post was made 5 weeks ago. Only 50 deaths after America's first case showed up in January. Even with slowing the spread, we see what exponential growth can do in a month. Guess how bad it would be if we didn't take action? Does anybody want to see what a 2nd month's exponential growth will look like if we didn't take massive action? If leaders act even a week or two late to stop an outbreak, it can cause a massive of loss of lives.

BC, you're going to love this video showing right wingers being wrong, including doctors. Fortunately Trump had better medical and science experts advising him so that he acted in January when the people in the video below were clueless in February and even into March.


« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 08:24:23 AM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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"You imagine yourself as a clairvoyant.  To me you are as blind as a Wuhan bat.  "

a blind wuhan bat
can “see” an insect dinner the size of a grain of rice from over 30 feet away
on a pitch black night 20 feet up in the air
and snatch it out of the sky
in less than a second...

I don’t know of any rednecks in Florida or any other ex-confederacy state that can do that...

that bible you keep in the nightstand
tells you everything you need to know about your future
in the Book of Daniel...

after the 4th Corona peak, your country will be destroyed...
you will see a year from now
that the “end times” of your country is not very far off

I told ya’ll TWO YEARS AGO on this board, go back and check my posts if you doubt the veracity of what I’m saying
but I told ya’ll two years ago, you’d be drinking the Kool-Aid

here’s the pic
just like this blind as a wuhan bat told ya!!

so which one of us is ACTUALLY blind?
cuz I saw this two years ago...
and what I see now is that something MUCH WORSE is coming....

seriously, read what happened to Babylon in the Book of Daniel...
extrapolate to the current time period
and this is EXACTLY where America is today
the new Babylon

and Babylon, she gonna gonna fall mon...

« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 10:21:40 AM by krimster2 »

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...I tentatively support the protests, and the perspective.  With the upcoming changes in society, including masks, and social distancing,, no shaking hands, I support beginning to reopen to a point. It has been so nice though to have no traffic, but I guess it won't last much longer.

Closed a deal in La Jolla Wednesday morning and traffic to-fro was not as wide open than when I was in San Diego +/- 2 weeks ago. I had to visit another project in Riverside this morning and traffic is starting to get heavy again, much heavier than Wednesday, though not anywhere near as jammed prior to lockdown.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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a blind wuhan bat
can “see” an insect dinner the size of a grain of rice from over 30 feet away
on a pitch black night 20 feet up in the air
and snatch it out of the sky
in less than a second...
I don’t know of any rednecks in Florida or any other ex-confederacy state that can do that...
Oh hell--I can shoot the pecker off a baby flea from twice that far.

As of today---
CHINA...CASES 82,692
LEAVES...116 active cases

USA...CASES 690,900

LEAVES...596,682 active cases

The numbers seem right there?
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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The numbers seem right there?

Yes the numbers are right! America will end up with the highest numbers of infections and deaths but we will be THE go to country to help other nations with their financial crisis and fight against the virus. We will end up being the sickest nation but the healthiest to help others. Go figure.

In other news the coronavirus will improve lives! Democrats get their wish with prisoners getting released. Because the requirement is a prisoner has to have committed a non violent crime, everybody the Democrats despise such as corporate millionaires are going to be released. They will be released just in time to donate to the Trump re-election campaign. Here's another favorite.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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"Oh hell--I can shoot the pecker off a baby flea from twice that far."

mighty big talk...
but can you do it for a moving insect in total darkness, while the insect is flying in one direction and you're flying in another?
if not, then sorry, you're just an average redneck...
not impressed

howza that wall comin of yurs pardner?

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“Everyone hurry to church, read the Psalms, the Gospel, embrace one another,” Metropolitan Pavel, the monastery’s head, instructed in a video in mid-March.

“The most terrible epidemic is the sin that destroys human nature,” he added.

Three weeks later, Metropolitan Pavel told the Reuters news agency that he originally did not appreciate the seriousness of the situation. The monastery has since introduced strict quarantine measures.

Still, Kyiv officials say more than 140 monks and others at the monastery have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, and at least three have died. By comparison, Kyiv has registered more than 700 cases and 12 fatalities, and Ukraine as a whole has more than 4,660 cases and 125 deaths.
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(but they can be a lot of fun)

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mighty big talk... that's mighty big talk for ya'.
if not, then sorry, you're just an average redneck...
I resemble that remark. I'll have you know I am an above average redneck.
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~


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