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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465290 times)

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"I would never go on a cruise ship tour at any time."

isn't the USA just a big cruise ship now?
don't wanna make the numbers look bad
instead we should track the number of people who don't have the virus and announce that

Have you all noticed that the longer quarantine stays in effect, the whackier some people get?   
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yeah, at the end of the month, the good ship USS USA will hit a million confirmed cases of corona
that's like 1,000 cruise ships worth
and I'm the "wacky one"
cuz I didn't vote for the guy you voted for
the one who up until the stock market crashed
called it a hoax, because it was threatening his presidential popularity
so now we gotta blame it on China
instead of the guy who basically did nothing when he was warned by his own people MONTHS ago
his response has been perfect, he has praised himself on TV every day
and YOU voted for him
the DEEP SHAME I would feel if I ever did something so Fu$ked up as that
go hang your head in shame all you Trump voters
there is no name I could call you that would be more an insult to the name itself instead of you
because you would be still much less than the worse thing ever
you destroyed your own country with your rancid ignorance
enjoy the kool aid punch bowl when it's your turn
don't worry, the line ahead of you is getting shorter each day
it won't be long now....
time for you top stop hiding under your beds now and go back to normal for the sake of the wealthy class, er I mean country

« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 07:59:07 PM by krimster2 »

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Have you all noticed that the longer quarantine stays in effect, the whackier some people get?

Something much more terminal than a quarantine has gotten a hold of that boy

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this is the reason my Russian nickname is DvaNosh (Two Knife)
these are two cheap, but very high quality steel blades, and I use a diamond dust sharpener

I carry both openly, which is allowed only in Texas, as far as I know
about 10% of white males are also openly carrying blades here
my guess is about 5% concealed carry (but most do it in a very amateurish fashion, if I ever needed to, 5 minutes in a mall, and I could easily steal a gun, and just hope it would be a kind I like)

I have made my own combat style that uses a two blade attack
one blade high
and one low
one for your carotid
and the other one to disembowel
my timed attack, beginning from walking, hands at side
to inflicting both wounds, is just over 2 seconds and gettting better and better with more practice and drills

« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 08:12:25 PM by krimster2 »

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  • Trips: 4 - 10 can see a bit of "my forest of death" in background of my garden...

We have heard of falling into your own trap...

~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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it's why I practice night running with night vision
I know my position exactly
don't have ant traps yet, though, kids are supposed to help dig em

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Jeez, Can 'Trampu' do or say anything more STUPID?

Does he seek civil war during a pandemic, now?

He needs to tweet, ," I was just joking" and quick.. :cluebat:

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I practice night running with night vision
I know my position exactly

Night vision goggles need light to work. You won't be able to run every night.

Jeez, Can 'Trampu' do or say anything more STUPID?

Does he seek civil war during a pandemic, now?

He needs to tweet, ," I was just joking" and quick.. :cluebat:

You fall victim to fake news again. Trump is not telling people to defy lockdowns. He tweeted some States need to be liberated due to the stupid governors running the show. Michigan governor banned the sale of seeds and plants at a time a lot of people to spring planting. So while in a store, she allows you to shop for food and go to the pharmacy but you can't buy the seeds and plants in the store. BUT she allows people to buy State lottery tickets and liquor. Go figure. The Virginia governor signed legislation that no longer require voters to show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot. Illegals like to vote for Democrats and basically he made it to where they can do so without fear of getting caught.
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The governor of Michigan didn't ban the sale of seeds and plants. Illegals like to vote for Democrats? Illegals can't vote. I thought you could smell BS a mile away, guess not.
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Editor note: A previous version of this story was rated “false” by independent fact checkers at Politifact after it incorrectly stated that the governor has banned sales of certain products including plants, plant seeds, paint and more.

To be clear, an executive order by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer does not prohibit gardening or the sale of any particular product.

For clarification purposes: “Stores in Michigan larger than 50,000 square feet must close areas that sell carpet or flooring, furniture and paint, as well as garden centers and plant nurseries.”

We apologize to our readers for the mistaken information.

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The bad news is Singapore's second outbreak is much worse than their first as infections skyrocket. But I did see some good news on China reported zero deaths and only 27 new infections yesterday. Maybe Trump can call President Xi for advice on how he did it.

Illegals can't vote.

Really? Happens all the time in Virginia and even more often in States bordering Mexico. I know a Mexican guy who said for $150 an illegal can get an id with a working social security number so they can go to work legally. If illegals liked to vote for Trump, I'm sure you'd quickly change your tune from denial to anger about what Virginia did. Citizens have the right to vote but they should also be able to prove they have the right to vote by showing ID when they walking into a voting station.

To be clear, an executive order by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer does not prohibit gardening or the sale of any particular product.

Lol. The executive order doesn't prohibit gardening or sale of any particular product BUT the executive order bans ALL gardening products in stores bigger than 50,000 sq feet. How many outdoor nurseries and stores with gardening sections that you know of are less than 50,000 sq ft ? I can make some crazy rules too if I were a governor. I will honor the 2nd Amendment and will not take away citizens rights to own guns BUT they are allowed to own a gun when they reach the age of 118. See how Democratic governors can make rules to take away people's rights and fact checking sites owned by anti trump organizations will say the governors technically didn't take away anybody's rights. Lol

Here the Michigan State Attorney's Office saying they are going to fine businesses selling non essential items. In the video you will see a Walmart taping off the clothing section. I'm sure their gardening section is also taped off. In some small towns, Walmart is the only place available to shop for gardening supplies and underwear.

The longer lockdowns last, the more people will get agitated and some will even protest, especially if their leaders create rules that don't make sense to them. In my State fishermen are protesting. They wonder why it's against the rules to go fishing in the open waters.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Just order them online Billy and get them delivered to your door.

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Really? Happens all the time in Virginia

Interesting that all the cases of ineligible voting this site found were US citizens.

In fact, of those caught, with few exceptions, most were USC's including some just trying to prove they could to make a point.  One idiot registered his dogs.  He's not alone.

Just because something can happen does not mean the system does not work well.

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Here is an excellent reason why it's important for government to lock us down before things get out of control exponentially....

As of April 15, Italy has 120 doctors dead from coronavirus. Article below does not include other medical personnel. Ten percent of the infected in the country are doctors, said Italy’s National Federation of Doctors Guilds FNOMCEO. That seems high but if true, that means there are over 17,000 doctors in Italy infected as of today. It's safe to assume, tens of thousands of Italian medical workers are out of the battle and when there is less medical personnel, the chance of patients to die increases.

Many of us may go back to work soon but there is a good chance we will be told to stay home again whenever there is a spike in infections where we live.

I think if I were working in a Coronavirus hospital I would be asking for footballers salary or I would walk. Seeing that I would be putting my life on the line and any family it would be only fair I would think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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NoW, you're showing 'concern' for heath workers ?

Last week you were boasting about breaking rules to make their jobs easier ..   ( crossing five countries in Wales and England, pretty consistently )
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 08:24:12 AM by msmob »

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No, you're showing 'concern' for heath workers ?

Last week you were boasting about breaking rules to make their jobs easier ..   ( crossing five countries in Wales and England, pretty consistently )

Mobe, it is pure idiocy to not let people drive as sole occupants of a car. A house is a container, a car is a mobile container, they are both the same. The fact that I happen to visit a petrol station once more a week wearing gloves to use the pump won't make a significant difference. Even if everyone did it, it wouldn't make a significant difference. We all go to the supermarket touching trollies and all sorts of other stuff other people have used, so it's the same deal. I prefer to wear gloves, mask and use anti bacterial products to reduce the risk, others apparently don't but that is their lookout. Meanwhile we have joggers running everywhere breathing heavily pumping out the virus but apparently that is not a problem, lol. The fact that they come running close by on pavements that are not two metres wide meaning either having no choice with them breaking the two metre rule or walking in the road risking getting run over to avoid them is apparently not a problem.

If these joggers are spreading the virus then we could be looking at more than a few more days before this thing does down. The government should decide on having a lockdown that applies to all and not idiotic exception of joggers if it really is to appear to be fair to all.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Mobe, it is pure idiocy to not let people drive as sole occupants of a car.

It is pure idiocy to pretend you know better than scientific experts ... what do they tell you ?  STAY AT HOME ... not spread it around

To hear you suggesting support for front-line health workers whilst you can't listen to their pleas is another example of Trench's inability to relate, socially
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 08:29:51 AM by msmob »

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Interesting that all the cases of ineligible voting this site found were US citizens.

In fact, of those caught, with few exceptions, most were USC's including some just trying to prove they could to make a point.  One idiot registered his dogs.  He's not alone.

Just because something can happen does not mean the system does not work well.

I've never heard of illegals voting.  What would be their motivation to? 

I have heard of dead people voting.   In the election of 1960, there is an argument that can be made that the dead elected JFK president in Illinois.

For years the Daly machine would control who was elected in Chicago.   

My dad always used to pop the joke about Chicago voting:   Vote early and vote often.

Now, in theory, the argument was dispelled.

In the end, Kennedy won with 303 electoral votes and Nixon ran a terrible campaign, failing to put his efforts into swing states.   (Like Hillary Clinton not campaigning in Wisconsin.)  Nixon campaigned in all 50 states, one of the last presidential candidates to do so.  But the Illinois vote was so very close and Cook County delivered it for Kennedy.
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Just order them online Billy and get them delivered to your door.

Then the governor should just make everybody buy essential items online too. Problem is not everybody got a credit card, or knows how to use a computer and not enough online nurseries to serve the whole community.

If a person has to walk into a hardware store to buy plumbing to fix a leak at home, why can't they also pick up some seeds for their garden? Growing their own food will help limit their trips to the store. I hate gardening but I know some people love it with a passion and it keeps them home. One trip to get gardening supplies will keep them busy at home for months.

Just because something can happen does not mean the system does not work well.

Your article says an American citizen got dead people and dogs registered to vote in California because they don't require photo ID when registering to vote. If he can do it, so can illegals and other non citizens. While Texas found 58,000 non citizens voting in past elections, they changed laws to require ID. Then we got States like Virginia, in a time of crisis, changing laws that make voter fraud easier.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 09:22:59 AM by BillyB »
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Argumentum ad Ignorantiam

Politifact is run by the Poynter Institute school for journalism which is owned by the left wing, anti Trump newspaper Tampa Bay Times. I'm not going to dispute whether Trump's Tweet was right or not but they didn't say the Texas State investigation of 58K non citizens voted was false. Maybe it was 57,999 that voted? If you're trying to say non citizens can't vote, you're not going to convince me. If that old fart in California can online register a dog to vote and show up at a voting station and vote for the dog because ID isn't required, so can an illegal. He got caught. Not everybody gets caught.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Attack the facts Billy, not the messenger.  Here is another messenger:

Ok so herewith all prior elections have been invalidated because illegal aliens could have voted.

Has there been one peep out of texas since (aside from Trump)?  I think it would be headline news by now and all over Fox.  Your wife who likely had a drivers licence before being naturalized would have been on that list of 'illegal alien voter fraudsters' in Texas.

One of these days you'll stretch that rubber band so thin it'll snap you in the eye.

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numbers of daily new infections here falling, but painfully slow.  Upside 3.000 positives out of 50,000 tests yesterday and lowest number of deaths since mid-April.

Has taken 20 days to halve from 6000 to 3000.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 10:47:09 AM by BC »

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Argumentum ad Ignorantiam

Yeah.  That was a bad tweet.  But it furthers his argument that restrictions need to be put on voting.  Personally, I think it is the wrong message to send to the populace. 
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there is only one reason for the most powerful man in the world to spout such - the greatest bait-n-switch show of all time must go on.


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